What is the name of the rescue dog breed? Training dogs for search and rescue services, preparation and proper care affect the final result. What you should pay attention to

It is unlikely that dogs, desperately rushing into water or fire to save a person, think about any rewards. Animals are completely devoid of vanity. Therefore, such dogs are real heroes.

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hero's path

History knows many examples of how dogs helped people out of trouble on their own impulse. People realized that such qualities of dogs as fidelity, courage, sacrifice can serve to save more than one human life. So the dogs got a job: "rescuer". And the services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have unique assistants, devoted and reliable.

However, the first rescue dog appeared long before the Ministry of Emergency Situations. We know her name - Barry, her breed - St. Bernard. And its history, which is already more than two hundred years old and which, from generation to generation, was passed on by French monks.

Barry was brought up at the monastery along with other rescue dogs, whose duties included searching for lost vagrants. Every morning on the neck of each of four-legged rescuers the monks fixed a barrel of brandy and sent it in search of the poor.

On account of Barry - dozens of saved lives of people who could have died on a deserted road in a snow storm. But they survived, having met in Barry the one who at a critical moment gave them a sip of a warming drink and brought them under the roof of a hospitable monastic cell.

Even accurate information about the number of lives saved by Barry has been preserved: 40. Among them is the life of a child. Barry found it in the Alps, under the snow of an avalanche. He warmed the half-frozen baby with his body and licked his face until he woke up.

Barry's fate is tragic. He was wounded by a man who, in the dark, took a huge shaggy dog for a bear. Barry survived, but his career was over. He was no longer able to do the work of a lifeguard.

Any resident of the modern suburb of Paris will gladly show a visitor a stone with a carved image - a monument to the legendary rescue dog Barry.

Monument to Barry in the suburbs of Paris

Rescue dog skills

Despite the fact that today rescue dogs work side by side with the same heroic people, no one calls them rescue assistants. After all, each such dog is an independent unit. And it rarely happens that human rescuers save the same number of lives as their four-legged counterparts.

After all, nature itself gave dogs unique, almost mystical abilities:

  • search for people buried alive at a depth of up to 9 meters;
  • to find the victims by smell even in the fire, when this is prevented by the pungent smell of burning.

That search work, which takes twenty people 4 hours, is completed by a trained dog in 10 minutes!

Nature endowed dogs with intelligence, endurance, strength, and adaptability to adverse weather conditions.

And people, having selected the best of them, educate rescuers from dogs capable of:

  • report the fact of finding victims;
  • lead people to the location of the victims.

The video clip of the Morning with You program tells about how rescue dogs are brought up.

Fire, water and copper pipes

During the Great Patriotic War they were not only military. They not only undermined trains and delivered cartridges and secret papers, making their way where not a single person would pass. They were nurses on the battlefield. - with a canvas bag with medicines and a stretcher, on which seriously wounded fighters were pulled out of the hell itself.

On account of one of them - a nurse named Mukhtar - more than four hundred wounded soldiers pulled out of the battlefield. The total number of wounded found by four-legged orderlies during the Great Patriotic War is 500 thousand people!

IN post-war years many dogs became, so to speak, unofficial healers of the souls of surviving soldiers. But there are also qualified therapy dogs. They help ex-military people overcome PTSD. One of the most famous is a dog named Ricochet.

This golden retriever also works with children who have emotional problems or chronic illnesses. He… teaches them to surf. By developing a taste for life in children, Ricochet returns them to mental and physical health.

Special programs to help children with severe autism include work with rescue dogs for small patients. Dogotherapy is the name of a very effective method of treating the most complex diseases in children.

Friendly, cheerful and active, dogs help children to socialize. Four-legged healers also contribute to the creation of a favorable emotional background during treatment emotional disorders, severe forms chronic diseases psychosomatic nature.

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Avalanches, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, terrorist attacks, man-made accidents - the destruction and losses they entail are enormous. But they would be big if it wasn't for heroic work special services and rescue dogs. Most often this german shepherds. Animals of this particular breed adapt to extreme conditions more easily than others.

St. Bernards are trusted to search for missing skiers and climbers. Much less often, dogs of other breeds are used in searches during avalanches. Among these breeds is the same German Shepherd. A celebrity was a dog of this breed named Ajax.

In figures and facts, his feat can be described succinctly: 96 hours of continuous work, frostbitten paws, 12 lives saved. The hero of Dachstein is now called Ajax in Austria, where this battle of the dog with the elements took place for the life of eleven children and one school teacher.

In the Alpine cliffs, a dog named Titus saved his master, risking starvation. Titus found his owner on top of a cliff and dug out from under the snow. Six long days the shepherd did not eat anything, being on duty near his owner in trouble and warming him with the warmth of his body. A special group of rescuers rescued both from the snow captivity - both the climber and his faithful dog.

For fifty recent years two dozen natural disasters were recorded, about which dogs warned their owners in one way or another. So, an earthquake in Ashgabat in one of the families was predicted by the “irrational”, as the owners regarded it in the first minute, the behavior of a shepherd dog. A few minutes before the collapse of the house, the dog managed to drag the sleeping child out, grabbing him by the hem of his nightgown.

The name of the rescue dog Balta, which delivered medicines to the village in Alaska that saved hundreds of children from diphtheria, became a legend.

At a time when fire brigades got to the place of extinguishing the fire on horseback, rescue dogs (they were Dalmatians) worked on a par with draft power. They had a calming effect on horses that are terribly afraid of fire. The dogs ran in front of the horse team, clearing and showing the way. This allowed firefighters to get to the place without delay. Today, when horses have been replaced by fire engines, these dogs are the living mascots of fire brigades in their homeland.

IN water element Newfoundlands and Leonbergers can provide the most effective help. The training that rescue dogs receive in specialized centers lasts about a year.

Up to four people a day have to be found by rescue dogs working in the forests of the Moscow region. Inexperienced mushroom pickers, overplayed children, people with not very good orientation skills in the area get lost in a 40-minute drive from the capital. And this happens regularly, even despite the cellular connection.

According to the stories of volunteers working with rescue dogs in the forest, a person can walk a few meters from a lost person without noticing him. This happens when the search drags on, the missing person is exhausted, or even completely lost consciousness.

Rescue dogs can smell someone lost in the woods long before humans can. In this they are helped by their excellent sense of smell and the ability to make their way through thickets better than a person. Having found a lost person, rescue dogs give a sign to the search party.

Breeds of four-legged rescuers

Rescuers can be dogs of any breed. But there are among them more capable of this work. What breeds of dogs are most often exploited by rescue services?

  • Diver (Newfoundland);
  • Doberman;
  • Drathaar;
  • Labrador Retriever;
  • Leonberger;
  • German Shepherd;
  • Rottweiler;
  • St. Bernard;
  • Spaniel.

The spaniel was a dog named Lenya, who, at the age of one, rescued 18 people from the rubble formed during the Sakhalin earthquake in 1995.

If the abilities of German shepherds, St. Bernards are used in the mountains, then divers specialize in rescuing drowning people. The latter are able to swim in very cold and even icy water! Their abilities as divers are amazing: Newfoundlands dive to a depth of a good three dozen meters!

Note that Labradors, Rottweilers and Shepherds also make excellent specialists in a related profession - guides.

Photo gallery

Video "Hero of Russia Elga"

The video of the program “Such a Life” tells about a dog awarded the title of a four-legged Hero of the country.

All you need to know


Unfortunately, the modern reality is such that the dynamics of the growth of man-made disasters and the frequency of terrorist attacks are becoming threatening. Under these conditions, the work of search and rescue services (SRS), created with the aim of timely search for victims and rendering assistance to them, is extremely important. Along with people, specially trained and trained dogs serve as part of the rescue teams.

In order to most clearly imagine what a search dog should be rescue service, it is enough to recall the already textbook story of a shepherd dog named Ajax. In 1954, in the Dachstein mountains, an avalanche covered a group of schoolchildren led by a teacher. The dog worked for four days without rest, one after another, saving people from under the thickness of the compressed snow. She dug and scraped her claws, even freezing her paws, until she collapsed from exhaustion. When the rescuers took Ajax to the base to bandage him, it was impossible to keep the dog in place - he rushed to the place of search. With frostbitten paws, the dog dug up another child in the snow.

Required qualities of dogs for search and rescue service

The performance of such complex and exhausting work is possible only if the dog has excellent natural data, which are developed and improved by special professional training of dogs. To work in the PSS, a dog must have excellent hearing, a keen sense of smell, endurance and remarkable strength.

It is desirable that it be no higher than 45-50 cm, which will facilitate its transportation and movement in hard-to-reach places. A dog for PSS must have a strong and balanced character, be well trained and trust people. Even strangers and animals should not cause her aggression. Lethargic or vice versa, overly excitable animals are of little use for rescue work.

Despite the fact that PSS is a rather difficult job, it does not require the selection of dogs of special breeds with special pedigrees. Experience shows that huskies, German shepherds, collies, St. Bernards, and mestizos do well with the service. As for age, not only a puppy is suitable for training, but also a well-developed dog up to two years of age.

Taking into account the specifics of the work, trainers use both more hardy and strong males, and attentive and careful females. Not age, breed and gender, but competent preparation animals and proper care behind them affect final result.

Basic dog training

Dog preparation includes proper breeding (growth, physical development) and consistent education (formation of behavior and nervous system). Both concepts are inextricably linked and are mandatory. From a physically undeveloped dog, one cannot expect a balanced psyche and a strong nervous system.

That's why with early age, along with unpretentiousness to food and vitamins for WOLMAR service dogs, the ability to work in difficult weather conditions, rescue dogs form courage and interest in the search, perseverance in achieving the goal. That is why it is important that training sessions on finding the source of the smell always end with finding it. Otherwise, interest in search work will be reduced or even disappear.Diseases and recommendations for the Rottweiler

However, this does not mean that the task should be made easier for the animal by making digs that are too simple. From the very first lessons, the dog should be aimed at the complexity of the work, which means that it is preferable if he finds a couple of difficult digs than many simple ones. If the animal does not cope with the task, the trainer can gradually narrow the search circle, helping his pet. If successful, the trainer encourages the dog more actively.

Dog training system

Every morning it is recommended to start with a half-hour cross-country run for endurance and strength training. During daily walks, the dog is let off the leash, allowing him to freely sniff objects. It is also necessary to train her flair by sending for far-flung fetching items.

Once a week, the animal needs a long walk with increased physical activity: jumping, overcoming obstacles, swimming. For hardening in winter, they practice spending the night in a snow hole.

In order to form the ability to navigate the terrain, you should often change the route of the walk, take the dog on long hikes in the area with various types relief. The load should be dosed and the animal should be hardened gradually, avoiding sudden hypothermia. Care must be taken to treat the psyche of the dog, not overloading it.

Upon successful completion of the task, the trainer should reward the animal with treats, expressions of joy and affection, creating motivation for the correct behavior from puppyhood.Diseases and recommendations for the beagle

Search and Rescue Training Methodology

When accustoming a dog to picking up things by smell, it should be ensured that she does not bring the found object to the trainer, but only gives a voice. This is extremely important in a real setting: when the dog finds the victim's belongings, he should not leave the place because of the threat of losing him.

Having reported about the discovery by barking, the dog continues to sniff everything around, trying to find the person himself. The correct behavior can be achieved in the following way: as soon as the dog finds the fetching object, the trainer runs up to it, gives the command to sit down and waves the found object in front of it, provoking barking.

To search for the victim, the dogs develop the skill of a zigzag survey of the area with the finding of two burrows with the smell of an assistant. The conditioned stimulus in this case is the coach’s command “Search!” and a characteristic hand gesture in the direction of the search. Auxiliary irritant - the command "Forward!".

Delicacy, affection and expression of the joy of the trainer are unconditional stimuli for the development of the skill. The shuttle method allows you to use a headwind to search for an object from different angles, making it easier to capture the smell. In addition to the shuttle, search methods such as "fan" and "spiral" are used. As the dog masters one or another method, the training becomes more complicated, the depth of burying a person and objects increases. The dog learns to find a stranger without first getting to know his scent. In parallel with the training of search skills accustom to loud noises, smells of smoke and blood, transportation by various modes of transport.

Keeping dogs

It is better to keep dogs in an open fenced enclosure with insulated booths. So the animals will harden, they will retain the undercoat, which is indispensable when working in the cold. It is more rational to keep not one, but 3-5 dogs at once. This method has the following advantages:

More space for every dog.

Animals don't get bored playing together.

Ease of care for trainers.

Conditions for physical development and hardening.

When keeping a house, the dog is given an unheated room or veranda, but without a draft. As a bedding, burlap is suitable, under which a wooden shield is placed. If training in winter time will be quite frequent, the undercoat is preserved in dogs and at home.Diseases and recommendations for the Pembroke Welsh Corgi


Careful equipment is necessary condition proper organization training sessions on the course of the PSS. For the coach, it consists of light comfortable clothes and shoes made of waterproof material, over which a red vest with the SPSS emblem is put on. This form allows you to distinguish the trainer from the rest of the workers, and for the dog it is a conditioned stimulus in preparation for the search, activating the animal.

The dog's equipment consists of a standard harness with zippered pockets, lined with red fabric. It serves as a belt for attaching a safety rope, allows you to see the dog against any background, serves as a container for delivering notes and medicines. In addition to the harness, the kit includes a long red leash. With this equipment, the dog can tow a skier or a loaded sled. The dog's paws are protected from cuts and wounds by special shoe covers.

Dog Certification

The training course for any PSS dog ends with a control session. And for the coach, and for his pupil - this is a serious test. The commission marks the performance of each technique. Such an exam to obtain admission to participate in rescue work, dogs pass annually. Certification reveals the advantages and disadvantages of dogs, evaluates them search qualities, enriches the experience of trainers and their wards.

Good afternoon reader, not so long ago we came to the conclusion that we have absolutely no information on our portal dedicated to our smaller brothers, rescue dogs.

Yes, it is to them, the four-legged companions of the rescuer and the hope of a person in need of their help. Usually people call such heroes like this: “ Dogs of the Ministry of Emergency Situations“, “Rescue dogs”and other names, dogs would be more correct” Search and cynological service

Back in 1996, on June 20, an order was signed and issued on the creation of a search canine service of the Centrospas detachment, since that time, dogs have been taking part in any rescue operations that require finding victims. The development of this service began rapidly. At the time of this writing, more than 1,800 victims have already been rescued by four-legged fighters.

Rescue dog, who is it?

When we talk about rescuers, we imagine strong men in full technical equipment, but dogs don’t have this, their main “weapon” against it is their nose and sense of smell. Thanks to a good sense of smell, the dog will lead its owner to the place of the blockage, where there may be a person, or help the rescue team find people lost in the forest.

Almost every day for such a dog begins with training in the form of a game, because training and education is the basis for a successful operation to search for victims. For example, with a dog they go to an initially unfamiliar place (abandoned construction site, quarries, factories, forest), and hide from it. The task of the four-legged friend is to find you, if he does this, he will receive a reward in the form of a treat or a toy. It is worth noting that each dog (several dogs) has its own owner, who conducts training and raises a pet from puppyhood.

Let's see what breeds are rescue dogs and their place of service.

Service in the structures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is carried out by dogs of the following breeds

  • labradors
  • shepherd dogs
  • spaniels
  • terriers
  • pit bulls
  • ridgebacks
  • rottweilers
  • Giant Schnauzers
  • likes
  • staffordshire terrier
  • fox terriers and even spitz.

Dog calculations are divided into:

  1. Mine Investigation Service
  2. Mountain avalanche service
  3. Search for the bodies of the dead
  4. search and rescue service
  5. Water rescue service
  6. Search for victims by scent trail

At the time of this writing, the search and cynological service of Russia has 470 cynological crews, including volunteers. It should be noted that in Russia one of the highest levels of dog training.

Given the fact that canine calculations cannot be provided systematically, but young dogs and new participants require long, painstaking training, the situation with the involvement of dedicated volunteers suits everyone. When volunteers need specific assistance, specialists help in training, for example, safety measures. As a result, competently operating groupings are obtained, from among which, on the whole, groups of Moscow and the region, Kaliningrad, Kazan, and Crimea stand out. The nicknames of individual dogs and their trainers are well known - outstanding experts in their field. These are Labrador Irga and cynologist Mikhail Tipukhov from Stavropol, who won the "Constellation of Courage" competition in 2015, Irina Fedotkina and her pupil were recognized as the "Best Cynologist of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia" belgian shepherd Farta from Kazan, on their account more than 300 effectively carried out rescue operations, first class rescuer Alexei Bochkarev and his labrador retriever Bernie (veteran of his craft) from Moscow, they distinguished themselves during rescue operations in Beslan and other places. And how many still unnamed names!

Dogs rescue people affected by man-made disasters, look for missing mushroom pickers, being on duty at the beaches and stations of the State Inspectorate for Small Vessels and in other hot spots.

Since its inception, canine crews of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation have taken part in a huge number of rescue operations:

  • they found mines in places of military operations, such as Croatia, Kosovo, the Chechen Republic;
  • they rescued people in Neftegorsk (Sakhalin, 1995) after earthquakes;
  • 1999 was the time of mass disasters that occurred in Turkey, Greece, Taiwan, Colombia, Russia (terrorist acts);
  • they found victims of the 2004 tsunami in Sri Lanka and so on.

Cynologists say that medals, unfortunately, are not given to brave and smart dogs. But the realization that they are helping the owner is above all for them.

Essential Skills for Rescue Dogs

  • Socialization (friendly attitude towards others)
  • Obedience
  • complaisance
  • Strong constitution (not for all breeds)
  • Endurance
  • Do not be afraid of an aggressive external environment (frost, wind, showers)
  • Psychological preparation (the dog during the task, nothing should be distracting)

All these qualities are determined by special tests that are carried out with a puppy from the age of 3 months!

How do you know that a puppy can and has the talent of a rescuer?

Probably it's like people, from birth, a dog should be born a rescuer. Do not forget about the physical and psychological qualities of the pet. If a puppy is very mobile from childhood, loves to play, and is always interested in something new, these are good signs.

During further training, game form it will be easier to instill search skills. It is worth noting that for a dog, the realization that he saved a person comes only with the first real case. The rest is just a game. When it is not possible to smell a person (heavy smoke, building dust, other extraneous odors), dog training plays an important role.


  1. It takes up to 1.5 years to train a four-legged specialist. Game form of learning. Pet preparation starts from 6 months, the dog can pass its first qualifying tests not earlier than its age reaches 1 year.
  1. Rescue dogs are used in different situations: search for dangerous explosive devices in mined areas, search for victims of blockages, avalanches, landslides.
  1. A four-legged pet works only in tandem with its cynologist. This is called cynological calculation. The owner understands his own pet well, conducts classes with him and can help to adapt to different conditions such as flying in an airplane, helicopter, or being in a highlands.

Animals performing search and rescue work in mountainous areas serve in any, even the most adverse weather conditions, after earthquakes, avalanches and other emergencies. Throughout history, they have managed to save thousands of people. In this work, high speed and organization are very important, since minutes count and the lives of the affected people are at risk. The reliability of the rescue operation depends on the working qualities of the dog.

Tasks of search dogs

main goal search dog in mountainous areas is the detection of victims in a short time and the designation of their location by barking.

In addition, he must be able to:

  • communicate with the conductor, understand his commands and tasks and obey unquestioningly;
  • if necessary, escort rescuers, medical workers, other dogs to the scene of the incident and adequately respond to them;
  • firmly grasp and carry special diapers in the teeth;
  • be as focused and concentrated on the task as possible in order to detect victims even at a depth of up to 10 meters, and at the same time not be distracted by extraneous stimuli, for example, the smell of burning.

What qualities should a rescue dog have?

In order to educate and train a dog that competently performs search and rescue operations, it is necessary to select the best of them, which has a number of necessary qualities. The following requirements are put forward for dogs that save human lives:

  1. 1. strong constitution, muscular physique;
  2. 2. endurance and excellent physical fitness to overcome any difficulties and obstacles;
  3. 3. balanced nervous system, increased stress resistance to withstand heavy psycho-emotional stress;
  4. 4. healthy sense organs: nose, eyes, ears and, accordingly, well-developed sense of smell, sight and hearing - necessary assistants in the search for the injured and wounded;
  5. 5. strong-willed disposition and ability to make decisions independently;
  6. 6. the ability to navigate the terrain, adapt to various weather conditions (heat, cold, snowfall, etc.) and adjust to the desired rhythm;
  7. 7. high intelligence;
  8. 8. lack of fear of various obstacles and trials;
  9. 9. excellent ability to train and teach even the most difficult commands;
  10. 10. obedience and complaisance;
  11. 11. good nature, sympathy for a person, adequacy;
  12. 12. high level of socialization, the ability to make contact with strangers and other animals.

There is one more recommendation regarding the external data of the dog: an animal serving in search expedition, should not be too large, as it will have to make its way through the rubble and penetrate into small holes. In order not to hurt skin covering, not to get confused and not get injured in caves, the walls of which are often covered with powerful rhizomes of plants, the dog should have medium-length hair, but long-haired or short-haired breeds are not excluded, but the risk of injury is quite high.

Mountain rescue breeds

There are varieties of dogs that help save dozens of people every year and have a number of innate qualities necessary for successful work at height. But experts say that it is possible to instill search and rescue skills in absolutely any member of the canine family if he has the necessary inclinations.

With the right choice and trained dog The search takes about 10 minutes. For comparison, twenty specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations can perform the same amount of work in 4-5 hours.

Troika best breeds presented below.

st bernard

This is the most efficient dog at work at height.

The ancestor of this ancient breed is the Tibetan mastiff. In the XI century, on the territory of the Swiss Alps, the monastery of St. Bernard was established, which received the status of a shelter for travelers. The monks who live in it have been breeding large guard dogs for many centuries.

In the 18th century, the natural and climatic conditions in these parts began to change, frequent avalanches occurred, which not only caused irreparable damage, but also caused deaths. It was then that the St. Bernards began to be used as rescue dogs, easily looking for victims among the mountain rubble.

They were trained to find victims of natural disasters covered in snow or sunk in the St. Bernard Pass, and long time warm them with their bodies and frequent licking of their faces and hands until their relatives brought help.

One of the features of the dogs is their impressive size. The height of adults varies from 68 to 90 cm, and weight - from 70 to 100 kg. Nevertheless, this dog is to this day the most popular and indispensable rescuer who rescued many conquerors of mountain peaks. For this, St. Bernard has all the necessary qualities:

  • coat - short or medium, close to the body, but with abundant undercoat, which allows the dog to easily endure temperature extremes characteristic of mountainous areas and work effectively in difficult weather conditions (during frost, snowfall, etc.);
  • the physique is powerful, muscular, with strong limbs;
  • high intellectual abilities and learning ability, ingenuity;
  • the highest speed of reaction, the ability to independently and quickly make decisions;
  • a unique ability transmitted at the level of genes - excellent orientation in space, which allows dogs to always return home despite the harsh terrain;
  • natural endurance, allowing you to pass more than a dozen kilometers without rest;
  • strong character and fortitude, increased resistance to stress, lack of fear and panic even in the most extreme situations;
  • willingness to help, while using the maximum physical and mental abilities;
  • goodwill, especially towards children, and an adequate attitude even towards strangers, which is observed in dogs from birth;
  • good obedience, devotion, contact.

the most famous mountain lifeguard XIX century is a St. Bernard named Barry. For twelve years of service, the selfless four-legged hero saved more than 40 people in the Alps, including children.

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is one of the most famous and ancient breeds. According to one version, her ancestors are northern wolves, from which the species inherited such qualities as endurance and great physical strength. These dogs have established themselves as the best search dogs, excellent guards and, of course, search engines. Therefore, such a versatile species is successfully used both in the service and on guard, to protect livestock and help in rescue operations, to search for climbers who find themselves in unforeseen situations on the mountain slopes.

According to standard data, the weight of shepherd dogs ranges from 22–40 kg, and their height is 55–66 cm. For work in the mountains, these dogs have the following useful qualities:

  • good physical shape, strong physique, with a developed muscular corset, powerful paws;
  • coat with abundant undercoat, giving the dog the ability to work effectively even when low temperatures and snowfall;
  • high mental abilities, according to official data, shepherd dogs are among the three most intellectually developed dogs;
  • easy learning, propensity to obedience;
  • excellent sense of smell and hearing, helping in orienteering;
  • friendly character, ability to get along with people (including small children), desire to come to the rescue in dangerous situations;
  • the ability to take the victims to a safe place, to be a guide even for the blind;
  • fearlessness, strength, selflessness, allowing the dog to rescue everyone who urgently needs his help

Sheepdog Ajax rescued more than a dozen people from snow captivity, working 96 hours straight without rest. Even when her paws were frostbitten and worn to the bone, she continued to scrape the tightly packed snow and did not calm down until she freed the last survivor from under the rubble.

Alaskan Malamute

One of the oldest breeds native to Alaska, used for riding and hauling heavy loads in harsh environments. climatic conditions, which once helped to conquer both poles of the planet Earth. Along with this, the Malamute was also used in search and rescue expeditions.

The growth of these dogs varies from 57 to 63 cm, and the weight does not exceed 38 kg. Other performance features include:

  • Medium length coat, hard on the outside, with a soft undercoat, has moisture-proof properties. Allows the dog to work even in the worst weather conditions.
  • The constitution is strong with powerful paws and developed muscles is the basis of strength, power and endurance of dogs. Malamutes are capable of carrying loaded sleds weighing up to 400 kg. It will not be difficult for them to deliver a wounded person home if necessary.
  • Strong-willed character, the ability to independently make decisions without the command of the owner. This quality has repeatedly saved people's lives in the harsh northern expanses.
  • High efficiency. Dogs perfectly tolerate even increased physical exertion.
  • Good orientation in the area, choosing the right road to the house. Malamutes move freely on the snow crust, overcoming high snowdrifts and drifts, they pass in those places where neither other dogs nor people can pass.
  • Increased friendliness even to strangers, especially children, excessive kindness and compassion. A dog will never leave a person in trouble.
  • High intelligence. The animal can memorize commands from the first time. However, against the background of natural stubbornness, difficulties often arise with education. This breed is trained only by competent specialists.

The love of digging deep holes - this property is often used by search and rescue expeditions. For a short period of time, the dog digs a hole large sizes thanks to his dexterity. It is not at all difficult for him to dig out the victim from under the rubble in a matter of minutes, without causing any harm.

Other Suitable Breeds

With proper training, the following breeds can be attracted to participate in search and rescue high-mountain expeditions.

Viewa brief description ofPhotos of representatives of the species
Labrador RetrieverThis is a fairly compact and agile dog with well-developed muscles and a proportional physique, able to crawl under any blockage. Its weight varies from 25 to 36 kg, and the maximum height at the withers is 57 cm. Retrievers are considered the most good-natured and compassionate breed in the world. That is why they can often be found in a number of search and other rescuers. In addition, the breed has the following necessary qualities:
  • a short waterproof coat allows the dog to work in difficult weather conditions;
  • the webs between the toes make them excellent swimmers and help to deftly move through the snowdrifts, preventing the snow from getting between the toes and forming ice;
  • versatility, which consists in the ability to work both on land and on water, and in the mountains, to be useful in hunting, in draft work, in the search for prohibited and dangerous substances, to be used as guides and nannies for children;
  • developed intelligence, incredible ability to learn, remember commands;
  • showing patience and empathy even with a stranger, which plays an important role in the aftermath of natural disasters;
  • endurance, which helps the dog to search for several hours and even days, practically not requiring time for rest, high working capacity;
  • developed search instinct, unique scent;
  • dexterity and vigor;
  • complaisant character, intelligence, delicacy, poise and calmness;
  • reliability and devotion, which will not allow the dog to leave the victim in trouble;
  • love for fetching allows the use of representatives of the species for complex service work, Labradors instinctively carry objects in their mouths without damaging them, they can even be trusted with a first aid kit with medicines, which the dog will give to the victims until help arrives
Australian Shepherd (Aussie)In the rocky western regions of America, where frequent elevation changes are observed, farm dogs that are insensitive to this phenomenon have appeared, capable of managing huge herds even in difficult weather conditions. Aussies of medium height (up to 58 cm), weighing up to 25 kg, muscular and balanced physique without friability. She has earned immense popularity due to selfless devotion and willingness to serve people. In addition, the breed has the following useful characteristics:
  • excellent physical shape;
  • straight or wavy hairline with undercoat of varying severity depending on living conditions, protecting from bad weather;
  • good sense of smell and hearing;
  • high efficiency and enthusiasm, readiness to engage in search activities for days, even despite injuries and poor health;
  • developed intelligence, the ability to learn various complex tricks;
  • ability to plan, make decisions independently;
  • activity and mobility, in mountainous areas the dog can move confidently and easily, without experiencing any special difficulties;
  • courage, determination;
  • balanced behavior;
  • attentive and wary attitude towards strangers, but without aggression and cowardice

LeonbergerThe ancestors of the Leonbergers, according to one version, were mountain Pyrenean dogs. And also famous rescuers - St. Bernards participated in the formation of the breed. These are huge, but proportionately built, powerful dogs, not devoid of elegance and grace. Despite their impressive size (height at the withers 65–78 cm, weight up to 78 kg), they are characterized by dexterity and amazing plasticity, which allows them to jump perfectly, move easily and freely over any terrain. Numerous talents of lion dogs are used in search and rescue activities, including on the water and in the mountains.

The breed has the following advantages:

  • soft, in some places hard hairline with a dense undercoat, well adjacent to the body, helps the dog to endure negative temperatures;
  • balanced character, even phlegmatic to some extent, which allows the animal to remain calm and calm in a nervous environment;
  • excellent scent;
  • high intelligence, when trained by specialists, the dog reaches great heights in the execution of even very complex commands, according to the numerous statements of the owners, it understands gestures and glances;
  • lack of anger and aggression, with early socialization, Leonbergers become excellent helpers, companions and nannies for children;
  • the lack of a tendency to dominate makes this breed very obedient, adapting to the owner;
  • the ability to correctly assess the situation, not to use force unnecessarily, in case of danger to act decisively and boldly;
  • flexible psyche allows you to adapt to any, the most difficult situations;
  • no response to loud sounds: thunder, hail. Even without special training, the dog will not be frightened and will not go astray.

SpanielSpaniels are medium-sized dogs (height at the withers in different subspecies does not exceed 50 cm), with a lean build, increased activity and agility. Their excellent scent, intended for hunting, is also used in search and rescue activities.

All spaniels have the following positive qualities:

  • sharp mind and good training abilities;
  • wonderful flair;
  • energy and perseverance that help the dog not give up until he completes the task;
  • endurance and high performance, spaniels are able to be in motion without rest for quite a long time;
  • good temper, good attitude to people, including children;
  • excellent apportioning abilities.

In the 90s of the XX century, the spaniel Lenka was involved in the service of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, who rescued many people from the rubble, including small children. He accurately determined whether a person was alive or dead, and informed the rescuers about the whereabouts of the victims either by loud barking or soft whining

DrathaarThe best of the pointing breeds comes from Germany, up to 68 cm high at the withers, weighing up to 32 kg. Despite the fact that this is a hunting breed, people have learned to use its agility and vigor in search and rescue purposes.

The features of this type include the following:

  • athletic, strong physique with well-developed muscles;
  • short wiry coat with waterproof properties and a thick undercoat that retains heat in sub-zero temperatures;
  • skills of a born tracker;
  • universal abilities that allow you to work effectively in any conditions;
  • excellent scent, which helps to take a trace in a matter of seconds, sensitive hearing;
  • endurance and excellent working qualities;
  • high intelligence and ability to train;
  • lack of aggression towards humans

RottweilerRottweilers are powerful dogs with a balanced constitution and even temperament. Growth can reach 68 cm, and weight varies from 42 to 50 kg. The role of this breed in the process of its development changed periodically. It was also used for driving cattle, guarding, transporting goods, as a service dog. In the Scandinavian countries, Rottweilers are designed for mountain and forest rescue and search operations, since they have the following necessary qualities:
  • rough hairline with abundant undercoat, allowing to survive and work even in harsh climatic conditions;
  • ability to adapt, the dog adapts to a given rhythm of work;
  • well-developed sense organs;
  • good performance and endurance;
  • sharp mind, ability to train;
  • with proper upbringing and early socialization, the complete absence of aggression towards strangers;
  • desire to help people in difficult situations

dobermanOne of the most common breeds with a muscular harmonious physique, whose height can reach up to 72 cm, and body weight up to 45 kg. Indestructible energy and endurance, the desire to be useful to a person, speed, strength and agility have made this breed a versatile working dog.

The Marines used these dogs to carry out the most difficult special tasks, they were trained for reconnaissance, protection, delivery of messages, mine detection and exploration of caves in mountainous terrain. TO positive properties Dobermans also include:

  • well-developed flair;
  • the ability to easily and quickly overcome various obstacles;
  • good intelligence and ability to learn;
  • with good socialization, the complete absence of aggression towards a person;
  • endurance and good performance;
  • innate observation and attentiveness, which make the dog indispensable when working on rubble after earthquakes and when searching for injured climbers in mountainous areas

LaikaLikes come in various subspecies (average height reaches 58 cm, weight - up to 30 kg), but everyone has one common feature- fearlessness. These rescue dogs will no doubt risk their lives to save a person in distress. The northern breed is universal, used for the transport of goods and as a riding, shepherd or hunting breed. Thanks to their positive qualities huskies also become excellent lifeguards. They are endowed with the following qualities:
  • excellent physical shape;
  • thick wool with a dense undercoat, which helps them to endure even very severe frosts;
  • a good level of intelligence, but at the same time a low ability to train (an inexperienced owner will not cope with such a dog);
  • the inability to clearly follow commands is compensated by exceptional determination, the ability to assess the situation as correctly as possible and make important decisions independently;
  • natural curiosity allows the dog to work over long distances without waiting for the owner's commands, which gives it some advantage in search work;
  • endurance, working capacity, vigor, survival;
  • high level of control;
  • lack of aggression towards strangers

Border CollieVery good option for search service, because it is one of the most smart breeds in the world, ranking first in intelligence. These small dogs (maximum height up to 54 cm, weight - up to 21 kg) are able to work independently, being at a great distance from the handler, which allows them to be used as guards and rescuers in any terrain, including in the mountains. Borders have the following important qualities:
  • thick coat (short or long) with abundant undercoat, which allows you to conduct search activities in bad weather conditions;
  • the highest level mental development among all representatives of the canine world, natural cunning, curiosity;
  • good training abilities;
  • activity, great physical endurance;
  • good work skills;
  • kindness to people, especially to children.

It is unlikely that a more devoted creature will ever appear in the history of mankind than a dog. And now, when an unpleasant, and maybe even tragic event can happen in everyone's life, our four-legged friends come to our aid.

Thanks to their devotion and dedication, the concept of "service dogs" appeared in human everyday life. They are ready to serve us to their last step, to exhaustion, to their dying breath, forgetting about everything in this service. They help everywhere: whether it is the search for lost wanderers during a snow storm, the search for those doomed to certain death under the rubble (snow or after a disaster) or rescue on the water - all this is feasible for our sometimes defenseless comrades. Where do they get the strength to overcome such difficult trials?

Finding those lost in the storm

The very first rescue dogs, which began their career several centuries ago, were looking for travelers lost in a storm. Surely you have ever seen paintings that depict large shaggy dogs with a barrel around his neck. Service dogs of the St. Bernard breed due to their endurance, excellent physical qualities they found and warmed them with a strong drink brought in a barrel, and then led the lost travelers to the people. The most famous of these rescuers was St. Bernard Barry, who even had a monument erected in a Parisian cemetery. During his life, the dog saved forty people, and the forty-first rescued, confusing him with a bear (the dog lay down to warm the victim with his body), inflicted a knife wound. The dog survived, but he could no longer save anyone.

Search for people under the rubble

Distinguishing the smell of a person from the mass of other smells under the rubble a meter high is considered the most difficult job. But our devoted friends cope with this task too. Everyone knows the events of September 11, 2001 in the United States, but how many people know about such heroes who helped save and saved the lives of people themselves. For example, the guide dog Dorado saved his blind owner, computer scientist Omar Eduardo Rivera. After the plane crashed into the tower, Rivera unhooked the leash and gave the dog the command to leave, wanting to save at least the dog. A crowd of fleeing people demolished the Labrador several floors below, but after a while the owner felt his pet poking his nose at his feet. With the help of a dog and a colleague, the man went outside, after which the building collapsed. Rivera considers himself indebted to his faithful dog for his life.

Along with the Labrador Dorado that day for 12 hours a day, another tailed worker worked at the scene of the tragedy - service dog named Brittany. As part of the Texas Ground Zero search and rescue team, the two-year-old dog helped save the lives of people in trouble.

Rescue of the drowning

As they say, the salvation of the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves, of course, but even here we can rely on our faithful four-legged comrades. Handsome Newfoundlands possess excellent qualities for carrying out this service. These dogs are physically strong, they are not afraid of any waves, their powerful tail like a steering wheel helps to accurately choose the direction, and long hair with a dense waterproof undercoat makes it possible to work in icy water. What can I say, even if Napoleon was once saved by Newfoundland.

Service dogs help us at every step, at critical moments they are simply irreplaceable. And the effort it takes to raise a rescue dog is worth it. One trained dog saves the labor of dozens of people.