Information about products from different sources. Information about non-food products. See what “product information” is in other dictionaries

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Product information- information about the fundamental characteristics of the product intended for users - commercial entities.

The primary sources of product information and at the same time providers of services to inform sellers and/or consumers about the goods sold are manufacturers. The speed of promotion of goods through distribution channels, sales intensity, sales promotion, the creation of consumer preferences and, ultimately, the life cycle of the product depend on the quality of these information services. At the same time, the manufacturer is not the only source of information. Production information may be supplemented by the seller.

Depending on the purpose, product information is divided into three types: fundamental; a commercial; consumer.

Basic product information- basic information about the product, which is crucial for identification and intended for all subjects of market relations. Fundamental information includes: And name of the product, its grade, net weight, name

manufacturer, release date, shelf life or expiration date.

Commercial product information - information about the product that supplements the basic information and is intended for manufacturers, suppliers and sellers, but is not readily available to the consumer. This information contains data on intermediary enterprises, regulatory documents on the quality of goods, product assortment numbers according to OKP, HS, etc. A typical example of commercial information is bar coding.

Consumer Product Information - information about a product intended to create consumer preferences, showing benefits resulting from the use of a particular product and ultimately aimed at consumers. This information contains information about the most attractive consumer properties of goods: nutritional value, composition, functional purpose, methods of use and operation, safety, reliability, etc.

Verbal information is most accessible to the literate population if it is given in the appropriate language (for example, in Russian for Russia or one of the languages ​​of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation).

The disadvantages of verbal information include cumbersomeness: its placement requires a significant area on the packaging and/or product. Perceiving such information (reading and comprehending) requires time, and if the verbal information is too rich, the consumer cannot or does not want to spend a lot of time comprehending it.

Digital information used most often to complement verbal and in cases where quantitative

nary characteristics of information about the product (for example, serial numbers of products, enterprises, net weight, volume, length, dates and deadlines). Digital information is distinguished by conciseness, clarity and uniformity, however, in some cases it is accessible only to professionals and is incomprehensible to consumers (for example, product assortment numbers, serial numbers of enterprises require decoding using OKP And OKPO).

Fine information provides visual and emotional perception of information about products using artistic and graphic images of the product itself or reproductions from paintings, photographs, postcards or other aesthetic objects (flowers, animals, insects, etc.) or other images. The main purpose of this information is to create consumer preferences by satisfying the aesthetic needs of buyers

Symbolic information- information about the product transmitted using information signs. Symbol (from the Greek symbolon - sign, identifying mark) is a characteristic of the distinctive properties of a product to briefly reflect their essence. This form of information is characterized by brevity and unambiguity, but their perception requires certain professional training to decipher or notify the consumer through the media, consultations, etc.

Product information (product information) is information about the product intended for users. / (for commercial entities). The primary source of product information is the manufacturer.

Depending on the purpose, product information is divided into 3 types: fundamental, commercial and consumer.

Fundamental TI– contains basic information about the product, what is written on the label. Products – characterizes the type, name, grade, shelf life, net weight, manufacturer, etc. Purpose – information for consumers.

Commercial TI– this is information about the product that supplements the basic information. Means - information about intermediary enterprises, ND, about the quality of goods, bar code, product assortment number according to OKP, HS, etc. Purpose - information for manufacturers, suppliers and sellers. Such information is not readily available to the consumer.

Consumer TI– this is information about a product intended to create consumer preferences, showing benefits resulting from the use of a specific product, and specifically targeted at the consumer. It contains information about the most attractive properties of the product. Products - nutritional value, composition, functional purpose, methods of use and operation, safety, reliability, colorful images, etc. Purpose - specifically for consumers.

Requirements for product information. This is the 3D rule. Reliability, accessibility, sufficiency.

Credibility– assumes the truthfulness and objectivity of information about the product, the absence of misinformation that misleads users.

Availability– this is the openness of information about the product to all users. Language accessibility - information must be presented in State. language of the country where it is consumed. Demand is a requirement that establishes the consumer’s right to the necessary information, and the obligation of the manufacturer and seller to provide it upon request. Understandability are requirements that involve the use of generally accepted concepts, requirements whose definitions are given in standards and reference books, and they do not require explanation.

Adequacy– implies that the information available about the product should be sufficient for the consumer to receive all the necessary information about the product. Can also be interpreted as rational information. Incomplete information is a lack of information about a product, which makes the product unreliable. Excessive information is the provision of information that duplicates various types of information and is not of interest to buyers.

(Examples: labels on jars or written on consumer packaging (sausage, ice cream, kefir, etc.); Labels on clothing, in passports for electrical goods, or on the product itself for ease of use (microwave ovens, washing machines, TVs, etc.) .d.)).

The main function of information about a product is to bring to the attention of the consumer (supplier, seller, etc.) information about the consumer properties, conditions and modes of proper storage, transportation, selection, use and disposal of the product. The manufacturer and/or seller is responsible for the complete compliance of the product with the information stated about it.

The consumer's right to information is regulated by the norms of the Russian Federation Law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and the requirements for the content and methods of providing information about goods are established by presidential decrees and government regulations of the Russian Federation, relevant decisions of authorized executive authorities and regulatory documents for specific groups and types of goods.

Product information media. Information about the product is brought to the attention of the consumer using labeling, technical documentation attached to the product, or in another way adopted for certain types of goods.

Marking- this is part of the information that is applied by the manufacturer (seller) directly to the product, container, packaging, labels, labels, inserts, etc. The content and methods of marking for each type of product are specified in the standards.

Depending on the nature of the signs and symbols applied, markings may contain text and digital information, as well as barcodes, pictograms, and three-dimensional images.

Pictograms (symbols, information signs) in figurative form represent certain information about the product, its properties, methods of care, etc. Taking into account the ever-increasing volumes of international trade, such marking is especially convenient, since pictograms in a compressed figurative form are capable of representing certain information about the product. In general, marking pictograms (symbols) are divided into trademarks, conformity marks, handling marks, environmental marks, safety marks, etc.

Trademark- these are designations (verbal, pictorial, three-dimensional, as well as their combinations) that make it possible to distinguish the goods of some manufacturers from homogeneous goods of other manufacturers. A trademark is a business card of an enterprise (Fig. 2).

A trademark is registered by the Patent and Trademark Agency, where their patentability and novelty are checked. A document - a certificate - is issued for a registered trademark. Trademark registration is valid for 10 years, counting from the date of receipt of the application by the Agency. The validity period of registration can be extended at the request of the trademark owner each time for 10 years. The right to use a trademark is protected by the law of the Russian Federation “On Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin”.

Marks of conformity- these are designations that are applied to the product and (or) packaging to confirm that the quality of the product meets the requirements of regulatory or technical documents. Marks of conformity are classified into international, regional and national. An example of a regional mark of conformity is the mark of the European Economic Community "CE" (Fig. 3).

Manipulation signs applied mainly to transport containers or packaging. These signs provide instructions for loading and unloading operations (Fig. 4).

Certain features of the operation or consumption of goods may also be marked with appropriate signs. Such marking may indicate how to handle the product and packaging, how to care for the product, how to store and use it.

For example, symbols for the purpose of carpeting are shown in Fig. 5.

Warning signs are applied to labels, packaging or shipping containers of those goods that can cause harm to humans. They notify the consumer about the dangers during operation (consumption), transportation and storage of goods. The most common labeling systems are those used when transporting hazardous substances and materials and are based on UN recommendations. To briefly describe the hazard and describe tips for safe handling of a substance, it is recommended to use basic expressions and their corresponding codes (R-phrases with corresponding R-codes) and (S-phrases with corresponding S-codes). For example: R29 - upon contact with water, toxic gas is released; S30 - avoid contact of contents with water.

If the small size of the package with the substance does not allow all the warning information to be placed on the label, then the label should contain: the name of the substance; signal word; danger symbols; R- and S-codes and, if label sizes allow, then also standard R- and S-phrases; supplier data; product batch designation; an indication of where more complete information on safe handling of the substance can be found.

Materials containing certain hazardous substances (lead, cadmium, chlorine, etc.) must be marked with additional information. For example, for materials containing cadmium or its alloys, the following warning must be given: "Caution! Contains cadmium. Hazardous vapors may be generated when used. Use safely."

Ecological signs are applied to those goods that may cause harm to the environment during production, use, disposal and disposal of the goods.

The environmental sign "Green Dot" (Fig. 6 a) is used in the system of measures to prevent environmental pollution by waste. This symbol on the packaging indicates that it can be recycled or returned.

Products marked with the Blue Angel sign
(Fig. 6 b), meets established requirements, the implementation of which guarantees environmental safety. For example, a car with such a sign is equipped with a reliable exhaust gas purification system.

Other environmental signs inform the consumer about various indicators of the environmental properties of the goods sold, which often serves as the main criterion for their selection.

An important element of labeling is bar code. The presence of a bar code is mandatory when conducting foreign trade operations and when certifying imported goods. Its absence may cause a decrease in the competitiveness of goods.

Bar code is a combination of dark (stroke) and light (space) stripes of varying thickness, as well as letters and/or numbers. Bar coding is designed to provide fast and most accurate input of large amounts of information.

There are several types of product numbering standards EAN-13, EAN-8, DUN-14, UPC, which are used to encode goods.

The UPC (Universal Product Code) was adopted in the USA in 1973, and in 1977 the European EAN (European Article Numbering) coding system appeared, which is currently used as an international one.

EAN-8 is an eight-digit version of the international product code EAN. EAN-13 is a thirteen-digit version of the international product code EAN. DUN-14 is a fourteen-digit version of the shipping package code. UPC - Universal Product Code (American code). LAC is a locally assigned code.

The assignment of codes to goods, their application and use are regulated by international non-governmental organizations: the Council for the Application of Unified Codes (USC) in the USA and Canada, the International Association of Commodity Numbering EAN and its representatives in 79 countries around the world. In Russia, barcoding issues are dealt with by the Foreign Economic Association for Automatic Identification (UNISKAN), which is designed to provide practical assistance to industrial, agricultural, trade, transport and other organizations in the implementation of barcoding systems and automated identification of goods. UNISKAN represents the interests of Russia and the CIS in the EAN; it has the right to develop codes in the EAN system and enter them into the data bank.

The product number is unique and non-repeating. Products with different consumer properties necessarily have different codes. Group packages must have a code different from the code of the goods that are included in it. Different codes also have different shipping packaging capacities. However, those products that can simultaneously be transport packaging and consumer goods (for example, a box with 12 bottles of mineral water, a carton of cigarettes) are labeled according to the rules relating to consumer goods.

To label most consumer products, numbers of the EAN-13 standard are used, consisting of 13 characters (13 digits under the bars and spaces) and having the following structure (Fig. 7):

  • first 2 (3) characters- code of the country where the organization that registered the manufacturer, his product and assigned serial numbers is located;
  • next 5 (4) characters- a number assigned to the manufacturer or other organization selling the product. Data on these numbers is contained in the databases of national commodity numbering organizations. It should be borne in mind that there is currently no single international database, and information from some national organizations can be requested by contacting the relevant organization. In Russia, the enterprise code can be found using the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO);
  • further 5 characters- a product code assigned by an enterprise, taking into account its consumer properties of the product, packaging, weight, etc. The enterprise may, at its discretion, use product numbers for internal classification of products. Classification is not mandatory; its rules are established by the enterprise itself, without coordination with national organizations.
  • 13th character (last)— check number. Serves to check whether the number is assigned correctly and the symbol is read.

The EAN-8 short number is intended for numbering small-sized goods on which it is difficult or impossible to place a standard EAN-13 number. EAN-8 has the following structure:

  • first 2 (3) characters— prefix indicating the country code;
  • next 5 (4) characters- a product number assigned directly by the national product numbering organization, it does not correspond to the standard EAN-13 numbers used by this enterprise;
  • 8th character (last)— check number.

Bar codes can be applied in a variety of ways; they can be printed on packaging or product labels during manufacturing (eg cigarette packs, bottle labels), or they can be printed on adhesive-backed labels. The location of the bar code on the product must allow it to be easily read.

In addition to labeling, carriers of product information are technical documents, which, depending on their purpose, are divided into shipping documents (delivery notes, invoices, quality certificates, certificates of conformity, etc.) and operational (passports, operating manuals, etc.) documents.

General requirements for information about goods. In accordance with the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” information about the product must be complete, clearly understandable and presented in Russian. Information can be partially or completely duplicated in foreign languages, and at the request of the customer can be presented in the state languages ​​of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

Advertising information must comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation. For example, the use of terms such as “environmentally friendly”, “fortified”, “radiation-safe” is of an advertising nature. These terms can only be used when indicating a regulatory document that allows for control and identification of the declared characteristics, as well as when this is confirmed by bodies authorized to carry out such control.

It should be noted that for failure to provide information, as well as provision of unreliable or insufficiently complete information, the manufacturer (seller) bears administrative responsibility. If insufficient or missing information results in harm to the life or health and property of the consumer, the manufacturer (seller) may also incur criminal liability.

PRODUCT INFORMATION (works, services)

Information about the contract must be defined in the contract with a degree of completeness and clarity that corresponds to the interests of the parties and does not allow one of the counterparties to be misled. To ensure control over the reliability of information about goods, sales contracts provide for the seller’s obligation to provide a quality certificate. The contract may stipulate that a certificate of the composition and quality of goods is issued by a licensed expert organization. including accredited by the state control body.

The legal acts and the contract that are binding on the parties determine the I. from., which must be indicated in the transport and accompanying documents for the transported goods, on the container (packaging). It is mandatory to indicate the special properties of the goods that must be taken into account during transportation, loading, unloading, storage and operation.

The seller must, simultaneously with the goods, transfer to the buyer the documents related to it, provided for by law, other legal act or agreement and containing information about the product (technical documentation, quality certificate, etc.). The contract may provide for other procedures and terms for the transfer of documentation for the goods.

Information about the work performed (its result) is reflected in detail in the act or other document certifying the acceptance of the work by the customer.

The commercial invoice sent by the seller to the buyer provides, along with other information, a description of the goods sold. Information about the product includes information about the packaging, the weight of each item, the exact designations and numbers indicated on the container (packaging), the price and total cost of the goods and other data.

Puginsky B.I.

Encyclopedia of Lawyer. 2005 .

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