Decorative dogs. Indoor decorative dog breeds Beautiful decorative dogs

Small dog breeds are already for a long time are very popular, and every year it increases more and more. These tiny, toy-like dogs, in addition to their charming appearance, also have a wonderful friendly character and are fluent in the art of communicating with people. Abroad, they are even used in therapeutic practice, and this is not surprising, because such a positive creation will certainly have a healing effect on a person. An important argument in favor of representatives of small breeds is their “portability” - you can always take the crumbs with you, placing them in a small handbag. Miniature dogs do not require much space and do well in small houses and apartments.
In this collection we will talk about the 27 smallest dog breeds. In compiling the rating, we primarily took into account the average body weight of dogs of each breed, as well as height at the withers (withers is the place on the spine between the shoulder blades, the highest point of the dog’s body).

27th place: is one of the most ancient dog breeds, originating in the vastness of Tibet. At the beginning of the 20th century, they were forbidden dogs, belonging exclusively to the family of the Chinese emperor. According to breed standards, the height of a Shih Tzu should not exceed 28 cm, and weight can vary from 4 to 7.25 kg. This beautiful dog has a very independent character, sometimes it can be proud and arrogant, but at the same time it is very brave, gentle and loyal to its owner.

26th place: - another dog breed that originated in Tibet. The breed has long been very popular with Buddhist monks, who trained these dogs to spin prayer wheels. This dog actually does not belong to the true spaniels and is named so only because of its external resemblance to the European spaniel. The Tibetan Spaniel's height is 25 cm, and body weight fluctuates within 4.1-6.8 kg.

24th place: – a popular decorative dog breed, represented by two varieties: hairless and powderpuff, covered with soft hair all over the body. Her weight is 4.5-5.9 kg, and growth - 23-33 cm. Chinese Cresteds are active, cheerful, graceful and very loyal animals to their owner.

23rd place: – a small dog breed that originated in Germany at the end of the 19th century. At the withers the dog can reach 25-30 cm, and its weight ranges from 4 to 6 kg. Representatives of this breed of dogs are very capricious and independent animals, but with proper training they miniature pinscher will grow up to be a wonderful companion guard.

22nd place: – a small breed of dog of French origin from the group of lapdogs. Dogs of this breed were frequent companions sailors who happily took these excellent rat catchers and simply cheerful companions with you on your travels. The growth of the French Bichon varies between 23-30 cm, and the weight starts from 3 and up to 7 kg. He can be described as an intelligent, sensitive and playful dog that loves human company. With proper training, a Bichon will grow into an obedient and intelligent companion.

21st place: King Charles Spaniel– an English breed of small dogs, bred back in the 16th century. The first representatives of this breed were favorites of English lords and were used for hunting. The height of an English aristocrat varies from 23 to 28 cm, and the weight is 3.6-6.4 kg. This cheerful companion dog is very loyal to its owner and, despite its miniature size, is always ready to help him. This breed should not be confused with a little more large breed Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

20th place: – breed decorative dogs, bred in the vastness of Cuba. Cuban babies can weigh between 3 to 7.3 kg, and their height is 21-29 cm. The Havanese Bichon has an energetic, friendly and curious disposition, making him a wonderful companion. This affectionate and playful dog high level intelligence is easy to train and gets along well with children.

19th place: - a dog breed bred on the island of Madagascar. Loyal to its owner, smart and obedient, the dog gets along well with other animals in the house. The height of these dogs 22-28 cm, weight from 3.5 to 6 kg.

18th place: is a miniature variety of pinschers, bred in Germany in early XVII century. The height at the withers is 23-30 cm, and weight can vary from 2.9 to 6 kg. With their wonderful personalities and keen intelligence, Affenpinschers make truly ideal companions. They are also very playful, independent, resilient and sensitive animals with a very brave heart.

17th place: Pekingese- a very ancient breed of decorative dogs, which was bred in China more than 2 thousand years ago for royal families. Pekingese weight is 3.2-6.4 kg, and the height is 15-23 cm. Representatives of this breed are characterized by stubbornness and self-confidence, which can create some difficulties in the process of education and training. Pekingese do well without physical activity and are not at all picky about care.

16th place: – the smallest breed of dachshunds, the weight of which ranges from 3.6-5 kg, and the maximum growth is 12-16 cm. Due to his short legs The rabbit dachshund is the dog with the shortest average height at the withers, however, its rather large weight does not allow it to take a higher place in our ranking. Dachshunds were originally used for burrowing and rabbit hunting, and today they serve as excellent companion dogs. Rabbit dachshunds have a very gentle character, they are smart, obedient and inquisitive, easily adapting to each family member. These tiny dogs are hardy and easy to keep, but their training requires a special approach.

15th place: – a dog breed whose history began in Australia at the end of the 19th century. These terriers can weigh from 3.5 to 4.5 kg and have height from 23 to 26 cm. Despite the fact that he was bred as a companion dog, he has a well-developed hunting instinct, which is typical for terriers. They have a sharp mind, cheerful temperament and an inexhaustible supply of energy. Despite its excessive mobility, the Australian Terrier is balanced, obedient and very trainable.

14th place: – a small decorative breed of dog, named after its place of origin – Brussels, Belgium. The growth of these cute animals begins from 18 and up to 25 cm, and the weight fluctuates from 3.5 to 4.5 kg. Brussels Griffons are cheerful, active, curious and charming companion dogs with good watchdog qualities. Representatives of this breed have a huge kind heart, but at the same time they are very sensitive and stubborn, which sometimes creates difficulties in raising and training.

13th place: – a breed of dwarf Spitz that is currently very popular in the USA. Its height can vary from 23 to 30.5 cm, and the weight is 2.7-4.5 kg. This breed dogs are characterized by exceptional intelligence and excellent watchdog qualities. They are also very energetic, loving and playful companion dogs that require a firm leader to raise and train them.

12th place: - one of the four types of poodles, a small decorative dog bred in England in the 18th century. Its weight can vary from 3 to 4 kg, and growth from 24 to 28 cm. The toy poodle is calm, elegant and beautiful dog, a wonderful companion and devoted friend. In addition, this dexterous and obedient little one is considered one of the smartest and easiest to train breeds.

11th place: – one of ancient breeds dogs native to the central Mediterranean. The growth of this snow-white baby varies within the limits 20-25 cm, and the weight is 3-4 kg. The Maltese's wonderful character and calm temperament make it an ideal companion. Dogs of this breed are very cheerful, loyal, intelligent and easy to train. Despite their tiny size, they are distinguished by courage and fearlessness.

10th place: – a miniature breed of dog, bred in Italy and named after Italian city Bologna. The growth of Bolognese varies from 25 to 30 cm, and weight – from 2.5 to 4 kg. Representatives of this breed can be described as reserved, affectionate and smart dogs who learn quickly and respond well to training. And their inherent cheerful and kind disposition makes Italian lapdogs excellent companions.

9th place: – an ancient decorative breed of small dogs, bred in the 16th century and getting its name from French word“papillon”, which means “butterfly”. According to one version, their homeland is Spain, according to another - Belgium. Breed standards state that Papillons should weigh between 2.3 to 4.5 kg, and the height can vary from 20 to 28 cm. They are very funny, affectionate and active animals that love to run around the perimeter of the house and scare away rodents and other small creatures. They take 8th place.

8th place: – a miniature dog bred in England in the 19th century. According to Kennel Club standards, dogs of this breed should weigh between 2.7 to 3.6 kg, and their growth can fluctuate within 25-30 cm. Most English Terriers are attractive, friendly and playful dogs that are endlessly loyal to their owner. At the same time, they have a unique character, and some overly “characteristic” representatives require serious training.

7th place: – decorative dog breed, previously very popular in Chinese and Japanese imperial courts. The weight of this small, long-haired dog can range from 1.8 to 4 kg, and the height is from 20 to 27 cm. The Japanese Chin is a playful, sociable and cheerful dog with a calm temperament and excellent character. She learns very quickly and easily, is able to master a lot of complex commands with minimal effort.

6th place: Toy Fox Terrier (American toy terrier) is a small dog that is directly descended from the large fox terrier. Representatives of this breed can weigh from 1.5 to 4 kg, and their height varies within 21.5-29 cm. Toy Fox Terriers are intelligent and active dogs that are highly trainable and can easily learn to respond to large number commands They are very cheerful, loving and endlessly loyal animals, truly ideal home companions.

5th place: - the tiniest representative of the Spitz, named after Pomerania, a historical region of Germany. Known as the favorite breed of Queen Victoria of England. Representatives of this breed, descended from large sled dogs, today have the height 13-28 cm, and the weight 1.9-3.5 kg. The Pomeranian Spitz is an intelligent, friendly, sociable and loyal baby, who will protect his owner without fear. His small size is successfully compensated by his exceptional intelligence, thanks to which he is highly trainable. The Pomeranian is ranked 23rd in the.

4th place: - a small breed of dog that was bred in the Czech Republic in the 9th century. In those distant times, representatives of this breed, along with other rat catchers, protected the property of their owners from rodents. Nowadays, rat dogs are mainly used as companion dogs, but they have not lost their agility and hunting instinct. The ideal weight for a tiny rat catcher is 2.6 kg, and the height is from 20 to 23 cm. They are very smart, playful, obedient, humane, easy to train and get along well with children.

3rd place: – a breed of miniature dogs bred by Russian dog handlers in the second half of the twentieth century. There are two varieties of these companion dogs: long-haired and smooth-haired. The height of the Russian Toy varies from 20 to 28 cm, and weight - from 1.4 to 3 kg. This breed is characterized by an extremely playful and friendly disposition, is very devoted to its owner and gets along well with all family members, regardless of their age.

2nd place: - a small decorative dog breed that originated in the 19th century in Yorkshire, England. The weight of a Yorkie, according to breed standards, should not exceed 3.2 kg. Growth does not exceed 23 cm. Despite the fact that the smallest living dog is a Chihuahua named Boo Boo, Yorkshire terrier Sylvia is recognized as the smallest dog in history. She died in 1945 at the age of 2, her height at the withers was 6.3 cm, length from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail 9.5 cm and weight 113 grams.
Affectionate, energetic, inquisitive and brave Yorkies are ideal for keeping in a city apartment. Thanks to their quick wit and intelligence, they easily learn and remember new commands at above average speed.

1st place: - the smallest dog breed in the world, discovered in 1850 in the Mexican state of Chihuahua, after which it was named. Dogs of this breed usually weigh between 0.5 to 3 kg, and growth can vary from 10 to 23 cm. Chihuahua named Boo Boo is 10.16 cm tall, weighs 675 grams and is the smallest living dog..
Chihuahuas come in a wide variety of colors and coat types. Dogs of this breed are very kind, obedient, cheerful kids with the character of a real watchdog, but at the same time very vulnerable and touchy.

When choosing a breed of pocket dog, they are guided not only by the photo and price, but also by the nature and characteristics of care.

Decorative dogs usually cost a lot of money: they need to be frequently treated, taken to the groomer, and dressed. But it’s easier to raise them, and you can even keep them in a communal apartment.

In this article we will give an overview of the smallest dog breeds with names and photos, we will help you choose the right one and not make a mistake when buying a miniature pet.

Pocket dogs are called dogs whose height does not exceed 20 cm at the withers, and whose weight ranges from 600 to 2,000 g.

Despite the common name, the concept of “pocket dogs” does not exist. This is a common marketing ploy. This is what people call dogs the size of a cat.

In the official classification they are included in the group of small dog breeds or toy breeds. Their height is up to 28 cm, and their weight is up to 12 kg.

Another thing is fashion trends and the desire of unscrupulous breeders to make money. They specially select and crossbreed the smallest individuals. And they sell them 2–3 times more expensive than standard puppies.

This selective breeding leads to numerous health problems. Among them:

  • genetic disorders;
  • fragile skeleton;
  • poor metabolism;
  • underdevelopment of organs;
  • problems with bite due to too small jaws;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • short life expectancy.

However, miniature dogs are very popular. This is partly due to fashion. Future owners are tempted by the thought of “going out” with a little charmer who will sit in their arms all evening and receive compliments.

Dwarf dogs have other advantages:

  • no need for a long walk;
  • get along well with pets;
  • eat little;
  • does not require a lot of storage space;
  • It is convenient to travel with a tiny pet.

As a rule, pocket dogs are owned by people living in small apartments and the elderly. These are wonderful companions. But they are not suitable for busy careerists and families with children under 10 years old: mini-dogs require a lot of attention, and a child can accidentally harm a fragile pet.

There is another reason why dwarf dogs should not be adopted for children. These pets are easily excitable nervous system.

The factor is aggravated by insufficient or completely absent education - usually the owners believe that a very small pet is not dangerous and does not require training.

As a result, the dog may respond with aggression to childish pranks and games.

Names of breeds with photos and prices

Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier is a cheerful and sensitive representative of the pocket breeds. They require constant attention from the owner, active activities and walks.

The standard does not limit the minimum weight of a Yorkie. It also does not divide breed varieties by height, but in Russia an unofficial classification has been adopted: super-mini - up to 1.5 kg, mini - 1.5 - 2 kg, standard - 2 - 3.1 kg.

The dog should be brushed regularly, wiped from oxides in the eyes, cleaned the ears and teeth, and trimmed the nails if necessary. The main health problem is a tender gastrointestinal tract and obesity.

Russian toy terrier

The Russian Toy is the pride of domestic dog handlers. The breed was officially recognized in 2006 - after more than half a century of breeding work.

There are two varieties of the Toy Terrier breed - standard and mini. The weight of the latter does not exceed 1.5 kg.

In general, the Russian Toy is a strong and hardy dog. But mini-toys have a very fragile physique. It is necessary to ensure that the pet does not jump from surfaces higher than 0.4 m, limit communication with children and other dogs - due to their temperament, male dogs can enter into fights with dogs large sizes.

Most often, health problems in toys arise with teeth, fur, skin, heart and gastrointestinal tract.

The Toy Terrier is perfectly adapted to urban conditions and does not require special care. It is enough to occasionally bathe him and comb the long-haired representatives.


Chihuahua is a classic representative of decorative dogs. This is the smallest breed in the world.

Although a weight of at least one and a half kilograms is considered standard, representatives from 500 g to 1 kg are also included in the norm.

Chihuahuas are lively and brave. Dogs have a keen sense of their owner, constantly accompany him, and unobtrusively participate in all household chores.

This is the strongest breed of miniature dogs. If you take care of your health, your pets almost never get sick. However, they are prone to allergies, dental problems and hydrocephalus.

Bitches cannot give birth on their own due to small size and narrow pelvis - they do it C-section.

In the cold season, Chihuahuas must be well dressed - they are heat-loving and easily catch cold in a draft.

Pomeranian Spitz

There are 2 varieties of the breed: miniature or miniature Spitz (height at withers 18 - 22 cm) and small Pomeranian Spitz (height from 23 to 29 cm).

There are also two more unofficial types: baby doll and bearish. They differ from standard representatives only in the shape of their heads.

The doll and bear type are undesirable, since a flattened muzzle provokes problems with the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Caring for these pocket-sized babies is difficult. They need regular exercise and strict training.

Without proper upbringing, Pomeranians grow up stubborn and willful.

Most of the time is spent combing. It is recommended to comb your dog for at least half an hour every day, maximum every other day, otherwise the thick coat and undercoat will become tangled and tangles will form.


Papillons or continental toy spaniels are also called butterfly dogs because of the peculiar shape of their ears, reminiscent of the wings of moths.

These tiny dogs are built extremely harmoniously and strongly: unlike most other decorative breeds, they have well-developed muscles, strong joints and bones.

Papillons are intelligent and agile. These pocket pets require constant exercise. They quickly learn commands. But lack of education or improper training will make the pet timid and aggressive.

Dogs shed heavily in autumn and spring. The duration of molting is from 1 to 2 weeks. During this period, they are combed daily. The rest of the time - once every 2 - 3 days. The Papillon should regularly brush its teeth, ears, eyes, and trim its claws.


The Maltese is a charming white baby with the character of an angel. They are owner-oriented and friendly towards other family members, children and pets.

However, Maltese require constant attention and good upbringing. Otherwise, they will become wary, aggressive, uncontrollable.

Caring for a Maltese is standard. Every week you need to check and clean your ears, eyes, teeth, and trim your nails. You can bathe as needed.

But you will have to tinker with the wool. The lapdog is brushed every day for at least 20 minutes. This pocket dog should be groomed regularly. In the autumn-spring season, it is better to shorten your hair.

You need to walk your Maltese every day for a couple of hours. Despite the fact that the breed is classified as decorative, these mini-dogs need active walks. In cold weather, dogs will need clothing and shoes.

Toy Fox Terrier

Energetic and friendly toy fox terrier (Amertoy) with ears like battrue friend and companion. He is tireless, ready to follow his owner on walks for hours and “help” in all matters.

This miniature dog cannot be called a pocket dog. The blood of hunters and guards flows in her veins. She will eagerly pursue her prey and bark loudly to warn of strangers.

Toy Fox Terriers are unpretentious in grooming. Although they don't mind long walks, taking them outside for half an hour a couple of times a day will be enough. It is easy to take care of short hair - it is enough to comb the fur coat once every 1 - 2 weeks with a massage brush.

Amertoi are prone to allergies and colds. It is necessary to ensure that the pet does not get wet and is not in a draft. Problems with joints and bones often occur.

Japanese Chin

These lap dogs are wonderful companions and friends.

Japanese Chins adapt to the lifestyle of their owners: next to a homebody they will play the role of a sofa cushion, and they will be happy to accompany an active owner on long walks.

Chins do not tolerate rudeness. Education can only be built on praise - shouting and a threatening tone are unacceptable. “Bribery” in the form of toys and treats will not work with them. The most desired reward for these decorative dogs is praise.

Despite the long coat, there will be no problems in grooming. The fur coat hardly gets dirty, tangles form extremely rarely, and the hairs do not get tangled. Dogs do not need to be cut or braided - just brush them a couple of times a week.

Chins are strong and hardy pets. Clothes are not required for them. They rarely overeat and gain extra pounds. You just need to make sure that your pet does not overheat in the heat.

Petersburg orchid

A new breed of dog, bred in St. Petersburg in 1997. You rarely see them outside of St. Petersburg and especially Russia. Only non-breeding animals are sold abroad.

The St. Petersburg orchid breed has not yet been recognized - it is in the breeding stage.

Caring for pets is not too difficult. You need to wipe your eyes daily, comb your eyes every 3 days, brush your teeth and ears once a week, cut your hair every 1 to 2 months and bathe as needed.

St. Petersburg orchids are ideal companions for homebodies. They will prefer sleeping on their favorite bed to a walk. These pocket dogs are clean, do not like to get dirty, and rarely misbehave.

It’s too early to talk about specific breed diseases. The same problems are typical for the St. Petersburg orchid as for all very small pets: joint pathologies, tooth loss, gum inflammation, frequent colds and sensitive digestion.

Toy poodle

The toy poodle is the smallest representative of the breed. These pocket dogs were specially bred to live in small apartments.

Miniature Poodles are friendly with children, but do not get along well with dogs and other pets.

Key Point in caring for a toy poodle - grooming. It is unlikely that you will be able to cut a dwarf dog's hair correctly on your own. You'll have to find a good professional.

The fur hardly sheds, so it does not cause allergies. But your pet will have to be bathed frequently (every 2-3 weeks) and brushed daily.

Toy poodles begin to be walked from the first months. This miniature dogs What is important is physical and mental stress.

Training is not difficult - the sharp intelligence of pets makes them excellent students.

Toy poodles are a very “sick” breed. They often meet diabetes mellitus, otitis, dysplasia hip joint, intestinal volvulus, urolithiasis, congenital deafness, cataracts, food allergy.

Where can I buy it?

You can get a miniature dog in different ways.

Which dog is best to choose depends on the tastes of the future owner, his financial capabilities and the purpose of the establishment - whether the pet will be needed for exhibitions, as a pet or to emphasize status.

In the nursery

Best and most reliable way– buy a dwarf dog from a nursery. In this case, there is the highest chance that the owner will receive a healthy, psychologically stable animal from parents with good genes.

In addition, conscientious breeders carefully monitor breed standards. They will not chase fashion trends or “shove in” an obviously sick puppy, even if he is a charming miniature baby.

For ordinary owners

As a rule, ordinary owners still do not allow interbreeding and carefully monitor the health of the mother and puppies.

The advantage of this method is that you can buy a puppy inexpensively, several times cheaper than in a nursery. The downside is that the puppy will most likely have no pedigree.

You can find advertisements for sale in hometown or find out from friends. Another option is to ask local dog handlers. They know their “wards” and their owners, and will tell you where to turn.

By advertisement

You can purchase a puppy by browsing message boards on the Internet. For example, “Avito”, “Yula” and the like.

However, you should be careful - along with advertisements from breeders and conscientious owners, you often come across offers for the sale of sick animals and mixed breeds. Often an ordinary puppy is passed off as a pocket dog, but it grows twice as big as promised.

Free pick up

They don’t just part with purebred animals. If in the city public or on the notice board there is an announcement about the transfer of a dog to kind hands, you need to find out the reason why the pet is being given away. It's best if it involves moving.

The worst case scenario is when owners give away their pet for free “because they’re tired of it.” As a rule, this will be an untrained animal with psychological problems.

Receive as a gift

If you really want a dwarf dog, but don’t have enough money for it, you can hint to your family, friends and acquaintances that you wouldn’t mind receiving a four-legged friend as a gift.

But this method is not very good:

  • It is not advisable to have an animal during the holidays - due to the chaos there will be enough time for it;
  • restrictions appear in choice - friends can buy a sick animal or a mixed breed at the poultry market;
  • You can get a pet that is not suitable for its character.

How to choose the right miniature dog?

When the decision to buy a pocket dog has been made, the question arises - how to choose a puppy? A few tips will help with this:

Before settling on any breed, it is advisable to look at adult dogs live - in a kennel, at a site or at an exhibition. Puppies are all cute, but older animals may not be liked.
Moreover, you should not choose a pet only by photo or video.

Pocket dogs are often bought because they are easy to keep. In addition, small breeds are a kind of fashion statement.

Pedigree puppies are expensive and emphasize the status of the owner in the same way as an elite watch or suit.

But you shouldn’t perceive a miniature dog only as an accessory: it’s living creature with their own character, need for attention and health problems.

Decorative indoor dogs include representatives of breeds that are not intended to perform any work: guarding, protecting, hunting, running. Their main task is to be a faithful and devoted friend to the family. Decorative dogs: what are these breeds, who are these pets suitable for? Let's figure it out.

Decorative dogs: overview of breeds

When breeding dwarf dogs, breeders paid attention mainly to maintaining the attractive appearance of the breed. For example, Pekingese have the reputation of being “pet lions,” and poodles are known for their fluffy, curly hair.

The refined features of the “indoor lion” are the result of the painstaking work of breeders

During the development of the breed, mutant changes often persisted:

  • short stature;
  • short, incorrectly planted paws;
  • long, tangled hair;
  • changes in the nasal septum;
  • changes in the organs of vision.

They did not allow animals to perform their original functions: hunt, protect, attack. Therefore, such dogs remained in their owners’ homes as companions.

Despite the fact that the parameters of indoor breeds are distorted and far from ideal, there is always a demand for them

Character traits that are valued in these pets:

  • friendliness and loyalty;
  • affectionate character;
  • playfulness;
  • good attitude towards people and other animals;
  • obedience in training.

The inability of decorative dogs to perform traditional canine functions is compensated by their good nature and openness.

The last point is especially important, since many owners forget to train lap dogs due to their cuteness.

Hunting and guard qualities (developed sense of smell, physical strength and endurance) are not sufficiently developed in most animals.

Who is an indoor breed suitable for?

The variety of companion breeds suggests that every owner will be able to choose a dog in accordance with their living conditions:

Which decorative dog should you choose?

When choosing a decorative breed, you should rely on the classification of the International Canine Federation, in which indoor dogs are classified as “companion” and “toy”. These are the following breeds:

  1. Bichons.
  2. Griffons and related Belgian breeds.
  3. Japanese Chins.
  4. Toy spaniels.
  5. Toy size moloss.
  6. Toy-sized poodles.
  7. English spaniels are toy size.
  8. Dogs without hair.
  9. Representatives of Tibetan breeds.
  10. Pekingese.

This classification does not include dogs that are not registered as a breed in the federation, or those that previously performed service functions, but lost them over time. However, they are also unofficially classified as dwarf indoor breeds:

  1. Beagle.
  2. Miniature Pinscher.
  3. Russian lap dog.
  4. Beaver.
  5. Sheltie.
  6. Miniature Schnauzer.
  7. Prague rat house.
  8. Miniature dachshund.

Despite the fact that the classification includes dogs with relatively similar characteristics (height, character traits), each of them has individual characteristics and characteristics (care, feeding, character). Therefore, when choosing an animal, it is necessary to rely not only on its appearance, but also detailed description breeds

Characteristics of dogs of decorative breeds

Below are the most famous breeds of decorative indoor dogs.

Yorkshire Terrier

One of the most popular miniature breeds at the moment. Attracts appearance:

  • long, smooth coat without undercoat;
  • pretty facial expression;
  • small triangular erect ears.

Despite their decorative nature, Yorkies are not averse to hunting

Despite their tiny size, they retained the qualities of terriers. They are active, playful and friendly to people. Contrary to popular belief, they need careful educational process– some active individuals run away, attack other animals, try to find and swallow prey, which leads to injuries and stomach upsets.

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of Yorkshire terriers

Australian Silky (Silky) Terrier

Another representative of the long-haired terriers, whose ancestors also include Yorkies. Distinctive features:

  • silky shiny long wool;
  • well-defined elongated nose and ears;
  • stocky, squat body.

These terriers easily learn tricks and love to show them off.

Unlike York Terriers, “Australians” are considered more flexible and affectionate not only with family members, but also with surrounding people and animals. Representatives of this breed love to be the center of attention: they are happy to show tricks, play, react emotionally and bark to what is happening around them.

Table 2. Advantages and disadvantages of the Silky Terrier


The smallest dogs in the world belong to this breed. difficult to confuse with other breeds. distinctive features:

  • small size (maximum weight of an individual is no more than 3 kilograms);
  • pointed muzzle with intelligent eyes;
  • triangular ears sticking out on the sides;
  • well-built miniature body.

Chihuahuas are presented in different colors: red and chocolate, plain and tan, white, milky, black. The coat can be either short or long, smooth or slightly curly.

Smart dogs with an inquisitive nature are active and mobile, but not annoying. In addition, they are distinguished by fearlessness: they are able to rush to the defense of their owner, even if the enemy is several times larger.

Table 3. Advantages and disadvantages of the Chihuahua

Video - Chihuahua and Yorkie: similarities and differences

Pomeranian Spitz

These small, furry dogs have an interesting and long backstory. Rejected in Germany because of their miniature size, they conquered England and the United States, only to later return in triumph to their homeland. You can find out about others on our portal.

The external signs of Spitz are as follows:

  • predominantly red or chocolate coat color;
  • the muzzle resembles a fox (pointed version) or a bear (softened version);
  • fluffy fur sticks out in all directions, forming something like a cloud.

Unpretentiousness Pomeranian Spitz inherited from their larger brothers - wolf-spitz

Active, cheerful Spitz dogs easily communicate with all family members, especially if all attention is paid only to them. They are easy to travel with and are unpretentious in their upbringing. It is advisable not to leave alone with small children. After inept handling, companions become irritable and abrupt.

Table 4. Advantages and disadvantages of Pomeranians

West Highland White Terrier

IN lately representatives of the breed are gaining more popularity compared to others indoor dogs.

The snow-white coat of white terriers does not require careful grooming.

The distinctive features of the West Highlands are as follows:

  • white smooth coat of medium length;
  • pointed nose and ears;
  • cunning expression of the muzzle.

West Highlands are prized for their playful nature and pleasant character. But, if the house plans to breed several animals at once, it is better to take puppies at the same time so as not to cause jealousy.

West Highlands love attention from their owner, but do not allow themselves to be intrusive

Terriers quickly find family members common language, love to play and spend time in nature, do not disturb their owners during their vacation.

Table 5. Advantages and disadvantages of the West Highlands

Continental Toy Spaniel (Papillon)

This breed is nicknamed “butterfly” because of the characteristic shape of its ears, reminiscent of the wings of this insect. Papillons are famous for their intelligence and quick perception of commands. Active, playful dogs have the following external characteristics:

  • predominantly white with black, red or gray spots;
  • erect ears framed by long hair;
  • smooth fur flowing over the ears, skirt and tail.

Pappillions are often mistaken for a separate breed, although they are only the most common variety of Toy Spaniels. Another branch is the phallenes. Their ears are in a hanging position, unlike Papillons.

Papillons can be safely taken for a walk: these dogs are well versed in the rules of etiquette

Suitable for lovers of an active lifestyle. They like to take long walks, run and perform physical exercise. Friendly towards other animals.

In order to raise active and healthy Papillons, it is important to monitor their diet from childhood. What foods and how often should puppies be fed? continental toy spaniel, read on.

Table 6. Advantages and disadvantages of continental toy spaniels

Welsh Corgi

Funny, fox-faced companions have long been prized by the British royal court. The appearance of a Welsh Corgi implies the following nuances:

  • strong oblong body;
  • low but stocky legs;
  • fox face.

Despite her innate activity, the Corgi easily adapts to the mood and daily routine of the owner. Dogs of this breed are not inclined to make unnecessary noise and fussy movements.

Table 7. Advantages and disadvantages of the Welsh Corgi

Chinese Crested Dog

The appearance of this breed will definitely not leave any passerby indifferent:

  • tassels of light hair on the ears, back of the head, tail and paws;
  • bare skin of a bluish-gray hue, sometimes with beige or pinkish spots.
  • an oblong, sharp muzzle with cunning eyes.

The main characteristic of Chinese Cresteds is cleanliness, which is manifested not only in the absence of hair, but also in the love of bathing procedures. The dog quickly becomes attached to the owner, responds with devotion, and protects him from aggression in the event of an attack. Character – energetic, playful. Loves to jump, but quickly calms down at the owner's request.

Table 8. Advantages and disadvantages of the Chinese Crested Dog


Some people have a negative opinion of Pugs because of their characteristic wheezing, but this is in vain. The friendliness of the representatives of the breed goes so far that they can easily share the sofa with cats. Notable for their appearance and color:

  • predominantly white and cream with black markings on nose, paws, ears or completely black;
  • flattened, upturned nose;
  • large, slightly surprised eyes.

Life within four walls suits the pug quite well

Despite the playful nature of the animal, the pug does not require long active walks - it is enough to take him outside for a short time 2-3 times a day.

Despite its length, the breed's short, harsh coat requires special care, as it often sheds and gets dirty. It is necessary to brush your pet regularly and bathe it. In hot weather, you can wipe the animal's body with a cosmetic damp cloth.

Table 9. Advantages and disadvantages of a pug

Czech (Bohemian) Terrier

Despite the fact that the breed appeared relatively recently (in 1963), it has managed to gain popularity among dog breeders.

In number distinctive features Czech Terriers include:

  • oblong, strong build;
  • oblong massive jaws;
  • small, intelligent, medium-set eyes.

Bohemian terriers were originally bred for protection and protection, but over time they lost these qualities, moving into the category of decorative breeds.

Representatives of the breed love active walks. They get along easily in urban environments. They have an intelligent, balanced character. Despite active shedding and the regular need for cosmetic haircuts, caring for Bohemian terriers at home is not difficult - just brush their coat and bathe them from time to time.

Table 10. Advantages and disadvantages of the Czech Terrier


Despite belonging to the general class of decorative dogs, each breed has a set of unique individual qualities. Thanks to this, every owner can make the optimal choice in favor of true friend, an unpretentious companion, a handsome showpiece or an active comrade.

The choice of a four-legged friend must be taken seriously, especially if this is your first experience. Buying a dog is an important and responsible decision. The appearance of a pet in your home will require patience, free time and additional financial expenses. The chosen breed of dog determines its character, ability to train, and susceptibility to diseases.

Defining goals

Before purchasing a pet, decide for what purpose you are buying it. You choose pet, watchdog or companion? Answer yourself a number of questions that will help you choose the breed of your four-legged pet:

Choosing the gender of the dog

When purchasing a pet, keep in mind important nuance: Males and females require different care. Female dogs are more loyal than the opposite sex. They are easier to train and more flexible. However, bitches cause a lot of trouble to their owners with regular estrus, unplanned or false pregnancy. Therefore, if your plans do not include breeding puppies, consider having your dog spayed.

Males are emotionally more persistent, strive to take a dominant position, and therefore require more strict education. Dogs show an active interest in females all year round.

Pet age

To purchase a puppy or adult dog has its pros and cons. The baby must be educated, accustom him to hygiene procedures, toilet. But, your pet will quickly get used to you, the new environment and the behavioral norms you have instilled.

A well-mannered, mature dog will not allow himself to make a puddle in the middle of the room or chew your shoes. But getting used to the new owners and home can be long and painful. The dog may be homesick to the previous owners, refuse food and show disobedience.

However, your patience and love for your new pet, regardless of its age, will bring you the expected results.

Dogs are guards

Do you want to buy a pet to protect your home? Not all dog breeds are suitable for this role. So, hunting dogs are completely unadapted to this, and fighting dogs, bred specifically for fights, have warm feelings towards all people without exception, which is unacceptable for a watchdog.

The following are great for protecting a private home:

They do an excellent job of securing the apartment:

Dogs for hunting

If you choose a four-legged friend for hunting together, then choose a pet of the breed:

Hunting dogs can be kept in both big house, and in a city apartment. Since they are hyperactive, they need daily active long walks.

Decorative dogs

Pets of decorative breeds are ideal for living in an apartment. Most dogs are small in size and friendly in nature. When choosing a decorative four-legged friend, pay attention to:

Decorative pets, like any breed of dog, need training. They need to instill basic behavioral skills.

Choosing pet study the characteristics of a particular breed, rules for caring for puppies, and susceptibility to diseases. Treat this issue wisely and then you will gain a devoted and loving friend.

What breeds of indoor dogs are small ones, of course, because a huge Tibetan mastiff cannot be called such. Another name for indoor dogs is decorative, and today we will find out which of them are the most popular and best suited for small apartments.

Breeds of indoor dogs with photos

Australian Terrier - a small indoor breed

The Australian Terrier is a small dog with a very bold and courageous character. This breed is perfect for those looking for a small guard dog who has an assertive personality and justifiable self-confidence.

The height at the withers of the smallest representatives of terriers is 25 cm, and their weight is about 6.5 kg. By nature it is a working dog, but its friendly and loyal nature makes it great companion, which is now used as an indoor dog breed.

Indoor dog breeds - Australian Terrier (photo by Lilly M).

Alaskan Klee Kai - indoor husky

The peculiarity of the dwarf Spitz is that it is impossible to determine the type of breed immediately after the birth of a small puppy, but only at the young age of 12 months, when the dog’s body and coat are fully formed. Dogs of this breed require special attention and care due to her touching appearance and fragile physique.

- a small indoor dog breed (photo by Keira Morgan).

Norwich Terrier

The Norwich Terrier, or Norwich Terrier, is a small, sporting dog, the keeping of which was once considered one of the most prestigious pleasures by Cambridge students. A small companion with a docked tail and short limbs is considered good hunter on the fox.

The Norwich is approximately 26 cm tall, has a sociable personality, loves children and gets along with other animals. This dog is perfect for a hunter who lives in the city, because the peculiarity of this breed is the ability to adapt to any conditions, as well as natural endurance that can overcome the longest and most difficult walk.

Photo of indoor dog breeds - Norwich Terrier (photo by Harold).


Many are extremely popular and one of them. The dimensions of these dogs are only 15-23 centimeters in height and 1.5-3 kilograms in weight, thanks to which they can be kept even in the smallest one-room apartment.

As a rule, Chihuahua dogs live from 10 to 18 years. They have a very kind and cheerful character, and the peculiar shape of their muzzle and eyes create the impression of a constantly cheerful facial expression. In general, if you are looking for a small breed of indoor dog, the Chihuahua will do just fine.

Indoor dogs: breeds with photos and names. Chihuahua named Tsatsa Bonita.

Yorkshire Terrier

Another one suitable for the role of indoor dogs is. She is not only one of the smallest in the world, but also boasts a slightly perky character and a very beautiful long fur coat - who wouldn’t like such qualities.

The height of an adult Yorkie can reach 17 centimeters, and the life expectancy is from 13 to 16 years. Among other things, a Yorkie can be easily taught to go to the litter box, so the breed can truly be called an indoor breed. However, do not forget that anyone, even the smallest dog, needs regular walks on the street.

Indoor dogs photo - adult Yorkshire Terrier (photo by Ed Yourdon).

French bulldog

If you are looking for an indoor dog breed with a menacing appearance, it is a good idea to cope with this role. If all the other small dogs are very decorative, then the French bulldog is more like a dog, only of a smaller size.

Unlike previous breeds of indoor dogs, the French bulldog, although small in size, weighs from 8 to 15 kg, all due to its more powerful build. It is worth noting that due to the peculiarities of their muzzle, representatives of this breed create peculiar sounds reminiscent of grunting, so they are not suitable for every person.

Indoor dog breeds with photos - French bulldog(photo by Daniel Nyström).


The pug is undoubtedly the star of the movie Men in Black. But this dog’s popularity came long before the filming of the legendary comedy. Pugs have ancient history and great popularity, because long before our time, glamorous ladies carried these dogs with them everywhere.

The pug's height is 25-35 cm, and its weight is 5.7-7.7 kg, which allows it to call itself a representative of the type of indoor decorative dog. The character of the pug is as interesting as its appearance, they are loyal and curious, their whole life consists of communicating with a person, which makes them the best companions.

Breeds of indoor dogs with photos and descriptions - Pug (photo by ClemetNic).

In this article, we did not look at all breeds of indoor dogs with photographs and names. The dog world is so big that sometimes you can get lost in the simplest choices. It is clear that indoor dogs are, first of all, small breeds of dogs of the toy class, but indoor dogs can also be called more major representatives who are capable of being not only companions, but also house guards, hunters, and even guides. You just have to teach the dog what you need, and in return give affection and love.