Be yourself. Self-realization is the path to success. Professional self-realization of personality

Personal self-realization is a special process of interaction with the world, which is carried out through creative self-disclosure. Every person feels the presence within himself of a comprehensive power that can lift him to the heights of great achievements and make every day incredibly fulfilling and meaningful. Personal self-realization is something that cannot be avoided when it comes to forming a deep and holistic view of the world and current events. If we do not use the enormous potential that exists within us, it will be wasted. And how many people never use the knowledge that they actually have! Most people get used to living simply by inertia and do not strive for anything significant.

Currently, the topic of “personal self-realization” has become extremely fashionable. This is a direction in psychology that is currently developing rapidly. The consciousness of some people is awakening from many years of “hibernation”. They begin to see the truth little by little and become aware of their personal perspectives.

Need for self-realization

Even if a person seems quite indecisive, he still has some desires that ask to be released. Everyone has personal ambitions to one degree or another. It’s just that not everyone has the courage to express them openly, without concealment. Many are afraid of being ridiculed by others, so they hide their true intentions under the guise of indifferent friendliness. Personal self-realization is the need to be heard, understood and accepted by society. Social interaction is also very important for humans. We all strive to find our place in life, express ourselves as much as possible, and achieve significant success.

The need for self-actualization can be seen most clearly in young children. They have not yet found a reason to doubt themselves and do not reject their plans. Children do not know how to lie, but behave naturally in any situation. It would not occur to them to feign joy when their souls are sad and gloomy. Self-realization of an individual is its primary need, without which no development will be possible.

Having a goal

To achieve something significant, you need to understand where to go. Everyone sets their own direction. First, an image of a big and bright dream appears in your head. You can see how much children and teenagers believe in it. Having a goal helps develop character and personal qualities such as ambition, perseverance, self-confidence, and initiative. Thoughts about bringing what you want into life do not allow you to stand still and passively contemplate the phenomena that are happening. A dream always leads one, makes a person develop and improve comprehensively. If he does not know where and what to direct his efforts to, he will never be able to feel truly happy.

How are self-determination and personal self-realization related to each other? Before you begin any movement forward, you need to be able to clearly understand what you are really interested in and what your strengths are. Everyone has a different nature, so it is not surprising that people have different aspirations. The ability to set a goal correctly is the greatest blessing.

Belief in your own capabilities

Without this component nothing will happen. Only faith makes us move forward even when other guidelines are lost. Before starting to act in the direction of a planned goal, a person needs to know that he is capable of achieving it. This is why people so often give up on implementing their plans without even taking the first step. They simply do not believe in themselves, they consider them unworthy of all sorts of rewards and gifts from fate! Self-determination and self-realization of the individual occupy a leading position in the process of effective advancement.

When there is no faith in success, nothing can happen. A person draws inner strength from his own source of inspiration. When it is empty, no bright ideas enter your head, life seems gray and meaningless.

Problems of self-realization

Despite the fairly strong popularity of this topic, not every person strives to find his own purpose. Most, unfortunately, prefer to simply go with the flow, not really trying to change anything in life, to bring new colors to it. We must always remember that we ourselves create bright moments for ourselves, and we need to be able to experience and let go of dark ones. Activity, personality, self-realization are things that are inextricably linked with each other. Without one there will be no other. If you have no idea what you should be doing, then you won’t appreciate the opportunity to express yourself, to reveal your true nature.

Another problem with self-realization is that when you act, you will inevitably have difficulties. Without this, the formation of a strong personality does not occur. Sometimes it seems that a person was specially decided to test a person’s strength by higher powers. The world must make sure that you are worthy of the best goods and therefore it seems to be testing your reaction. In the most difficult moments, it is worth remembering that they are temporary and, most likely, intended for something. By doing so, you are preparing to become self-sufficient and begin to value yourself more than ever before. Many people give up after going halfway. Some, after taking a few timid steps, turn back hesitantly. They perceive difficulties as something fatal and waste precious resources on worries. Remember that you should not allow sadness to deafen you at the moment when you are taking active steps to realize your cherished dream. Only a true winner is able to reach the end.

Conditions for self-realization

In order for a person to make the most of his abilities in life, it is necessary to comply with certain important points. It is worth noting that all components are closely related to each other. You cannot cultivate one thing and completely ignore the other. The conditions for personal self-realization are simple and complex at the same time. The most important thing, perhaps, is the inner attitude. If the goal is set clearly enough, then what you want will come into your life faster than you expect. This will happen so naturally and calmly that not everyone will be able to recognize happiness. Creating conditions for personal self-realization allows you to successfully achieve the desired activity and begin to develop it.

Intrapersonal search

It begins when an individual begins to ask himself questions regarding self-determination. Who am I and what should I do in life? How to start doing what you love if you don’t have the strength and opportunity to at least try and leave unloved job? Such questions encourage action and push for a deep understanding of current events. An intrapersonal search can continue for several years until a person accepts for himself final decision. Here you can’t rush or limit yourself in choice. You need to be able to listen to your own voice, notice the slightest changes in consciousness.

Freedom as the main engine

Our whole life consists of constants as a condition for self-realization of the individual taking a leading position. After all, if a person does not have the opportunity to fully express himself, he will never become what he should be. Lack of will always appears as a result of refusal to take responsibility for what is happening. It's the same as committing treason against yourself to a loved one, which is what you are.

Freedom as self-realization of the individual arises at the moment when a person begins to clearly realize that he belongs to something. He feels a great surge of strength and no longer wants to live as before. At this moment, it is important, having enlisted your own support, to begin taking the first steps. The more confidence you have, the easier it is to continue what you started.

Freedom as a condition for personal self-realization is extremely necessary for a successful start. If a person gets used to living in an exhausting environment, he begins to fear any changes. Monotony seems to him synonymous with stability. He is afraid of any movement, since any experiment may end in failure. Not everyone has the additional strength to be able to survive all the “tests” of fate.

Opportunity potential

Each of us has great potential hidden within us. Most people don't even know about it. Continuing to live an ordinary, unnoticed life, they do not have the opportunity to gain precious experience of getting to know their own inner world. If only we could somehow measure our rich potential, we would certainly be surprised. How many would open at once? closed doors! So why is fear so restrictive that it prevents you from taking action, setting realistic daily goals, and striving to achieve a true state of happiness?

Think about what you are spending your life on. Do you sit for many hours at a time computer games? Are you striving to develop? Do you know what your top priority is? You should never give up on your dreams and exchange them for dubious pleasures.

Choice of profession

Sometimes we settle on one option only because our parents or friends advised us to do so. In rare cases, by the time he graduates from school, a person really has a clear idea of ​​what he wants to do before retirement. To be responsible for the rest of your life, you need to take on great responsibility. Often we make this choice chaotically, succumbing to someone’s persuasion. And all because we don’t know how to listen to ourselves, we don’t value our own talents, we are constantly in self-criticism!

Meanwhile, choosing a profession is quite a serious decision to neglect. Before directing your efforts to the development of this or that activity, you need to think carefully. When a decision has not yet been finalized, it is easy to change it. Ask yourself several times a day whether the chosen profession is really suitable for you, do you dream of something more?

Creative focus

The creative principle lies in each of us. To find your only true path, pay attention to your creative abilities. The ability to write texts, music or pictures should inspire a career as a famous writer, artist, thinker. Any abilities need to be developed. No one else will take over your life.

Social self-realization

Man lives in society and can never achieve complete freedom from it. Social self-realization of an individual lies in being able to build strong, trusting relationships with people around him.

Spiritual practices

Activities such as meditation, yoga or relaxation will help maintain your condition. internal balance. If something goes wrong in your life, support yourself. Strength for an active life will noticeably increase.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, self-realization is the most important need of the individual. His entire future life depends on how productively an individual goes through the stage of self-determination. Only a person who has fully revealed his inner nature can become happy.

A person’s ability and desire for self-realization are inherent in him from birth. How the inner potential will be revealed depends on the people who take an active part in raising the child. It is they who shape his attitude towards life from childhood. In the future, thanks to upbringing, each of us chooses the method of self-realization that suits him best. There are various types, levels and signs of it, which will be discussed in this article.

What is self-realization

Self-realization is the embodiment of a person’s inclinations, his potential and talents through certain activities. This term can be viewed in two planes. On the one hand, there is an action, and on the other, the goal of this very action. A person always has room to move forward. That is, personal self-realization does not have clear boundaries or limitations, and accordingly, even the most realized people always have the opportunity to develop further.

According to the famous American psychologist Abraham Maslow, the desire for self-actualization is at the very top of human desires, being the highest degree of personal development. By the way, A. Maslow, having analyzed the behavior of people who have achieved something in life, identified the main signs of self-actualized individuals:

  • They are better than others at separating reality from fantasy;
  • They perceive themselves as they are;
  • They love simplicity, naturalness, they have no need to play to the public;
  • Very responsible people who know how to make the necessary decisions;
  • They have a high degree of self-sufficiency;
  • They endure trials and “blows” of fate more easily than others;
  • Conduct regular reassessment of their life guidelines;
  • They never cease to be amazed by the world around them;
  • They feel their fullness and inner harmony;
  • They study without problems;
  • They have their own views on the world, on the concepts of good and evil;
  • They are reserved, friendly, and value a sense of humor;
  • They regularly generate new ideas and love creativity;
  • Tolerant of others, but if necessary, show courage and determination;
  • Loyal to their family, friends, ideals, principles.

And how you can achieve such harmony with yourself and the world around you, we will consider in the next section.

Types of self-realization

Since a person is a biosocial phenomenon, it is not correct to consider the issue of his formation as an individual in isolation from society. There are several types of self-realization:

  • Personal;
  • Creative;
  • Professional;
  • Social.

They are all interconnected and must be present in a person’s life. The main catalysts for their development are the upbringing and education of the child, which lays the model for his behavior in the future. Let's look at them in more detail.

Personal self-realization

Since each of us positions himself as an individual, this issue becomes important from early childhood. The child wants respect, understanding, approval of his actions. This tendency only intensifies with age, either leading to success or to depression and complexes. Driven by such a desire, a person chooses several possible strategies for his life path:

  • The desire for well-being and material wealth;
  • Success in conquering “peaks”, career growth;
  • Development of your skills and abilities, including hobbies.

In any of the listed points, the individual’s personality and its self-realization are placed at the center, regardless of the type of activity. The main thing is to gain recognition and approval. First of all, from relatives and friends. Therefore, it is so important to harmonize the space around you, starting with your immediate environment.

Creative self-realization

The desire to create something new is inextricably linked with the evolution of the human species. All masterpieces of world culture, achievements of science and technology are caused by this impulse. Thus, self-realization of the individual through creativity is rooted in the deep foundations of human existence. Creative, unconventional thinking people always achieve more success than those who act in a stereotyped way. This is especially true in the 21st century - an era of rapid development of technology and information flows. Thanks to creativity, we shape our response to the surrounding reality and expand our worldview. The most important thing is that any of us can create. Only the forms of expression of the creative act change. Poetry, prose, painting, sculpture, metal and wood crafts, modeling, embroidery, origami, ikebana, graphic design and many other areas. Everyone can find a suitable activity. And it’s not so important to become the best, the main thing is to gain recognition and approval.

Professional self-realization

Success at work is also important to most people. And it's not just about money and promotion. No. Much more important is the feeling of being in demand, approval and recognition from colleagues and management. It is important to remember that work is only part of life. It cannot replace other aspects.

This type of self-realization has the following goals:

  • A sense of belonging to a specific community of people;
  • The desire to take one’s place in the service hierarchy;
  • The desire to be recognized among colleagues;
  • Understanding your professional strengths and weaknesses;
  • Planning your future.

Anyone, looking at this list, can easily determine at what stage he personally is.

Social self-realization

Associated with the acquisition of general social success in the amount that is necessary for a particular individual to feel happiness. This type of self-actualization is collective in relation to the previous ones. In fact, social self-realization is precisely that, the highest degree human needs, which Abraham Maslow spoke about. To achieve success in society, you can take completely different paths. Become a first-class employee, be a private entrepreneur, engage in acting or any other activity.

Society is so diverse that there is a place for everyone. And correspondingly, in any manifestation of human activity one can be recognized and get approval. Although, it’s worth making a reservation. Truly successful people do not depend on the opinions of others; they have already proven everything to everyone. Who has not yet managed to self-realize in to the fullest, look for confirmation of their successes in the reviews of others. But this is just one of the stages of personality development that almost everyone goes through.

Self-realization is an integral component of a person’s full life, without which he is unthinkable as a biosocial species. This state can be achieved in various ways, including both personal recognition and creative, professional and social fulfillment of a person. The main thing to remember is that the listed types of self-realization are interconnected parts of one whole. And to feel successful, you need to improve in each of them.

Each personality is unique in its own way. The life path of an individual person can never be repeated. But if the length of our life is destined from above, then its width depends only on us. And here many people have a problem and it lies in the self-realization of a person as an individual. Some manage to find their niche, others spend their whole lives searching, and still others completely waste their best years. How to find yourself and reach your full potential? This is what we will talk about now.

Psychology of personal self-realization

Self-realization is not only a process of personal improvement and self-knowledge. This is also the result constant growth and working with internal potential. People who were able to realize their inner resources are usually said to have achieved success in life. However, for this to happen, a person must constantly develop. Psychological problems Personal self-realization lies in the discrepancy between a person’s energetic and intellectual potential and the degree of its actualization. In other words, due to various life circumstances, the true potential of an individual may not coincide with end result her activities. This often leads to a feeling of dissatisfaction with one's life. Despite this, the need for self-realization remains in every individual, and this phenomenon has already for a long time studied by the world's leading psychologists.

In his research, S.L. Rubinstein came to the conclusion that the main mechanism of personality formation is motives. They manifest themselves in a person’s thoughts and actions. If, for example, a person takes responsibility, courage in making decisions and works with his fears, then subsequently these actions will take root in his consciousness in the form of certain character traits. As a result, all new properties will be linked in unified system, with the help of which a person will be able, or, on the contrary, will not be able to reveal himself.

K. Rogers identified two personality types:

  • fully functioning;
  • unadapted.

However, his other colleague S. Maddi compared several theories of personality and took the following characteristics of a full-fledged person as a basis for his research:

  • creativity – without it, personal fulfillment in life is impossible;
  • the “here and now” principle - includes the mobility of the individual, its high adaptability and spontaneity in decision making;
  • freedom of action in all life situations- a feeling of control over your life.

Strategies for personal self-realization

Self-realization is a process that lasts throughout a person’s life. It becomes possible only when the individual himself realizes his abilities, interests and needs. In other words, a person’s entire life is built on a chain of actions aimed at self-realization and achieving life goals. To succeed in life, it is important to make efforts that consist of certain strategies. The implementation of these strategies is the main condition for personal self-realization.

As a person’s age changes, his needs change, which means that goals and life strategies also change. For example, in youth a person begins to make his choice professional activity, and many at first begin to resolve issues personal life. When the first stage of self-realization has been achieved and a person has acquired a family and profession, correction and modification of strategies begins. When the need to acquire a position disappears, adaptation to this position, environment, etc. begins. As for the family, something similar happens there too. Strategies are chosen by the individual, taking into account age, character and needs. Although there are often cases when the “here and now” principle is triggered, when a person does not have time to think or the benefit of the action that comes up is obvious.

A reasonable question arises - what are the ways of personal self-realization? What tools does a person use to achieve social recognition and take his place in life? It's actually quite simple. Every day we reveal ourselves in work, in hobbies and interests, and recently new way self-realization – a global network and global information space. However, the main and main means through which a person’s full potential passes is creativity. Psychologists believe that only creative activity can lead a person to above-standard activity without pursuing any specific goal. In other words, creativity is a voluntary activity on which a person is ready to spend all his strength in order to express himself and his capabilities. But what motivates a person to work long and painstakingly on himself? These are generally well known and universal human values, needs and mechanisms.

Professional and personal self-realization are among the most in demand both in psychological science, and in society. The modern social situation has not only radically changed many social ideas and values, but has also given rise to an uncertain, often ambivalent attitude towards many values ​​and norms, including career values, personal development that existed before. Therefore, it is natural that quite a lot of research is devoted to these issues, both within the framework of psychology and sociology.

The socio-economic, cultural, and political changes currently taking place influence all aspects of personal development and the relationship of a person with the outside world and people. The radical nature of these changes is so great that it could not but affect the choice of profession and career orientations of people, their communication with their professional group and loved ones. The modern social situation requires the formation of not only activity, but also flexibility of behavior, resistance to social change combined with self-realization and socialization. Based on this, it seems relevant and significant for modern science analysis of personal factors that would contribute to the combination of professional and personal development in different areas social reality.

Professional self-realization of an individual can be viewed from two points of view. On the one hand, the professional development of an individual is determined by ideas about professional self-realization. On the other hand, when a person reaches a high professional level, she herself begins to embody the standard of professional self-realization, and her opinion on basic issues is considered the most correct and authoritative.

Self-actualization is to some extent a trigger for building self-realization. This is the essential difference between self-actualization and self-realization. Consequently, professional self-realization can be understood as a constant, multi-temporal process of forming an individual’s potential in creative activity throughout his entire life journey.

Since the most complete disclosure of an individual’s inclinations occurs only in socially useful activities, therefore it is in professional activities that particularly broad prospects for self-realization open up. Professional activity occupies an almost central place in the lives of individuals. In the course of their lives, people devote almost all of their time, all their potential and strength to professional activities. Within the chosen profession, abilities are formed, career advancement occurs and personal growth, the material foundations of life are provided, and a certain social status is achieved. Following the chosen profession and applying professional teachings is one of the most significant criteria for achieving a certain level of success in life. In the course of professional self-realization, the subject develops professional thinking, which is characterized by the following characteristics:

  • - awareness of one’s own belonging to the chosen professional community;
  • - awareness of the degree of one’s own adequacy to professional standards, one’s place in the hierarchy of professional roles;
  • - awareness by the individual of the degree of recognition of him in professional field;
  • - awareness of one's own strengths and weak aspects, opportunities for self-improvement, potential zones of success and failure;
  • - understanding about your work in later life and about yourself.

However, not every professional activity will be an area of ​​self-realization. For example, self-realization of a teacher is the process of a teacher achieving practical results of his teaching activities through the implementation of certain professional goals and strategies. An individual’s specific professional motivation does not always indicate active self-realization. Also, activities carried out mainly only as a result of volitional tension are quite energy-consuming and exhausting, which usually leads to emotional “burnout.” Therefore, a professional business for an individual seeking to realize himself should be entertaining and attractive. Along with this, it is very important that the basis of attractiveness is understanding social value and the individual significance of work. The predominance of the importance of work in the hierarchy of personal values ​​is considered a guarantee of successful self-realization. Active self-improvement in the professional sphere prevents the occurrence of burnout syndrome.

Self-development and self-realization of the subject in professional activity is significant for personal adaptability and success in life. Self-realization factors can be identified, including personal qualities, which will be general prognostic parameters for professional self-realization. Among the most significant personal factors contributing to professional fulfillment, the self-efficacy of the individual, the flexibility of his behavior and dissatisfaction with personal activities come to the fore. Self-efficacy is directly expressed in the ability to organize one’s professional activities and achieve success when interacting with society. Flexibility of behavior is responsible for effective interpersonal communications and professional interaction and stimulates the development of the need for further growth in the profession.

Ideas about the role of work in human life are gradually transforming. It became possible to arbitrarily choose an individual’s individual position regarding the form and degree of participation in the labor process. Despite the economic problems of society, professional work in modern conditions is not only a way to achieve material well-being, but also a source spiritual growth, the sphere of realization of the need for self-actualization from the standpoint of its ideals and high level personality self-awareness. Identification of a person with a profession presupposes such a merging of a professional’s life with his activities, in which the typical traits acquired by him begin to manifest themselves in all other spheres of life and determine his attitude to reality. All the definitions discussed above do not sufficiently take into account the activity of the individual himself.

According to E. Fromm, the main psychological feature the working person becomes his “identity” with his work. Speaking about the alienated character, E. Fromm defines it as a loss of identity, as the separation (alienation) of a person from the business in which he is engaged, as a result of which “the value of the labor itself is lost” and the “value of the sale of labor” comes first. In such a situation, a person turns from a subject of labor into a “commodity” in the labor and services market.

A.K. Markova gives comprehensive psychological characteristics of high professionalism. The following characteristics of professional self-determination in the context of self-realization are of interest to us: motivational sphere and operational sphere.

Motivational sphere of professionalism: professional motives (not only external, but also internal - the desire for self-realization); professional goals; strong goal setting; professional interness; positive dynamics of the motivational sphere (emergence of new motives, goals, changes in their hierarchy), building your own scenario professional life; individuality as the originality of a professional worldview, assessment system, relationships; position of a professional - recognition of oneself as a professional, desire for professional growth; readiness for flexible reorientation within the profession and outside it; job satisfaction as awareness of the compliance of one’s level of aspirations and achieved results with the requirements of the profession.

Operational scope of the profession: professional identity; achieving various kinds of results from work, “multiple peaks” in professional growth; individual style of professional activity; self-compensation of labor subjects (underdeveloped or deformed abilities and qualities by others); new ways of professional activity, creativity and innovation in professional work.

Smirnov I.P. offers a formula for self-realization: person - education - profession - personality. In his opinion, the decisive factor in realizing oneself and one’s potential is not natural inclinations of a person in themselves, and personal qualities formed by the external environment as a product of education and upbringing, labor training. A person can accidentally choose a profession (on the issue of professional self-realization), but it is not at all by chance that he becomes a master of his craft and achieves self-realization in it. Talent and abilities, of course, are associated with natural biological inclinations, but their development is impossible without appropriate social conditions. In the newest psychological research the acmeological orientation and human-oriented meaning of professional self-realization can be traced.

Based on concept social stratification the main interpretations of careers are analyzed: changes in social and professional status (M. Weber); intensity social mobility within a professional group (P. Sorokin).

A successful career in modern conditions creates conditions for increasing the level and quality of life, changing the social status and position of the individual. However, a career cannot be called an area of ​​activity, a specific job, position, or place on the career ladder. It has deeper content. Career goals are manifested in the reason why a person would like to have this particular job, to occupy a certain step on the hierarchical ladder of positions.

M. Weber defines “social status” as actual claims to positive or negative privileges in relation to social prestige, if it is based on one or more of the following criteria: lifestyle; formal education, consisting of practical or theoretical training and the adoption of an appropriate lifestyle; prestige of birth or profession. It is also emphasized that usurpation is natural spring almost all status honors. However, the path from this purely conventional situation to legal privileges, positive or negative, is easily paved as soon as a certain stratification of the social order becomes real fact, once stability is achieved, thanks to the orderly distribution of economic power.

The concept of social status is developed in the most detail in theories of social stratification, which are based on the idea of ​​inequality of social status. Within the framework of these theories, one of the most developed is the structural-functionalist direction in the study stratification system society, according to which inequality in society (which can be considered as the distribution of individuals among different social statuses) has its roots in rewarding the most skilled members of society. One of the very first structural-functionalist explanations of inequality was proposed by E. Durkheim, who believed that in all societies some types of activities are more important than others, and all functions of society - law, religion, family, work can form a hierarchy in accordance with that how highly they are valued.

According to M. Weber, every rule over a large number of people requires, as a rule (but not always), a headquarters of people, i.e. in the reliable ability to ensure certain actions of obedient people to implement orders and specific orders. In this case, the control headquarters can obey the master (or masters) due to custom, or purely affectively, or due to material interest, or due to ideal motives (value-rational). To these, as a rule, is added a belief in the legitimacy of domination.

Professional goals and meanings of activity correlate with the goals and meanings of an individual’s life path. On the one hand, there is an expansion and deepening of the semantic field of activity, and on the other, new meanings of the life path are born, which are integrated into personal structures, enriching its basic values.

So, professional self-realization of an individual is a complex and lengthy process, covering a significant period of life and being an integral part of the individual’s life self-realization. This is a process that involves the mutual adaptation of personal needs and the interests of society to solve complex and multifaceted problems presented by modern socio-economic development.

Professional development is a process that includes certain stages, stages, each of which is characterized by specific psychophysiological and socio-psychological characteristics that ensure the successful implementation of professional activities. The main feature The concept of professional development is something that has already emerged, but has not yet acquired a completed form or form. Close in meaning to the concept of “professional development” is the concept of “ Professional Development“The main essence of which is the natural change of the individual and personality in the course of professional activity. This is a process that is characterized by quantitative, qualitative and structural transformations that ensure the normal functioning of a person as a subject of labor.

Your most important asset is you
yourself. Invest your time, your
effort and money in training,
preparation and support of your
most important asset.
Tom Hopkins.

How can I realize myself? What is my calling and meaning of life? What are the ways of my self-realization? What am I living for?

Everyone is sane and spiritually thinking man asks himself similar questions. Such questions arise from the fact that a person strives for satisfaction in his life, for a feeling of completeness and happiness. If you do not ask yourself questions about the methods of your self-realization, about the meaning of life, then a person will live his life in vain, it will not be life, but an existence in which only physical body(feed food, provide sleep, etc.). Happiness is revealed precisely when a person realizes himself, lives according to his calling, and discovers the meaning of life.

1) In order to understand the ways of self-realization and understand exactly how, in what area I can reveal and realize myself, first of all, you need to understand yourself. How to understand yourself? Only through relationships with other people, only in interaction with people, only in activities.

2) Understanding yourself, revealing your talents, realizing all your strengths and weak sides, you need to accept and love yourself for who you are.

3) The next step in self-realization is intensive work on yourself and your inner positive qualities, your talents that need to be developed. Determine your values ​​in life, what is important to you and what is secondary. Answer the questions about who I am and what I am like at 30 years old, 40 years old, 50 years old, etc.

4) It is necessary to determine the area of ​​​​activity in which you like to engage.

5) Setting your goal is a fundamental point in realizing your potential. Answer yourself the questions: “What exactly do I want?”, “When exactly do I want to achieve this?”

6) Believe in yourself. If not, develop through actions.

7) As soon as the goal is determined, you must immediately begin actions to realize your goal, do not hesitate, doing your work in the most in the best possible way, with maximum efficiency.

8) Be devoted to your dream, do not stop there, always strive forward.

9) Desire and the need to do what you love. When you believe that you will do what you love no matter what, you know that you are close to self-actualization.

10) “Make as many mistakes as possible, just remember one thing: don’t make the same mistake twice. And you will grow." Osho

When talking about ways of self-realization, striving to achieve your goals, do not forget to be just a person. “When I talk about your self-realization, I do not mean that you should become a great poet or a great musician. I mean you have to become a total, complete person. I don't say great man because great person always partial. Greatness in anything is always partial. A person moves and moves in one direction, but in all other dimensions, in all other directions he remains the same - he becomes one-sided...

When I talk about the need to become a total man... I mean that you need to create a balance... that you need to be realized as a person, and not as a poet, musician, artist - you need to be realized as a person." These words belong to Bhagavan Shri Rajneesh, who is better known to everyone under the name Osho.

In addition to the above methods of self-realization, there are many other paths and pointers. Everyone follows their own path to self-realization, in accordance with their inner feelings. Your passion is to engage a certain type activity will be your clue in determining exactly your method of self-realization. This is what the parable “How to achieve self-realization (enlightenment)” is about:

One day a student came to his teacher and said: “Teacher, how can I achieve enlightenment?” The wise old guru, in response to this, sent the disciple to the bank of the Ganges River and ordered him to kneel in the water so that his head was above the water. Then the teacher put his hand on the student's neck and plunged his head into the water. After a minute and a half, the student began to choke, he tried to break free, but the guru’s hand seemed like steel, and the student could not free himself. After 2 minutes, when the student began to feel as if his lungs were about to burst, the guru released him. The student raised his head above the water and inhaled greedily Fresh air. The Guru smiled.

Tell me,” he said softly, “what did you want most now?”

“Breathe,” answered the student, who still couldn’t catch his breath.

“Now,” the guru continued, “when your desire to receive enlightenment is as strong, then you will receive it.

So, if your desire to achieve self-realization and enlightenment is great, then it is unlikely that anything can stop you from taking action to achieve what you want.

I wish you self-realization already in this incarnation.