Trivial things that a person should know. What an educated person needs to know from this list

Every self-respecting person should know about this.

There are so many mysterious and interesting things in the world that a person’s whole life simply isn’t enough to know everything. Therefore, we decided to make the task easier and tell you some facts that you most likely have not even heard of. Believe me, you have thought about or encountered such things several times in your life. Let's check!? Let's expand our horizons together!

1. Round aquariums are one of the worst places to keep goldfish.

The fact is that such aquariums are too small in size to provide proper filtration and the required amount of oxygen. To give you an idea of ​​the whole situation, “it’s the same as putting a small fish in the toilet and waiting for it to grow, showing the full range of colorful shades of its scales. By the way, it is also undesirable to keep betta fish in such conditions.

2. You can save a life during a heart attack by chewing an aspirin tablet thoroughly.

Aspirin is excellent medicine, suppressing the rate of platelet formation in the blood. During a heart attack, time is of the essence. In order for aspirin to work as quickly as possible, it must be chewed. This is because the antiplatelet effect is achieved more quickly through blood vessels in the mouth rather than through the digestive system.

3. Antibiotics do not affect viruses.

I lost 3 kg thanks to diarrhea!

Antibiotics only kill bacteria, and are practically useless against the flu virus and colds. Also, improper use of antibiotics can cause serious harm to your body. Therefore, always consult your doctor.

4. “Freedom of speech”, as set out in the Constitution, protects you from government punishment, but does not cover the consequences of your words at all.

This is the constitution!

According to the law, you cannot be arrested for expressing your own views and thoughts, but no one guarantees that your words will be taken in the right direction and without judgment. Also, you may be arrested for calling the public to illegal actions.

5. Frankenstein is the name of the doctor, but not the Monster himself.

Unfortunately, most believe that the name of the monster is from mysterious story about a crazy doctor - Frankenstein. Perhaps this is due to the constant confusion in the films. But it turns out that Mr. Doctor himself is the famous Frankenstein who created the monster.

6. If every person visiting a dry closet closes the toilet lid, the unpleasant odor will disappear from the ventilation pipe.

7. The blood in the human body is red, not blue. Even in the veins.

The bluish tint of blood vessels that many may notice on the wrists, under the knees and in the areas of large veins appears due to the light that hits your skin.

8. Haymaking spiders are not the most poisonous spiders in the world.

Many people believe that hay spiders are venomous because of their distinctive fangs. In fact, these spiders do not bite people. Famous myth buster Adam Savage conducted an experiment by allowing a spider to bite him. In addition to burning and discomfort The spider bite did not have any effect on the human body.

9. If you connect headphones to the computer jack, they automatically become a microphone.

Do you see this?

Of course, this is not comparable to a separate microphone, but, nevertheless, if necessary, it can help you out.

10. A drowning person most often does not look like one.

Rescuers claim that a drowning person does not scream in the water or wave his arms. Therefore, we present several signs of drowning people:

  • head lowered low, mouth on the surface of the water;
  • empty look, lost, often closed eyes;
  • hair most often on the forehead and eyes;
  • legs are in a vertical position;
  • when trying to move forward, the person does not move at all;
  • The drowning person tries to roll over onto his back or mechanically makes movements reminiscent of “climbing stairs.”

11. In the Bible, the forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve ate is not an apple.

The scriptures describe something called peri that Adam and Eve partook of. Translated from Hebrew, “peri” means “fruit.” Scientists have suggested that the fruit could be figs, grapes, or pomegranates. This confusion with fruit may have occurred because two words were confused when translating the Bible: “evil” and “apple.” In Latin, both words are written almost identically.

12. Most cookers have a hinged part for better cleaning.

How many housewives do not know about this secret. But this will really help reduce cleaning time!

13. Stroke symptoms are different for men and women.

You should definitely remember the symptoms of stroke in women and men, as this can help save the life of the victim. In women, a stroke is expressed in: lack of vision, slurred speech, lack of coordination, lack of strength, loss of sensitivity, complete lack of understanding of counter questions. In men, stroke looks a little different. The signs of a male stroke are similar to those of a female stroke, but there are significant differences: gradual speech impairment, numbness of one limb, and loss of coordination.

14. Most cars have a hint for car enthusiasts on which side the fuel tank is located.

Pay attention to the dashboard of your car. On the fuel level panel there is a fuel column icon with an arrow. The direction of the arrow shows which side the tank is in the car.

15. Pterodactyls are not dinosaurs.

The correct name for the common pterodactyls is pterosaurs. And they are flying reptiles, but not dinosaurs.

16. Feeding ducks bread is dangerous.

Any artificial feeding waterfowl leads to excess fecal matter, and, accordingly, to improper natural nutrition. This often affects bird migration. White bread, for example, is one of the main causes of fatal diseases in birds.

17. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+T reopens a closed tab in the Chrome browser.

That's the secret! Helps out if you accidentally close a tab!

Life is a funny thing. When you come of age, no one will hand you a textbook with a set of rules and a list of all the necessary skills that you will have to master in life.

In some mysterious way, you must understand that you need to earn more than you spend, and it is better not to wear a fluffy mohair sweater to a job interview.

That's why we've put together our own survival guide. modern world and listed the skills that no adult can do without.

1. Accept criticism with gratitude.

Most people have a hard time being told that mistakes are pointed out to them or that they could have done something better. However, being able to suppress emotions and focus on the information that they are trying to convey to you is a truly unique talent. Criticism may be fair or unfair, but let your mind decide that, not your wounded ego.

2. Sincerely ask for forgiveness.

All people make mistakes, but not everyone masters the art of sincerely asking for forgiveness.

Apologies are not measured in quantity and cannot be good or bad - they must be sincere. And, in addition, when apologizing, you must explain exactly how you are going to avoid repeating the unpleasant situation in the future.

Here is a six-step algorithm that will help you ask for forgiveness correctly:

  1. Don't put off apologizing until later.
  2. Apologize only in person.
  3. Explain what happened.
  4. Show that you will make every effort to ensure that what happened does not happen again.
  5. Apologize.
  6. If possible, try to make amends with real actions.

3. Manage your time wisely

There will hardly come a happy moment in your life when you don’t have to balance between a bunch of problems at work and in personal life. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary for you to master time management - otherwise you will constantly feel at the limit of your strength.

Perhaps the most important rule time management - you should do only one thing at a time. Research shows that the habit of multitasking is extremely unproductive because your brain wastes energy in the process of switching from one task to another.

Additionally, it would be wise for you to limit your work hours. Decades ago, Henry Ford came to the conclusion that productivity begins to decline when employees work more than 40 hours a week. Other studies show that the productivity of those who work about 60 hours a week declines after just three weeks.

4. Know how to say “no”

Most of us are afraid to say “no” for fear of letting other people down. But if you are already swamped with work, and a colleague asks you to spend an hour to help him with a report on a project, then the answer “Yes, of course” is far from the most the best option.

It may sound like a cliché, but the ability to say “no” in a timely manner can save you a lot of time and save you from feelings of guilt, confusion, unnecessary obligations and promises, stress and other troubles of human communication.

5. Put yourself in someone else's shoes

Empathy is at the core of every human interaction. People who are unable to empathize and show interest in others - that is, listen to the interlocutor and put themselves in their place - often suffer from narcissism.

6. Communicate in body language

Your body can tell you everything it needs to know about you before you even open your mouth.

Experts highlight special techniques that will help you win the sympathy of others using body language. For example, do not break eye contact with your interlocutor even after he finishes speaking. And be careful not to touch your face too much - it will look like you're lying or nervous.

You can also read other people's body language to understand what they are thinking or feeling. For example, if during a conversation they copy your facial expressions, then most likely they enjoy the conversation with you. If they smile, but no wrinkles appear around the eyes, then the smile may turn out to be fake.

7. Make friends wherever you go

Good way making a friend in the adult world means being the first to trust so that the other can open up to you. Research shows that such a “first step” creates sympathy, goodwill and helps build close and friendly relationships. Another surprisingly easy way to make friends is to spend more time with the people you want to make friends with. According to the “mere exposure effect,” we often like people or things we have encountered before.

8. Repair your clothes yourself

You should learn how to sew buttons to the collar of a shirt and darn holes that can easily be planted on a sleeve by catching on the edge of a table. Knowing how to use a needle will save you a lot of money.

9. Speak at least one foreign language

Learning a foreign language will open you up to a completely different type of thinking. You will be able to see and appreciate the riches of those corners of our planet that you had never even imagined existed before.

10. Remember that money loves counting

Make sure your income exceeds expenses.

It would also be wise to set aside some of your income for a rainy day so that in case of unforeseen circumstances, this money will last you for several months.

11. Master the basics of Photoshop

There is no need to turn to a professional to retouch a photo you want to post on your site - you can easily do it yourself using a few simple basic functions of the program.

12. Enjoy being alone

An adult cannot be frightened by loneliness - he can spend a whole day alone with himself and not go crazy from lack of communication.

13. Learn to speak in public

Confidently expressing your thoughts in front of a large audience is a skill worth acquiring. This will help you attract the attention of a wide range of people and leave a lasting impression.

14. Master the art of negotiation

If you are negotiating your salary - and this can and should be done - then The best way get what you want and still leave a mark on yourself pleasant impression- this is to ask for a salary in the range of the desired rate and slightly higher. For example, if you want to receive 70 thousand rubles, then you should ask for a salary from 70 to 80 thousand rubles.

15. Cook simple meals yourself

Master at least five simple dishes. Learn to cook them without a cookbook and you'll look like a culinary genius wherever you go.

16. Know how to make small talk

The ability to strike up an interesting conversation has never hurt anyone - be it frivolous flirting with a beautiful woman from a bar or expanding business connections at a conference.

One of the main rules of a casual conversation is to show interest in the interlocutor and allow him to tell as much as possible about himself. Another good tactic is to emphasize the merits of the interlocutor so that after talking with you he will grow in his own eyes.

17. Don't be afraid to ask for help

There is no shame in asking for advice or help, especially at work.

Many studies even suggest that you can improve in the eyes of your colleagues as a professional if you ask them for advice. And this seems to be true, since people are flattered that you approached them first.

18. Meet the opposite sex without fear

Perhaps anyone normal person It's terrifying to have to walk up to someone you like and just start a conversation.

But there are ways to manage your anxiety and reduce the risk of making a complete fool of yourself.

One study suggests that men prefer to take direct action, such as saying from the door, "You're very cute - can I buy you a cocktail?" Women, on the contrary, prefer questions that require a detailed answer, for example: “What do you think about this group?”

Only a few respondents admitted that they prefer standard “tackles” - so it’s best to avoid them, no matter how witty they may seem to you.

19. Wake up on time in the morning

Pull yourself together and develop your own action plan to force yourself to wake up on time in the morning and leave the house.

Actually a secret good morning in how you spend the evening before, so try relaxing before bed, such as taking a hot shower or meditating.

In the morning, experts usually advise that after the first alarm rings, press snooze and sleep a little more. We advise you to press snooze, but instead of sleeping, turn on the light and use the time before the second alarm for short exercises.

20. Get your driver's license

If you live in big city, then you are sure to enjoy all the benefits of public transport.

But when you go outside the city, being able to drive well becomes a vital skill. It can open up a whole world to you.

If you haven't gotten your license yet, stop relying on your loved ones or relatives to always give you a ride the right place. Take that decisive step forward adult life and pass your license.

Endlessly biting yourself for your own failures is a road to nowhere.

Instead, treat them the way you would treat a friend or colleague's failure. For example, you can remind yourself that it's okay to make mistakes and that it doesn't make you a bad person.

20 THINGS EVERY PERSON SHOULD KNOW: 1. The world wants you to remain stupid. The dumber you are, the easier it is for you to sell products and services. The size of the TV diagonal is inversely proportional to IQ. 2. There is no need to have blind faith in the educational system. Training program out of date on the first day of your training. (An exception is fundamental programs, but only in the exact sciences; the question of applying fundamental knowledge in ordinary life remains open.) 3. Read without stopping, read as much as possible. You never know when new knowledge and concepts will come in handy, but you will be much better prepared for life's surprises. 4. Learn to communicate with others. Avoiding people, considering them unworthy of your communication, means not finding clients, friends or work in the future. 5. Being shy is a waste of time. Don't let emotions rule your decision-making processes. 6. If you don’t like something in a relationship with another person, in the event of your breakup, this “something” will be the reason. 7. Communicate as much as possible with people older than you. Try to understand their value system, their outlook and the logical connections between the situation and decisions taken. 8. Find people to admire and try to surpass them. 9. Over time, people become more conservative. If you want to do risky things, do them while you are young. I came to the conclusion long ago that reformism is a consequence of lack of knowledge, not of focus. 10. Don’t waste money on nonsense: save it for something serious (including your startup). This will also teach you how to spend money in business: wisely and for the purpose. 11. When choosing between spending money on things or experiences, choose experiences. The joy from impressions and memories is higher. 12. After you have learned to save, learn to earn money. 13. Learn to program. It's easier to make a prototype yourself than to waste time and money explaining it to someone else. If you don’t want to program, learn to do something with your hands so that you can produce something useful. 14. Don't dial excess weight in young age. This will shorten your active life by 10-20 years. 15. Learn to cook. Best time to think about something - when you are cutting ingredients for a salad or soup. 16. Get enough sleep at night. Lack of sleep greatly affects the quality of decision making. 17. Write down your activities. Memory is not enough, no matter how fantastic it is. 18. Have a big dream. Being flexible is great, but without a dream it can turn into running in circles. 19. Become an expert in your field before changing your field of activity. Here the point is both in the 10,000 hours rule, and in the fact that a good generalist must have been in the past good specialist. 20. Don't try to correct people. Look for those who are not yet corrupted. Bonuses Learn 2-3 foreign languages. Knowing a language also provides an understanding of culture and an understanding of diverse perspectives and values. Learn to speak culturally and write without mistakes. The ability to speak smoothly and to the point will be useful when you convey the company’s point of view to consumers, as well as manage people. Learn to compete ethically in the areas of your life that matter. Life is a very competitive thing, and failure to compete reduces your chances of changing your position or social status.

List of required knowledge


Time is a huge value for any person. Unfortunately, in school and higher education educational institutions We are not taught this, so we have to rely only on self-development. In the process, you can learn to distribute it correctly so that it works for you. After all, those people who learned to manage it became successful. They have escaped from the daily routine, established a workflow and at the same time have time to relax.

In life, it is important to appreciate every moment, because time flows irrevocably, and the inability to manage it affects itself in the form of unfulfilled needs and desires. Tell me, after wasting minutes of your life aimlessly watching TV, what do you get? If there is nothing useful or resourceful, then I recommend reading my article. It describes detailed ways to use every minute effectively to achieve your goals and reach your potential.


What else should a modern person understand? And how to use money correctly. It is thanks to this skill that it is possible to accumulate a fortune, or at least reach the desired financial level. You've heard stories about how when a poor person won a million in the lottery, for example, then after a year or two he became a beggar again? And all because he doesn’t know how to handle money.

If you read the article, you know that almost all of them were in great need in childhood. They were hungry and sometimes simply slept on the floor without a bed. They managed to achieve tremendous success, taking leading positions in the list of the richest people in the world. Thanks to the fact that they had information about what to do with money, where to invest and how to save what they earned.


In order to fulfill your needs, develop and move forward in life, it is important to know how to maintain your health. In order not to waste accumulated capital and free time on treatment, but to use all your capabilities in order to prevent the development of any diseases, to keep the body in good shape, to save and increase the flow of energy.

Unfortunately, it most often happens that people notice the value of health only when they are faced with some physiological difficulties and limitations. Therefore, a modern person simply must know how to maintain his health, in addition to healthy image life, taking various vitamin complexes and playing sports, it is also important to undergo medical examinations to be aware of the state of your body.


Also for general development is a very important, but at the same time very complex and capacious point - the psychology of communication, which is also not taught in school. I already said in the article “What are human communication skills and why they are vital” that we are social creatures. Without communication we simply would not be able to survive. Especially in the modern world, when the ability to formulate your point of view, be clear, interesting and active is the key to success and advancement.

Whatever area of ​​life we ​​pay attention to, relationships with other people are present everywhere, and the functionality of this area depends on the quality of their construction.


Self-awareness is important, because in order to set goals and achieve success, build collegial or, for example, family relationships, and in general to live a quality life - it is important to develop awareness in yourself. Understand why and what exactly I am doing, what I am like and how I react to different situations.

And if a person understands himself, has information about his resources, capabilities and limitations, he will better understand other people and how to treat them. Recognize their intentions, and, for example, lies.


That's all, dear reader! I talked about the main stages of development modern man. They will help improve the quality of life, fill it with pleasure and achievements. Develop, take care of yourself and remember that you should never stop there. Acquiring knowledge is a continuous process that should accompany us every day, regardless of our level of education and lifestyle.

Don't forget to subscribe to blog updates. New articles will help on the path of your self-development. See you soon.

1. Flowers that can be given to a man:

chrysanthemums, roses, carnations, delphiniums, orchids, bamboo, callas, lilies, anthuriums, gladioli, tulips, irises, gerberas, plumerias, heliconias, daisies, sunflowers.

Don't forget about the color scheme when giving flowers to men. The following colors are welcome: purple, burgundy, white, blue, green.

Cases when it is customary to give flowers to a man:

1) Film premiere;
2) Concert premiere;
3) Book publication;
4) Publication of the article;
5) Serious discovery;
6) Birthday;
7) Award presentation;
8) Sports record.

It is believed that it is better to give calla lilies of green or emerald color to the boss. It is better to give the composition to professional florists.

2. Handshake

It is not customary to shake hands with women, but if she extends her hand first, you should shake it, but not as firmly as men. But your handshake should not be weaker than a woman's or she will think you are a weakling.

The eldest shakes his hand first, the teacher or mentor to the student, the boss to the subordinate. You shouldn’t change the rules of the game, even though there are no castes in our society, you can cause rejection and misunderstanding among others.

When shaking hands, you should look into the eyes and smile a little as a sign of friendship.

3. According to the rules of etiquette, the plate of soup should be tilted away from you while eating!

Some sources write that you can’t tilt it at all.

4. Men should ALWAYS stand up when a lady leaves the table!

5. There is nothing wrong when a husband calls his wife “bunny” and she calls him “bunny”.

However, these endearing nicknames are not intended for prying ears!
When not alone, it is better to call each other by name.

6. Sometimes it's very nice to drink a drink through a straw.

But in such cases you should not suck it out to the last drop, since the piercing gurgling will introduce some dissonance into the general conversation.

7. Here are the basic modern rules of restaurant etiquette:

A) Cut large pieces into smaller ones;
b) When eating a dish with your hands, there is no need to hunch over and invade your neighbor’s space with your elbows;
c) You can’t blow on hot food, you need to wait until it cools down;
d) When eating with your hands, it is better to bite off a little at a time;
e) Use a napkin and do not lick your fingers;
f) Always blot your mouth with a napkin;
g) Never wipe your mouth with your hand or speak with your mouth full;
h) Even if everyone around you eats with your hands, it is quite acceptable to eat yourself with a fork and knife;
i) You should never put your phone on the table.

8. Chew chewing gum in public and during conversation, is considered vulgar!

The habit of chewing chewing gum exposes us precisely to ignorance of the rules of decency!

9. It is considered the height of bad manners to be distracted by your watch during a conversation, mobile phone or a notebook.

Even if you are tired and bored, don’t show it!

10. On the stairs:

If there is a man and a woman on the stairs, then when going up, the man must leave the woman behind him, and when going down, it is necessary, on the contrary, so that the woman is in front. But if the stairs are too narrow, steep or dark, then the man should go ahead of the woman.

A woman walking up the stairs must choose the side with the railings. She may not leave the railing if she meets a man on the way, even if this is against the rules of right-hand traffic.

A man, while on the stairs, must give way to women, elderly people and children.

If a man climbs the stairs, holding a woman by the arm, then he should move his body just enough to provide sufficient support for the woman, but at the same time not move impulsively and not pull her forward; a man should behave in the same way when going down the stairs with a woman.