Replacing the lens of the eye after retinal detachment. Replacement of the lens of the eye: surgery and postoperative period Replacement of the lens after surgery for retinal detachment

After cataract surgery, complications such as astigmatism may occur. To correct vision, doctors recommend an operation during which the lens will be replaced. The doctor will diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment method.

This problem is most often encountered by older people who have some chronic diseases. If you do not get rid of it, then the consequences in this case can be terrible, there is even a risk of losing your vision.

The operation to change the lens in the first stages lasts about 10-15 minutes, so it is better to take care of your vision and contact an ophthalmologist in advance. In this article you will find the reasons for the development of astigmatism and what rules must be followed after replacing the lens for cataracts.

Astigmatism - what is it?

Astigmatism - what is it?

The term "astigmatism" is Latin for "absence of a (focal) point." Astigmatism is an eye disease in which a person sees objects blurred and/or distorted.

Astigmatism occurs due to the irregular (non-spherical) shape of the cornea (less commonly, the lens). In normal condition, the cornea and lens of a healthy eye have a smooth, spherical surface.

With astigmatism, the refractive power is different in different meridians of the surface of the cornea, and when passing through such a cornea, light rays do not converge at one point on the retina.


It is important to pay attention to alarming symptoms, informing you that you need to visit an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.
The presence of astigmatism may be indicated by:

  1. feeling of “sand” and burning in the eyes;
  2. redness of the eyes;
  3. double vision and distortion of visual images;
  4. inability to focus your gaze;
  5. difficulties with orientation in space, determining the distance to objects;
  6. rapid eye fatigue during visual work such as reading, watching TV, working at the computer, sewing, etc.;
  7. drop in visual acuity;
  8. pain in the area of ​​the brow ridges;
  9. frequent headaches.

Symptoms of the disease can be pronounced or barely noticeable. Only a specialist can reliably determine whether something threatens vision. Don't neglect routine diagnostic examinations!

Adults should visit an ophthalmology clinic at least once a year, children - at the age of 3-12 months, 3, 5, 7 years and then annually.



Astigmatism occurs:

  • congenital and acquired (caused by diseases of the cornea - scars after past diseases or operations, keratoconus, trauma);
  • corneal (98.6% of cases) and lens (extremely rare - 1.4%);
  • direct (the vertical meridian has the greatest refractive power) and reverse (the horizontal meridian has the greatest refractive power).

Depending on the type of refractive error, astigmatism is distinguished:

  1. Myopic simple - normal vision in one of the two meridians (horizontal or vertical) is combined with myopia (myopia).
  2. Myopic complex - myopia (myopia) is present in both meridians of the eye, but in one of them its degree is greater, and in the other less.
  3. Hypermetropic simple – in one of the meridians there is farsightedness (hyperopia), combined with normal vision in the other meridian.
  4. Hypermetropic complex - there is farsightedness in both meridians of the eye, but in one of them its degree is greater, and in the other less.
  5. Mixed astigmatism is myopia in one meridian and farsightedness in another.

According to the degree of astigmatism, they are distinguished:

  • weak - up to 2 diopters;
  • medium – up to 3 diopters;
  • high – 4 or more diopters.

Astigmatism: what to do?

The goal of any astigmatism correction is to “collect” refracted rays at one point on the retina. The most common method is glasses with special optics, in Lately Special toric contact lenses are also used.

However, these seemingly simple types of correction for astigmatism are associated with certain difficulties.

For astigmatism, glasses with special cylindrical lenses are prescribed. Their selection and production require highly qualified ophthalmologists and optometrists. Unlike simple glasses, the prescription for astigmatic glasses contains information about the cylinder and the axis of its location.

However, such optics do not always solve the problem: in patients with a high degree of astigmatism, it can cause unpleasant phenomena: dizziness, pain in the eyes, visual discomfort.

There are times when glasses constantly have to be changed. Those patients who have astigmatism combined with myopia or farsightedness face particular difficulties: then spherocylindrical glasses are needed.

Disease Prevention

Preventive measures for astigmatism include following the rules of visual hygiene; this helps protect the eyes from unnecessary stress and, to some extent, prevent the formation and development of dangerous complications.

  1. Perform any visual work in sufficient and uniform lighting.
  2. Alternate visual stress with physical exercise, take breaks from watching TV shows, working at the computer, reading, sewing, etc.
  3. Do eye exercises.
  4. Try to minimize the impact of adverse climatic conditions– such as cold, frost, wind (especially with sand or dust) – anything that can cause eye irritation.

The doctor will tell you what needs to be done to prevent the deterioration of the visual organs in accordance with the type of astigmatism, its degree, general condition visual system and the age of the patient.

Lens of the eye - what is it?


Lens - part optical system eyes, a kind of lens that refracts light rays and focuses the image on the retina. To ensure good vision, the lens must be sufficiently transparent.

No less important is the property of the lens, such as elasticity: in order to see equally clearly at close and far distances, the accommodation mechanism is activated, allowing the gaze to focus on objects at different distances.

Usually, with age, the elasticity of the lens decreases, as a result of which natural accommodation weakens - in this case, it is worth considering lens replacement surgery.

When is lens replacement surgery necessary?

An artificial lens (otherwise called an intraocular lens or IOL) is implanted in place of the natural lens in cases where it loses its properties.

This can be caused by eye diseases such as:

  • cataract – clouding of the lens caused by the natural aging processes of the body or other reasons;
  • age-related farsightedness - loss of the lens's ability to bend and focus, providing vision at close range, due to certain age-related changes visual system;
  • myopia or hyperopia of high degrees - in situations where these diseases are accompanied by a loss of the ability of the natural lens of the eye to accommodate;
  • lens astigmatism – in this case irregular shape The lens eliminates the possibility of focusing light rays at one point, which is necessary to obtain a clear image.

Also, implantation of an artificial lens is necessary in situations where there is no natural lens, aphakia, for example, due to injury or surgery.

An intraocular lens placed inside the eye acts as a natural lens and provides all the necessary visual characteristics.

Cataracts and astigmatism

There are often cases when cataracts - partial or complete clouding of the lens - are combined with astigmatism. Astigmatism translated from Latin means the absence of a (focal) point.

This disease occurs due to the irregular (non-spherical) shape of the cornea (corneal astigmatism), and less commonly, the lens (lenticular astigmatism). The effect of corneal astigmatism on vision is greater than that of the lens, since the cornea has a greater refractive power.

Cataracts combined with astigmatism create certain difficulties for the surgeon, since if you simply remove the cataract, then, unfortunately, the person will still not be able to see well without special cylindrical glasses.

In the presence of cataracts with corneal astigmatism, experts suggest solving the problem using surgery - ultrasonic phacoemulsification with implantation of a toric IOL.

These intraocular lenses are designed specifically to solve the problem of cataracts combined with corneal astigmatism.

A toric intraocular lens not only replaces the optical power of the removed cloudy lens, but also corrects the original corneal astigmatism.

In the presence of cataracts with lenticular astigmatism, a modern, effective, painless and non-traumatic operation is performed - ultrasonic phacoemulsification with implantation of an artificial intraocular lens.

This method not only eliminates the very reason - the nonsphericity of the lens, but also allows you to achieve good results vision.

For the most effective treatment cataracts with astigmatism and to achieve maximum visual acuity after surgery - phacoemulsification, excimer- laser correction.

Laser correction is performed in a “one-day” mode, that is, without hospitalization. The depth of exposure is strictly limited - no more than 130–180 microns, so we can speak with confidence about accuracy and safety this method treatment.

Microsurgery: how to change the lens?


Patients who have been diagnosed with a disease such as astigmatism are offered laser correction.

However, if the degree of astigmatism is high or contraindications for such treatment are found, microsurgical operations are resorted to. Lens replacement for astigmatism is one of these methods and is characterized by significant safety and effectiveness.

For this disease, toric lenses are used, which must be oriented clearly along the axes of astigmatism.

The effectiveness of this method is characterized by the following indicator: the intraocular implant corrects vision to minus six diopters.

If the patient is additionally diagnosed with cataracts, surgery can remove them as well.
Installation of multifocal IOLs allows you to avoid glasses for near use.

There are phakic implants that are placed in front of the lens. They are less common because they do not guarantee the occurrence of cataract opacities in the future. When surgically correcting age-related changes, doctors have to remove these lenses.

Features of the postoperative period

Rehabilitation after lens replacement can take place in the shortest possible time, or it can take a long time. It all depends on the patient himself and on the qualifications of the attending physician.

After phacoemulsification, an operation to replace the lens for cataracts, is performed, the person should be under the supervision of the attending physician for some time.

The process is completed quite quickly, so the patient is allowed to move and get out of bed after 20 - 40 minutes, and if there are no signs of complications, then after 2 hours he can go home.

A repeat visit to the specialist should be made one day after the operation. Further such examinations are carried out daily for about two weeks.

After replacing the lens for cataracts, a person is given a protective bandage that prevents contamination from entering the eye, leading to infection.

It is allowed to remove such a bandage only one day after surgery. After which the eye should be treated with a cotton swab soaked in a solution of chloramphenicol or furatsilin, without lifting the eyelid.

For the first few days, a person should not leave the house unless absolutely necessary. If it is not possible to comply this condition, then you should again cover your eye with a blindfold that prevents blinking.

The cut on the eyes finally heals after 7 days. During this week, a person should not wash his hair or take a shower. In addition, drinking alcohol and carbonated drinks is prohibited.

After your eyes stop hurting and the clouding disappears, you can watch TV and read newspapers. But you should stop if your eyes start to get tired.

To reduce the load, doctors prescribe special drops that have a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect.

Although patients note an immediate improvement in vision after lens replacement surgery, the eyes are completely restored only after 2 to 3 months.

During this period, it is very important not to strain your eyesight and avoid heavy loads. If you follow all the doctor’s instructions, you don’t have to worry about possible complications and very soon return to pre-operative life.

Rehabilitation period

The duration of rehabilitation directly depends on the type of intervention performed. People who have undergone ultrasound or laser phacoemulsification return to normal the fastest.

Rehabilitation period consists of several phases. It's worth considering each of them.

  1. First phase: 1 – 7 days after surgery.

This stage is characterized by pain of various nature both in the eye itself and around it.

This symptom can be successfully relieved with the help of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug in the dosage prescribed by the attending physician. It is possible to take painkillers.

In addition to pain, patients experience swelling of the eyelids. This phenomenon does not require medication, but can be relieved by limiting drinking, correct posture during sleep and reviewing the diet.

  • Second phase: 8 – 30 days.

During this period, visual acuity becomes unstable when the lighting changes. If the patient needs to read, watch TV or work on a computer, he must wear glasses.

Starting from the second week after surgery to replace the eye lens for cataracts, a person uses drops according to a scheme developed by specialists. Typically, these are solutions with anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effects. The dosage of these drugs should be gradually reduced.

The final stage lasts longer than the previous ones, and throughout the entire time the patient will have to follow the prescribed regimen.

If cataract surgery with lens replacement was performed with a laser or ultrasound, then at this stage the person can already see fully.

But if the need arises, you can wear glasses or contacts. After extracapsular or intracapsular cataract extraction, vision is restored only at the end of the third phase, after the final removal of the suture.

Complications after replacing the lens of the eye for cataracts

An effective and gentle method of phacoemulsification does not eliminate the risk of complications after replacing the eye lens for cataracts.

Old age of patients accompanying illnesses, violation of sterility requirements on the part of medical staff provoke undesirable consequences of the operation. Complications after cataract surgery occur in the form of swelling, astigmatism and other physical abnormalities.

People who have experienced this unpleasant illness eyes, they know firsthand that surgical interventions often end badly, and there are complications after surgery.

Eye cataracts still require treatment. And unfortunately, the only way to get rid of the pathology is to perform an operation to remove the lens and replace it with an artificial one.

The procedure itself does not take much time and does not pose any threat to life and health, however, to avoid complications, you must adhere to certain rules and recommendations.

Types of complications

Complications that arise after the procedure include the following: Intraocular pressure in the eye increases. Inflammatory process. The retina of the eye peels off. Hemorrhage occurs in the anterior chamber.

The development of a disease such as secondary cataract. The new lens shifts slightly to the side. Below we will look at each type of complication in more detail. Inflammatory process.

After lens replacement, there is almost always inflammatory process or corneal edema, astigmatism. That is why, after the operation is performed, the patient must be administered steroid drugs or antibiotics.

After two to three days, all symptoms of inflammation should subside. Hemorrhage. This complication is rare; in most cases, it is associated with damage to the membrane or cornea of ​​the eye at the time of surgery.

As a rule, the patient does not hurt anything, he sees everything, and after a few days there will be no trace of blood left, it will simply resolve. If this does not happen, the doctor will have to forcefully flush the anterior chamber.

Additional fixation of the lens is also performed. Intraocular pressure increases. This type of complication can occur because the drainage system becomes clogged with drugs of a viscous consistency.

The doctor uses them to protect the cornea of ​​the eyes. You can solve the problem by dropping drops into the eye. In rare cases, the specialist makes a small puncture through which the eyes are subsequently washed. Swelling of the eye or cornea and astigmatism are also observed, but it goes away quickly.

Retinal disinsertion.
This complication can be considered one of the most severe; it occurs due to injury during lens replacement. People who develop astigmatism also experience this complication.

Many ophthalmologists insist on performing an operation during which the sclera is sealed. If the area of ​​detachment is insignificant, then restrictive laser coagulation can be performed.

Retinal disinsertion

In addition, due to the fact that the retina is detached, another unpleasant problem arises - the lens moves. Patients complain of astigmatism, the eye hurts greatly, is constantly accompanied by a feeling of discomfort, and swelling occurs.

All symptoms last only for a while; after rest, this condition goes away. But with a significant displacement, visual discomfort will occur constantly. In order to solve the problem, it is necessary to perform repeated surgery.

The lens is completely displaced. Displacement of the lens is dangerous and severe complication, requiring immediate intervention from specialists. During the operation, the lens is lifted and then securely fixed in its new position.

Intraoperative complications

Eye cataracts are incurable conservative methods: There are no means that can make a clouded lens transparent again.

Phacoemulsification, an operation involving the replacement of a worn-out “biological lens” with an artificial one, can restore lost vision with minimum percentage complications.

To crush the lens that has lost its quality, an ultra-thin needle is used - a phaco tip, which works under the influence of ultrasound.

Microscopic punctures (1.8-2 mm) are made for the needle tip; they do not require subsequent sutures, because heal on their own. Through these holes, the crushed lens masses are removed, and an elastic lens is implanted in their place - an artificial lens substitute.

The intraocular lens (IOL) expands inside the lens capsule and provides the patient with high-quality vision for the rest of his life. However, even during such a high-tech operation, there are complications:

  1. Rupture of the capsule wall and loss of parts of the crushed lens into the area vitreous. This pathology provokes glaucoma, damage to the retina.
  2. Displacement of the implanted lens towards the retina. A malpositioned IOL causes swelling of the macula (the central part of the retina). In this case it is necessary new operation with artificial lens replacement.
  3. Suprachoroidal hemorrhage is the accumulation of blood in the space between choroid and sclera. This complication is possible due to the patient’s advanced age, glaucoma and hypertension.

Hemorrhage can lead to loss of the eye and is considered a rare but dangerous aspect of lens replacement surgery.

Intraoperative problems during phacoemulsification are not excluded, but occur rarely - in 0.5% of cases. Postoperative complications occur 2-3 times more often (1-1.5% of cases).

First postoperative weeks

For the first two weeks after surgery, it is necessary to protect the operated eye from bright light, infections and injuries, and use anti-inflammatory drops for tissue regeneration.

Despite preventive measures, complications are possible in the first and second weeks after cataract removal.

How to avoid complications?

– a serious, technically complex microsurgical operation; after the intervention, new pathologies sometimes arise that interfere with the normal restoration of vision. To avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to choose a high-quality lens and strictly follow the ophthalmologist’s recommendations during rehabilitation.

Laser eye lens replacement

Indications and contraindications for surgery

Main indication for prosthetics eye lens– cataract, a pathology often diagnosed in old age, the disease rapidly progresses, and is characterized by a blurry, indistinct image.


For what pathologies is eye lens prosthetics performed:

  • presbyopia– when destroyed, the lens becomes hard, cannot change curvature, and farsightedness develops;
  • astigmatism– the shape and curvature of the lens changes, the image becomes blurred, the person has to constantly squint, the operation is performed in the absence of a therapeutic effect from other methods of therapy;
  • severe forms of myopia, burdened by other ophthalmological problems, when the eye can hardly see.

With astigmatism, vision is impaired and the image becomes blurred.

Installation of an artificial lens is the only effective way to remove cataracts in old age.


The operation is not performed for inflammation of the eyes, a miniature size of the anterior chamber of the eye, or retinal detachment. Contraindications for lens replacement are progressive forms of farsightedness, exacerbation of any chronic disease, recent stroke, heart attack.

Lens Selection

Artificial lenses (intraocular lenses) have various indicators and characteristics, which affects their cost, properties and quality. You can see what different prostheses look like in the photo.

Types of eye lens

This is what an installed eye lens prosthesis looks like

Before undergoing surgery, give up alcohol and smoking a week before the procedure.

How to prepare for prosthetics:

  1. 7-10 days before surgery, stop wearing glasses and contacts.
  2. Stop drinking alcohol and smoking for 5 days.
  3. The day before the intervention, take a shower and wash your hair.
  4. On the day of the operation, you should not drink or eat anything, or use cosmetics, perfumes, or deodorants.

Before admission to the hospital, patients undergo a general and biochemical blood test, a test for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, coagulation, a clinical urine test, an ECG and fluorography. A person needs, the final conclusion is given by a therapist.

Artificial lenses are made from biocompatible materials, so there have been no cases of prosthesis rejection.

How is the operation performed?

The person is hospitalized a day before the operation, has a conversation with the patient, and the surgeon explains in detail the stages of prosthetics and explains the rules of behavior. The intervention is carried out on one eye, and some time after, a second operation is prescribed.

The process of replacing the lens of the eye

Stages of refractive lens replacement:

  1. Surgical procedures are performed under local anesthesia– the patient is given an injection of an anesthetic drug, or an anesthetic is instilled into the eyes.
  2. The surgeon makes several punctures and opens the anterior chamber of the eye.
  3. Phacoemulsification is carried out - the solid core is liquefied with ultrasound or evaporated with a laser.
  4. The eye cavity is cleaned with a special suction.
  5. A rolled-up lens is placed in a special tube and inserted into the eye chamber, where the prosthesis is straightened.
  6. The lens is centered and strengthened with arms.
  7. The eye is washed with an antiseptic and a bandage is applied.

During the operation, indicators are constantly monitored blood pressure, pulse, the whole procedure lasts 20–30 minutes, if there are no complications, the patient is sent home after a day.

During the operation, the person is conscious, he must strictly follow the surgeon’s instructions - the outcome of the procedure depends on this.

Postoperative period

Rehabilitation after eye microsurgery takes place at home; the patient must regularly visit an ophthalmologist; the bandage will have to be worn for 7–14 days.

After the operation, it is necessary not to remove the bandage for some time.

Pain and stinging are observed for a week; non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to relieve discomfort.

How to behave after prosthetics:

  1. Wash your eyes daily with Furacilin solution and use antiseptic drops.
  2. The operated eye should not be scratched or put pressure on it.
  3. During the week after surgery, reading and watching TV should be no more than half an hour a day.
  4. Intense physical activity, heavy lifting, drinking alcohol, smoking, bending are strictly contraindicated.
  5. Sleep exclusively on the side opposite the operated eye, or on your back.
  6. You cannot visit the sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool, or use cosmetics for 1–2 weeks.
  7. When taking a shower or bath, water should not get on the bandage.
  8. You can only go outside wearing dark glasses.
  9. It is necessary to reduce the daily intake of salt, spicy foods, animal fats, drink less water and tea.

After a few weeks, the doctor will evaluate your vision and select glasses or contacts if necessary. You should discuss the ability to drive a car and the timing of your return to work with your ophthalmologist.

The first time after the operation, the person sees poorly, all objects have blurry contours - this is how the body gets used to the prosthesis, gradually everything discomfort disappear. Visual acuity is restored after 4–5 weeks, but some restrictions are lifelong.

Possible complications

Negative consequences after surgery arise due to the surgeon’s fault, when the doctor’s commands are not followed correctly during prosthetics, or when rehabilitation rules are violated.


  • corneal edema– disappears on its own in 4–6 days;
  • cataract recurrence– deposits appear on the lens, the eye sees dimly, everything unnecessary is removed with a laser, lens replacement is not required;
  • retinal detachment;
  • swelling of the macular area– occurs in diabetics, with glaucoma;
  • displacement of the prosthesis– repeated intervention is required;
  • hemorrhage in the anterior eye chamber– occurs when the lens is not installed correctly, when there is heavy strain on the eyes during rehabilitation, drug therapy is performed, or re-operation is performed;
  • development of infectious processes– the problem rarely occurs; it can be treated with antibacterial eye drops.

IN postoperative period Corneal swelling may occur, but it will go away on its own within 4-6 days

Most dangerous consequence – increased intraocular pressure, occurs against the background of displacement of the prosthesis, with incomplete removal of fluid from the eye chamber during the intervention, without timely treatment develops. To normalize indicators, special eye drops- Betoptik, Azopt.

Where do they make it and how much does it cost?

Lens replacement is carried out in public and private ophthalmology clinics, the average price of a prosthesis is 25–110 thousand rubles. When purchasing lenses in public hospitals, the patient can receive approximately 25% of the cost of the prosthesis back if they have a policy.

For paid treatment, the price of lenses is included in the cost of the operation; on average, treatment of 1 eye will cost 35–140 thousand rubles, depending on the level of the medical institution and the qualifications of the doctor.

The basis of the artificial lens is a polymer raw material that does not corrode and is not affected by negative influences. external factors, enzymes of the human body, so the service life of the lens after installation is unlimited.

Good afternoon

I had surgery on my right eye due to retinal detachment 2 years ago. Now the vision in the right eye is -10, the left -8. I wanted to have laser vision correction, but they refused because I had a thin cornea and suggested replacing the lens with an accommodating intraocular lens, a ReSTOR lens, or a soft yellow IOL (Natural IQ). I agreed to the latter because... material problems with money.

If I have a second retinal detachment with such lenses, will my vision change?

Is the lens I agreed to not so bad or can I find something better for the same amount (up to 20,000 rubles)?

Answer from an ophthalmologist

Hello, Allah!

The Acrysof IQ lens is a high-quality product that has proven its effectiveness in millions of operations.

It is advisable to do everything to prevent retinal detachment from occurring (and if it does occur, treat it as soon as possible), since this pathology can lead to an unpredictable decrease in vision up to its complete loss (it all depends on the type, location of the retinal detachment, as well as the period from its occurrence before treatment). This does not depend on the type of lens you have in your eye at that time.

One of the most effective and common methods of vision correction is eye surgery using a laser. The article below contains information about how safe this type of surgery really is and what health problems it can solve.

Laser eye surgery, characterized by surgical intervention, requires special indications for direct medical procedures.

Traditionally, ophthalmologists refer the patient to the operating table when:


Laser surgery must be carried out after making sure that there are no contraindications to surgical intervention of this kind, in order to minimize the risk of complications in the normal functioning of the eyes.

These most often include:

  • serious eye diseases, in particular cataracts and glaucoma;
  • sudden progressive deterioration of vision;
  • elevated blood sugar levels;
  • the presence of a pacemaker or other metal implants in vital organs;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • infectious eye diseases;
  • early age (under 18-20 years);
  • thinning of the retina or cornea.

Possible complications

Taking final decision regarding the advisability of laser eye surgery, it is necessary to keep in mind possible complications, the risk of occurrence of which remains under any circumstances. Despite the fact that in no more than 3% of cases the patient is forced to face negative consequences surgical intervention, you should be prepared for the consequences.

They are as follows:

Types of eye surgeries: laser vision correction

Laser eye surgery is classified by type depending on the patient's problem that needs to be eliminated. The cost of the surgical intervention in question, as well as the period of recovery of the body and rehabilitation of the patient, also depend on this. The most common of them is laser vision correction.

The operation is carried out using a special medical equipment. The principle of its operation is to influence laser beam on the cornea of ​​the eye in order to correct its shape.

As a result of such manipulations, a certain layer of cells disappears and natural vision is restored.

This procedure is carried out under local anesthesia and each stage, centimeter of the formed shape of the cornea is carefully calculated by the doctor on an individual basis. Upon completion of the forced evaporation of corneal cells, it is instilled into the eye antibacterial drops, the patient is observed for some time and after a few hours is sent home.

The entire operation from start to finish takes no more than half an hour, which is the shortest possible period for surgical procedures. The rehabilitation period after laser vision correction takes no more than 1 month. During this period, there is no need to follow special doctor’s instructions.

  • do not touch the operated eye;
  • wear dark glasses around the clock;
  • do not visit baths, saunas or take hot baths;
  • avoid physical activity;
  • minimize decorative cosmetics applied to the face;
  • stop drinking alcohol.

Based on the analysis of current prices, The average cost for laser vision correction is 30–40 thousand rubles. for 1 eye. It is worth noting that the indicated amount does not include a preliminary examination of the patient, medical supervision of his condition in the postoperative period, as well as measures that may need to be taken in the event of unforeseen complications.

Laser coagulation of the retina

Considered to be the most effective modern method prevention and treatment of retinal detachment. The principle of the operation in question is to create a kind of adhesions between the retina itself and the functional membrane of the eye, as well as to restore micro-tears or places of thinning in this area.

As a result of such manipulations, doctors are able to achieve improved blood supply, nutrition of the fundus of the eye, as well as significant strengthening of the walls of blood vessels.

Having previously provided the patient with a dose of local anesthesia, within half an hour qualified surgeons, depending on the circumstances, apply coagulates pointwise, in several rows or over the entire area of ​​the retina. At the final stage, antibacterial drops are instilled into the operated eye and, after being under supervision for 1-2 hours, the patient can leave his room.

Rehabilitation period after laser coagulation retinal surgery traditionally takes no more than 2 weeks. Laser eye surgery, called coagulation, costs at least 10 thousand rubles. for 1 eye, subject to initial stage existing disease. To this amount it is advisable to add pre- and post-operative care, paid separately.

Lens removal and replacement

The operation to remove and replace the lens is considered a fundamentally new approach to eye surgery. Action field in in this case It is not the cornea, but the lens itself. In addition, a feature of this type of operation is the absence of contraindications for people with any degree of visual impairment.

The principle of operation of this manipulation is to create a micro-incision in the eye wall with a diamond knife, followed by removal of the front part of the lens with medical tweezers under local anesthesia.

The remaining parts, with the help of an IR needle, acquire a liquid consistency and are “sucked out” from the eye. On final stage operations replace the removed lens by “embedding” its artificial analogue.

The rehabilitation period in this case averages 1-1.5 months.

The average price for such a surgical service varies from 30 to 40 thousand rubles. for 1 eye. The indicated price does not include an artificial lens, as well as pre- and postoperative monitoring of the patient by medical professionals.


Scleroplasty is a surgical intervention to strengthen the sclera (the outer shell of the eyeball) using a special technique. The purpose of the surgical procedure in question is to stabilize the current state of eye health, with existing myopia.

With the help of an operation of this kind it is impossible to improve the patient’s vision, but only to prevent the rapid progression of the disease.

Scleroplasty is performed under local anesthesia. By introducing a special strengthening substance for back wall eyeball, with its subsequent integration with outer surface eyes, the risk of further displacement of the fundus and aggravation of the degree of myopia is minimized.

Stabilization of the patient’s current health condition occurs due to the overgrowth of the reinforcing material with new blood vessels, improving blood supply and nutrition to the operated eye. The recovery period after surgery of this type is no more than 10–14 days and requires compliance with the simplest recommendations.

Traditionally, the cost of scleroplasty varies from 7 to 14 thousand rubles., depending on the advanced stage of the disease, as well as the clinic offering services of this kind.


With the help of keratoplasty, the patient is given the opportunity to transplant the damaged part of the cornea, thereby significantly improving vision. In place of the injured area of ​​the eye shell, a pre-formed cast made of special medical material is placed, exactly repeating the previously removed thinned piece of the cornea.

The implant is, as it were, attached to the periphery of the eye by applying a special suture, which requires removal 4-6 months after surgery.

The rehabilitation period after keratoplasty is much longer in comparison with the previously described types of eye health correction and traditionally takes 9–12 months. During this period of time, especially until the suture is removed, the patient needs to regularly monitor his health status together with a qualified ophthalmologist.

Considering the complexity of the operation, as well as the high cost of the material used in the production of the cornea impression, prices for keratoplasty start at 100 thousand rubles. for 1 eye.


Actively used to strengthen the cornea and stabilize eye health. Using special equipment, after anesthetizing the patient with drip anesthesia, doctors create additional chemical bonds in the overall structure of the cornea, helping to increase its density and nutritional intensity.

As a result of such surgical augmentation of joints, it is also possible to prevent the occurrence and active development of keratoconus, as well as achieve a significant improvement in vision. At the final stage of the operation, the doctor installs an extra-soft contact lens to protect the eye from dirt and mechanical damage.

The recovery period after cross-linking is generally considered to be 6–12 months. After manipulations of this type, regular monitoring of visual acuity, as well as the stage of healing of corneal scars, is necessary.

Most medical centers that provide the patient with the opportunity to resort to cross-linking to correct eye health set a price starting from 25 thousand rubles. for 1 eye and above.

Photorefractive keratectomy

Helps change the shape, in particular the curvature, of the cornea of ​​the eyeball using a laser. The entire operation process is carried out exclusively under the control of computer programs that calculate the required amount of biological material for removal. Having removed the epithelial layer with special instruments, the surgeon proceeds to directly correct the cornea with a laser.

Having achieved the required curvature of a specific area, the specialist returns the specified layer to its place and places a soft pad on the operated eye. contact lens to protect it from external influences. The rehabilitation period in this case takes no more than 1 month, after which the patient will be able to experience a significant improvement in vision and relief from eye muscle tension.

The cost of photorefractive keratectomy averages 20–25 thousand rubles. for 1 eye. The indicated cost does not include pre- and post-operative examination, as well as medical care in case of unforeseen complications.

Cataract removal

Surgical procedures to remove cataracts involve not only removing the clouded lens from the operated eye, but also replacing it with an artificial one. The result of this kind of intervention in the vast majority of cases is the complete restoration of ideal vision.

Having locally anesthetized the eye area, qualified surgeons, using medical instruments, install a transparent, most often plastic lens, the dimensions of which, having been previously calculated, in place of the removed lens. computer program, exactly match the natural part of the eye.

The recovery period after operations of this kind takes no more than a month, after which the implanted implant will completely take root in the patient’s ocular environment.

The average cost of cataract removal is 50,000 rubles. This amount already includes an artificial lens. The patient will only need to pay extra for pre- and post-operative examinations in a private clinic.

Strabismus correction surgery

During an operation to eliminate strabismus, surgeons most often move the muscle that pulls the eye towards itself to the far side from the cornea. There are also cases when circumstances require the removal of a certain part of a given muscle in order to create balance among the fibers that hold eyeball.

Rehabilitation in this case takes at least 1-2 weeks, which is due to the need to heal microtraumas of muscle joints.

The average price for surgery to correct strabismus varies depending on external conditions, in particular the degree of neglect of the disease, and amounts to 75 – 145 thousand rubles.


The term vitrectomy is used in the context of surgical intervention for retinal detachment. The specificity of this operation is the replacement of the vitreous body of the eye with an artificial analogue with parallel laser cauterization of the affected areas of the retina. The implant is implanted under local or combined anesthesia and is traditionally a liquid substance.

The maximum period of its presence in the eye should not exceed 10 years. Then it is advisable to repeat the procedure to restore correct blood circulation in the ocular system. The maximum rehabilitation period after vitrectomy is 1.5-2 months.

The average cost for an operation of this type in Russia reaches 90 thousand rubles. for 1 eye excluding before and after surgical examination.

Surgery to treat glaucoma

Feature surgical method eliminating glaucoma is the fact that there is no need to violate the integrity of the eyeball, which helps protect the operated patient from unwanted dirt or infection entering the working area.

Having previously numbed the area of ​​the injured eye with local anesthesia, doctors for 15-20 minutes. eliminate defects using a laser, as well as sharp medical instruments. The rehabilitation period in this case takes 10–15 days, followed by the need to monitor the state of eye health with a qualified ophthalmologist at least once every 6 months.

The cost of the medical services in a good medical center is at least 40 thousand rubles. for 1 eye, subject to separate payment before and after the surgical examination.

Removal of formations on the eye

Removal of tumors on the face, in particular the eyes and eyelids, using a laser, most often occurs without prior anesthesia, or with the introduction minimum dose Ledocaine. Laser cutting of the required area takes no more than 10 minutes. and in the vast majority of cases does not require compliance with special medical instructions.

The only thing that is important to do regularly for quick recovery skin- this means disinfecting it, avoiding contact with foreign objects and not getting it wet for the first 2-3 days until a crust forms. The rehabilitation period takes 7–10 days, and the cost of an operation of this kind is 500-5000 rubles.

Enucleation of the eye

Enucleation of the eyeball occurs in extremely rare cases and involves complete removal natural eye system, in some cases replacing it with a plastic or glass implant. Externally, the artificial analogue is no different from its original, which makes this kind of operation universal for people of all ages and social classes.

Under the influence of local or drip anesthesia, the patient's eye is completely cut out and an artificial eyeball is placed in the resulting cavity, secured with the remaining tendons and fibers.

Rehabilitation after enucleation is a long process that requires increased care on the part of the patient. Traditionally, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics and eye drops. Mandatory in this case is not just the reception medicines, but also frequent visits to the ophthalmologist to monitor the process of implant healing.

The cost of surgical manipulations of this type is approximately 20 - 30 thousand rubles.

Postoperative period

Laser eye surgery, in particular recovery period after surgery, regardless of its type, requires adherence to basic recommendations that can prevent unexpected complications.

Qualified ophthalmologist surgeons recommend the following during the first few weeks after medical procedures:

Visual load

Visual loads that can cause overstrain of the operated eye muscles, fibers, and tendons are extremely undesirable during the rehabilitation period.

Ideally, for 2-3 weeks you should completely stop watching TV, reading books, and using mobile gadgets.

If you need to work using a smartphone or laptop, it is advisable to limit the duration of a single period of their use to 10 minutes. After the specified period of time, you should take a 5 or 10-minute break, and then return to work for a short period.

Physical exercise

Physical activity is also contraindicated for people who have recently undergone laser vision correction. Neglecting this recommendation entails a high probability of rupture of the muscle joints involved in the operation, as well as divergence of the previously applied suture.

Until the moment full recovery eye health after surgery, it is advisable not only to lead a measured lifestyle without sports and other physical activity, but also exclude situations that require lifting heavy weights, more than 5-10 kg.


Driving a personal car, although it can strain the eyes of an operated patient, is not included in the list strict prohibitions ophthalmologists. If there is confidence and a balanced mental state, a person is allowed to drive for 1.5 hours a day.

If the driver is considered a novice and each trip causes him stress, in order to minimize the risk of complications, it is advisable to refrain from driving personal transport until complete recovery.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about laser eye surgery

What is laser correction and how is it done:

The risk of developing retinal detachment is higher in patients who have undergone cataract extraction (including phacoemulsification), even in the absence of risk factors before surgical treatment. Despite the fact that after cataract extraction the risk of developing retinal detachment is not high, if any complications arise during the operation, the retina can detach at a fairly early period.

Most often, the timing of the development of retinal detachment after cataract surgery does not have any specific values. That is, even in the case of an uncomplicated operation, the risk of retinal detachment increases. Other risk factors for this complication are myopia, male gender and young age of the operated patients.

According to one study, which involved more than five thousand patients, it was found that over a period of 5.5 years, retinal detachment occurred in only 0.61% of cases, that is, in forty patients after cataract extraction.

Among these forty patients, most were men (27 people). During the first year after cataract removal, retinal detachment occurred in 11 cases, and risk factors included myopia, age less than 60 years, and male gender of patients.

Recently, due to the development modern techniques After surgical treatment of cataracts, the development of retinal detachment in the postoperative period decreased significantly. However, there is not enough data to make a final conclusion. Therefore, to prevent the development of complications after cataract removal, one should resort to low-traumatic and standardized operations. It is important to maintain stable pressure in the cavity of the anterior chamber of the eye during the intervention. This reduces the likelihood of damage to the vitreous and iris.

It is interesting that the dependence of the probability of developing postoperative retinal detachment on time is almost linear. In other words, the risk of this complication does not increase over time, just as retinal detachment is just as likely to occur in the immediate period after cataract removal as in the long term. From these data we can conclude that cataract surgery itself is the only factor influencing the risk of retinal damage.

The overall risk of retinal detachment after cataract surgery increases by 4-10 times. Moreover, the pathogenesis of this complication is associated with damage to the vitreous body during surgery, as well as with the peculiarities of hydrodynamics intraocular fluid. If the patient has genetic predisposition to retinal detachment, then it occurs against the background of these changes.

If there are no other risk factors, then, compared with a phakic eye, retinal detachment occurs on average 4 times more often after cataract removal. Wherein greatest danger This complication occurs in the first six years.