Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia are the essence of the holiday, the holy icon, the day of the Angel. Faith hope love - congratulations in verse

The day of remembrance of the Holy Martyr Tryphon - February 14 - coincides with the so-called St. Valentine's Day (all lovers). About marketing technologies that oppose Orthodox tradition, reflects the professor of the Moscow Theological Academy, first deputy chairman of the Educational Committee at the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, rector of the Church of St. Seraphim of Sarov on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment in Moscow, mitred archpriest Maxim Kozlov.

Father Maxim, today even in kindergartens they make “Valentines”. What do you think is the reason for the popularity of this “holiday”?

There was also something reasonable in the Soviet past, in particular, opposition to sycophancy before the West, which in in this case it would be appropriate. There is nothing national, religious, or even simply reasonable about celebrating Valentine's Day.

In the Russian Orthodox Church, this day is very, very busy: on the one hand, it is the eve of the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, which, if we talk about innovations, has also been declared the Day of Orthodox Youth. But most importantly, February 14 is the day of remembrance of the holy martyr Tryphon, very revered by church people, at least in Moscow.

I remember well the late 70s - 80s. last century, when on this day the Church of the Sign on Rizhskaya, where miraculous icon Holy Martyr Tryphon, was a place of pilgrimage for the entire Orthodox Moscow - it could not accommodate everyone who gathered for the service. On this day, as a rule, the liturgy was celebrated by His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Pimen.

But in addition to February 14, twice a week, a prayer service with an akathist to the martyr Tryphon was served in the church. At this service there were always many people who came with their needs. They performed, if not a feat, then a certain effort - they traveled from all over Moscow, took time off from work - with warm faith in this saint.

The reasons for such veneration are clear: the martyr Tryphon is perceived by the Russian Orthodox Church (starting with the miraculous appearance to the falconer Tryphon) as a saint who helps in emergency life circumstances, when there is no longer any rational hope for a way out. Similar miracles of the era of Tsar Ivan the Terrible found a lively response in the soul of the Russian people. In this regard, one can recall the Venerable Martyr Cornelius of Pskov-Pechersk, whose veneration also became very widespread at that time, and, of course, Saint Philip.

Thousands of people have prayed to the Holy Martyr Tryphon over these centuries, and now many know his help. We can be skeptical about lists of saints who help in various life needs, but I know many examples, and there are them in my life too, when the martyr Tryphon solved the very housing issue that, as the writer said, spoiled many of our compatriots; helped in finding a job, as well as in other needs - like a saint, like a bright, clear young man, a wondrous example of a saint of God.

Thus, we are not talking about filling an empty day - there is a displacement of one’s own, native, spiritual, primordial; betrayal of one’s goodness for the sake of who knows what.

On February 14, the Catholic Church celebrates the memory of the early Christian saints Valentine of Interamna and Valentine of Rome; from the scant information about them it is known that these are holy martyrs who suffered for the faith. Where did the legend about the patronage of lovers and, in fact, Valentine's Day come from?

The Catholic Church, represented by its hierarchs, has repeatedly testified that it has nothing to do with this cult. Never in Western traditions catholic church there was not and could not be the assignment of Saint Valentine - the bishop of one of the Italian cities and the holy martyr - to the strange role of the patron of romantic love, and even more so of promiscuous sexual relationships.

You can criticize our Catholic brothers for something else, but they have never engaged in this kind of exploitation of their own saint. Catholics do not have any unusual rituals in this regard. They have other traditions that are unusual for us, associated, say, with Francis of Assisi, prayers for animals. These customs can be treated differently, but I repeat, relatively speaking, there is no rite of consecration of Valentine among Catholics.

Orthodox Church also celebrates the memory of the mentioned saints, but on a different day.

As for the origins of the Valentine's Day, marketing textbooks cite the so-called Valentine's Day (or it is better to talk about it without the word “holy”) as one of the first examples of the success of commercial advertising. In the West, there was a long pause between sales - Christmas and Easter and pre-Easter, and the idea of ​​this holiday was promoted solely for the sake of stimulating trade. So why blindly follow the commercial cult and the idea of ​​sales in our lives? Should we encourage Chinese manufacturers and retail chains in their pursuit of commercial gain?

Father Maxim, but there is beautiful legend that Saint Valentine was executed for marrying Roman legionnaires to their lovers, despite the emperor’s ban.

I don't know how this legend appeared. There is nothing like this in the canonical lives of the holy martyrs Valentin of Interamna and Valentin of Rome.

- And how to deal with this kind of fiction?

There is no point in fighting, we will never be able to capture the commercial space in which big business operates. But what more people in our country will have at least the beginnings of a serious church worldview, the fewer clues commercial cults will have.

For many years you were the rector of the Church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. What happened on February 14 in the temple? What can be said about the morality and chastity of modern students?

When I served in the church at Moscow State University, I did not observe a flow of students on this day who would seek special prayers for St. Valentine. As for chastity, the position of the Church, which opposes promiscuous relationships, has been known since the preaching of the apostles. And whoever wants to hear it will hear, and whoever does not hear will act in accordance with his desires. I don’t have any particular illusions about this. Even if we say this 10 more times, even on the first channel, these people will not begin to live quietly and decently in all piety. But to testify once again that the Church has nothing to do with the day of “Saint” Valentine is useful, so that at least the illusion of being able to sit on two chairs is not created: in the morning to pray to the holy martyr Tryphon, and in the evening to go on a spree about Valentinov day.

- What do you say to young people who believe that close relationships before marriage are normal?

In my opinion, it is quite pointless to say anything about this given the general non-church worldview. It is impossible to incorporate Christian morality in a fragmentary way. What is the point of explaining to a person that stealing is bad if he does not believe in eternal life and retribution? Is it wrong to, say, push people with your feet and go over their heads if he is convinced that without this he cannot make a career? In the same way, it is futile to instill the idea that Christian virtues are good, and there is no need to sin against the seventh commandment, if a person lives by the principle “take everything from life,” especially while you are young. We must preach the Gospel, eternal life and faith in the Risen Christ, and from this follows Christian morality. In my opinion, morality cannot be made the center of Christian preaching.

So all that remains is to pray that the Lord will enlighten young people who believe that it is possible to cohabit before marriage?

Of course, pray that the Lord will enlighten the one who seeks something contrary to the beliefs of a Christian. A person must believe in the Risen Christ and in eternal life, and then, gradually, with the help of the Church, affirming the Gospel, draw some conclusions for himself.

We can no longer live without them.
There is faith, hope and love.
And today we will disturb them,
A set of letters, a set of words.
I wish everyone great faith,
Hopes too. From the heart.
Love calls us all with a song.
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart.

Without Faith you will not achieve success,
And without Hope you will not receive bright blessings.
I didn’t experience Love - I drove into the deep darkness,
And the flag will not develop bright feelings.

Let this holiday unite us -
Love, Hope, Faith in a durable alloy.
Holy Mother Sophia inspires,
Having driven away the heavy torment.

Let true friend will lend his shoulder,
Let the family warm you with love,
Reliable and strong family.
May wisdom help you through all adversity
Overcome, and let through the days and years
Go ahead, don't harbor any grudges!

On the day of Faith, Hope and Love,
Their mother Sofia,
Let me congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart,
After all, they are glorified to this day.

Holy Virgins and Mother Sophia,
Didn't renounce the faith
Since then people began to revere them,
And they were just an example.

We wish you not to lose faith in your soul,
And reach for the truth,
We wish you not to be leveled by flares,
Just fight for the truth.

Today is a very sensitive holiday -
Affects all aspects of life!
A person walks through life with faith,
And without love he cannot sleep.

He constantly hopes for something,
And in everyone’s life let
Guardian angel will help a little,
So that a person does not retreat from the right path!

Let every day be filled with fear,
But Mother Sophia does not give up;
And her daughters (there are three of them) -
They are good entities.

Hope, Faith and Love -
They protect throughout life;
And if there is joy in the soul -
They are with you.

Sophia - wisdom. From this
There is strength in the life of generations;
Her triplets daughters
Will help you avoid worries.

And it is worth honoring the holy day,
So that daughters and mother Sophia
They never tired of protecting us,
Giving good joys.

I believe you today
And I hope for reciprocity
And I dare to confess my love,
This is so obvious.

Because mother Sophia
She advised me:
Everything we were missing
Enough from now on!

They tried to force you to betray
Your faith and memory of your fathers,
And they forced the mournful mother
Observe without removing the shackles,

How her children are killed
Like native blood flows into the earth,
But her faith did not waver,
Love for God has not diminished.

Every time I hear a story
About three girls, their names
I see gold in the sky
The stars are their clear gaze forever.

They seem to tell us this:
No matter how great your temptation
To sin - respect the Father,
The one who died in agony for you.

Remember us, of course,
And Sophia, the great mother,
Our example, let it teach you
Don't be afraid and don't betray.

On the day of eternal memory of the bright martyrs,
I really want to say to all Christians,
What if faith remains strong in the heart,
There will be kindness and grace in the world.

Forget about unnecessary sins,
After all, our days are very fleeting.
Let respect for each other grow
And life passes in happiness and love.

The mother taught her diligent daughters,
So that they are modest and hardworking.
After all, only work for the benefit of all people
Makes a Christian happy.

But the enemy said to her: virgin, renounce
And make your daughters refuse,
You better pray to Artemis,
And renounce Christianity forever.

He begged and then threatened
But Sofia wasn’t scared,
Then the enemy ordered to torture the children,
Pure, holy tears were shed.

The vile enemy beheaded his daughters,
But outwardly the mother did not shudder at all,
But the enemy wavered, he gave her bodies,
Sofia took them and did not waver.

She betrayed her loved ones to the land,
She taught them nothing bad
I didn’t persuade them to betrayal with a prayer,
And she didn’t sell Christ for children.

Hello. The holiday of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia is celebrated by all Orthodox people. How this day is celebrated, you will learn from this article.

Three Christian Virtues

In September, on the 30th, Russia celebrates the most poetic and church holiday - the Day of Remembrance of the martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia. People call it the Ecumenical Women's Name Day.

History of the holiday

Its history dates back to the 2nd century. The holy martyrs Faith, Hope and Love come from Italy. Their mother, the righteous Christian Sophia, named her three daughters in accordance with three Christian virtues.

Saint Sophia and her three little daughters (Vera was 12, Nadezhda - 10, Lyubov - 9 years old) openly preached faith in Jesus Christ when the entire population of Rome worshiped pagan gods. The first Christians appeared among the population, not sparing their lives for their holy faith in Jesus Christ.

Sofia also wholeheartedly believed in Christ and taught this to her daughters. The governor Antiochus hastened to inform Emperor Hadrian (117 - 138) about this behavior of the mother and young virgins. Then the ruler ordered them to be transported to Rome.

In Rome

The saints understood why they were being taken to the ruler and began to pray earnestly, asking the Savior to give them strength to endure the torment that was prepared for them.

When the young maidens and their mother were placed before the emperor, everyone around him was surprised at their calmness: as if they had been invited to some kind of celebration, and not to terrible fanaticism. Calling the sisters one by one, Adrian forced them to bow to the goddess Artemis, but the girls stubbornly refused to do this.

Then, by order of the ruler, they began to torture them with particular cruelty, but the martyrs only glorified the Heavenly Bridegroom and did not betray their faith. Saint Sophia was prepared for an even more cruel execution: she was forced to watch the suffering of her daughters.

Sophia did not beg them to give up, but, on the contrary, asked them to endure all the torment in the name of faith. After all the torture, the virgins were beheaded.

Mother Sophia buried them, maintaining Christian customs. After crying for three days near their graves, she died of grief.

For the suffering she endured for her faith, Sophia and her daughters were canonized. After martyrdom their relics were buried only 600 years later in Alsace, in the church of Escho.

The meaning of the holiday lies in the fact that Saints Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia proved that even when you are powerless before those who are stronger, you need to express fortitude, courage, and never give in to black forces.

Who is congratulated on this day?

In ancient times, on women's name days, all women were congratulated, and not just famous names, and the holiday was celebrated for 3 days. IN holidays, as strange as it may sound, many women cried about their hard lot, met their friends to cry, and always praised Sophia’s wisdom, as well as the three female virtues - faith, hope, love.

Love in the ancient sense is virtue, understanding, patience, respect.

After crying, the women again took up cooking to feed their family, especially their husbands, with pies and sweet pretzels.

See if the sign comes true:

  • On this memorable day the sun always shines, it is warm;
  • If on this day the cranes fly south, then expect frost on Pokrov (October 14).

How to pray to the holy image

On this day, all believers visit the temple to pray in front of the icon of the saints. The icon of the Great Martyrs is a family icon, affirming important virtues in the souls of people. Without these three senses, a person cannot live a full life.

What does this icon mean?

  • Sophia is wisdom
  • Hope is true faith in God,
  • Love means loving without any gain.

How does this image help? In front of the holy image they pray for the birth of children and the creation of a strong, friendly family. Prayer helps heal children from various diseases. They also ask in front of the icon:

  • about healing from women's ailments;
  • healing from joint ailments;
  • about protection from various temptations;
  • about returning peace, happiness, and tranquility to the family.

The date of commemoration of the saints is September 30. Also, this date is Angel Day for girls and women with the names Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov, Sofia.

Pray sincerely, with all your soul, the saints will definitely help. The story of this family touches the hearts of all Orthodox people, so they come to the temple to serve a prayer service and honor the memory of the holy martyrs.

Prayer before the shrine:

“Oh holy martyrs Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, and wise mother Sophia! We come to you now with fervent prayer. Pray to the Lord, that in sorrows and misfortunes He may cover us with His indescribable grace, His servant (names), and preserve Him, and may He be worthy to see His glory, like the unsetting sun. Help us in our humble prayers, may the Lord God forgive our sins and iniquities, and may He have mercy on us sinners, and may Christ God vouchsafe to us His bounties, to Him we send up glory, with His Beginning Father, and His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.”

Let your sorrows be forgotten, you need to change your whole life for the better!

I ask you: do not be discouraged, kindle hope in your hearts!

Congratulations on the bright Day of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sofia. Let hope never leave you, faith fill you with strength, and love give you an incentive to move forward. Take care of these three strong feelings, with them you can overcome any difficulties and the highest goals. ©

I congratulate you on a wonderful Orthodox holiday - the Day of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia. I wish that all three components of happiness are present in your life: love warms your heart, strong faith lives in your soul, and bright hope supports you in any situation. difficult situations. ©

Three angels and three souls,
What drives bad thoughts.
Hope, Faith and Love
Sofia gave it to us all.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
On this beautiful holiday of strength,
Let three sisters be nearby,
So that troubles do not bring you down. ©

Hope, Faith and Love,
Their mother is the beautiful Sofia
Destiny helps us
In problems and vicissitudes.

I want to congratulate you now
And wish you great happiness,
May the martyrs protect you
From troubles, despondency and bad weather. ©

Beautiful congratulations happy holiday

Congratulations on a wonderful day,
Let the saints protect you from harm
Hope, Faith and Love
And their mother is the glorious Sophia.

I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart,
Love that breaks down all barriers
Boundless hope for you
And strong, unbreakable faith.

Let goodness live in hearts,
May heaven help you
Three daughters and a miracle mother
They save you from troubles and sorrows. ©

Greeting card

I want to congratulate you on a bright day,
When we remember the saints,
Hope, Faith and Love,
We glorify their mother Sophia.

I wish you strong faith in your heart,
Great and holy love,
Hope that in any anxiety,
It will act as a powerful wall for you. ©

Three symbols save us
From hurricanes, cold weather.
They are a stronghold, they are a frame -
Hope, Faith and Love.
Let them protect you in times of trouble
Three daughters of Saint Sophia.
Let them lead you out of the darkness,
They will bestow great blessings on you.
I want to believe and love,
Hope and smile
Hurry to glorify the saints,
They will help you not to break down. ©

Today we remember the martyrs:
Hope, Faith and Love,
Their mother is the beautiful Sofia,
May their strength take away our pain.

Let Faith inspire you,
Love gives confidence
Let hope never leave you,
Sofia follows behind.

Ask for strength and health,
Humility, meekness, warmth.
Let the saints warm you
Rays of light and goodness. ©

Faith, Hope, Love
They protect us from evil and enemies.
Their mother Sophia protects us
Stands behind you like an invisible angel.

May these names be glorified
The ones that Sofia gave to the children
Let them settle in every home again
Faith, Hope, Love.

Happiness to all of you girls!

Sonechek, Lyubash, Nadyushek
And beautiful Verochkas
Congratulations on the holiday.
Best wishes to all of you girls.

Your patronesses
May they give you strength
So that trouble and failure
Suddenly she didn’t mow you down.

Believe the angel immensely
Listen for clues.
I wish you women's happiness,
Peace and affection to you. ©

An example of the cruelty of rulers
And faith, not subject to death -
Your brave, youthful, bright face
And the tears of an unhappy mother.

For centuries
Christians are captivated by your power, -
Hope, Faith and Love,
Long-suffering Sofia.

Like an unquenchable star
As a symbol of courage, patience,
You will show the way to salvation,
And you will always be there.

September is here again
Glory to you Faith, Hope, Love!
I congratulate all the birthday people
On Angel's Day I wish you happiness and peace!

Three intercessor maidens protect you
May they shelter you from troubles and adversity.
Happiness and joy, more good
They will always be with the protector Sophia.

Holy names bring happiness -
Hope, Faith and Love,
And their mother is faithful Sophia,
There is fiery blood in their veins.

Without them, everything alive will go out,
The scarlet dawn will fade,
They lead people invisibly
To where the heavens breathe.

When hope is lost
Love is not easy to find
Faith will soon come to the rescue,
To become one unit.

Faith saves, Hope preserves
Love inspires and soars with us.
Happy wonderful holiday, I congratulate everyone
I wish you Faith, Hope, Love.
Their mother Sophia protects us
The song of praise never stops.

Faith, Hope, Love -
Will warm your heart in bad weather,
Faith, Hope, Love,
They give spiritual happiness.

Together they walk according to fate,
Saving in difficult times,
Next to you in a dream
Like a living prayer.

Light fire and warmth,
Earthly life's ablution,
Let them not fade away in your soul,
They will always be like salvation.

Autumn has dressed up this day
A palette of golden, delicate colors
And the pipe warms the heart of joy,
He is so radiant, light and bright.

The day is dedicated to the feat of the three sisters
And their wise, fair mother,
Named after them, in memory, -
Love, Hope, Faith and Sofia.

Still girls, very young,
They would happy life enjoy,
But by strength of spirit, they proved to everyone,
That faith in the Lord is true happiness.

We went to torment for the sake of truth,
The taste of life without knowing the joy of childhood
And doomed to immortality forever,
Names of all virtuous holiness.

Years pass, life flows like a river,
But in my memory there are three warm, bright words,
Their names and their holy feat,
As a tribute to Hope, Faith and Love.

May the Angels be with you
They will ward off bad weather
Good health,
Friends, flowers, smiles, happiness
Let them bring joy again
Vera, Nadezhda, Sofia,
Especially this is Love.
Swim in a sea of ​​kindness
To experience the joys of life,
Smiling, shine brighter than the sun!

Every year on September 30, according to the new style, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Day of Remembrance of the holy martyrs Faith, Nadezhda, Love and their mother Sophia.

In the 2nd century, during the reign of Emperor Hadrian (117-138), the pious widow Sophia lived in Rome (Sophia means wisdom). She had three daughters, Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov, who bore the names of the three main Christian virtues. Being a deeply religious Christian, Sophia raised her daughters in the love of God, teaching them not to become attached to earthly goods.

The rumor that this family belonged to Christianity reached the emperor, and he wished to personally see the three sisters and the mother who raised them. All four appeared before the emperor and fearlessly confessed their faith in Christ, risen from the dead and giving eternal life to all who believe in Him.

At first, they tried to force all four to renounce the Orthodox faith, then the young virgins were subjected to terrible, painful torture in turn, and this despite the fact that the girls were 9-12 years old. Sofia was forced to watch everything that was happening.

It is difficult to imagine how the woman felt as she watched her daughters being tormented. But despite all the suffering, not one of the daughters renounced their faith in the Lord. After the mother was allowed to bury the bodies of her girls, after spending three days over their graves, she died. The Church canonized them as holy martyrs, whose relics have been in Alsace since 777.

On this day, all girls and women who bear the names of these saints are congratulated.

What can you wish for on this day other than patience, perseverance, and courage? Of course, hope, faith and love.

Three names. Beautiful, simple.
Words that help people live.
Once upon a time she named her children Sofia,
We should thank her!

For giving Faith to people.
And that everyone always lives with Hope.
And if there is Love, then there will be happiness!
And let it come to every home!

In Rus', many girls and women celebrated their name days on this day, because these four names were very popular among the people. Therefore, over time, they began to celebrate a big holiday - Ecumenical women's name day.

All women were congratulated on him. Name days were usually celebrated for three days, glorifying maternal wisdom and feminine virtues - faith, hope and love.

On this day, every woman was supposed to cry for herself, for her family and friends.

After that with with a pure heart They took care of the housework, baking birthday pies and pretzels.

As a rule, the holiday in memory of Faith, Hope and Love is clear and warm. Our ancestors noticed: if the cranes fly south on this day, then there will already be frost on Pokrov.

Happy holiday to all birthday girls!