We keep house according to the lunar calendar. Household chores according to the lunar calendar

Every hostess knows the feeling that no matter how much you clean, everything becomes dirty again. And a feeling of regret that there are only 24 hours in a day, and you are only one and you have only two hands 🙂 And these hidden corners that your hands never reach? How to do it all? How not to miss anything?

Well, firstly, always plan your time, get acquainted with time management techniques, write down goals and objectives. And secondly, turn to the moon for help! Look once in Lunar calendar of household chores and try to adapt to its simple rules. You will feel that at least an hour has appeared in the day, and you have at least one more hand! 🙂

Home comfort is one of the treasures of the world
Theodore Dreiser

Lunar calendar of household chores - unfavorable days

To begin with, there are days on which the Moon strongly recommends that we take a break from household chores. These lunar days are completely unfavorable for cleaning and washing. If you start cleaning on such days, most likely everything will fall out of your hands, and if it goes well, then the results of your efforts will very soon come to naught. Memorize them and postpone household chores for 15, 20, 26, 30 lunar days. The lunar calendar will tell you which areas of life it is better to devote this time to.

Find out what dates these lunar days fall on in 2018 in the Mistress's Lunar Calendar >>

Lunar calendar of household chores - general rules

The lunar calendar of the hostess is built on. As you know, the growing moon tends to provoke active growth and development of anything that began in the first quarter of the lunar cycle. The waning moon, on the contrary, takes away everything superfluous and unnecessary, cleanses, slows down, shortens ... Based on this rule, the Lunar calendar of household chores advises most household chores to plan for the waning moon, for the last quarter of the cycle.

Waning moon and household chores

So, general cleaning is best done in 24 lunar day , washing windows and mirrors - in 21 , a large wash - in 23 , cleaning the cages and aquariums of pets - in 27 lunar day.

stand apart 19 and 29 lunar days, which are generally unfavorable for household chores, but are exceptionally good for littering. Down with everything old, superfluous, unnecessary!

Growing moon and household chores

On the growing moon, it’s good to take care of indoor plants(3, 9 lunar days), reorganization of life, rearrangement of furniture (5 lunar days), organizing things and papers (5 and 14 lunar days). And for culinary exploits, it is considered the best 13 lunar day- pastries, exotic dishes, something new will turn out with a bang!

Housekeeping for lunar calendar - an easy way to save time of strength by distributing them correctly and in harmony with the energy of the moon. We have collected for you recommendations on household chores for each lunar day in the Mistress's Lunar Calendar.

Using the Lunar calendar of the hostess for several lunar cycles, you will understand its logic and make sure that each lunar day with its own character is in its place:

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Often on an ordinary tear-off calendar you can see various astrological characteristics. For example, the Moon in Aquarius or the waning Moon in Capricorn. Many ask the question: what does this information give and how can it be used? In fact, the lunar calendar will help make life easier. The sign of the Zodiac, in which the Moon is located at one time or another, indicates which household chores are best chosen so that they are carried out easily and efficiently. After all, every hostess knows the feeling that no matter how much you clean up, everything becomes dirty again. And also sadness about the fact that there are only 24 hours in a day, and only two hands. If you run a household according to the lunar calendar, then you can forget about such problems.

Moon in earth signs

During this period, it is better to do things that require perseverance and are somehow connected with the earth, heavy objects and cold. For example, you can engage in freezing berries and fruits for the winter, digging up roots, pickling vegetables.

Moon in water signs

During this period, it is better to choose things that involve the use of water or other liquids. It is advisable to water the plants, as the Moon in water signs will be able to revive even dying plants. Laundry and washing will also benefit. If you are carrying out repairs in the apartment, then these days it is preferable to glue the wallpaper. Dig a well, install a sink, or washing machine also better during the period of the Moon in water signs. But it is undesirable to go swimming in reservoirs (especially if the moon is waning), as you can catch a cold.

Moon in fire signs

On such days, it is preferable to do things that require activity and an accelerated reaction. It is especially good to do housework that is associated with heat, metal and fire. You will perfectly get dishes prepared in the process of baking or frying. Meat dishes will be the most delicious: cutlets, barbecue, etc. Also during this period, you can sharpen knives and carry out minor repairs.

Moon in Air signs

The moon in air signs favors affairs that are carried out at a height or require the presence of good lighting. Especially effective during this period will be washing windows, glassware, general cleaning. Works related to needlework (for example, knitting) will also begin to advance well. The moon in the signs of the elements of air favors the installation of stretch ceilings or chandeliers, the rearrangement of furniture or interior decor elements.

special lunar day

13 Lunar day ideal for creating complex or exotic dishes. Any experiments in cooking will be a hit!

19 and 29 Lunar days exceptionally good for littering. Down with everything superfluous, old and unnecessary!

Mirrors should be washed 24 Lunar day, and schedule cleaning of pet cages and aquariums for 27 Lunar day.

By distributing household chores in accordance with the Lunar calendar, you will notice that much less effort is spent on them, and the result is better!

Sleep theme: Sunday

Sunday is the day of the sun.
The day is dedicated to the spiritual essence of man. Work and life should be kept to a minimum.
It is good to visit a church or temple, devote time to prayer or meditation, to be in silence in nature.

The time of the waning moon is considered the most suitable for different kind housework. During this period, you can wash woolen clothes even without chemicals. good clothes from sensitive materials - from fur, leather, silk, etc. - must be handed over for cleaning. Then the fabrics do not deteriorate, remain strong, the colors do not fade. It is good to plaster the walls and make cosmetic repairs. If you suddenly decide to paint the plastered walls, use the waning Moon in the signs of Air. If you need to cope with very wet walls, use Leo days. The best time to clean will be when the Moon is in Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. If you choose the right time, then it will be easy for you to work, and the results will be visible for a long time. Everything dries quickly, even if you used a lot of water. If you need to wash everything well, use watermarks. Under the sign of Aquarius, do not forget to transplant your favorite plants. Also during the waning moon, you can change the glass in the house (avoid only watermarks), make new floors. At this time, it is easier to remove limescale deposits from coffee makers, irons, hard-to-reach places in showers, etc. Do your homework with the Moon in Sagittarius, Cancer, Virgo or Pisces. Clean and care for wood surfaces under the signs of Capricorn, Leo, Sagittarius and Cancer. When baking on a waning moon, add more yeast.

Newspaper "Anomalous News" No. 35, 2013

Various household chores are best done taking into account the lunar calendar. Then during the work there will be fewer unpleasant surprises, and the result will be better.

Much depends on the element of the zodiac sign in which the Moon is located on a given day.

Moon in fire signs

The Moon in Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) is suitable for cases that require quick action and investment. a large number energy, as well as the use of fire, heat and metal. These days it is good to harvest, make homemade preparations, dry, cook, fry, bake. On the waning Moon in the signs of Fire, pies, pancakes, cakes, muffins, cookies and others work well. bakery products. It is good to heat the house these days, especially if it is new house, a new hearth or the beginning of a new winter season. Lighting a fire with the Moon in these signs is a guarantee that there will be no problems with heating in the house in the future. You can do minor repairs these days, sharpen knives, scissors, put tools in order.

Moon in Air signs

The Moon in Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) is suitable for any business that requires good lighting or the use of wind. These days on the waning moon, it is good to do general cleaning, wash floors, clean things from dust, put away seasonal clothes and shoes for storage, clean glassware, wash windows and mirrors. It is good to rearrange furniture, dry and ventilate everything, linen dries faster these days in any weather.

Moon in earth signs

The Moon in the signs of the Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) is suitable for serious matters that cannot be rushed and require thoroughness, caution, thoroughness. Everything that is connected with the use of cold, earth, stone and various heavy objects will go well. And all things aimed at long-term results, long-term use, storage. These days it is good to dig up the roots of plants, freeze vegetables, fruits and berries - they will not lose their shape and taste, they will not become watery. On the waning moon, you can clean the house, put things in order in the closets, in the pantry, in the attic and in the basement. You can build gazebos and verandas, fences and railings, install doors, locks, concrete floors, carry out earthworks,

Moon in water signs

The Moon in the signs of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) is suitable for all cases involving the use of water and other liquids. This good time for fertilizing and watering plants, the roots easily absorb moisture, and the leaves become lush and green. It is good these days, especially on the waning moon, to clean, wash, wash, remove stains, any pollution is destroyed without a trace. It is undesirable to only bathe and wash your hair, as it is easy to catch a cold. It is also impossible these days to bake bread, collect fruits, plaster and paint walls, glue wallpaper. But you can conduct water, dig irrigation canals, collect the leaves of medicinal and edible herbs.

Washing windows and glass

Try cleaning windows and glassware during the waning moon in Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius. It only takes a little water with the addition ammonia, which will give excellent transparency, and special detergents are not needed at all. If you neglect these tips, then the window frames will swell, and their service life will be significantly reduced.

Porcelain and tea cups are cleaned with wet salt, and then rinsed with clean water.

Wonderful - with the waning moon in air or water signs.

Bad - with the growing moon.

Very bad - on a full moon.

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