Stages (degrees) of breast cancer. Stage 2 breast cancer, treatment and life expectancy Stage 2 ductal breast cancer

The diagnosis of breast cancer is one of the most frightening for women. Many people think that breast removal in this case is inevitable, but with proper and timely treatment, stable remission can be achieved in more than 80% of cases. It is important not to rush to all sorts of “healers” for miraculous powders and potions, but to competently deal with the disease from the very beginning.

Modern medicine divides breast cancer into 5 stages depending on the severity of the disorders that have occurred in the body. They are characterized by the following parameters:

  • Stage 0. This degree suggests the presence of precancerous diseases or a non-invasive type of cancer that does not tend to spread beyond the milk ducts. This condition cannot be called cancer to the fullest, however, such women are at risk; they need to consult a mammologist more often and undergo appropriate studies.
  • Stage 1. At this stage, we are already talking about an invasive tumor. However, the tumor does not yet exceed 2 cm, and the cancer cells have not spread to the lymph nodes. This stage is best treated and with the right approach, up to 90% of patients overcome the disease.
  • Stage 2. IN general outline Symptoms of stage 2 breast cancer are similar to those of stage 1, but the size of the tumor becomes larger and the disease begins to actively attack healthy tissue around the milk ducts.
  • Stage 3. At this stage, the cancer becomes quite aggressive, so that treatment becomes very difficult. The tumor is clearly visible, the skin around it becomes red and raised (the so-called “orange peel”). Often the shape of the breast at this stage is deformed, and the lymph nodes are affected.
  • Stage 4. Carcinoma grows into all tissues and organs located around mammary gland. It actively spreads metastases to tissues, bones and even the brain. As a rule, at this stage it is no longer possible to cure cancer.

Every day at large quantity women are diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. This disease is one of the most common forms of oncology and the most studied. If you contact a specialist early, there is a high chance of complete cure and preservation of the affected breast. If the disease is neglected, a person may lose his life within a short period of time.

Every day, a large number of women are diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer.

Breast cancer stage 2 - early stage dangerous disease. Its main symptom is the appearance of a tumor of malignant origin, the size of which does not exceed 50 mm. Sometimes damage occurs by the formation of fatty tissue and lymph nodes in the armpits.

Stage two breast cancer has the following stages of development:

    2a. The patient’s breast mass is 20 mm in size, while the lymph nodes may be healthy or partially affected. Metastasis in this form of cancer is not detected.

    2b. The diameter of the malignant formation is about 45-50 mm, and damage to the lymph nodes is often observed. Sometimes tumors of impressive size are detected, but there is no lesion lymph nodes. Metastases can be detected - no more than 1-2.

The danger of oncology lies in the fact that it cannot be detected at an early stage: it is characterized by the absence severe pain and other unpleasant symptoms. Recognize malignant appearance You may experience discharge from the nipples, breast changes, enlarged lymph nodes, or the appearance of a painless lump.

The disease can be recognized by the symptoms of wrinkling and padding, which are characterized by impaired skin elasticity in the places where the formation is localized. Sometimes, over the place where the tumor is located inside, there is a hollowing of the skin, which is called umbilification.

How to treat breast cancer (video)

Main causes of pathology

Malignant tissue damage to the mammary glands is a fairly common pathology. The main reason The occurrence of oncology has not been identified, but there are a number of factors that may contribute to the development of the disease. Most often, the disease develops against the background of:

Breast cancer is most often detected in representatives of the fair sex, whose age exceeds 40 years. That is why doctors recommend that women at risk have their mammary glands examined by a mammologist at least 2 times a year.

This will help to promptly identify and prevent the progression of the disease, thereby prolonging life.

Breast cancer stage 2 - an early stage of a dangerous disease

Diagnostic methods

If you suspect stage 2 breast cancer, the doctor recommends undergoing a series of examinations that will help confirm the diagnosis and see more full picture breast lesions. As an examination, it is recommended to undergo:

    Mammography. The main advantage of the procedure is the detection of formations hidden in the breast tissue.

    An ultrasound will help determine the type of tumor and stage of oncology.

    Ductography is a type of examination that requires the injection of a contrast agent into the ducts of the glands.

    A biopsy is prescribed to determine the type of formation. Using a puncture, tissue or liquid is taken from the problem area, after which the material is examined in the laboratory.

    Magnetic resonance imaging.

If there is a suspicion of damage to neighboring organs by metastases, various tests, X-rays, computed tomography etc. Based on the results of the study, treatment is prescribed, which the doctor selects individually for each patient.

Treatment of breast cancer (video)

Treatment of the disease

As a rule, stage 2 is rarely bypassed conservative therapy. Typically, your doctor will recommend surgery along with radiation or chemotherapy. During surgery, the malignant tumor is excised and examined to identify cell damage. Further hormone therapy, immunotherapy and biological therapy may be prescribed.

Among the main treatment methods are:

    Mastectomy (the entire mammary gland is completely removed along with the affected tissue).

    Radical - only the affected area of ​​the organ is removed, preserving the mammary gland. This method is used extremely rarely for small tumors, but often subsequently there is a risk of repeated relapses.

    Stage 2 is used to stop the progression of the disease and the spread of metastases. It involves taking certain medications.

    Radiation therapy. It is prescribed after surgery to stop malignant cell division.

    Immunotherapy. With the help of immunomodulators, they increase the body’s defenses, weakened by disease and medicines.

    Hormone therapy. The drugs help block hormones that provoke the growth of formation.

    Biological therapy.

Breast cancer is most often detected in women whose age exceeds 40 years

Life expectancy for stage 2 breast cancer will depend on the timeliness of treatment and general condition human health. As a rule, after full course therapy chances for full recovery More than 80% of women have. Further life expectancy with a favorable outcome will be 5 or more years.

After suffering from the disease, it is imperative that you pay increased attention to your health and undergo regular medical examination and follow all medical recommendations.

To prevent a relapse in the future, a woman will need to monitor her condition. immune system, eat right, avoid hypothermia and stressful situations. It's important to get rid of bad habits, watch your weight, have proper rest.

Doctors distinguish about 5 stages of breast cancer. The first three of them are considered mild stage cancer. It is noteworthy that if you contact a specialist early, the cancer process can be stopped. Severe stage breast cancer is called breast oncology.

In addition, doctors classify them according to the severity of the disease. It is determined by the following parameters:

  1. size;
  2. invasiveness;
  3. condition of the lymph nodes;
  4. the presence of metastases.

Breast cancer is classified according to the following degrees:

  • Stage 0: the tumor is localized only in the mammary gland. It is noteworthy that if cancer is detected at an early stage, the chance of completely getting rid of the tumor increases.
  • Stage 2. With stage 2 breast cancer, the tumor reaches 5 cm. In addition, damage to the lymph nodes and germination into fatty tissue are detected.

Experts also distinguish several types of stage 2 cancer:

  • Stage 2 A. When it develops, the tumor reaches about 2 cm, metastases are completely absent. With it, 1 or 2 lymph nodes are affected cancer cells. In some cases, the tumor increases to 5 cm, but there is no lesion in the lymph nodes.
  • Stage 2 B. At this stage, the neoplasm is larger than 5 cm in size, about 3 lymph nodes are affected. Also, at this stage, a person develops from 1 to 2 metastases.

How to detect breast cancer

At the initial stage, breast cancer is very difficult to detect, since it is completely asymptomatic. If unpleasant signs appear and the development of cancer is suspected, the patient should immediately consult a specialist. Initially, he examines and interviews the patient.

Also as additional methods The following diagnostic methods are used:

  1. Mammography. With its help, it is possible to identify a neoplasm hidden by glandular tissue.
  2. Ultrasound diagnostics. It allows you to identify the type and stage of development of the disease.
  3. Conducting an MRI examination.
  4. Taking a biopsy. With its help, you can identify the type of oncology.

It should also be remembered that the attending physician may prescribe additional tests that will help to more clearly identify the type. cancerous tumor and prescribe the correct treatment procedures.

How to treat stage 2 breast cancer

Doctors note that the only methods of getting rid of this unpleasant disease are surgery And . In some cases, it is enough to simply remove the mammary gland and affected lymph nodes.

When breast cancer progresses to stage 2b, the patient is also prescribed surgery, chemotherapy or . Chemotherapy, specifically for stage 2 breast cancer, is usually prescribed after surgery and is aimed at getting rid of remaining cancer cells.

It is noteworthy that it is carried out only by a specialist and he must take into account the question: “Has the woman reached menopause or not?”

Experts note that at present it is impossible to get rid of severe stage breast cancer. They note that even though curative therapy was carried out successfully, and we managed to get rid of the tumor, but in rehabilitation period relapses are possible. Typically, as a preventive measure, specialists prescribe methods such as complete removal of the mammary gland and the use of chemotherapy. Most often, prevention is used in cases where a woman has a genetic predisposition to breast cancer.

Informative video

Stage 2 breast cancer is a primary education malignant tumor. On at this stage development, the size of the neoplasm ranges from two to five centimeters. Determining the stage of tumor development is important; further treatment depends on this. At an early stage, the survival rate is high because the disease is treatable. Oncology occurs among women mainly of middle age and during periods of climatic and hormonal changes in the body. Also, the second stage of breast cancer (T2N1M0) develops in workers in hazardous industries and in people living in dusty areas. big cities. To identify the disease at an early stage, it is important to regularly undergo preventive examinations and examinations of the body.

Stage 2 breast cancer takes different types and forms that differ in structure, speed of development and aggressiveness. Selected species tumors are easily eliminated, leaving a positive prognosis, while others grow rapidly, spread metastases and are not amenable to therapy. It is important to follow the recommendations of your doctor and follow the instructions so that the treatment is effective and leaves positive results. Self-medication is dangerous and leads to further development cancer in advanced stages, when life is shortened.

The second stage of oncology is divided into two forms - 2A and 2B. The treatment regimen depends on the type of disease diagnosed. Options in stage A:

  1. The tumor has no symptoms and cannot be felt. During the examination, the neoplasm may not be detected, but the lymph nodes of the body are affected.
  2. The malignant formation grows to a size of two centimeters, affecting nearby lymph nodes and tissue.
  3. The tumor is no more than five centimeters, is diagnosed by examination and palpation, but does not affect the lymph nodes.

Type 2B breast cancer takes the following forms:

  • The size of the tumor is a centimeter or more, detected by examination methods, and palpated by palpation. A woman can independently detect a specific tumor by examining her breasts at home. The lymph nodes are not damaged or enlarged.
  • The tumor is characterized by rapid growth, growing more than 5 cm in diameter. Nearby tissues are not affected. Metastases are not produced at this stage, and cancer cells do not spread to others. internal organs, fabrics.

The resulting adhesions between the lymph nodes - alarming symptom. This means that the disease is growing and has entered the next stage of development.

Classification of stage 2 oncology

Establishing a correct, accurate diagnosis is necessary to select effective treatment. The type of oncology varies in nature, the rapidity of growth of the tumor, and the spread of metastases. In case of cancer, accuracy in diagnostics is important to determine the type of tumor.

Invasive breast cancer

Another name is infiltrative. Breast carcinoma of this type is considered one of the aggressive, dangerous forms malignant tumors. Pathogenic cells rapidly divide and spread to nearby healthy tissues. New, progressive formations are formed. An invasive tumor has a penetrating effect on the body and internal organs. Cancer cells spread through the circulation, bloodstream, and also through the lymphatic channel. This factor contributes to the development of metastases, which is typical for the stage initial development and for subsequent stages of growth. The first stage - oncology affects the axillary and cervical lymph node, destroying it, and then metastases spread to the skeletal base, liver, lungs and brain.

The consequence of the penetration of cancer cells into internal organs is a disruption of vital processes and malfunctions nervous system, endocrine gland. Based on the initial localization, invasive cancer breasts are divided into the following subtypes:

  • Invasive ductal. By appearance the neoplasm resembles a lump and forms in the ducts mammary glands. As the tumor grows, it spreads beyond the breast, affecting other tissues and lymphatic channels. Of all types of oncology, ductal is considered the most common in women of reproductive age.
  • Pre-invasive ductal. A specific neoplasm forms in the milk duct and does not leave its boundaries. Metastasis occurs slowly. But if you ignore the tumor and do not carry out the necessary therapy, the disease develops into an aggressive form of oncology.
  • Invasive lobular. A tumor is formed in the lobular part of the mammary gland. After this, the disease spreads to neighboring tissues. A woman feels a lump appearing in her chest. Initial stages diseases are susceptible to treatment if the formation is diagnosed in a timely manner.
  • Inflammatory infiltrative. This type of oncology is rare. Swelling of the mammary gland is observed, the breasts take on an asymmetrical shape. The tumor does not have clear boundaries, is characterized by an insidious course and slow growth, so diagnosis can be problematic.
  • Infiltrating cancer of a nonspecific type. The pathology is rare and differs from the standard course of the disease.

The method of treatment and the use of therapeutic agents is developed for each patient separately, taking into account the characteristics of the body, the aggressiveness of the tumor, and the rate of spread of malignant cells.

A specific neoplasm of an invasive type is characterized by rapid metastasis, damage to nearby tissues and internal organs. If detected in a timely manner, the second stage of the disease can be treated - subject to the recommendations and prescriptions of the doctor.

Non-invasive breast cancer

Non-invasive oncology is characterized by slow growth and reduced aggressiveness. There is no damage to neighboring tissues, and metastases do not spread to internal organs. Doctors give positive prognoses after therapy to eliminate the tumor. But if the necessary treatment is not carried out and the disease progresses, the tumor will develop into an invasive form and become dangerous and aggressive. Therefore, it is important to undergo regular examination of the body, as well as necessary treatment prescribed by the attending physician. Non-invasive cancer is divided into the following types:

  • Intraductal, or intracanalicular. The tumor forms inside the milk ducts and does not spread to other tissues. When palpating the breast, a number of lumps are observed, showing a deformed shape and uneven outline. Often this type of oncology is detected during a mammographic examination.
  • Lobular or lobular. The seal forms in the lobular part of the mammary gland and does not grow beyond its boundaries. Adjacent tissues and lymph nodes are not affected. Oncologists classify this tumor as benign, but if treatment is not carried out, the tumor develops into an aggressive form of cancer.

Non-invasive cancer is characterized by its slow progression and growth. Metastasis occurs in rare cases. The tumor does not cause discomfort and is not accompanied by painful sensations. But if you ignore the presence of a specific formation, it will mutate over time and grow into oncology. Therefore, it is important to conduct regular examinations of the body, as well as treatment of identified pathologies, in order to avoid complications.

Other forms of cancer

The effectiveness and success of the therapy depends on histological structure neoplasms. This group includes the following types of oncology:

  • Triple negative breast cancer. Specific type cancer that is difficult to diagnose. Its presence is detected when special research. The neoplasm does not respond to receptors and has no sensitivity to them. This distinguishes this type of tumor from others. The disease is characterized by an aggressive course and rapid development, as well as poor susceptibility to treatment.
  • Atypical medullary cancer. The neoplasm has a dense structure, resembling a tube in shape. The presence of a tumor can be felt by palpation and home examination of the breast. Accompanied by discharge from the nipple, as well as necrosis and cysts.
  • Papillary cancer. This type of oncology is very rare, mainly among elderly women, when reproductive functions organisms die off. The formation is localized in the nipple area and is accompanied by specific discharge, as well as painful sensations. The tumor reaches three centimeters in size and has a round, clearly defined shape. Often accompanied by cysts and benign growths.
  • Paget's disease. This type of pathology is localized in the nipple, as well as in nearby tissues. Refers to non-invasive ductal oncology. If you start timely treatment under the guidance of a specialized doctor, then the further prognosis is positive and favorable. If you ignore the disease, it may develop into an aggressive form of oncology, which leads to amputation of the breast and premature death of the woman.

A breast examination alone is not enough to make a diagnosis. It is important to undergo a comprehensive examination of the body to identify the type and nature of the pathology. This will help prescribe effective treatment aimed at eliminating a specific tumor.

Symptoms of the disease

The early stage of breast cancer formation is insidious because there are no noticeable symptoms. Often a woman consults a doctor at a late, final stage, when metastases spread throughout the body and penetrate the internal organs. At the second stage, the formed lump in the chest is felt. To do this, you need to raise your hand up and feel your breasts in a circular motion for lumps, knots and lumps.

At the second stage, it is possible to detect changes in the skin of the breast. The surface of the organ is covered with a dense, rough crust. The color of the skin also changes - it becomes darker or redder. Your breasts may feel hot to the touch due to inflammatory processes happening inside. Also noticeable is a change in the size of the lymph nodes, the appearance of deformation, and asymmetry of the left and right breasts. Pain is felt in a certain place.

To identify oncology, you need to undress to the waist, exposing your chest, and stand in a place with good lighting in front of a mirror. The following symptoms indicate the development of cancer:

  • The appearance of redness, ulcers, pimples on skin mammary gland. At the site of tumor development, characteristic inflammation is concentrated.
  • On palpation, the lymph nodes are enlarged. When pressed, pain and discomfort are felt during physical activity.
  • Lymph node located in the area armpit, enlarged to the size of a large grape and has a dense structure.
  • The skin of the breast dries out and peels. Touch causes discomfort and pain.
  • Breasts have more high temperature than body temperature. Increased warmth is felt to the touch.
  • At visual inspection in front of the mirror, both breasts are asymmetrical. Deformation of the shape and distortion of roundness are observed.
  • You feel a loss of strength, apathy, decreased performance, and weakness.
  • Loss of appetite, aversion to food, weight loss not associated with stress or concomitant diseases.
  • Nausea and digestive tract upset.
  • The nipple has a retracted shape, and the roundness of the breast is deformed.
  • There are specific purulent discharge from the nipple, having bad smell. In order to check for discharge, you need to press on the nipple and look closely at its surface. It is also important to pay attention to any stains that appear on your bra. You can inspect unwashed laundry for stains of dried blood or mucous fluid.
  • Upon independent palpation, noticeable lumps and lumps can be felt.

If you experience any of the symptoms listed above, it is important to immediately contact the cancer center. In the second stage of cancer, symptoms are more pronounced, so it is important to conduct regular self-examination at home in front of a mirror. If unusual neoplasms are noticed in the mammary gland, there is warning sign the beginning of the development of oncology. The sooner the disease is detected, the higher the chance of cure and return to normal life. In later, final stages, cure is impossible; the goal of therapy is to relieve symptoms and achieve stable remission.

Diagnostic methods

After self-identification of suspicious lumps, an instrumental examination by a doctor specializing in this area is important. Special diagnostics will confirm or refute the presumptive diagnosis. First, the doctor asks the patient about the specifics of symptoms and complaints. The doctor must have information about the regularity of the menstrual cycle and sexual life. This is followed by examination of the breast by palpation.

For diagnosis internal processes And pathological diseases The following methods are used:

  • Blood test for tumor markers. This procedure allows, through clinical, laboratory research venous blood identify the development of malignant neoplasms in the mammary gland. The prevalence of metastases to internal organs and tissues is also noticeable. This analysis It is recommended to carry out annually for preventive purposes, especially if the woman’s age is close to forty years or above.
  • General and chemical analysis blood. With the help this survey You can notice deviations of important body processes from the norm. The concentration of specific substances and blood components is studied.
  • Mammography. Examination to visualize internal structure mammary gland. Under the influence of x-rays, various compactions, lumps and neoplasms are visible. The stage of tumor development, the formation and spread of metastases to internal organs and healthy tissues are also diagnosed.
  • Ultrasound abdominal cavity. By examining the abdominal cavity, the prevalence of malignant cells and metastases is observed. High-frequency ultrasonic waves are used for examination. The screen shows the condition and size of the internal organs.
  • Computer diagnostics – CT, MRI. This research method allows you to see the outline, size and shape malignant neoplasm. Organs and tissues located nearby are also viewed. If there is a release of metastases, a computer examination will help to see this.
  • Biopsy. To carry out the procedure, a tumor particle is taken for clinical and laboratory testing for malignancy. A pinch is taken from the tumor using a thin needle, which is inserted through the skin into the area of ​​the mammary gland affected by the tumor. A biopsy allows you to establish an accurate, definitive diagnosis, identify the aggressiveness and nature of the tumor, as well as the stage of development of the disease.

A thorough diagnosis is necessary to establish a diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment regimen. IN in some cases A set of diagnostic measures may be required to confirm assumptions. For middle-aged women and during periods of climate change, it is important to undergo regular breast examinations. This will avoid the development of pathologies and will also help cure the disease. The earlier cancer is detected, the more easily it can be cured. If there is benign neoplasms, they also need to be monitored to prevent transformation into an aggressive form of oncology. Also having genetic predisposition To cancer, diagnostic measures should not be neglected. This will prevent the disease from developing to its final stage, when the risk to life increases. Timely therapy allows you to avoid serious consequences and complications.

Breast cancer treatment

The method for treating stage 2 breast cancer is chosen by the attending physician after examination, determination final diagnosis, characteristics of disease aggressiveness. It is important to remember that self-medication is life-threatening! Oncology can develop to an advanced stage, when therapy is limited to pain relief only. It is necessary to follow the recommendations and instructions of the attending physician.

Surgical intervention

Surgery is the most common method of combating malignant tumors. This procedure has two types:

  1. Mastectomy is an operation that involves removing the cancer-affected breast. An implant can be installed in place of the removed organ to restore its aesthetic appearance.
  2. Partial removal of the affected area followed by radiation therapy sessions. During the operation, the tumor neoplasm and a particle of adjacent tissue are removed directly. After the procedure, the organ is affected radioactive rays to remove malignant cells that remain after the operation.

The methods of surgical intervention used at the second stage often have a positive prognosis, and also imply a rapid recovery of the body and the patient’s return to normal life. Surgery uses chemotherapy or radiation therapy. The choice depends on the woman’s age and body characteristics.

Chemotherapy use

Chemotherapy - treatment using cytostatics, chemicals, stopping the growth of malignant neoplasms and the spread of metastases. This treatment method affects the body as a whole, killing cancer cells localized in different parts bodies. But the impact chemicals has a side effect on the body, because along with malignant cells, healthy ones are also destroyed. This method of treatment is considered effective, but also aggressive and unforgiving. After the therapy session, a period is necessary for the patient to recover.

Chemotherapy methods:

  • Adjuvant. Used after surgery as aid. The therapy is aimed at destroying cancer cells remaining after removal of the affected organ. This prevents the risk of relapse and return of the disease.
  • Neoadjuvant. It is used before surgery to reduce tumors and slow down the spread of pathogenic cells. This contributes to the successful completion of the operation.
  • Therapeutic. This type of chemotherapy is used as the dominant method of treatment when radical surgery to remove the affected organ is impossible.
  • Induction. It is used to reduce the size of tumors and suppress the spread of cancer cells.

After chemotherapy courses, a number of side effects are observed, about which the doctor warns the patient in advance. It takes time to restore and rehabilitate the body and return to normal life.

Hormone therapy

Hormone treatment is an auxiliary therapy method that is used to enhance the effect of chemotherapy, as well as surgery. Hormone therapy is not used as the dominant method of treating oncology. A malignant tumor feeds on hormones and, thanks to the nourishment, grows and spreads. Hormone therapy comes down to suppressing hormones in the body in order to cut off nutrition to the tumor. This allows surgery or procedures to be performed with increased effectiveness.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy used as an auxiliary method that increases the effectiveness of treatment. Radiation also reduces the risk of relapse and return of the disease. The affected area of ​​the chest, nearby tissues, and lymph nodes are exposed to radioactive rays. Radiation therapy can reduce the size of the tumor, suppress the spread of malignant cells, and the formation of metastases.

Targeted therapy

At the second stage of breast cancer, targeted therapy is used as both a primary and an auxiliary treatment method. Used medications, which destroy the protein compounds of the tumor, which leads to the destruction of the tumor and suppression of the process of cell division. The treatment regimen, as well as the substances used, are selected separately for each patient. Advantage this method is that negative impact on healthy cells reduced to a minimum. This allows you to reduce side effects, as well as shorten the rehabilitation period to restore the body after the procedure.


In addition to radical treatment methods, the doctor prescribes a diet that is important to follow. Recommended to avoid junk food, fats of animal origin, dyes, preservatives and various food additives. It is important to eat enough fresh fruits and vegetables because they great content vitamins and microelements. It is recommended to use vegetable raw oils for cooking.

Sweets and confectionery products should be excluded from the daily diet. Small meals are recommended. It is important to eat in small portions, warm up to six times a day. Food should be healthy and freshly prepared. We must also not forget the importance drink plenty of fluids. Clean water room temperature will remove toxins from the body, replenish water balance, normalizes vital processes. You will have to get rid of bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol. Nicotine and ethanol interfere with treatment and contribute to the development of cancer.

Prognosis after treatment

The survival rate for stage 2 breast cancer is high. The prognosis and life expectancy depend on the determination of the subtype of the tumor, its nature and aggressiveness. The patient’s age, body characteristics, concomitant diseases, physical condition. The younger the woman and the lower the stage of cancer, the more favorable the prognosis for recovery. Stage two cancer can be treated if you follow the doctor’s recommendations and follow the instructions.

The doctor calculates the nutrition plan, therapeutic diet which must be followed, excluding prohibited products. It is important to avoid negative emotions and stress, go for walks more often fresh air and lead a moderately active lifestyle. By applying the advice and taking treatment seriously, cancer can be cured with minimal losses to the body.

Breast cancer most often affects women, claiming more than 300 thousand lives annually. This figure increases every year due to poor ecology, stress and the frantic pace of life.

Thanks to the achievements modern medicine breast cancer can be detected on early stage x and avoid deaths. Therefore, women should undergo regular examination by a mammologist.

Main Features

This is an early stage of the disease. The tumor size is no more than 5 cm, deep tissues are not damaged by metastases.

In the axillary lymph nodes, cancer cells are absent or present in single quantities.

A woman can determine stage 2 breast cancer herself by palpation.


The disease is divided into two stages – 2a and 2b. In the first case, the malignant tumor is no more than 2 cm and up to three lymph nodes are affected by cancer cells, or the tumor exceeds 5 cm, but it does not spread to neighboring tissues.

In stage 2b, the tumor is less than 5 cm and affects several lymph nodes - this type of cancer is called glandular cancer. Its danger lies in the fact that metastases located in the lymph nodes can penetrate through the bloodstream into the lungs and liver, and then spread throughout the body. In the second option, the tumor may exceed 5 cm and not spread to nearby tissues.

Stage 2 survival cancer up to 90% in case of correct and timely treatment. The exception is triple negative breast cancer, in which the success rate drops to 77%.

Symptoms of the disease

The disease at this stage occurs without symptoms. But if a woman regularly conducts self-diagnosis, she will definitely notice changes:

  1. A dense elastic nodule with uneven edges. A woman may feel pain when pressing on the lump.
  2. Swelling of the nipple and increase in its size. Sometimes the opposite picture is observed, when the nipple is retracted and weeping wounds appear on its surface.
  3. Enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits.
  4. If the tumor is large, you may notice wrinkled skin above it. In this case, the tumor will grow towards the surface of the mammary gland.

Diagnosis of the disease

The primary diagnosis is made by specialists during examination: a therapist, gynecologist or mammologist.

The doctor conducts a comprehensive examination and identifies the extent of tumor spread in the mammary gland and nearby tissues. Examination methods are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Visual inspection method:
  • X-ray;
  • Biopsy with histological examination tissues affected by cancer. This allows you to determine the type of tumor.
  • Other methods that characterize the patient’s general condition and existing oncology:
    • X-ray of the lungs;
    • examination of lymph nodes;
    • general tests;
    • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

    Please note: prognosis of survival at the considered stage of the disease with successful treatment averages 50 - 80%.

    Thanks to this, it is selected competent treatment. A timely diagnosis allows you to begin treatment at an early stage of the disease.

    Treatment options

    At the second stage of breast cancer, the main factor determining the treatment method is the degree of spread to the lymph nodes.

    The surgery can be performed with complete removal breast (mastectomy) or partial preservation of healthy tissue (lumpectomy). With a lumpectomy, the doctor can remove not only part of the breast, but also the affected nodes in the armpit.

    Typically, surgical intervention occurs in combination with. It can be performed before medical intervention in order to reduce the size of the malignant tumor. After surgery, radiation is necessary to prevent relapse of the disease.

    1. Monitoring the state of the endocrine system.
    2. Reception oral contraceptives during menopause.
    3. Complete nutrition.
    4. Quitting bad habits.
    5. Regular medical examinations.

    Good to know: Life expectancy for patients with stage 2 breast cancer without treatment is 7 - 8 years. If you receive timely therapy and follow preventive measures lifespan increases to 20 years.

    How to treat breast cancer, watch the doctor's comments in the following video: