Dream blue building. Why do you dream about the Building? Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Looking up at a tall building means great ambition. Such a dream does not foretell the fulfillment of a wish. Climbing the steps to a magnificent tall building is a sign of happy changes in your life.

To see a beautiful tall building in a dream with a well-groomed lawn in front of it means the fulfillment of a cherished desire. Such a dream predicts you a serene life of abundance, pleasant trips to distant lands and respect from others. Seeing new buildings in a dream means new beginnings.

Watching the construction of a building or taking part in it is a sign that you will soon start a new business. Being the owner of a beautiful building in a dream is a sign that you will become the master of your destiny and achieve a high position in society. Seeing an abandoned building in a dream is a sign that you will soon have problems in business.

If in a dream you refurbish an old building, then great success and wealth await you. Seeing an unfinished building in a dream is a sign that you will not be able to complete the job. Seeing a small cramped building in a dream means that you should be more modest. See interpretation: house, premises.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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  • You build walls, you build a house. - Great happiness and benefit.
  • You see the main building of the house. - Wealth.
  • The main building of the house is collapsing. - Unhappiness in the family.
  • You climb into a high mansion, onto a tower. - Happiness is in everything.
  • You enter high halls. - Heralds the arrival of a rich and noble person.
  • You drink wine in a high chamber. - Heralds the arrival of a rich and noble person.
  • The family rises to a high tower. - Calmness and confidence in business.
  • You enter the imperial palace. - Portends great happiness.
  • You are sitting in a government building. - Portends great happiness.
  • Large temple of ancestors. - Happiness and good luck in all matters.
  • There is a coffin in the large hall. - Portends joy and peace.
  • You fall into a hole in the main room. - Portends misfortune in the family.
  • You are building a roof on your house. - Portends longevity.
  • Rebuilding and updating your home. - Much luckily.
  • Gusts of wind cause the house to move. - Foretells a move.
  • Are you moving to new house belonging to another person. - Fortunately.
  • The family moves out of the house. - A joyful event for the wife.
  • You move into a destroyed building. - Portends a beautiful wife.
  • You rent out your house to someone. - You will get a place in the service.
  • I dream that the family lives very poorly. - Portends great happiness and benefits.
  • You sweep the house, splashing water as you do so. - A person will come from afar.
  • You rent a village house. - Portends the loss of a job.
  • An empty house without people. - Foretells death.
  • Standing under the roof, in the house, you get dressed. - Talks about uncertainty, some kind of mystery.
  • You climb over the wall and go through the house. - Some danger is leaving.
  • You are suing your wife for housing. - Portends happiness.
  • Suddenly the main beam supporting the roof breaks. - Portends great misfortune.
  • The military enters the house. - Portends a great big misfortune.
  • The house is falling into a hole. - Foretells death.
  • You see the concubine's son under the wall. - Presages career growth.
  • Digging while on a wall. - Foretells changes.
  • The military enters the house. - Portends great happiness.
  • Tiles fall from the roof, you feel mortal horror. - There will be a quarrel with my wife.
  • You see a live horse in the house. - There will be a letter from my son.
  • Grass grows in the rooms. - The house will soon be empty.
  • You are renovating a village house. - There will be great joy.
  • The house is located in a well. - You'll get sick.
  • You buy a house from a person in a rural area. - Relocation due to a change of duty station.

Why do you dream about a building?

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing huge magnificent buildings with green lawns stretching out in front of them is a harbinger of a long and prosperous life, travel and discoveries in distant lands.

Small and newly built houses mean lasting domestic happiness, and in business - profitable, profitable endeavors.

But if the houses are old, shabby and dirty, then expect deterioration in health, decline in business and quarrels with loved ones.

If in a dream you watch a house being built, then a new direction will soon appear in your affairs.

Seeing yourself as the owner of an excellent house promises you good fortune.

Why do you dream about a building?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Great - very high - hard work; to enter it means to have favorable conditions in life; falling - overcoming an obstacle. A destroyed building means having a bad public opinion; a large building under construction - to have far-reaching plans; to see a very small building - one must be modest.

Why do you dream about a building?

Family dream book

If you dreamed of a magnificent building surrounded by green lawns, you will have a long and prosperous life filled with travel.

Small and recently built - mean lasting domestic happiness and profitable, profitable endeavors.

Old, shabby and dirty - dream of deteriorating health, decline in business and quarrels with loved ones.

If in a dream you watch construction work, a new direction will soon appear in your affairs.

Why do you dream about a building?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Buildings and other structures in a dream symbolically reflect your current life, as well as the prospects and plans that you are making.

Those under construction are a sign that your deeds and labors will bring you worthy fruits in the future.

Cozy, clean - they speak of prosperity and well-being.

High-rise is a symbol of your high aspirations. The strength and reliability of these houses reflects how well-founded your hopes are.

Emphatically magnificent houses, dazzling with their rich decoration, are usually a sign of fruitless hopes. Apparently, you should dream less and act more so that your dreams can actually come true.

Leaning or collapsed is a sign that some of your plans are under threat.

Why do you dream about a building?

Spring dream book

A high-rise building means decent income and promotion.

Seeing administrative buildings in a dream means protracted process or talking about you in unflattering forms, leading to denunciation.

Opening a building with a key means a promotion.

Why do you dream about a building?

Summer dream book

Seeing a high-rise building in a dream means that perhaps you will be elected as a Duma deputy.

Why do you dream about a building?

Autumn dream book

Seeing a high-rise building like a skyscraper in a dream means you will be flying on an airplane.

Why do you dream about a building?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you see rich, huge buildings surrounded by green lawns and skillfully trimmed bushes, flower beds and fountains among them is a sign of future prosperity, for long years a life full of interesting events, and a prosperous, serene old age.

To see modern standard buildings in a dream - faceless high-rise buildings in new microdistricts - such a dream means a stable existence and the dull monotony of life, locked in a circle of daily routine in an endless struggle for survival.

Buildings in old city blocks, neglected, standing in scaffolding for many years undergoing major repairs, portend a decline in business and deterioration in health, as well as a quarrel with a loved one.

A dream in which you are watching or managing the construction of a building suggests that big changes await you soon.

Destroying a building in a dream means that public opinion about you will change for the worse.

Walking through an abandoned and uninhabited building means having far-reaching plans.

To be the owner of a solid building that brings in considerable income - in life you should behave more relaxed and without regard for others.

Selling a building in a dream promises favorable conditions for work and leisure.

Why do you dream about a building?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

The building is very tall - hard work.

Entering the building means having favorable conditions in life.

Falling building - overcoming obstacles.

A destroyed building means a bad public opinion about you.

A large building under construction means having far-reaching plans.

Very small - you have to be modest.

Why do you dream about a building?

Dream Interpretation modern woman

The building - huge, magnificent buildings with green lawns in front of them foreshadow a long, comfortable life, travel to distant countries.

Small and new houses mean lasting family happiness, a successful start to any business.

Old, shabby and dirty houses- portend deterioration in health, decline in business and quarrels with loved ones.

The very process of building a house in a dream promises a new direction in your affairs.

If in a dream you find yourself the owner of an excellent house, fate will favor you.

Why do you dream about a building?

Azar's Dream Book

Entering a building is good luck. Tall building - hard work

Why do you dream about a building?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Building - change (the higher the building, the more successful the business).

Why do you dream about a building?

Modern dream book

To dream of large and majestic buildings with green lawns laid out in front of the entrance - predicts that you will live long and prosperously, amazing trips to distant countries await you.

Small newly built buildings seen in a dream mean a happy family life and profitable enterprises.

If they are old and unkempt, this is a harbinger of deteriorating health, quarrels with a lover, as well as failures in business.

If you dream of a very tall building, unexpected events will occur in your life that will make an indelible impression on you.

If the building where you need to get to the top floor does not have an elevator, it means that you are unnecessarily worried and afraid of the work ahead; it will be done by you without much effort and with very high quality.

If you need to clean a large building, this means that you are overly compassionate and are trying to take on someone else's work.

If you get lost in a building, you need to trust your intuition and not be embarrassed by the ridicule of your colleagues.

If you cannot find the building you need, you are overcome by a thirst for adventure and you know what to do in such cases.

If you come across a building of an unusual shape, this dream promises men an unexpected acquaintance with an interesting continuation, and women a passionate meeting with a random partner.

Why do you dream about a building?

Eastern dream book

Beautiful large buildings surrounded by well-groomed squares and lawns - dream of a long life happy life in abundance, full of adventure and travel.

New small buildings - fortunately in marriage.

Old and neglected - to poor health, conflicts and other problems.

A dream in which you see a huge high-rise building predicts: soon something will happen in your life that will change your ideas about good and evil.

If you are forced to climb top floor without an elevator - rest assured: you will have enough strength to cope with any troubles in life.

If you dreamed that you had to clean a very large building - think about it: aren’t you taking on the solution to other people’s problems?

If you are lost and cannot find the building you are looking for, it means that you are overcome by a thirst for adventure.

If you have lost your bearings inside the building, rely more on your intuition.

Why do you dream about a building?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

A building, in general, based on its appearance, is a plan or some conditional plan of activity, the meaning of a long period of the dreamer’s life.

A destroyed building is a period of failure in business or relationships; the planned event will fail.

Skyscraper - grandiose plans; lasting success.

The building is administrative - will affect your state of affairs (depending on the building itself).

Why do you dream about a building?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What does a building mean in a dream - New and strong: - to a stable and prosperous life, dilapidated - to a decline in business. Imagine that a dilapidated building undergoes a major renovation, and after it the house emerges renewed, durable, and beautiful.

Why do you dream about a building?

Astrological dream book

Building means things will slow down in your business. Ordinary.

Why do you dream about a building?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of a Building, what is it for? You dream of a building, living in which - you know - is prestigious - you have rich influential friends, they occupy high positions; Once upon a time it was flattering for you to spend time in the company of these people, but now you are bored with them, their eternal insincerity and patronizing tone are already quite irritating you, you feel that you have outgrown the image in which you are held; you will look for the company of simpler people - you will find it and enjoy it. In a dream you own a luxurious, expensive building - fate is again favorable to you; Don’t let your head spin from success!.. You dream of a building under construction - seeing the futility of the situation, you will take a new direction in business and see what a revival there will be - all the mechanisms will work without failures. You see a newly built building - you are holding your home tightly; you manage wisely and economically; even during difficult trials you will not lose confidence, because you will always feel a strong rear behind you; happiness for you is not a ghostly firebird. You dream of an old building - stagnation in business will result in complete decline; you will have health problems. It’s as if you are cleaning a large building - the dream suggests that you have enough of your own work, but you are still taking on someone else’s; someone will ask for backup on your part; someone will ask you for time off, and you will have to take on some of their responsibilities.

Why do you dream about a building?

Psychoanalytic dream book

What do Buildings mean in a dream - buildings in dreams are our habits and beliefs that arose from life experience, perception and often family traditions and customs. If in real life we can learn a lot about a person from his environment, then in dreams the character of the dreamer, his hopes and experiences are reflected by the building. The parts of the building are aspects of his personality. Buildings in a dream may appear to be composite, so it can be difficult to interpret them. To understand a dream, one must take the first impression of the building, its main function, the subsequent ones should be considered as qualities that still need to be seen. Different buildings have their own meanings: Hotel (see also on "O"). Dreaming about a hotel means that we do not feel secure in life.

Why do you dream about a building?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Building (public) – The building reflects the dreamer’s problems that can be correlated with functional purpose buildings (see also House, Factory, Hospital, School, Church). Factory, plant - you will face routine tasks, problems with work. Hospital - illness, support from friends. Church - faith, ideals. School is the acquisition of new skills in something, this is the interpretation of the Building according to the dream book.

Why do you dream about a building?

Women's dream book

Building - Huge, magnificent buildings with green lawns in front of them foreshadow a long, comfortable life, travel to distant lands. Small and new houses mean lasting family happiness and a successful start to any business. Old, shabby and dirty houses portend deterioration in health, decline in business and quarrels with loved ones. The very process of building a house in a dream promises a new direction in your affairs. If in a dream you find yourself the owner of an excellent house, fate will favor you.

Why do you dream about a building?

Magic dream book

You dreamed of a Building, what is it for - for change. The higher the building, the more successful the change. A government building is a government career. Entering a tall building means getting favorable conditions. A destroyed building means bad public opinion. Taking part in the construction of a large building means having far-reaching plans. The small building symbolizes modest desires. An unfinished building - every day brings new excitement.

Why do you dream about a building?

Italian dream book Meneghetti

It symbolizes, just like the images of a large house standing on a hill, a hotel, residential or non-residential premises, etc., a state of strong emotional and sensory arousal, close to affect, suppressing the process of self-realization of the subject. The building represents the place where, since ancient times, the subject was fixed in a state of individual regression, up to suicide or murder. In easier and more common cases, the image indicates the external emotional and sensory environment (see Home).

Why do you dream about a building?

Muslim dream book

Building means worldly affairs.

If anyone sees a large and clean building, he will be charitable and achieve joy.

If someone sees a building that is cramped and ugly, then the opposite will happen.

If someone sees a golden house, he will burn in fire.

Seeing an iron house means durability.

Why do you dream about a building?

Dream book of the future

Huge magnificent buildings with green lawns mean a long, prosperous life, travel and discoveries in distant countries.

Why do you dream about a building?

Dream interpretation horoscope

Tall building - your ambitious plans will soon come true

Why do you dream about a building?

Online dream book

According to the dream book, a building is a symbol of worries and affairs; what kind of institution is located in it, such is the nature of these worries.

If it is huge with exquisite architecture and landscaped surrounding areas, you will live many years filled with happiness and new interesting experiences.

New buildings promise you family well-being.

A dream in which a building is just being built - you will need to work a lot, but your work will be generously paid.

If it is dilapidated and abandoned, numerous troubles await you in literally all areas of life, your well-being will be poor, and serious quarrels are possible.

Skyscrapers - some event will contribute to your reassessment of values, you will look at the world differently.

If you dreamed that you were destroying buildings, you would incur universal condemnation and fall in the eyes of others.

If you are engaged in selling them, everything will turn out just fine both in your personal life and in your career.

The building collapses - the relationship between the spouses will be ruined, you will have to reconsider your views on life and come to a compromise.

You dream of a tall building - the appearance of a wealthy and influential acquaintance in your life will solve many of the difficulties that you have to face.

A beautiful building means a prosperous life, trips abroad, interesting events, good health.

A dream in which you see an abandoned building means the harsh realities of life will plunge you into a state of anxiety and despondency.

A burning building in a dream means rejoicing in your friends’ successes as if you were your own. Empathize and worry with them.

A burning building that belongs to you

Falling building - difficulties may arise in different areas of your activity. It would be a good idea to conduct a medical examination.

Large building - your dream will soon come true, you will not need money, life will be full of bright events, exciting discoveries and new knowledge.

Why do you dream about a building?

Dream Interpretation of Health

The image of a building characterizes the human body and its health.

The individual parts of the building are the corresponding organs of the human body, and their condition is the level of health.

Why do you dream about a building?

Dream book of symbols

Buildings (administrative, service) - unlike the buildings in which we live, in a dream they reflect professional activity, “going through the authorities” (affairs) and position in society, relationships and connections in teams. A significant semantic component of events in a dream inside a service building is our self-esteem, as well as the need, desire and nature of affairs. For example, “to go (to) the bathhouse” is failure, “to the hairdresser” is dissatisfaction, “to the store” is need, “to various administrative premises” is trouble, worries, petitions.

Halls, office rooms - usually mean asking, waiting or delay.

Why do you dream about a building?

Dream book of lovers

A beautiful tall building with lawns and lawns portends a life full of romantic trips and love adventures.

If you dream of low houses, this means that warmth and home comfort await you.

However, old and dirty houses promise a quarrel with loved ones.

Why do you dream about a building?

Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

You build walls, erect a house - great happiness and benefit.

You see the main building of the house - wealth.

The main building of the house is collapsing - misfortune in the family.

You go up to the high mansion, to the tower - happiness in everything.

Entering the high halls foreshadows the arrival of a rich and noble person.

If you drink wine in a high mansion, it foreshadows the arrival of a rich and noble person.

The family rises to a high tower - calm and confidence in business.

Entering the imperial palace portends great happiness.

Sitting in a government building - portends great happiness.

A large temple of ancestors means happiness and good luck in all matters.

There is a coffin in the large hall - it portends joy and peace.

If you fall into a hole in the main room, it portends misfortune in the family.

Building a roof on your house portends longevity.

You rebuild and update your home - to great happiness.

Gusts of wind cause the house to move - foreshadowing a move.

You move to a new house that belongs to another person - fortunately.

The family leaves home - a joyful event for the wife.

Moving into a ruined building - portends a beautiful wife.

If you give your house for rent to any person, you will get a place in the service.

To dream that a family lives very poorly portends great happiness and benefits.

If you sweep the house, splashing water at the same time, a person will come from afar.

If you rent a village house, it foreshadows the loss of your job.

An empty house without people portends death.

Standing under a roof, in a house, getting dressed - speaks of uncertainty, some kind of secret.

You climb over the wall and pass through the dwelling - some danger disappears.

You are suing your wife for housing - portends happiness.

Suddenly the main beam supporting the roof breaks - portends a great misfortune.

The military enters the house - portends a great misfortune.

A house falling into a hole portends death.

You see the son of a concubine under the wall - foreshadows career growth.

Digging while on a wall portends change.

The military enters the house - portends great happiness.

Tiles fall from the roof, you feel mortal horror - there will be a quarrel with your wife.

If you see a live horse in the house, there will be a letter from your son.

Grass grows in the rooms - the house will soon be empty.

If you renovate a village house, it will be a great joy.

The house is located in a well - you will get sick.

You buy a house from a person in a rural area - moving due to a change of duty station.

Why do you dream about a building?

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Public buildings in dreams, such as theatre, school, church, are also iconic dream symbols.

Medical institutions in a dream (pharmacy, hospital) are associated with health problems.

A destroyed building - may portend the loss of family members or friends, illness.

A building filled with people speaks of business prosperity and prosperity.

A building reminiscent of Freud's phallic symbol - or any symbol associated with the male genital organ - can be interpreted as an image of female maturity or sexual intercourse.

Why do you dream about a building?

ABC of dream interpretation

The building reflects the dreamer’s problems that can be correlated with the functional purpose of the building.

Factory, factory - you will face routine tasks, problems with work.

Hospital - illness, support from friends.

Church - faith, ideals.

School is about acquiring new skills in something.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Sunday to Monday

The dream is associated with state of mind the dreamer, his fears and concerns. Pleasant dream promises resolution of problems, frightening - the development of depression. Such dreams rarely come true. However, for people born on Monday, they are prophetic.

Dream interpretation building

Why do you dream about a building? A dreamed image does not come just like that, and therefore it is so important to determine the reason for its appearance in a night dream. Your task is to break down your storyline into small parts, and only then use the dream book.

What to think about?

According to the dream book, the building is a symbol of various aspects of life: personal relationships, financial affairs, business sphere etc.

I dreamed about a building

Each of them occupies a separate place in life, and therefore it is so important not to miss anything important during decoding. By correctly interpreting what a building is in a dream about, you can get closer to a deep understanding of your problem.

Possible difficulties

The dreamed building may not always be in good condition, and therefore you need to remember the details.


Seeing a fallen building means the onset of a dark period in life, which will affect various aspects. The dream interpreter strongly recommends abandoning the plan, since the project is unlikely to be successful.

According to another interpretation, your plans are in danger of being disrupted, and therefore you will have to think through a detailed plan that allows you to predict the result.


If you dreamed of a building swaying in the wind, then on your life path Serious difficulties will arise, but your determination will allow you to overcome them. The main thing is to make the right efforts, and then the result will not take long to arrive.

I dreamed of a collapsing house


If a building collapses before your eyes, then serious troubles await you. If a house fell in front of you and fragments scattered different sides, then the dreamer will expect significant financial losses.

For what purpose?

If you dream about buildings, then prerequisite for getting accurate interpretation will determine its purpose. The dream interpreter suggests that each building leaves a certain imprint on the entire forecast:

  • hospital - to the development of the disease;
  • school – you will need to learn specialized skills for work;
  • court - to troublesome matters that will interfere on the way to the goal;
  • production factory - to future problems at work;
  • administrative building - to a conversation with an unpleasant person;
  • service center - to minor troubles.

What will Miller tell you?

Seeing a tall building in a dream

The psychologist's dream interpreter is one of the most authoritative, and that is why so many people turn to him for help. The author considered several options for new buildings.


As the dream book describes, a tall building with green lawns in front of it is a symbol of a prosperous and long life, which will be filled with travel. The unusual impressions with which the dreamer will be filled will have an impact on the rest of his life, and therefore he must take risks and go away from his home.


Seeing a small building in a dream means achieving strong family happiness. Miller writes that a sleeping person will have success in all his endeavors, no matter how difficult they may seem. The main thing is to catch luck by the tail and take full advantage of the opportunity.

What's happening?

I dreamed of a fire

Events seen in a dream are not always as pleasant as they may seem at first glance. It is difficult to predict what incident will happen in the next minute, but writing a transcript is not so difficult.

For what reason did the fire engulf the high-rise building? The answer to this question will be related to the successful progress of affairs thanks to the help of influential people. If you are invited to some significant event, then you need to get acquainted with maximum number of people. As some dreamers say, the image of a burning building was dreamed of on the eve of a new stage in life.

When you see your home, don’t panic ahead of time. Despite the fact that unplanned expenses will come into your life, you can always find an alternative.

In addition to possible financial losses, you will be able to remove from your environment the people who drag you down.


Seeing a flooded house in a dream

If we are talking about water flooding a building, then there will be more hard work and worries in your life. Sooner or later you will have to adapt to this.


The dreamer takes his things out of the house, which is being prepared for demolition - for an imminent change of place of residence. The dream interpreter strongly recommends changing your position and starting life from scratch.

Old buildings

Why do you dream of old and dilapidated buildings? You will have to remember everything that happened in the dream.

Finding a way out

If you are trying to get out of an unsafe building, there will be more quarrels and misunderstandings. To prevent such a problem, it is necessary to constantly seek compromises. Open confrontation is unlikely to lead to good consequences.

Countless attempts to get out of the ancient castle foretell a prosperous life for the dreamer. He will be able to afford everything he has wanted for so long.

If the dreamer is trying to renovate an old building in a dream, then good news will await him. According to the dream book, relationships with a partner are gentle and kind. Those around us can only rejoice at such a union.

Seeing a building being renovated in a dream

To see how a team of builders is renovating an old high-rise building - you will want to shift your problems to another person, and this will lead to large losses. Before making any decision, you will have to weigh the pros and cons several times.

Possible prospects

The higher the buildings in a city, the richer it is, but what can such images tell the dreamer? To obtain the correct interpretation, you will have to remember distinctive features architecture.


A tall house is a symbol of high aspirations raging in the dreamer’s soul. The stronger and more reliable it is, the more dreams correspond to reality. Seeing a modern unusual building is a reward pleasant surprise, which will change lives forever. If you can see people moving along it, then you will have no equal in the professional field.

Dreaming of a house-museum

To see a picturesque building with columns in your dream means you need the help of another person. The dream book confirms the fact that relatives and friends will be able to come to the rescue if needed.

New building

A big and white house portends the emergence of new opportunities that open up new horizons for the dreamer. The main thing is to manage them correctly.

Various interpretations

Participating in the construction of a new facility is a positive sign. He talks about how the dreamer will be able not only to improve his financial situation, but also to advance his career. There is very little left, and therefore you need to put in even more effort.

If in a dream you tried to get out of some building and you succeeded, then, according to the dream interpreter, you will have to trust your own intuition. Do not be embarrassed by the ridicule of other people, because your result will shock them.
Endless wanderings around a building in a dream are a reflection of one’s own spiritual aspirations. You need to understand yourself, and only then start solving other people's problems.

A house made of glass is a symbol of the fact that a sleeping person opens his soul even to those people who do not need it. Modesty is the key to success, no matter how strange it may sound. If a plane crashes into a house and it falls - external factors will lead to constant quarrels and protracted conflicts.

This question is not difficult to answer, having at hand various dream books and having sufficient knowledge in the interpretation of dreams. A tall building that appears in a dream means achieving the goals that a person has set for himself in real life.

What if you dream of a tall building?

The nature of buildings in a dream is closely related to a person’s relationships in society, his career advancement, the resolution of various matters, relationships in the family and at work.

If you dream of a tall building, it means that changes for the better are definitely coming. This could be a comfortable, comfortable life, moving up the career ladder. But not only. The enormous potential inherent in nature in every person can be realized at any moment.

A tall building is a hint to start action. If it is noticed in time, a person’s life will undergo significant changes for the better.

In this dream, the ability to remember the height of the building is very important. It can be low and squat, or medium, and maybe even gigantic. Why is this a very significant aspect? Yes, because a person’s future success in real life depends on the height of a building in a dream.

If the building is tall and strong, then the prospects for improvement are quite real. It also happens that a building may be high, but there is no strength. This means, for example, that promotion up the career ladder is very flimsy, or some unpleasant catch should be expected in this.

Or another example: everything seems to be working out in the best possible way, but the inner feeling that something is wrong somewhere is still present. In this case, there is no need to rush and think about all the undertakings. Do not forget that sleep gives permission to start. And the person himself orients himself in the whirlpool of events.

What does it portend?

In any case, a person’s hopes for a wonderful future, his aspirations and aspirations are associated with a tall building. Therefore, to the question: why do you dream of a tall building, there is a fairly simple answer.

Big changes in life are coming. Such a dream foreshadows, first of all, the implementation of planned plans and, as a result, prosperity, which opens up wide opportunities for a person. Success and profitable offers will be constant companions in your work.

Good changes will not bypass personal life. Long-broken relationships will be restored. Will be observed personal growth. Good changes will also change your inner attitude towards life.

The dream gives a person a little hint that the time has come to carry out his plans, the time has come for constructive actions in real life. It is important not to miss this tip and use all your energy to improve your life.

Dreams for interpretation must be carefully selected. Vivid, emotional dreams are most suitable. That part of the dream that is most colored by feeling can become fateful. Therefore, in order to interpret a dream, you need to remember everything down to the smallest detail and find a trick that will shed light on further events in real life.