Farewell to colleagues in prose. Wishes at the dismissal of a good employee. Interesting cases in the practice of personnel service

The number of economic associations in Russia is increasing every day. The concept of corporate ethics is becoming familiar to us, the purpose of which is to create a favorable atmosphere in the team.

Psychologically difficult moments (reorganization, change of leadership, acceptance and departure of employees) are accompanied by certain rituals, one of which is writing a farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal.

Why a farewell letter?

Large corporations, offices have hundreds and even thousands of employees. There is no way to approach everyone for a personal farewell. Gather a team in the meeting room, too, if the person leaving is not the head of the enterprise.

It is also worth remembering that dismissal is stressful, not conducive to personal communication. And if you consider that in the conditions of a large team, not all employees are closely acquainted, you can also get into an awkward situation.

The best way to avoid trouble is to send out internal email.

Psychologists give another reason for writing a farewell letter to colleagues. When a person understands that he should quit, but cannot decide in any way, the process of composing farewell lines will help him objectively answer the questions: why does he want to leave, how does he work in the same place, what has he achieved, what is he striving for, what are the relationships with colleagues and bosses. Together with the last point, a reasonable, balanced decision will come.

When is it customary to write corporate farewell letters?

  • when moving to another place of work;
  • when transferred to another branch or department;
  • when changing positions and steps in the corporate hierarchy;
  • upon retirement;
  • when going on maternity leave.


The main objective - observance of the rules of good manners. Leaving in English is incompatible with corporatism. The person leaving the letter shows respect for colleagues and the company and helps to ensure that his departure does not affect the atmosphere in the team.

The second goal is personal and slightly selfish. it the desire to maintain a reputation in professional circles and business ties. A person rarely leaves bankers for musicians. He usually receives a lucrative offer from competing organizations. And business relationships with former colleagues can greatly help in career growth in a new place.

How to write a farewell letter when leaving

The formality of the style of writing is manifested in objectivity and unobtrusiveness. But it is desirable to abandon the dryness of the presentation, making the message warmer and more benevolent.

So it will be perceived as an act of respect for a caring person, and not a burdensome duty. AT farewell letter correct, delicate humor is allowed.

Such a letter is not a document, but has a clear and binding structure.

Name, position

To save the time of colleagues, to avoid misunderstanding and sending the letter to spam, you first need to introduce yourself and remind colleagues who and in what department the sender worked. In the theme window email you should also indicate "Farewell letter full name, position in the genitive case."

Leaving notice and reason

Not needed in a corporate letter bright emotions. It should leave the impression of the writer as a balanced person, able to accept both failures and victories with dignity. The reason is formulated clearly and clearly, without hints that give rise to rumors and gossip.

When the reason for dismissal is unpleasant, you can not indicate it.

If a person still decides to do this, you need to suppress resentment, anger and the desire to express everything that is sore about former colleagues and the place of work.

A pleasant reason is also reservedly indicated. In a farewell letter to colleagues, there is no place for boasting, gloating, expressing superiority.

If desired, they explain what influenced the decision to quit, but remember the inadmissibility of negative statements. When it is impossible to do without criticism, it is presented as a series of proposals for improving the work of the enterprise, indicating specific facts. This once again underlines the competence and decency.

Name of the successor, his contact details

The debugged mechanism of the corporation should work without failures and delays. If the departing employee informs colleagues about the changes in a timely manner, they will be grateful to him.

Description of the achievements of the retired person during work

The starting point for describing achievements is the team. Can't be presented professional success like personal victories.

You should start with what the writer has learned while working at the enterprise. It is advisable to indicate the names of those who contributed to his development as a professional, to express special gratitude to them.

At the end of this part of the letter, it is imperative to show that the professional improvement of the resigned is the result of the work of the team that supported his undertakings, helped, showed patience and mutual understanding.

After expressing gratitude, it would also be appropriate to apologize to the team if the person leaving feels discomfort after a misconduct.

Wishes to colleagues

This part is drawn up in different ways depending on the size of the team and the nature of the relationship between employees. Wishes can be specific if a small team has friendly relations.

If the team is large and unfamiliar, a few general points will suffice. You can wish success in work, career growth, creative success, professional discoveries, decent wages, personal and family well-being.

At the end, they express a desire to maintain business and friendly relations in the future.

New contacts

So that the previous phrase is not an empty formality, former colleagues must leave their contacts. This may be a personal email address, a cell or home phone number, a residential address.

If data from a new place of work (address, phone number) is provided, the position must be indicated so that it is easier to find a new employee.

Should I send a farewell letter to my boss?

A farewell letter to the boss must be written.

  • This is again a manifestation of tact and good breeding.
  • This is an opportunity to leave with dignity and leave about yourself good impression, especially if your field of activity accepts letters of recommendation and calls to former place work.
  • This is a good opportunity to highlight your professionalism. If the leaving employee did not have free access to the boss's office, he can unobtrusively express the accumulated ideas and proposals in a letter, which will also have a beneficial effect on future recommendations.
  • This is the last chance to resolve a conflict or correct a mistake. By talking frankly with the boss, describing your vision of the situation, you can even avoid dismissal or demotion.

How and what to write to the boss? Unobtrusively, respectfully, observing subordination, without unnecessary emotions and flattery, express gratitude for the support, assistance in self-realization, advanced training.

Emphasize that the experience gained is the result of the high professionalism of the authorities. If the dismissal is related to a promotion, the role of the governing bodies in this achievement should be emphasized.

Examples of a farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal

There are no strict rules in the form of farewell letters. They can be in prose and poetry, humorous and serious, official and friendly.

The only limitation is volume. If the letter is addressed a large number employees, do not distract them from work with hundreds of farewell lines. A long letter is acceptable only in a narrow circle of colleagues who will definitely read it to the end.

Examples of farewell letters to colleagues upon dismissal can inspire you to write your own message. It can be a joke text or a sentimental confession of friendship. What can be written in such a letter? Is there an approved form of writing?

How is a letter written?

A farewell letter upon dismissal is a kind of innovation in corporate ethics. Since the dismissal process always brings some grief both for the quitter and for the team, a message to colleagues will defuse the situation and leave about former employee positive memories.

Such a letter is a ritual that shows not only the level of education of employees, but also allows you to maintain contacts that may be needed in the future.

The rules of etiquette, if we take specifically relationships at work, imply that in a small team of a little more than 5 people, it is better to get by with farewell and parting words in person, in words. In large organizations, for example, a school, it is difficult to say goodbye to everyone in person, and you don’t want to offend anyone. Besides, in recent times even in small organizations, they use letters that serve as a kind of friendly gesture.

That's why farewells were invented. There is no specific sample of a farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal. Usually the style is chosen according to the situation:

  • official;
  • friendly;
  • comic.

The choice of style depends on the relationship that has developed at work. If these are comic parting words, it is better to use several stickers in cheerful colors and attach them to the door of each office, if it is official, it is better to send a newsletter by internal mail.

Writing rules

Despite the fact that the letter is written in free form, you should not forget about some rules that are necessary when sending out by e-mail. For example, some nuances will prevent deleting a letter without reading it.

The rules are as follows:

  1. In the “subject” box, you should enter the last name, first name, if desired, and the position that the employee held before he was about to quit. Thus, the addressee will immediately understand who the letter is from.
  2. At the very beginning, it is necessary to tell that the employee was going to quit. It is not necessary to state the reason for the action. You can limit yourself to discreet information that at this time another option in the profession is better and a letter of resignation is the only possible option.
  3. Then you need to thank those with whom the dismissed person worked. At the same time, it’s not just to say “thank you”, but to describe the support that colleagues provided throughout the entire period of work, write about what he achieved in the team.
  4. Parting words. You can wish success in your career in general, you can wish something specific to everyone.
  5. Introduce someone who will work instead of the dismissed person, if any. You can devote a separate paragraph of the message to him, where you can talk about the intricacies of the work.

They end the letter by writing about the desire to communicate further. There are some nuances here - if there really is no desire, you do not need to leave contacts, but a good impression will still remain about the employee. If the former employee really wants to keep in touch, it is better to leave new contacts if they have changed.

Important! In no case should you brag and write something like "Goodbye, losers, I'm going up the career ladder." Even if it's a joke, some may not understand it.

Should I say goodbye to my boss?

The boss is sometimes somewhat removed from the atmosphere in the team, but you still need to write a message to him.

For the leader, there is no particular difference in the form of farewell. The only thing to consider is better to choose official style storytelling.

Be sure to mention that the boss is a real mentor who knows how to create the necessary conditions for work. Even if you had to quit at the initiative of the employer, you do not need to write about it. It should briefly describe what the employee has achieved at this place of work.

In the first sentence, you should address the boss by name and patronymic and be sure to use “respected”. Calling by name is always a winning variant of behavior in any situation.

Nuance! Sometimes it is in a letter to the authorities that you can correct the situation with the dismissal if the employee is to blame. You can ask for forgiveness, explain the situation in which you had to violate the terms of the contract. In 34% of cases, after such letters, the dismissed person is reinstated.

Farewell to the team

It is much easier to write a farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal than to superiors. There is no need to hold back if the relationship has developed warm.

Talking about the fact that the dismissed person will miss such a good team, you can especially highlight some, for example, thank the secretary for delicious coffee or the cleaning lady for a clean floor.

Appeal to employees.

Message in verse.

Farewell to the team.

Message before leaving.

Wishes in verse.

Possibly in verse or prose.

You can remind yourself again with short notes left on the desktops of colleagues.

And what should be the letter if it is the boss who quits? There may be some humor in such a message, but the main style should be official.

Message from the leader.

However, if the relationship between the manager and subordinates is warm and good, you can use any other spelling, including informal.

For reference! If you want to send a farewell to customers, then it is better to formalize it, it is necessary to indicate the contacts of the new employee in it and, just in case, leave your own.

Letter from colleagues

You can go the other way and support a colleague who decided to quit and write a farewell letter to him. You can come up with a collective message, or you can send it from someone personally.

An example of a letter from a colleague.

The letter is no different from other farewell letters, they only praise the person who is leaving. The employee will be pleased to see a caring attitude on the part of the team, this will give him strength for new achievements. And for the team, for each of the colleagues, this is a chance to get a more prestigious position in new organization if the retiring person moves to another company with an increase.

In addition, employees from a previous job can support a former employee at a new job by answering his farewell. The answer, like farewells, is written in free form.

Dismissal in any case brings sadness with it. Farewell letters are a way to support and amuse employees a little, and most importantly, a chance to leave with dignity and leave warm memories of yourself.

A person should be able to thank beautifully for kindness, for love, for services rendered. After all, it helps to make our life positive.

The leader in the workplace plays a big role in the lives of his subordinates. It helps to achieve goals, enjoy success and learn great interaction between colleagues.

Before expressing gratitude to the leader, you need to think carefully. You must choose the right speech and intonation to express gratitude for the help and create a friendly atmosphere in the team. We must speak from the heart, we must speak from the heart.

Tip: Get a creative person to make a thank you book. It is possible to single out the merits of the director in a beautiful poetic form.

Kind words of gratitude to the leader in verse and prose are an expression of gratitude that can be timed to coincide with any holiday, for example, a professional or birthday.

Words of gratitude do not have to be spoken in verse. This can be done in prose or in your own words:

“You know how to properly treat your subordinates – we appreciate it. We always know that your wise advice helps us in our work. You listen carefully to everyone, and we respect you for it. We consider you the best director. On your holiday, we want to say many words of gratitude. May luck always accompany you through life, and fortune smiles.

“I would like to express my gratitude for your excellent attitude towards subordinates. May only good people meet on your path, and may only good news surprise you.

“We are in a hurry to work, as if to a holiday. You always greet us with a smile. With deep respect, we express our gratitude and wish you a happy birthday. Bring a lot of benefits to our company, and we will always help you with this. We wish you good patience, professional endurance and great willpower in leadership.”

“There are few good leaders in the world, like in our company. We are ready to dedicate songs and poems to our boss. You will always listen and help solve any problem. Human most He spends most of his life at work, so you want to feel comfortable here. You help us in this, and we want to thank you for it. We wish you that your cherished dream come true and good luck always accompanies you through life.

The headmaster can be thanked by the teachers who work with him. This can be done with such beautiful words:

Everyone spends a lot of time with colleagues. All people who work together try to help and support each other. For this I want to say “Thank you” to my colleague, especially if he has a birthday or a professional holiday.

Beautiful words of gratitude to colleagues help set a person up for positive and add Have a good mood into a holiday atmosphere. Psychologists say that in a team in which colleagues are grateful to each other for communication and work, there are fewer conflicts. So feel free to speak good words.

Expressing gratitude to colleagues at work, it can be noted that it is comfortable to work with these people, and each of them is a special and amazing personality. You can also say something like this:

“Thanks to you, we were able to create a friendly team, people in which are hardworking, kind and cheerful. Thank you for the fact that even in the most difficult stressful situations, you do not lose heart and remain optimistic and self-confident. All this is necessary for effective work. Thank you for the fact that everyday life is not a routine and routine, and every new morning is a bright and original working time.»

“Dear colleagues, I am happy that you work with me in the same company. For each of you I have words of gratitude, to someone for kind words, smiles, to others for comments, help and support. All this helps me to work hard and improve. We are one team and one whole. Thank you for making me feel comfortable around you.”

There are times when you need to say beautiful words thanks to a colleague who is leaving own will or for health reasons:

“You helped run our business. We trusted you with professional secrets and personal secrets. It is safe to call you a life partner. Therefore, let you be respected everywhere as well as in our company, and be happy also in any other team. Thank you!"

“I would like to say “thank you” to you, dear colleague, on behalf of the entire team. You always found kind words for us, you could always listen and understand. May life love you, and fate be beautiful, so that you never feel sad and always smile. May the good that you do to people multiply and return to you like a boomerang.”

“It’s not enough to just say “thank you”, I want to say what a good person you are. Thank you for the kindness that has always flowed from you. May the sun shine on you and illuminate your path, and may people give you their smiles billions of times.”

Help can be different: charitable, help in matters at work, at home, in treatment, study, and so on. I always want to express gratitude for the help in a special way, so that the person would be pleased and he would remember these words for a long time.

Words of gratitude for the help can be expressed in your own words from the bottom of your heart. But it will be more effective to write them and creatively arrange them in the form of a letter.

Tip: Order from creative person a nice image related to the case you got help with. You can put the photo in a frame and write words of gratitude, for example, for the fact that this person helped the child to recover and become the same as everyone else.

In a letter of thanks, in addition to your words from the heart, you can write the following words:

Often educators do not know how to express gratitude to active parents who participate in life. kindergarten or schools. This can be done with these words:

Sometimes people are thanked simply for their kindness, because it is also considered a help in difficult times when problems arise.

Words of gratitude for the help, expressed from the heart, will cause a reaction that is touching to tears. Grace and inspiration, the desire to be better and kinder to the world - all this will be felt by the surrounding people who will hear the words of gratitude for the help.

“Thank you, dear man, for your help. Thank you for being you, because you can make many people happy who need your help. Responsive, sensitive, understanding and kind - all the words of our Russian language are not enough to tell about your good qualities. Thank you for helping me through difficult times. May you be lucky in life."

Tip: If you will be expressing gratitude to a certain person, do not just say the word "Thank you." Say "Thank you," as this is the word that carries certain energy and delivers a completely different feeling.

Tip: Do not thank out of a sense of duty - it will be immediately noticeable. Speak grateful words from the heart, and the heart itself will tell you what and how to say.

In the life of every person, there may be times when you need to say “thank you” to a person who did a certain job. Gratitude for work can be expressed in poetry or prose.

“Thank you for your efforts and hard work. I want to wish inspiration - you deserve gratitude! May your life be happy. I wish you new victories and not give up before a new difficult task.”

“I wish you to love your work from the bottom of your heart, so that you always help people. You perform it flawlessly, which makes you want to shout "Bravo". Let work be only a joy, and let the path of life lead you to success.

“Everything turned out great, you know how to do your job perfectly. You did your best, for which you are praised. May fate be favorable to you, and bring only joy and success.

“I would like to bow low to you for being such a professional in your field. You as a worker are invaluable, not lazy and skillful. We will tell the whole world about you so that orders flow like a river. A simple Russian thank you for the high quality of work and for a wonderful result.”

We also need to thank the teachers for their invaluable work in raising children. Words are better written in capital beautiful postcard so that it can be handed to the teacher as a keepsake.

Thanks in SMS

Thanks in SMS

Words of gratitude can be expressed not only orally or in the form of a letter, but also in SMS. Thanks in SMS should be expressed in the form of a quatrain or a few words:

I say "thank you" to you

And in a dream I will repeat it.

Let everyone know about it

You best person in the world!

For a kind gesture, I want to say "thank you"

You spared no expense to help hurried

You are kind - people told me about it,

I want to wish you happiness, joy and many smiles.

Thank people for good deeds, for any help. After all, gratitude is great value in our life. Let's learn to say "thank you" correctly, because this is a step towards goodness and peace.

Video: Perhaps the most touching gratitude to parents

Each employee of a large or small company over the years of work acquires connections in the team, becomes a useful and sometimes indispensable member in a well-coordinated personnel mechanism. All this requires compliance with the norms of corporate ethics from the company, promotion or when moving to another branch. One of the rules in such cases is the preparation of a farewell corporate letter for the team and management.

The tradition of writing farewell letters is widespread in European countries. In large organizations, each employee performs a specific function and interacts with employees from many other departments. In such cases, the letter will allow you to show respect, notify other employees of your departure and pass on business contacts in order to avoid downtime.

A corporate farewell letter will be required if the employee is on long term or permanently leaves the company or department in which he worked. An official farewell letter is drawn up in the following cases:

  • dismissal from the company
  • promotion to leadership position
  • moving to a branch in another city
  • well-deserved retirement

The longer the employee has worked in the team, the more established connections remain at the old place of work and, of course, it is simply impolite to leave simply and quietly in this case. A farewell letter is the best format for saying goodbye and notifying employees that a particular employee is leaving and a new specialist is taking his place.

Is it necessary to write such a letter at your workplace?

A farewell letter to colleagues is a formal farewell method and is more designed for large companies with a large number of employees and various departments, where not all employees have the opportunity to get to know each other personally.

In such cases, the letter is posted on the corporate blog, posted on a bulletin board, or read at a general meeting, depending on the reason for leaving.

For small offices and companies where no more than 10-20 people work, a farewell letter is not necessary and is used more as a formality at parting, remaining as a keepsake for employees. In a small team, you can independently say goodbye to each employee or arrange a farewell party.

In general, it all depends on the preferences and wishes of the departing employee, the traditions of the team, the presence or absence of the practice of writing farewell letters.

Reasons for writing a message

Writing a corporate farewell letter has several main goals:

  • To express gratitude to colleagues with whom I had a chance to work for a long time and who rightfully moved into the category of friends and acquaintances
  • Notify employees of other departments that you are leaving your position and are not officially employed by the company or are not involved in the affairs of your department by going for a promotion
  • Notify the team that after you there is a receiver who can be contacted on work issues
  • Leave the coordinates, work phone and mail of the receiver to simplify communication in the team
  • Thank the management for the opportunity to work in the company and for the experience gained in the chosen profession

A farewell corporate letter can be considered a banal act of courtesy, in which the employee thanks everyone and expresses gratitude to the team for the time they worked together. But it's not just about sentimental feelings. In an age of corporate ethics, letters of recommendation, and employee reputation checks at previous jobs, it's imperative to leave with a good reputation. That is why it is necessary to show courtesy and discretion, because companies operating in related fields are in one way or another in contact, old ties and good feedback will not interfere with the new place of work.

Rules for writing farewell letters upon dismissal

The farewell message should be short, concise and have a positive attitude.

If you work in a company with several hundred employees, it makes no sense to write one long message. Firstly, reading it will take time from people busy with work. Secondly, little-known employees will not read a long message, even without really knowing the person who wrote it. Therefore, the general letter should contain a number of official theses and gratitude to the team and management.

A longer message can be written for employees from your department or for those with whom you have developed a warmer relationship. Also in this letter you can show off eloquence, add a little humor, making the message friendly, not formal. A letter for acquaintances can be sent to the personal mail of those employees whom you know.

Parsing a farewell letter point by point

Should I send a farewell letter to my boss?

Of course, this largely depends on the personal and professional relationships that have developed with the leadership. But following the rules of corporate ethics, it is still necessary to send a letter to the boss.

Thanks in the letter will create the last positive impression which could be a plus in the future. You may need a letter of recommendation from a manager, or the HR manager of a new company may be trying to contact the boss from your previous job.

Examples of farewell letters

If you are going to write a letter of resignation to colleagues, we will consider an example of a possible message below. We offer in a business and friendly style, as well as to read a letter intended for the head of the company.

It is also worth pointing out that in many large companies there are approved examples of farewell letters for each specific case. If your company is one of those, then you should study the submitted and approved sample in the corporate blog.

In formal style

Dear colleagues! I inform you that after working at the Voskhod company for 12 years, I decided to quit and try my hand at a new business and in another organization. I leave without any claims to the management or to my colleagues.

I want to thank you for your respectful and warm relations, responsiveness and professionalism in working together. I wish you further success in your work, career growth and well-coordinated work in a team.

Alexander Yuryevich Petrov is appointed as the successor to my place. For all work issues, you can contact him, the transfer of cases is over and the person is brought into the course of events.

Once again, thank you all for your cooperation and wish you success!

in friendly style

Friends! Today I am leaving our wonderful company and saying goodbye to the team in which I have worked for the last 5 years. I am very glad that I was able to gain experience as an accountant and work with professionals like you.

Going to new company I will forever remember the years spent with you and I am sure that we will meet again in a friendly atmosphere and share our experience. My seat will not remain empty and a receiver has already been assigned to it. I hope you will accept a new employee, and the team will continue fruitful work. I am sending you the contact details, phone number and mail of my receiver, so that you can contact him with any questions regarding working moments.

I would like to express special gratitude to the management of the company and personally to our Vladimir Anatolyevich for sensitive management, the ability to communicate with the team and the opportunities provided for career growth.

I want to say goodbye on a positive note and wish everyone success and mutual understanding!

farewell letter for manager

Dear Boris Mikhailovich!

I am full name, I am leaving the company and resigning from the position of an accountant. Having worked under your leadership for more than 10 years, I gained a lot of valuable skills and was able to feel important member team. Thank you for your responsible approach to business, respectful attitude towards me and colleagues, compliance with corporate rules in matters of labor assessment and calculations.

All necessary materials and information about the work was transferred by me to a new employee appointed to my position. Also, in a separate file, I am sending you the accumulated experience during my service, which may help improve the work of the accounting department, increase labor efficiency, reduce the cost of doing business and improve office work in a number of other areas.

Thank you once again, success in the development and establishment of business and other endeavors.
You can use these examples of termination letters to colleagues by changing the name of the company, including your name, and making any other changes. In general, writing a farewell message is not difficult, the main thing is to try to put as much information into it as possible, be concise and follow the rules of corporate etiquette. Remember that a farewell letter is a tribute to the team and an opportunity to strengthen your reputation in the area where you work.

Every year, the rules of corporate ethics are becoming more and more closely integrated into the life of companies and business organizations in the Russian Federation. The tradition of farewell messages took root and became an integral part of large corporations, medium and small companies where employees are valued and strive to create.

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Discussion: there is 1 comment

    A farewell letter to colleagues is a necessary and interesting thing. anything can be written. But, the thought does not leave me in the subconscious that with such a letter the person leaving does not burn bridges, but leaves the door ajar for himself in order to return back.


Farewell letter upon resignation- a document that is not binding, but is still part of the corporate culture, a sign of respect for former colleagues and a manifestation of elementary courtesy. Such farewell messages came to us from Western countries where they are very common. Today, in our country, writing them is not a generally applicable rule, however, in many large companies with a large number of employees, farewell letters have already ceased to be something extraordinary and out of the ordinary.

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Why write

By and large, the main task of such a message is one: to inform colleagues, colleagues, partners, etc. about dismissal. In addition, the letter quite often indicates a new place of work (to maintain business contacts in the future), as well as information about the successor. Warm, friendly words addressed to former colleagues allow you to keep with them a good relationship, which in turn can have great value for the future career of the departing employee.

To whom to address

The recipient can be both colleagues of the sender within the employing company, regardless of their official rank, and representatives of other organizations with whom the resigning person had to work closely in resolving professional issues. Also, a farewell letter can be addressed to clients and customers with whom you want to maintain a good business relationship.

An important clarification: if the letter is addressed to a group of employees, then it should be indicated in the appeal, without listing specific names, and if the recipient is a manager, then he must be addressed by his first name and patronymic.

What style to use

In fact, the style of a farewell letter can be very different - here the imagination and possibilities of the resigning employee are not limited by anything. Among other things, the form of filing a letter may largely depend on the reason for dismissal.

For example, if there was a dismissal due to inconsistency with the position held, you can compose a humorous message, with an emphasis on thanking colleagues for helping them understand that this work is not suitable for the author of the message. The only requirement is not to slide down to irony in relation to colleagues, and even more so to evil satire.

Another option is to express in a letter all the dissatisfaction that has accumulated over long years work in a team. Such a letter is usually of a pronounced negative nature, but for some time it allows you to reduce the stress of dismissal. True, in this case, you should not count on maintaining friendly relations with former colleagues in the future.

In practice, there were also poetic farewell messages, but these are special cases when the author not only wants to make a bright farewell gesture, but also has certain creative skills.

Well, the easiest and most straightforward way to say goodbye to colleagues: writing a formal message. It is especially relevant when it comes to a completely peaceful and even profitable dismissal (for example, when the author of the letter moves to a higher position).

What to avoid when writing a letter

It is undesirable to include in the letter emotionally colored expressions, unreliable, and even more so deliberately false information and sharp remarks addressed to colleagues. Profanity, frivolity and rudeness are strictly unacceptable.

Also, you don’t need to write too long messages - you should respect the time of other people, but it’s also better not to limit yourself to too short messages (so that there is no feeling of understatement that can cause rumors and gossip).

Rules and an example of writing a farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal

It is clear that there is no single sample letter and cannot be. It is always drawn up according to widespread patterns or in free form, but it is still desirable to adhere to some rules and norms in any case.

  • First of all, it is necessary to use a polite and fairly standard form of address, for example, such as “dear colleagues”, “dear colleagues”, etc.
  • Then you should inform about the fact that happened and name the successor.
  • You can also indicate the reasons for dismissal, but if you do not want to advertise them, then this is not at all necessary.
  • Also, if desired, you can enter a new place of work and position in the letter.
  • It is good manners to thank colleagues and convey to them any positive, good wishes related to their professional activities.
  • If there is a need to make constructive proposals, recommendations for optimizing, improving the work of the former team and the employing organization, this can also be done in a farewell letter, but without excessive fanaticism.
  • At the end, the message must be signed.

The tone of the message should be friendly, calm, restrained. When writing, one should carefully adhere to the rules and norms of the Russian language, especially in terms of vocabulary, grammar and punctuation.

The letter can be written both by hand and typed on a computer, while the first option will make it clear to former colleagues about the special, even somewhat personal nature of the message.

How to send a farewell letter

The simplest and fast way- Mass mailing via e-mail. This will cover the maximum big circle recipients and communicate the necessary information to them. You can also use fax forwarding or sending via the Russian Post (the second option is suitable in cases where informing the interested party is official). And although both of these methods have been used extremely rarely in recent years, they also find their users.