Adhesive inhalation hazard. The best moments of life: Substance abuse as a unique phenomenon in Russian culture

To get euphoria, children and teenagers sniff glue. This method is cheap and affordable compared to drugs. Inhaling the smell of toxic products, such people get symptoms of intoxication and experience hallucinations.

Consequences of a bad habit

During inhalation, the volatile chemicals in the glue enter the drug addict's lungs and quickly enter the bloodstream. There are symptoms of CNS disorders, accompanied by hallucinations and behavioral disorders. A person can provoke a murder or lay hands on himself.

Due to damage to the brain, its most important centers are affected, which sometimes causes respiratory and cardiac arrest. A drug addict develops symptoms of diseases of the kidneys, liver, and skin.

Substance abuse leads to the degradation of a person. He escapes reality into an illusory world and does not care about his health. Usually bad habit becomes a step towards drug addiction. The patient no longer has enough of the old sensations, and he is looking for something new.

What toxic substances are inhaled by a drug addict

For sniffing, the addict uses chemicals that can cause a state of intoxication. Most often, the child sniffs the following substances:

  • glue;
  • paints;
  • turpentine;
  • solvents;
  • nail polish remover;
  • powders.

For the sake of feeling euphoric, the drug addict does not realize that he is sniffing toxic substances. There are symptoms of intoxication, manifested in the form of hallucinations.

How to recognize addiction

Parents need to remember that drug addicts usually consume chemicals with a plastic bag. You can find glue residue in it. If an unusual aroma comes from the child’s things, you need to carefully monitor his behavior.

After inhalation chemical substances appear characteristic symptoms. The addict experiences dizziness and euphoria. Then speech and coordination of movements are disturbed, drowsiness appears. The condition is accompanied by various hallucinations and delusions. After 30-50 minutes, irritability, hyperactivity and aggression occur.

The first symptom that should alert parents is a constant change in mood. Additional manifestations of addiction:

  • the appearance of peeling of the skin in the nose, or pustules;
  • the formation of burns, cracks or sores on the lips;
  • muscle tremors, convulsions;
  • clearly increased appetite or its complete absence;
  • persistent rhinitis, cough or epistaxis.

Problems of a drug addict

The severity of the effects depends on the dose and method of inhalation. If the child not only sniffs glue, but also consumes alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, medicines, the condition worsens even more.

Vapors of toxic substances enter the body through the respiratory organs. There are deviations in respiratory system. If drug addicts sniff chemicals, they are prone to developing bronchospasm, laryngitis, and pneumonia.

The patient is concerned about the following symptoms:

  • damage to the nasal septum;
  • dyspnea;
  • chest pain.

Education is going on a large number hormones. They cause disruption of the heart and blood vessels. Addicts suffer from hypotension, arrhythmia. Glue substance abuse increases the risk of heart attack and acute violation cerebral circulation.

With regular inhalation of glue, a change in the central nervous system occurs. The main symptoms of her defeat are:

  • disorder of consciousness;
  • irritability;
  • insomnia;
  • panic attacks;
  • thoughts of suicide.

When a child sniffs glue, paralysis of the respiratory center can occur. Chemical fumes lead to suffocation, respiratory arrest and death.

Substance abuse among teenagers is serious problem For modern society, although there is an opinion that this phenomenon is much less dangerous than drug addiction. But due to its destructive effect on the body of children and adolescents, the availability of applied toxic substances, the rate of development of mental dependence - this disease poses a serious threat.

Among narcologists, it is not customary to divide patients into substance abusers and drug addicts: both diseases develop according to similar principles and are subject to serious professional treatment. The only difference is in the drugs used - drug addicts take non-narcotic chemicals.

Types of substance abuse

With substance abuse, a person uses chemical compounds with a hallucinogenic and intoxicating effect. The way they are introduced into the body is through the lungs, by inhalation of vapors. Thus, the toxic compound directly affects the brain, poisoning it and causing death. nerve cells- neurons, resulting in intoxication. For other routes of administration, this chemical compound usually too toxic or not hallucinogenic.

There are the following types of substance abuse, depending on the substances used.

In general, when they talk about this problem, they mean substance abuse with gasoline and other easily accessible means from the group of hydrocarbons: varnishes, paints, gases.

Harm of substance abuse

Toxic substances cause chronic poisoning organism, mental and physical dependence develops. From the point of view of biological processes, substance abuse is no different from drug addiction. Gasoline substance abuse, for example, is as dangerous as heroin addiction.

Irreversible brain damage

According to statistics, a significant part of drug addicts are teenagers aged 10 to 16 years. They begin to use toxic substances, striving for new sensations. As a rule, older drug addicts with experience draw children into this activity. The focus of the disease on the younger generation is the main harm of substance abuse to society.

Physical danger lies in the irreversible destruction of the organic structures of the brain, disruption of the lungs, heart, liver and kidneys, death of adolescents from an overdose. Substance abuse and its consequences are of great social significance: a teenager's psyche is disturbed, he lags behind his peers in development, does not learn school curriculum and stop going to school. As a result, he closes on his addiction and completely drops out of society.

Return to normal life A drug addict cannot even if cured - irreversible disorders in the cerebral cortex make him disabled.

How does substance abuse manifest itself?

Outwardly, the state after the use of toxic substances is similar to intoxication from alcohol. Signs of substance abuse are also similar to behavioral disorders in drug addicts. There are also symptoms that develop as a result of the effect of the poison on the body as a whole. A few days after the first sessions, drug addicts develop a runny nose, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, then bronchitis may develop. Also characteristic:

The social consequences of substance abuse are visible: the social circle is changing, it includes the same drug addicts or children with delayed mental development. Unmotivated aggression develops, often drives to the police.

How Addiction Develops

When a toxic substance is inhaled, the first signs appear after 5 minutes - dizziness, tinnitus, fog in the head. After 7-10 minutes, a coordination disorder develops. After another 3 minutes, euphoria, nervous excitement, unbridled fun sets in. Then hallucinations occur for 10-15 minutes. Subjective time is thus stretched. Then a recession sets in, and the drug addict inhales the substance again, making up to 7-8 such cycles.

Mental dependence in substance abuse can develop after 2-3 uses. The teenager is seized by the desire to experience euphoria and hallucinations again, without such sensations discomfort arises. The drug addict forgets the phase between inhalation and the appearance of hallucinations - discomfort does not remember, but remembers euphoria. He begins to regularly inhale toxic substances, looking for means to carry out his mania, it becomes the meaning of his life.

Physical dependence develops more slowly, within 1–2 months. At first, it is enough for drug addicts to use once every 3-4 days, then they quickly slip into daily use. As a result, the toxic substance is taken twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Substance abuse is characterized by a rapid increase in dose - within a month it increases by 4-5 times, and the state of intoxication is shortened to 1-2 hours. At the same time, the body's reactions to the toxin weaken - inflammation of the mucous membranes, palpitations and shortness of breath are less pronounced.

As a result of the cessation of use, disorders of the central and autonomic nervous system occur - withdrawal syndrome or withdrawal syndrome. It is one of the consequences of substance abuse. Drug addicts call it breaking. It develops after the cessation of inhalation of the substance and lasts until the next dose, in case of unavailability of the poisonous drug - for about 5 days.

Consequences of substance abuse

Lung cancer is a consequence of substance abuse

The disease has serious consequences for both the individual and society as a whole. As a result of the use of toxic substances, the need to experience euphoria quickly develops, and due to the body getting used to the toxic effect, even large doses are no longer effective. Therefore, those of the drug addicts who did not die from exposure to poison become drug addicts, that is, they switch to the use of narcotic drugs.

For physical health The effects of substance abuse can include:

  • burns of the respiratory tract;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • lungs' cancer;
  • lung abscess and its complications - pulmonary bleeding, degeneration of lung tissue, degeneration of the structure of internal organs;
  • pathology of cardiac activity - heart attack, hypertension, heart defects;
  • benign and malignant tumors kidneys;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Even a single use harmful substances can cause mental addiction and pull the teenager into a vicious circle. The drug addict does not control his actions, breaks away from reality. The physical effects of substance abuse are irreversible! Even in case complete cure from dependence, the patient develops persistent disturbances in the activity of the brain and he becomes a mentally handicapped person.

    If wallpaper, then nothing will happen, if PVA or casein, then probably nothing will happen either. If you try to sniff superglue, you will probably tear off the tube from your nose along with the skin. (About the hallucinogenic glue Forget the moment, the Henkel company has changed the technology).

    Any glue-suggests chemical composition. Accordingly, an unpleasant (and for someone pleasant) smell is a pair of these chemical elements that poison your body.

    What will happen - deviations in the body of varying severity, if not for the sniffer, then for his children.

    To prevent this from happening, we parents need to think about the employment of their child, proper upbringing and example, so that such stupid ideas do not arise in our heads.

    I once attended this process, and the people who sniffed it did it at barbecues. They sniffed it and immediately looked at the sky or at the nature of the forest belt where it happened and as they themselves said: They caught goluny.

    The downside of this whole lesson was that then no matter what they ate or drank, it seemed to them that it tasted like glue, including barbecue.

    If you look at this phenomenon from a medical point of view, then dysfunction occurs in the brain, which is generated by the toxic substances of the glue, from which it fails, and in the place with it, false reactions that provoke pseudo conduction.

    First you sniff the glue, then you want to sniff the powder, then lick it, then chew the grass, drink a pill, put an injection ...

    After all, you have to try everything in life: when you catch a buzz, you really want to walk on the water and fly out the window from the 9th floor!

    Life will be fun, but painfully short!

    One plus from this is that you definitely will not have time to leave heirs with the same desires on Earth.

    so you have to write everything as it is.

    And it will be fine! Prichm for everyone. And there are two main reasons:

    1- if there are such thoughts in the head and they cannot be defeated, then heredity or excessive curiosity apparently affects. Both always lead to the same end (and already without heirs), which in general is not bad, because. an overabundance of junkies is fraught with the rest of the population;

    2- an enterprise producing glue will always be afloat, because if a family has its black sheep, then there are still enough families in our country.

    In the photo below, the perspective for those who start sniffing glue. If everything is good and she is quite satisfied, then you NEED to sniff the glue. Prichm as often as possible.

    This is where drug addicts begin... Look at them before you start and think, do you want to be like them, if not then don't start, if so then... don't suffer.... .

    There were known drug addicts. Who died, who became a cripple. And who was frightened and tied up, and now they live normally.

    Whether to sniff, smoke or drink. everyone makes their choice.

    It is strictly forbidden to sniff the glue, because it contains various toxic substances. Inhaling them, a person begins to gradually become dull, he starts hallucinations, visions, he ceases to feel the difference between the real world and the illusory one. Poisoning, headaches, irreversible changes in the brain will occur quickly, and an overdose is fraught with death. Therefore, glue must be used for its intended purpose and try not to inhale it.

    The brain is poisoned by toxic compounds contained in the glue. From repeated intoxication, the brains dry out, the person becomes dumb, becomes an idiot, and then pisses and poops on himself ... and so on until he dies.

    Glue of course is different and with different effects on the body. But I think if the glue is with chemicals, then it will have a depressing effect on nervous system and unpredictable on the brain. At first, euphoria is possible, and then death is not far away. Therefore, do not inhale any chemical fumes.

    If you sniff the glue that is hallucinogenic, then in the future, irreversible consequences occur in the head. A person can go crazy slowly or just become dumb. You won't get anything positive from sniffing glue. What the cartoons say watching under the influence of substance abuse is a game of the drug addict's imagination. A person sniffing, as it were, can be in a dying state from intoxication of the body and a reaction such as delirium is turned on. Similar to the reaction when a person with high temperature sick and delirious as in a dream. In a state of passion, a drug addict can, for example, jump from a height, die, under a car, etc.

Sniffing (the process of inhaling) glue is considered cheaper and more accessible than using amphetamines or heroin. However, the drug addict must understand that the glue that contained toluene is no longer produced. Therefore, substance abuse ceased to exist. But, if all this article will be useful for parents. After all, children are sniffing different objects. And it is best to identify it in the early stages.

Best video:

What chemicals do drug addicts sniff?

Drug addicts love different smells. Today we will talk about those who sniff glue. The chemicals induce the desired state of intoxication. In short, such use of "drugs" can lead to irreversible damage to internal organs (including the brain), as well as to lethal outcome.

Let's take a look at what drug addicts sniff to get the "drunk" effect. As a rule, there is a standard set here, which includes various paints, turpentine (used in particular for the production of shoe polish), solvents (for example, ethyl acetate, benzene, acetone, ether), nail polish remover, washing powders and the like. detergents. Some products may contain butane, methyl alcohol, ethylbenzene, xylene and ethyl acetate. In pursuit of a “high,” a child may not realize that he is inhaling poison. And the brain at this moment feels poisoned. When the brain dies, it does not think, which is why the drug addict believes that this is a pleasure. But you can't kill your brain.

Substance addicts can use chemical vapors with the help of various objects. Parents should pay attention that if you notice an unusual smell in any things, then pay attention to the behavior of the child. The item that is most often used for inhalation is a plastic bag (there may be glue residue in it).

How to know if a child is sniffing glue? Symptoms

The vapors that the drug addict inhales enter the lungs, where they pass on to the blood vessels and then to the brain. First, a person experiences dizziness and euphoria, then this feeling turns into slurred speech, drowsiness and ataxia (impaired coordination of movements). May be accompanied by hallucinations or delusions. Only after 30-50 minutes does irritability, aggressiveness, hyperactivity appear. The first symptom of a child sniffing glue is constant mood swings. Other symptoms:

1. Red pustules of the nose and / or peeling of the skin around the nose;
2. Frequent cough and rhinitis, nosebleeds;
3. Conjunctivitis, photophobia, nystagmus;
4. Ulcers or burns around the mouth, cracks in the lips;
5. Nausea, vomiting, obviously increased appetite or vice versa its absence;
6. Tremor (trembling) of muscles, convulsions;

What problems do substance abusers experience?

The effect of glue on the body of a drug addict depends on the dose and method of inhalation. In addition, the condition may be worsened by other psychoactive substances(cigarettes, alcohol, medicines, medicines).

First of all, changes in the respiratory system can be noticeable, through which vapors of chemicals penetrate:
1. Damage to the nasal septum,
2. Laryngitis,
3. Bronchospasm,
4. Pain in the chest,
5. shortness of breath,
6. Pneumonia.

In addition, there will be problems with cardiovascular system such as decreased blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmias. This increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Regular inhalation of chemicals can lead to changes in the central nervous system, which symptoms are:
1. Violations of consciousness,
2. Nervousness,
3. Insomnia,
4. Depression,
5. Panic attacks,
6. Suicidal thoughts.

In some cases, inhalation of chemicals can lead to paralysis of the respiratory center (asphyxia), and thus to respiratory arrest and hypoxia, leading to death.

If the article "What are the symptoms and effects of glue substance abuse" was helpful to you, feel free to share the link. Perhaps this simple solution you save someone's life.

Sniffing glue means inhaling various toxic substances. It can be pairs of glue, solvents, paints - there are many such substances, you can list them endlessly.

This bad habit has been around for a long time. Since ancient times, people have sought to inhale various aromatic substances in order to enjoy. For many, this is a simple hobby, but few understand the danger to the body. "Sniffing Glue" serious illness, ignore, turn a blind eye to it is impossible.

Many users do not think about the damage they cause to their body.

Why do kids sniff glue?

This habit can affect both adults and very young children. There are many reasons for the emergence of this terrible addiction:

  • imitation of elders;
  • desire to assert themselves;
  • curiosity;
  • the desire to try new things;
  • desire to be grown up.

Most often, these actions - inhalation of glue, take place in a large company. A group of children take turns doing the procedure. For them, this is a fun, incredibly fun action. The resulting feeling of euphoria makes young people feel happy, independent. It is worth noting that a kind of entertainment is the first step in the development of a serious addiction. Very soon, an addicted teenager will want to try a more serious substance. It could be alcohol or drugs.

Many cases of suffocation have been recorded. The fact is that many teenagers use plastic bags.

Many users do not think about the damage they cause to their body. The resulting damage brings serious complications. The whole process is based on the fact that glue or any other inhaled substances enter the lungs, blood, and after that the road to the brain is open for them. And from here arises the long-awaited feeling of intoxication. It's just as sweet as it looks. If volatile substances get to the medulla oblongata, the outcome can be disastrous.

Many cases of suffocation have been recorded. The fact is that many teenagers use plastic bags. Pouring glue, they are put on the head, after which they get a “high”. But few people understand that in an unconscious state it is very easy to suffocate. Teenagers are not able to control their actions.

How to recognize a drug addict?

Many parents are seriously concerned that their child may succumb to bad influences and become addicted to this addiction. So what should you pay special attention to:

  • teenager's clothes smell strange;
  • the presence of chemicals is felt in the breath;
  • unpleasant finds - empty jars from under glue, solvents;
  • redness in the nose;
  • the occurrence of a cough;
  • unhealthy pallor of the skin;
  • loss of appetite;
  • speech disorder;
  • loss of interest in everything around;
  • poor academic performance, absenteeism;
  • constant irritability;
  • unwillingness to communicate with parents;
  • abrupt company change.

The presence of several signs at once can be a cause for concern. But still, one should not draw sharp conclusions. Panic will not give a positive result.

If volatile substances get to the medulla oblongata, the outcome can be disastrous.

Actions of drug addict parents

The first thing to do when noticing any suspicious symptoms is to talk to the child. It is necessary to calmly, without shouting, scandals, tell him about your experiences. Son (daughter) must understand that you are on their side. You must become a friend to your child, only in this way it will be possible to find out the reason why he decided to resort to this type of relaxation.

Be sure to tell your child what the consequences of inhaling glue are. He must understand the full responsibility of action. Sniffing glue lasting more than two months can destroy internal organs and nervous system. And if the use is delayed for several years, it can lead to disability and even death. The conversation should be as intelligible as possible. Show the video, illustrative examples will be a good reason to think.


Explain to your child that you love him and that's why you care. It is also worth understanding that often in this state, children do not want to listen to their parents. All conversations are taken with hostility. Do not despair, you can resort to the help of specialists. Experienced narcologists will consider the specific situation and decide how to proceed. Do not give up and get upset, with the right approach, it is real to return the child to a normal existence!