Physical therapy for uterine prolapse. Effective gymnastics for uterine prolapse, what not to do. Do you do intimate gymnastics?

Uterine prolapse is one of the most common diseases among middle-aged women. Kegel exercises for uterine prolapse are effective method restoration of the normal position of the organ.

The prolapse process itself develops without any obvious signs and symptoms. Women may not experience any anxiety at all. However, failure to respond to changes in your body can lead to very sad consequences in the future.

As a result of uterine prolapse, the genitals change their location. In cases where the process is advanced, there is a high probability that the woman’s pelvic organs may simply fall out. Today, about 1/3 of the female population of the planet knows firsthand what uterine prolapse is. Over ½ of women over 35 years of age suffer from this disease, while among the younger generation of the fairer sex this is only 10% of cases.

Therefore, an important point is the timely detection of pathology, so that early stages stop her progress.

Seeking help from a doctor in a timely manner means getting competent treatment and avoid relapse. Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis and adjust the treatment regimen for the disease, according to the individual characteristics of each woman.

Symptoms of uterine prolapse

The primary signs of uterine displacement are painful sensations lower abdomen, nagging pain in the lower back. Having sex and menstruation can cause increased pain.

Moreover, the menstrual flow itself becomes more abundant, painful, and there is a high probability of difficulty conceiving a baby. These symptoms already speak volumes and require immediate attention. The extreme stage of the disease is the detection of prolapse of the uterus from the perineum.

Kegel exercises for uterine prolapse

The medical name for this disease is prolapse. Today, in order to exclude the progression of the disease and surgical intervention, doctors recommend resorting to therapeutic exercises. Kegel exercises during uterine prolapse help strengthen the walls of the pelvis and restore tone and elasticity to the vaginal muscles.

A set of exercises was developed by Arnold Kegel, a gynecologist of the century.

The vaginal muscles are practically not involved, so gymnastics is necessary for their targeted training. The pelvic floor muscles must firmly hold the pelvic organs. Lack of tone can lead to the development of numerous diseases of the female genital area. In addition, weak pelvic muscles cause a deterioration in the quality of sexual life.

Preparing for Kegel exercises

The first step will be a consultation with a gynecologist. Sometimes there are some contraindications that only a specialist can recognize.

Read also: Causes, symptoms and treatment of acute vaginitis

Before performing exercises for prolapse, it is necessary to achieve complete emptying Bladder. At the time of emptying, it is better to do a test to identify the muscles that need training. Hold your urination for a few seconds to get an idea of ​​what you have to work on.

Kegel exercises involve proper breathing during exercise. In addition, you should not put tension on third-party muscles. It is necessary that the pace of the exercises be measured. Gymnastics must be performed on a regular basis in order to achieve the effect. As a rule, a set of approaches is performed twice a day.

It is important that at least an hour, or preferably two, pass between the exercise, meal and the next approach.

Kegel exercises can really solve the problem of uterine prolapse. Doing exercises every day will help you achieve faster excellent results. Moreover, you can do exercises only once a day or as many times as you think necessary. You can't overdo it here.

  • preparing the body for bearing a baby and giving birth;
  • prevention of female urinary incontinence;
  • rehabilitation therapy after gynecological diseases;
  • prevention of pelvic organ prolapse;
  • improving the quality of intimate life.

A set of Kegel gymnastics exercises

There are several types of exercises that can be used to cure prolapse in the early stages.

  1. Position: lying on your back. Arms at your sides and legs together. As you exhale, lift your legs and spread them apart, gradually inhaling. Then exhale and bring your legs together. Inhale and starting position. Quantity 6-8 times.
  2. Position: on all fours. The hands rest on the floor and the pelvis rises (the higher the better). Pull in your stomach. Exhale and relax. Quantity 10 times.
  3. Scissors. Position: lying on the floor, raise your legs up and cross. Next, lower your legs and repeat the exercise after 30 seconds. Quantity 2 times 15 swings.
  4. The position of the legs is lying down, we try to pull the toes towards the head. Quantity 6-8 times.
  5. "Bike". Leg position lying down, bend your knees and imitate riding a bicycle. Retract the vaginal muscles. Breathing should be even. Do the movements for a minute.
  6. Position – lying on the floor. Raising your legs at a strictly right angle. The back is completely pressed to the floor. The number of lifts is 15 with each leg. You can do 2 approaches: first with your legs separately, and after a minute of rest, keeping them together in one position.
  7. An excellent option would be to exercise on a fitball. Trying to squeeze the ball with your vaginal muscles will become best workout. We count to 10 and relax. The number of approaches for this exercise is not limited.
  8. An excellent exercise is to simulate delaying the urge to have a bowel movement. You can do it on a chair or other hard surface. Number of times – up to 50.

One of the ways to treat genital prolapse is physical exercise. They are not able to completely rid a woman of this disease. However physiotherapy in many cases helps prevent the development of the process, reduces pain in the perineum and lower back, increases the likelihood of pregnancy in women reproductive age. Special gymnastic complexes are also indicated for the prevention of uterine prolapse in women at risk: the elderly, with numerous births, who have suffered ruptures of perineal tissue during childbirth.

What exercises can be done when the uterus prolapses? Complexes have been developed that train the muscles of the perineum, vagina, sphincters anus and urethra, turns, bends, leg swings, shallow squats.

The most popular in Russia are two types of physical therapy for genital prolapse:

  • a set of Kegel exercises for uterine prolapse;
  • gymnastics according to Atarbekov.

Kegel exercises

This therapeutic exercise is based on training the muscles of the vagina and anus. As a result of performing the complex, not only muscle tone and the ability to hold the genitals in place are restored, but also the blood supply to the pelvis is improved, which leads to improved nutrition of all tissues and their restoration. Kegel exercises are recommended for women initial stages, including after childbirth for a speedy recovery.

A set of exercises for uterine prolapse is performed several times during the day. During classes, it is important to concentrate on the correct execution of the movements, since at first they seem quite difficult. The stomach and buttocks should not take part in the movements.

Exercise No. 1 – “Elevator”

Place a thin mat on the floor and lie on your back. Close your eyes, bend your legs slightly at the knee joints. Begin to gradually contract the vaginal muscles, starting from the bottom and spreading the tension upward. Imagine that the vaginal cavity is an elevator shaft, and you need to raise its “cabin” as high as possible.

Muscle contraction must be performed in stages, as if stopping on the floors. On each floor the voltage time is from 5 to 10 seconds. After the muscles that you feel as the uppermost ones are tense, begin to relax them. The wave of relaxation gradually descends.

Even if you don’t get everything right the first time, this type of training allows you to strengthen your vaginal muscles and gain better control of your body.

Exercise No. 2 – “Bag”

It helps to simultaneously train the muscles of the vagina, perineum and thighs. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Imagine that between your feet there is a heavy bag with long handles. Trying not to lean forward, squat down, spreading your knees to the sides until you form right angle between the thigh and the lower leg, that is, you don’t need to sit low.

Now try to “grab the handles” with your vaginal muscles, tense them and slowly rise, and then just as slowly lower the “bag” to the floor. The duration of one such rise should be about 10 seconds; you need to make the movement several times, rising higher and higher, straightening your knees.

Exercise No. 3 – “Pushing”

It must be carried out very carefully and abandoned in advanced stages of uterine prolapse. Lie on your back, bend your legs slightly and spread them, place your palms on your lower abdomen. You need to tense the muscles of the abdomen and perineum, as when pushing or defecating.

Exercise No. 4 – “Blinking”

Lying on your back in the same position, alternately squeeze the muscles of the vagina and anus for 5 seconds. This type of training can be done both standing and sitting, for example, when traveling in a car or at the workplace, if no one can see you. It is advisable to perform up to 500 such movements per day. Such exercises are especially useful for prolapse of the uterus after childbirth. They not only help restore the reproductive tract, but also promote new sensations during sex.

Exercise No. 5 – “All muscles”

Still in the same position, lying on your back with slightly bent legs, tense all the muscles of the perineum, anus, urethra and maintain tension for a minute. You can slowly count to yourself to 60. Initially, the contraction time may be shorter due to muscle weakness. These exercises help well with prolapse of the anterior wall of the uterus.

Exercise No. 6 – “SOS”

In the same starting position, it is necessary to contract the vaginal muscles rhythmically, as if giving the “SOS” sign: three times quickly and strongly (three dots), three times longer (three dashes) and again three times quickly (three dots). You need to repeat this signal 10 times without stopping.

Exercise No. 7 – “Lighthouse”

Lying on your back, you need to spread your legs a little wider than in previous cases. On the count of “one” you need to squeeze the muscles of the perineum and vagina as strongly as possible, on the count of “two-three-four-five-six” you need to slowly gradually relax them, on the count of “seven-eight-nine” make a movement as if pushing (defecation). Repeat this 10 times. This movement should not be done if the uterus is severely prolapsed and within a month after childbirth or abortion.

Exercise No. 8 – “Cat”

Movements are coordinated with breathing. First, inhale, then quickly exhale completely. As you exhale, simultaneously arch your back, pull your stomach and perineal muscles inside your body, stay in this position for 10 seconds, then relax. You need to repeat this bending 5 times.

Exercise No. 9 – “Bridge”

In terms of their effect on the body, this movement is similar to the previous one - with their help we reduce the intra-abdominal pressure that pushes out the uterus. So, from a position on your back with your feet close to your pelvis, exhale and raise your back, while simultaneously drawing in your stomach and the muscles of the perineum and vagina. Repeat 5 times.

Exercise No. 10 – “Applause”

Lying on your back, bend your knees and bring your feet closer to your pelvis. Bend your arms in front of you as if for applause. Clap your palms while squeezing your vaginal muscles, sometimes faster and sometimes slower. This workout lasts 2-3 minutes.

Exercise No. 11 – “Butterfly”

Sit on the floor, lean your arms back, bend your knees so that your heels are as close to your perineum as possible, spread your knees to the sides. As you exhale, pull the muscles of the perineum inward; as you inhale, carefully try to “push” them back.

What exercises from the complex cannot be done when the uterus prolapses 3-4 degrees? “Pushing”, “Lighthouse”, “Butterfly”. With any degree of genital prolapse, you should not do press exercises, jump, ride a bike, or run fast.

Atarbekov's gymnastics

Physical exercises for prolapse of the uterus according to Atarbekov are aimed at training the muscles of the pelvic diaphragm and muscles abdominal wall. They are simpler to perform than Kegel exercises, understandable to all women, and have no restrictions on age or concomitant diseases.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the uterus during prolapse comprise the following approximate complex for daily exercise:

  • sit up straight, bend your legs, spread your knees, bring your feet together; Leaning forward a little, grab your feet with your hands and pull them as close to the perineum as possible;
  • sit with your legs straight and spread; bend over to each leg alternately, trying to reach it with the opposite hand (for example, to your left leg - right hand), and at this time move your hand of the same name back and up;
  • from the same position, stretch alternately to the right and left legs with both hands;
  • from a sitting position, lean forward towards your straightened legs, trying to reach your toes with your fingers;
  • pull your knees towards your stomach, roll onto your back and back to a sitting position.

Gymnastics for prolapse of the uterus in a standing position:

  • walking in place with high knees;
  • stretching exercise: place your straightened leg on the back of a chair, keep your back straight, stand in this position for 10 seconds;
  • raise your arms while swinging your leg back;
  • squat, spreading your knees and stretching your arms in front of you;
  • bend alternately towards your right and left legs, trying to reach your toes;
  • spread your arms to the sides, turn your body to the right and left, keep your back straight;
  • lean towards right leg, reach for it with your left hand, and at this time raise your right hand up, the same on the other side;
  • tilt your body to the right and left, while your hands should slide along your sides and hips.

Exercises with a ball are especially useful for concomitant urinary incontinence: to perform them, you first need to take a larger ball, the size of a football, and then a smaller one. You need to hold the ball between your knees or thighs and walk around the room with it. It is also useful to bend forward and to the sides, holding the ball between your knees. The ball helps strengthen the muscles of the perineum, causing an additional healing effect.

Additional exercises

Additionally, when the uterus prolapses, a complex of gymnastics is often used to strengthen the inner thighs:

  • squeeze your knees as hard as you can, count to 10, relax, repeat 10 times;
  • squeeze the muscles of the perineum, this can be done unnoticed by others in transport or at the workplace, repeat periodically throughout the day;
  • do the “bicycle” for 5 minutes a day, try not to tense the abdominal muscles, but the thighs (not recommended for severe prolapse of the uterus);
  • lie on your side, bend the “upper” leg, take it back and lower it to the floor, lift the “lower” leg 20-30 times without a break, then repeat on the other side; this exercise helps to simultaneously acquire a beautiful waist;
  • do the “birch tree” exercise for 10-15 seconds, if possible, at the same time perform the “scissors” movement;
  • “scissors” can also be done from a lying position, try not to strain the abdominal muscles (not recommended for severe prolapse of the uterus);
  • standing on all fours, swing each leg alternately back and up; after mastering this exercise, you can simultaneously raise the “opposite” arm forward while swinging your leg;
  • from a standing position on all fours, try to straighten your legs at the knees, while lowering yourself onto your elbows; the pelvis should rise up; stay in this position for 5 seconds, then return to the starting position;
  • the same movement as the previous one, but you need to lean not on your elbows, but on your outstretched arms;
  • exercise “cat climbs under a fence” - arching the back while sliding forward from a sitting position on your knees with your body lowered down;
  • lying on your back, place your hands under your head, arch your back, lifting your lower back off the floor, resting on your heels; try bending your knees to form a “half-bridge”;
  • from a lying position on your back, do a “birch”, then try to tilt your legs even further back, ideally touching them to the floor;
  • kneel down, back straight, feet apart; sit with your thighs squeezed; then bring your shins together, sit alternately to the right and left of them;
  • lying on your back, bend your legs, tucking your knees to your stomach; keep your feet together as much as possible, and spread your knees apart and bring them together;
  • lying on your stomach, spread your legs apart, then bring them together; repeat the exercise, leaning on your elbows.

So, gymnastic techniques for uterine prolapse are quite varied. Each patient, after consulting with a doctor, can choose the optimal set of movements for herself. The most important thing in treatment with gymnastics is the regularity of classes and their sufficient duration. You can do several short “sets” throughout the day.

Such training, of course, will not save you from surgery in advanced stages of uterine prolapse. However, they will help prevent genital prolapse after childbirth, and in older women. Gymnastics are prescribed after surgical treatment of this disease to prevent relapses. The timing of the start of classes and their intensity should be discussed with a gynecologist.

At the same time with physical therapy It is very useful to engage in some sports, especially swimming. It is necessary to abandon any training and sports associated with shaking (jumping, cycling), tensing the abdominal muscles (rowing, lifting the body from a lying position).

Downward displacement of the genital organs with complete or partial exit from the genital fissure is called prolapse or.

At this disease a woman is worried about a lot of things, for example, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, problems with urination and defecation, discomfort when walking, and others.

Or prolapse is easily diagnosed, since the reproductive organ is visible visually.

As for treatment, it is, as a rule, but the type of operation depends on the degree of prolapse and the age of the patient.

Exercises for uterine prolapse are prescribed to all patients to prevent progression pathological process.

The essence of pathology

Doctors consider uterine prolapse as a hernial protrusion; the reason for its formation is the failure of the muscular system of the pelvic floor and the reproductive organ itself.

The pathology is quite widespread and accounts for about 30% of all gynecological ailments.

Isolated prolapse of the reproductive organ is rare; usually the uterus pulls along the bladder or rectum.

In this regard, cystocele and, accordingly, rectocele are distinguished.

Uterine prolapse is not a quick process; it is preceded by a gradual prolapse of the uterus - a deviation from its anatomically correct position.

If a woman promptly responds to the onset of prolapse, prolapse of the reproductive organ can be prevented using conservative methods.

But, unfortunately, women go to the doctor in advanced stages of the disease, when only surgical correction of the problem is possible.


In many cases, uterine prolapse is accompanied by vaginal prolapse, while the vaginal walls shift and also leave the genital slit.

Etiology of the phenomenon

The cause of prolapse of the reproductive organ is weakness of muscle tone and increased intra-abdominal pressure.

There is also a hereditary predisposition to the presence connective tissue prone to poor recovery after sprains.

Wear muscle tissue and increased intra-abdominal pressure can provoke :

  • repeated births;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • constipation;
  • chronic cough that strains the abdominal muscles;
  • lifting weights;
  • playing sports that involve heavy physical exertion, such as weightlifting;
  • hormonal deficiency;
  • frequent inflammatory processes of the genital organs;
  • surgical interventions in the female reproductive system;
  • excess weight;
  • poor physical development.

Symptomatic manifestations

The clinical picture of the disease depends on the stage, age of the woman, individual characteristics body and other factors.

Symptoms develop gradually and tend to progress.

The main signs of uterine prolapse in older women are the following::

  • pressure in the sacrum and lower abdomen;
  • pain sensations that extend not only to abdominal cavity, but also to the lumbar region;
  • sense of presence foreign body in the vagina;
  • problems with urination and defecation;
  • bloody issues;
  • increase in leucorrhoea;
  • unpleasant and often painful sensations during sexual intercourse;
  • violations menstrual cycle;
  • more intense pain during menstruation.

Initial degrees of the disease are bright clinical picture are not accompanied, and most often the woman does not pay due attention to the emerging signs of uterine prolapse.

Such negligent attitude towards one’s health leads to the fact that the reproductive organ partially or completely falls out of the genital slit.

Does gymnastics help with prolapse?

Of course, special exercises for prolapse and prolapse of the reproductive organ are of great importance.

Therapeutic and prophylactic gymnastics normalizes the functionality of the genital organs and prevents possible complications and progression of the disease.

There are many techniques that allow you to return the displaced reproductive organ to its natural position, and some of them will be discussed below.

However, to get the desired effect you need to exercise regularly and for a long time..

It must also be said that the positive dynamics will be more noticeable if a woman has stage 1 or 2 prolapse, with partial or complete prolapse of the uterus, these exercises are more preventive in nature - they prevent the development of complications of the pathological process, but to return the uterus to its place, alas , can not.

Currently, in gynecology, there are several sets of exercises that have a positive effect on the tone of the pelvic floor muscles. Of course, the sooner a woman begins to perform these exercises, the greater her chances of preventing prolapse of the reproductive organ. But even if a loss has already occurred, exercises will not be superfluous. Prolapse is almost always accompanied by various complications, the risk of which can be significantly reduced by regularly engaging in therapeutic and preventive exercises. It is important to understand that uterine prolapse cannot be eliminated only with the help of gymnastics, and most often doctors resort to in this case to surgical intervention, but after surgery, exercises will bring undoubted benefits to the woman, as they will help prevent relapses of the pathology.

Kegel exercises

It is necessary to begin Kegel gymnastics by tightening and relaxing the anus.

You should not be particularly zealous in this exercise; if you overstrain this muscle, the situation may worsen.

After a couple of days of such training, you should connect a second muscle to the process and strain both muscles at the same time.

When performing the exercises, you need to breathe correctly - as you inhale, you need to draw in your stomach, hold your breath for a short time, and as you exhale, push the pelvic muscles with your stomach.

You need to increase the training time and the number of approaches gradually.

Most effective exercises are the following:

  1. Interrupt. This exercise must be done at the time of urination. After draining a small portion of urine, you need to hold the stream, contracting the bulbocavernosus muscle, without activating the muscles of the buttocks and peritoneum, and not forgetting to breathe correctly. Interruption during one urination should be repeated 3-4 times.
  2. Compression. This exercise is very similar to the previous one, but it is performed without urination. It is better to perform the exercise while lying down and carefully monitoring your breathing. The maximum number of repetitions is 10. Holding the muscle in a compressed state is 15-20 seconds.
  3. "Floors". When performing this exercise, you need to squeeze not only the external muscles, but also the internal ones. To do this, you need to squeeze the outer muscles, hold them in this position for a few seconds, and then try to strengthen the compression and engage the middle muscles, after a couple of seconds, squeeze the muscles even harder to involve the internal muscle fibers in the process.
  4. Abbreviations. In this case, compressions need to be performed as quickly as possible - squeeze as you inhale, relax as you exhale.
  5. Ejections. The exercise involves the muscles that are used in the process of straining. To do this, you need to start pushing slightly and hold the muscles in this position for as long as possible.
  6. Blinking. During this exercise, you need to alternately squeeze and relax the muscles of the anus and vagina. Hold the muscles in a compressed state for 5 seconds.

Other activities

Exercise according to Yunusov is considered no less effective; its advantage is that in addition to improving the tone of the muscles of the uterus, it can be used to strengthen the sphincters of the rectum and bladder.

In addition, this complex trains the abs and significantly improves the quality of intimate life. You can conduct classes at home.

  • Circular bends of the body. In this case, you need to reach for your right leg with your left hand, and with your right hand for your left leg.
  • Intense rotation of the pelvis in a circle.
  • Squats. They must be performed springily, then the vaginal muscles will be used as much as possible.
  • Bringing the knees to each other with squeezing and relaxing the muscles of the perineum. Performed lying down or sitting with bent knees.
  • "Bike".
  • From a lying position on your back with your knees bent, you need to lift your pelvic area and hold for a few seconds, squeezing the muscles of the perineum.

Exercises according to Bubnovsky:

  1. Lying on your back, you need to bend your knees and bring your feet together. Hands should be clasped behind your head. As you inhale, you need to lift your shins and upper torso, and as you exhale, pull your elbows to your knees.
  2. Standing on all fours, you need to raise your feet and make oscillatory movements with your body so that your pelvis and feet move in different directions.
  3. Lying on your back, you need to bend your knees and bring your feet together internal parties. Spread and bring your knees together, while straining the muscles of the perineum.

Gymnastics according to Atabekov:

  1. Hold the “swallow” position for 10 seconds, then change the extended leg and hold for another 10 seconds.
  2. Swing your legs to the side, while simultaneously tensing the muscles of the perineum.
  3. Rotate the leg extended to the side clockwise.
  4. Tension and relaxation of the bulbocavernosus muscle in a standing position.
  5. From a lying position, extension and abduction of raised legs with tension in the thighs, buttocks and sphincters of the anus and bladder.

In addition to the methods listed above, women with prolapse are recommended to practice yoga, oriental dancing, and swimming.

When practicing yoga or dancing, it is very important to inform the trainer about your diagnosis, then he will be able to select the most optimal exercises.

Regarding sports and fitness, moderate exercise stress for prolapse, acceptable and useful.

However, you need to practice without fanaticism and carefully monitor your own feelings.

If exercises cause discomfort, and even more so pain, exercises should be stopped immediately.

Prohibited exercises:

  • exercises with dumbbells and weights,
  • you should exercise your abdominal muscles with caution,
  • running and jumping,
  • platform press.

In any case, before starting training, you should consult a doctor; he will recommend the most optimal sport or set of exercises that will bring more benefits in this particular case.

Preventive measures

To reduce the possible risks of developing prolapse, it is necessary to start at a young age. preventive actions, this is especially true for young girls who have a hereditary predisposition to the development of this disease.

  • do not lift more than 10 kg;
  • properly care for the genitals and prevent the development of inflammatory and infectious processes in the reproductive system;
  • avoid constipation;
  • during pregnancy, strictly follow the recommendations of the gynecologist and undergo regular preventive examinations;
  • during labor activity listen to the advice of the midwife, and after childbirth, perform preventive exercises to restore tone to the muscles of the pelvic floor and the reproductive organ itself;
  • if there are ruptures during childbirth, their careful suturing and laser therapy of the pelvic muscles are indicated;
  • during the premenopausal period, undergo regular gynecological examinations and, if necessary, apply hormonal drugs containing estrogen.

Like any other disease, prolapse is easier to prevent than to treat.

Especially when it comes to prolapse of the uterus. This is the last stage of prolapse, and it is simply impossible not to notice the stages preceding organ prolapse.


A woman must definitely find time to visit a gynecologist for the purpose of prevention, and if appropriate symptoms arise, this is simply necessary.

When ignored initial symptoms prolapse, the matter may end with surgery, including removal of the reproductive organ.

Useful video

From the video you will learn about a set of Kegel exercises for uterine prolapse:

In contact with


Prolapse is a gynecological pathology, the causes of which are perineal ruptures, birth defects uterus, damage during operations or childbirth. The disease requires complex treatment, an integral part of therapy for uterine prolapse includes special gymnastics. Exercises have a stimulating effect on blood circulation in the pelvic organs, strengthen muscles, and reduce the risk of complications.

Objectives of exercises for uterine prolapse

The pelvic floor includes many muscles that provide support for the tone of the vaginal wall and sphincter, normal work intestines, genitourinary system. Their the most important function is the regulation of the birth process. One of these muscles is the bulbocavernosus. The tissue covers the entrance to the vagina and the urethra. The second muscle is located in the anus, the lateral part of the pelvic diaphragm. When this muscle is tense, the sphincter of the urethra, anus and vaginal walls contract.

The main task of the pelvic floor is to maintain the correct position of the organs and prevent their prolapse. For a number of reasons, such a pathology of the uterus can occur. To prevent the problem, it is recommended to do special exercises. Therapeutic exercises for uterine prolapse will help normalize the functioning of the female genital organs and reduce the risk further development diseases and complications. Among the tasks of charging, experts note improved blood supply, metabolism, strengthening immune system and the body as a whole.

Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises during uterine prolapse are one of the effective methods of combating pathology. So that classes are given good results, the complex must be performed 2-3 times daily. The initial stage of this exercise therapy techniques with prolapse of the uterus, it is a contraction and relaxation of the anus, carried out when it is raised up. During the exercise, you must ensure that the muscles do not become overtired. After a few days of such training, you can move on to gymnastics aimed at training another part of the pelvic floor muscles.

Gymnastics for uterine prolapse will be effective when breathing correctly. While retracting the abdomen, it is necessary to hold it. In the next step, push the pelvic floor muscles. This movement is carried out using tension in the lower abdomen. You need to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, with your lips parted. The process should take place at a slow pace. The duration of training and the number of approaches to perform the complex should be increased gradually.


The “Interruption” exercise for uterine prolapse is one of the most popular among patients. To complete it, you must do the following:

  1. The first step is to determine the location of the desired type of muscle tissue. For this purpose, when urinating, a woman should stop the flow with the help of muscles, then resume it.
  2. An important condition is that the “Interruption” must be performed using only the bulbocavernosus muscle. The inclusion of the gluteal or abdominal muscles in the process should not be allowed. To ensure the location of the desired muscle, repeat the exercise 4-5 times. The manipulation can then be carried out at any time.
  3. When the bulbocavernosus muscle is affected, the anus should also undergo contraction. If the process occurs simultaneously, then the exercise is performed correctly. To determine the underlying tension in more detail, try squeezing the sphincter separately.
  4. When you feel the necessary muscles, you can perform the “Interruption”, using the anal and vaginal muscles.

Slow compression

This exercise for prolapse of the uterus is similar to the previous one. The main difference is the execution time and the absence of urination during exercise. It is better to do the “Slow Squeeze” in a lying position, and it is important to monitor your breathing. There are several options for performing this Kegel exercise:

  1. Squeeze your muscles as hard as possible and hold this position for 15-20 seconds. Then you need to relax the muscles. Perform the movement no more than 10 times.
  2. Squeeze the muscle tissue for a count of three, then count to 3 again and relax. Repeat the manipulation 15-20 times.
  3. Tighten your muscles for 5 seconds. After this time, relax. After 10 seconds, repeat the movement. Do the exercise 7 times. In the next step, reduce the relaxation time to 5 seconds. It is recommended to repeat three times. Then you need to do 3 approaches, squeezing and relaxing for half a minute. At the final stage, it is recommended to repeat the first step.


The “Floors” exercise received this name because it involves gradual compression of the outer, middle and inner layers of muscle tissue. It should be done in stages:

  1. Tighten your outer muscles. Hold them in this position for 3-5 seconds.
  2. The next step is to increase the compression force by using average level muscles.
  3. Count to 3, create the maximum possible tension so that the inner muscle layer contracts.
  4. Having reached " top floor", do not release the tension for about 5 seconds. Then begin to gradually and smoothly relax the layers of muscles in the reverse order. It is necessary to perform 3-5 approaches.


The “Contractions” exercise differs from the previous ones in the rate of muscle contraction and relaxation. It is recommended to perform movements at the highest possible speed. Proper breathing plays an important role in the process. A woman is recommended to contract her muscles while inhaling and relax while exhaling. The reverse option is also allowed. The main condition for the effectiveness of the exercise is uniform, uninterrupted breathing.

Popping and flashing

This workout involves using the muscles that provide the ability to push. If a woman performs exercises for preventive purposes, it must be done while sitting. If there is uterine prolapse, movements are best performed while lying on your back. Take a horizontal position and start pushing. You need to hold your muscles in a tense state for as long as possible. At the same time, try not to overload. You need to do 7-10 approaches.

Performing the “Blinking” technique using the Kegel method involves squeezing and relaxing the sphincter muscles of the anus and vagina, which should be done alternately. The first step is to tighten the bulbocavernosus muscle. Hold the position for 5 seconds, then relax. Repeat similar actions with the anal sphincter muscle.

A set of exercises for uterine prolapse according to Yunusov

Exercises according to Yunusov for the prevention and treatment of uterine prolapse are recognized effective way fight against pathology. In addition to the main task, the technique allows you to strengthen the rectum, bladder sphincters, and abdominal muscles. The training helps normalize the patient’s sex life. Gymnastics according to Yunusov for uterine prolapse is the following set of exercises:

  1. Circular bends of the body (“Mill”). Stand up straight, bend over so that your torso is perpendicular to your legs. Make circular bends, touching your left foot with your right hand and vice versa. Perform the exercise to strengthen the abdominal and uterine muscles 10-15 times.
  2. Circular rotations of the pelvis. You need to stand up straight, rest your hands on hip bone. Make circular movements with your pelvis. During rotations, try to keep your shoulder girdle and legs as static as possible. Make 10-15 movements to the right and left.
  3. Spring squats. Stand with your knees bent at right angles, keeping your back straight. Perform regular squats, but do not stop at the bottom point, but return to the starting position as quickly as possible. Repeat 10-15 times.
  4. Sit on the floor, keep your back straight. Bend your lower limbs at the knees. Spread your legs apart, then squeeze them together, simultaneously tensing and relaxing the muscles of the perineum. Perform 6-8 times.
  5. Torso rotations. Take a standing position, straighten your back, place your hands on your waist. Perform body turns to the sides, while your legs should not move. Do 10-15 repetitions.
  6. Rifles. Lying on your back, pull your knees towards your sternum. Wrap your arms around them. Perform slow rolls onto your stomach and back. Do 5-7 repetitions.
  7. Bike. Lie on your back, lift your pelvic area with your arms above shoulder level. Bend your legs at a right angle, perform movements that imitate riding a bicycle. Leave your body and arms in a static position. Practice for about 1 minute.
  8. Leave the same starting position, bend your lower limbs at the knees. Lift your pelvis up, putting tension on the muscles of the lower leg, perineum and thigh. Return to the starting position again. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.

Exercises for prolapse of the uterus by Sergei Bubnovsky

To treat prolapse, Sergei Bubnovsky developed a special set of exercises. Gymnastics will help strengthen the pelvic muscles, reduce the risk of pathology progression and complications. You can improve your well-being and normalize your ability to work with regular exercise. The implementation of the complex must begin after consultation with a gynecologist. The benefits of training for uterine prolapse according to Bubnovsky are:

  • in preventing further development of the disease;
  • in the use of gymnastics as independent therapy at the initial stages of the pathological process, which will help avoid long-term drug treatment;
  • the patient's condition improved with severe forms diseases, the possibility of canceling surgery;
  • in the prevention of complications and relapses of the disease after surgery.

The technique is highly effective in combating uterine prolapse, but not all women can use gymnastics. Classes are prohibited if you have certain diseases:

  • infectious or inflammatory processes flowing in acute form– the patient’s well-being may worsen due to an increase in blood circulation rate;
  • severe respiratory diseases, cardiovascular systems, liver, kidneys;
  • tumors of various etiologies;
  • conditions that arise during the recovery period after surgery (several weeks);
  • partial or complete prolapse of the uterus (when the cervix and part of the organ become noticeable even in the absence of tension).

The effectiveness of Sergei Bubnovsky’s technique depends not only on the regularity of the exercises, but also on the preparation for them. The following recommendations must be followed:

  • Before training, empty your intestines and bladder;
  • Do the exercises on an empty stomach, in the morning;
  • do gymnastics at initial stage you need 2-4 times a week, increase the duration, intensity, frequency of training gradually;
  • during exercise, breathe evenly, at a calm pace;
  • When performing the complex, the navel should be motionless and the stomach should be relaxed.

To perform gymnastics at home, a woman will need a mat and a small roller. When performing movements, you need to control the compression and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles. The Bubnovsky complex for uterine prolapse contains the following exercises:

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees, spread your arms parallel shoulder girdle. Raise your buttocks by tensing your abdominals. The knees must be squeezed tightly. As you exhale, you need to lower your pelvis down and relax. Perform the movements slowly, repeat 10 times.
  2. Leave the starting position the same, press your feet firmly to the floor surface. Raise your legs slightly, clasp your hands behind your head. Exhaling sharply, lift your pelvis off the floor and upper section back, reach towards your knees with your elbows. Returning to the starting position, continue to support your lower limbs. You cannot spread your feet. Do 10 repetitions.
  3. Get on all fours, resting your toes on the floor. Do some rocking motions. In this case, the pelvis should move in one direction, the feet in the other. Repeat 10 times.
  4. Leave the starting position the same. Make alternate swings with your straight leg up. Repeat 10 times.
  5. The starting position is the same. Arch your back up and down with the greatest possible amplitude. Do the exercise 10 times.
  6. Sit with emphasis on your heels. Slide forward on your hands at a slow pace. The body must be pressed as close as possible to the floor. Perform 10 approaches.
  7. You can do this exercise from any position. Squeeze your knees with maximum strength. Leave your legs in this position for 10 seconds, then relax. Repeat the movement 10 times.

Therapeutic physical education Atarbekova

Gymnastics according to Atarbekov is intended to strengthen the genital muscles, improve the condition of the pelvic diaphragm and abdominal wall. The peculiarity of the complex is its ease of implementation, effectiveness, and absence of contraindications. Classes are allowed even for older women. Atarbekov’s complex contains the following exercises performed from a standing position:

  1. It is necessary to straighten and close the lower limbs, making maximum effort. Tension needs to be created in the hips. This position should be held for 10 seconds, then relax. To increase efficiency, place a fist or stick between your legs. Requires 9 repetitions.
  2. While in the same position, try to raise your pelvis as high as possible. Tension should be created in the hips, buttocks, and sphincter. Hold the position for 1 minute, relax. Do 7-8 approaches.
  3. Take a “swallow” stance, slightly tilting your body forward, moving your straight leg back. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Change your leg. Perform 8-9 approaches.
  4. Stand up straight, take one leg forward. Perform 10-15 rotations clockwise with it. Then return to the starting position and perform the movements with the other leg. 7-8 approaches are required.
  5. Swing your legs, moving them slightly to the sides. In this case, you should strain your abs and vagina. Do 5-7 repetitions.

Physical therapy for uterine prolapse according to Atarbekov involves several movements from a lying position. The technique includes the following exercises:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and bend knee joints. Lower and lift your pelvis at a slow pace. When performing movements, it is necessary to strain the perineum, fixing the pose for 5 seconds. It is recommended to do 10 approaches.
  2. It is necessary to take a “birch tree” stance. To do this, grab your pelvis with your hands, lift your hips as high as possible, keeping your legs straight. Try to hold this position for 30-60 seconds. Repeat 3-4 times.
  3. Lie on your stomach, straighten your lower limbs, slightly raise them. Do a scissoring motion by crossing your legs. You need 5-10 repetitions.
  4. Lying on your back, raise your lower limbs at an angle of 90 degrees, do not bend your knees. Hold for 10 seconds, lower your legs. 5-10 approaches are required.

Yoga to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles

The use of yoga asanas helps regulate and stabilize intra-abdominal pressure. Engaging in ancient practice helps return the uterus to the correct anatomical level and improve its tone, which solves problems with pregnancy. In addition, yoga normalizes blood supply to the pelvic organs, the work urinary system. Before you start exercising, you need to consider that some poses can be harmful to a woman’s health. If the uterus prolapses, long-term therapy will be required. Training should be carried out daily, performing asanas efficiently.

An effective pose to combat illness is Viparita Karani. To perform it, you need to lie on your back and place your legs straight on the wall. The next step is to raise the pelvis. To make the process easier, you can place a pillow under your lower back. The lower limbs should be positioned at right angles to the body. You must spend at least 5 minutes in this position. Several approaches should be done per day.

Experts consider boat pose to be another suitable asana. For the exercise to be effective, you must strictly follow the technique:

  1. Sit with your legs straight and firmly pressed to the floor. Pull the balls of your feet towards you. The heels should remain firmly pressed to the floor. Keep your back straight and place your hands, palms down, slightly behind your hips. The lower limbs should be tense, fingers clenched tightly, directed towards the feet.
  2. Inhale, exhale, pull your stomach in, lift it up chest. You need to look ahead.
  3. Exhale again, gradually tilt your body back a little. At the same time, leaning on your sit bones, lift your legs straight. You need to deviate until your body and lower limbs form the same angles relative to the floor, your arms should be extended parallel to the surface, your palms should be turned towards each other. Fix the pose, breathe calmly and evenly.
  4. Exit from the asana: return your arms to the starting position, slowly raise your torso, lower your legs to the floor.
  5. It is recommended to repeat no more than 3 approaches during one practice.


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Dear readers! Today we are talking about such a delicate problem as uterine prolapse. This, indeed, becomes a problem for many women, which only gets worse over the years. So, according to statistics, such a pathology is diagnosed in every tenth of a hundred women who are diagnosed with this. At the age of up to 40 years, it is diagnosed in 40% of cases, and at an older age, a similar problem is observed in half of women. 15% of all genital surgeries are performed for prolapse or prolapse of the uterus. In this article I will tell you why uterine prolapse occurs, treatment methods, and whether it is possible to correct the situation at home.

Uterine prolapse - causes and consequences

Uterine prolapse, or as doctors also call this pathology, uterine prolapse is pathological condition, in which failure of the ligaments and muscles in the pelvis occurs. Under weight and pressure internal organs the pelvic organs are displaced downward onto the uterus. First of all, the uterus is subject to displacement, and then the vagina. In addition, the bladder and rectum are affected. If this process is not stopped in time, the uterus may move beyond the genital slit, that is, it will fall out.

The uterus itself also has its own tone. Its normal position is to be suspended in the middle of the pelvis at an equal distance from its walls between bladder and rectum.

If the muscles and ligaments are unable to support the uterus in a suspended state, it begins to move downwards. The reasons for this shift may be the following factors:

  • Heavy physical work involving heavy lifting;
  • Difficult or multiple births;
  • Surgical interventions in the pelvis and perineum, in which the integrity of the pelvic muscles is disrupted;
  • Deficiency of the hormone estrogen in the blood, which occurs during menopause;
  • Obesity, overweight;
  • Heredity and genetic predisposition, congenital anomalies, inflammatory diseases and tumors in the pelvis;
  • Chronic constipation, hernias;
  • Sedentary lifestyle,
  • Advanced age.

There are 4 degrees of uterine prolapse. If in the first degree there is a slight prolapse, and when straining the uterus does not come out of the gaping genital slit, then in the fourth degree it is already located outside, outside the genital slit. With this degree, nearby organs are involved: prolapse of the vaginal wall, bladder and anterior wall of the rectum occurs.

The process of weakening the pelvic floor muscles occurs gradually, therefore, when the first symptoms indicating this pathology appear, you must immediately pay attention and begin treatment.

And the first symptoms may be the following:

  • a feeling of fullness and the presence of a foreign body in the lower abdomen;
  • painful sensations radiating to the lumbar or sacral region;
  • frequent urination and constipation;
  • probability of occurrence bloody discharge from the vagina;
  • menstrual irregularities, painful, prolonged or heavy periods;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse.

As the process progresses clinical manifestations worsen and as the condition progresses, the pain becomes more intense, urinary incontinence develops, which occurs even with a slight sneeze or cough. Incontinence of stool and gases is observed. The urethra and bladder become infected and inflammation occurs, and pyelonephritis develops.

At the last stage, a sensation of uterine prolapse appears in the perineum. The prolapsed uterus becomes infected, inflammation occurs, and trophic ulcers, mucosal atrophy. When walking, the prolapsed uterus is further injured, bleeding from cracks, bedsores, severe pain. The surrounding tissues become bluish and swollen, blood stagnation appears and varicose veins pelvic veins and lower limbs. All this makes the woman bedridden and she becomes disabled.

The most serious complications include strangulation of the uterus or part of the intestine, which can lead to necrosis of these organs. And only an urgent operation can save a life.

Of course, I repeat, the problem is too delicate and many women are afraid to see a doctor. Although, by starting treatment in the early stages, disease progression and complications can be avoided.

Uterine prolapse - treatment without surgery

In modern gynecology, uterine prolapse is not considered a terrible diagnosis. Of course, the outcome of treatment primarily depends on the degree of the disease. Currently available modern technologies treatments for uterine prolapse, which are very effective at all stages.

Recommended in the early stages conservative treatment, in later cases it is impossible to do without surgery. An important point at all stages of uterine prolapse is that treatment is possible folk remedies, as well as the use of special gymnastics, but more on that later.

Modern gynecology does not consider uterine prolapse a terrible diagnosis, since the disease is very successfully treated at all stages. Although in some cases serious complications of the disease are possible and surgery cannot be avoided. But at any stage of the pathology, treatment must always be approached individually. And no matter what treatment method you choose, you must first consult with a gynecologist. Now let’s look at the treatment of uterine prolapse without surgery in more detail.

Uterine prolapse - treatment at home

In the initial stages, doctors prescribe treatment at home. I found a lot on the Internet positive feedback, when women dealt with a similar problem at home on their own, meaning without surgical intervention. To do this, they used preparations from medicinal plants in combination with special gymnastics. So let’s look at these two types of treatment in more detail.

Despite the fact that when the uterus prolapses, it is not recommended to engage in heavy physical work, much less sports, but with this problem it is simply necessary! The fact is that when the uterus prolapses, it is necessary to do special Kegel exercises or Yunusov gymnastics. What kind of gymnastics is this?

Kegel exercises for uterine prolapse

Kegel exercises involve tensing the muscles of the perineum. By straining these muscles, the previous tone of the muscles of the pelvic organs returns. As a result, the uterus returns to its normal position. There are no contraindications for performing this gymnastics.

The positive thing is that you can do these exercises anywhere and anytime, it all depends on your desire. A huge advantage of these exercises: when doing these exercises, no one who is next to you sees that you are doing them. For example, you can do these exercises at home, while doing any household chores, or while sitting at the computer, or when you go to bed. You can do these exercises in transport, at work, while walking, or anywhere!

Don’t worry if you don’t succeed in the first days, the fact is that the muscles are weak and they will not want to immediately obey your will. Positive result can be noted after just a week of regular implementation. You need to do gymnastics every day, you can do a good workout once, or you can do several approaches per day.

And further important point. Once you feel the result, you don’t have to stop doing these exercises. Remember that the pelvic muscles weaken with age? So do these exercises always. In addition to restoring the elasticity of the muscles of the perineum and pelvis, you can get rid of bladder weakness and urinary incontinence.

Therapeutic exercises for uterine prolapse - video

Gymnastics for uterine prolapse

Gymnastics according to Yunusov is also effective. Its essence lies in the contraction of the muscles that are involved in urination. To perform it, you need to tense the muscles of the perineum, simulating urinary retention. This exercise can be performed whenever, wherever and as much as you like. But it must be said that Kegel exercises are more effective and more muscles of the perineum and pelvis are involved.

If you have this problem, it is recommended to do yoga. I have already written about how to start doing yoga at home, read by following the link. Yoga has no contraindications for this pathology. And this video will help you.

Exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles are encouraged: “scissors”, “bicycle”, “birch tree”, slow raising and lowering of straight legs, etc. When performing these exercises, not only the abdominal muscles are strengthened, but also the pelvic muscles.

Uterine prolapse - treatment with folk remedies

Herbal treatment for uterine prolapse has been used since ancient times; our grandmothers and great-grandmothers had the problem of uterine prolapse. You understand how much hard work they had to do: this is work in war time in factories, in the fields, and even at home, they had to work equally with men. And numerous births also contributed to the development of this disease. They hardly knew about gymnastics then, but they treated themselves with herbs.

Nowadays, herbal treatment along with gymnastics is widely used and brings tangible results. But you need to know that herbal treatment is long-term, you need to drink regularly, without skipping tinctures and decoctions.

What does traditional medicine offer us?

Plantain syrup. Pour 50 grams of dried plantain leaves into a liter of boiling water and simmer over low heat for another half hour, then add a tablespoon of crushed fragrant celery seeds to the broth. Let the broth brew for another 40 minutes and filter through a sieve. Add 500 grams of honey to the cooled broth, stir. Take ¼ cup before meals for a month. If necessary, the course can be repeated.

Infusion with dill seeds. Take equal parts of dill seeds, St. John's wort, chicory and medicinal chamomile. Pour 1 teaspoon of the mixture into a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water and leave overnight. Filter in the morning. Drink the resulting decoction in small portions throughout the day. In the evening, make the infusion again. Take the infusion for 3 weeks, then a 2-week break, the course of treatment is 3 months.

Infusion with lemon balm. Brew 2 tablespoons of lemon balm leaves (fresh or dried) with 2 cups of boiling water in a thermos, leave for several hours to infuse. Take a quarter glass an hour before meals.

Melissa can be brewed with other herbs: lemon balm -75 g, oregano - 75 g, coltsfoot - 100 g. Mix the mixture and brew in the same way as with lemon balm alone. Take a quarter glass an hour before meals.

Tincture with eggshells. Take the shells of 5 eggs, dry them and grind them in a coffee grinder. Grind 9 lemons and mix them together with the shells, leave for 4 days, then add 0.5 liters of vodka to the mixture and leave for another 3 days. Then filter the tincture. Take ¼ glass in the morning and evening until you drink the entire tincture. Repeat the course in a month, there should be 3 courses in total.

Bath with a decoction of pine nuts. Pour 1 cup of pine nuts with 2 liters of boiling water, cook in an enamel pan with the lid closed over low heat for an hour, turn off the heat and leave to brew for another half hour. Pour the resulting broth into the bath and soak in water at a temperature of 38º for 15 minutes.

Traditional methods of treating uterine prolapse - reviews

I found these reviews in the magazine Healthy Lifestyle, there is such a magazine. Knowing what I'm writing about folk methods treatment, my neighbor grandmother brought me several files of this magazine. And here are the reviews - the results of treatment for uterine prolapse I found.

Fist massage

In the morning, when you wake up, lie on your back, stretch your legs, place the fist of your left hand on your stomach, cover the fist on top with your right palm and squeeze. You will get a reinforced double fist. Drive that fist around soft tissues pressing the abdomen with force, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. Start with 2-3 circular movements, increasing the number of movements every morning. After 20 days, you need to do 20 movements in each direction. A woman does such exercises every morning 20 times in each direction. Her uterus returned to its place, her stool improved, and her hemorrhoids disappeared. It is also useful to do other exercises against uterine prolapse: raising and lowering your legs, doing scissors, raising your knee to your chin, first with one leg, then with the other (2001, No. 10, p. 20)

Cupping treatment

A simple remedy will help cure prolapse and prolapse of the uterus. You need to take a half-liter jar and lie on it so that your navel is in the center of the neck. It will hurt, but you have to be patient and lie there for 3-5 minutes, as long as you can stand it. Then, without getting up, turn on your right side and lie down for another 10-15 minutes. Then lie on your back and tie your lower abdomen with a scarf or elastic bandage and only then stand on your feet. A sign that the uterus is in place will be the absence of pain when lying on the can. This folk recipe passed on in one family from generation to generation. (2004, no. 9, p. 24).

Abdominal massage

In the evening before going to bed, lie on your back, relax, bend your knees. Use your fingers to walk along the lower abdomen 3-5 times, lifting it slightly. The first few days will hurt a little, but then the pain will go away. (HLS 2011, No. 21, pp. 31-32).

One more thing useful exercise. Waking up in the morning, without getting out of bed, roll over onto your stomach and stand in a knee-elbow position, lower your stomach as low as possible, and raise your hips as high as possible, stay in this position for 15 minutes. Then roll over onto your stomach and rest a little without getting out of bed. Do these exercises for at least 20 days, but for better effect you can do them longer. By performing this exercise, the uterus will not only return to its normal position, but also constipation will stop, menstruation will normalize, and this exercise will be useful for conception.

  1. Wear a special bandage in the form of panties, you can buy it at the pharmacy. The bandage prevents prolapse of the uterus and internal pelvic organs. It is put on the naked body in a lying position so that the abdominal muscles are completely relaxed. It is also removed in a lying position. It is recommended to wear it no more than 10-11 hours a day, then it must be removed.
  2. Very useful, both for prevention and for existing uterine prolapse, cycling 2-3 times a week for 30-60 minutes.
  3. Do not lift anything weighing more than 3 kilograms.
  4. When having sexual intercourse, use the “woman on top” position; in this position, the pelvic muscles will be toned as a result of constant contraction and relaxation of the muscles.

Dear readers, the topic of uterine prolapse, as you probably already understood, is a fairly common problem among women. And I have not covered all the subtleties of solving this pathology. To be continued.