Coxarthrosis (arthrosis of the hip joint). Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of arthrosis. How to treat coxarthrosis effectively? – Unique experience of specialists! Coxarthrosis of the hip joint stage 1 treatment

Coxarthrosis hip joint 1 degree dangerous latent course. Minimal manifestations of symptoms do not bother the patient. Early therapy will be able to stop the process in the initial phase. Following the doctor's recommendations for treatment and prevention will help keep the hip joint healthy and the gait beautiful.

Throughout life, a person walks a lot. From the first steps, not a single day is complete without walking or intense running. The hip joint experiences daily stress. Failure of a large spherical joint leads to inconvenience and pain when moving.

Destructive processes affecting all cells of the joint lead to deformation changes and the appearance of contracture. All modifications are persistent and irreversible, and can lead to a complete loss of motor activity and disability.

Description of the disease

Coxarthrosis of the 1st degree - the initial stage. The pathogenesis of the pathology lies in the destructive processes progressing inside the joint. At the first stage, the cartilaginous layer undergoes modification, which performs shock-absorbing functions during movement. Gradually, under the influence of malnutrition and disruption of the course of biochemical reactions, the cartilage loses moisture and becomes thin.

The intra-articular fluid changes its composition and acquires a viscous consistency. Normally, it is the synovial fluid that performs the transport function for the delivery nutrients and oxygen into the joint, in the structure of which there are no blood vessels. Due to a violation of the internal microflora, arthrosis is often accompanied by inflammation of the synovial membrane.

The next stage is growth bone tissue on the heads of the bones that make up the diseased joint. The deformation leads to the inevitable narrowing of the gap between the bones, which begin to touch when trying to make a movement. The growths on the bones cause pain, the articular bag begins to deform and loses the ability to move in different directions.

If the course of the disease is neglected, the patient will have to surgery on joint arthroplasty, since without a radical measure, a person will face gradual immobilization.

A feature of coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the 1st degree is a unilateral process affecting one joint. With further progression, the second joint is also included in the pathology, although bilateral damage is extremely rare. Most often, coxarthrosis of this type occurs in people with birth defects in the area of ​​the hip joints.

Manifestations of coxarthrosis 1 degree

The onset of the disease is almost asymptomatic, so to detect coxarthrosis at the most early stages does not seem possible. A person begins to feel unpleasant discomfort when the disease process is in full swing.

At the first stage of development, the disease begins to give alarm signals after a long load on the hip joint. Jogging or a tiring walk ends with painful sensations in the pelvic area on the affected side. The patient may not react to this fact in any way, thinking that this is just a consequence of a strong load.

After rest, all symptoms go away, and with the normal rhythm of life, the joint does not bother the patient. After some time, the pain when walking becomes stronger and longer as the hyaline cartilage degenerates.

At this stage, there are no visible changes in the bone, the gait remains light, only with increased work appear discomfort. The joint retains its original shape without visible deformation. The disease in the first stage is easy to stop without visible external signs, but this is not easy to do.

Coxarthrosis on this stage rarely diagnosed due to non-contact of patients due to the smoothing of symptoms. It is possible to detect pathology by chance if the patient has an x-ray of the affected area. A narrow joint space is clearly visible on the x-ray, which is one of the first manifestations.

Why does pathology develop

It was previously thought to be a disease of the elderly. Currently, due to the wrong lifestyle, the disease can develop at a fairly young age. Attack from multiple triggers different nature destroys joints, making a person unable to move without assistance.

What can affect the development of coxarthrosis:

  1. Destructive processes that appear with age, affecting primarily the cartilage layer. Joint tissues begin to change, not receiving enough substances necessary for the synthesis of new cells and maintaining joint cells at the proper level. This condition can begin to develop after the age of forty, coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the 1st degree is more likely to affect the fairer sex.
  2. Violation of blood circulation in the area of ​​​​the diseased joint does not allow for the timely supply of nutrients and oxygen. Congestion appears in the thigh, which adversely affects the involved joint.
  3. Injuries of varying degrees of prescription, in which there were mechanical damage spherical joint. Changes can begin immediately after injury, or after a long period of time.
  4. Diseases of a congenital nature (dysplasia, congenital dislocation of the pelvic bone), with insufficient treatment, pass into the stage of arthrosis.
  5. Increased body weight creates additional constant tension and increases the load, after which the pathological changes in the joint.
  6. Intense physical training, hard work associated with the movement of weights, overloads the lower limbs.
  7. Infections that progress in the body give complications, including on the musculoskeletal system.
  8. Pathologies of the endocrine nature: diabetes, disorders of the thyroid gland.
  9. Metabolic disorders that slow down metabolism and change normal course biochemical reactions.
  10. Hormonal changes in female body during the period of cessation of menstruation affects the functioning of the hip joint.
  11. Long term exposure cold temperature, leading to hypothermia of a person, starts the processes of destruction of the joints.
  12. A sedentary lifestyle is accompanied by congestion throughout the body.
  13. Hereditary predisposition, if coxarthrosis is present in the anamnesis of relatives, then the person belongs to elevated group the risk of developing a disease.

How to get rid of coxarthrosis

Medical procedures at this stage are designed to stop pathological processes and prevent further development coxarthrosis. Destroyed tissues will not recover, but if all recommendations are followed, they can be maintained at the same level.

The treatment regimen is selected individually, based on the characteristics of the course of a particular case:

  1. For pain and signs of inflammation in exacerbated situations, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed: Piroxicam, Indomethacin, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen. Taking these drugs not only relieves joint pain well, but also heals by suppressing inflammatory processes.
  2. At vascular pathologies in the history of the disease, Trental is prescribed to relieve spasms and remove acute pain.
  3. Drugs that relax muscle tissue (Mydocalm) are taken during a protracted process that threatens to move to the next stage.
  4. Chondroprotectors must be present in the treatment necessarily and for a long time. Regular intake of drugs that can stop the processes of destructuring in the connective and bone tissue can prevent the pathology from developing and slowly restore the structure of the affected areas. One of the most popular chondroprotectors: Artra, Teraflex, Dona, Alflutop.

A large role is given to physiotherapy exercises. Physiotherapist makes a set of exercises individually for each patient with the calculation of the load, which will be safe for a particular patient. Regular implementation of the recommended exercises improves blood circulation, increases muscle tone, and improves nutrition of joint tissues.

The use of magnetic pulsed current is effective for long-term use. The course of magnetotherapy is an average of twenty days, followed by a break for two months. The effect of current exposure is cumulative, therefore, the maximum result is achieved by the end of the course.

Diet food

The foods you eat directly affect the metabolic processes in the body. With coxarthrosis of the 1st degree, it is recommended not to include in the diet dishes that can provoke a deterioration in the condition:

  • rich broths from meat and fish;
  • fried and fatty foods;
  • smoked products and canned food;
  • semi-finished products and fast food;
  • fat sour cream, mayonnaise;
  • coffee, tea, alcoholic products;
  • confectionery and chocolate.

It is useful to include in the menu a lot of fruits and vegetables, steamed dishes, dairy products, nuts, dried fruits, cereals.

Preventive measures

Exist general rules to keep joints healthy long time:

  • comply with the rules of proper nutrition;
  • prevent the appearance of excess weight;
  • do not lead a sedentary lifestyle;
  • actively move, engage in physical education;
  • do not load the joints with unbearable loads;
  • timely treat foci of infection;
  • if discomfort occurs in the pelvic area, consult a doctor to exclude coxarthrosis of the 1st degree.

Coxarthrosis - a disease that is a process of deformation and destruction of the joint, can lead to its total destruction. Therefore, it is very important to start treatment at an early stage of its development. What is coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the 1st degree, what is the treatment, should be considered in more detail.

Coxarthrosis 1 degree: what is it

ICD 10 disease code - M16. The initial stage of the development of the disease does not have severe symptoms. Most bright signs coxarthrosis 1 degree:

  • pain in the thigh, radiating to lower limb;
  • X-ray shows a slight narrowing of the joint space.

Pain is observed only with excessive physical activity, at rest they gradually subside.

Important to remember! At the first ailments, you need to contact a specialist for diagnosis and timely treatment! After all, coxarthrosis of the 1st degree can be cured without resorting to surgical intervention.

How to treat coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the 1st degree? Treatment of the disease with medicines is to use the following tools:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They relieve inflammation, and also contribute to the removal pain. This helps to significantly alleviate the condition during the period of exacerbation. The most common drugs with such functions are: Ketanol, Bofen, Voltaren, Piroxicam, as well as their analogues.
  2. Vasodilator drugs. They help improve blood circulation, which leads to a gradual restoration of the tissues of the hip joint. For this purpose, such medications are used: Papaverine, Cinnarizine, Piracetam, Euphyllin and others.
  3. Chondroprotectors. They are aimed at restoring cartilage tissue, as well as joint fluid. The effectiveness of chondroprotectors directly depends on the regularity of their intake. Examples of such drugs: Dona, Artra, Alflutop, Teraflex, Structum, also drugs with similar action on the body.

The effectiveness of drug treatment depends on their regular use.

Important to remember! The use of medicines, as well as their dosage, must be agreed with the attending physician!

Exercise therapy for coxarthrosis of the 1st degree

How to treat the disease with exercise therapy? Elimination of coxarthrosis brings low efficiency without performing certain exercises. Therapeutic gymnastics is aimed at developing a diseased joint. For this purpose, the following exercises are suitable:

  1. Power gymnastics. Such exercises are selected taking into account the physical fitness of the patient, as well as individual features the course of the disease. To select the required manipulations, you need to consult with your doctor.
  2. Stretch marks. They are required to maintain the mobility of the hip joint.
  3. Aerobics. Helps strengthen muscle tissue. The most useful for coxarthrosis are walking and swimming.

It is important to know! All exercises performed must be dynamic, smooth! They should not cause pain and other discomfort.


This disease requires a specific diet to be effective. medications and other influences. Nutrition should be balanced, as compliance strict diet may lead to deficiency useful substances necessary for the normal functioning of the joint. In the treatment of coxarthrosis, it is required to adhere to the following dietary rules:

  1. Meat and fish. Low-fat varieties that should be steamed, boiled or baked will be useful. The following meat products should be excluded from the diet: smoked meats, sausage, bacon, ham, etc.
  2. Dairy. Cartilage tissue for recovery requires the use of protein, which is found in dairy products. It is required to give preference to such products: low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, milk with a low percentage of fat content.
  3. Flour products. They are necessary for patients with coxarthrosis. Since they contain a large number of carbohydrates needed to restore the hip joint. Eating products made from rye flour.
  4. Kashi. Preference should be given to oatmeal, buckwheat and rice groats. Boil with milk.
  • salt, it should be consumed no more than 1 tsp. per day;
  • rich pastries from premium flour;
  • sugar, sweets;
  • semolina and wheat porridge.

Important to remember! In order to choose the right diet, you need to consult with a nutritionist! He writes the most healthy diet with coxarthrosis.

Alternative medicine offers many recipes for the preparation of drugs for the treatment of coxarthrosis. But such treatment is not suitable as an independent effect on the disease. Exclusively as an auxiliary effect. It is aimed at alleviating pain during periods of exacerbation of the disease, and also improves blood circulation in the area of ​​the affected hip joint.

Juniper and nettle

To prepare a medicinal ointment, you will need green juniper berries, nettle leaves and pork fat in the same amount. All ingredients should be crushed with a meat grinder or blender and mix thoroughly. Apply the prepared mixture to the affected area, then wrap it with a warm cloth. The procedure is best done at night.

Eucalyptus and mint

Finely chop the leaves of eucalyptus and mint, add aloe juice. All ingredients should be taken in the same amount. Mix thoroughly, treat the sore spots of the hip joint with the resulting remedy.

Honey and radish

It will take 200 g of honey and 1 medium-sized radish, grated. To these components add 50 g of vodka or medical alcohol and 1 tsp. salt. Mix all ingredients well. Spread on the places where the hip joint bothers the most.

Lemon, celery and garlic

You should take 3 medium-sized lemons, 250 g of celery root and 2 heads of peeled garlic. Pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder or grind with a blender. Fill a 3 liter jar with the resulting mixture. Fill the rest of the place with boiling water. Leave to infuse warm overnight. Ready means to use 100 ml in the morning on an empty stomach.

Is it possible to cure coxarthrosis of the 1st degree with the help of drugs traditional medicine? In combination with taking medications, therapeutic gymnastics and dietary compliance can be achieved positive result. After all, on initial stage diseases can be treated without surgery. It will take a long period of time, but the prognosis in almost every case is favorable. The most important thing is to turn to the doctor for help in time. Therefore, even the slightest ailments should not be ignored.

Coxarthrosis of the first degree is common. In most cases, the disease affects older people, there are exceptions, since many factors influence the development of abnormal processes. Therefore, do not ignore the first symptoms of hip disease, relying on age.

Over the past few years, there has been an increase in the cases of diagnosing a disease of the first degree in people under 30 years of age.

If the disease is detected in the early stages, its development can be stopped without resorting to surgical operations.

A common cause of hip disease is a sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition. If the profession requires constant sitting at the workplace, there is a high probability of occurrence. Treatment of the disease will not be effective if you do not make adjustments to the daily routine.

Often, coxarthrosis of the 1st degree occurs in people professionally involved in sports, hard physical labor. Large loads lead to damage to the hip joints, which provokes the disease. Doctors recommend immediately starting treatment, abandoning loads, reducing them.

The cause of the disease may be congenital pathology, hip dislocation, hip dysplasia.

Symptoms of the onset of the disease

The first degree of coxarthrosis does not cause discomfort if a person leads a measured lifestyle, without bothering himself with hard work. During an intense load on the body, the first symptoms appear in the form of weak pain in the region of the hip joint. If a person is susceptible, both legs begin to hurt him, if one-sided, one limb.

Joint disease of the first degree is characterized by rapidly receding pain, which disappears after the person has ceased to load the body. If the patient is in calm state, the symptoms of coxarthrosis do not make themselves felt.

On x-ray with coxarthrosis of the first degree, you can see small deviations from the norm, only a few seek medical help. Neglect of health is fraught with the fact that a progressive disease will turn into a more complex degree, treatment will be more difficult, pain symptoms will become pronounced.

It is impossible completely, in the early stages, progression can be stopped if the cartilaginous tissues of the joint have not undergone serious damage.

Diagnosis of the disease

During the diagnosis of coxarthrosis of the first degree, the qualification of a specialist plays an important role. It is important not to miss precious time, to prescribe the right treatment. efficient, effective methods hip examinations are considered:

  • With the help of radiography, it is possible to determine in the picture what condition the femoral head is in, the size of the gap between the joints, the presence of osteophytes.
  • Computed tomography for coxarthrosis of the first degree resembles an x-ray, makes it possible to make more accurate, three-dimensional images.
  • An ultrasound examination is prescribed to establish the degree of development of the disease. The equipment allows you to see the places of the greatest localization of coxarthrosis, to study the acetabulum, the extent of the growth of the disease.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging for coxarthrosis of the hip joint is used to obtain accurate examination results. The equipment scans each layer, which allows you to capture the most slight changes in the structure of bones and cartilage.

Exist additional tests that are being studied in the laboratory. Their results allow us to indicate the degree of progressive inflammation in the hip region.

Before determining the degree of the disease, a control examination is done by an orthopedic doctor, the obtained analyzes are compared. After the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis, prescribes treatment.

Prognosis of the course of the disease

Making a prognosis for the course of the disease depends on the symptoms, the location of the lesion of the hip joint:

How is coxarthrosis of the 1st degree treated?

The disease is treated in several stages, the first is to remove pain syndrome, inflammation. Use of nonsteroidal drugs acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, chimes, naklofen, nabumeton, nimesil.

To improve blood circulation, which is important during treatment, use mydocalm, ascorutin, cavinton.

In order for the treatment to be effective, special ointments, gels, aerosols are applied to the affected areas, compresses are applied. To obtain good effect, you need to apply drugs regularly, long time. Common types of drugs are ibuprofen gel, diclak gel, final gel.

Part of the treatment is the use of steroid drugs that have anti-inflammatory effects that relieve pain for a long time. Diprospan, hydrocortisone acetate, kenalog are considered effective. Frequent use of such drugs will not be effective, the best way- complex treatment.

It is important that the patient's diet consists of healthy food. The daily routine, the menu is specified in detail by the doctor. Good nutrition is impossible without regular consumption of fruits, vegetables, cereals, seafood.

Coxarthrosis - chronic illness, characterized by a degenerative-dystrophic process of the articular connection. The thinning of the cartilage layer, the violation of its integrity leads to friction of the surfaces of the joints of both bones against each other. In the process of development of this anomaly, the cartilage is destroyed, provoking secondary inflammation, progressive pain, and limitation of hip mobility. The main causes of pathology are:

  • Degenerative changes associated with age.
  • metabolic disorders.
  • TBS trauma.
  • Acute or chronic inflammatory processes, including infectious ones.
  • Violation of blood circulation in the thigh.

In orthopedic practice, hip arthrosis is the most common degenerative-dystrophic disease due to increased load on the thigh area. The highest percentage of diagnosing pathology in women older than 50 years.

Interesting Facts! It is possible to finally eliminate deforming and dysplastic coxarthrosis only by an operative method, more often this is arthroplasty. Methods of conservative influence are aimed at symptomatic therapy with a temporary effect. defeat

The pathological process in most cases affects the upper pole of the hip joint with subsequent upper-lateral displacement of the head femur- diagnosed in men in 65% of cases. The upper pole of the joint capsule is the area subject to the greatest load from body weight, for this reason it is considered the most vulnerable area. In 20%, pathology of the medial pole of the articular joint with protrusion of the acetabulum can be found. In 15-18%, X-ray diagnostics reveals a bilateral lesion.

The main clinic is the manifestation of pain syndrome. The whole problem is that in the early stages of pain can be periodic and not pronounced. Usually in these cases the patient does not pay attention to the changes occurring in the body.

Almost always first hallmark Arthrosis of hip joint is considered pain in the groin area, radiating to the buttocks and occasionally to the knees (in the latter case, the diagnosis of the pathology is difficult). In the morning, there is a characteristic stiffness.

results x-ray examination determine minor changes: the joint space begins to shrink rapidly, the first outgrowths form on the bone surface. The femoral neck remains unchanged.

The tactics of therapy depend on the severity clinical picture and stages of pathology, is developed by an orthopedist or traumatologist. Treatment of coxarthrosis and adequate restoration of motor functions is possible only at the first stage of the disease.

Treatment of grade 1-2 coxarthrosis is aimed at reducing pain, inflammation, and improving blood flow in the legs. For this purpose, analgesics, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), chondroprotectors are prescribed. It is necessary to reduce the vertical load on the limbs (during the period of exacerbation, walking is reduced to a minimum, orthopedic auxiliary structures - canes - are additionally used). Muscle relaxants are prescribed - drugs that reduce muscle tension and the severity of pain.

Physiotherapeutic procedures have a positive effect on the affected joint: galvanization with medicines, magnetotherapy, laser exposure. After pain relief, a referral for therapeutic massage and exercise therapy is issued, aimed at restoring muscle tone, resuming mobility, and strengthening muscles. Separately, the manipulation of proprioceptive stretching according to the PNS method in combination with hydrokinetics can be recommended.

Use of intra-articular injections hormonal drugs useful for persistent pain attack. To reduce body weight and reduce the load on the hip joint, the patient is prescribed a diet.

Group of prescribed drugs for coxarthrosis

Pharmacological group Name of funds Therapeutic action
NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
  • Diclofenac
  • Ortofen
  • Almiral
  • Rapten
  1. Pronounced anti-inflammatory analgesic effect.
  2. Increase the range of motion in the affected joints.
  3. Minimize the feeling of stiffness in the morning.
Long acting chondroprotectors
  • Naklofen
  • Teraflex
  • Artra
  • Honda Forte
  • Elbon
  1. They are biological agents that promote the regeneration of cartilaginous surfaces, bursa.
  2. Improve metabolic processes.
  3. Normalize the viscosity of the synovial secretion.
  4. Slow down the progression of pathology.
Vasodilator drugs
  • Agapurin
  • Trental
  1. Remove the tone of the vascular wall.
  2. Normalize blood flow, improve tissue nutrition.
  3. Restore the normal rheological capabilities of the blood.
Muscle relaxers
  • Mydocalm
  • Sirdalud
  • Baclofen
  1. Reduce the tone of skeletal muscles.
  2. Eliminate spasms and pain.
Means for local use (ointments / gels)
  • Ortofen
  • Diclofenac
  • Espol
  1. Reduce the manifestation of the inflammatory response.
  2. Reduce the severity of pain.
  3. Improve blood circulation.


It is prescribed as an additional type of therapeutic effect. Improves blood circulation and the flow of nutrients to the affected joint, increases the range of motion of the joint. It is carried out only after cupping acute period accompanied by severe pain.

With the first degree of coxarthrosis, massage is combined with drug treatment, therapy of the third stage is possible exclusively by surgery.

Physiotherapy activities

Physiotherapy improves blood circulation, relieves inflammation, swelling, the severity of a pain attack, accelerates the process of restoring mobility in muscles and joints.

Heat therapy

Advantageously, the method includes mud and paraffin treatment. Active ingredients are able to retain heat for a long time, due to which penetration into the pathological focus occurs active ingredients, improve metabolic processes in tissues, normalizes general state sick.


  • during the period of exacerbation of diseases;
  • acute liver failure;
  • inflammatory diseases of organs and systems;
  • the presence of purulent foci.

Electrical stimulation of muscle fibers

The method of influence is pulsed currents of various strengths and frequencies. Normalizes blood circulation, increases tone, innervation muscle tissue and its contractility.

Important! The methodology cannot be equated to a complete physiotherapy exercises and even more so, completely replace it.


  • recent heart attack, stroke;
  • chronic hypertension;
  • acute disruption of the cardiovascular system;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation.


The method is based on the use of static magnetic field. Supporters of this procedure argue that the influence of the magnetic field on the patient's body is carried out through nervous, immune processes in tissues, improving blood flow, access of active substances to the affected joint and reducing pain reactivity.


  • neoplasms, including atypical (cancerous);
  • anemia, hemoglobinopathies and other blood diseases.
  • lactation and pregnancy (especially in the first trimester);
  • thrombosis with inflammation of the venous wall;
  • early period after ischemic stroke and heart attack.

laser treatment

The principle of therapeutic action is to use radiation in the optical range - a light beam. Manipulation allows you to reduce the manifestation of pain, reduces the inflammatory response, normalizes blood circulation, and has a positive effect on cartilage tissue.


  • anemia;
  • tumors;
  • diabetes.

Interesting fact! AT recent times cell-stem therapy has received wide publicity. Some medical centers already practiced similar treatment. Reviews of scientists are divided from "inefficiency" to "worth a try" and "complete absurdity."

The Plasmolifting technology is another proposed method for inhibiting the progression of hip arthrosis using autoplasma (the patient's own blood plasma). Plasma contains platelets - enzymatic elements of the blood that have growth factors and regenerative capabilities. With coxarthrosis, the technique stops pain manifestations, inhibits further destruction of cartilage tissue.

Initially, it was supposed to be injected intercellular substance in order to suppress pain, a variant of the gel form was later proposed, pre-mixed with a bone tissue substitute (Kollapan-L).

Remarkable! According to the results of the research, 12 months after the completion of the plasma-lifting course, the manifestation of pain decreased by 64.8%, stiffness - by 61.2%. Therapy with a shorter duration (4-6 months) had lower rates: a decrease in pain by 23.7%, stiffness - 22.1%.

Coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the 1st degree: treatment according to Bubnovsky

Therapeutic exercises of Dr. Bubnovsky with a diagnosis of coxarthrosis are performed in the supine position. The main set of exercises consists of the following:

  1. Starting position: lying on your back. Bend your legs at the knees, pulling them towards you. Arms straight along the body, palms down. On inspiration, lift the pelvis up to a distance of 10-15 cm from the floor, on exhalation - lower it down. Repeat 10 times.
  2. The starting position does not change. The legs are extended, lying straight. Alternately raise the straight limb to a height of 10-20 cm, hold it in the air for several seconds and slowly lower it. The number of repetitions is 10-15.
  3. Starting position: lying on your back. The arms are straight along the body, the legs are bent at the knees. On exhalation, the knees are bred to the sides, on inspiration, they return to the opposite position.
  4. Starting position: standing on all fours. In this position, you need to walk a few meters back and forth.

Important! Any gymnastic exercises, including the most sparing ones, are performed strictly after the elimination of the pain syndrome and the period of exacerbation.

Rehabilitation gymnastics after endoprosthetics:

  1. Position: sitting on a chair, slowly bend down, trying to touch the floor.
  2. Lean with both hands on the back of a chair, alternately swing your foot - forward / backward, to the sides.

The purpose of the exercises is to strengthen the muscles, muscles, thus reducing the risk of complications after surgery, speed up the healing process, and restore an adequate range of motion in the hip area.

Be sure to consult your doctor before treating diseases. This will help to take into account individual tolerance, confirm the diagnosis, make sure the treatment is correct and exclude negative drug interactions. If you use prescriptions without consulting a doctor, then this is entirely at your own risk. All information on the site is presented for informational purposes and is not a medical aid. You are solely responsible for the application.

Coxarthrosis is a disease that destroys the hip joint, most often occurs in women over 40 years of age. This disease responds well to conservative therapy.

The patient is prescribed a sparing regimen physical activity- Minimize the load on the affected joint. It is necessary to completely exclude sports training, intensive walking and hard physical labor.

The patient should regularly perform a set of therapeutic exercises. It is also necessary to attend physical therapy sessions and take medications to reduce inflammation and pain in the hip joint.

Methods for the treatment of coxarthrosis of the first or second degree


  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (movalis, diclofenac and others). They will relieve swelling and inflammation, but with prolonged use they can cause side effects, one of which is an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer. Perhaps the most safe drug Movalis is considered in this line.
  • Vasodilator drugs (cynaresin, trental) activate the blood supply to the joint, which contributes to faster recovery. There are almost no side effects.
  • Medications that relax muscles, such as mydocalm. They are good at relieving pain that occurs with muscle spasms around a diseased joint. However, side effects are possible: dizziness, slow reactions.
  • Chondroprotectors - drugs that restore cartilage tissue (glucosamine, arteparone). The most useful medicines for the treatment of coxarthrosis. The drugs help the cartilage to recover even after stopping the intake. There are practically no contraindications.
  • Hormonal steroid drugs. They give a good effect only sometimes, but they have many side effects.

Compresses, ointments, lotions

The effectiveness of this method of treatment is quite low, because the active substances do not get to the diseased joint. These procedures bring benefits, not so much due to their chemical composition, how much due to massaging when applying them.


Magnetotherapy, massage, ultrasound, UHF therapy, light and electricity treatment, laser therapy, etc. Such methods act quite superficially, but they improve blood circulation around the hip joint.


High-quality massage in this disease is very useful. We recommend doing it as often as possible.

Joint traction

The joints are pulled out using a special apparatus or manually. The latter method is preferable, because this way you can determine the direction of the correction much more accurately. Quite a risky procedure.


Exercises specially designed for patients with coxarthrosis improve blood circulation and do not cause pain. It is recommended to swim, especially in salt water.


To remove the symptoms of coxarthrosis, many resort to folk remedies. It is better not to risk, doing only self-medication, and consult a doctor. However, traditional medicine methods can speed up recovery, so they can be used in parallel with traditional therapy.

For the treatment of coxarthrosis use:

  • aloe juice, crushed mint and eucalyptus leaves in equal proportions;
  • 1 part honey, half a part of vodka, 1 part of grated radish, a tablespoon of salt.
  • fir oil;
  • bee venom.

The only way to treat the third, most serious stage of coxarthrosis is surgery.