When was Nicholas 2 born according to the new style? The main misconceptions about Nicholas II

NICHOLAY II Alexandrovich, last Russian emperor (1894-1917), eldest son of the emperor Alexandra III Alexandrovich and Empress Maria Feodorovna, honorary member Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1876).

His reign coincided with the rapid industrial and economic development of the country. Under Nicholas II, Russia was defeated in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05, which was one of the reasons for the Revolution of 1905-1907, during which the Manifesto of October 17, 1905 was adopted, which allowed the creation of political parties and established the State Duma; Stolypinskaya began to be implemented agrarian reform. In 1907, Russia became a member of the Entente, as part of which it entered the First World War. Since August (September 5), 1915, Supreme Commander-in-Chief. During the February Revolution of 1917, on March 2 (15), he abdicated the throne. Shot along with his family. In 2000 he was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church.

Childhood. Education

Nikolai's regular homework began when he was 8 years old. Training program included an eight-year general education course and a five-year course in higher sciences. It was based on a modified classical gymnasium program; instead of Latin and Greek languages mineralogy, botany, zoology, anatomy and physiology were studied. Courses in history, Russian literature and foreign languages ​​were expanded. Cycle higher education included political economy, law and military affairs (military jurisprudence, strategy, military geography, service of the General Staff). Classes in vaulting, fencing, drawing, and music were also conducted. Alexander III and Maria Feodorovna themselves selected teachers and mentors. Among them were scientists, statesmen and military figures: K. P. Pobedonostsev, N. Kh. Bunge, M. I. Dragomirov, N. N. Obruchev, A. R. Drenteln, N. K. Girs.

Carier start

From an early age, Nikolai felt a craving for military affairs: he knew the traditions of the officer environment and military regulations perfectly, in relation to the soldiers he felt like a patron-mentor and did not shy away from communicating with them, and resignedly endured the inconveniences of army everyday life at camp gatherings or maneuvers.

Immediately after his birth, he was enrolled in the lists of several guards regiments and appointed chief of the 65th Moscow Infantry Regiment. At the age of five he was appointed chief of the Life Guards of the Reserve Infantry Regiment, and in 1875 he was enlisted in the Erivan Life Guards Regiment. In December 1875 he received his first military rank- ensign, and in 1880 he was promoted to second lieutenant, after 4 years he became a lieutenant.

In 1884 Nikolai entered active duty military service, in July 1887 began regular military service in the Preobrazhensky Regiment and was promoted to staff captain; in 1891 Nikolai received the rank of captain, and a year later - colonel.

On the throne

On October 20, 1894, at the age of 26, he accepted the crown in Moscow under the name of Nicholas II. On May 18, 1896, during the coronation celebrations, tragic events occurred on the Khodynka Field (see "Khodynka"). His reign occurred during a period of sharp aggravation of the political struggle in the country, as well as the foreign policy situation (Russian-Japanese War of 1904-05; Bloody Sunday; Revolution of 1905-07 in Russia; World War I; February Revolution of 1917).

During the reign of Nicholas, Russia turned into an agrarian-industrial country, cities grew, railways, industrial enterprises. Nicholas supported decisions aimed at the economic and social modernization of the country: the introduction of gold circulation of the ruble, Stolypin's agrarian reform, laws on workers' insurance, universal primary education, and religious tolerance.

Not being a reformer by nature, Nicholas was forced to accept important decisions, which did not correspond to his inner beliefs. He believed that in Russia the time had not yet come for a constitution, freedom of speech, and universal suffrage. However, when a strong social movement in favor of political change arose, he signed the Manifesto on October 17, 1905, proclaiming democratic freedoms.

In 1906, the State Duma, established by the Tsar's manifesto, began to work. For the first time in Russian history, the emperor began to rule with a representative body elected by the population. Russia gradually began to transform into a constitutional monarchy. But despite this, the emperor still had enormous power functions: he had the right to issue laws (in the form of decrees); appoint a prime minister and ministers accountable only to him; determine the course of foreign policy; was the head of the army, court and earthly patron of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Personality of Nicholas II

The personality of Nicholas II, the main traits of his character, advantages and disadvantages caused conflicting assessments of his contemporaries. Many noted “weak will” as the dominant feature of his personality, although there is a lot of evidence that the tsar was distinguished by a persistent desire to implement his intentions, often reaching the point of stubbornness (only once was someone else’s will imposed on him - Manifesto of October 17, 1905). Unlike his father Alexander III, Nicholas did not give the impression of a strong personality. At the same time, according to the reviews of people who knew him closely, he had exceptional self-control, which was sometimes perceived as indifference to the fate of the country and people (for example, he met the news of the fall of Port Arthur or the defeats of the Russian army during the First World War with composure, striking the royal entourage). In dealing with state affairs, the tsar showed “extraordinary perseverance” and accuracy (he, for example, never had a personal secretary and himself stamped letters), although in general the rule of a huge empire was a “heavy burden” for him. Contemporaries noted that Nikolai had a tenacious memory, keen powers of observation, and was a modest, friendly and sensitive person. At the same time, most of all he valued his peace, habits, health and especially the well-being of his family.

Emperor's family

Nicholas's support was his family. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna (nee Princess Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt) was not only a wife for the Tsar, but also a friend and adviser. The habits, ideas and cultural interests of the spouses largely coincided. They got married on November 14, 1894. They had five children: Olga (1895-1918), Tatiana (1897-1918), Maria (1899-1918), Anastasia (1901-1918), Alexey (1904-1918).

The fatal drama of the royal family was associated with the incurable illness of Alexei's son - hemophilia (incoagulability of blood). The illness led to the appearance in the royal house, which, even before meeting the crowned kings, became famous for the gift of foresight and healing; he repeatedly helped Alexei overcome attacks of illness.

World War I

The turning point in the fate of Nicholas was 1914 - the beginning of the First World War. The tsar did not want war and until the very last moment tried to avoid a bloody clash. However, on July 19 (August 1), 1914, Germany declared war on Russia.

In August (September 5) 1915, during a period of military failures, Nicholas took over military command [previously this position was held by Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich (the Younger)]. Now the tsar visited the capital only occasionally, and spent most of his time at the headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief in Mogilev.

The war exacerbated the country's internal problems. The tsar and his entourage began to be held primarily responsible for military failures and the protracted military campaign. Allegations have spread that “treason is lurking” in the government. At the beginning of 1917, the high military command led by the Tsar (together with allies - England and France) prepared a plan for a general offensive, according to which it was planned to end the war by the summer of 1917.

Abdication of the throne. Execution of the royal family

At the end of February 1917, unrest began in Petrograd, which, without encountering serious opposition from the authorities, a few days later grew into mass protests against the government and the dynasty. Initially, the tsar intended to restore order in Petrograd by force, but when the scale of the unrest became clear, he abandoned this idea, fearing much bloodshed. Some high-ranking military officials, members of the imperial retinue and political figures convinced the king that in order to pacify the country, a change in government was required, his abdication of the throne was necessary. On March 2, 1917, in Pskov, in the lounge carriage of the imperial train, after painful deliberation, Nicholas signed an act of abdication, transferring power to his brother Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, who did not accept the crown.

On March 9, Nicholas and the royal family were arrested. For the first five months they were under guard in Tsarskoye Selo; in August 1917 they were transported to Tobolsk. In April 1918, the Bolsheviks transferred the Romanovs to Yekaterinburg. On the night of July 17, 1918, in the center of Yekaterinburg, in the basement of the Ipatiev house, where the prisoners were imprisoned, Nicholas, the queen, five of their children and several close associates (11 people in total) were shot without trial or investigation.

Canonized together with his family by the Russian Church Abroad.

Nicholas II is the last Russian emperor. It was here that the three-hundred-year history of the rule of Russia by the House of Romanov ended. He was the eldest son of the imperial couple Alexander III and Maria Fedorovna Romanov.

After the tragic death of his grandfather, Alexander II, Nikolai Alexandrovich officially became the heir to the Russian throne. Already in childhood he was distinguished by great religiosity. Nicholas's relatives noted that the future emperor had “a soul as pure as crystal, and passionately loving everyone.”

He himself loved to go to church and pray. He really liked to light and place candles in front of the images. The Tsarevich watched the process very carefully and, as the candles burned, he extinguished them and tried to do this so that the cinder smoked as little as possible.

During the service, Nikolai loved to sing along with the church choir, knew a lot of prayers, and had certain musical skills. The future Russian emperor grew up as a thoughtful and shy boy. At the same time, he was always persistent and firm in his views and beliefs.

Despite his childhood, even then Nicholas II was characterized by self-control. It happened that during games with the boys, some misunderstandings arose. In order not to say too much in a fit of anger, Nicholas II simply went to his room and took up his books. Having calmed down, he returned to his friends and to the game, as if nothing had happened before.

He paid a lot of attention to his son's education. Nicholas II studied various sciences for a long time. Particular attention was paid to military affairs. Nikolai Alexandrovich attended military training more than once, then served in the Preobrazhensky Regiment.

Military affairs was a great passion of Nicholas II. Alexander III, as his son grew older, took him to meetings of the State Council and the Cabinet of Ministers. Nikolai felt great responsibility.

A sense of responsibility for the country forced Nikolai to study hard. The future emperor did not part with the book, and also mastered a complex of political-economic, legal and military sciences.

Soon Nikolai Alexandrovich went on a trip around the world. In 1891 he traveled to Japan, where he visited the monk Terakuto. The monk predicted: “Danger hovers over your head, but death will recede, and the cane will be stronger than the sword. And the cane will shine with brilliance..."

After some time, an attempt was made on the life of Nicholas II in Kyoto. A Japanese fanatic hit the heir to the Russian throne on the head with a saber, the blade slipped, and Nicholas escaped with only a cut. Immediately, George (the Greek prince who traveled with Nicholas) hit the Japanese with his cane. The Emperor was saved. Terakuto's prophecy came true, the cane also began to shine. Alexander III asked George to borrow it for a while, and soon returned it to him, but already in a gold frame with diamonds...

In 1891, there was a crop failure in the Russian Empire. Nicholas II headed the committee to collect donations for the hungry. He saw people's grief and worked tirelessly to help his people.

In the spring of 1894, Nicholas II received the blessing of his parents to marry Alice of Hesse - Darmstadt (future Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova). Alice's arrival in Russia coincided with the illness of Alexander III. Soon the Emperor died. During his illness, Nikolai never left his father’s side. Alice converted to Orthodoxy and was named Alexandra Fedorovna. Then the wedding ceremony of Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov and Alexandra Fedorovna took place, which took place in the church of the Winter Palace.

Nicholas II was crowned king on May 14, 1896. After the wedding, a tragedy occurred, where thousands of Muscovites came. There was a huge stampede, many people died, many were injured. This event went down in history under the name “Bloody Sunday”.

One of the first things Nicholas II did on the throne was to appeal to all the leading powers of the world. The Russian Tsar proposed reducing armaments and creating an arbitration court in order to avoid major conflicts. A conference was convened in The Hague, at which it was adopted general principle resolution of international conflicts.

One day the emperor asked the chief of gendarmes when the revolution would break out. The chief gendarme replied that if 50 thousand executions were carried out, then the revolution could be forgotten. Nikolai Alexandrovich was shocked by this statement and rejected it with horror. This testifies to his humanity, to the fact that in his life he was motivated only by truly Christian motives.

During the reign of Nicholas II, about four thousand people ended up on the chopping block. Criminals who committed especially serious crimes - murders, robberies - were executed. There was no one's blood on his hands. These criminals were punished by the same law that punishes criminals throughout the civilized world.

Nicholas II often applied humanity to revolutionaries. There was a case when the bride of a student sentenced to death because of revolutionary activities submitted a petition to Nikolai Alexandrovich’s adjutant to pardon the groom, due to the fact that he was sick with tuberculosis and would soon die anyway. The execution of the sentence was scheduled for the next day...

The adjutant had to show great courage, asking to call the sovereign from the bedroom. After listening, Nicholas II ordered the sentence to be suspended. The emperor praised the adjutant for his courage and for helping the sovereign do a good deed. Nikolai Alexandrovich not only pardoned the student, but also sent him with his personal money for treatment in Crimea.

I will give another example of the humanity of Nicholas II. One Jewish woman did not have the right to enter the capital of the empire. She had a sick son living in St. Petersburg. Then she turned to the sovereign, and he granted her request. “There cannot be a law that would not allow a mother to come to her sick son,” said Nikolai Alexandrovich.

The last Russian Emperor was a true Christian. He was characterized by meekness, modesty, simplicity, kindness... Many perceived these qualities of his as a weakness of character. Which was far from true.

Under Nicholas II, the Russian Empire developed dynamically. During his reign, several vital reforms were carried out. Witte's monetary reform. promised to delay the revolution for a long time, and was generally very progressive.

Also, under Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov, a State Duma appeared in Russia, although, of course, this measure was forced. The economic and industrial development of the country under Nicholas II occurred by leaps and bounds. He was very scrupulous about state affairs. He himself constantly worked with all the papers, and did not have a secretary. The sovereign even stamped the envelopes with his own hand.

Nikolai Alexandrovich was an exemplary family man - the father of four daughters and one son. Grand Duchesses: Doted on their father. Nicholas II had a special relationship with. The Emperor took him to military parades, and during the First World War, he took him with him to Headquarters.

Nicholas II was born on the day of remembrance of the holy long-suffering Job. Nikolai Alexandrovich himself said more than once that he was destined to suffer all his life, like Job. And so it happened. The Emperor had the opportunity to survive revolutions, the war with Japan, the First World War, the illness of his heir - Tsarevich Alexei, the death of loyal subjects - civil servants at the hands of terrorist revolutionaries.

Nikolai, together with his family, ended his earthly journey in the basement of the Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg. The family of Nicholas II was brutally murdered by the Bolsheviks on July 17, 1918. In post-Soviet times, members of the Imperial Family were canonized as saints of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Nicholas 2 Alexandrovich (May 6, 1868 - July 17, 1918) - the last Russian emperor, who reigned from 1894 to 1917, the eldest son of Alexander 3 and Maria Feodorovna, was an honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In the Soviet historiographical tradition, he was given the epithet “Bloody.” The life of Nicholas 2 and his reign are described in this article.

Briefly about the reign of Nicholas 2

During the years there was active economic development in Russia. Under this sovereign, the country lost in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, which was one of the reasons for the revolutionary events of 1905-1907, in particular the adoption of the Manifesto on October 17, 1905, according to which the creation of various political parties was allowed, and the formation of The State Duma. According to the same manifesto, the agrarian economy began to be implemented. In 1907, Russia became a member of the Entente and, as part of it, participated in the First World War. In August 1915, Nicholas II Romanov became Supreme Commander-in-Chief. On March 2, 1917, the sovereign abdicated the throne. He and his entire family were shot. The Russian Orthodox Church canonized them in 2000.

Childhood, early years

When Nikolai Alexandrovich turned 8 years old, his home education began. The program included a general education course lasting eight years. And then - a course of higher sciences lasting five years. It was based on the classical gymnasium program. But instead of Greek and Latin languages the future king mastered botany, mineralogy, anatomy, zoology and physiology. The courses in Russian literature, history and foreign languages ​​were expanded. In addition, the higher education program included the study of law, political economy and military affairs (strategy, jurisprudence, General Staff service, geography). Nicholas 2 was also involved in fencing, vaulting, music, and drawing. Alexander 3 and his wife Maria Fedorovna themselves chose mentors and teachers for the future tsar. Among them were military and statesmen, scientists: N. K. Bunge, K. P. Pobedonostsev, N. N. Obruchev, M. I. Dragomirov, N. K. Girs, A. R. Drenteln.

Carier start

From childhood, the future Emperor Nicholas 2 was interested in military affairs: he perfectly knew the traditions of the officer environment, the soldier did not shy away, recognizing himself as their mentor-patron, and easily endured the inconveniences of army life at camp maneuvers and training camps.

Immediately after the birth of the future sovereign, he was enrolled in several guards regiments and made commander of the 65th Moscow Infantry Regiment. At the age of five, Nicholas 2 (reign dates: 1894-1917) was appointed commander of the Life Guards of the Reserve Infantry Regiment, and a little later, in 1875, of the Erivan Regiment. The future sovereign received his first military rank (ensign) in December 1875, and in 1880 he was promoted to second lieutenant, and four years later to lieutenant.

Nicholas 2 entered active military service in 1884, and starting in July 1887 he served and reached the rank of staff captain. He became a captain in 1891, and a year later - a colonel.

Beginning of reign

After long illness Alexander 1 died, and Nicholas 2 took over the reign of Moscow on the same day, at the age of 26, on October 20, 1894.

During his solemn official coronation on May 18, 1896, dramatic events took place on the Khodynskoye field. Mass riots occurred, thousands of people died and were injured in a spontaneous stampede.

Khodynskoe Field was not previously intended for public festivities, since it was a training base for troops, and therefore it was not well-equipped. There was a ravine right next to the field, and the field itself was covered with numerous holes. On the occasion of the celebration, the pits and ravine were covered with boards and filled with sand, and benches, booths, and stalls were set up around the perimeter to distribute free vodka and food. When people, attracted by rumors about the distribution of money and gifts, rushed to the buildings, the flooring covering the pits collapsed, and people fell, not having time to get to their feet: a crowd was already running along them. The police, swept away by the wave, could do nothing. Only after reinforcements arrived did the crowd gradually disperse, leaving mutilated and trampled bodies in the square.

The first years of the reign

In the first years of the reign of Nicholas 2, a general census of the country's population and monetary reform were carried out. During the reign of this monarch, Russia became an agrarian-industrial state: railways were built, cities grew, and industrial enterprises arose. The sovereign made decisions aimed at the social and economic modernization of Russia: the gold circulation of the ruble was introduced, several laws on workers' insurance were implemented, Stolypin's agrarian reform was implemented, laws on religious tolerance and universal primary education were adopted.

Main events

The years of the reign of Nicholas 2 were marked by a strong aggravation in the internal political life of Russia, as well as a difficult foreign policy situation (the events of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, the Revolution of 1905-1907 in our country, the First World War, and in 1917 - the February Revolution) .

The Russo-Japanese War, which began in 1904, although it did not cause much damage to the country, nevertheless significantly undermined the authority of the sovereign. After numerous failures and losses in 1905 Battle of Tsushima ended in a crushing defeat of the Russian fleet.

Revolution 1905-1907

On January 9, 1905, the revolution began, this date is called Bloody Sunday. Government troops shot at a demonstration of workers, organized, as is commonly believed, by Georgy in the transit prison in St. Petersburg. As a result of the shootings, more than a thousand demonstrators who participated in a peaceful march to the Winter Palace in order to submit a petition to the sovereign about the needs of the workers died.

After this uprising spread to many other Russian cities. There were armed actions in the navy and army. So, on June 14, 1905, the sailors captured the battleship Potemkin and brought it to Odessa, where at that time there was a general strike. However, the sailors did not dare to go ashore to support the workers. "Potemkin" headed to Romania and surrendered to the authorities. Numerous speeches forced the Tsar to sign the Manifesto on October 17, 1905, which granted civil liberties to the residents.

Not being a reformer by nature, the tsar was forced to implement reforms that did not correspond to his beliefs. He believed that in Russia the time had not yet come for freedom of speech, a constitution, or universal suffrage. However, Nicholas 2 (whose photo is presented in the article) was forced to sign the Manifesto on October 17, 1905, as an active social movement for political reforms began.

Establishment of the State Duma

The Tsar's manifesto of 1906 established the State Duma. In the history of Russia, for the first time, the emperor began to rule with a representative elected body from the population. That is, Russia is gradually becoming a constitutional monarchy. However, despite these changes, the emperor during the reign of Nicholas 2 still had enormous powers: he issued laws in the form of decrees, appointed ministers and a prime minister accountable only to him, was the head of the court, army and patron of the Church, determined foreign policy course of our country.

The first revolution of 1905-1907 showed the deep crisis that existed at that time in the Russian state.

Personality of Nicholas 2

From the point of view of his contemporaries, his personality, main character traits, advantages and disadvantages were very ambiguous and sometimes caused conflicting assessments. According to many of them, Nicholas 2 was characterized by such an important trait as weakness of will. However, there is plenty of evidence that the sovereign persistently strove to implement his ideas and initiatives, sometimes reaching the point of stubbornness (only once, when signing the Manifesto on October 17, 1905, was he forced to submit to someone else’s will).

In contrast to his father, Alexander 3, Nikolai 2 (see his photo below) did not create the impression of a strong personality. However, according to people close to him, he had exceptional self-control, which was sometimes interpreted as indifference to the fate of people and the country (for example, with composure that amazed those around the sovereign, he met the news of the fall of Port Arthur and the defeat of the Russian army in the First World War war).

When engaged in state affairs, Tsar Nicholas 2 showed “extraordinary perseverance,” as well as attentiveness and accuracy (for example, he never had a personal secretary, and he put all the seals on letters with his own hand). Although, in general, managing a huge power was still a “heavy burden” for him. According to contemporaries, Tsar Nicholas 2 had a tenacious memory, observation skills, and was an affable, modest and sensitive person in his communication. Most of all, he valued his habits, peace, health, and especially the well-being of his own family.

Nicholas 2 and his family

His family served as support for the sovereign. Alexandra Feodorovna was not just a wife for him, but also an adviser and friend. Their wedding took place on November 14, 1894. The interests, ideas and habits of the spouses often did not coincide, largely due to cultural differences, because the Empress was a German princess. However, this did not interfere with family harmony. The couple had five children: Olga, Tatyana, Maria, Anastasia and Alexey.

The drama of the royal family was caused by the illness of Alexei, who suffered from hemophilia (incoagulability of blood). It was this disease that caused the appearance of Grigory Rasputin, famous for his gift of healing and foresight, in the royal house. He often helped Alexey cope with attacks of the disease.

World War I

The year 1914 became a turning point in the fate of Nicholas 2. It was at this time that the First World War began. The Emperor did not want this war, trying until the very last moment to avoid a bloodbath. But on July 19 (August 1), 1914, Germany nevertheless decided to start a war with Russia.

In August 1915, marked by a series of military failures, Nicholas 2, the history of whose reign was already approaching its end, took on the role of commander-in-chief of the Russian army. Previously, it was assigned to Prince Nikolai Nikolaevich (the Younger). From then on, the sovereign only occasionally came to the capital, spending most of his time in Mogilev, at the headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

The First World War intensified Russia's internal problems. The king and his entourage began to be considered the main culprit for the defeats and the protracted campaign. There was an opinion that “treason is nesting” in the Russian government. At the beginning of 1917, the country's military command, led by the emperor, created a plan for a general offensive, according to which it was planned to end the confrontation by the summer of 1917.

Abdication of Nicholas 2

However, at the end of February of the same year, unrest began in Petrograd, which, due to the lack of strong opposition from the authorities, grew a few days later into mass political protests against the Tsar’s dynasty and the government. At first, Nicholas 2 planned to use force to achieve order in the capital, but, having realized the true scale of the protests, he abandoned this plan, fearing even more bloodshed that it could cause. Some of the high-ranking officials, politicians and members of the sovereign's retinue convinced him that in order to suppress the unrest, a change in government was necessary, the abdication of Nicholas 2 from the throne.

After painful thoughts, on March 2, 1917 in Pskov, during a trip on the imperial train, Nicholas 2 decided to sign an act of abdication of the throne, transferring the rule to his brother, Prince Mikhail Alexandrovich. However, he refused to accept the crown. The abdication of Nicholas 2, thus, meant the end of the dynasty.

Last months of life

Nicholas 2 and his family were arrested on March 9 of the same year. At first, for five months they were in Tsarskoye Selo, under guard, and in August 1917 they were sent to Tobolsk. Then, in April 1918, the Bolsheviks transported Nicholas and his family to Yekaterinburg. Here, on the night of July 17, 1918, in the center of the city, in the basement in which the prisoners were imprisoned, Emperor Nicholas 2, his five children, his wife, as well as several of the king’s associates, including family doctor Botkin and the servants were shot without any trial or investigation. In total, eleven people were killed.

In 2000, by decision of the Church, Nicholas 2 Romanov, as well as his entire family, were canonized, and an Orthodox church was erected on the site of Ipatiev’s house.

Nicholas II Alexandrovich
Years of life: 1868 - 1918
Years of reign: 1894 - 1917

Nicholas II Alexandrovich born May 6 (18 old style) 1868 in Tsarskoe Selo. Russian Emperor, who reigned from October 21 (November 1), 1894 to March 2 (March 15), 1917. Belonged to Romanov dynasty, was the son and successor of Alexander III.

Nikolai Alexandrovich From birth he had the title - His Imperial Highness the Grand Duke. In 1881, he received the title of Heir to Tsarevich, after the death of his grandfather, Emperor Alexander II.

Full title Nicholas II as Emperor from 1894 to 1917: “By God's advancing grace, We, Nicholas II (Church Slavic form in some manifestos - Nicholas II), Emperor and Autocrat of All Russia, Moscow, Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod; Tsar of Kazan, Tsar of Astrakhan, Tsar of Poland, Tsar of Siberia, Tsar of Chersonese Tauride, Tsar of Georgia; Sovereign of Pskov and Grand Duke of Smolensk, Lithuania, Volyn, Podolsk and Finland; Prince of Estland, Livonia, Courland and Semigal, Samogit, Bialystok, Korel, Tver, Yugorsk, Perm, Vyatka, Bulgarian and others; Sovereign and Grand Duke of Novagorod of the Nizovsky lands, Chernigov, Ryazan, Polotsk, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Belozersky, Udora, Obdorsky, Kondiysky, Vitebsk, Mstislavsky and all northern countries Sovereign; and Sovereign of Iversk, Kartalinsky and Kabardinsky lands and regions of Armenia; Cherkasy and Mountain Princes and other Hereditary Sovereign and Possessor, Sovereign of Turkestan; Heir of Norway, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein, Stormarn, Ditmarsen and Oldenburg, and so on, and so on, and so on.”

The peak of Russia's economic development and at the same time the growth of the revolutionary movement, which resulted in the revolutions of 1905-1907 and 1917, occurred precisely during the reign of Nicholas II. Foreign policy at that time was aimed at Russia's participation in blocs of European powers, the contradictions that arose between them became one of the reasons for the outbreak of the war with Japan and World War I.

After the events of the February Revolution of 1917 Nicholas II abdicated the throne, and a period of civil war soon began in Russia. The Provisional Government sent Nicholas to Siberia, then to the Urals. He and his family were shot in Yekaterinburg in 1918.

Contemporaries and historians characterize the personality of Nicholas in contradictory ways; most of of them believed that his strategic abilities in the conduct of public affairs were not successful enough to change the political situation at that time for the better.

After the revolution of 1917 it began to be called Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov(before this, the surname “Romanov” was not indicated by members of the imperial family; the titles indicated the family affiliation: emperor, empress, grand duke, crown prince).

With the nickname Nicholas the Bloody, which was given to him by the opposition, he figured in Soviet historiography.

Nicholas II was the eldest son of Empress Maria Feodorovna and Emperor Alexander III.

In 1885-1890 Nikolay received his home education as part of a gymnasium course under a special program that combined the course of the Academy of the General Staff and the Faculty of Law of the University. Training and education took place under the personal supervision of Alexander the Third with a traditional religious basis.

Nicholas II Most often he lived with his family in the Alexander Palace. And he preferred to relax in the Livadia Palace in Crimea. For annual trips to the Baltic and Finnish Seas he had at his disposal the yacht “Standart”.

From 9 years old Nikolay started keeping a diary. The archive contains 50 thick notebooks for the years 1882-1918. Some of them have been published.

The Emperor was fond of photography and liked watching movies. I read both serious works, especially on historical topics, and entertaining literature. I smoked cigarettes with tobacco specially grown in Turkey (a gift from the Turkish Sultan).

On November 14, 1894, a milestone took place in Nikolai’s life significant event- marriage with the German princess Alice of Hesse, who after the baptism ceremony took the name Alexandra Fedorovna. They had 4 daughters - Olga (November 3, 1895), Tatyana (May 29, 1897), Maria (June 14, 1899) and Anastasia (June 5, 1901). And the long-awaited fifth child on July 30 (August 12), 1904, became the only son - Tsarevich Alexei.

May 14 (26), 1896 took place coronation of Nicholas II. In 1896, he toured Europe, where he met with Queen Victoria (his wife's grandmother), William II, and Franz Joseph. The final stage of the trip was Nicholas II’s visit to the capital of the allied France.

His first personnel changes were the dismissal of the Governor-General of the Kingdom of Poland, Gurko I.V. and the appointment of A.B. Lobanov-Rostovsky as Minister of Foreign Affairs.

And the first major international action Nicholas II became the so-called Triple Intervention.

Having made huge concessions to the opposition at the beginning of the Russo-Japanese War, Nicholas II attempted to unite Russian society against external enemies.

In the summer of 1916, after the situation at the front had stabilized, the Duma opposition united with the general conspirators and decided to take advantage of the created situation to overthrow Emperor Nicholas II.

They even named the date February 12-13, 1917, as the day the emperor abdicated the throne. It was said that a “great act” would take place - the Emperor would abdicate the throne, and the heir, Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich, would be appointed as the future emperor, and Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich would become the regent.

In Petrograd, on February 23, 1917, a strike began, which became general three days later. On the morning of February 27, 1917, soldier uprisings took place in Petrograd and Moscow, as well as their unification with the strikers.

The situation became tense after the proclamation of the manifesto Nicholas II February 25, 1917 on the termination of the meeting of the State Duma.

On February 26, 1917, the Tsar gave an order to General Khabalov “to stop the unrest, which is unacceptable in difficult times of war.” General N.I. Ivanov was sent on February 27 to Petrograd to suppress the uprising.

Nicholas II On the evening of February 28, he headed to Tsarskoe Selo, but was unable to get through and, due to the loss of contact with Headquarters, he arrived in Pskov on March 1, where the headquarters of the armies of the Northern Front under the leadership of General Ruzsky was located.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, the emperor decided to abdicate the throne in favor of the crown prince under the regency of Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, and in the evening of the same day Nikolai announced to V.V. Shulgin and A.I. Guchkov about the decision to abdicate the throne for his son. March 2, 1917 at 11:40 p.m. Nicholas II handed over to Guchkov A.I. Manifesto of renunciation, where he wrote: “We command our brother to rule over the affairs of the state in complete and inviolable unity with the representatives of the people.”

Nikolay Romanov with his family from March 9 to August 14, 1917 he lived under arrest in the Alexander Palace in Tsarskoe Selo.

In connection with the strengthening of the revolutionary movement in Petrograd, the Provisional Government decided to transfer the royal prisoners deep into Russia, fearing for their lives. After much debate, Tobolsk was chosen as the city of settlement for the former emperor and his family. They were allowed to take personal belongings and necessary furniture with them and offer service personnel to voluntarily accompany them to the place of their new settlement.

On the eve of his departure, A.F. Kerensky (head of the Provisional Government) brought the brother of the former tsar, Mikhail Alexandrovich. Mikhail was soon exiled to Perm and on the night of June 13, 1918 he was killed by the Bolshevik authorities.

On August 14, 1917, a train departed from Tsarskoe Selo under the sign “Japanese Red Cross Mission” with members of the former imperial family. He was accompanied by a second squad, which included guards (7 officers, 337 soldiers).

The trains arrived in Tyumen on August 17, 1917, after which those arrested were taken to Tobolsk on three ships. The Romanov family settled in the governor's house, which was specially renovated for their arrival. They were allowed to attend services at the local Church of the Annunciation. The protection regime for the Romanov family in Tobolsk was much easier than in Tsarskoe Selo. The family led a measured, calm life.

Permission from the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the fourth convocation to transfer Romanov and his family members to Moscow for the purpose of trial was received in April 1918.

On April 22, 1918, a column with machine guns of 150 people left Tobolsk for Tyumen. On April 30, the train arrived in Yekaterinburg from Tyumen. To house the Romanov family, a house that belonged to mining engineer Ipatiev was requisitioned. The family's staff also lived in the same house: cook Kharitonov, doctor Botkin, room girl Demidova, footman Trupp and cook Sednev.

To resolve the issue of the future fate of the imperial family, at the beginning of July 1918, military commissar F. Goloshchekin urgently left for Moscow. The All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars authorized the execution of all members of the Romanov family. After this, on July 12, 1918, based on decision taken At a meeting, the Ural Council of Workers', Peasants' and Soldiers' Deputies decided to execute royal family.

On the night of July 16–17, 1918 in Yekaterinburg, in Ipatiev’s mansion, the so-called “House of Special Purpose,” they were shot former emperor Russia Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, their children, Doctor Botkin and three servants (except for the cook).

The personal property of the former royal Romanov family was plundered.

Nicholas II and members of his family were canonized by the Catacomb Church in 1928.

In 1981, Nicholas was canonized by the Orthodox Church abroad, and in Russia the Orthodox Church canonized him as a passion-bearer only 19 years later, in 2000.

Icon of St. royal passion-bearers.

In accordance with the decision of August 20, 2000 of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, princesses Maria, Anastasia, Olga, Tatiana, Tsarevich Alexei were canonized as holy new martyrs and confessors of Russia, revealed and unappeared.

This decision was received ambiguously by society and was criticized. Some opponents of canonization believe that attribution Nicholas II sainthood is most likely of a political nature.

The result of all the events related to the fate of the former royal family was the appeal of Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna Romanova, head of the Russian Imperial House in Madrid, to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation in December 2005, demanding the rehabilitation of the royal family, executed in 1918.

On October 1, 2008, the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (Russian Federation) decided to recognize the last Russian emperor Nicholas II and members of the royal family victims of illegal political repression and rehabilitated them.

The upbringing he received under the guidance of his father was strict, almost harsh. “I need normal, healthy Russian children” - this was the demand the emperor put forward to the educators of his children. Such an upbringing could only be Orthodox in spirit. Even as a small child, the Tsarevich showed special love for God and His Church. The heir received a very good education at home - he knew several languages, studied Russian and world history, deeply versed in military affairs, was a widely erudite person. But the father’s plans to prepare his son to bear royal duty were not destined to to the fullest come true.

The first meeting of the sixteen-year-old heir Nicholas Alexandrovich and the young princess Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt took place in the year when her elder sister, the future Martyr Elizabeth, married Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, the Tsarevich's uncle. A strong friendship began between them, which then turned into deep and ever-increasing love. When, having reached adulthood, the heir turned to his parents with a request to bless him for marriage with Princess Alice, his father refused, citing his youth as the reason for the refusal. Then he resigned himself to his father’s will, but in the year, seeing the unshakable determination of his son, usually soft and even timid in communicating with his father, Emperor Alexander III gave his blessing for the marriage.

The joy of mutual love was overshadowed by a sharp deterioration in the health of Emperor Alexander III, who died on October 20 of the year. Despite the mourning, it was decided not to postpone the wedding, but it took place in the most modest atmosphere on November 14 of the year. The days of family happiness that followed soon gave way for the new emperor to the need to assume the entire burden of governing the Russian Empire, despite the fact that he was not yet fully introduced to the highest state affairs.


The character of Nikolai Alexandrovich, who was twenty-six years old at the time of his accession, and his worldview by this time were completely determined. Persons standing close to the court noted his lively mind - he always quickly grasped the essence of the questions presented to him, his excellent memory, especially for faces, and the nobility of his way of thinking. At the same time, Nikolai Alexandrovich, with his gentleness, tact in his address, and modest manners, gave many the impression of a man who did not inherit the strong will of his father.

The guidance for Emperor Nicholas II was his father’s political testament:

“I bequeath to you to love everything that serves the good, honor and dignity of Russia. Protect autocracy, bearing in mind that you are responsible for the fate of your subjects before the Throne of the Most High. Let faith in God and the holiness of your royal duty be the basis of your life. Be strong and courageous, never show weakness. Listen to everyone, there is nothing shameful in this, but listen to yourself and your conscience".

From the very beginning of his reign as a Russian power, Emperor Nicholas II treated the duties of a monarch as a sacred duty. The Emperor deeply believed that for the Russian people, royal power was and remains sacred. He always had the idea that the king and queen should be closer to the people, see them more often and trust them more. Having become the supreme ruler of a huge empire, Nikolai Alexandrovich took upon himself enormous historical and moral responsibility for everything that happened in the state entrusted to him. He considered one of his most important duties to be the preservation of the Orthodox faith.

Emperor Nicholas II paid great attention to the needs of the Orthodox Church throughout his reign. Like all Russian emperors, he generously donated for the construction of new churches, including outside Russia. During the years of his reign, the number of parish churches in the empire increased by more than 10 thousand, and more than 250 new monasteries were opened. He himself participated in the laying of new churches and other church celebrations. The personal piety of the Sovereign was also manifested in the fact that during the years of his reign more saints were canonized than in the two previous centuries, when only 5 saints were glorified - during his reign, St. Theodosius of Chernigov (), Rev. Seraphim of Sarov (city), Holy Princess Anna Kashinskaya (restoration of veneration in the city), Saint Joasaph of Belgorod (city), Saint Hermogen of Moscow (city), Saint Pitirim of Tambov (city), Saint John of Tobolsk (city) . At the same time, the emperor was forced to show special persistence, seeking the canonization of St. Seraphim of Sarov, Saints Joasaph of Belgorod and John of Tobolsk. Emperor Nicholas II highly revered the holy righteous father John of Kronstadt and after his blessed death he ordered a nationwide prayerful commemoration of him on the day of his repose.

During the reign of Emperor Nicholas II, the synodal system of governing the Church was preserved, but it was under him that the church hierarchy had the opportunity not only to widely discuss, but also to practically prepare for the convening of a Local Council.

The desire to introduce Christian religious and moral principles of one’s worldview into public life has always distinguished foreign policy Emperor Nicholas II. Back in the year, he approached the governments of Europe with a proposal to convene a conference to discuss issues of maintaining peace and reducing arms. The consequence of this was the peace conferences in The Hague throughout the years, whose decisions have not lost their significance to this day.

But, despite the sovereign’s sincere desire for peace, during his reign Russia had to participate in two bloody wars, which led to internal unrest. In the year without a declaration of war, Japan began military operations against Russia, and the result of this difficult war for Russia was the revolutionary turmoil of the year. The sovereign perceived the unrest taking place in the country as a great personal sorrow.

Few people communicated with the Emperor informally. And everyone who knew him family life firsthand, they noted the amazing simplicity, mutual love and agreement of all members of this closely knit family. The children's relationship with the sovereign was touching - he was for them at the same time a king, a father and a comrade; their feelings changed depending on the circumstances, moving from almost religious worship to complete trust and the most cordial friendship.

But the center of the family was Alexey Nikolaevich, on whom all affections and hopes were concentrated. His incurable disease darkened the life of the family, but the nature of the illness remained a state secret, and parents often had to hide the feelings they were experiencing. At the same time, the illness of the Tsarevich opened the doors to the palace to those people who were recommended to the royal family as healers and prayer books. Among them, the peasant Grigory Rasputin appears in the palace, whose healing abilities gave him great influence at court, which, together with the notoriety that spread about him, undermined the faith and loyalty of many to the imperial house.

At the beginning of the war, on a wave of patriotism in Russia, internal disagreements largely subsided, and even the most difficult issues became solvable. It was possible to implement the sovereign's long-planned ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages for the entire duration of the war - his conviction in the usefulness of this measure was stronger than all economic considerations.

The Emperor regularly traveled to Headquarters, visiting various sectors of his huge army, dressing stations, military hospitals, rear factories - everything that played a role in waging a grandiose war.

From the beginning of the war, the Emperor considered his tenure as Supreme Commander-in-Chief as the fulfillment of moral and government debt before God and the people. However, the Emperor always provided leading military specialists with broad initiative in resolving all military-strategic and operational-tactical issues. On August 22 of the year, the sovereign left for Mogilev to take command of all the armed forces of Russia and from that day on he was constantly at Headquarters. Only about once a month did the Emperor come to Tsarskoe Selo for a few days. All important decisions were made by him, but at the same time he instructed the empress to maintain relations with the ministers and keep him informed of what was happening in the capital.

Imprisonment and execution

Already on March 8, the commissioners of the Provisional Government, having arrived in Mogilev, announced through General Alekseev about the arrest of the sovereign and the need to proceed to Tsarskoe Selo. The arrest of the royal family did not have the slightest legal basis or reason, but born on the day of remembrance of the righteous Job the Long-Suffering, which he always saw deep meaning, the sovereign accepted his cross just like the biblical righteous man. According to the sovereign:

“If I am an obstacle to the happiness of Russia and all the social forces now at the head of it ask me to leave the throne and hand it over to my son and brother, then I am ready to do this, I am even ready to give not only my kingdom, but also my life for the Motherland. I think no one who knows me doubts this.".

“My renunciation is needed. The point is that in the name of saving Russia and keeping the army at the front calm, you need to decide to take this step. I agreed... At one o'clock in the morning I left Pskov with a heavy feeling of what I had experienced. There is treason and cowardice and deceit all around!”

For the last time, he addressed his troops, calling on them to be loyal to the Provisional Government, the very one that arrested him, to fulfill their duty to the Motherland until complete victory. The farewell order to the troops, which expressed the nobility of the Tsar’s soul, his love for the army, and faith in it, was hidden from the people by the Provisional Government, which banned its publication.

The Emperor accepted and endured all the trials sent down to him firmly, meekly and without a shadow of a murmur. On March 9, the emperor, who had been arrested the day before, was transported to Tsarskoe Selo, where the whole family was eagerly awaiting him. An almost five-month period of indefinite stay in Tsarskoye Selo began. The days passed in a measured manner - with regular services, shared meals, walks, reading and communication with family. However, at the same time, the life of the prisoners was subjected to petty restrictions - the sovereign was told by A.F. Kerensky that he should live separately and see the empress only at the table, and speak only in Russian, the guard soldiers made rude comments to him, access to the palace Persons close to the royal family were prohibited. One day, soldiers even took away a toy gun from the heir under the pretext of a ban on carrying weapons. Father Afanasy Belyaev, who regularly performed divine services in the Alexander Palace during this period, left his testimonies about the spiritual life of Tsarskoye Selo prisoners. This is how the Good Friday Matins service took place in the palace on March 30 of the year:

“The service was reverent and touching... Their Majesties listened to the entire service while standing. Folding lecterns were placed in front of them, on which the Gospels lay, so that they could follow the reading. Everyone stood until the end of the service and left through the common hall to their rooms. You have to see for yourself and be so close to understand and see how the former royal family fervently, in the Orthodox manner, often on their knees, prays to God. With what humility, meekness, and humility, having completely surrendered themselves to the will of God, they stand behind the divine service.”.

In the palace Church or in the former royal chambers, Father Athanasius regularly celebrated the all-night vigil and Divine Liturgy, which were always attended by all members of the imperial family. After the Day of the Holy Trinity, alarming messages appeared more and more often in the diary of Father Afanasy - he noted the growing irritation of the guards, sometimes reaching the point of rudeness towards the royal family. Doesn't go unnoticed by him state of mind members of the royal family - yes, they all suffered, he notes, but along with the suffering their patience and prayer increased.

Meanwhile, the Provisional Government appointed a commission to investigate the activities of the emperor, but, despite all efforts, they could not find anything discrediting the king. However, instead of releasing the royal family, a decision was made to remove them from Tsarskoe Selo - on the night of August 1, they were sent to Tobolsk, allegedly due to possible unrest, and arrived there on August 6. The first weeks of my stay in Tobolsk were perhaps the calmest during the entire period of imprisonment. On September 8, the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the prisoners were allowed to go to church for the first time. Subsequently, this consolation extremely rarely fell to their lot.

One of the greatest hardships during my life in Tobolsk was the almost complete absence of any news. The Emperor watched with alarm the events unfolding in Russia, realizing that the country was rapidly heading towards destruction. The tsar's sadness was immeasurable when the Provisional Government rejected Kornilov's proposal to send troops to Petrograd to stop Bolshevik agitation. The Emperor understood perfectly well that this was the only way to avoid an imminent disaster. During these days, the sovereign repented of his abdication. As P. Gilliard, the tutor of Tsarevich Alexei, recalled:

“He made this decision [to renounce] only in the hope that those who wanted to remove him would still be able to continue the war with honor and would not ruin the cause of saving Russia. He was afraid then that his refusal to sign the renunciation would lead to civil war in the sight of the enemy. The Tsar did not want even a drop of Russian blood to be shed because of him... It was painful for the Emperor to now see the futility of his sacrifice and realize that, having in mind then only the good of his homeland, he had harmed it with his renunciation.”.

Meanwhile, the Bolsheviks had already come to power in Petrograd - a period had begun about which the Emperor wrote in his diary: “much worse and more shameful than the events of the Time of Troubles.” The soldiers guarding the governor's house warmed up to the royal family, and several months passed after the Bolshevik coup before the change in power began to affect the situation of the prisoners. In Tobolsk, a “soldier’s committee” was formed, which, in every possible way striving for self-affirmation, demonstrated its power over the Sovereign - they either forced him to remove his shoulder straps, or destroyed ice slide, arranged for the royal children, and from March 1 of the year “Nikolai Romanov and his family are transferred to soldiers’ rations.” The letters and diaries of members of the imperial family testify to the deep experience of the tragedy that unfolded before their eyes. But this tragedy did not deprive the royal prisoners of fortitude, firm faith and hope for God’s help. Consolation and meekness in enduring sorrows were provided by prayer, reading spiritual books, worship and Communion. In suffering and trials, spiritual knowledge, knowledge of oneself, one’s soul increased. Aspiration towards eternal life helped to endure suffering and gave great consolation:

“...Everything that I love suffers, there is no end to all the dirt and suffering, but the Lord does not allow despondency: He protects from despair, gives strength, confidence in a bright future even in this world.”.

In March it became known that a separate peace with Germany had been concluded in Brest, about which the sovereign wrote that it was “tantamount to suicide.” The first Bolshevik detachment arrived in Tobolsk on Tuesday, April 22. Commissioner Yakovlev inspected the house, met the prisoners, and a few days later announced that he had to take the Emperor away, assuring that nothing bad would happen to him. Assuming that they wanted to send him to Moscow to sign a separate peace with Germany, the sovereign said firmly: “I’d rather let my hand be cut off than sign this shameful treaty.” The heir was ill at that time, and it was impossible to carry him, but the empress and Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna followed the emperor and were transported to Yekaterinburg, to be imprisoned in the Ipatiev house. When the Heir's health improved, the rest of the family from Tobolsk were imprisoned in the same house, but most of those close to them were not allowed.

There is much less evidence left about the Yekaterinburg period of imprisonment of the Royal Family - there are almost no letters; basically this period is known only from brief entries in the emperor’s diary and the testimony of witnesses. Particularly valuable is the testimony of Archpriest John Storozhev, who performed the last services in the Ipatiev House. Father John served mass there twice on Sundays; the first time it was on May 20 (June 2), when, according to his testimony, members of the royal family “Prayed very earnestly...”. Living conditions in the “special purpose house” were much more difficult than in Tobolsk. The guard consisted of 12 soldiers who lived in close proximity to the prisoners and ate with them at the same table. Commissar Avdeev, an inveterate drunkard, worked every day together with his subordinates to invent new humiliations for the prisoners. I had to put up with hardships, endure bullying and submit to the demands of rude people, including former criminals. The royal couple and princesses had to sleep on the floor, without beds. During lunch, a family of seven was given only five spoons; The guards sitting at the same table smoked, brazenly blew smoke into the faces of the prisoners, and rudely took food from them. A walk in the garden was allowed once a day, at first for 15-20 minutes, and then no more than five. The behavior of the guards was completely indecent.

Only Doctor Evgeny Botkin remained near the royal family, who surrounded the prisoners with care and acted as a mediator between them and the commissars, trying to protect them from the rudeness of the guards, and several tried and true servants.

The faith of the prisoners supported their courage and gave them strength and patience in suffering. They all understood the possibility end soon and expected him with nobility and clarity of spirit. One of Olga Nikolaevna’s letters contains the following lines:

“The father asks to tell all those who remained devoted to him, and those on whom they may have influence, that they do not avenge him, since he has forgiven everyone and prays for everyone, and that they do not avenge themselves, and that they remember, that the evil that is now in the world will be even stronger, but that it is not evil that will defeat evil, but only love.”.

Most of the evidence speaks of the prisoners of the Ipatiev House as suffering people, but deeply religious, undoubtedly submissive to the will of God. Despite the bullying and insults, they led a decent family life in Ipatiev’s house, trying to brighten up the depressing situation with mutual communication, prayer, reading and feasible activities. One of the witnesses to their life in captivity, the heir’s teacher Pierre Gilliard, wrote:

“The Tsar and Empress believed that they were dying as martyrs for their homeland... Their true greatness stemmed not from their royal dignity, but from that amazing moral height to which they gradually rose... And in their very humiliation they were an amazing manifestation of that amazing clarity of the soul, against which all violence and all rage are powerless and which triumphs in death itself.”.

Even the rude guards gradually softened in their interactions with the prisoners. They were surprised by their simplicity, they were captivated by their dignified spiritual clarity, and they soon felt the superiority of those whom they thought to keep in their power. Even Commissar Avdeev himself relented. This change did not escape the eyes of the Bolshevik authorities. Avdeev was replaced by Yurovsky, the guards were replaced by Austro-German prisoners and people chosen from among the executioners of the “Chreka.” The life of its inhabitants turned into continuous martyrdom. On July 1 (14), Father John Storozhev performed the last divine service in the Ipatiev House. Meanwhile, in the strictest secrecy from the prisoners, preparations were made for their execution.

On the night of July 16-17, around the beginning of three, Yurovsky woke up the royal family. They were told that there was unrest in the city and therefore it was necessary to move to a safe place. About forty minutes later, when everyone had dressed and gathered, Yurovsky and the prisoners went down to the first floor and led them into a semi-basement room with one barred window. Everyone was outwardly calm. The sovereign carried Alexei Nikolaevich in his arms, the others had pillows and other small things in their hands. At the empress's request, two chairs were brought into the room, and pillows brought by the Grand Duchesses and Anna Demidova were placed on them. The empress and Alexei Nikolaevich sat on the chairs. The Emperor stood in the center next to the heir. The rest of the family and servants were housed in different parts rooms and prepared to wait for a long time, already accustomed to night alarms and various types of movements. Meanwhile, armed men were already crowded in the next room, waiting for a signal. At that moment, Yurovsky came very close to the sovereign and said: “Nikolai Alexandrovich, according to the resolution of the Ural Regional Council, you and your family will be shot.” This phrase was so unexpected for the king that he turned towards the family, stretching out his hands to them, then, as if wanting to ask again, he turned to the commandant, saying: “What? What?" Empress Alexandra and Olga Nikolaevna wanted to cross themselves. But at that moment Yurovsky shot at the Sovereign with a revolver almost point-blank several times, and he immediately fell. Almost simultaneously, everyone else started shooting - everyone knew their victim in advance. Those already lying on the floor were finished off with shots and bayonet blows. When it seemed that everything was over, Alexei Nikolaevich suddenly groaned weakly - he was shot several more times. After making sure that their victims were dead, the killers began to remove their jewelry. Then the dead were taken out into the yard, where a truck was already standing ready - the noise of its engine should have drowned out the shots in the basement. Even before sunrise, the bodies were taken to the forest in the vicinity of the village of Koptyaki.

Along with the imperial family, their servants who followed their masters into exile were also shot: Dr.