What metal suits Capricorn best

The metal of Aries is gold. Only it is able to support the very flame that burns in the hearts of these dynamic people. fire element and gold is a wonderful union, and for Aries it is doubly best.


The metal of Taurus is aluminum, because it is also easy to process, like Taurus, but despite its softness, it is resistant to various kinds of influences. Taurus aluminum will help not to be afraid of anything in this life.


Gemini is best suited for silver. This metal can emphasize their incredible quick wits, as well as save them from senseless risks and reckless actions.


Cancers are stubborn, but not to such an extent that they are not loved for it. With their gentleness, they never change their beliefs. The best metal for Cancers is titanium and its alloys. Silver can act as an analogue, but its properties are noticeably worse for this Sign.

a lion

Lions love gold, and gold loves Leo. For this fiery Sign, gold is almost as useful as for Aries - it protects Lviv and improves their mood, and also gives vitality.


Soft metals like tin, copper, aluminum, gold are great for Virgos. Any of them will help Virgo find a balance between feelings and logic. These metals and the natural softness of this Zodiac Sign are emphasized.


The zodiac talisman for Libra is bronze. She is distinguished by excellent stamina, which Libra sometimes lacks, and also gives strength to perform any important tasks.


Scorpios are people of steel. They are difficult to break, so iron alloys are in perfect harmony with them. Those born under the Sign of Scorpio can also succumb only to the influence of time, like iron.


The metal of Sagittarius is silver, which emphasizes the independence of this Zodiac Sign. Sagittarians who wear silver tend to be more fortunate and have less communication difficulties.


Platinum is the patron saint of Capricorns. She protects them and at the same time emphasizes their resistance to outside influences, as well as their wisdom. Platinum doesn't interact with almost anything, and this helps Capricorns stay true to themselves.


The metal of Aquarius is gold and copper. Both metals are soft - exactly the same as Aquarius himself. Aquarius carefully chooses his social circle. Therefore, copper amulets or gold jewelry are talismans and amulets for you.

Precious stones and metals can not only serve as an adornment, but also have a beneficial or destructive effect on their owner, depending on whether the biorhythms of a person and a stone harmonize or dissonate.

Which stone is suitable for a Capricorn man? How to do right choice among the huge variety of stones?

In order to pick up a charm, you need to know the following:

  1. There is a specific astrological classification that establishes a connection between the stone and the character of a person in accordance with the Zodiac. This means that each patron planet charges certain stones with its energy, which brings good luck to the owner. If the action of the stone is contrary to human activity, numerous difficulties arise.
  2. When choosing your stone, make an informed choice. Most often, the amulet is selected in harmony with the appearance of a person, for example, according to the color of the eyes.

Important condition: the stone must certainly be attractive to the owner, otherwise it will not bring any benefit.

Stones by date of birth

December 22 - January 2

Capricorns, whose name days are in the interval from December 22 to January 2, it is best to purchase jade, agate or amethyst.


Record holder for the number of soothing properties. Its sphere of influence includes: elimination of unreasonable anxiety, restoration peace of mind, rethinking complex life situations and relationship with them. Gives a calm and sound sleep, adjusts to a positive attitude towards life. You can also note the ability of this stone to return the lost faith in oneself.


It is rightly considered a companion of strong natures, since it tends to balance between the right and wrong actions of the owner. It is believed that agate supports justice in the world and can repay unrighteous people according to their merits.

A distinctive feature is its ability to change color depending on the emotional load and the state of the person. Recommended for pacification of violence, irritability, suppression of anger. For people with complex nature will be a dubious ally, because it fulfills its purpose, despite the will of the owner.


Brings a bright variety into the gloomy atmosphere of Capricorn's constant thoughts. It can perfectly disperse thunderclouds in a difficult family environment, relieve tension and add relaxation to the owner.

This is a stone for those who are very deeply immersed in themselves. Amethyst helps to open up and show others your best qualities recommended for men with unstable self-esteem. Clears the mind of anxiety and doubt, directs thoughts in a bright direction.

January 3 – 13


It will inspire real calmness to Capricorn men. Every day we have to solve a lot of important tasks, and if you are a representative of the stronger sex, then the demand from you is much greater. Therefore, some doubts and anxiety arise from time to time.

Opal perfectly nourishes self-confidence, helps to take a fresh look at the situation and find a simple way out. This is a stone of hope, a bright future. Ideally compatible with people of active professions: journalists, businessmen, designers, researchers.


Attracts good luck. For representatives of the sign who doubt their abilities, it will become a strong assistant and true friend. It will become a strong talisman if a person sincerely believes in him, otherwise he is able to attract trouble, strengthen negative traits owner.

For example, a stone can reward stubborn and arrogant people with a series of falls and failures, thus clearly denoting its position. Chrysoprase is suitable for people who wholeheartedly strive for new achievements, discoveries and victories. This applies to activities for the benefit of society - scientists, inventors, people of creative professions may well count on the rise of energy from the stone. Ambition, prudence, greed, the talisman will not support.


The first assistant to public people. Do you often have to speak in public, travel to important events, or just be the object of close attention every day? Then the heliotrope must accompany you in any endeavors.

It forms a strong protective aura around the owner, is able to neutralize the promises of ill-wishers, protect against, and maintain good health. Gives vigor to the spirit and body, promotes creative thinking develops oratory skills. This is a companion of lawyers, judges, active and creative natures.

January 14 – 20

Representatives of the sign, who were born from January 14 to 20, should take a closer look at sapphire, or at least pretty tourmaline:


It symbolizes the inviolability of friendship and true love, it is able to extinguish a brewing quarrel at the very beginning. Responsible for Good work hearts and respiratory system person. Ancient medicine notes that with the regular wearing of sapphire on the body, positive changes occur in the patient's condition.

The magic of the stone is to attract positive people around the owner. With its help, you can acquire the necessary connections, establish long-term partnerships, attract public attention and strengthen your financial situation.

The stone digests the heavy energy of others and helps to find harmony in relationships. Makes a stronger love union, opens a new vision positive aspects spouse or lover.


Protects against making hasty and thoughtless decisions. Since Capricorn men are prone to some isolation and aloofness, they make all important and responsible decisions exclusively on their own. Completely rejecting the advice of loved ones and others, stubborn people do not see the whole picture.

Hematite actively contributes to instructing its owner on true path. Having such an amulet with him, a person becomes open to powerful energy flows, which makes it possible to easily carry out all plans and even attract people to his side. The stone is good enough to bring changes for the better into the life of the owner.


It will become an excellent ideological inspirer, even difficult work with it will become easier and more interesting. It energizes for life and creativity, inspires bright manifestations of feelings and bold deeds.

It will easily dispel the protracted depression, stop the black streak in life. The stone seems to be created in order to help Capricorn to put things in order in their thoughts and clearly prioritize. Drives away useless thoughts, indicates the right course of action.


Auspicious stones in accordance with the horoscope: garnet, topaz (preferably dark), as well as almost all dark, black stones.

Capricorns are under the relentless patronage of Saturn, a planet that reveals to the world a whole, strong-willed personality with a pronounced life position and complete indifference to criticism addressed to him.

Some gloom of dark stones is immediately smoothed out by their mysterious appearance, and Capricorns are very fond of everything unusual and mysterious.


It is an example of the same unique combination of properties as the character of Capricorn. They will harmonize perfectly with each other. Character traits this sign - diligence and practicality, perseverance and responsibility - will increase many times under the influence of pomegranate.

In addition, the stone will direct violent energy into a peaceful direction, help to avoid reckless risk and avoid complications due to the difficult nature of the owner. Able to make a person more open and sociable, attract supporters and true friends.


A symbol of fidelity, honest and open relationships. This is exactly what the Capricorn man appreciates in his chosen one. However, he himself is not always ready to show his feelings. This restrained and down to earth sign is not so easy to open the soul for someone else.

Topaz liberates its owner. He is able to correct the character, changing stiffness to confidence, bringing some note of romance to the heart. Also, the stone gives strength to distinguish real feelings from temporary passion - blinded by love, Capricorn often does not see anything around.

This is a talisman for clarity of mind and smoothing conflict situations. The one who has topaz in his possession always controls himself well and manages to notice the mistakes and mistakes of others.

Precious and semi-precious protectors

Representatives of the stronger sex are not as indifferent to jewelry as they want to show it. And Capricorn men are no exception. An uncommunicative and slightly gloomy nature tends to seek self-expression in expensive stones. Cheap trinkets are not of interest to Capricorn, who loves the status and image of a wealthy man.

For a gift for an important celebration, stones such as onyx, garnet, ruby, topaz are suitable.

Your chosen one will appreciate the products that contain jade, agate, amethyst.


The main mascot of the sign. Releases from useless relationships and negative energy, creates a protective barrier from domestic troubles. It makes a person resolute and purposeful, sweeps aside suspiciousness and hesitation.

Most clearly shows its healing properties in relation to Capricorn: it is able to accelerate wound healing, reduce headache and toothache. There is evidence that regular wearing of the stone increases life expectancy and improves its quality.


Recognized stone of kings and military leaders. It is a symbol of passion and ebullient vital energy so necessary for Capricorn. The energy of this sign is often wasted, most of flows away into digging into oneself and analyzing emerging problems.

Ruby perfectly restores vitality, helps to overcome depression. Permanent wearing is not recommended, since the energy of the stone may be too strong for a person.

Amulets and talismans of Capricorn

Since ancient times, people have tried to protect themselves and loved ones from the hostile forces of nature. Belief in the power of precious stones originally originated and became widespread in India, where in in large numbers there are rare and very beautiful stones.

The modern way of life of people is radically different from antiquity, however, faith in indestructible stone protectors is still preserved.

Choosing an amulet, you should determine its purpose. What do you want from a stone? Improve your financial situation, support your strength or meet your other half? There is a little helper for every occasion.

To attract wealth

Tourmaline attracts new opportunities to Capricorn and reveals to him ways to achieve what he wants. With a high level of perseverance and perseverance, characteristic of this sign, it will not be difficult to achieve the goal. This is the most money talisman from all others.

Hematite actively clears the way among the ranks of competitors, and also protects against possible meanness and evil intentions. It is quite capable of providing the owner with energy for a starting impetus to a profitable business. Recommended for businessmen and aspiring entrepreneurs.

Opal pushes a person to action. If you cannot decide on the necessary changes (change of job, professional activity, large investments or expenses), take this stone with you and at a difficult moment you will feel invisible support.

For iron health

Jade relieves insomnia, normalizes nervous system. At elevated level stress will be an excellent sedative. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to spend several minutes in peace and quiet, holding the stone in your left hand.

Heliotrope protects from the evil eye, the insidious plans of enemies and provides a calm, peaceful life to its owner. Invigorates the body, if you need a quick shake. That is why people who are often on the move love this stone.

Chrysoprase has a positive effect on well-being and emotional condition. Eliminates self-digging and gloomy thoughts. It is believed that it protects against the action of black magic and protects life.

For universal love

Men's bracelet with serpentine

Topaz is a sure way for Capricorn to meet the love of a lifetime. Since the men of this sign are quite demanding of their second half, it is not so easy to find that one. Topaz helps to act according to the dictates of the heart, openly express their feelings and perform beautiful romantic follies.

Onyx will emphasize strength and masculinity, give tenderness in relationships, and reduce intolerance for other people's shortcomings. It will give wisdom and insight, make a man more condescending and polite.

The serpentine will soften the harsh disposition of Capricorn and attract the woman of his dreams to him. Promotes long and strong relationships, drives away quarrels and prevents betrayal. A stone of fidelity and honor, a particularly strong talisman will be part of the ring.

Rules for communicating with amulets

Talismans and amulets - frequent companions modern people. But not everyone knows that a stone will only be useful if it is handled in a certain way.

Of particular importance is the attitude of the owner to the stone. Just carrying a rock in your pocket is not enough. It has been scientifically proven that stones have energy, a “soul”, which reaches out to the owner with reciprocal sympathy. It is sometimes necessary to devote time to the talisman, to stroke it, to ask for assistance, to thank for help.

Some stones, for example, amethyst, jade, are best worn in a metal frame.

Talismans, which are designed to get rid of negativity, must be periodically cleaned under running water or left in water overnight.

Periodically inspect the stone for integrity. A stone with a chipped edge or a crack indicates that it could not overcome the difficulties surrounding the owner. Unfortunately, you will have to get rid of such a stone. Broken talismans, like dishes, do not bring good luck.

Stones in the style of "anti-Capricorn"

Contraindications in choosing an amulet made of stone apply to the talismans of the Cancer sign. These are emerald, chalcedony, lapis lazuli, as well as all white, opaque stones.

What is their harm and why should they not be worn?

Moonstone is associated with the mystical influence of the moon. A simple, down-to-earth Capricorn will not benefit from rivalry with mysticism. Despite the rather simple appearance, Moonstone has a strong influence on emotional background person. You should control your thoughts and aspirations by wearing such an ornament.

Lapis lazuli has the ability to tame violent emotions and strong passions. At the same time, he takes away part of the energy of his owner in order to make him more balanced. For wise, sensible Capricorns, the lack of the necessary energy will bring tangible discomfort.

Emerald is a companion of thinkers and prophets. It gives thoughts an unprecedented depth, makes time flow more slowly in moments of meditation. For a sign prone to deep thought, this stone is categorically not recommended. A person runs the risk of renouncing the rest of the world and going deep into himself.

Let your chosen amulet serve long years and brings only good luck!

Capricorns are one of the most practical and economical signs of the horoscope, these gentlemen are trying to benefit from everything, and if they go to the expense, then this should be something really worthy of their precious attention.

If you have to give a gift to a representative of this sign, and you have already decided that it will certainly be a piece of jewelry, try to ensure that, in addition to external beauty, it has a number of other characteristics.

A gift to Capricorn must be of the highest quality, durable and reliable, so that the representative of this Sign can enjoy its beauty even after years of active wear. Capricorns are the type of people who prefer quality over quantity. Jewelry, like other things, they choose for a long time, scrupulously, try on and compare for a long time, simultaneously weighing all the pros and cons and wondering if the new thing is worth its price.

What jewelry to give Capricorns?

If you really want to please your friends or acquaintances with a new accessory, remember that for them this is not just a beautiful trinket, but a way to demonstrate their wealth and success, therefore Capricorns prefer moderate luxury and strict universalism to outrageous and flashy products. Their "native" trends are classic, baroque and discreet glamour, in the best model manifestations.

What jewelry is suitable for Capricorns? The best option gifts are antique jewelry, or stylized antique - representatives of the sign have a special weakness for them. Most often, these are jewelry made of gold - the royal metal, personifying wealth and power, so loved by capricorns. And given the fact that the fashion for antiques regularly returns, such a birthday present for Capricorn will be relevant at any time.

They often modify purchased jewelry to make it unique, so it's a great option to purchase the right piece and polish it to perfection with original details. Even the cold and prudent Capricorn will not resist such an offering.

Which stone suits Capricorn?

1. Stones of dark colors.

These people achieve maximum harmony in the company of jewelry in black, gray, blue, brown and green shades. Stones according to the signs of the Capricorn zodiac, which correspond to the astrological affiliation of this sign, also have a dark hue, for example, black pearls or black tourmaline, obsidian, black agate and black quartz. These are quite unusual and rare stones, and that is why they attract Capricorns.

Others worthy gems for Capricorn - from agate or black ambergris - another way to show your originality without unnecessary design inventions. Capricorns generally do not like frilly products, outrageous or too colorful, bright. An extravagant accessory a person belonging to this sign, most likely, with annoyance will put it on the far shelf, considering it useless.

2. Ruby.

Another stone of Capricorn according to the horoscope - the ruby ​​awakens passion, which often dormant, surrounded by cold calculation and skepticism, which are characteristic of this sign.

3. Onyx.

The mysterious onyx is a stone for Capricorn, which gives the coveted power over people and the awareness of their superiority, so in its bins you will definitely find at least one product with this gem.

4. Malachite.

Noble malachite as a gift to Capricorn calms the representatives of this sign, gives them prudence, and according to folk legends, fulfills wishes.

What metal is suitable for Capricorn?

For Capricorns, you should choose strict laconic shapes and outlines, a contrasting combination of metal and stones, ideally black and white, for example, black amber or agate against a background of white gold or platinum. Capricorns prefer solid frames, symbolizing reliability.

Simple rings with large stones, round earrings, short necklaces and wide bracelets, beads made of unusual stones and beads. A brooch in the form of a cute bug or a bracelet with an elegant watch will not be out of place.

As a gift to Capricorn, it will be nice to receive an expensive, but not flashy, ring or chain made of gold of the highest standard. Of the pendants, figurines of a turtle, a frog, a crocodile, a capricorn itself, a cat, a clock, lizards are suitable for them. Jewelry should be chosen with patterns in the form of signs of the earth.

Another theme for jewelry experiments is romance and adventure. Capricorns themselves are not prone to adventures, obeying a strict life schedule, but they are also not averse to dreaming, especially when an accessory that evokes various fantasies is at hand. Flowers, hearts and everything that can awaken soft notes in them and remind them of can be presented as part of an anniversary or other romantic occasion.

What metal is suitable for a Capricorn woman? When choosing the perfect gift for Capricorn for an anniversary or birthday, do not forget that dark and black metals are more suitable for them, although they will never refuse more expensive alloys.

Let's sum up summary. truly stylish jewelry, moderately luxurious and expensive, but without designer abundance. In a word, choosing jewelry for a representative of this sign, you will have to find a middle ground between beautiful decor and laconic rigor.

Each Sign of the Zodiac can enhance their energy with a metal that is close to them in its aura. A metal talisman will bring good luck to someone, save someone from dangers, and give someone peace of mind.


The metal of Aries is gold. Only it is able to support the very flame that burns in the hearts of these dynamic people. The fire element and gold are a wonderful union, and for Aries it is doubly the best.


The metal of Taurus is aluminum, because it is also easy to process, like Taurus, but despite its softness, it is resistant to various kinds of influences. Taurus aluminum will help not to be afraid of anything in this life.


Gemini is best suited for silver. This metal can emphasize their incredible quick wits, as well as save them from senseless risks and reckless actions.


Cancers are stubborn, but not to such an extent that they are not loved for it. With their gentleness, they never change their beliefs. The best metal for Cancers is titanium and its alloys. Silver can act as an analogue, but its properties are noticeably worse for this Sign.

a lion

Lions love gold, and gold loves Leo. For this fiery sign, gold is almost as useful as for Aries - it protects the Lions and improves their mood, and also gives vitality.


Soft metals like tin, copper, aluminum, gold are great for Virgos. Any of them will help Virgo find a balance between feelings and logic. These metals and the natural softness of this Zodiac Sign are emphasized.


The zodiac talisman for Libra is bronze. She is distinguished by excellent stamina, which Libra sometimes lacks, and also gives strength to perform any important tasks.


Scorpios are people of steel. They are difficult to break, so iron alloys are in perfect harmony with them. Those born under the Sign of Scorpio can also succumb only to the influence of time, like iron.


The metal of Sagittarius is silver, which emphasizes the independence of this Zodiac Sign. Sagittarians who wear silver tend to be more fortunate and have less communication difficulties.


Platinum is the patron saint of Capricorns. She protects them and at the same time emphasizes their resistance to outside influences, as well as their wisdom. Platinum doesn't interact with almost anything, and this helps Capricorns stay true to themselves.


The metal of Aquarius is gold and copper. Both metals are soft - exactly the same as Aquarius himself. Aquarius carefully chooses his social circle. Therefore, copper amulets or gold jewelry are talismans and amulets for you.


The metal of Pisces is silver, which keeps them from misfortune. This is a magnificent amulet and a talisman of good luck rolled into one. Silver can give Pisces success in any area of ​​life, especially in love.

By and large, our planet is a huge piece of metal. That is why for a successful connection with the energy of the Universe, the Signs of the Zodiac need their own talismans. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.04.2016 01:10

Each Sign of the Zodiac has its own talismans that protect against troubles, attract good luck, love and...

In the new year, representatives of each Zodiac Sign will not interfere with good luck talismans. They will help you avoid the...