What vitamins are best to take after the flu? How to quickly restore health after the flu. For detoxification you need

How to quickly restore health after a blow to all organs and systems of the body? Indeed, in addition to the weakening and imbalance of the functioning of almost all systems, there is a significant decrease, since the body spends a huge number of cells to fight the virus. This is why recovery from the flu can be difficult and long, and if the defenses are not restored, then any infection can cause serious complications. How can you help your body in this difficult task?

Very often, after the flu, a person constantly feels tired, weak, and lacks appetite. Even after the disappearance of characteristic signs of the disease, such as fever, aching muscles and joints, it takes about two weeks for the body to recover. During this period, many body systems are unbalanced and, above all, this concerns the thermoregulatory system, which is manifested by the persistence of an elevated temperature, even with complete recovery from the flu. Those. a temperature of 37.1-37.2 degrees for a short period of time after a person has recovered from the flu; this is an absolutely normal reaction in 10% of people. Also, after the flu, asthenic syndrome may occur, when the patient feels weak, sweating, and body temperature fluctuates between 35.7-36.2 degrees.

What should you pay attention to?

  • The effects of the flu should not last more than two weeks.
  • The symptoms described should not cause a person much concern, i.e. the temperature should not be 35.9 degrees in the morning and 37.2 degrees in the evening, or such weakness that it is impossible to raise your arm. This already indicates the persistence of the infectious process in the body.

What symptoms should you be concerned about after the flu?

  • Nausea and headache, as these may be the first signs of such serious complications as.
  • Chest pain, which is one of the symptoms of heart diseases such as rheumatic carditis and.
  • Low-grade fever, cough with the release of viscous greenish-brown sputum indicate a complication typical of influenza, such as sluggish.

Following some expert recommendations will help you quickly restore your health after the flu.

1. After suffering from the disease, regularly take vitamin-mineral complexes, since dizziness, weakness, pallor and dry skin can be caused by a deficiency of vitamins (primarily vitamins A, C, group B) and microelements (iron, iodine, selenium, etc. ). Vitamin and mineral complexes should be taken under the supervision of a physician, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, his lifestyle and nutrition.

2. The diet should include foods rich in proteins:

  • lean meat;
  • lean fish;
  • legumes (peas, beans, lentils);
  • mushrooms;
  • nuts (3-4 walnuts or a handful of other nuts, but exclude peanuts);
  • caviar (to restore health, it is recommended to take a teaspoon of caviar).

3. To replenish the supply of vitamins, it is useful to consume sprouts of various seeds: wheat, cabbage, carrots, alfalfa, mustard, sesame, caraway, soybeans, peas, sunflower, pumpkin, lentils. To prepare them, the seeds are soaked in a small amount of water, and as soon as sprouts appear, they are eaten. You can also prepare various salads. So, two tablespoons of wheat sprouts and two tablespoons of pea (lentil) sprouts will satisfy the daily need of the human body for vitamins. To this add one lemon or a glass of rosehip infusion.

4. The optimal set of products for restoring health after the flu includes:

  • all legumes - beans, peas, soybeans, lentils;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • liver;
  • fermented milk products;
  • chicken, quail yolks;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • freshly squeezed juices;
  • seaweed;
  • cocoa powder;
  • cranberry, lingonberry, ginger.

Lifestyle and special events

  • Bathhouse. The influenza virus can persist in the body for 5-6 weeks after symptoms have disappeared. According to Professor Ron Eccles, a US cold and flu specialist, the heat of a bath can kill residual flu viruses.
  • Place a cup of water near the battery: Water will humidify the air, which will help you breathe easier. This is especially helpful for those who have complications from the flu (secondary infections), such as.
  • Walk more. To restore and strengthen the immune system, the body needs fresh air and moderate physical activity. You can start walking already 3-4 days after the temperature subsides. Dress warmly to avoid freezing. However, try not to overheat so as not to sweat in the cold wind.
  • Full sleep is a vital condition for a speedy recovery. Try to add about an hour to your regular sleep schedule for at least 2 weeks. Also try to adhere to bed rest in the first days after recovery.
  • Start doing exercises. Start with very light exercise, especially if you have had a severe flu.
  • Wash your hands often, especially immediately after you have had the flu. Proper hand washing is important in preventing the spread of influenza. Wash your hands with soap and warm water, especially after coughing or sneezing. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Everyone knows that even a minor bacterial infection can cause dangerous complications and the development of chronic diseases after the flu. The reason for this phenomenon may be a weakened immune system, which is unable to quickly recover after a massive viral attack. The need to take vitamins after the flu is due to the fact that during the illness the body uses up almost all of its supply.

Quite often, a recovered person experiences chronic fatigue, drowsiness, and general weakness and apathy for a long time. Most people simply ignore the decrease in vitality and partial loss of performance after the flu. They do not understand that such a condition is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous to health. Therefore, in order to quickly restore the body during and after an influenza infection, it is very important not only to follow all the doctor’s instructions, but also to diversify your diet.

Vitamins and immunity

To support the protective forces of the human body, not only vitamins are important, but also many macro and microelements, proteins and enzymes. Unfortunately, during illness, most of them are excreted in sweat and urine along with dead cells, toxins and other waste products of the virus. To restore the necessary balance, you should increase the daily dose of minerals and vitamins consumed by 2–2.5 times.

There are no more or less important vitamins in the fight against the virus, so focusing on any one group is a mistake. For example, vitamin A (retinol or carotene) affects the activity of leukocytes, strengthening the protective barrier of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. And B vitamins stimulate the immune system's response to unwanted invasions, activating the production of antibodies.

Don’t forget about the famous vitamin C, which stimulates the production of interferon and is involved in regulating the body’s redox processes.

You can replenish the amount of essential vitamins and minerals with the help of a properly designed diet or special multivitamin complexes.

Important! You should take pharmaceutical vitamin preparations only with the permission of your doctor. Do not forget that such complexes are the same medicines. And their uncontrolled use can lead to unwanted side effects or poisoning.

Natural vitamins

Most people mistakenly believe that minerals and vitamins are mainly found only in fruits and vegetables. Meanwhile, all foods consumed contain certain substances necessary for human life.

Moreover, all vitamins contained in food products are divided into two large groups:

  • fat-soluble – vitamins E, A, D, K;
  • water-soluble – C and group B.

Rich in vitamin A: butter, hard cheese, cottage cheese, cream, beef liver, bell pepper, parsley, carrots, tomatoes.

Contain E in significant quantities: herring, cod, vegetable oil, milk, beef, oats.

You can replenish your D supply with chicken eggs, milk, sour cream, butter and cream.

C is found not only in citrus fruits, but also in sweet peppers, onions, all types of cabbage, green beans, black currants, sea buckthorn, rose hips, rowan, wild garlic and squash.

B9 (folic acid) is found in significant quantities in barley, pearl barley and buckwheat, offal, quail and chicken eggs, walnuts, hazelnuts, melons, potatoes, oranges, pumpkin and beets.

B1 (thiamine) is present in beef, pork, lamb and chicken meat, fatty sea fish, nuts, cottage cheese, oatmeal, wheat and buckwheat, tomatoes and herbs.

B2 (riboflavin) can be replenished by eating: sour cream, feta cheese, kefir, brewer's yeast, green peas, lettuce, garlic, peaches, apricots, strawberries and apples.

Important! A balanced diet is not only an excellent way to restore the vitality of the body after suffering from the flu. A properly formulated diet allows the body to effectively resist viral infection, and is also an effective way to prevent influenza epidemics.

Multivitamin complexes - benefit or harm

Modern pharmacology allows you to quickly and easily replenish all vitamins during and after the flu, offering a huge selection of a wide variety of multivitamin preparations.

2. Direct. You should take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. The complex contains vitamin A and C, natural plant extracts and zinc. Promotes rapid recovery from influenza and is also an excellent means of preventing viral infections.

3. Theraflu Immuno. It should be consumed once a day for a month. The medicine consists of echinacea extract, zinc and ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Available in powder form, which does not need to be pre-dissolved in water.

Television advertising talks about the miraculous properties of such complexes. However, they should be taken with caution. The fact is that an excess of certain vitamins and minerals can cause symptoms resembling poisoning. And the wrong combination of microelements and vitamins can harm the patient’s body and aggravate an already serious condition.

Important! Under no circumstances should you take multivitamin complexes uncontrollably. It should be remembered that this is a drug. And when taking it, strictly follow the doctor’s instructions and dosage.

Which vitamins to take - natural or pharmacy - is a personal matter for everyone. However, it should be mentioned that adherents of a healthy lifestyle prefer natural products. And pharmaceutical drugs, although effective, still cannot fully replace natural products.


Recovery from the flu is required for every patient, but it takes a different amount of time for everyone. Most often, post-infectious fatigue is recorded in children, patients suffering from chronic pathologies, or patients engaged in work involving significant physical effort and a high level of responsibility. Weakness and other symptoms may persist for several weeks, which is typical for an influenza infection.

Asthenic syndrome, the manifestations of which are observed after influenza, is a pathological state of fatigue that occurs while maintaining standard daily activity. It is also called functional reactive asthenia.

The patient, returning to study or work with a closed sick leave, experiences a lack of energy to perform usual tasks, and does not feel completely healthy. There are no objective reasons for continuing treatment - the body's functional capabilities are exhausted. Even a longer rest than usual does not allow fatigue and weakness to disappear.

What explains the occurrence of asthenic syndrome and the need to recuperate after the flu? The virus has the ability to suppress immunity; In addition, overstrain of the nervous system and autointoxication of the body due to metabolic disorders are important. Overload of functional regulatory systems leads to depletion of energy resources.

Asthenia is usually divided into main forms:

  • hypersthenic;
  • irritable weakness;
  • hyposthenic.

The predominant manifestations of the hypersthenic form are increased excitability and irritability. In the hyposthenic form, weakness, apathy, decreased interest in surrounding events, and a decrease in the intensity of the emotional coloring of perception dominate. The form of irritable weakness becomes intermediate between those indicated earlier and is characterized by mixed symptoms of weakness and irritability, sudden changes in emotional activity. All mentioned forms are considered as separate variants of manifestations or as successive stages.


The classic symptoms that form the basis of post-infectious asthenic syndrome are:


Weakness is the main symptom that drives the desire to know how to recover from the flu. This is a persistent manifestation characterized by the inability to fully perform both physical and mental work. The feeling of weakness intensifies sharply after the patient begins the intended task or even before its intended start. The limitation of working capacity persists constantly, complemented by intolerance of stress and responsibility. Patients are concerned about a feeling of powerlessness, lack of thoughts, memory loss, drowsiness, and a desire to rest quickly. Work productivity decreases, apathy and lack of interest in work tasks and any surrounding events appear.

Sleep disturbance

This symptom manifests itself in different ways and is often multifaceted: there is drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night, and persistence of fatigue after sleep. It is difficult for the patient to fall asleep, and fatigue aggravates the condition: awakenings in the middle of the night with a feeling of anxiety and fear may occur.


The patient is anxious, often dissatisfied with himself and others, prone to increased excitability, constant anxiety, and touchiness. In complaints you can hear the formulation “state of internal tension.” Events and actions are taken extremely seriously and can cause an attack of anger or hysteria. Even minor reasons provoke a negative mood and anger.

Autonomic nervous system dysfunction

Autonomic dysfunction syndrome occurs in patients of any age. Recovery of the body after the flu is preceded by dizziness, headache, and a feeling of palpitations without prior physical activity. Also characteristic are anxiety and sleep disturbances, sudden sweating and tremors, fluctuations in blood pressure, changes in thermoregulation - temperature jumps below and above normal values, prolonged low-grade fever without objective reasons. In severe cases, nausea, vomiting, and intolerance to any type of food are observed.

Asthenic syndrome in patients who have had the flu is manifested by a different combination of the above manifestations and the degree of their severity.

Patients with concomitant diseases and complications most often ask about how to recover from the flu - post-viral asthenia largely depends on the course of the disease. After many years of studying the problem of asthenic syndrome, it was found that mild and moderate forms of infection are more often associated with the hypersthenic form of asthenia, and severe influenza, as a rule, leads to the dominance of hyposthenic manifestations. Observed:

  • nervousness;
  • drowsiness;
  • weakness.

The duration of symptoms is no more than 3 or 4 weeks. The most favorable course of post-infectious asthenia is considered to be a gradual but persistent regression of pathological signs. However, in some cases, a state of fatigue as a manifestation of asthenic syndrome is observed a month or more after the flu; It is more difficult to restore health, the more complications were observed during the illness. Instead of weakening the manifestations, there is a gradual depletion of working capacity, emotional lability is replaced by indifference and decreased motivation. Characterized by constant drowsiness, decreased motor activity, decreased libido.

We must not lose sight of various conditions that could be mistaken for a manifestation of post-viral fatigue - for example, chronic infection, chronic non-infectious disease.

At the same time, questions about how to restore the sense of smell after the flu should be considered as complaints of a special nature, not related to asthenia.

Principles of treatment

Asthenia significantly worsens the patient's quality of life. Decreased activity and fatigue prevent you from performing your usual work or participating in social activities. This leads to a deterioration in the patient’s emotional state and closes a “vicious circle.” In order to recover from the flu as quickly as possible, you need to:

  • pay attention to the work and rest schedule;
  • assess the nature of the diet;
  • introduce dosed physical activity.

The time allotted for work and rest must be distributed correctly - both not to the detriment of sleep, and not to the detriment of everyday tasks. Recovering strength after the flu is especially difficult for patients who work around the clock or on night shifts, as well as for children during the period of preparation for exams, when attention and memory are required.

Everyone knows that the diet should be balanced. Even healthy people must follow the rules for combining food components. But with asthenia, sources of vitamins are required - fruits, vegetables, as well as meat and dairy products, liver, wholemeal bread.

Avoiding alcohol is mandatory.

Physical activity in this case is not intended to increase the body’s fitness parameters, but to increase its natural reactivity. The load increases in steps, can be combined (various types of exercises) and is considered an effective method of combating asthenia.

Drug therapy

The list of medicines is quite wide; In order to recover from the flu, they also use folk remedies - recipes contain honey, hawthorn, and eleutherococcus. The basis of therapy is:

  1. Adaptogens (ginseng, Chinese lemongrass).
  2. Antidepressants (sertraline).
  3. Nootropics (piracetam, cerebrolysin).
  4. Amino acids (stimol).
  5. Antioxidants (mexidol).
  6. B vitamins.

The administration of vitamins A, E, calcium and magnesium supplements is also useful.

How to restore immunity after the flu? In the case of post-influenza asthenia, as a rule, correction of the daily routine and diet in combination with tonic physical activity and the medications listed above is sufficient (the combination and dosage is determined by the doctor). But in the presence of severe immune disorders, immunoglobulins can be used.

In order to restore the body after the flu as quickly as possible, it is necessary to remember the likelihood of developing asthenia even with the initial symptoms of the disease. You cannot endure the flu “on your feet” or refuse treatment.

During illness, excessive physical activity should be avoided; After recovery, it is better to postpone changing your work schedule or traveling abroad, which involves changing time zones. The composition of the diet is important, the absence of alcoholic beverages, large amounts of caffeine, as well as adequate sleep and rest. If fatigue, irritability and other symptoms of post-viral asthenia appear, you should consult a doctor.

Influenza is a viral infection transmitted by airborne droplets. Its outbreak occurs mainly with the onset of cold weather. Therefore, on the eve of the autumn-winter period, many are wondering what anti-flu vitamins exist and help cope with the disease?

The speed of spread of the virus is very high. A sick person shares the flu with others for 6 days from the first day of infection. The flu spreads in a few seconds and often appears in less than three hours. The disease comes quickly, but the course is long, debilitating and difficult.

Immunity plays a huge role in any treatment. It stimulates the production of antibodies to fight cold symptoms, but is often powerless against the flu virus. A few days after infection, its resources are exhausted, the disease continues to act, and recovery and restoration of the body is delayed.

Symptoms of influenza are:

  • Increased body temperature, accompanied by fever. It can be insignificant, up to 37.5, or sharp, reaching 40 degrees.
  • General weakness, increased fatigue that occurs simultaneously with the end of the incubation period.
  • Headaches, localized in the forehead, eyes, temporal and occipital areas, associated with damage to the blood vessels of the brain by the virus. They can intensify with sudden noise, bright light, and simply turning the head.
  • Aches, pain and stiffness in the muscles caused by oxygen starvation, accompanied by stagnation of waste products inside the tissues.
  • Chills, occurring simultaneously with other manifestations of a viral infection, aimed at reducing heat loss. This is a kind of protective reaction of the body, caused by a violation of thermoregulation and the corresponding reaction of nerve cells.
  • Lack of appetite , associated with a decrease in the activity of the food center located in the brain.

Within a few hours, but more often - days, a sick person develops:

  • nausea;
  • congestion of the nasal sinuses, and later - whitish discharge from them;
  • sore throat;
  • drowsiness;
  • redness of the eyes, photophobia and lacrimation;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased sweating;
  • pain in the limbs;
  • hysterical, dry cough;
  • hoarseness of voice.

In some cases, there is no runny nose as such. Rarely does sneezing occur, which is characteristic of colds.

Can vitamins fight the flu?

The recovery period after the illness takes from 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the complexity and duration of its course. During this period, all human systems and organs return to normal. Prolonged rises in temperature, shortness of breath, profuse sweating, weakness - a syndrome that the infection continues to have a destructive effect. To speed up the healing process, doctors recommend staying in bed and taking multivitamins.

We often hear that it is useless to take vitamins until the disease is completely eliminated. In fact, from the beginning to the end of the disease, as well as during the recovery period, you can and should take vitamin-containing preparations. They will not destroy viruses or bacteria, but will provide support to the body during a difficult period and help it recover faster.

The “Ascorbinka” pill, familiar from childhood, has always been considered the best preventive remedy that increases resistance to respiratory infections, but is actually powerless against them. But it perfectly supports the body, already weakened by a cold.

Taking vitamins is especially important for children. Every woman knows that it can be easier to persuade a baby who has no appetite and a fever to drink water or tea and take a sweet pill than to eat a sweet orange or tangerine. Vitamins will have a strengthening and supporting effect on the child’s body, but they cannot replace good nutrition.

What vitamins do you take for the flu?

To understand which vitamins help you get rid of the flu faster, you should know their names and effects on the body.

Vitamin A

Retinol has regenerating properties. Any acute viral infection provokes damage to a huge number of epithelial cells that require restoration. If you drink at least 1.5 thousand mcg per day, the tissues will return to their normal state very quickly.

B vitamins

When a doctor prescribes vitamins after the flu, they certainly contain these substances. They play the role of a stimulant of the immune system, the effect of which is to increase the production of antibodies.

Mildly affecting the immune system (B2) can be consumed by people who have been diagnosed with autoimmune diseases, for which it is strictly forbidden to take absolutely all immunomodulators. Even those of plant origin are included in the list of “outcasts”. Thiamine () and pyridoxine () play the role of cellular regenerators that form the respiratory tract. The substances also provide relief from the urge to cough.


Important for stimulating the immune system, protecting cells from damage and eliminating toxins. You should consume 10 mg of a substance per day that has an inhibitory effect on pathogenic microorganisms.

Vitamins help get rid of flu and colds faster, so you should take them both for prevention and during illness.

What to give preference: multivitamins or fruits?

It is imperative to take vitamins when you have the flu, but many will have a question: can fruits save you from purchasing pharmaceutical drugs? It is possible to consume fruits rich in vitamins, but it is unlikely to be possible to calculate how many useful substances the body obtains from them.

Today everyone knows that a person’s well-being and health directly depend on immunity. It is he who is a natural barrier and protector against all kinds of viruses and pathogenic bacteria.

And such a common disease as the flu, in a person with a strong immune system, can generally occur as a mild malaise. However, lately not every one of us can boast of good health and stamina.

Every year, during cold weather, which is favorable for its spread, influenza becomes epidemic. Up to several outbreaks of this contagious disease are recorded per year. Moreover, weakened people, small children, and the elderly population suffer it very hard, sometimes with serious complications, such as:

  • Acute purulent sinusitis
  • Acute acoustic neuritis
  • Diseases of the pulmonary system – pneumonia, tracheitis, bronchitis
  • Acute otitis media

The most common complication after influenza is pneumonia. After suffering from a virus with complications (attachment of purulent infections), the immune system weakens.

The influenza virus is very “not indifferent” to the human nervous system, which can cause nervous disorders of varying severity. This is why, after suffering from the virus, a person feels very weak, because the fight against the influenza virus significantly strains and depresses the nervous and immune systems. Signs of asthenia (exhaustion of the nervous system) after the flu:

  • constant drowsiness
  • fatigue
  • weakness and fatigue
  • restlessness, nervousness, moodiness, short temper
  • loss of appetite

If a person has suffered a severe flu with serious complications, the question arises: how to recover from the flu faster? Here are some tips on how to return to your previous cheerful state and continue to lead your usual lifestyle and enjoy life!

How to recover quickly from the flu

Psychological calm

The main factor for rapid recovery and boosting immunity is the absence of stress, psychological comfort, and a positive mood. This is perhaps the most difficult “task” for a modern city dweller, especially a resident of a metropolis. To calm the nervous system, it is advisable not to overwork and:

  • If possible, surround yourself only with positive people, be with family and friends more often
  • Avoid contact with those you don't like
  • Take frequent breaks at work
  • Try to be calmer in stressful situations
  • Meditate

In practice, such advice is quite difficult to apply, here are some simple options to help achieve psychological comfort:


Try to get enough sleep, go to bed no later than 10 pm. Sound, healthy sleep restores the body well (see advice from a somnologist). If you have an air purifier and humidifier in your home, be sure to use them to create clean, moist air while you sleep.

Foot massage

This is an excellent procedure that allows you to relax, improve your mood and well-being, and boost your immunity. You can visit massage rooms or massage yourself - buy special foot massagers, you can use the Kuznetsov applicator (periodically stand on the applicator with your bare feet for 1-2 minutes for 10 minutes). On the human feet there are biological points of all organs and systems, many nerve endings. If you do this massage for 10 days, you will definitely feel the effect.


You can use affirmations, auto-training, psychological attitudes. For example, formulate short phrases yourself about your excellent health, mood, etc.

  • My immune system recovers quickly after the flu
  • I am a calm, balanced woman with a strong immune system
  • Today and always I am in a great mood, everything works out great for me
  • There are always people around me who love me and whom I love
  • I am in good health and my body recovers quickly from the flu.

Believe me, if you repeat affirmations at least 2 times a day, it will definitely have a positive effect on your well-being and will help you quickly recover from the flu, calm your nervous system and give you self-confidence. Instill in yourself that nothing in the world is important, neither problems at work nor family troubles are worth getting upset and worried about, thereby reducing your immunity.

Water procedures

Water can relax, calm, and put the body in order. If possible, visit the pool. No - take baths with sea salt, a contrast shower, if there are no contraindications, then visit the bathhouse.

Physical activity

Not immediately after the flu, but after 1-2 weeks, try to lead a more active lifestyle, take more walks, start or continue your classes in sports clubs, do yoga, dancing, and bodyflex very well. The surest way to boost immunity is physical labor in the fresh air.

Nutrition and vitamins

Naturally, nutrition plays a decisive role in restoring health after any illness; there is a lot of information about this, what proper nutrition should be, what foods and vitamins should be. But it is better to treat multivitamin complexes with caution, as with any medicine (see). Of course, an abundance of fruits, fresh vegetables, herbs and high-quality protein foods significantly improves health. Freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices, boiled meat and fish, fermented milk products, high-quality green tea (see) should be present in your diet. Replace flour products with bread, whole grain baked goods, and bran bread.

Drink more water

Not just liquids, but pure water. To recover from the flu, it is necessary to remove toxins from the body that are released during intoxication by the virus; drink a full glass of clean water 30 minutes before each meal (see).

Herbal, fruit teas

If you are not allergic to herbal medicinal preparations, you can take various vitamin preparations, decoctions, and infusions. Raspberries are especially rich in vitamin C. To increase immunity, you can use ginseng, lemongrass, echinacea, and eleutherococcus. You should be very careful with any immunomodulators (see).

Recipe for restoring immunity

A good remedy for boosting immunity is quite simple to make. It will require ginger, lemon and honey. , which is sold in our retail chains, should definitely be soaked (pre-cleaned) in cold water for 1 hour so that the products with which it was treated go into the water. Everyone knows about the medicinal properties of these 3 products. Finely chop the peeled lemon and ginger, then beat in a blender until smooth, add honey to taste. This remedy can be added to green tea or simply consumed as you like.