What pills to take with you. What medications to take with you on vacation. Remedies for sunburn and tanning

A cool breeze gently refreshes your face, suitcases are unpacked, and swimsuits are already waiting for a swim in the warm seas. A wonderful picture, isn't it?

But very rarely does it correspond to reality: usually, by the time you go to the beach, your face has already turned red from the scorching sun, your whole body itches from allergies and insect bites, and the temperature makes the onset of nausea seem like an out-of-the-ordinary event.

Unfortunately, this is what a typical vacation for many vacationers looks like: according to statistics, every second traveler experiences a number of typical vacation illnesses. How to deal with holiday troubles? We'll tell you!

Preparing for a trip to the sea

No vacation is complete without careful preparation: you need to look for accommodation, buy plane tickets, warn your neighbors and don’t forget your swimsuit. Unfortunately, most travelers forget about an equally important matter - taking care of their own health.

This problem becomes especially relevant when traveling to other countries: a sophisticated healthcare system, many paid expensive services and lack of necessary medications in pharmacies can not only ruin your vacation, but also have adverse consequences for vacationers.

Avoid huge financial costs If you have any health problems while on vacation, get a full dose in time medical care registration will help health insurance.

When traveling abroad, insurance must be taken out, but the vacationer can choose insurance company and the most suitable insurance terms at your discretion.

The policy is valid throughout the entire duration of the traveler’s stay on vacation, which means that if insured event the vacationer is treated practically free of charge, and then all the money spent on payment is returned to him medical services.

Be sure to create your own first aid kit when traveling abroad: pack medications for daily use, preventive medications for different cases from life and a first aid package and don’t forget about baby first aid kit for travel.

When traveling abroad, it is important to understand conditions of medical care in a new country, study and carefully consider the algorithm of actions so that unexpected health problems do not take tourists by surprise.

For consultations on vacation You may need the telephone number of the attending physician, the address and telephone number of the Russian Embassy in the holiday country. But even if you have the entire phone book with you, local telecom operators can surprise the tourist: there are often cases when roaming with a Russian SIM card simply refuses to work.

Be sure to check your mobile connection upon arrival, and just in case, you can also purchase a card from a local mobile operator - it’s inexpensive, but emergency may turn out to be very necessary and useful.

Think about the actions that you will need to take if your mobile connection fails - go to the hotel, ask passers-by for the phone, and so on.

How to pack a vacation first aid kit

First of all, for prescription drugs, you need to take a prescription translated into English language so that customs does not have questions that disturb the harmony of rest and contribute to being late for the plane.

Be careful when assembling your own first aid kit: the packaging of medications should be airtight, and the expiration date should not expire a week after arriving home from vacation.

It is advisable to store medications in a tight, airtight container that will not be damaged during transportation and will protect valuable medications from damage.

Essential medicines should be placed at the very lid of the container; the same medications that can be easily taken out in the event of health troubles should be placed at the very bottom.

In addition to drugs, you definitely need to take some other things:

  • syringe;
  • bandages and cotton wool;
  • tourniquet (for bleeding limbs);
  • adhesive plaster;
  • elastic bandages.

These “urgent” things and medicines applications" should always be at hand, at the very edge of the container - in the event of an emergency, you won’t have to look for them for a long time.

Typical traveler illnesses

What pills and medications should I take to the sea?

The first and main risk for a traveler at sea is the hot sun. Get burned in warm regions it is very easy, so without With for burns, we do not recommend going there. You shouldn’t count on sour cream, which is familiar to everyone - in most cases foreign countries They don’t even know what it is!

"Traveller Poisoning"- the disease is not in the full sense of the word: many vacationers in a new place begin to have a digestive tract disorder .

The reason does not lie at all in poor hygiene and dangerous bacteria– the body does not accept water with an unusual composition. To avoid upset, stock up on activated charcoal, bottled water, and anti-diarrhea medications.

New food, too hot or spicy, can negatively affect the entire gastrointestinal tract– in such cases you cannot do without means that help digestion. Be sure to take medications for alcohol intoxication - local alcoholic drinks may be stronger than you would like.

Hot climates and high humidity can cause headache and even prolonged migraines. Helps cope with headaches good drug, dilates blood vessels and relieves spasms.

But the heat causes more than just a headache - colds and runny nose her frequent companions, and it will be difficult to manage without cold remedies.

Small scratches and bruises in an unfamiliar environment can easily cause infection of soft tissues: take sterile dressings with you and remedies to clean the wound.

Serious cases of illness

Before going on vacation, be sure to familiarize yourself with the state of medical care and its conditions in the new country.

If a doctor’s help is urgently needed, the hotel will help you find him: at the reception they will not only take the patient to the hospital, but will also call a doctor to your room.

Do not forget to find out the telephone numbers of the rescue and ambulance services: if necessary, such information will serve a good purpose.

Tell your doctor about your health insurance and show your policy. In order to be able to reimburse all costs after the provision of medical services, keep checks and receipts: in case of unforeseen situations, they will help you receive payments in full.

List of necessary medications for adults and children

List of medications for the trip to the sea

Before traveling, it is advisable to coordinate and review the list with your personal physician.

  1. From motion sickness in transport: Bonine / Dramamine / Air Sea.
    Various mints and lollipops help relieve the condition.
  2. Antiherpes: acyclovir / zovirax / fenistil pencivir.
  3. Gastrointestinal:
    Heaviness, bloating, gas formation, heartburn: Mezim / Gaviscon / Motilium / Gastal.
    In case of poisoning: rehydron / smecta / ersefuril.
    For diarrhea: imodium / loperamide.
    For adsorption: Activated carbon.
    Against colic and pain: no-spa.
  4. Antiallergic: fenistil / zyrtec / suprastin / claritin / telfast.
    Remember that some antiallergy medications slow down your reaction and are incompatible with alcohol.
  5. Anti-colds:
    Antipyretics: paracetamol / panadol / nurofen.
    For nasal congestion: Otrivin / Pinosol / Nazivin.
    For sore throat: Hexoral / Tantum Verde / Ingalipt sprays.
  6. Painkillers: nurofen / pentalgin / tempalgin.
  7. Against bruises and sprains: finalgon / fastum-gel.
  8. Dressings and external antiseptics: bandage / cotton balls / bactericidal patch / hydrogen peroxide / brilliant green in the form of pencils.
  9. For sunburn: sun protection creams with high factor/ panthenol.
  10. Insect bites: Soventol, fenistil.

First aid kit for traveling with a child

Before traveling, it is advisable to agree and discuss the list with your pediatrician.

  1. When body temperature rises: Nurofen syrup/Efferalgan suppositories/Nurofen suppositories.
  2. When vomiting: motilium / rehydron or humana electrolyte / smecta or enterosgel.
  3. For diarrhea: nifuroxazide or enterol 250 / smecta or enterosgel / rehydron or humana electrolyte.
  4. For an allergic reaction: fenistil/erius syrup.
  5. When bitten by a mosquito: fenistil gel or psilobalm
  6. For sunburn: panthenol.
  7. For ear pain: otizol or otipax / Nazivin or Otrivin (in combination with stuffy nose)
  8. For conjunctevitis: tobrex.
  9. Cotton wool, bandage, adhesive plaster, betadine and brilliant green.

First aid kit for the road - video

We invite you to watch the video and listen to the doctor’s opinion on the topic “Traveller’s First Aid Kit.”

Well, we told everything we knew ourselves. Share your own experience with other travelers in the comments, tell us what you can’t imagine your own vacation without. Have a nice trip!

Do not be ill and take care of your own health!

When going on vacation, you need to take care of your health and well-being during the trip. Then your vacation will be more pleasant and safe.


Go to long journey without being prepared, it is, at a minimum, unreasonable. What if you or the children you are taking with you get into trouble?

Anything can happen on vacation. Another country has its own characteristics that differ from Russian ones: the epidemic situation, climatic conditions, natural. You could catch a cold, get poisoned, or worse than that– injury.

Be sure to take a first aid kit with a set on your trip to the sea medicines essentials. It is not always possible to purchase drugs abroad, and they are much more expensive than in Russia. Without knowing the language, it will be difficult to explain your problem to a foreign pharmacist so that he can sell the necessary product.

We offer an approximate set of medications with which you can provide first aid to adults, practically healthy or suffering chronic diseases. If you know your own diagnosis - stomach disease, intestinal disease, asthma, do not forget to take with you pills, inhalers and other medications recommended by your doctor.

This list contains the names of medications that can help with the most common problems:

1. Remedies for body injury

While relaxing, you can easily injure your foot on sharp stones on the beach, during a hike you can rub your feet until they bleed, or get sunstroke or a burn. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately put cotton wool, a bandage, disinfectant solution, bacterial patch (several pieces different sizes), hydrogen peroxide.

A special tanning cream with a protective UV filter of more than 30 will help prevent skin burns. Apply it to the surface of the skin when you go to the beach. If you have a sunburn or chafed leg, the pain will be relieved medical supplies Solcoseryl, Dexpanthenol or similar Bepanten, D-panthenol.

From folk remedies you can use sour cream, vegetable oil. They lubricate and cool the skin.

2. Medicines for flu and other colds

No one is immune from ARVI or the common cold, even in a warm country. We sat in a draft - my throat hurt and I had a runny nose. On your trip you should take medications that lower body temperature (Paracetamol, Ibuklin, Nurofen), nasal drops, mints, solutions, for example, Miramistin. Otitis drops. Ear diseases due to frequent swimming in the sea are not uncommon.

3. Pain medications

Sometimes there are headaches, toothaches, and tingling in the stomach. You need to take a safe and effective painkiller, or better yet several - no-shpu, analgin, baralgin.

4. For the stomach

Unusual exotic cuisine can cause stomach or intestinal illness. At severe pain in the abdominal area, it is advisable to immediately consult a doctor, as this is a sign of the development of a serious disease. Activated carbon, Smecta, Linex, Hilak Forte will help with diarrhea. For overeating, you can take Mezim or Festal.

5. Anti-allergy

Even those who have normal conditions I've never experienced anything like this. Insects, exotic smells, fruits. Antiallergic drugs that can be taken abroad include Loratadine, Akrikhin, Suprastin, Fenistil-gel.

6. Pregnant

A pregnant woman will benefit from sea air if she prudently takes with her the medications recommended by the gynecologist, as well as the usual first aid kit for pregnant women: vitamins, valerian tincture, no-spa, activated charcoal, some antipyretics.

7. Contraception

Accessories exclusively for adults that protect against sexually transmitted infections. Sometimes a holiday romance ends with a visit to a venereologist. Place a pack of condoms, creams, suppositories, and antiseptics in a separate bag.

Please note that some drugs are not allowed to be transported abroad. Thus, completely harmless cough tablets are prohibited in a number of foreign countries, including criminal liability. They contain substances that affect the centers of the brain. If they fall into the wrong hands, the pills turn into drugs. Avoid taking such medications to avoid problems later.

Local pharmacies will offer alternative remedies to combat bronchitis. By the way, it is also not necessary to take antibiotics. If anything happens, if you have health insurance, you can always contact a specialist at the clinic. Why self-medicate?

As an addition, some people take a bottle of antibacterial gel with them on vacation. If during the excursion it is not possible to wash your hands before eating, then he will help out.

At sea with a child

What medications will be needed for a small child if he is going to the sea with his parents? First of all, add fever remedies to your first aid kit. These can be herbal syrups that do not cause an allergic reaction, rectal suppositories containing paracetamol or ibuprofen. Aspirin is strictly prohibited because it causes complications.

Nifuroxazide is suitable for diarrhea. A soothing, expectorant remedy for cough - “Gedelix” or “Erespal” syrup. They are given to children aged two years. It is better to offer Ambrobene syrup to a one-year-old baby.

For allergies, you can take Tavegil for your child, which can be given to children over one year of age.

A thermometer completes the treatment list. Additionally, we can recommend purchasing an anti-inflammatory drug for traveling with children. increased gas formation"Espumizan". From mosquito bites Gels or “Fenistil” in the form of an emulsion help well. They relieve itching and irritation and are suitable even for adults.

Vaccinations before traveling to southern countries

One more cannot be ignored important point. Trips to India, Turkey, Thailand and other Asian countries, South America, Africa poses a danger to Russian residents. On the eve of the trip, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the epidemic situation in the region where your tour will take place. If there is an increase in certain diseases among the local population, be sure to get yourself vaccinated.

Consult an infectious disease specialist by visiting a clinic. He will tell you which drug can prevent a particular disease. There is often a fee for vaccination procedures, so take cash with you.

It is better to contact the clinic in advance, at least 1-2 months before the planned trip. The effect of the vaccine begins after some time. Sometimes you have to do repeated injections.

Has it ever happened that a sudden illness ruined your long-awaited vacation days? We had this situation a couple of times. I remember while on vacation in Egypt, I had a stomach ache. The reason was olive oil on which all meals in the hotel were prepared. My stomach clearly didn't like this arrangement. Good that our traveler's first aid kit always at hand, and I quickly dealt with an unpleasant illness.

I am sure that the question of what medications to take on vacation has arisen on everyone’s mind, so today we will tell you what our traveler’s first aid kit consists of.

By the way, you don’t have to run straight to the pharmacy and buy necessary medications. After all, on the eve of the vacation there is so much to do (pack your things, take your pets to mom, pay utilities, make a travel plan, etc.).

Nowadays, it has become convenient and profitable to buy everything on the Internet. You won’t surprise anyone by purchasing tickets, travel insurance, clothes, gadgets and other things online. Why not?!

That's basically what we do. This allows you not to waste time, which is already in short supply, saves money, and, moreover, does not distract you from work. Medicines are now expensive and we often look for affordable options in online pharmacies. That’s how we found the Algo-Pharm pharmacy for ourselves. The prices are cheaper there, the quality is excellent and you don’t have to stand in line for a long time. The drugs are delivered by courier or can be obtained at the nearest Nova Poshta branch.

A traveler's first aid kit is not always used, but you must admit that no one is immune from accidental troubles, for example, cuts, allergies, diarrhea, colds, etc. Therefore, it is better to be prepared and allocate some space in your suitcase for a first aid kit.

Consider what medications you need. Make a list or check ours. You can supplement it or remove unnecessary drugs at your discretion. An important point is packing a traveler’s first aid kit. Please ensure that the tubes and jars are tightly closed and well packed. Anything can serve as a container. I use a shower gel bag. It closes well, is quite dense and light.

Now let's move on to filling the first aid kit. First, I will write what medications to take on vacation, and then I will share the components of our traveler’s first aid kit.

What medications to take on vacation

Medicines for diarrhea, overeating and bloating

The most common problem when traveling is diarrhea. The reasons may be different: unusual food, climatic conditions, nervous breakdown, for example, associated with a flight. If you are overtaken by diarrhea, the following will help you cope with it: Furazolidol, Levomycetin, Imodium, Smecta.

The second problem that often arises on vacation is overeating. As a rule, we relax and move away from our daily eating rules. To avoid feeling heavy after eating, take with you: Pancreatin, Festal or Mezim.

Don’t forget to put medicines for bloating, heartburn, and gastrointestinal discomfort in your traveler’s first aid kit: activated carbon (2 tablets per 10 kg of weight), smecta.

Do not drink tap water, especially in other countries, wash your hands and food (vegetables, fruits) well. If you're snacking outside and have nowhere to wash your hands, keep wet wipes and hand sanitizer with you.

Cold remedies

In the sultry heat, you just want to drink something cold or cool off near the air conditioner. Unfortunately, this can lead to a cold, which will catastrophically ruin your vacation. Therefore, a traveler’s first aid kit should have:

at the first symptoms - Asicylsalicylic acid, Fervex, Coldrex, Nimisil;

for sore throat - lollipops with eucalyptus or menthol, any spray that suits you, for example, Ingalipt, Hexoral. Yox spray or rinsing with a regular iodine solution (a couple of drops of iodine in a glass of water) helps me; it also helps with a runny nose (rinse the sinuses 3-4 times a day);

for a runny nose - we do not use any drops or sprays. We treat it with iodine solution and a regular star. If you are not a follower of folk remedies, take with you your proven drops or spray (Pinosol, Nazol, Sanorin, Otrivin, etc.);

for cough - thermopsis tablets. I recently discovered them myself when a friend from the Czech Republic asked me to bring them. They are called cough tablets. They are cheap and very effective. You can also take Mucaltin, Septefril or cough syrup (Gerbion, Flavamed).

Antipyretic drugs

In addition to a cold, an increase in body temperature can occur when sunstroke, toothache, poisoning and other diseases. In this regard, a traveler’s first aid kit should include an electronic thermometer and antipyretics (Paracetamol, Nimisil, Asecylsalicylic acid).

Medicines for motion sickness

If you get motion sickness on an airplane, bus, or ship, you need to have motion sickness pills with you. Avia-sea and Dramina have proven themselves well. Taking medications for motion sickness should be taken very seriously. You need to take them when your condition is very bad. I always take mint coffee or chewing gum they don't help much. Just in case, take a couple of bags with you. Don't eat a lot before your trip.

Antiallergic (antihistamine) drugs.

Even if you have never had allergies, it is better to take a package of Tavigil or Suprastin with you. Different climate, food, vegetation can provoke allergic reaction. If you have been suffering from this disease for a long time, then you probably know what saves you. Don't forget to put proven medications in your first aid kit.


Anything can happen on vacation, for example, a toothache or headache. We will not suffer and endure hellish pain. Therefore, we will supplement our traveler’s first aid kit with painkillers. Any will do (ketanov, spasmalgon, pentalgin). Relieves pain from abdominal pain and menstruation No-shpa.

Help with injuries

No one is immune from cuts and injuries. Especially if you lead an active lifestyle while on vacation. Even with a long walk, you can rub a callus, so in our first aid kit we always put iodine, bandage, cotton wool, an antiseptic (Chlorhexedine or Hydrogen Peroxide), a bactericidal patch, as well as a wound-healing ointment (Rescuer, Boro Plus)

Help with burns

If your vacation is planned in hot countries, take care of sunburn remedies. Tourists often use Panthenol. Honestly, I'm not one of them. I use coconut or olive oil. Of course, it’s better not to injure your skin, apply safe tanning products, and stay out of the sun during peak hours.

For chronic diseases

If you constantly take medications, you should definitely put them in your first aid kit. Just in case, take more than you need for the vacation period. For those who are concerned about thrush or cystitis, grab proven suppositories or tablets.

Hygiene products

Near the sea or in the mountains, lips become chapped. They peel, turn red, and do not have a very attractive appearance. Hygienic lipstick can cope well with this problem when traveling. It is better to buy one with protection against sun rays(SPF 15).

Due to climate change, this may change hormonal cycle, and your period may come earlier than usual. Of course, there will be no problems with buying pads, but you will need to get to a pharmacy or store. Take with you the products you use (pads, tampons).

I wear contact lenses, so I carry them with me all the time. I take a spare pair just in case I lose it.

I remind you that scissors and files must be put in your luggage. IN hand luggage they cannot be transported. We talked about this in the article: List of necessary things for the trip.

It seems like I forgot nothing!? So, above we figured out what medications to take on vacation, and now - the list!

Our traveler's first aid kit (list)

So, our first aid kit consists of:

  • Pancreatin
  • Activated carbon
  • Smecta
  • Paracetamol, Asecylsalicylic acid, Nimisil
  • Cough tablets with thermopsis
  • Mukaltin
  • Ketanov
  • Vietnamese star (for a runny nose, reduces itching from mosquito bites)
  • Iodine
  • Peroxide or chlorhexedine
  • Tavigil
  • Bandage
  • cotton wool
  • Germicidal patch
  • Wound healing ointment Boro-plus
  • Thermometer
  • Chapstick
  • Coconut or olive oil (use after sunbathing)

The components may change and be supplemented depending on the country we are going to, the length of stay on vacation, the conditions of the vacation (mountains, sea), but basically our first aid kit for travel contains only the medications listed above.

Unfortunately, a traveler's first aid kit is not always enough, so take care of travel insurance. you can click on the link.

I hope our article helped you understand the issue: What medications should I take on vacation?. You can use the list of our traveler's first aid kit as a template, add something and remove something!

I'm waiting for your comments, friends! I wish you all good health and that you never need a first aid kit!

What medications do you take on the road?


Planning your holiday in warm countries on the seashore, we carefully collect a travel first aid kit. At the same time, we don’t always take really necessary medications with us on a trip, which is why we may find ourselves defenseless in the face of the health dangers that await tourists on vacation.


When going on vacation to the sea coast, do not forget to take with you sunscreen or emulsion, which will allow you to get a beautiful tan, but at the same time protect from negative impact scorching rays of the sun and will minimize the risk of sunburn.

This is especially true for children and those with fair skin prone to freckles.

When choosing a sunscreen, pay attention to two main criteria: water resistance and SPF.

Choose waterproof products that last at least 40 to 60 minutes, regardless of whether you are in the water or just sunbathing.

In addition, purchase for your child sunscreen marked “for children”, designed taking into account the specifics of children's skin.

The choice of sunscreens today is simply huge, so everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves. best option taking into account skin type, level of protection and price.

  • Read also: 10 Home Remedies for Sunburn

Remedies for burns

If it was not possible to avoid sunburn, then you cannot do without a burn remedy. It will help relieve redness, reduce pain and restore integrity. skin.

Panthenol spray should be applied to the skin and wait until it is completely absorbed.

The undeniable advantage of Panthenol is that it can be used by both adults and children.

Moisturizing cream

The scorching sun, the wind, salty water– all these factors can lead to dry skin on exposed areas of the body. And will help out in in this case a regular baby cream that can be purchased inexpensively at any pharmacy.


Allergy – frequent companion vacation, especially if you decide to go to some exotic country with unusual food products and unfamiliar plants. We should also not forget about insect bites and possible contact with jellyfish, sea urchins and poisonous fish, which abound in the seas and oceans.

Antihistamines will help cope with allergy symptoms.

Allergic runny nose, lacrimation, skin rashes and itching will be effectively eliminated by time-tested Loratadine or Suprastin.

People with increased risk development of allergic reactions, it is better to take it with you hormonal drug Prednisolone in tablets or ampoules for the relief of angioedema, accompanied by respiratory failure and loss of consciousness, which can lead to fatal outcome if medical assistance is not provided in time.

For local treatment of the skin, you can use Hydrocortisone ointment, which will relieve redness and itching not only from insect bites, but also help with sunburn.

If you are going on vacation with a small child, then your first aid kit should have Claritin in syrup and Fenistil gel.

These medications won't take up much space in your medicine cabinet, won't empty your wallet, but can save your life in case of severe allergies.

  • Read also: Six natural remedies against allergies

Insect repellents

Mosquitoes and insects that live in tropical countries are carriers of dangerous infections, not to mention the fact that their bites can provoke the development of severe allergic reactions.

If you don't want your vacation to be ruined, don't forget about repellents when packing your first aid kit at sea.

The most convenient to use and affordable repellents are in the form of a spray, which can be applied to both the body and clothing. However, more long term Insect repellent creams still work.

The most effective repellents are those containing diethyltoluamide (DEET).

Important! Buy repellents for children that are designed specifically for children, otherwise they may develop a severe allergic reaction! Children's insect bite cream should contain the component IR3535 (ethylbutylacetylaminopropionate), which is less toxic than diethyltoluamide.

And remember the main rule: The repellent cream is applied in a thin layer to the skin, but is not rubbed into it!

Remedies for poisoning

Unusual local cuisine, not always fresh food, and an abundance of alcoholic beverages cause poisoning.

At the first signs of intoxication in the body, it is necessary to take activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight (more expensive analogues activated carbon are taken according to the attached instructions).

Other adsorbents will also help to quickly neutralize the effects of toxins: Enterosgel, Polysorb.

In addition, exotic foods can injure digestive system, which will manifest itself as heaviness in the abdomen, flatulence, and heartburn.

Enzymatic preparations such as Mezim, Festal, Pancreatin will help cope with nausea, heaviness and bloating in the stomach.

Rennie or Gastal will relieve heartburn.

In case of constipation, you can take Senadexin or Picolax.

Important! In case of severe and severe poisoning, accompanied by an increase in temperature, severe vomiting and diarrhea, the use of such antibacterial agents, like Phthalazol or Nifuroxazide, so it is better to take one of them with you on a trip.

Anti-diarrhea medications

Often due to food poisoning and intestinal infection diarrhea develops, which can be treated with Loperamide or Imodium (a more expensive analogue of Loperamide).

But remember that diarrhea is defensive reaction the body to toxins, which are thus eliminated from the body. Long-term use of antidiarrheals slows down the process of eliminating toxins and promotes their absorption into the blood. And this is fraught with serious complications.

And further! With diarrhea and repeated vomiting, water-electrolyte imbalance and severe dehydration of the body occurs (especially in children), and this life-threatening state. Regidron, one sachet of which should be diluted per liter, will replenish the water-electrolyte balance. boiled water room temperature. The resulting solution is drunk throughout the day.

In the absence of Regidron, you need to drink as much ordinary mineral water as possible.

Children at food poisoning and diarrhea, you can take Nifuroxazide in syrup, Smecta and Regidron.

  • Read also: Diarrhea - treatment at home

Remedies for stomach pain

Abdominal pain, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite and general malaise, may appear due to food poisoning or worsened gastritis.

The pain in such cases is cutting and paroxysmal. It is concentrated in the upper abdomen, and is diffuse in nature, so the patient cannot pinpoint the exact place that “hurts.”

Buy pain syndrome Antispasmodics will help: No-shpa, Drotaverine.

Those who suffer from gastritis or ulcers need to prepare their body for new products in advance. And the drug Almagel A will help with this, which you should definitely take with you on a trip.


Climate change sharp changes temperatures, air travel can cause headaches.

If the pain syndrome is moderate, the analgesics Citramon and Aspirin will help.

For intense headache, dental, menstrual, joint pain, it is better to give preference to stronger drugs: Solpadeine, Tempalgin, Nimesil.

Pain can also occur due to bruises, sprains or pinched muscles, because rest also involves active pastime. Not only tablet preparations, but also products for external use will help to cope with these troubles: Diclofenac, Diclak-gel, Voltaren.

Pain syndrome in children is relieved with Nurofen in syrup or tablets (depending on the age of the child).

Wound treatment products

Be sure to equip your first aid kit with antiseptics and dressing material, because any vacation is often associated with injuries, abrasions and cuts, as a result of which you can not only “catch” an infection, but also lose a lot of blood.

To provide first aid you will need:

  • Antiseptics: hydrogen peroxide (not only kills almost all pathogenic microorganisms, but also helps stop bleeding), iodine or brilliant green (most effective when treating shallow abrasions and cuts). These drugs can be purchased in the form of a felt-tip pen, which is very convenient for transportation and use.
  • Sterile bandage , with which you can not only treat the wound surface, but also apply a bandage if necessary.
  • Sterile plaster , which will protect small damaged areas of the epidermis from infection. It is better to have several options for patches of different sizes.
  • Ointment Rescuer , promoting fast healing wound

Cold remedies

A cold can catch you by surprise in the midst of a vacation, even in the hottest countries. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and take with you products that will help cope with cough, sore throat, runny nose and fever.

Antiviral drugs

  • For adults: Groprinosine, Isoprinosine.
  • For a child: Anaferon in tablets or suppositories.


Ambroxol and Lazolvan in tablets for adults and syrup for children.

But keep in mind that many cough remedies contain substances that suppress cough centers in the brain and can become raw materials for manufacturing narcotic drugs, and therefore are prohibited from being transported across borders in most countries of the world. It is difficult for a non-specialist to determine from the active substance whether it can be transported or not. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and familiarize yourself with the list of medications and active ingredients that cannot be transported across the border.

Changing location is stressful for the body. An unusual environment can have a negative impact on your well-being, and you need to be prepared for this.

There are dangers on the seashore and in the water. Contact with jellyfish, sea urchins, corals and poisonous fish can result in wounds and burns. In addition to these exotic inhabitants, in hot climates health is threatened by solar and heat strokes. Travelers also often encounter food poisoning.

To prevent troubles, you need to think about them in advance. When traveling to foreign resorts, you must take out travel insurance. If necessary, it will cover the costs of calling an ambulance or hospitalization.

When planning a vacation, consult your doctor. He will make recommendations according to your health condition.

Customs regulations of states do not allow the import of all drugs into their territory. If you're flying abroad, don't skimp on space in your suitcase by packing a first aid kit. Medicines must be in original packaging and with instructions. Medicines beyond the scope of a basic first aid kit should be carried along with a prescription from a doctor. It is advisable to check in your luggage for medications that you can do without on board the plane. Drugs classified as potent or narcotic and psychotropic, if allowed in the country of destination, will have to be declared. To do this, you will need a doctor's prescription in English or in the local language.

If you anticipate a language barrier in the country of your intended vacation, write down the basic words on the topic in advance. This dictionary will help explain to a foreign-language doctor exactly what disease or symptom you are complaining about. You can also install an offline translator on your phone for this purpose.

List of medications for travel

Remedies for poisoning and indigestion

When we pack a travel first aid kit, the first thing we put in it is medicine to help with food poisoning. Getting to know the local cuisine or food spoiled in the heat are the main reasons for this problem, which often worries tourists. Therefore, it is necessary to have adsorbents and anti-diarrhea medications on hand. Adsorbents neutralize the effects of toxins, so activated carbon or polysorb are necessary for poisoning and intestinal infections.

You can stop diarrhea due to an upset stomach with the help of medications whose main active ingredient is loperamide or imodium.

Unusual foods can cause digestion difficulties. Abdominal heaviness or bloating is relieved by an enzyme preparation such as pancreatin or mezim.

Thus, our travel first aid kit should contain adsorbents, anti-diarrhea medications and enzyme medications.

Antipyretics and painkillers

If your body temperature rises above 38 degrees, you should use an antipyretic drug: for example, a medicine containing paracetamol or ibuprofen.

It is worth putting drugs in the category of painkillers and anti-spasms in your first aid kit. Pentalgin is included in both categories, but one of the contraindications for this medication is age under 18 years. Antispasmodic drug based on drotaverine - no-spa.

If you are traveling with a child, it is better to purchase a specialized paracetamol-based antipyretic for children.

Even if you've planned an inactive vacation, it's still worth taking something that will help with cuts and wounds. Step on sea ​​urchin or getting scratched on rocks is easy. For this emergency, you need to collect antiseptics in your first aid kit. Disinfectants such as hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine will disinfect the affected area.

Medicinal ointments also heal wounds and help with bruises, for example. This universal drug based on formic alcohol. The special ointment additionally has a bactericidal effect.

In order to close the wound, put a sterile bandage in the first aid kit. In case of stretching - elastic. Don’t forget the plaster, because even comfortable shoes can chafe in the heat.

That is, the first aid kit should contain antiseptic agents, sterile and elastic bandages and adhesive tape.


Medicines in this category should only be taken on the advice of a doctor. If your doctor has prescribed them, take them with you. Antibiotics cannot be purchased abroad without a prescription. If the certification of the doctor who wrote the prescription is not valid in the country of your holiday, you will have to contact a local doctor.

Cold remedies

The most common illnesses when traveling are colds and infectious diseases. Antiviral agents, stimulating immune processes, will not be superfluous in your suitcase. Interferons will help adults against ARVI. You can take candles with you - many of them are suitable even for one year old child. You should also pack lollipops or a spray for a sore throat and drops for nasal congestion in your first aid kit.

If you are planning a vacation in an unfamiliar climate or geographic area, you must take allergy medication with you. Diazolin and loratadine block allergic reactions, including skin reactions from insect bites.

Don't forget the individual medications you take on a regular basis. Place a first aid kit with them in a bag that you will keep with you. Read reviews in advance for unfamiliar drugs that you decide to take with you. Pay special attention to whether these medications can be taken by children. Be sure to check the expiration date of all products you take on the road.


Sunburn is not uncommon at the beach. Be sure to bring sunscreen that suits your skin type. If you are traveling with the whole family, do not skimp on the cream: choose the right one for each family member. If you do get a sunburn, then to alleviate the consequences, you need to use an ointment that restores the integrity of the skin. Dexpanthenol or ointment has these properties.

From motion sickness

Any vacation trip is long time on the road. In the warm season, you get especially sick in a stuffy bus. A boat ride can also result in seasickness. Make sure that the drug that relieves the feeling of nausea and dizziness is nearby.

Have a nice holiday!