How to cure chronic sinusitis at home. Treatment of chronic sinusitis in adults Chr sinusitis

Sinusitis is one of the most serious illnesses, characterized as active inflammatory process, developing in the paranasal sinuses. The disease most often occurs against the background of a cold or prolonged runny nose. The likelihood of sinusitis increases significantly if prolonged rhinitis has not been completely cured.

A predisposing factor influencing the development of the disease is reduced immunity. Another reason why sinusitis can develop is bad teeth. For of this disease Characteristic is nasal congestion, in which mucus accumulates in the nasal sinuses, after which pus begins to be released.

The main signs of acute sinusitis are:

It is imperative to treat sinusitis, and the sooner you start therapy, the better. If this is not done immediately, the disease will go into a purulent stage, which is fraught with the development of serious complications, often manifesting as diseases with an independent course.

In acute sinusitis, inflammation of the nasal mucosa occurs, which is supplied with a large number of blood vessels. The inflammatory process affects connective tissue . When the disease becomes chronic, it affects bone maxillary sinuses

and submucosa.

  • The most common causative agents of sinusitis are:
  • hemophilus influenzae;

pneumococcal infection.

In addition, the disease can develop if the structure of the ethmoid labyrinth is abnormal. As a result, insufficiently purified air masses can enter the nasal sinuses, which contributes to the development of inflammation. Sinusitis affects people of all age groups. Most often this happens in the autumn-winter period. Although in early spring

There are also cases of exacerbations of this disease. If sinusitis has become chronic, then one should expect the development of recurrent processes.

Many patients have a natural question: what to do during an exacerbation of chronic sinusitis? In order to answer it, it is advisable to consider information about how exacerbations occur and what this condition threatens the patient with.

Exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease

During exacerbations of chronic sinusitis Patients experience the following symptoms:

With an exacerbation of chronic sinusitis, patients often experience skin damage near the nasal cavity, which consists of swelling, weeping and small cracks.

Against the background of exacerbations of sinusitis, diseases such as ocular conjunctivitis and keratitis. If the inflammatory process involves the periosteum, the patient may have swollen eyelids and a swollen face.

Exacerbations of sinusitis are fraught with the development of the following serious complications:

  • swelling of the meninges;
  • meningitis;
  • blockage of the orbital veins;
  • brain abscess;
  • eye abscess.

The process starts during exacerbations as a result of exposure viral infection , followed by bacterial infection of the maxillary sinuses. Damage to the nasal mucosa provokes congestion in the sinuses, as a result of which pathogenic microorganisms begin to come into contact with healthy cells. This leads to secondary bacterial infection.

If an exacerbation of sinusitis occurs, its symptoms should never be ignored

Treatment methods

For exacerbations of sinusitis, in addition to puncture of the nasal septum, a complex therapy , including:

  • sinus rinsing saline solution using drainage;
  • laser treatment;
  • carrying out ozone therapy;
  • drug treatment.

Treatment of exacerbation of sinusitis is carried out with the aim of relieving symptoms: therapy ensures the outflow of mucus and purulent discharge from .


Patients are prescribed antibiotics, antipyretic drugs and sulfonamides. In order to strengthen the immune system, vitamin therapy is carried out in parallel. If the disease is accompanied allergic manifestations, then treatment is supplemented by the prescription of calcium chloride and antihistamines.

You can speed up the healing process by using nasal drops and sprays that have a vasoconstrictor effect. Their list includes:

  • Nazol;
  • Naphthyzin and so on.

Regarding use homeopathic medicines, made on the basis of natural components, it is advisable to use them to activate the body's defenses. The main advantage of these drugs is the complete absence side effects when using them.

Before carrying out treatment, you should first visit a homeopathic doctor, and then make a visit to an otolaryngologist.


If sinusitis has worsened, they will help you cope with the problem following procedures:

  • warming up;
  • steam inhalations using medicinal herbs And ;
  • mud therapy;
  • irradiation of the nasal sinuses using ultrasound;
  • therapeutic applications with paraffin and other physiotherapy procedures.

Puncture of the maxillary sinus is performed to separate the nasal passage from the maxillary cavity. After that sinus washed with saline solution, as a result of which the pathogenic contents are removed. Further, in order to prevent the development of relapses of sinusitis and suppuration, it is proposed to introduce antibiotics into it.

The surgical operation under the name is opening the maxillary sinus for the purpose of cleansing it. The manipulation is carried out in case of infection after tooth extraction on upper jaw.


In order to prevent the development of complications with, All you need to do is follow simple rules:

  • when the first pronounced manifestations occur, immediately contact an otolaryngologist for advice and medical assistance;
  • treat any colds to the end;
  • strictly adhere to medical recommendations;
  • eat properly and balanced;
  • include a sufficient amount of vitamins in the diet to maintain normal immunity;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • treat colds, alternating drug therapy and methods traditional medicine.


In conclusion, it can be noted that the treatment of a disease such as sinusitis should be taken very seriously. In this way, relapses and complications can be avoided.

Many people believe that sinusitis is a separate disease. But that's not true. This is a form of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses. With sinusitis, the maxillary sinus, which is also called the maxillary sinus, becomes inflamed. Chronic sinusitis is especially troublesome, and can lead to serious complications.
Statistics show that the proportion of chronic sinusitis among all nasal pathologies reaches 50%. In Russia, there are 12 cases of sinusitis per 100 inhabitants. In Europe, this figure is half as much - 6 people out of 100 get sick. The two-fold difference is easy to explain: residents of the country are usually irresponsible about their health, “running” a runny nose, hoping that it will go away in a week.


Chronic sinusitis in adults it develops gradually. At the beginning of the disease, the infection settles on the membrane of the nasopharynx and maxillary sinus, which provokes inflammation. The consequence of exposure to infection is swelling, which impedes the passage of air and the outflow of mucus. The mucus itself is a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogens and the inflammatory process is activated. Most often, only the left or right sinus is affected; bilateral chronic sinusitis is rare.

Causes of the disease

A number of reasons contribute to the occurrence of chronic sinusitis. Key risk factors causing chronic course diseases:

  • Previously rescheduled, which was not treated or undertreated;
  • persistent nasopharyngeal infections department – ​​tonsillitis, rhinitis, etc.;
  • a disease or deficiency that impairs the flow of mucus, for example - deviated septum nose;
  • cysts, polyps in the maxillary sinus;
  • diseases of the upper teeth;
  • interventions in the upper jaw;
  • bad habits– smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • tendency to allergic reactions.


During the period of remission (subsidence), the disease makes itself felt by the following phenomena:

  • There is a feeling that nose is stuffed;
  • I'm worried about a runny nose, which cannot be treated, pus is periodically released;
  • the patient constantly wants to swallow mucus flowing down the back wall of the nasopharynx, sometimes he feels a characteristic lump that cannot be swallowed;
  • bothered by headaches, which are localized mainly near the eye sockets, they intensify with intense blinking and weaken when a person lies down;
  • pressure and swelling are felt in the front part of the head and in the cheek area;
  • In the morning the eyelids look swollen(one of the main symptoms);
  • conjunctivitis developseye disease, in which the conjunctiva, or mucous membrane of the eye, becomes inflamed;
  • nasality appears– impaired sound pronunciation due to poor nasal obstruction.

Chronic sinusitis occurs in waves: remission is replaced by exacerbation. An exacerbation is accompanied by a more pronounced manifestation of symptoms:

  • The temperature rises to 37.5 o C;
  • the patient feels chills and general malaise;
  • sneezing appears;
  • the pain becomes more pronounced, especially when a person tilts his head, coughs and sneezes, it radiates to the teeth and the root of the nose.

Types of chronic sinusitis

The forms of the disease are distinguished according to several characteristics:

  • Type of inflammation;
  • localization;
  • source of infection.

Type of inflammation

  • Catarrhal– swelling develops on the mucous membrane, during exacerbations the nose becomes stuffy, discharge is observed, heaviness is felt in the area of ​​the eye sockets and cheeks;
  • chronic purulent sinusitis – pus collects in the maxillary sinus, which is then discharged from the nose;
  • cystic– cysts form in the inflamed sinus;
  • mixed– combines several signs of sinusitis (for example, polyps and pus form simultaneously).


  • Unilateral - the sinus becomes inflamed only on the right or left side;
  • bilateral - the sinuses become inflamed on both sides.

Source of infection

  • Rhinogenic– the disease makes itself felt after a runny nose (rhinitis);
  • hematogenous– an infection enters the sinus cavity;
  • odontogenic– the disease is caused by unhealthy teeth;
  • allergic– the mucous membrane is affected by the allergen;
  • traumatic– the disease appears after injuries near the maxillary sinuses.


To make an accurate diagnosis, a set of the following measures is carried out:

  • Analysis of patient complaints and anamnesis. The doctor clarifies whether the patient experiences nasal congestion, whether there is discharge, whether there is pus and blood in it, whether he has previously suffered from acute sinusitis, whether he has had his teeth treated;
  • carrying out a general inspection. The doctor palpates and taps the patient’s face in the area of ​​the cheeks and forehead; with chronic sinusitis, the patient may experience pain during these manipulations;
  • rhinoscopy. By using special tool the nose is examined. Such an examination allows you to examine the signs of inflammation - swelling, redness, pus, and also to detect some causes of pathology - polyps, anatomical features of the structure of the nasal septum, nasal turbinates;
  • endoscopy- more detailed study of the nasal cavity;
  • radiography. X-rays do not give an accurate result in all cases, but they can detect tumors, determine fluid levels, and examine abnormalities in the structure of the nose. IN in some cases By x-ray manages to distinguish purulent form from catarrhal An alternative is ultrasound examination;
  • CT scan of the paranasal sinuses is carried out during the period of remission and is considered the main method of research for this disease. Using layer-by-layer images, the doctor has the opportunity to examine how extensive the inflammatory process is, what are the structural features of the nose, septum, and sinuses;
  • diagnostic puncture. It is carried out during exacerbation. The patient is injected with a local anesthetic and the wall of the maxillary sinus is pierced with a thin needle in the thinnest place, pus is removed with a syringe through the puncture, and medicine is injected into the vacated cavity;
  • bacteriological culture. Fluid from the nasal sinuses is sown on a nutrient medium to determine the causative agent of the inflammatory process, as well as to select the appropriate antibiotic for treatment;
  • oropharyngoscopy, or an examination of the oral cavity allows you to identify teeth affected by caries and assess the condition of fillings;
  • diaphanoscopy using a Hering light bulb helps in diagnosing inflammation of the maxillary sinus. The examination process is carried out in a dark room. A light bulb is inserted into the patient's mouth and asked to clasp its base with his lips: if there is inflammation, the glow will be less bright than when examining a healthy person.

Treatment of chronic sinusitis without surgery

Conservative treatment includes a wide range of measures. They are carried out both during exacerbation and during remission.


  • Nasal medications are prescribed in the form of sprays with steroid hormones as active component, relieving inflammation. They are highly effective, do not enter the bloodstream, do not change hormonal background and have become widespread;
  • rinsing the nose with saline solutions;
  • macrolide antibiotics have an effect on the pathogen, increase immunity, but are not toxic to the patient;
  • if chronic sinusitis is caused by allergies, treat this disease;
  • shown dental treatment to eliminate the source of infection.

During exacerbation

If the inflammatory process has worsened, more intensive therapy is indicated.

Drug treatment

  • Nasal sprays for a course of 5–7 days;
  • vasoconstrictor drops with antibiotics and steroid hormones. They eliminate swelling, help fluid leave the maxillary sinuses;
  • mucolytic preparations for thinning mucus and cleansing the maxillary sinuses;
  • Antibacterial therapy is carried out for purulent inflammation;
  • restorative drugs.

Vasoconstrictor drugs are used to relieve symptoms. They do not eliminate the infection and have a bad effect on the functioning of the mucous membrane: the self-cleaning mechanism is disrupted and local immunity is weakened.

Chronic sinusitis is diagnosed if inflammation of the mucous membrane cannot be cured for more than 4 weeks.

IN Western countries Such drugs are used extremely rarely. In addition, much attention is paid to the prevention of complications of the common cold, in particular sinusitis, because they develop in 90% of cases if the patient does not receive treatment appropriate for the condition in a timely manner.

Non-drug treatment

Sinus puncture. Allows the patient to quickly relieve pain and improve his general state, enter medicinal product directly to the center of inflammation. The disadvantage is the need for multiple punctures. Sometimes, as an alternative, after the first puncture, a drain is installed to flush the affected cavity.

The treatment also involves a non-puncture method - installation of a YAMIK catheter without damaging the membranes.

As well as washing with medicinal salt preparations, decoctions and infusions of herbs, antiseptics.


In case of exacerbation, physiotherapy methods are aimed at stabilizing the patient’s condition, in case of remission - at stopping (suppressing) the syndrome. Apply:

  • Sollux– light therapy procedure;
  • diathermy– electrotherapy method;
  • ultra-high frequency currents;
  • inhalation.


Many patients find traditional medicine effective. Recommends them and official medicine as an auxiliary line of treatment. Before using any prescription, you should consult your doctor.

It is proposed to use honey cord for the treatment of chronic sinusitis in adults. During exacerbations, it is recommended to chew 1 tablespoon half an hour before eating.

Horseradish root is washed, peeled, and grated on a fine grater. Add the juice of three lemons to a third of a glass of grated horseradish. This paste is taken in the morning, 20 minutes before the first meal, half a teaspoon. Treatment is carried out in spring and autumn.


If conservative methods do not bring the desired result, carry out surgery. Indication for surgical intervention serve:

  • Proliferative processes in the sinus (tissue proliferation);
  • impossibility of performing a puncture;
  • purulent fistulas, gunshot foreign bodies, teeth falling into the sinus;
  • infected neoplasms;
  • intracranial and secondary complications.

In this case, under general anesthesia An endoscopic operation is performed, during which air aeration is restored and anatomical deficiencies are corrected.

Surgeries to remove the mucous membrane, which some clinics offer until now, can result in the sinus no longer being able to perform its functions. In addition, surgery will not prevent future relapses.


In general, the prognosis is favorable if the patient has received appropriate treatment and also complies with preventive measures.

Chronic sinusitis requires compulsory treatment, since infections in the head area sometimes result in intracranial complications and death of the patient.

The risk of sepsis (“blood poisoning”) cannot be excluded, when the pathogen spreads through the bloodstream to other organs.
The following complications are possible:

  • Chronic forms, , (respectively, diseases affecting the mucous membrane of the pharynx, tonsils, larynx);
  • nasolacrimal ducts become inflamed, eyeball and its shell, blindness develops;
  • nasal breathing is disrupted and develops chronic shortage oxygen (hypoxia);
  • become inflamed soft fabrics faces;
  • the infection spreads to the ears, descends into the bronchi and even the lungs,;
  • inflammation of the skull bones with the formation of pus, which require surgical treatment;
  • trigeminal nerve is affected.

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If we go to the ENT department and talk with patients and doctors, it turns out that every third patient is hospitalized with one or another problem that has arisen with the maxillary sinuses. And most often, the cause is an acute or chronic inflammatory process affecting the maxillary sinus, which is called the maxillary sinus, named after the one who first described English doctor Highmore, who lived in mid-17th century century.

  • The scientific name of this sinus is maxillary, or maxillary sinus.

Why are acute and chronic forms of this disease so common? It's all about the inconvenient anatomical location of the sinuses and their proximity. This can be called a kind of clinical and anatomical prerequisites. By the way, thanks to them it is very difficult to cure chronic sinusitis forever, and these are the “culprits”:

  • The outflow of the contents of the maxillary sinus can be carried out in nasal cavity only through the region upper third its wall, which is closer to the midline (doctors say “medial”);
  • On each side, the last four molars on the upper jaw are very close to the sinus. Sometimes their long roots are simply inside it. As a result, during an inflammatory process in the tooth tissue (pulpitis, chronic periodontitis), the process also occurs in the sinus itself.

In some cases, a more general and serious inflammation occurs, in which signs of polysinusitis appear. In this case, the frontal, ethmoid, and also the main (sphenoid) sinus are involved in the process. What are the signs of chronic sinusitis, and how can this condition be determined?

Chronic sinusitis - what is it?

Chronic sinusitis is a sluggish inflammation of the affected maxillary sinus (on one or both sides), which is characterized by alternating exacerbations and remissions.

From such a short and “capacious” definition it follows that the main period during which clear clinical symptoms appear is the period of exacerbation - we will talk about it separately. During the period of remission, the disease may not manifest itself at all.

The cause of any chronic process is initially acute phase. It can be really acute (for example, no one will ever forget in their life). But, in some cases, the first attack may occur half-erased, with unexpressed clinical picture and, then, transform into a chronic process somehow “gradually.” In many ways, this applies to chronic sinusitis in general, and to sinusitis in particular.

Causes of chronic sinusitis is a protracted course acute process, or its frequent repetition, with restructuring of the mucous membrane of the sinus tissue. Important links in the development of the disease are:

  • Decreased local and general immunity;
  • Frequent colds (rhinitis), occurring with microbial contamination of the nasal mucosa;
  • Impaired outflow (decreased drainage function) from the maxillary sinus, with various states(edema, polyposis, deviated nasal septum);
  • Odontogenic factor associated with diseased teeth of the upper jaw.

Of all the listed factors, it is the disruption of the outflow that is the link in the pathogenesis that triggers all the signs and symptoms of chronic sinusitis. Further, when considering treatment methods, it will be seen that only effective drainage can cure this disease.

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis in adults (acute stage)

It is clear that the greatest severity of symptoms of chronic sinusitis in adults occurs during the exacerbation phase. Let's get acquainted with some of them, the most characteristic of this disease. The most common symptoms that occur are:

  • Low-grade fever, almost never exceeding 37.5° C;
  • General health, if it suffers, is insignificant. Perhaps a feeling of weakness, weakness, general malaise, decreased performance;
  • Nasal congestion occurs on the affected side. If the process is bilateral, then during the period of exacerbation there is no nasal breathing;
  • A yellowish-greenish discharge appears.

In most cases, discharge can persist during the period of remission, only its amount will be more meager. If the inflammation has ceased to be serous in nature and has become purulent, then the discharge from the nasal passages becomes bad smell. In the presence of pus, crusts also appear in the nasal passages, which are difficult to blow off and dry out as the disease continues.

In the case of an allergic and serous process, exacerbation of chronic sinusitis is accompanied by the release of liquid secretion. In these forms, fluid accumulating in the sinus cavity causes a pulling, bursting pain when the head is tilted forward.

  • Quite often the process is accompanied by rhinitis. Regular sneezing occurs. Considering that the secretion of secretions from the nasal passages is almost constant, and the inflammation at the time of exacerbation is pronounced, the cheek and even the eyelids may swell. In the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, weeping, maceration may appear, cracks may appear with drying of the crusts. In long-term cases, facial eczema may occur.
  • A characteristic sign of chronic sinusitis is pain syndrome. As a rule, the pain is localized in the face, near the center line, but it can radiate to different departments facial skull, and where other sinuses are located nearby. So, the pain “radiates” to the teeth, on one and both sides, to the base of the nose, and to the forehead area.

For the chronic form, it is uncharacteristic that the pain is localized in the temples, base of the skull, radiates to the back of the head and neck, and also has a one-sided pulsating nature, radiating to the eye. This most often happens when.

  • For sinusitis (especially long-term), the appearance of a nasal voice is typical.

It is necessary to distinguish between “nasal sounds” in diseases of the ENT organs, which is always associated with swelling of the mucous membrane, “restriction” of the airways, and nasal congestion. Also, nasal sound can occur with pronounced adenoid growths. The second variant of nasal sound is “neurological” nasal sound, which is a consequence of decreased tone and peripheral paresis of the pharyngeal muscles.

In the second case, this is a sign bulbar syndrome, indicating damage to the medulla oblongata. Other symptoms indicating the development of bulbar syndrome are dysphagia (swallowing disorder), as well as dysphonia (weakness and hoarseness of voice). If such signs appear in a patient with sinusitis, a consultation with a neurologist is necessary.

  • Almost always, on the affected side, the sense of smell is impaired, up to anosmia, or its complete absence.

In the event that a bilateral process occurs, then a decrease in the sense of smell is one of the first complaints, just as in the presence of bilateral wax plugs in the ear, complaints of hearing loss arise. The mechanism for the appearance of such a symptom of chronic sinusitis is the same - the occurrence of a mechanical obstacle in the passages.

It is important to know that if acute or new-onset sinusitis in an adult continues without significant improvement for more than 3 weeks, then we can talk about protracted process. If the process continues for more than 6 weeks or longer than one and a half months, then the doctor has the right to talk about the chronic form of the disease.

All of the above symptoms are unpleasant and significantly reduce the quality of life. In some cases, complications may develop. If they are not treated promptly, the situation can become significantly more complicated.

Some “sad” scenarios are described in the final section “forecast”.

Treatment of chronic sinusitis without puncture, drugs

Treatment of chronic sinusitis at home comes down to conservative treatment. However, puncture of the maxillary sinus immediately brings significant relief, and subsequent intensive treatment at home allows you to quickly complete the stage of inflammation. But, unfortunately, very often adult patients are terrified of a small operation and agree to do anything to get rid of the disease.

But, as we said above, due to anatomical features location of the maxillary sinus, it is a large reservoir with a difficult drainage system. Therefore, timely and early puncture, with washing with disinfectants and antibacterial drugs can quickly stop the exacerbation of a chronic process that has begun.

And if you do this regularly, you can achieve stable clinical remission. By increasing your immunity, in some cases you can completely get rid of this disease.

First of all, treatment of the symptoms of chronic sinusitis comes down to eliminating possible reasons the appearance of infection. So, you need to sanitize all the teeth located above and behind (4 each on the left and right). If there are polyps in the sinus, they need to be removed, because conservative therapy will be ineffective. And only when The tissues surrounding the sinus are devoid of a source of infection, and treatment of an exacerbation in the sinus itself can be taken.

Classic treatment

Basic principles Effective relief of exacerbations at present are the following:

  • Puncture of the sinus, washing it (for example, with furacillin, a weak solution of potassium permanganate), as well as introducing an antibiotic solution into it wide range actions.

A positive point is also the ability to subject the punctate to bacteriological seeding. As a result, the sensitivity of pathogens to antibiotics will be clearly determined.

  • In addition, during puncture, a solution of special enzymes that are proteolytic - trypsin or chymotrypsin - can be injected into the sinus.

Normally, they are produced, and in the intestines they break down proteins. When introduced into the cavity of the maxillary sinus, they quickly and effectively thin out thickened mucus, which is a long-term source of infection.

  • If a solution of hydrocortisone or prednisolone is injected into the sinus, then as a result of a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, secretion decreases and the volume of serous fluid immediately decreases.

As a result, your health improves and headaches are relieved. Punctures are carried out every other day, and their total number is 8-10 per course, carried out during an exacerbation.

How to do without a puncture?

It must be said that science does not stand still. Currently, it is possible to carry out all of the above manipulations using a special sinus catheter, which is firmly attached (using inflatable cuffs) and goes into the sinus. Therefore, you can do without a puncture.

Of course, for this you need to visit an ENT doctor, but this is much simpler than puncturing the sinus wall.

What to do at home?

If treatment of chronic sinusitis is carried out at home, and there is no indication for puncture or non-puncture drainage of the sinus, then it is recommended:

  • Rinsing the nasal passages with salt water (it has an anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect). “Aquamaris” and preparations based on sea water can be used;
  • Instillation of modern vasoconstrictor drugs. This should not continue for more than 10 days to avoid the development of resistance and thickening of the mucosa. These drugs include: “Nazol”, “Nazivin”. They are made on the basis of oxymetazoline and are long-lasting and gentle. It is not recommended to use “rough” drugs based on naphazoline, such as Naphthyzin. You can use the drugs “Xymelin”, “Otrivin”, based on xylometazoline;
  • With a fading exacerbation of sinusitis, physiotherapy (UHF, magnetic therapy) can be used;
  • As symptomatic treatment apply antihistamines, NSAIDs, special gymnastics aimed at cleaning the nasal passages;
  • An important component of therapy is taking immunomodulatory drugs and sanitation of all lesions chronic infection in organism. It is in this area that the use of various means and achievements of traditional medicine is recommended: mumiyo, propolis, treatment with honey and aloe.

Prognosis and surgery for chronic sinusitis

We touched on the main symptoms and principles of treatment of chronic sinusitis in adults, but the story about “insidious sinuses” does not end there. In some cases, when conservative treatment is ineffective, and puncture or catheter placement is difficult, or the sinus is not completely washed out - surgical treatment may be required.

The operation is relatively minor - the wall of the sinus is opened, and a wide anastomosis is formed, in which the lower nasal passage is connected to the sinus.

  • This event solves the problem of “ventilation” and sinus drainage once and for all. IN in this case full recovery is possible.

In the same case, if the patient resists and refuses the indicated surgical treatment, That chronic form may be complicated by the following conditions:

  • Transition of inflammation to the tonsils, with the appearance of frequent acute and chronic tonsillitis (tonsillitis);
  • Damage to the lacrimal sac is possible, with the development of dacryocystitis in adults. Arises purulent inflammation, lacrimation and swelling, narrowing of the palpebral fissure occurs;
  • At night, due to severe difficulty in nasal breathing, especially in old age, periods of sleep apnea, that is, cessation of breathing, may occur. And this, in turn, can lead to heart rhythm disturbances, and even the appearance of fatal ventricular fibrillation. This may cause sudden death;
  • When the purulent process disseminates (for example, when purulent mucus is swallowed), laryngitis, bronchitis, and even pneumonia may appear. Sepsis may occur, and if the infection spreads into the cranial cavity and breaks through the blood-brain barrier, such dangerous complications, How purulent meningitis and meningoencephalitis.

In conclusion, it must be said that we have listed some complications not at all in order to “scare” patients. All of the above should lead to the idea that the most the right tactics and the strategy for the treatment of chronic sinusitis will be timely sanitation of the maxillary sinus in the form of a course of lavages without puncture, with the installation of a catheter.

All other home methods, in which there is no outlet for the infected contents of the maxillary sinus, are similar to attempts to get rid of unpleasant odor in the refrigerator by wiping the outside.

Chronic sinusitis is a long-term inflammatory process of the maxillary sinus, which, depending on the form and stage, manifests itself in a varied clinical picture. The danger is that in the absence of treatment and erased signs, the disease causes constant intoxication of the body.

Reasons for development

  • Anomalies in the structure of the nasopharynx (deviated nasal septum, hypertrophy of the inferior turbinates, adenoids);
  • Irrational antibiotic therapy and resistant strains of bacteria;
  • Unfavorable external factors(dust, gas, smoke, dry indoor air);
  • History of allergic diseases (chronic allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma);
  • Fungal infestation (candida, molds) with decreased immunity;
  • Chronic infectious diseases of the nose and throat ( chronic tonsillitis, adenoiditis);
  • Odontogenic pathology and foreign bodies in the sinus cavity (filling material);
  • Look detailed analysis each

Among bacteria, most often chronic process H. influenzae, S. pneumoniae and Moraxella catarrhalis are sown in the sinus.

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis depending on the form

Exacerbation of chronic sinusitis occurs in exactly the same way as acute sinusitis. The patient is worried headache, nasal discharge, fever, sinus pain and nasal congestion.

Outside of exacerbation, the nature of the symptoms depends on the form of sinusitis and the characteristics of the body.

Symptoms of purulent form

Main features:

  • Difficulty in nasal breathing to varying degrees;
  • Decreased or absent sense of smell;
  • Recurrent headaches without precise localization;
  • Symptoms of chronic intoxication of the body: lethargy, fatigue, loss of appetite, low-grade fever, increased nervousness;
  • Copious nasal discharge of various nature: mucous, mucopurulent and purulent;
  • Ear congestion;
  • Development of cough due to irritation of the mucous membrane back wall pharynx with constant discharge;
  • Less common is the appearance of lacrimation due to blockage of the nasolacrimal duct.

Symptoms of the odontogenic (dental) form

The lower wall of the maxillary sinus is formed by the alveolar process of the upper jaw. In most people, the roots of the 4th and 5th teeth protrude into the lumen of the sinus, which sometimes are not even covered with mucous membrane. During development pathological processes in the oral cavity, the infection penetrates the sinus and an inflammatory process develops.


  • As a rule, inflammation appears on one side - where the diseased tooth is;
  • The development of the disease may be preceded by a visit to the dentist and treatment of the upper teeth;
  • Does not respond to the standard treatment regimen (antibiotic therapy, sinus lavage) without eliminating dental pathology;
  • Nasal discharge has a specific foul odor.

Symptoms of the fungal form

Washing and disinfection.

Treatment of the disease is carried out using herbs with antiseptic properties: chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort. The nose is washed with a solution prepared from these herbs to remove pathological contents from the sinuses.

They also use plants that increase overall immunity and help the body cope with the infection itself: ginseng root, eleutherococcus, echinacea.


Steam inhalations with potatoes, bay leaves, aloe and other herbs are used to relieve nasal congestion and improve sinus drainage.


You can make an ointment that will help clear your nasal passages. Mix garlic, honey and vegetable oil, the resulting mixture is smeared onto cotton pads and injected into both nostrils for a few minutes.

After this, the turundas are removed and the nose is actively cleaned. This ointment irritates the nasal mucosa and helps get rid of mucus that accumulates in the nose.

Preventive actions

  • Warning colds by strengthening the general immunity of adults and children through normal sleep and rest, hardening, moderate physical activity, and walks in the fresh air;
  • Vaccination against influenza and other infections;
  • Timely sanitation of foci of chronic infection: tonsillitis, rhinitis and adenoiditis;
  • Treatment and prevention of diseases dental system: regular brushing of teeth after meals, use of dental floss, visiting the dentist once a year, treatment of caries, periodontal disease, etc.
  • Control of allergic diseases and elimination of contact with the causative allergen;
  • Creating an optimal temperature and humidity regime in the room, since dryness or excessive moisture of the nasal mucosa disrupts its functioning and makes it difficult to remove mucus and dust particles from the nasal cavity and sinuses. For this purpose, climate control technology can be used;
  • Periodic irrigation or rinsing of the nose with solutions sea ​​salt purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently;
  • Living in an ecologically unfavorable area or area can cause another exacerbation of the disease, so in critical situations you should think about moving to a place with a more favorable environment and climatic conditions;
  • When diagnosing “chronic sinusitis,” you should reconsider the types of sports that a person enjoys. Visiting the pool or swimming can cause infected or chlorinated water to enter the sinus and provoke another exacerbation. Diving, flying, or climbing mountains due to pressure changes sometimes cause exacerbation or development of diseases of the ear, nose, and sinuses.

With a competent approach to prevention, you can achieve a state of stable remission and a noticeable improvement in the quality of life.

On our planet, a huge number of people suffer from diseases respiratory tract. One of these common ailments is sinusitis. There is an opinion that treating this disease at home is impossible. But that's not true.

Hospitals operate in the old established ways. for a long time treatment methods, the most common is puncture. It is not effective and almost always has to be repeated. How to cure chronic sinusitis without surgery completely and at home? This will be discussed below.

Symptoms of sinusitis

Very similar to colds. They are the same in both an adult and a child - elevated temperature body, the appearance of a runny nose, chills, headache and general weakness. With inflammation, there is almost always a feeling that a tooth or forehead hurts. When the disease becomes more complicated, the following symptoms appear: pain in the eyes, redness, and swelling of the eyelids. If the acute illness has not been treated, the disease is likely to develop into chronic stage. In this case, fluid from the nose and a nasal voice will constantly accompany the patient.

If the mucous membrane of the sinuses becomes inflamed, then this disease is called. It occurs mainly in schoolchildren. At untimely treatment the disease will quickly develop into right-sided, left-sided or bilateral sinusitis. If tumors are detected: near the eye, nose, cheek and a severe headache is felt, you should immediately contact a medical facility, because these symptoms may indicate dangerous stage a disease called cystic sinusitis, its treatment cannot be delayed.

Possible complications

Once faced with such symptoms, many begin to understand the danger of this sinus disease, which can easily develop into complications if treatment is not started on time. Complications caused by sinusitis can even be life-threatening. The nasal passages perform protective function and prevent the entry of various infections from environment. The purulent focus that forms during sinusitis provokes the development of diseases such as tonsillitis and pneumonia.

The most terrible complication that can be caused by improper treatment of sinusitis is meningitis. The fact is that the brain is located next to the infectious focus, and if treatment is not started in time, it can easily provoke it terrible disease. After sinusitis is cured, you need to try with all your might to avoid catching a cold, strengthen your immune system in order to create the necessary conditions for a complete and final recovery. If signs of sinusitis reappear, you need to immediately begin treatment so that it does not progress to acute stage. How to cure chronic sinusitis forever? There are many ways to do this, and they really get rid of this disease.

Is it possible to treat sinusitis without surgery at home?

Sinusitis is easy to recognize: a patient with this disease has a constantly stuffy nose, it is difficult for him to breathe and he often has migraines, as well as a fear of light.

To treat sinusitis at home, you need to adhere to a certain number of measures that are aimed at clearing the nasal cavity and maxillary sinuses of mucus with pathogenic microorganisms. In an adult with advanced sinusitis, complications such as secondary infection, the appearance of polyps or a fistula between the nasal septum and the maxillary sinus.

Until quite recently, everyone was sure that advanced stage sinusitis can only be treated by puncturing the maxillary sinuses and then pumping out the pus while in the surgical office.

How to cure chronic sinusitis completely without surgery? Today it is already possible to treat this disease at home with just 2 groups simple methods: applying medications and using folk remedies for treatment.

Conservative treatment methods

The early stage of the disease is effectively treated with nasal drops. You need to choose them very carefully: drugs that have a constricting effect on blood vessels should not be used for more than 5 days without a break, so that there is no addiction and side effects.

This medicine It is appropriate to use during an exacerbation of the disease, when nasal congestion prevents the patient from sleeping normally.

Drops can be effective in the fight against sinusitis if they are combined with other drugs, such as antibiotics, ointments. Such treatment will bring rapid positive results and will help avoid complications caused by this disease.

Nasal drops for sinusitis

Drops and sprays are used only after the nasal passages have been cleared. To do this, you need to blow your nose and then rinse your nostrils with saline solution. the main task drops in the nose in the treatment of sinusitis is to remove swelling of the mucous membrane of the sinuses, have an antibacterial effect and allow you to breathe freely.

The following drops or sprays should be used to treat sinusitis:

  • "Nazol."
  • "Oxymetazoline."
  • "Pinosol."
  • "Leconil."

These drugs should be used 3 times a day, 2-3 drops or spray. After a few days, air will begin to pass easily through the nose, congestion will decrease, and swelling will subside.


Even if sinusitis is treated at home, taking antibiotics without a doctor’s recommendation is not recommended. The specialist will prescribe antibiotics belonging to the amoxicillin group. Their goal is to destroy the bacteria that provoked the disease. The most effective:

  • "Amoxil".
  • "Flemoxina Solutab"
  • "Ospamox".

These drugs are all in the same group. Their dosage is prescribed only by the doctor; he can, based on each individual case, determine the duration of taking the drugs, since chronic sinusitis can be treated for a long time.

Simanovsky ointment

In some cases, patients with chronic runny nose and sinusitis are credited with having an anti-inflammatory effect. This ointment is not sold in pharmacies; it must be prepared according to the prescription prescribed by the doctor. It should be used after the pus has been removed from the nose, rinsing it with a solution of chamomile or furatsilin. Next, drops that have a vasoconstrictor effect are instilled into the nose. Afterwards, cotton swabs lubricated with ointment should be placed in the nostrils and while breathing through the mouth. A few minutes for this procedure will be enough.

How to cure chronic sinusitis with folk remedies

Folk methods and remedies help well initial stage diseases. But how to cure chronic sinusitis without surgery completely? To treat this disease at home, in any case, you will need not only consultation with a specialist, but also his supervision. There are many ways that can treat sinusitis without resorting to surgery. They are effective and do not cause any harm. How to cure chronic sinusitis at home? A question that interests many. This is possible, but you need to remember that with any slight deterioration in the condition, you must not hesitate and contact a specialist.

Treatment of sinusitis with bay leaves

How to completely cure chronic sinusitis without surgery? Using an ancient method - bay leaf treatment - this disease can be completely cured. Even dry bay leaves are an excellent disinfectant and germ-killing agent. They strengthen immune system body and relieve all symptoms of sinusitis.

Treatment is carried out as follows:

  • You need to take two bay leaves and put them in a glass with hot water, boil them, and apply a napkin soaked in this broth to the forehead and bridge of the nose.
  • It is necessary to hold it until it cools down, then moisten it again in the solution and apply until the entire solution has cooled.
  • During the procedure, the head should be covered with a warm, preferably knitted cloth to retain heat.

Treatment with bay leaves should be carried out shortly before going to bed, for 6 days.

Treatment of chronic sinusitis with aloe

How can you cure chronic sinusitis with the help of this plant? Quite simply, this method also has ancient roots and it helps. Aloe juice has an antimicrobial effect and promotes rapid healing of the source of infection.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to cure chronic sinusitis forever with the help of aloe? After a course of treatment it will disappear, but it takes a lot of time to get rid of chronic sinusitis.

After a course of treatment with aloe juice, the disease will disappear forever and will no longer bother you. But in order to get rid of chronic sinusitis, a long period of time is needed.

Aloe juice is sold in any pharmacy, it is enriched with iron and is sold in the form of syrup. Some people have this plant at home and can squeeze the juice out of the leaves themselves.

You need to know that aloe is beginning to possess beneficial properties, when it becomes older than 3 years. The juice should be instilled into both nostrils, 3-5 drops at least 3 times a day. To achieve a greater effect from the treatment, you can add honey or a decoction of celandine to the juice and try to instill the resulting solution more often.

For better penetration medicinal composition You need to drip it while lying down.

Treatment of sinusitis using inhalation

Chronic sinusitis can be cured with inhalation. It is very effective for this disease. Substances with medicinal properties, when sprayed into small particles are able to penetrate into the most deep places respiratory tract, due to which they are quickly absorbed into the blood and easily remove mucus and phlegm.

After the inhalation procedure, you should not talk or eat food at home for 1 hour. If you break this rule, the treatment will not be beneficial. Clothing during inhalation should be light and not obstruct breathing. The procedure can be carried out at home; you only need a teapot with a narrow neck.

Let's sum it up

People often wonder: is it possible to cure chronic sinusitis forever? Before you start treating sinusitis at home various methods, be it medications, drops, inhalation or folk remedies, first of all you need to understand the seriousness and danger of this disease. You cannot start treatment at home without consulting a specialist. It should help determine which of the methods in a particular case can provide the desired effectiveness of therapy, after which you can begin to get rid of sinusitis without resorting to surgery. Any infusions or juices from plants must be tested and have high effectiveness, otherwise it can only make matters worse.

Many people are interested in the question: how to cure chronic sinusitis? Reviews about home treatment folk remedies mostly positive. Many people did not have to spend time but managed to stop the disease and forget about sinusitis forever. Those who have had a puncture say that the disease reappears quite quickly with the first cold; this technique is not effective. Is it possible to cure chronic sinusitis without resorting to a puncture? You just need to choose the right technique together with a specialist.

Traditional methods of treatment are more effective than piercing, but only with the right approach to the procedures.