How to find out if a dog has mastitis. Mastitis in dogs: how it manifests itself, what to do, how to treat. Common clinical signs of mastitis in dogs

After your dog has whelped, it requires special care. Including her mammary glands, since they experience a huge load during this period. Enough unpleasant disease, arising during this period – . Although the disease is sometimes not associated with the birth of offspring. So what should you do if your dog has mastitis?

Causes of mastitis

The impetus for the development of the disease can be one or a combination of the following factors:

  • bacteria that entered the mammary gland through injury, most often occurs during the feeding period of puppies;
  • excess milk, its retention in the glands;
  • blockage of the nipples;
  • genitourinary, gastric, intestinal infections;
  • hypothermia, overheating;

Symptoms of mastitis

  1. The mammary glands turn red, swell, and harden.
  2. The temperature rises.
  3. The dog becomes lethargic and refuses to eat.
  4. Milk is secreted mixed with pus and blood.

Treating mastitis in dogs at home

Mastitis in dogs can be treated at home with medications and folk remedies. For example, you can use the following methods:

  • washing the nipples with water infusions of chamomile and calendula;
  • taking antibiotics, for example, bicillin-3 at a dose of 15,000-20,000 units. for every kilogram of the dog's weight;
  • the use of a short novocaine blockade with a 0.5% novocaine solution in an amount of 5-20 ml in the connecting space between each diseased package and abdominal wall;
  • at the stage when the inflammation has subsided, warm poultices and warm compresses are used, but only if there is no purulent inflammation, otherwise there is a risk of opening an abscess and worsening the situation;
  • The drug Mastomerin is widely known - it restores the function of the endometrium and mammary gland, stops inflammatory process, it is used together with Travmatin intramuscularly or subcutaneously in a dose of 1-2 ml (course - 3-5 injections).

If you see that all the medical measures you provide do not lead to positive results, you need to contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. You will probably have to solve the problem surgically followed by treatment with antimicrobial ointments and emulsions.

Just like people, they periodically need medical care. There are also periods in the life of four-legged animals when the body is slightly weakened, and the pet requires special care. This is especially true for bitches after - most often they suffer from mastitis, therefore, owners need to know how this manifests itself and also what needs to be done if it has already been detected.

What kind of disease is this

It's nothing more than inflammation of the mammary glands, manifested in acute or chronic form. In the vast majority of cases, the disease manifests itself in postpartum period or during the so-called false pregnancy(during which the glands actively secrete milk).

The source of the lesion is inguinal mammary glands. It is into their ducts that pathogens most often enter: streptococci or anaerobes, including E. coli. Invasion of microbes is facilitated by abrasions or scratches on the skin or nipple canals. Another factor that accelerates their penetration is constant proximity to heat sources.

Important! Manifestations of mastitis can be seen in sexually mature dogs absolutely of different ages. But older individuals endure it much harder than their young relatives.

Animals with marked stagnation of milk (lactostasis).

Causes of inflammation of the mammary glands

Reasons for starting dangerous disease are:

  1. Gland injuries - hungry people can scratch the nipple with their claws.
  2. Weaning puppies too early against the background of increased lactation, which leads to stagnation. It can also appear after an unsuccessful birth that ends in the death of the fetus.
  3. False pregnancy. It happens that after fertilization does not occur. With this development of events, within 1.5-2 months the body still adjusts to childbirth, and hormonal imbalance leads to increased milk secretion.
  4. Postpartum genital tract infections or general intoxication caused by fetal retention, endometritis or gastrointestinal dysfunction.
  5. Blockage of flow channels.
  6. Genetic predisposition (yes, the disease can plague entire generations).
  7. Poor living conditions for the animal. Unsanitary conditions come to the fore here, although mastitis can be caused by prolonged stress or temperature disturbances.

To this list we can add one more, quite rare, but no less dangerous factor - contact with the surface of the gland. chemical compositions(washing powder, various solutions, paint, etc.). They deeply irritate the mucous layer.

Any of the above reasons can lead to penetration of dangerous pathogens onto the mucous layer. Microorganisms, having “caught” on a milk bag damaged or weakened by other ailments, enter its channels. It is these paths that become foci of infection: such an environment with its warmth and humidity is ideal for microbes. Having become accustomed to this area, they give rise to inflammation.

How does the disease manifest itself?

The main signs of mastitis in a sick dog are immediately noticeable - these are enlargement of the mammary glands or a single lobe. The inflamed glands noticeably turn red, and upon palpation, hardening of the lobes and a noticeable increase in their temperature are clearly felt.

The dog itself reacts extremely nervously to attempts to probe the inflamed area - twitches or whines in pain. Leaving her alone, you can notice how she periodically licks the sore spot.

Veterinarians call all these manifestations local symptoms, which, depending on their dynamics, determine the course of the disease (acute or chronic).

But mastitis in a dog can also have more specific symptoms, which allow us to talk about a specific form of the disease and thus prescribe appropriate treatment.

Important! Symptoms initial form mastitis (that is, before the lobes increase) is in many ways similar to the manifestations of other diseases, in particular cystitis. In this case, only a doctor who has the examination results will make a verdict.

The nature of inflammation may be as follows:

  • catarrhal. Essentially, this is the initial stage when the milk mass is slightly diluted with mucus. After some time, this development of the disease gives way to a more dangerous one;
  • fibrinous. When pressed, fibrin threads are released from the tubules in the form of dense, white and sticky “taffy”;
  • serous. At the same time, the liquid accumulated inside the glands (exudate) also comes out with the milk;
  • purulent. From the name it is clear that the additive consists of particles of pus (often mixed with blood). The milk changes color and becomes bad smell. It contains threads or small pieces of yellow or white color;
  • another one is associated with the discharge of pus clinical form- phlegmonous mastitis. The pathogenic mass accumulates in the subcutaneous layer and circulates through the fiber. Gradually expanding, such a focus reaches the milk;
  • The gangrenous variety is considered the most dangerous: with extensive damage, the tissue of the mammary glands slowly dies, thereby starting the process of decomposition;
  • the most rare is the abscess scenario(pus is collected in a separate capsule and may not come out for a long time).

To avoid such difficulties, it is better Take your pet to the veterinarian immediately.

Did you know? Excessive care of owners sometimes brings their pets to abnormal sizes. For example, a representative of the line with the nickname Cassie weighs 58 kg (the norm is 14 kg) - the owners simply could not refuse a dog that was constantly asking for more.

When to contact a veterinarian

If you notice that pus or other fluids appear along with the milk, immediately send the animal to the clinic or call a specialist at home.

Although any disorder affecting the milk lobes may be a reason for a visit to the doctor. It is not at all necessary to wait for a full-fledged “blister” to appear - even a tiny wound or scratch, left by a puppy.

Having noticed such microtrauma, pay attention to the dog’s behavior. The following should cause concern:

  • sudden loss of appetite;
  • lethargy and excessive sleepiness;
  • increased body temperature;
  • limited movement (adynamia), in which the animal tries to move as little as possible so as not to cause pain. The very nature of movement also changes - the gait becomes unbalanced.
These signs require Immediate consultation with a veterinarian. Due to their general nature, they can indicate other diseases, but the risk of developing mastitis should not be excluded.


Arsenal diagnostic methods in the case of mastitis, it is small and depends on the dynamics of the disease, as well as the general condition of the individual.

In the early stages, when the owners and the doctor only began to suspect problems with milk cartons, appointed general analysis blood. Often everything is limited to it - just look at the decoding, in particular, the ESR indicator (erythrocyte sedimentation rate). If this figure is higher than normal, there is evidence of inflammation.

Important! Blood samples from animals are usually taken in the morning, before medications and procedures are administered. In addition, doctors need to know what medications were taken shortly before the analysis - different formulations can lower or, conversely, increase the content of blood cells and other blood elements.

If your pet’s health is of serious concern, but it has not reached the point of severe manifestations such as enlarged glands, biochemical analysis is recommended, allowing to identify or exclude other diseases.

It happens that such tests do not bring clarity. Then hardware techniques are used - radiography and ultrasound.

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, the presence of bright symptoms or discharge that are unpleasant for the dog only makes the task easier for veterinarians. In such cases, it is enough to laboratory analysis milk with impurities.

After receiving all the necessary data the veterinarian finally clarifies the picture of the disease and determines How will mastitis found in a dog be treated?

How to treat mastitis in a dog

At primary stage it all starts with tight bandaging: the mammary gland is tightly bandaged for 1-2 days. At the same time, carefully express milk (1, maximum 2 times a day). Please note that it is better to avoid preheating - it is unknown what effect it will give.

Did you know? St. Bernard Bamse is one of the legendary dogs that lived in Norway. During the war, the dog served on a minesweeper, periodically breaking up fighting sailors. Moreover, the tailed creature has saved at least two lives.

This treatment for mastitis is carried out at home, and if the dog continues to experience alarming symptoms, proceed to therapy.

It comes down to:

  • laser treatment sessions(2-5 approaches lasting 1-2 minutes each);
  • novocaine blockade. A solution of novocaine 0.5% (5-20 ml) is injected between the base of the nipple and the peritoneal wall. This technique is used only in the treatment of catarrhal and purulent lesions that have not had time to spread to healthy bags. To consolidate the result, after 2-3 days you can introduce “Bicillin-3”;
  • injections, for which antibiotics are used to help with various types of mastitis in dogs. So, with background disorders of the gastrointestinal tract or genitourinary system take "Sulfamethox", while for individuals with problem skin or bacterial lesions, Cephalexin is suitable. Their action can be supported by compounds from a number of penicillins or quinolones;
  • taking anti-inflammatory drugs, of which “Mastometrin” stands out. This colorless liquid not only localizes the source of infection, but also restores the functionality of the mammary glands. It is administered subcutaneously, up to 2 ml. In total there should be from 3 to 5. Once a day, this product can be mixed with (directly into one syringe);
  • use of immunomodulators. They can be like broad action(“Immunofan”, “Phosphoprenil”), and specific ones, such as gamma globulin, which suppresses staphylococcus;
  • local use of special compounds. Most often, recipes for dogs indicate an ointment or cream like “Zorka” and “DE”, “Phytoelite” or “De Long”, which also help get rid of mastitis.

Physiotherapeutic methods also play a significant role - compresses, massage, ultrasound procedures.

Inflammation that has progressed to severe purulent stage, requires more radical measures: everything goes towards surgery.

The dog's abscess is opened under anesthesia, after which drainage is done (this is how rotted tissue elements are removed). In particular difficult cases all gland is removed. At the end of the operation, treatment with antibacterial emulsions or ointments and suturing are performed. A blanket is put on the problem area - it will prevent the dog from licking the wound.

Naturally, for a sick pet peace must be ensured. The diet is being revised to increase the proportion of vitamin complexes.

It is not advisable to isolate the dog from the puppies during treatment: after all, she is a mother, and forced resettlement can result in even more stress for her. True, the offspring will have to be transferred to artificial nutrition: It is impossible for the bacteria contained in milk to enter a fragile body.

As you can see, the treatment process is The event is quite complex. In this regard, let us remind you that self-medication is inadmissible (only the attending veterinarian has the right to prescribe medications, the norms for taking them, as well as procedures).

Did you know? Zoologists are confident that the domestication of dogs took ancient people about 1000 years. This is the only case when people were able to completely tame a predator (the ancestor of modern animals was the wolf).

Popular traditional methods V in this case do not always give results, moreover - often they only make things worse. For example, many owners, upon seeing a swollen gland, immediately take up compresses. Meanwhile, heating the inflamed tissue only accelerates the spread of bacteria and provokes rupture of the abscess.

Approximately the same situation applies to the available medicine used for mastitis in dogs. camphor oil. Its use is allowed only at first, and only if the dog does not experience severe pain.
In general, from the owner of a sick animal It will require not only patience, but also prudence.

Possible complications

By violating the treatment regimen or using low-quality drugs, you can trigger much more serious “malfunctions” in the body’s functioning.

The inflammatory nature of mastitis has also become apparent in possible complications.

Mainly systemic sepsis involving a large volume of tissue various organs. The genitourinary and gastrointestinal systems are the first to be affected.

In difficult cases, it can even lead to gangrene - the pathogens move to other areas of the peritoneal skin.

Important! Be sure to check purchased medications for release date and compatibility with other medications.

The list of potential complications also includes peptic ulcer, chronic diarrhea(or constipation), partial kidney or liver dysfunction.

However, the risk of their appearance when timely treatment minimal - veterinarians give a favorable prognosis.


Naturally, it is better to prevent such diseases than to treat them. And knowing some simple things will help with this preventive measures.They are really simple and effective:

  1. Immediately after birth, regularly examine your dog’s mammary glands, remembering to gently palpate them. In case of false pregnancy, they are tightly bandaged (thereby preventing the accumulation of milk).
  2. If you notice a subtle lump, massage the area.
  3. To avoid stagnation, you will have to express the remaining milk after each feeding.
  4. If any nipple seems enlarged, it is better to attach the largest puppy with a good appetite to it.
  5. Offspring aged 2 weeks and older have their claws carefully trimmed so they do not injure the mother. Although it happens that cubs still manage to scratch the gland - immediately treat it with an antiseptic.
  6. Keep the dog's area clean (change the bedding in a timely manner, wash the bowls without letting them spoil, change them in a timely manner). Make sure that the dog lies in a secluded place where there are no drafts and certainly no particles of dirt falling from shoes.

Did you know? How separate species dogs were identified only in 1758, when Carl Linnaeus added a line with the name to his classification« Canis familiaris» .

It’s good if the owner has a little free time to periodically take the pet to the veterinarian for a routine examination.

We found out why dogs get mastitis, what forms does it take this disease and how it is treated. We hope these problems will not affect your pets - that’s what prevention is for. Let four-legged animals delight you with their healthy appearance!

Mastitis in dogs is a very unpleasant and sometimes dangerous disease that must be treated promptly. What are the reasons for the development of this disease? How to recognize its symptoms? How to cure mastitis at home?

Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland, which can be either acute or chronic. Typically, this disease occurs in dogs that have recently given birth, as well as in animals that have suffered a false pregnancy.

Mastitis is dangerous because it causes very severe pain in the dog, and in advanced cases can lead to the development of an abscess and even gangrene. The animal refuses food, it general state getting worse.

Causes of the disease and risk group

At risk are those dogs that are kept on dirty, unclean bedding and in cold rooms. Here The main reasons for the development of mastitis:

  • Birth of dead puppies or weaning of the entire litter. In this case, milk accumulates in the dog’s mammary glands, which begins to stagnate. Also, stagnation can form due to intensive lactation.
  • . Many owners have experienced this phenomenon. False pregnancy occurs in some dogs after the end of estrus. It may be accompanied by the formation of milk in the mammary glands, which leads to stagnation and mastitis during false pregnancy in a dog.
  • Genetic predisposition. If your dog's ancestors had this disease, there is a high probability that it will also appear in their descendants.
  • Breast injury. While suckling, puppies may scratch delicate skin the mother's udder, and through these damages bacteria enter inside, leading to the development of mastitis.
  • Hypothermia, infections, gastrointestinal diseases and intoxication of the body.

Dirty bedding and lack of care often lead to mastitis in dogs.

Symptoms of mastitis and the course of the disease

The main symptom of mastitis in a lactating dog is hot and enlarged mammary glands. The skin on them turns red, when you feel it, you can see that the udder is hardening. Greenish or yellowish impurities may appear in milk. In severe cases, blood comes out of the nipple along with colostrum.

The dog becomes lethargic, refuses to eat, breathes heavily. Often with mastitis. It is very important to quickly help the animal.

Treating mastitis in dogs at home

What to do and how to treat mastitis in a dog? On early stage disease You can get by with a light massage of the damaged mammary gland and cool compresses (sometimes replaced with cabbage leaves). If there are no foreign impurities in the milk, try to apply the puppy to the sore nipple more often.

If mastitis has developed in a dog that does not feed its babies, tie tightly with a clean cloth or mammary glands(make sure that the animal can move and breathe freely), you can additionally treat the udder with anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as undergo a course of treatment with Mastomethrin (carefully read the instructions before use).

Be sure to keep a dog suffering from mastitis on clean bedding. Eliminate any drafts, give the animal water clean water. Wash the mammary glands with chamomile solutions, do a light massage, and gently dissolve stagnant milk.

Mastitis can be avoided if you follow the following preventive measures:

  • if your dog will not participate in breeding, it is recommended to sterilize it before the onset of its first heat (optimal age 7-8 months), this will save the animal from possible false pregnancy in the future;
  • keep your pregnant and lactating dog clean;
  • monitor the condition of the nursing mother’s udder: immediately treat all wounds and cracks with a solution of chlorhexidine or furatsilin;
  • trim the nails of all puppies, as they can severely scratch the mother's mammary glands;
  • If the puppies are stillborn or die, immediately begin to tightly bandage the dog's udder.

Not only for the mother, but also for newborn puppies, mastitis in dogs can cause many problems. Inflammation in the mammary gland or in their entirety is an insidious disease that, if ignored, can provoke the death of a pet. It is important to recognize mastitis in a dog in time; treatment at home is successful with timely assistance to the animal. The owner should know what to do if the dog has mastitis and is depressed.

Mastitis is almost always caused by the activation of pathogenic microflora - staphylococci, coupled with anaerobic bacteria - clostridia and/or E. coli. Microbes penetrate inside either through the open channel of the nipple (after feeding the puppies), or through microdamage to the dermis - scratches, wounds, abrasions, bites. When pathogenic microflora enters an environment with ideal living conditions, the bitch develops purulent mastitis.

Predisposing factors that increase the chances of developing mastitis are:

Other reasons that cause the development of mastitis in four-legged animals include:

Symptoms of canine mastitis

Canine mastitis is classified as a disease of the reproductive system that affects the nipple area.

Pathogenic changes in the mammary glands have bright external signs. In particular, the changes concern the appearance of the nipples and nearby skin. The external characteristics of the disease in dogs are:

The main symptom of mastitis is that the dog’s mammary glands have a changed appearance on the outside. Pressing on the nipples causes discomfort in an animal, provokes pain, and can cause refusal to feed offspring. The milk released from the nipples changes its structure, becoming watery, with the presence of impurities of ichor or purulent contents. It becomes gray, yellowish, brown and even greenish in hue, flaky. There may be an increase in general temperature, a decrease in the phases of active wakefulness, lethargy and apathy in the pet.

Types of mastitis in dogs

The inflammatory process occurring in the mammary gland is divided into types depending on the nature of the course - acute and systematic.

The following forms are recognized as independent varieties:

It can be very difficult to determine on your own what kind of mastitis a dog has developed: the doctor must name the symptoms and treatment. visual inspection is not enough, it is necessary to analyze the contents and assess the degree of damage to the nipple.

The catarrhal form of the disease does not yet allow an inexperienced owner to notice the manifestations of mastitis in a pet. In this type of disease, the secretion from the gland is secreted with mucus. If treatment for mastitis in dogs is not started immediately, catarrhal form will turn into a more complex one - serous or catarrhal-purulent.

The serous form is characterized by the release of exudate simultaneously with milk. This type of inflammation does not yet make it possible to determine the diagnosis by the nature of the secreted secretion without diagnostics, although the clinic is already noted to be characteristic of that which occurs with mastitis.

Fibrinous inflammation is characterized by the release of fibrin threads (white in color and dense strands) from the gland duct.

The purulent stage is characterized by the release of pus. It can represent threads or pieces of a light yellow hue. Milk can change not only its color, but its taste and smell. At this stage, it is contraindicated to allow mothers to feed babies from the affected lobe.

The phlegmonous stage is characterized by subcutaneous localization of pus, pouring it inside the dermis. Milk does not contain pus, but soon it will be poisoned by bacteria that will reach the glandular lobes.

The abscess form is described by the appearance of an abscess on the damaged gland. One good thing is that this type of inflammation of the mammary gland is not detected so often.

The gangrenous form, in which the gland tissue dies and decomposes, is considered the most terrible and final.

Help with mastitis in your pet

Before treating mastitis in a dog, it is important to understand the seriousness of the situation. Indeed, in 100% of cases, it is pathogenic microorganisms that cause mastitis in a dog - treatment without the use of antibiotic medications will help little. However, only a veterinary specialist should decide which injections to give.

At the very beginning of the development of the pathology, when a proper examination has not yet been carried out, it is possible to treat mastitis in a dog at home by heating the gland,
expressing milk from the damaged lobe (not completely), applying a tight bandage.

Warming procedures are possible only for catarrhal and serous forms of the disease. Treatment is strictly contraindicated purulent mastitis in a dog, as well as phlegmonous, abscessing or gangrenous by heating the inflamed areas of the glands.


Your veterinarian may initially prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics. After reviewing the research results, he will prescribe a different medicine.

In addition, the doctor will prescribe immunostimulants, and, if necessary, antipyretics, antihistamines, and pain relievers. When an animal's mastitis is accompanied by stress (for example, in a situation where all offspring die), the doctor may recommend taking antidepressants. In what cases and whether glycine can be given to a dog, the doctor will definitely advise you.

From various dangerous diseases Pets also suffer. For example, dogs often develop mastitis. This is not just inflammation of the lobes of the mammary gland, but a very serious progressive disease that can significantly undermine the health of the animal or even lead to fatal outcome. Therefore, owners should pay special attention to their pet and under no circumstances ignore warning signs. If the mammary gland has changed in any way, then you should consult a veterinarian on this issue as soon as possible. He will tell you why this happened and what to do in such a situation.

Generally self-treatment mastitis in dogs at home is acceptable, but only if the disease is not in an advanced state. A initial stages disease It is very easy to miss, since its classic external signs are often completely absent.

Features of the disease

Inflammation of the mammary gland in dogs can be either acute or chronic. In most cases, the disease affects dogs that have recently given birth, or if they have suffered a false pregnancy. The disease causes in pets severe pain, and, in addition, greatly worsens their general condition.

There are several types of mastitis. The symptoms of the disease and the choice of appropriate treatment depend on this. To correctly determine the type of disease in your dog, you should carefully examine the mammary gland, assess the degree of its damage and the quality of the contents. Of course, this must be done extremely carefully, so as not to harm the animal severe pain .

Treat yourself Without any dangerous consequences for the animal, only catarrhal mastitis is allowed. You can even use folk remedies for this.


First of all, it is worth understanding the main causes of the disease. This list includes:

It should be noted that in nulliparous bitches, inflammation in most cases develops precisely against the background of a false pregnancy. Deal with the problem yourself In such a situation, the owners will not succeed. You definitely need to contact veterinarian. The animal requires complex treatment, which will include not only hormonal, but also anti-inflammatory drugs. If inflammation during a false pregnancy occurs constantly in a dog, most likely, a specialist will recommend a sterilization procedure.

In addition, mastitis more often develops in pets after a recent birth if the owners do not carefully monitor the hygiene of the animal itself and its nest. Special attention must be given to the birth box. It should be a spacious structure with dry, warm and clean filling.

Only the mother should be in the same room with newborn puppies. Other dogs should not be allowed near the babies and the bitch in the first days. Daily in the room With puppies, you need to carry out wet cleaning with a mandatory change of bedding in order to monitor the color and intensity of the pet’s discharge by the spots on it.

It is very important to wash your dog every day for the first time after giving birth. You cannot enter a room with newborn puppies wearing dirty street clothes or shoes. Before contact with babies and their mother, you must wash your hands thoroughly.


It is important for every owner to know signs of mastitis in a dog. They will help you notice the problem at a very early stage and begin treatment on time. In order not to miss the first symptoms, you need to be extremely attentive to your pet - regularly inspect and feel the nipples with clean hands. This should be done especially often immediately after birth and throughout the period the dog is feeding puppies.

If there is inflammation in the nipple area, it becomes harder and hotter to the touch, and also swells noticeably. Small cracks may appear on the skin. If the animal is light-colored, then it is easy to see obvious redness in the affected area. Also from a sore nipple more viscous, thick milk is released.

In severe cases, the following symptoms appear:

  1. The nipple becomes very hot and painful.
  2. The animal does not allow you to touch its belly.
  3. The milk changes color to yellow or greenish, and impurities of blood and pus may be seen in it.
  4. Body temperature rises.
  5. The dog generally feels bad: it becomes apathetic, lethargic, refuses to eat and drinks a lot.

Often a pet running forms mastitis begins to be rude to her puppies. The thing is that during feeding she experiences severe pain, so she tries with everything possible ways get rid of it. In some cases bitches They even refuse the litter completely.


The choice of treatment regimen depends on what form of mastitis the dog develops and what stage it is at. In any case, it is best to consult with a specialist about the procedures and medications necessary for the animal.

Mild form of the disease

If mastitis appears in a dog, treatment at home is only permissible if: mild form diseases. At this stage, a light massage of the problematic lobe of the mammary gland, a cool compress and herbal lotions are usually sufficient. All this can be easily organized at home. Best for compress choose chilled cabbage leaf, which quickly and effectively relieves inflammation. The main thing is to pierce it with a knife in several places before applying it so that the vegetable releases juice. Raspberry leaves, chamomile and calendula decoction are perfect for lotions.

If the dog is feeding babies, then the puppies should also be applied to the sore nipple. This will rid the bitch of excess milk and generally speed up the healing process. If mastitis did not appear during lactation, then the nipples are wrapped rather tightly, but carefully, with a sterile bandage. In this case, the animal must breathe freely and move around as usual. Any anti-inflammatory ointment can also be used. For example, Gamabiol or Fitolita balm intended for nipples. The main thing is not to forget that the composition of the ointment can be dangerous for puppies, so there is no need to treat the problem area with the drug immediately before feeding.

Acute forms of the disease

It is important to remember that that some forms of mastitis require urgent emergency treatment. For example, when acute course purulent variant, the animal can die in just a few days if it does not receive the qualified help it needs. With this form of the disease, it is necessary to exclude from the animal’s menu (or at least reduce portions) any dairy products, soups and liquid cereals. All of these options stimulate milk production. If mastitis does not appear during lactation, then the bitch requires complete comprehensive examination which will allow us to establish the exact causes of the disease . It is carried out exclusively V veterinary clinic experienced specialists.

As noted above, when purulent mastitis Feeding puppies is unacceptable. The milk is contaminated and can be dangerous for babies. Under such conditions, the babies are completely transferred to artificial feeding. Owners should not worry too much about this, because today in specialized stores you can purchase very high-quality formulas for feeding newborn puppies that will not worsen their health.

So that the mother can calmly care for her offspring, she should be wearing a tight blanket, which will make infected milk inaccessible to even the most active, dexterous babies. If the animal’s pain is very severe, then the doctor may prescribe a novocaine blockade once every three days, which will help significantly alleviate the bitch’s condition.

Before final course selection treatment, a specialist must test the fluid from the nipples for sensitivity to antibiotics. This will help you choose the most effective and safe medications for your animal. Usually, in addition to antibiotics for mastitis in dogs, immunostimulants are also prescribed, which help strengthen and maintain the body's protective functions.

Often, injections of mastomethrin and traumatin are chosen in various forms to treat the disease under discussion. These are modern medications that quickly restore the function of the endometrium and mammary gland, and, in addition, relieve inflammation. The injection is given once a day. Both drugs can even be combined (in particularly advanced cases) dangerous cases). The full course of therapy is 3-5 days.

If necrosis or abscesses are detected in the dog, then the affected tissue will need to be surgically removed, and the abscesses will need to be opened and thoroughly treated with an antiseptic. Of course, such procedures should never be carried out independently at home. They should only be carried out by an experienced veterinarian.