How to indicate personal qualities in a resume. negative qualities in a resume for a secretary. Assessment of positive qualities

Resume (CV)- this is your business card, the correct composition of which determines whether you get the job you want or not. It is very important to approach writing a resume responsibly, because it can be the decisive factor in hiring you for a job.

In this article, we will look at specific skills and abilities for a resume, and also give you tips and recommendations for correctly filling out these resume fields. At the end of the article you can download a standard resume template.

If you are interested in the question, you can read more about it in the article.

Education, experience, positions held in previous positions are mandatory parts of a CV. It is unacceptable to write a good resume without describing the most important skills of a specialist. You need to describe these skills in such a way that a potential boss has an irresistible desire to hire not just anyone, but you.

1. Key skills and abilities for a resume

Those key skills that are reflected in your resume will definitely become the object of attention from the employer. Previous work experience and education will not always be able to reveal information about the skills that you possess.

The correct approach to filling out this section of your resume will allow the employer to understand, even without personal communication, that you are exactly who he needs.

There are no common core skills that are suitable for any job or profession. Those who cannot formulate their own professional strengths can indicate the following skills and abilities:

  • abilities for interpersonal business communication;
  • organization and planning of working time;
  • attention to detail;
  • analytical skills necessary to find solutions to problem situations;
  • showing flexibility;
  • management skills
  • business leadership skills.

Don't forget that an employer may only require some of these skills, which he usually specifies in his own job offer. It is much easier to reformulate the employer's requirements into your key skills.

2. Skills and abilities for sellers, consultants, secretaries, bank employees...

Applicants for sales positions, managers and consultants, as well as other positions that require regular communication with people, can indicate as their own skills and abilities:

  • having successful experience in sales;
  • time management skills;
  • grammatically correct speech, ability to persuade;
  • effective communication skills;
  • finding an approach to the client and reaching compromises;
  • ability to learn and perceive information;
  • the ability to listen to the interlocutor and give him competent advice;
  • display of tact and tolerance;
  • creativity.

If you have information that the employer cooperates with foreign clients, knowledge of foreign languages ​​will be your advantage. Be sure to indicate this on your resume.

Service workers must possess the quality communication, analytical and decision-making skills required to provide care. Any activity of such employees must be aimed at satisfying the interests of the client, which requires the applicant to be results-oriented, able to work under personal pressure and initiative.

Also, the employer will certainly be attracted by the resume of a candidate who will have knowledge of foreign languages, be proficient in a computer, business correspondence, be attentive and interested in the overall result of the company.

3. Leadership skills: manager, manager, director, administrator...

You should start working on your resume by identifying those skills whose presence is of fundamental importance for a specific position.

Employers check managers with special care, often placing exaggerated demands on them. For those who wish to borrow managerial position, it is worth specifying as skills:

  • ability to resolve conflicts;
  • optimal organization of the work process;
  • independent decision-making and responsibility for them;
  • presence of critical thinking;
  • efficiency of time and labor resources management;
  • staff motivation skills;
  • strategic thinking;
  • effective negotiations;
  • communication skills and the ability to build trust.

The applicant can add to this group those professional traits that he considers his strengths.

In this case, professional skills and personal qualities must have a clear distinction, because the question about the applicant’s personal qualities will certainly come from the employer, and their identity with professional skills will not allow them to create a positive impression of themselves.

The list of skills can be supplemented by the ability to simultaneously perform several tasks, the ability to distribute responsibilities and control their implementation.

4. Skills and abilities for teachers leading seminars and trainings...

Slightly different skills and abilities should be characteristic of teachers leading seminar classes. Such people should be:

  • capable of motivation;
  • highly proactive and energetic;
  • masters of concentrating people's attention on certain phenomena for the required time;
  • flexible and patient;
  • capable of organizing the work process.

In addition, you can specify that teachers must have competent speech and clear pronunciation, and be good interlocutors in personal communication.

The main task of this category of workers is to establish contacts.

5. Skills and abilities for technical specialists: programmers, system administrators...

The skills that technicians must have are completely individual.

For example, system administrators are required to monitor the operation of all company computers, which requires him to:

  • carrying out diagnostic measures regarding subordinate equipment;
  • constant monitoring of possible risks;
  • proficiency in English at a technical level;
  • ease of perception of information flows.

6. Skills and abilities for accountants, auditors…

Professionals who aim to obtain accounting-related positions must have a clear understanding of the employer's requirements. An accountant must have:

  • analytical thinking;
  • organizational skills to create a work algorithm;
  • constant analysis;
  • competent planning;
  • increased attention to detail and detail;
  • ability to determine the degree of priorities;
  • identification of priority tasks;
  • skills in working with representatives of regulatory authorities.

7. Skills and abilities - examples for lawyers

Workers in the field of jurisprudence can indicate in their resume:

  • knowledge of legislation;
  • skills in drafting contracts and documentation;
  • use of legal electronic databases;
  • ability to work with control authorities;
  • search for compromise solutions;
  • setting goals and striving to achieve them.

8. Special skills and abilities for a resume

Ability to establish oral and written contact with counterparties, high achievements in the field of service, organization of the work process, the presence of speaking skills and many other skills will be necessarily assessed by the employer.

Each of them is looking for an employee who will be motivated to overall result, will show initiative and high energy in solving emerging issues, will be a pleasant and competent interlocutor, able to immediately make a decision, give an answer and be responsible for every word.

Applicants may indicate in their resumes:

  • presence of leadership qualities;
  • availability of technical knowledge;
  • project organization and management skills;
  • marketing abilities.

9. General skills and abilities

There are a number of general skills that professionals can possess. Their list is generalized and is not suitable for all specialties.

However, I think this list will be useful for you; perhaps you will find exactly the skills and abilities that you want to indicate in your resume. These include:

  • possession foreign language(language and degree of proficiency);
  • programming abilities;
  • budgeting;
  • competent business conversation(oral and written);
  • working with customer databases, including from the level of their creation;
  • efficiency in searching for information;
  • development of plans;
  • analytical actions based on sales (including those performed by competitive organizations);
  • procurement skills;
  • skills in conducting inventory processes;
  • availability of abilities in merchandising;
  • work with commercial proposals;
  • negotiation skills;
  • training and motivating colleagues;
  • making forecasts;
  • pricing skills;
  • direct sales skills;
  • persuasion skills;
  • telephone sales skills;
  • skills to work with individuals computer programs: Excel, Word, Photoshop, 1C, etc. ;
  • ability to object;
  • use of primary data;
  • handling office equipment;
  • development and implementation of advertising and market research campaigns;
  • legal expertise;
  • scrupulousness in preparing reporting materials;
  • collection and preparation of statistical information;
  • ability to organize processes;
  • readiness for team work;
  • independence of decisions;
  • organization skills;
  • ability to use persuasion methods.

Each individual specialty is characterized by certain abilities. Among those presented, there will certainly be those that suit you and the position that has become your choice. These skills can be used to include on a resume.

10. Correct compilation of a basic list of skills and abilities

Advice: when searching for the desired position, you should not limit yourself to a single resume; it is better to constantly modify it in relation to the vacancy. The presentation of skills on the main resume and the one you create for an individual position should be different.

In the main version of the CV, suitable for most positions, skills should be listed as follows: the “Skills and Achievements” column is the completion of the “Work Experience” column, i.e. skills are a consequence of professional experience.

Let's say you worked as a marketer and are now looking for a vacancy for this position, you need to write a list of the benefits that the new boss will receive by hiring you for this position.

Professional skills and abilities for a resume example for a marketer:

  • conducting marketing research;
  • analysis of the market situation and consumer desires;
  • ability to develop ideas for assortments.

The list should not be very long and detailed - the main points will suffice. A recruiter reading your CV should understand that your main skills are a consequence of your professional experience, so don’t make things up. Let’s imagine that you were a simple employee, and write that you know how to organize work. No one will believe you, and the recruiter will simply ignore you.

11. Don’t confuse the description of your abilities and personality traits

Punctuality, communication skills and responsibility should be indicated in the “About yourself” column. The “Skills and Achievements” column is needed only for information related to job obligations.

In the “Professional skills” section, you must indicate the basic skills acquired at your previous job or at a university. Here you can indicate your achievements. The section should reveal you as a specialist. In other words, this section should describe your “Qualifications”.

If you describe your skills, you will make your CV more attractive. After reading this section, the potential boss should clearly understand that the company needs you and you definitely need to be called for an interview. You need to attract him with your knowledge and abilities. If you want this to happen more often, listen to our advice:

  • The “Qualifications” item should be placed exactly after the “Education” item. This is at least logical.
  • This section must be modified for any new vacancy. You only need to record abilities that are suitable for the position you are looking for.
  • Don't make yourself out to be one-man band, carefully indicating the entire list of its advantages. Indicate a few (4-8) key ones, that's enough. If you want to express some skills, you will have to sacrifice others.
  • Initially, describe those abilities that are most consistent with the position you are looking for.
  • Write the list in a way that is easy to read.
  • You need to use the same definitions and phrases used by the potential boss in the ad.
  • When describing skills and abilities, you need to start phrases with the words “have experience”, “know”, “possess”, etc.
  • There is no need to write about your features; there is a special section for them in your resume.

Attention: so-called “headhunters” are looking for rare employees. They are generally not interested in the candidate's experience, they are looking for specific benefits provided to them.

12. Skills and abilities for a resume example for an HR director:

Ability to build communications within the company. Ability to quickly manage departments and projects. Organization of consultations and business trainings.

A new skill can be written from a red line, this will make your text easier to read, although it will take up more space. If you correctly describe your skills and abilities, this will significantly increase the chance that you will be called for an interview.

Although education and experience are a very important part of a resume, they cannot create the impression of the right employee.

It is not enough for a hirer to know where you studied and received professional experience. He needs to know exactly what you can do and how you can be useful to his company. So, correctly described basic skills greatly increase the likelihood of getting the coveted job.

Core competencies are the combination of your skills and abilities needed to accurately perform your job requirements. So carefully chosen and correctly worded phrases can help your resume stand out from many similar documents.

While working, try to gain skills, study additionally and get certificates. In this case, you will be able to really arouse the interest of the hirer and get a higher probability of being hired.

We hope these resume skills and abilities examples help you.

13. We indicate specific skills and abilities in the resume

Now imagine that you are writing a CV for a specific position in which you have a keen interest. Then the list of core skills should be treated as a list of specific, rather than general, skills.

Read the announcement very carefully. What do you need to be able to do to be hired for this position? Do these requests match your skills and experience? This must be indicated in the “Skills” column.

However, simply rewriting the requirements on your resume and framing them as your own skills is a bad idea. The recruiter will immediately guess that you have decided to take a “let it go” approach to your resume. Change this information, make it more specific, add something that was not specified by the employer, but could benefit this company.

For example, if you see a requirement - fluency in English, then mention the ability to organize obtaining a visa for the boss (if this is the case, of course). After all, if the employer and his assistants correspond to English language, this may indicate that there are business partners from other countries, and in this case, the ability to organize a visa will arouse the interest of a possible boss.

Also remember that nowadays a recruiter will probably look for candidates using keywords, so you need to write a description of skills so that it contains phrases that are in the text of the job description.

Questions asked during an interview are aimed at giving the employer or recruiter the most complete answer on three main points:

  • ability to perform this work;
  • desire to do such work;
  • compliance with the company’s corporate culture.

Personal qualities are one of the main questions when meeting a candidate.

This information will help the employer or recruiter get an initial impression of the applicant not only as a specialist, but as a person.

Often questions asked with subtext are needed precisely to obtain information about the personal qualities of the candidate.

The employer undoubtedly wants to know whether your negative traits nature of implementation functional responsibilities and communication in a team.

Which ones are worth mentioning and which ones are not?

Very often you can hear the question from candidates: what positive and negative qualities should they name during an interview?

Employers are interested in employees with character traits such as:

  • determination;
  • organization;
  • initiative;
  • diligence;
  • creativity;
  • goodwill;
  • determination.

Tell us about them if you really have them. Give examples.

Often during an interview you are asked to name three negative qualities a and three positive qualities. Think about this point in advance.

There is no need to say that you are professional, adequate, loyal, smart, charming. Other people can notice and name such qualities when talking about you, but not you yourself.

Never mention negative characteristics such as laziness, disorganization, short temper and the like.

In general, 3 negative qualities in an interview are, first of all, self-doubt, fear of the interlocutor and insincerity.

Do I need to repeat what is written on my resume?

The interview is conducted to get to know you personally and to check whether what is stated in your resume is true. Therefore, it is likely that the employer will ask you a question that has already been covered in your resume.

In addition, the employer may simply not read the resume thoroughly. When answering the question, tell everything in your own words. Depart from the templates, but be precise, but also do not allow any discrepancies in facts from the document.

It is unacceptable to answer a question with: “It says so on my resume.”

How to talk about positive and negative qualities

No need to be modest!

In case you think that you do not have any outstanding qualities, just tell them what you have.

For example: the ability to concentrate - you focus your attention on a specific task and complete it without distractions.

And high speed of work - you always complete a task as quickly as possible, without procrastinating.

You should not take the question literally: “Tell me, what are your personal qualities that are shortcomings?” Not the best The best decision, answering this question, proceed to detailed description your weaknesses.

It is better to determine in advance which of your qualities have double meaning.

At first glance, these are disadvantages, but if you choose a different perspective, they may turn out to be advantages. Think about the wording and present your weaknesses so that they look positive.

Sample answer: “I usually pay a lot of attention to detail, and I know that in some areas of work such meticulousness is not important and is not always appropriate. But I see that for the position for which I am applying, this character trait should be useful.”

If your employer asked you to share three weaknesses, you could list the following: “Intolerance – I can’t stand disorder. Irritability – slightly infuriating at the incompetence of employees.

I’m picky and meticulous – I don’t allow myself the right to make mistakes.” It's not very visible here nice features character turns into merit.

How to talk about strong and weaknesses Oh.

Very often, recruiters ask for examples of strengths and weaknesses during an interview. This task can be played to the obvious benefit of the applicant.

Feel free to name your strengths. Try to tell more about those that will be useful for the vacancy you have chosen, or for the situation in the company. For example, maintaining the ability to work under stress. Support your words with examples from the past. Think about sample answers in advance.

What is a bad quality to mention in an interview? When answering a question about weaknesses, be careful and careful. There is no need to openly admit them to yourself. Instead, you can talk about minor gaps in areas that are not clearly required for the position.

Positive and negative qualities in an interview should equally present you in a favorable light. The main thing is to remember what shortcomings you can talk about at an interview, and what it is better to remain silent about.

If the recruiter insists on clarifying the weaknesses of nature, and not professional ones, then tell about 1-2, and those that cannot always be considered as weaknesses.

To be completely honest?

An employer asks you to name your weaknesses during an interview, what should you say? How to answer interview questions about weaknesses correctly?

To avoid the impression that you are not answering questions frankly, it is worth pointing out some shortcomings or gaps in knowledge, but most importantly, choose the right wording.

Honestly admit some of your shortcomings, name your shortcomings, but talk about them in a way that makes them seem more like positives.

If you have to say that you are not fully familiar with a particular type of activity, indicate only those areas that are not critical to the vacancy.

Think about your answers in advance. If you really want to get this job, then don't take the risk.

How to tell about yourself in an original way?

According to statistical research, about 90% of applicants mention their responsibility, sociability and determination. It is clear that such qualities are unlikely to interest or draw the attention of the listener to them.

If you talk about general, common character traits that are undoubtedly positive, but everyone talks about them, it won’t hurt, but it won’t make you stand out from the general background of applicants.

You can take a different route: talk about rare qualities that match your character.

Better yet, provide examples of how these qualities were used, the positive role they played, or how they were viewed positively. By using this tactic, you have a chance to stand out and be remembered.

Remember that sometimes what is more important to an employer is not WHAT, but HOW you answer questions about personal qualities. Reasonable, logical, confident answers, as well as competent speech, are of great importance.

Demonstrate a positive attitude, the ability to respond appropriately to difficult or personal issues, the ability to find compromises and good solutions.

Successful interview! Moreover, now you know exactly what weaknesses you can point out at an interview and how to correctly talk about your shortcomings in order to make a favorable impression.

Proper resume writing will serve a person well good service when applying for a job. This document should be written in such a way that it intrigues a potential employer. In addition to education and work experience, personal qualities are very important in a resume. Examples and life experience show that it is this information that is of serious interest to managers and personnel officers.

Before indicating personal qualities in your resume, you must carefully study the samples and examples in order to fill out the required section according to all the rules:

  • The information must be truthful and reliable, since the deception will still be revealed sooner or later, so there is no need to “philosophize with the crafty.”
  • Personal qualities should be stated clearly and briefly, but you should not use only general, hackneyed phrases that will not give a potential employer complete information about your strengths and weaknesses.
  • This section must be written correctly, without colloquial vocabulary or errors.
  • As a rule, you need to indicate the most important personal qualities (5 options), so you should not be too zealous in indicating everything. It is necessary to analyze everything and enter only those character traits that will really be useful for a vacant position or profession. For example, the seller will need the ability to resolve conflict situations, but this is not at all necessary for an economist.

Groups and Templates

Personal qualities for a resume can be divided into several groups, which have their own specific templates.

First job

If your career is just beginning and your resume is being compiled for the first time, then the section on personal qualities can be filled out as follows:

  • Desire to work fruitfully in a team.
  • Creative approach to business and creativity.
  • Activity.
  • Good memory.
  • Easy to learn.
  • Desire to improve and learn.

For a specific vacancy, you need to determine your priority options for personal qualities - depending on the proposed position and profession.

It is not always necessary to indicate your weaknesses in your resume. But if, nevertheless, you need to indicate character weaknesses in your resume, examples of them may not be so fatal. Therefore, you should not be afraid to describe them.

Everyone has their own shortcomings, but it is important for the employer to see how adequately you evaluate yourself. Therefore, try to choose traits of your character that in everyday life can be considered a disadvantage, but for performing the proposed work these qualities will be an advantage, for example:

  • Fear of air travel.
  • Hyperactivity.
  • Slowness.
  • Restlessness.
  • Love of formalism.
  • Excessive emotionality, hot temper.
  • Increased anxiety.
  • Reliability.
  • Inability to show flexibility.
  • Excessive directness.

All these weaknesses can be looked at from a different angle, and then they can turn into strengths for the employer. For example, restlessness for an active manager or sales representative is more of a plus than a minus. Or reliability, which will give the manager a reason to think that you can always be trusted to work overtime.

Weaknesses and professional qualities

Each applicant must correctly focus his weaknesses on the profession in which he wants to work. For example, a design engineer or future accountant might write the following:

Although such a list is not at all suitable for a person who must constantly communicate with people in the process of work. For example, a future sales manager might provide the following negative qualities for a resume:

  • Excessive sociability.
  • Workaholism.
  • Straightforwardness.
  • Mistrust.
  • The need for external motivation.
  • Impulsiveness.
  • Restlessness.
  • Self-confidence.
  • Hyperactivity.

Applicant for leadership position it is necessary to prepare more carefully before filling out the column, which will indicate its weaknesses. He can write about the following character traits:

Little tricks

To prevent an employer from immediately trashing your resume after reading about your shortcomings, don't be too open. Neutral qualities that cannot in any way affect future work are quite suitable. The following are suitable for almost any vacancy: personal qualities(flaws):

  • Fear of airplanes.
  • Ophidiophobia (fear of snakes).
  • Vespertiliophobia (fear of bats).
  • Arachnophobia (fear of spiders).
  • Love for sweets.
  • Lack of experience.
  • Love for shopping.
  • Excess weight.

This information is quite transparent and will not pose any “danger” to the applicant during the employment process.

You can also write:

  • I am overly interested in analyzing past mistakes.
  • Prone to reflection.
  • Too trusting.
  • I can’t always accurately express my thoughts.

These are negative qualities for a resume, but they very rarely affect the work process.

You can specify the following:

  • When I have to lie, I get noticeably worried.
  • I can't swear.
  • I take everything to heart.
  • I don't like gossip.
  • I’m an overly addicted person, so I forget to take breaks.

Some nuances

There are points that it is better not to include in your resume. For example, you should not write:

  • I love office romances.
  • I get distracted often.
  • Unpunctual.
  • I don't like making independent decisions.
  • I'm afraid of responsibility.
  • I don't like getting up early.
  • Sometimes laziness overcomes.

For example, after reading about laziness, the employer will decide that you are not eager to work.

Strengths in your resume

To get a decent job, you need to provide an excellent reference and profile. Indicating your positive sides, you need to adequately evaluate yourself professionally and enter only the most best qualities, which, without a doubt, will be appreciated by the employer. Sample list strengths as follows:

You should also indicate your business characteristics, which should be described in one sentence, for example: “Seven years of work as a chief accountant.” It is important to ensure that personal and business qualities did not come into conflict with each other.

Several examples of job descriptions


Mandatory qualities: responsibility, learning ability, attentiveness.

Will be well appreciated: scrupulousness, non-conflict, stress resistance.

Sales Manager

Required qualities: result orientation, activity, communication skills.

Well appreciated: competent speech, out-of-the-box thinking, stress resistance.


Required qualities: diligence, accuracy, resistance to stress, competent speech.

Will be well appreciated: neatness, well-groomed, pleasant appearance.

Universal positive qualities

  • No bad habits.
  • Stress resistance.
  • Initiative.
  • Honesty.
  • Fast learner.

Don't forget to include the personal qualities that your future employer wants to see. To do this, put yourself in his place and think about who you would like to take on your team.

Checking the veracity of what is written

Most job seekers tend to embellish their resumes, so employers invite applicants for interviews and ask additional questions that help reveal a person better.

For example, they will want to know your opinion on a specific conflict, and based on the answers received, they will conclude how truthful the answers in your resume are regarding squabbles and scandals.

There are a number of things to remember simple rules points to be observed during the interview:

Focusing on the following advice from professional personnel officers, you can quite easily please your future bosses:

  1. The resume should be written in a discreet manner, and humor is inappropriate here. However, creative and creative positions may involve this.
  2. Copied, template resumes will not bring success, since personnel officers see such tricks right away.
  3. Five professional characteristics will be enough. Among them, stress resistance is always highly valued.
  4. You should indicate only the necessary qualities for the desired position.
  5. You need to answer questions only to the point. It won’t be possible to chat up the HR officer, but the impression of the applicant will be ruined.

In order to attract the attention of the employer, it is very important to think through all the points of the resume that relate to the personal qualities of the applicant. Correct completion of this document will guarantee your employment.

Attention, TODAY only!

Not everyone requires you to list your weaknesses on your resume. But if there is such a clause on the form, then putting a dash through would be a mistake. Better look at an example of character weaknesses in your resume.

What to write

Before filling out the box in which you need to indicate your shortcomings, think about your answer. Do not miss it under any circumstances, because ideal people do not exist. As a rule, managers want to see how adequately you evaluate yourself. If you don't know what to write, look at the suggested options and choose something that suits you best.

Universal formula: select character traits that are an advantage for performing this particular job, and in ordinary life may indeed be considered a human flaw.

The following weaknesses can be written:

  • excessive directness, the habit of telling the truth face to face;
  • difficulty establishing contact with strangers;
  • inability to show flexibility in labor matters;
  • reliability;
  • increased anxiety;
  • excessive emotionality, hot temper;
  • love of formalism;
  • restlessness;
  • slowness;
  • hyperactivity;
  • fear of air travel.

All of the weaknesses listed in your resume can become strengths if you look at them from a different angle. An example is restlessness. For a sales representative or active sales manager, this can even be a plus. The same goes for reliability. This is a signal to the manager that you may be the person who will do all the overtime work.

Linking weaknesses to the characteristics of professions

All applicants should think about how to write my weaknesses for a resume. For example, a future accountant or design engineer might write:

  • distrust;
  • excessive scrupulousness;
  • increased anxiety;
  • excessive demands on oneself;
  • straightforwardness;
  • pedantry;
  • modesty;
  • inability to lie;
  • difficulties in establishing contact with strangers;
  • self-esteem;
  • lack of flexibility in labor matters;
  • integrity;
  • inflated sense of responsibility;
  • lack of diplomacy.
  • hyperactivity;
  • self-confidence;
  • restlessness;
  • impulsiveness;
  • the need for external motivation;
  • distrust, desire to double-check and confirm all information.

Disadvantages for one profession can become advantages for another.

You can also indicate in your resume among your negative qualities:

  • straightforwardness;
  • workaholism;
  • excessive love of communication.

Applicants for the position of manager must prepare before filling out this column. It is better to think in advance about what weaknesses to include in your resume. You can write to them about the following character traits:

  • excessive emotionality;
  • pedantry;
  • love for little things;
  • thoughts about work, planning occupy most free time;
  • increased demands on others.

A good example would be the following:

  • inability to respond to rudeness with rudeness;
  • tendency to make decisions based on one’s own opinion;
  • distrust of people and love of confirmation of facts.

Some applicants prefer to indicate that they:

  • overly trusting;
  • can raise their voice to subordinates;
  • straightforward, express their opinions without veiled embellishments;
  • hot-tempered;
  • always looking for confirmation of words;
  • have a hypertrophied sense of responsibility;
  • prone to formalism and pay excessive attention to detail;
  • irritated by clutter;
  • slow;
  • do not like to do something to please others.

For all occasions

Many people are afraid to write about shortcomings, believing that the employer will immediately send their resume to the trash bin. Of course, you shouldn’t be too frank, but you shouldn’t completely skip this section of the questionnaire. In this case, you can write about some neutral qualities that will not affect your work in any way. For a person applying for any vacancy, among the inherent weaknesses one can indicate:

  • fear of airplanes;
  • arachnophobia (fear of spiders), vespertiliophobia (fear of bats), ophidiophobia (fear of snakes);
  • excess weight;
  • lack of experience;
  • age (suitable for people over 40 years old);
  • love of shopping;
  • love for sweets.

This information does not characterize you in any way, it simply speaks about your fears or small weaknesses.

The following disadvantages can be mentioned:

  • I don’t always express my thoughts accurately;
  • I trust people too much;
  • prone to reflection;
  • I often analyze past mistakes, focusing too much attention on them;
  • I spend a lot of time evaluating my actions.

These are negative qualities, but they should not affect the work process.

Regardless of the position for which you are applying, you can write the following weaknesses in your resume:

  • I get so carried away with work that I forget to take breaks;
  • I can’t build relationships with colleagues because I don’t like gossip;
  • I can’t fight back in response to boorish treatment;
  • I constantly pass all situations through myself;
  • I let people get too close;
  • I don’t know how to swear;
  • I get noticeably worried when I have to lie.

Important nuances

Please note that there are items that are best left unindicated. You should not write, for example, that you:

  • love to be lazy;
  • afraid to take responsibility;
  • don't like making decisions;
  • unpunctual;
  • are often distracted;
  • you only think about your salary;
  • love office romances.

For example, if you write about your laziness in your resume, you run the risk that the employer will decide that you don’t want to work.