Why do you dream that you can’t breathe? The most common diseases that cause sleep disordered breathing. Why do you dream of suffocating in your sleep?

The dream book describes the meaning of this phenomenon in different ways. Very often, the causes of this phenomenon are heart disease, diseases associated with the lungs, colds or high temperature. Sometimes the cause is an unventilated room, an uncomfortable position during sleep, or simply the tongue retracting deep into the larynx. Therefore, the lack of oxygen during sleep may be due to physical reasons. If they were not there, then you can begin to interpret.

Narrow space and snakes

If you see that it is difficult to breathe because you have to climb through a narrow tunnel in a dream, crawl through cracks and cracks, or be crushed by the ground, expect great difficulties in life, poverty and circumstances that will be difficult and almost unbearable for you. Most likely, someone is oppressing the dreamer, forcing him not only to live by someone else’s rules, but also to work through force.

In this case, the dream book advises to slow down a little and rest so as not to get sick after such a vision.

If a boa constrictor strangles you in a dream, beware of a manipulator or a person who may become dangerous to the dreamer due to his cunning or anxiety. Most often, this role is played by a faithful wife, a vindictive and cruel man who skillfully pretends to be in love, or a mother who literally “cuts off oxygen” to a growing organism with her anxiety.

Sometimes such a dream foreshadows a heart disease or a fracture, due to which you will be put in a plaster cast, like a corset.


Choking on water in a dream means lung disease, severe colds or passion. If the sea was cold, too warm and muddy, contact a medical facility. Your health is in danger. The water is clean and pleasant, transparent - to falling in love, from which you will literally go crazy.

Delight and people

Choking in a dream with admiration and for a short time - to amazing news that will make you very happy. The dream book is advised to expect all the best after it - an invitation to a celebration, a declaration of love, approval of plans and a reward from management or news from your friend, which the dreamer will like and will cause very strong delight and surprise.

Choking in the arms of a loved one or friends is a sign of a bright, tempting offer that will make you lose your head. It will be joyful and beautiful.

If you are being strangled or someone is going to do this, there is a person who severely limits freedom or creativity. This could be either strict parents or a person who deliberately interferes with your well-being and happiness, literally “cutting off the oxygen.”

Partial or complete cessation of breathing during sleep is frightening because of its suddenness. The person becomes helpless and cannot wake up. The lack of air takes your breath away, panic begins, and discomfort occurs in the neck and throat. People who have experienced night suffocation wake up from the fact that they cannot breathe and are afraid of suffocating. There is a feeling that someone is choking you at night, pressing on your throat, chest.

Night suffocation occurs due to low oxygen in the body and excess carbon dioxide in blood. This condition is manifested by shortness of breath, muscle tension, sharp spasm in the throat, pallor skin. During a prolonged attack, the patient develops cold sweat and the skin turns blue. Normal breathing is a physiological human need. Systematic nightly attacks of suffocation signal problems. Shortness of breath and lack of air during sleep occur due to a lack of oxygen in the blood and pathological reactions in the body.

A single attack can be caused by large physical exercise or severe stress.
If breathing periodically stops, or there is not enough air, you need to contact a specialist. Choking in a dream indicates the presence of lung diseases, respiratory tract, cardiac system.
If you notice that you are short of breath at night, contact a specialist.

A person is unable to take a full breath.

  • The first phase of asphyxia is characterized by increased activity of the respiratory center. The frequency and depth of breathing increases, blood pressure rises, the heart contracts more often, and the head becomes dizzy.
  • In the second phase, breathing movements become rare, heart contractions slow down, fingers and toes, lips, and the tip of the nose turn blue.
  • In the third phase, disruptions in the functioning of the respiratory center occur. Holding your breath during sleep lasts from a few seconds to 2-3 minutes. Reflexes fade, blood pressure decreases, convulsions and hyperkinetic syndrome (involuntary muscle movement) may occur.
  • During the fourth phase, severe rhythm disturbances are observed - rare short or deep respiratory movements, convulsive, intense inhalations and rare exhalations.

This is how patients describe their condition: “I’m suffocating at night, I can’t wake up, I’m afraid of suffocating, it seems that I forget to breathe in my sleep and I’m going crazy.” Some say: “Breathing stops during sleep, and there is a real feeling that someone is strangling. I don’t know what to do, I’m afraid to die and I can’t move or call for help.”


A preliminary diagnosis is made after examination based on complaints and identified syndromes. The doctor examines the factors that could lead to sleep apnea.
To clarify the diagnosis, the following is prescribed:

  • Analyzes, allergy test, spirography;
  • Cycloflowmetry (determines peak expiratory flow);
  • X-ray (detects areas of compaction, changes in lung tissue);
  • Tomography (to study the lungs and bronchi);
  • Bronchoscopy (to diagnose the bronchi for the presence foreign bodies, tumors);
  • Thoracoscopy (examination chest from the inside);
  • ECG (to determine the condition of the heart);
  • Polysomnography (to assess the functioning of the body during sleep).

Causes of sleep apnea

Sometimes attacks of suffocation at night can be observed in healthy people due to nervous tension; intoxication medicines, depressing breathing and disrupting the functioning of the respiratory muscles; pollen indoor plants which caused an allergy.
Unlike pathological asphyxia, relapses do not occur after such attacks.
But more often, the causes of sleep apnea are reactions that occur in the body under the influence of a pathogenic factor:

  • Infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • Vascular cerebral crises;
  • Tumor processes;
  • Acute heart failure;
  • Disorders of the nervous system;
  • Pathologies of the heart and lungs.

Many people stop breathing when falling asleep. There is not enough air for a few seconds, and breathing is restored on its own. In this condition, waiting syndrome may occur. A person is afraid to fall asleep for fear of dying from suffocation.

The most common diseases that cause sleep disordered breathing

First aid for choking

You should always call a doctor.
It is necessary to calm the patient to eliminate panic. Help sit down and provide fresh air.

During an attack bronchial asthma When breathing stops during sleep, it is recommended to put mustard plasters on the chest, apply a heating pad to the legs, and give the patient Euphilin.

If you have sleep disordered breathing due to allergic edema larynx, you need to take a solution of calcium chloride and any antihistamine, which is at home (Diphenhydramine, Fenkarol, Clarotadine, Diazolin).

In case of heart failure syndrome, the patient needs to be given a semi-sitting position, given Nitroglycerin or Validol, make a warm foot bath, apply mustard plasters to the calves, and adjust the pressure.

With diphtheria, sleep apnea in adults and children occurs due to blockage of the airway lumen by a fibrinous film. The patient needs to be given a sitting position and his legs warmed.

Moderate attacks of choking in the throat occur in children with sore throat and pharyngitis. The child must be woken up and calmed down. In an upright position, the work of the muscles involved in breathing is facilitated.

If a person does not breathe in a dream, it is necessary to force him to wake up, help him take a vertical position, and force him to breathe through his nose. Pregnant women may suffocate in their sleep later when the fetus presses on the diaphragm. A pregnant woman may experience severe shortness of breath. If an attack of suffocation occurs in a dream, it is necessary to open the window and sit the woman on a chair. It is advisable to have an oxygen inhaler at home.


Don't let us drink. The pharynx and throat are tense. A sip of water can provoke a new attack of suffocation. Make sure that the patient's tongue does not sink.

Make sure that the patient's tongue does not sink. Relatives should know about the disease and have medications on hand to help.

Breathing may stop due to drug overdose, gas poisoning, depression, or metabolic disorders. If you wake up at night because you are suffocating in your sleep, contact a specialist. In every special case appointed different treatment. Be careful about your health. A somnologist will help. In most cases, it is possible to prevent the development of sleep-related diseases.

List of used literature:

  • Shimkevich V. M., Dogel A. S., Tarkhanov, Ostrovsky V. M.,. Heart // encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg, 1890-1907.
  • Nikolin K. M. Sleep apnea syndrome (lecture for doctors). - St. Petersburg, 2005 - 08 s.
  • Pustozerov V. G., Zhulev N. M. Modern methods diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders: tutorial. - St. Petersburg: SPbMAPO, 2002. - 5 s.

Let's figure out why you dream of suffocating in your sleep. The plot may be different, but the general meaning of the dream is that you do not have enough air. In some cases you even wake up.

I would like to please, but, unfortunately, there is no reason for joy. Choking in a dream is an extremely bad sign with many meanings, but without a single positive one.

In addition to interpretations from dream books and esoteric meanings, a dream in which you are suffocating, you don’t have enough air, you try to inhale, but it doesn’t work, something is squeezing your chest, instead of air you inhale water, and so on directly relates to medical symptoms.

Specifically, it is a symptom of heart failure. Additional problems with blood vessels are possible, lack of breathing leads to oxygen starvation body. First of all they suffer nerve cells And nervous system in general - violated neural connections, electrolytic functions. Neglecting this dream can lead to serious consequences.

In what cases do you have dreams in which you suffocate?

Since the medical factual meaning is predominant, let's start analyzing the dream with physical meanings.

You may be sleeping in an awkward position. Some tissues swell and do not receive proper oxygen supply. Change your position, mattress, bed sheets, remove dusty objects - carpets, soft toys.

Excess dust can cause pulmonary edema, allergies, and asthma. Remove, or better yet, throw in the trash all dust collectors and take care of regular wet cleaning of the premises.

Women may choke in their sleep during pregnancy due to increased stress on the cardiovascular system.

Excessive fatness, even an extra 3-5 kg ​​is quite capable of overloading circulatory system person and cause a feeling of suffocation during sleep.

Choking causes the tongue to sink into the larynx when sleeping on your back.

With eating disorders, you can choke on vomit. If you suffer from suffocation in your sleep, change your usual sleeping position and be sure to provide an influx of fresh air.

An excessively heavy dinner also leads to suffocation. Don't eat after 6 and everything will be fine.

Quite often, the symptom of suffocation leads to instant awakening and a flash of fear. At the same time, you quickly calm down and fall asleep again in full confidence that you dreamed of some kind of nonsense. Instant awakening from sleep in which you are suffocating is a protective reflex of the body that protects you from cardiac arrest. This is not a joke or an accident. This is real defensive reaction, which saves you for a while.

If the nervous system is inhibited, for example by alcohol, drugs, sedatives, weakened by diseases of the central nervous system - the reflex may not work.

The meaning of suffocation according to dream books

Miller's dream book believes that suffocating in a dream and even dying from suffocation means serious concerns for real estate.

Choking under water means you lack positive and varied emotions. According to the dream book, you are drowning in your everyday routine.

Loff's dream book assures that suffocating in a dream certainly means significant changes in life, significant changes. Choking means a situation that you cannot swallow. It is vital for you to find an acceptable solution or a suitable way out.

According to women's dream book suffocating in a dream means being the cause of a passion that you are not aware of or are not too eager to find out. According to another interpretation, someone wants you to shut up and keep your thoughts to yourself.

Choking from smoke in a dream - to unhappy love, inexplicable passion for an obvious enemy, a character who wishes you harm.

If they strangle you with a noose or try to squeeze your throat with their hands, you are under heavy emotional pressure.

The English dream book considers shyness and unspokenness to be the main cause of suffocation. The words that needed to be spoken were not spoken and are now choking you. You may be choking with indignation. Maybe out of love or shame.

According to English dream book the liar is stifled by lies and the desire to confess. The truth breaks out, causing numbness and suffocation as a result of internal struggle.

Shortness of breath when you can't breathe full breasts or there is not enough oxygen in the inhaled air, indicating a heavy, suffocating atmosphere.

The Wanderer's Dream Book says to suffocate, endure bad smell, smell gas - you are unfair to your loved ones and underestimate them. But just in case, take the trouble to get out of bed and check the gas in the kitchen. And don’t rush to nervously light a cigarette.


Choking in a dream always means serious problem with health, which may manifest itself more clearly and in chronic form. This dream refers to symptoms of asthma, pulmonary and heart failure, alcoholism, vascular problems, and central nervous system diseases.

Also, the symptom of suffocation in sleep often manifests itself in clinical depression - which is not just Bad mood and the world has been devoid of color for three days in a row, but one that can be treated with the help of modern medicines.

Go to the doctor and tell him straight - you feel like you are suffocating in your sleep. Clearly describe your feelings and go for a diagnosis. You can temporarily neglect the search for villains trying to cut off your oxygen.

And finally, if you wake up to someone suffocating you with a pillow, this means that next to you is an extremely shy and sensitive person, who hesitated for a long time to tell you that you are prone to thunderous snoring. Promise not to snore again and roll over to your other side.

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Dream Interpretation: suffocate in your sleep

In dream interpreters you can find several explanations of why you dream of suffocating in your sleep. The problem of lack of air in a night dream indicates a subconscious fear of losing something important.

The dreamer himself will be able to understand what to fear, based on his own values ​​and life priorities. In most cases, interpretations affect health, relationships with loved ones and the constant search for the meaning of life. However, it will be useful to expand the understanding of such a symbol.

general information

According to the dream book, suffocating under water is not only a terrible, but also a dangerous symbol that hides a lot interesting information. If the dreamer chokes in a dream, then his attention is drawn exclusively to solving a specific problem.

Thus, the focus on the current moment increases, and this is often lacking in the increasing rhythm of life.

I dreamed of suffocation

Who should I look to for help?

If you dream of an unusual vision, then you should not be content with the advice of your friends, but it is better to immediately turn to a dream book for help. The more difficult the dream turns out to be, the more effort you will have to expend, but it will be worth it.

In Gustav Miller’s dream book you can find an explanation of why I’m suffocating, which will affect my future fate:

  • dying in a dream means possible theft, and therefore try to pay more attention to the safety of your property;
  • successful rescue - to improvement financial situation through your own dedication and empathy.

Feeling short of air in a dream

If you dreamed about suffocating in a dream, you will not be able to accept the current circumstances, no matter how much you want to. The lack of air may be associated with physiological conditions that led to the occurrence of such an unpleasant plot. If someone begins to grab by the neck, trying to take life, this is a symbol reflecting dependence on some person or circumstances.

Choking for a short period of time means receiving a well-deserved reward for your labors. However, the interpreter of the dream is somewhat disappointed, since the reward will not be as great as planned.

You may dream about how you lose the remaining air in your lungs - in your social circle there are people who constantly remember you, not without emotion. Perhaps your action or inaction led to the loss of your reputation, and now you will have to make a lot of effort to restore it.

In what environment?

Choking is a problem that interferes with many people's sleep, but the environment in which this unpleasant sensation began to appear is equally important.


I dreamed of being unable to breathe underwater

Choking when you fall under water is a sign that bright moments and spontaneity have stopped appearing in your life. Dream books often describe a similar picture, and it indicates unnecessary practicality. In some cases, it is better to relax and surrender to momentary experiences.

Struggling with a lack of air in the water - you have every chance of ruining your business reputation, this is written about in the Gypsy Dream Interpreter. Italian psychologist Roberti, speaking about a lack of oxygen, implies certain difficulties in overcoming everyday adversity. The dreamer must learn to plan his actions and relate them to current needs.

Being in the water column is not a good sign, revealing insufficient fluid intake throughout the day. Dream books advise you to pay attention to this, otherwise the healthy balance will be shaken.


Suffocation caused by smoke in the room - environment negatively affects real life dreamer Obviously, such dreams should encourage moving and new achievements.

Dreaming of a suffocating smoke screen

Dreaming of people suffocating in a smoke screen - the beginning of risky love affairs. They can bring not only incredible happiness, but also disappointment. If you believe the dream books, then a sudden romantic wave towards your ill-wishers is not excluded. The panic that sets in in a night dream should make it clear to a person that a sudden connection will only bring suffering. After analyzing the entire situation, you can count on a favorable outcome.

Sometimes a person chokes on smoke in his night dreams, because he is visited by thoughts of his own weakness, which will lead to trouble and disappointment. According to popular dream books, it is difficult for the dreamer to pull himself together and start working on himself. Of course, the path will not be easy, but the support of loved ones will help you avoid many problems.

If water is not able to put out a serious fire, and there is less and less air around, then such a dream symbolizes the onset of changes that sober the sleeper. The veil of his illusions will finally fall, and real opportunities will appear before him.

Experiencing suffocation from gas in a dream


I dreamed that the room began to fill with gas and attacks of suffocation appeared - the dreamer was tired of constantly looking back at the achievements of his family and friends. People must build their own destiny themselves, without looking around.

I had a dream in which the sleeper was choking from unpleasant odor gas - to excessive demands on your soulmate. You must be aware that any expectations may be in vain, and therefore it is better not to be needlessly disappointed.

Choking from gas means problems in the financial sector. Perhaps the sleeping person will not be able to buy an expensive thing that he has dreamed of for so long. The main thing is not to get upset ahead of time and continue on your way to the intended purchase.

For no apparent reason

I dreamed of suffocation for no apparent reason

Lack of air during sleep may be due to for various reasons, and therefore it makes sense to consider universal versions:

  • the young girl was short of breath - some person misses her;
  • someone else's hands or a noose - you will become a victim of psychological pressure;
  • shortness of breath while running - to the appearance of a strong opponent.

Sad interpretations

If a person breathes poorly in his sleep, then possible reason hidden in his backbreaking work. The lack of emotional release leads to a state of stress that is so difficult to get rid of.

A representative of the fair sex who suffocated in her sleep cannot open up to other people after a bad experience. Dream interpreters advise discarding past experiences, since they interfere with enjoying the current moment.

The dream book considers suffocating in a dream an important warning. If the dream is over fatal, then your body begins to develop serious illness which begins to progress. Dream interpreters advise seeking qualified help immediately after waking up.

It is impossible to breathe and the person dies - to receive unpleasant and shocking news. If the events occurring in a night dream are very frightening, then there is a high probability of a magical effect.

Kalinov Yuri Dmitrievich

Reading time: 6 minutes

“I suffocate in my sleep” is a very common complaint. Most often, elderly patients consult a doctor with it, but sometimes this phenomenon is observed in adults and even children.

I feel suffocated at night: why and what does this mean?

Sleep is a state of the human body caused by normal operation brain. For proper rest, a person needs to sleep 8 hours a day, and the 4th part of this time should be in the deep sleep stage. The shorter this phase, the more difficult for the body restore.

Some people wake up at night from lack of air. They are scared and do not understand what is happening to them. The reason for this phenomenon is the cessation of respiratory movements - apnea (ancient Greek ἄπνοια - calmness, lack of breathing). Sometimes several such attacks occur during the night, moreover, they can be repeated several times within one minute.

As a result of an attack of apnea, the amount of oxygen entering the lungs decreases, the person leaves the stage of deep sleep, and sometimes wakes up. No wonder he feels exhausted the next day.

Lack of oxygen in the blood leads to loss of strength in the morning, impaired metabolic processes in organism. In acute hypoxia, the heart and brain are affected.

How often do you have attacks?

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    A couple of times a month, but very scary 21%, 761 voice

    Once every few months * 16%, 570 votes
