Essay on the topic we and time. Reflections on the time of life. Several interesting essays


One is hidden behind the bars of time,

The other outside this lattice is freedom...

And there is only one connection between life and death -

Both of them are feminine.

It is always near us, but it cannot be touched with our hands.

It accompanies us from the moment of birth until death.

It can be endless in moments of anticipation and unnoticeable in hours of happiness. Sometimes it’s in a hurry to get somewhere or, conversely, it’s barely going.

It exists independently of a person, but leaves an imprint on him in the form of wrinkles on his face, notches on his heart and marks in his passport.

It is time that can be measured in seconds, minutes, hours, but which cannot be stopped or even slowed down. Time always follows a person, measuring what has already happened and counting down what will happen.

The epigraph contains lines that unite the concepts of life, death and time into a single whole, connecting them with each other. The zero mark for a person, the so-called starting point, begins with coming into this world, with the first breath. It may be 2006 on Earth, but the heart of each of us keeps its own calendar, counting down the hours, days and years with terrifying consistency...

A person can live or exist, be sad or happy, be happy or unhappy, but he will always move forward in his own coordinate system, in one direction, without the ability to go back a few steps. One day the internal clock stops, life passes the baton to death, which no longer cares about seconds and minutes, which is outside “this grid.” Time is the rope that connects the beginning and the end, and life passes around this thin thread. Time completes its work for one person, but does not disappear for all other people. All of the above is an attempt to prove that time does not exist without a person, but it exists in general.

I know for sure that I am not able to stop the passing time. But I can deceive him! How can one learn the wisdom of centuries in one life? How can you defeat time and immortalize yourself? This wonderful loophole is longer than all the ropes collected together, and its name is memory.

Why do we remember the names of people who lived thousands of years before us? They did something that had no analogues either before or since! I don't pretend to do such great things, but I can do something for others, for society, for the whole world. Even if it’s small and not too noticeable, it’s definitely kind and useful. Each of us has the power to make the minutes of our lives positive and memorable. What are the minutes - hours and days! The main thing is to do this not alone and not for yourself, but together with someone and for others. Then time will no longer seem like an enemy, counting down the minutes, but will become a friend, quietly walking alongside...

Essay “About Time and Myself”

I am fifteen years old. Of course, I understand that I still have everything ahead, but I believe that adolescence and youth are the most beautiful and at the same time the most tragic stages in the life of any person. In these moments you experience everything: first love, first hatred, kindness and anger, ups and downs. Happiness and grief, mercy and childish cruelty. This is the period when personality is formed. A person, as it were, throws away all his unnecessary qualities and acquires completely different, necessary ones, which he will transfer into his future life. I think that my task for today is to defeat laziness, suppress my hatred of the whole world. If you don’t do this now, then in three years it will be too late.

It is at the age of fifteen that a person chooses the purpose of life. But at the same time, internal conflicts often occur in the soul of a teenager. Now what is called selfishness is progressing in me. This does not mean at all that when my mother wants to sleep or relax, I listen to music too loudly. I just want to be above others: to look down on everyone, so that all life goes only around me. I hope that this will pass, because in adult life there will not always be “I want” and “I’m first.”

At fifteen, a person is receptive to life's lessons. I feel what the adults told me about is growing in me: a sense of responsibility, duty, eating, human dignity. For me this is not an empty phrase. Many generations are now growing up in an environment where these concepts are not used, which will undoubtedly affect future life.

Korobkova Nastya, 9th grade

Time...Something elusive, incredibly fast, and sometimes viscously slow, like syrup. It cannot be caught or felt, it cannot be seen. But you can look through it. People of different eras like to say “our time.” What is it, yours? You can hear from adults: “This didn’t happen in our time!” Really? Maybe it wasn’t like that, but it was different. And who said that in hundreds of years no one will say that it is better to live in tribes? On the other hand, time is something constant. And over the years, centuries, millennia, little has changed in it. And some things remain the same.

I am a human being. A human being is precisely the creature on whom you can see the consequences of time. At different times, people looked different, in different eras they demanded different patterns of behavior from themselves and others. And there was always only one thing left.

People were getting old. No matter who they were, what class they belonged to, no one could withstand the battle with time and everyone found death.

And now, at fifteen, I think that I haven’t lived at all yet, that in the time allotted to me I will see so much more, change decisions, make mistakes. I will fight against time myself. After all, he is so interesting. This life.

Guseva Rita, 9th grade

I am my time, and time is life. I try to keep up with the times, but at the same time I must not lose myself.

When you walk along the streets of our city, and people with cold, aloof faces pass by you, in whose eyes only greed shines, a chill runs down your spine. It’s good when a person is wealthy, but when this becomes the goal of life, it’s scary. Ideals and traditions are crumbling, the life I dreamed of is crumbling.

It’s hard to believe that in a few years all this will be outdated and no longer relevant.

Today I cannot imagine how people once lived without televisions, tape recorders, refrigerators, mobile phones, without knowing the Internet. Nowadays this is a common thing, no one can do without them.

I live with the thought that tomorrow will be better than today. We are given so many opportunities that it would be stupid not to take advantage of them. We have everything for a good life, there is no limitation in choice. We can read books, or we can get any information from the Internet.

We can talk about this for hours, but there is a simple truth: we live in peace, and it is beautiful.

Life is given, and there is only one: you must live with dignity and happiness, so that they remember you with a kind word and do not remember bad things.

Kopysov Alexander, 9th grade

We rarely think about the nature of time. But for each person the passage of time is felt differently... For a lover, a whole day with a loved one passes unnoticed. And sometimes a few minutes of waiting last like long hours.

Sometimes older people are energetic and full of hope, as if they still have many, many years ahead of them. And some young people behave like old people tired of life.

Everyone knows the objective measures of time: there are 60 minutes in one hour, 24 hours in a day, and so on. How do such differences arise between people? Each person spends his hours and minutes on approximately the same thing throughout his life.

As children, we all go to kindergarten or stay at home with our grandmother, then we study in various educational institutions, then we find a job and go to work. And this is not counting the so-called free time: games with other children, then leisure time with school friends, developing into Friday get-togethers with adult friends.

What can we say about romantic meetings with the opposite sex, weddings and the appearance of their own children, who, in turn, will go to kindergarten or stay at home with their grandmother, then begin to study in educational institutions in order to later find a job...

With one variation or another, most people recognize in these lines the script of their own lives. This means that from birth each of us falls into a certain predetermined rhythm of life. Everyone has to grow, learn, communicate, look for a mate and a source of income. We are not so free to manage our time.

It is worth adding that throughout life, all people with inevitable regularity need to sleep, eat, wash and perform many other routine actions. These are basic needs that we cannot refuse to satisfy for the sake of life itself.

If you calculate how much time the average person spends on all of the above, you get about 4/5 of your entire life. In other words, only a fifth of life remains for each of us... for life itself! It is this piece of life, diluted in a series of everyday life, that we value. We remember the events of this particular period in moments of nostalgia; we consider them our real life.

So it turns out that in subjective perception our life is no more than one fifth of its entire duration. And this real life of ours is almost unrelated to the objective time according to which we celebrate our calendar birthdays.

If you seriously think about this ratio, you come to the understanding that every person does not have much free time in their lives, which means they need to spend it wisely.

After all, most people live unconsciously, only mechanically repeating the movements of the life rhythm set by society. Thus, people put off the main fifth of their lives further and further... It is these people, being relatively young and strong, who feel like moral old men and mentally place themselves at the end of their life’s journey. It is these people who do not see joy in life, since important time remains unused.

This time is given to each person for reflection, for creative search within himself, for the development of the soul. Then this time becomes the time of real life.

How do you understand that this is the time of real life? Through moments of recognition, when we do what we like, what corresponds to our inner aspirations, and at the same time we feel an emotional uplift.

How to properly use the allotted time? All answers, as well as all questions, lie within each of us. You just need to turn to yourself to find what pleases the soul and brings happiness.

It is then that time will stop slipping through your fingers, because life will become full. To paraphrase the classic: it won’t matter how many days there are in your life, because it’s important

Time goes by very quickly. It cannot be stopped or slowed down. Man has no power over time, but time has power over man. Whatever a person does, he needs days, hours, minutes. Everything is determined by time - how much to work, how much to rest, when to meet with friends, and when to do household chores.

Time plays the most important role in human life. Over time, he grows, gets smarter and matures. Sometimes there are times when you want time to fly by quickly and unnoticed. For example, when we are waiting for a delayed train or are in anticipation of a long-awaited gift or a meeting with a person whom we have long wanted to see. But every minute we get older, and the faster these minutes pass, the faster we grow old. Therefore, time is a very valuable element of human life. You need to be able to use it in such a way that you never have the feeling that it was wasted and generally lost forever.

And human life itself is just a particle of time. And this particle needs to be given due attention, not wasted on all sorts of trifles. Every minute should be imbued with benefit. Every minute you can and should discover something new for yourself and about yourself, achieve something and develop in your favorite business. Every minute a person learns something. Time is constant development.

Time is unchanged and at the same time it does not stand still. There are still sixty seconds in minutes, but none of these seconds are similar to each other. The power of time is the most powerful force in this world.

Over time, you need to make friends. Never push and complain that there is always not enough of it. You just need to understand how to behave correctly with him and then life will become interesting and joyful.

11th grade. Unified State Exam

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The concept of time is quite broad to fit into a certain framework. Time is both a physical quantity and a philosophical category. Time is an epoch and a moment, infinity and the eternally missing minute.

What is time? Who am I in time? How can I determine what time I live in? Can time change a person? How do time and people relate? These and other questions arise in my mind while thinking about time and myself.

I believe that the perception and understanding of time is subjective. Time is reality, refracted through the prism of personal perception. Let us provide evidence. For me and my friend, time flows the same way on a universal scale. But we perceive its segments differently: sometimes it seems that time drags on like sweet caramel, and sometimes time feels like a fast meteor. For some reason, equal conditions make us perceive the several hours we have lived differently. A friend is like eternity, me is like a moment. It turns out that everyone has their own perception of time.

I think it's difficult to separate yourself from time. The era entangles us like a web. We absorb the peculiarities of time and become involved in it. This is how the concept of “our time” appears. The same thing that, from generation to generation, the elders reproach the younger ones with. Let’s not be unfounded: this happened with Turgenev’s Bazarov, this happened with Chatsky and will happen again with you and me.

What is called “our” time? In my opinion, this is the period of maximum fusion of personality with the period. The moment when you keep up with him, catch his tendencies, moods and fluctuations. But as soon as something slows down and you can’t keep up, time is no longer yours. The old age of the soul, stupidity, and, above all, the reluctance to develop with him can slow him down.

The question arises, if time is changeable and dynamic, can we remain the same for many years? Does it force us to change? I'm too young to experience this myself. But I think that time subjugates the personality and its worldview. I'll give you an argument. My parents, avid Komsomol members who dreamed of the coming socialism, succumbed to the trends of the new time. They embraced independence and democracy, market trade. Now they laugh at the ideals of the past. Someone will say: “True traitors.” And I think they just changed organically with the times. Because they were young enough to do it.

Many were unable to fit into the new stage and still talk with nostalgia about the past “our” time with cheap bread, sugar and low crime.

It's hard to determine your place in time. This is because time only exists in the present. The past disappears without a trace, the future exists only in projection. And it is impossible to evaluate yourself here and now. Any fixation of time refers it to the past.

Many classics thought about this. In particular, A.M. Remizov in the novel “The Hours”. Here time acts as a universal judge, its course is equated to the flow of human life." Time passed, the clocks chipped away moment by moment into the abyss without return.." According to Remizov, time is infinite, but unidirectional.

To summarize, time leaves its mark on a person. Undoubtedly, I will see it on myself, but not now. We are all “heroes of our time.” Who am I in time? A grain of sand, a drop in the sea, an atom. The era around us is so vast that man is lost in its vastness. Time is imperishable, but my shell, unfortunately, is finite. Although the greats also said something about the soul... Perhaps time is measured out for the body, and the soul exists outside of it.