What do cows drink? Riddle for attention What color is the snow and what do cows give?

Tests::: Test your brain!

Answer out loud and then check your answer (below).

1.Question: What do you put in the toaster?

Answer. BREAD. If you put anything else in, be careful! If you said "bread", go to question 2.

2.Question. Say the word "far" 5 times. Spell it: d-a-l-e-k-o. What do cows drink?

Answer: Cows drink water. If you said "milk", please do not attempt the next question. Your brain is obviously overworked and may even overheat. Maybe you should relax and read Funny Pictures magazine. If you said "water", move on to the next question.

3.Question. If a red house is made of red bricks, and a blue house is made of blue bricks, and a pink house is made of pink bricks, and a black house is made of black bricks, what is the green house made of?

Answer: The green house is made of glass. (Green house - greenhouse. Note translator). If you answered, “Made of green bricks,” why the hell are you still reading these questions? If you said "made of glass", go to question 4.

4. Question. Twenty years ago, the plane was flying at an altitude of 10 km above Germany. If you remember, 20 years ago Germany was politically divided into two parts - Western and Eastern. And so, during the flight, two engines failed. The pilot, feeling that the last engine is also about to stall, decides to make an emergency landing. Unfortunately, the engine died early and the plane crashed in no man's land between West and East Germany. Where would you bury the survivors? In West Germany or in East Germany or on neutral territory?

Answer. Of course, there is no need to bury the survivors! If you said anything different, you are a real moron and you should never be involved in rescue efforts after a plane crash. If you answered “they don’t bury survivors,” then move on to the next question.

5.Question. If the hour hand moves 1/60 of a degree every minute, how many degrees will it move in an hour?

Answer: By one degree. If you said "360 degrees", or anything other than the answer "One degree", you don't belong here. Turn off your computer and go do something else.

Water plays a very important role for any living organism. With its help salts are transferred, nutrients that enter the body from food. It is also responsible for removing toxins, waste, and helps regulate body temperature. That is why every farmer must provide his cows with free access to fresh, clean water.

What does a cow drink?

The main source of fluid for a cow is water. The animal receives a small amount of liquid from succulent feed. Some farmers give dairy cows whey to improve the quality of their milk. But sometimes it happens that the cow starts drinking urine and colostrum.

The latter happens quite rarely. In both cases, this is a signal that you need to give the animal more water.

Cow water balance

Water balance is a complex of processes of absorption, distribution and removal of fluid from the body of a living being. The main waste of fluid in a cow's body is the production of saliva and milk. A small proportion leaves the body along with sweat, and is also spent on maintaining the normal functioning of all systems.
A cow produces about 90–190 liters of saliva per day. She needs it to chew food. Milk is 85% water, so to produce a kilogram of this product, an animal must waste 3-4 liters of water. As a result, it turns out that one cow should absorb 60–80 liters of liquid per day.

Important! The norms for each individual are purely individual and depend on different indicators.

How much water does a cow drink per day?

As mentioned, the volume of fluid consumed is influenced by a number of factors, including:

  • type of feed and its nutritional value;
  • combination of feeds in the diet;
  • physiology of a particular individual;
  • ambient temperature and humidity.

But still, the approximate volumes of fluid required for the normal existence of an animal can be calculated. So, for every kilogram of dry food eaten, the cow should receive 4–6 liters of liquid.

It follows from this that if a cow gives approximately 20 liters of milk per day and eats 17–18 kg of dry feed, then she needs 70–100 liters of water. If the animal is more productive, then it should receive up to 130 liters of fluid.

It is best to equip barns with automatic drinkers. In this case, there will be no need to constantly monitor whether the animal has water, and the cow will have free access to liquid. She can drink whenever she wants and as much as she wants.
If it is not possible to arrange an automatic supply, then in hot weather you need to water 10 times a day, in spring and autumn - 5-6 times, and in winter - 4-7 times.

Features of watering after calving

After calving, the cow really needs fluids to restore strength and start milk production. As soon as the calf is born, its mother needs to be given a bucket warm water or prepare mash from 1 kg of bran and 100 g of salt, diluted in a bucket of water.

Important! It is advisable to give two buckets, but if the cow drinks less, do not force it to finish. The liquid temperature should be +25°C .

Other liquids and water additives

Bran and salt can be used as additives. The first ones are bred in a ratio of 2–3 kg/bucket. Salt should be 100 g per 10 liters. Salt water usually given only after calving. You can steam some grain feeds in water to make them softer.

The introduction of whey into the diet of cows can improve the quality and quantity of milk, as well as normalize the functioning of the cow’s gastrointestinal tract. The recommended dose is no more than 45–68 kg per day. Whey is mixed into feed instead of some components.

Possible problems and their solutions

If an animal is thirsty and has free access to water, it will drink the amount of liquid it needs. But there are times when a cow refuses to drink or consumes less fluid. We will discuss the causes of these phenomena and ways to solve them below.

Reasons for refusing water

The main reasons for refusing to drink may be:

  • poor access to drinking water;
  • the water temperature is outside the range of +8–15 °C;
  • I don’t like the taste or aromatic qualities of the impurity;
  • a foreign object has entered the stomach;
  • stomach is full.

If you have cleaned the drinking bowl, poured fresh water at a suitable temperature, placed it in a convenient place, and the animal still refuses water, most likely he has problems with digestive system. It is necessary to determine whether there are other symptoms indicating the disease.

Did you know? The skin on the nasolabial planum of cows is similar to the pads of human fingers. Her print, like a fingerprint, is individual and unique. This feature is used in the state of Indiana (USA) when searching for stolen animals.

If the cow is absolutely healthy, but still does not want to drink, some farmers advise resorting to a little trick. You need to lubricate the nasolabial area of ​​the cow with herring or give it slightly saltier food. Then she will become thirsty.

Why do cows drink urine?

Many farmers have repeatedly noted this phenomenon: a cow licks urine from the floor or drinks it while a neighboring individual is urinating. This phenomenon is not the norm, although it will not cause any particular harm to the animal, except that the urinating individual may be a carrier of some kind of infection and will pass it on to others through urine.

They have not yet been able to accurately determine the reasons for this phenomenon, but it is assumed that such behavior, first of all, may indicate dehydration. Reasons also include metabolic disorders, presence on the menu large quantity dry food

In addition, drinking urine may indicate the development of subclinical ketosis and acidosis, and indicate a lack of protein and minerals in food.

In such cases, it is necessary to review the cow’s diet, provide free access to water, and also conduct a blood test for the presence of minerals, and a milk test for urea and pH levels. Based on the data obtained, you can more clearly picture the problem and understand how to solve it.

When can you drink milk after a cow calving?

As soon as the cow calves, her body begins to produce colostrum. This is the main source of food for the calf, but it is not suitable for people because of its peculiar taste, although some people like it. Over time, colostrum is replaced by milk. This takes from 7 to 10 days.
Only after this period of time has passed does the milk become suitable for human consumption.

Did you know? A cow's udder holds 11–23 liters of milk.

A cow consumes a huge amount of liquid per day. This is why it is very important that she has easy access to it. It is also necessary to monitor whether the animal drinks, since without liquid it cannot live for long.

Psychological riddles- these are confusing riddles. They are designed in such a way as to confuse us so that our subconscious will give the wrong answer. Although the answers seem correct and obvious to us.

Riddles help develop original thinking, help find a non-standard approach to solving problems, and also improve attention and memory.

We solve psychological riddles and lift our spirits. When solving it, it is important to follow the following rules:

Answer quickly, don’t hesitate.

Don't cheat. Do not peek at the answer until you give your solution.

Psychological riddles with answers

Answer you will find after the question in parentheses. Select this area with the mouse (as for copying).


Mathematical. Don't use a calculator! Count in your head! To 1000 add 40. Add 1000. Add 30. Plus another 1000. Then add 20. Plus 1000. Plus 10. What is your result?

ANSWER: ( If your answer is 5000, this is not true! That's right - 4100. Don't believe me? Recount carefully.)


Think of a number from 2 to 9. Multiply it by 9. Then in the resulting double digit number add 1st and 2nd numbers. The result is a number. Using the first letter of this number, guess the name of any country. And for the third letter come up with the name of the animal. What happened?

ANSWER: ( Are there rhinoceroses in Denmark?)


We check our friends and acquaintances for attentiveness. Ask the person to write any number on the board and remember it. (You should remember this number too). Then erase the number from the board yourself and continue the conversation with your interlocutor on any topic. Then suddenly say the number! The first seconds will be a shock for a person. How could you guess?


Imagine that you have two coins in your pocket. The total amount is 15 kopecks. One of them is not a nickel. Question: What coins are in your pocket?

ANSWER: ( 10 and 5 kopecks. Because only one coin is not a nickel.)


Sasha owns a company that produces sneakers. The company has 2 factories that produce the same model of sneakers. In factories there is theft. How can Sasha organize the work of factories to stop theft, but without firing anyone?

ANSWER: ( One factory produces a left-handed sneaker, and a second factory produces a right-handed one.)


What has a head but no brain?

ANSWER: (Garlic, onion, pin, cheese)


Running competition. You passed a runner who was in second position. What is your position now?

ANSWER: ( You first. This is not the correct answer. You are in second position because you took the place of the runner, and he was in second position.)


At a competition, you overtake the last runner. What is your position now?

ANSWER: ( Penultimate? Not true. If you overtook him, then he was not last. This means it is impossible to overtake the last runner.)


There is a white sheet of paper in front of you. Answer the question: What color is it?

Another question: What does a cow drink?

ANSWER: ( Milk? You are wrong. The cow gives milk, but does not drink.)

RIDDLE No. 10.

A man is captured on the island of the Amazons. They are going to execute him, but they promise to fulfill any wish before that. What should a man wish to avoid execution? (Answer like “Don’t execute” is not appropriate.)

ANSWER: ( A man’s desire: “Let the ugliest of you kill me.”)

RIDDLE No. 11.

The father had three daughters. He decided to marry one of them. The first one wants to get married, the second one doesn’t, but the third one doesn’t care. And the father decided that the first one to come out would be the one with the water in the pan boiling faster. He gave each of his daughters an identical saucepan with a lid and the same amount of water. They put it on fire.

Question: Which daughter will marry first?

ANSWER: ( Third daughter. Her water will boil faster in the pan because she doesn’t care and won’t look under the lid.)

RIDDLE No. 12.

Checks attention.

A passenger elevator rises to the 6th floor twice as fast as a freight elevator to the 3rd.

Question: Which elevator will go up faster - a passenger elevator to the 6th floor or a freight elevator to the 3rd, if they start moving from the 1st floor at the same time?

ANSWER: ( The passenger will rise faster. This is already indicated in the problem statement.)

RIDDLE No. 13.

Maria's father has 5 daughters: Chacha, Cheche, Chichi, Chocho.

Question: What is the name of your fifth daughter?

ANSWER: ( Chuchu? Not true. The answer is in the condition of the riddle. Her name is Maria.)

Did you like it psychological riddles with answers?

They built a house for themselves.

"A" went abroad,

"B" caught a cold

"I" went to the hospital.

Who stayed at home? (Usual reaction: “And.”

And stayed at home - "B")

The most illustrative examples of question games are a transmission of “What? Where? When?" and warm-up for KVN teams. At festive events, the questions, of course, should be fun and funny, and a little tricky. Below are a few of these questions.

Cool questions:

1. Question: What color is the refrigerator at home?


Question(instantly, without pause): What does the cow drink?

(Regular answer: "Milk". Correct answer: "Water")

2. Question: Is Winnie the Pooh a boar or a pig?

(Correct answer: bear).

3. Question: Small, gray - like an elephant?

(Correct answer: baby elephant)

4. Question:Why do hippopotamuses have red eyes?

(Answer: to make it easier to camouflage in tomatoes)

Question: Have you ever seen a hippopotamus in tomatoes?

(Usually the answer is “no.” It is immediately followed by the phrase: “So, you’ve disguised yourself well”)

5. Question: How to correctly say: “G And G And sweat or g e G e then?

(Usually they say: “Gigipotamus.” And the correct one: “Hippopotamus”)

6. Question: Why do hippopotamuses have round feet?

(Answer: to make it easier to jump on water lilies)

7. Question: Small, green, lives seven meters deep in the ground?

(Little green stone beetle)

Question: What happens if you drill through the Earth and throw a cobblestone there?

(Correct answer: at a depth of seven meters it will be eaten by a small green stone beetle)

8. Question: In how many steps can you put an elephant in a refrigerator? (in three steps:

- opened the refrigerator

- planted an elephant

- closed the refrigerator.)

Question: How many times can you put a horse in the refrigerator? (in four steps:

- opened the refrigerator

- took out the elephant

- sat the horse

- closed the refrigerator.)

Question: Who will run a hundred meters faster - a turtle or a horse?

(Of course, the turtle: the horse is in the refrigerator)

9. Question: How to find out if a bear rides a bicycle?

(Answer: go to the window and see if the bear is rolling

by bicycle)

10. Question: Runs along the ceilings - chewing light bulbs. Who is this?

(Answer: ceiling lamp gnaw)

11. Question: Lying between the beds, babbling, moving his heels?..

(Answer: interbed balabol heel lifter)

Comic (tricky) questions

    What comb can you use to comb your hair? ( rooster)

    What can you cook but can't eat? ( lessons)

    How many months in a year have 28 days? (all months)

    What can travel around the world while being in the same corner? (postage stamp)

    How can a thrown egg fly three meters without breaking? (you need to throw the egg four meters, then the first three meters it will fly in the air)

    What will happen to the yellow towel if it falls into the Red Sea? (it will become wet)

    What are all the people on earth doing at the same time? (become older)

    What gets bigger when you put it upside down? (number "6")

    How to jump from a ten-meter ladder without hurting yourself? (you have to jump from the bottom step)

    What has no length, depth, width, height, but can be measured? (time, temperature)

    Which hand is better to stir tea? (it is better to stir the tea with a spoon)

    What question cannot be answered with “yes”? (“Are you sleeping?”)

    What question cannot be answered with “no”? (“Are you alive?”)

    When did Alexander the Great stand on one leg? (when he sat on a horse: he raised one leg, the other stood on the ground)

    In what century did the ancient Greeks walk backwards? (They still walk like this: their heels are behind)

Question paper game (from the television game "Bluff club")

Leading. I ask questions that begin with the words: “Do you believe that...”, and you try to determine whether this is true or not.

    In Japan, do students write on the blackboard with a brush and colored ink? (Yes)

    Are disposable school boards used in Australia? (No)

    Was the ballpoint pen initially used only by military pilots? (Yes)

    In Africa, vitamin-enriched pencils are produced for children who tend to chew on anything? (Yes)

    Do some types of colored pencils have carrot extract added to make the lead stronger? (No)

    Did the Romans wear pants? (No, they wore tunics and togas)

    If a bee stings someone, does it die? (Yes)

    Is it true that spiders feed on their own webs? (Yes)

    In one Korean circus, two crocodiles were taught to dance the waltz? (No)

    Do penguins fly north for the winter? (No, penguins can't fly)

    If you put a flounder on a checkerboard, will it also become checkered? (Yes)

    Did Spartan warriors spray their hair with perfume before battle? (Yes, this is the only luxury they allowed themselves)

    Do mice grow up and become rats? (No, these are two different orders of rodents)

    Can some frogs fly? (Yes, in tropical forests Asia and Africa)

    Can children hear higher pitched sounds than adults? (Yes)

    Is the eye filled with air? (No, the eye is filled with fluid)

    Are you taller in the morning than in the evening? (Yes)

    In some countries people still wash with olive oil? (Yes, in some hot countries where water is scarce)

    Can bats receive radio signals? (No)

    Can't owls roll their eyes? (Yes)

    Is elk a type of deer? (Yes)

    Do giraffes use echoes at night to find the leaves they feed on? (No)

    Are dolphins small whales? (Yes)

    Rhinoceros horn has magical power? (No)

    In some countries, holy beetles are used as lighting fixtures? (Yes)

    Is a monkey usually the size of a kitten? (Yes)

    Was Scrooge's lucky coin worth 10 cents? (Yes)

    Was Duremar selling frogs? (No, leeches)

    Do Eskimos dry capelin and eat it instead of bread? (Yes)

    Can you see a rainbow at midnight? (Yes)

    Are most turnips grown in Russia? (No, in America)

    Was Hans Christian Andersen's real name Svesen? (No, Hans)

    An elephant, meeting an unfamiliar relative, greets in the following way - puts its trunk in its mouth? (Yes)

    In medicine, is the diagnosis of Munchausen syndrome made to a patient who lies a lot? (No. This diagnosis is given to a patient who has constant desire to be treated)

    The Little Humpbacked Horse is two inches tall? (No, three)

    The first place among the causes of death from accidents in Japan in 1995 was taken by shoes. high heels? (Yes, almost 200 Japanese women died from falling from high heels)

"Little letters":

A game that was once very popular at holiday parties. Two or three teams are recruited - with the same number of participants. The teams are given cardboard sheets, each of which has one or another “letter” written on it. The set of letters for all teams is the same. The presenter calls the word and the teams have to race to collect this word. The team that typed the named word first is the winner.

181. Question for filling
Under some pretext, a person is asked to quickly answer the following questions:
- What color are refrigerators usually? (of course everyone says: “White”)
- What does the cow drink? (Here 90 percent answer: “Milk,” because they are “stuck” on the first question and answer).
And the cows drink water. The test is completed, the results are clear...

182. I see a bear
Desirable long corridor or a room (it all depends on the number of participants in the action) and a moderate state of drinking, definitely not the last stage, because the effect will be blurred. The main thing is that at least one person in the company has played this game for the first time, the rest may already know everything, they will still have fun. So, everyone lines up in one line, shoulder to shoulder (the newcomer is the last), the “leader” is the first. Then everyone takes turns, stretching their hand forward with the words: “I see a bear!!!” - squat down, i.e. the presenter sat down, then the person next to him, etc. until the last. When the last one has sat down, the “leader” pushes this entire unstable structure with all his strength (you need to push not with your hands, but with your shoulder, as if falling on your side, but quite strongly). It turns out to be a domino effect. The main thing is not to kill the last one, because... with the appropriate skill of the “leader”, the last 2-3 people fly very far. The delight is indescribable! Some recommendations for the "leader". The main thing is to explain to everyone what to do and when, so that people don’t all sit down at the same time, but only one at a time (when seated at the same time, there are frequent failures in the form of participants falling prematurely). You need to place people closely, and move a little (20-30 cm) away from the person standing next to you, so that there is room for “maneuver”. And lastly, from personal experience, the ideal number of players is from 7 to 10.

183. Problems with light
Cool joke, but requires preparation! I did this in school. I arrived 30 minutes before the lesson started. and it was winter, it was dark outside. I went into the office and there was no one in the office. I soaked a small piece of paper in water, unscrewed the light bulbs and stuck the paper on the light bulb socket, so that the current would flow into the light bulb through the paper!!! I did this with all the lamps :-) And he left, then he left and came back with everyone a little later. The lesson has begun. All the lamps burned normally, but then they began to go out as the paper dried out and there was no contact. so all the lights went out and the lesson was cancelled.

184. Surprise in shoes
A very simple draw. At a party, slime is placed in the boot of the most emotional girl. Who doesn’t know, this is a jelly-like ball that, when thrown at a wall, spreads out like the eponymous cartoon character about ghosts. Previously it was sold everywhere, now you have to look for it. When the girl is getting ready to go home and change her shoes in the hallway, her foot feels something very nasty in her boot:.. P.S. It’s better to stand nearby at this moment, because... the girl might fall. Hello to all the girls of the Union!

185. Smart program
The giveaway is intended primarily for programmers. This is another way to prank (usefully) the teacher. At one time I myself received credit in this way. It's a simple matter. You approach the teacher and confidently say that you have developed a program that recognizes the color of a floppy disk. Naturally, the teacher begins to prove, foaming at the mouth, that this does not happen. Here you need to bet on a “pass” (or, who knows, on an “5” in the exam). You need to put any mouse next to the computer on which the program will be demonstrated, and hide the working one somewhere (so that it can be used behind the back of the dumbfounded teacher). And now the hour of triumph - the teacher inserts a black floppy disk and presses Enter. The computer, turning the drive, writes “black”, writes “white” to the white one, and so on all the time, without error. And the whole point is to write an ordinary program that reacts to pressing the mouse buttons, for example, if you press the left one, it writes “black” on the screen, if you press the right one, it writes “white.” And the funny thing is when the teacher starts to cheat and tries to insert a floppy disk, say, red (in my case the teacher did exactly that). This can be provided, for example, with a phrase like “the devil knows. In my opinion, it’s red.” And you can simply program a sequence of mouse button presses or a double click.

186. Autocorrect
The following joke is proposed for consideration. For an employee whose computer is nearby, in his Word, in the autocorrect column, we do approximately the following. The word “someone” or some other word that occurs not so often, but still regularly, is replaced by a phrase, for example, “some kind of bullshit.” The effect is amazing, and the range of consequences is wide - from simply bewilderment and laughter to devastation and laughter through tears.

187. Inverted screen
This was in the 80s, when we studied at the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute. In our dorm hall there was a huge TV, either “Horizon” or “Rubin”. On the night of March 31 to April 1, my friend and I were inspired, we sneaked into the hall, removed the back cover from the TV and turned the image 180 degrees. This (at least in Soviet televisions of that time) is done very simply: such a coil is turned, put on a kinescope, and that’s it. The TV starts showing upside down. After that, we also turned over the TV itself and went to bed. The first TV viewer to enter the hall in the morning saw an upside-down TV and, first of all, spent a fair amount of effort to place it correctly. The TV was big and heavy. You can imagine what happened when he turned it on. But the funniest thing for us happened later. Our electrical engineer friends did not think about the essence of the phenomenon, but simply put the TV upside down again and watched it all day.

188. Secret love
A prank my wife played on me. She called the pager and asked the operator to send a message in half an hour like: “Darling, I really missed you. Call me.” And when half an hour later I receive a message, she asks in such an angelic voice: “Darling, who is this?” And I, sweating and blushing, tried to explain, something like this is not me and the pager is not mine. In general, I was worried...

189. I'm pregnant...
And this is how they played a prank on my very amorous employee. A message came to his pager: “Andrey! I’m pregnant. Call me back!” That's all. Let him suffer from guesswork.

190. I heard a ringing...
This trick requires a little preparation. We take an ordinary tape recorder and a small speaker (a speaker from a computer will do). Then we record on the tape recorder (you can use a computer with a sound card instead of a tape recorder - it will be even easier) some nonsense like screams, moans, crying - whatever. Next, we extend the speaker using any wire and hide it, well, say, behind the sofa. We set the timer so that it goes off about a minute after the girl’s visit. When she arrives, sit her down on the sofa and leave under a plausible excuse. Well, now you can hide behind the door and enjoy it through the crack...

191. Electrical box
This prank requires a box of matches and, preferably, a weak-hearted victim. The victim needs to be told (or even bet on something) that using a box of matches you can generate electricity, that is, make a spark. Then you need to take three matches out of the box and stick them in closed boxes between the box itself and the sliding part parallel to each other so that the heads of the matches are at approximately the same distance, while these preparations must be done as carefully and slowly as possible (it gets on your nerves). Now you need to take the box with one hand so that the matches stick out in side of the victim, and somehow rub the boxes with the other hand, but also so that it is not clear what exactly you are doing (also gets on your nerves). Then you need to ask the victim to VERY SLOWLY connect the heads of two adjacent matches (tilt them towards each other). Of course nothing will happen. Now you need to ask the victim to bend the third match towards the other two so that all three heads are connected, of course, also VERY SLOWLY. Here the victim should already be on the verge nervous breakdown. As soon as all three heads are connected, shout sharply and loudly: “BA-BANG!!!” The main thing here is that the victim, out of fright, does not hit you on the head with a stool... The whole procedure was tested repeatedly for different people. Works flawlessly.

192. Two mice
I'll tell you about one joke that I played on my boss. The fact is that the room where we work is small and the tables are close together. And my desk is located directly opposite the desk of the head of our department, literally right next to each other. Our computers are recumbent and lie on tables, one might say with their butts facing each other. Well, I brought a mouse for the COM port to work from home, but at work we all have PS/2 mice. I waited until there was no one left at work and installed a second mouse on my boss’s computer. If anyone has not yet understood, then let me clarify that two mice in the system do not mean two mouse cursors in the system. He put it on his desk and covered it with all sorts of papers. The next day it all started. Somewhere before lunch, when the work tension had subsided a little and I was in the mood to fool around, I removed the papers from his second mouse and covered mine with them. And I begin to move this mouse quietly. The boss blinked his eyes frequently, apparently the cursor began to zigzag. In the meantime, I don’t touch the mouse, the boss blinked and decided that it was my imagination. About two minutes later he grabs his mouse again, and so do I. He moves the cursor up, after which I move it down. The result is stunning: the cursor took off and fell to the bottom of the screen. The boss, of course, was surprised, but coped with his feelings and continued moving the cursor to where he wanted it, but that was not the case. The cursor reached the middle of the desktop, but could not go further. And that’s right, because I’m pulling it in the opposite direction. One more try! The barrier is broken (I let go of the mouse). The boss is simply confused and calls me over: “Look,” he says, “how the mouse is glitching.” I come up and don’t notice anything special (the mouse remains on the table). “Well,” I say, “the processor is probably overloaded. It happens.” I take my seat. But after short intervals, the mouse cursor exhibits remarkable intelligence. Another employee approached. “Here. Here. It will be right now,” the boss tells him. This mouse fuss would probably have continued for a long time, but then I couldn’t stand it, I fell face down on the table and shook with laughter. But my boss has a sense of humor, he laughed with everyone and forgave me. Well, in fact, it wasn’t the screw that I formatted for him.

193. Powder for snack
Hello, I want to take part in a common fun activity. It is suggested to take a large bright box of some well-known brand of washing powder, pour out the powder or wash something with it, and place a plastic bag in the box (for hygiene) and pour powdered white baby food into it. With this box, you need to get on public transport, where there are not many passengers, and start eating the contents of the box so that it is visible to other passengers. The reaction of others is unpredictable...

194. Horror
A blindfolded man enters the room and his hands begin to move over the lying “pharaoh” from bottom to top (the role of “pharaoh” is played by one of the dedicated participants. The rest of the “victims” are waiting outside the door). Mournful music and words sound: “This is the pharaoh, here are his legs, this is the pharaoh, here are his hips, this is the pharaoh, here is his stomach, ..., here is his head, this is the pharaoh, here is his BRAINS!” With these words, the victim’s hands are immersed in a pan with boiled cold pasta (horns, shells, etc.) mixed with ketchup. P.S. Everyone screams, even the guys.

195. I bet that...
Especially for students! How to earn money for a glass or two of beer by arguing. Once upon a time, about 30 years ago, I used it myself until the whole institute found out about it. Of course, you need to choose the appropriate moments and company. 1. We bet you can’t step over the pencil. I'll put it on the floor and you won't step over it!!! How to win an argument? Place the pencil on the floor flat against the wall. 2. I bet you won’t budge me, even if we stand on the same newspaper opposite each other. Solution: the newspaper is placed on the threshold of the door so that when you close the door, you end up on the side where the door does NOT open. Try it, you'll definitely win a glass of beer!

196. Egg on head
It is taken into the hand in front of the “victim” raw egg. It's better if the victim is sitting. Then we go behind the “victim’s” back, quietly place the egg somewhere, and put our hand with the fingers in a bun to the “victim’s” head so that the fingers lightly touch the hair and quickly slap the back of the hand with the other hand. Then we run our fingers along the sides of the “victim’s” head from top to bottom so as to lightly touch the hair. A complete illusion that an egg was broken on the head.

197. Guess the number
Once, when I was young and naive, my brother showed a trick: a sheet of paper is placed on the table, with any coin on it (the main thing is that the notch along the edge is not erased). Brother says: "Press the coin index finger and think of a number from 0 to 20, now I’ll guess it... After that, he took a simple pencil and outlined a coin 5 times in each direction and asked to draw the edge of the coin from forehead to chin. I did just that. Then the same thing, but across the forehead a couple of times; under the eyes; on the cheeks... He carried out all the manipulations with unnatural facial expressions, obviously portraying a giant of thought or a genius of hypnosis. In the end he laughed: “Everything is clear - you are planning 16!”
“But no,” I say, “you’ve got ice cream!” (we argued with him).
However, he was not at all upset, on the contrary, he became cheerful and immediately counted out the money: “Bring it to the store, and you can buy it for me at the same time.” And just then the doorbell rang, so I went to open it, the neighbor from downstairs came in and from the doorway: “What, are you playing Indians?” My brother is having a fit on the sofa, he can’t breathe, and that’s when it dawned on me... It’s good that I didn’t have time to go to the store.

198. Frame rattling
Take a button, attach a fishing line to it, and this simple device is pinned to the victim’s window, but from the street side (preferably, the victim lives on the first floor). Then take the fishing line and pull it tight (preferably the fishing line is long), grab it 2 wet fingers and slowly scrape up and down. The victim's house feels like the frame is about to fall off. I laughed for a long time when I did this to a friend. If only you could see his face.

199. Spicy shooting
At the party, agree with the owner of the apartment and film the toilet in advance by standing on a chair and raising the camera higher. Well, sort of hidden camera. It is important that the image does not shake. When someone goes to the toilet during the party, quickly instruct the company and turn on the recording. Upon returning, the victim will see on the TV screen an image of the toilet where he had just been, and the whole company is rolling with laughter. Naturally, the victim’s first thought will be that “they saw everything”...

200. Obshchagovsky
We hang a LARGE sheet of cellophane out of the window (sold in hardware stores). The sheet should be so long that it should cover the window on the floor below. Downstairs, of course, doesn’t like this, and from there there are demands to remove the cellophane. In response, you say something insulting and ignorant. The natural reaction of the offended person is to pull the end of the cellophane in order to tear off “this disgrace.” And when the lower end of the cellophane is pulled into the room, you pour a bucket of water down the cellophane “gutter”...