What to do when your heels itch. All books about: “the stepmother loved the heels... The Beatles Anthology John Lennon

In order to understand the cause of the itching, you need to carefully examine the skin of your feet. Very often this condition can be triggered by an insect bite. This leaves slight redness and swelling at the site of the bite. It will pass within a few days, however, if you are allergic to insect bites, you should consult a specialist.

Also, the cause of itching can be the change of season. The immune system weakens and this is reflected in irritation in the heel. In this case, you need to contact a specialist who will prescribe what is necessary to increase immunity.

Choosing the wrong shoes can be a big factor. When purchasing a low-quality product, impregnated harmful substances and causes severe itching in the heels, you need to be careful. If possible, it is recommended to choose insoles from proven, natural materials. A foot bath made from a solution will help relieve unpleasant symptoms boric acid(10 grams per 2 liters of water). The procedure must be carried out for several days until complete recovery.

If the itching doesn't go away long time, you need to get your blood tested because it could be an increase in your sugar level.

When itching is caused by fungal diseases of the feet, it is very important not to let the disease take its course. Skin lesions may progress to fungal disease nails, which is very dangerous to health. Fungi produce toxins that have a toxic effect on the human body. In this case, experts recommend using special creams: Exoteril, Candide or Lamisil. These drugs can also be used to prevent diseases as a preventive measure.

Vitamin deficiency is also a cause of itchy heels. With a deficiency of vitamins, the skin of the feet suffers throughout the year. You can prevent hardening and cracking by regularly taking a complex of vitamins.

Nervous system and itchy heels

An unbalanced nervous system is the strangest, but nevertheless clear explanation for itching in the heel area. Experiences and fears affect the body in this way. In order to eliminate this problem, you need to understand your emotions and, if possible, eliminate the cause of your worries. It is very useful to conduct a relaxation session, during which the body returns to normal and all unpleasant symptoms disappear.

In any of the above cases, it is necessary to exclude spontaneous intake medicines and contact a specialist so that he can correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe the correct treatment.

So the story itself: Everyone knows, many first-hand, that sometimes it is not possible to conceive a child. Sometimes there are health problems with the mother, sometimes with the father. Well, in general, naturally it doesn’t work out, so they resort to IVF. Everyone knows IVF, the procedure is expensive, in our country they do not do it in all cities, you first need to go, then find it, pay $5,000. And that’s not a fact, it may not take root. My friend had a normal working day. A call from the maternity hospital forced me to invite into the delivery room not just one nurse, but also a doctor, and another nurse. This means that something is wrong with the child, he is heavy. They run to the maternity ward. The woman in labor is a young girl, 25 years old, surrounded by her mother, mother-in-law and the main character of this story, the child’s father. First birth, pregnancy 3, IVF result. And all 2 previous pregnancies with unsuccessful outcomes were also IVF. Here comes the head, shoulders, oops, they gave birth to a baby. A girl, physically healthy, but with one drawback, her legs are turned with her feet not like those of ordinary children, her toes are in place of her heels, and her heels are in place of her toes, in general reverse side. It seems like there should be tears of joy, the child was born, long-awaited, healthy, such a problem with the legs can be quickly solved, but the operation is not cheap, but this is IVF 3, which means they are not poor, money for the operation can be found, but then the unexpected happens, the new father begins to struggle in hysterics. He rushes at the entire medical staff. They hand him the child, and he yells, take this monster away from me, we didn’t want this, we didn’t order it, put it back. It’s not fun here anyway, the birth was protracted and difficult, the woman in labor is in shock and sobbing. In the end, he abandoned the child, forced the child’s mother to refuse, the mother could have taken it, of course, and both grandmothers also decided and forced her to refuse.... Paragraph. Maybe I don't understand something. But to endure so much pain, to give birth to a child, and not quite like everyone else, but it can be fixed. And my dad actually killed me. He was calmed down by 3 doctors, 5 nurses, 3 orderlies and could not calm him down. He jumped from the child like hell and screamed and screamed.

P.S. A few days later, the mother of this woman in labor called the maternity hospital and said that they wanted to take the child, the doctor asked if your dad really agreed, she replied that he had filed for divorce.

It turns out that the human body begins to age from the feet up! These are still ancient

the Chinese have identified, and their tactics describe some techniques thathelp strengthen the legs, and therefore delay agingbody. I recently met some of them myself and I wantso that you know about them.

You should definitely go barefoot! Of course, it is possible to do this atThere are practically no streets - go home. If you have a cold floor, that's itAlso remove your slippers for at least 10 minutes. And if you have enoughpersistence to do this three times a day, you can be congratulated -You'll live longer, you're far from old age!

It is imperative to walk on your toes, on your heels, and also onthe inner and outer sides of the foot. It strengthens the muscles leg bones, improves their blood circulation, which means improves the functioning of internalorgans. And it’s not at all difficult, only laziness can get in the way. Acome on, let's shoo her away and walk lightly on tiptoes around the kitchen with plates.

Start hitting your feet right now, every day from now on.

This should be done lightly, in a place just behind the toes. For thisyou can use a rubber or wooden mallet, a rolling pin, evenan empty bottle will do.

And after a while you will feel the body slowlya pleasant warmth spreads, and most importantly, a feeling of calm arises.

This is considered one of the the best means to improve blood circulation andlegs, and the whole body.

For those who have problems with their eyes, it would be good to use more intensetap the base of the second and third fingers with a wooden stick 5minutes every day, there are zones reflexively associated with eyes.

We have examples when legs were held in high esteem: back in old times serfs<<чесали пятки>> to your masters before bed. Rememberprobably about this from the classics? And in Russian ancient medical booksrecommend:<<Девицам растирать ноги до самых пяток конопляным, linseed or some other vegetable oil, so that your legs are quick toold age itself!>>

Try massaging your feet before bed for at least a couple of weeks, and you'llyou will see that your legs even look prettier. And if anyone else<<пятки scratch it>>, then your legs will definitely run fast!

It is necessary, Chinese doctors still say, to rub, that is,massage a special point in the arch of the foot - yongquan. If you do thisregularly, there will be good blood circulation and the leg muscles will relax.

The point is located just behind the toes in the middle of the arch of the foot. FulfillThis massage can be done in a dry way, that is, simply press the point 20 timeswithout interruption (first on one leg, then on the other) without much force,she is not needed here. It is advisable to do this massage in the morning and evening.

Or you can do it wet: pour water into a basin (bathtub)temperature 38 degrees, put your feet up and wait for them to turn red,and after that thumbs press and massage at the same timeyongquan point 80 times without a break. It's good if after this youYou will rub your feet with your hands for 3-5 minutes.

And, of course, you need to move, walk, love your little feet and be lazy with themdon't give. Life is in motion! It is this commandment that goes back toancient times. Contrasting douches are also useful for our feet: thenhot then cold water. This increases tone and blood circulationimproves and delays old age.

Good luck and stay healthy!

Unfortunately, in our time, various dermatological diseases. They can be expressed not only by rashes, but also by severe itching sensations. Most often, scratching occurs in the extremities, for example, on the heels. There can be many reasons for such symptoms, and if you cannot determine them yourself, you should consult a doctor for advice. Itchy heels can be caused by:

  • fungal diseases;
  • avitaminosis;
  • poor quality shoes;
  • presence of neurological problems.

Itching due to fungal diseases

In most known cases, it is the fungus that causes itchy heels. It usually occurs against a background of severely weakened immunity. At such moments, the body’s protective function is significantly reduced. weakening immune system can happen for several reasons, including concomitant diseases, taking antibiotics, poor quality nutrition.

Fungus causes itching in the heels, which bothers you both at night and during the day. In addition, skin roughness may be observed, local thickening. If treatment is not started in time, small ulcers and wounds form on the affected areas. They can be very painful.

On initial stage Doctors recommend using special creams and ointments to treat the disease. They have a local effect, making it possible to achieve much faster positive results. If the fungal disease is severely advanced, antibiotic therapy may be needed. To reduce the risk of infection with foot fungus, you should observe increased personal hygiene measures in public places, such as a sauna, swimming pool, bathhouse, gym.

Itching due to vitamin deficiency

Sometimes it is very difficult to determine why your heels itch, because tests may be normal, but the itching only gets worse. In such cases, the likelihood of vitamin deficiency is high. By its nature it is a deficiency nutrients in the body. Most often, vitamin deficiency occurs as a consequence of poor nutrition.

Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to independently determine which component is missing in the diet. Only an experienced doctor can identify the real reason vitamin deficiency With a deficiency of nutrients in the body, in addition to heel itching, the formation of deep cracks in the skin, its uncharacteristic roughening, hair loss and brittle nails are also observed.

Vitamin deficiency can only be treated from the inside. No ointments or creams can compensate for the lack of microelements and nutrients. Most effective methods To combat vitamin deficiency are dietary adjustments and intake special drugs. The diet must contain fresh, high-quality products. Most often, itchy heels are provoked by a lack of vitamins such as A, B, C, D. With nutrient content in different products can be found in the table.

Itching when wearing poor-quality shoes

Very often the heels itch, as if right leg, and on the left when wearing low-quality shoes. Manufacturers, unfortunately, do not always use good, natural raw materials to make their products. As a result of this, in contact with the skin, insoles or entire shoes in general cause severe itching. Scratching is the result of irritation of the receptors by harmful substances.

Often in this case no treatment is required. It will be enough to treat the skin of your feet with an antiseptic, make a bath of warm boiled water and, for example, change the insoles. To avoid such a situation, you should purchase shoes carefully and with caution. When choosing, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • First of all, shoes should be comfortable and match the size of your feet. Itching may occur due to impaired blood circulation in the extremities;
  • the materials from which the shoes are made must be natural. As a last resort, you should at least choose a leather insole;
  • Shoes should not emit a chemical, unnatural odor.

Itching due to neurological problems

In some cases, a neurologist can help you understand why your heel itches, because sometimes the itching is psychosomatic in nature. The human body reacts sharply to various emotional shocks. One of its strangest manifestations can be itching.

Instability of the nervous system is caused by stress, overwork, prolonged anxiety, and fear. In the case when only one leg itches and along with this dermatitis appears on the body, you should definitely consult a doctor. If the neurologist confirmed that the itching is caused by a malfunction in nervous system, then treatment, in this case, will be aimed at normalizing its work. The safest are sedatives on herbs, for example, valerian, motherwort, hawthorn.

Itchy heels - very unpleasant feeling, bringing a lot of inconvenience. If it itches for a long time, you should definitely consult a doctor. A specialist will be able to prescribe adequate treatment and tell you what to do to alleviate the condition.

Chat between colleagues.
xxx: Dim, shhhh
yyy: oha!
xxx: there’s something for paper clips, man!
xxx: is there any oil for paper clips?
xxx: Output to staples
xxx: bro, the paperclips really remain on the heel
yyy: because with the staples everything is even
yuu: come, I won’t deprive you, fuck!
xxx: Yes, I should at least fasten half of the document, I haven’t fastened it for a long time
xxx: I tried to attach it with my fingers
xxx: not that BITCH
xxx: fuck
yuu: there is no life at all
xxx: no rush...

Dog Diary:
8:00 Dog food! Favorite food!
9:00 Let's go in the car! Adore!
9:40 A walk in the park! The most wonderful walk!
11:00 Scratched behind the ear! I love people!
11:30 Give me a bone! My favorite food!
14:00 Let's play in the garden! My favorite place!
14:20 Wagging my tail! Favorite activity!
17:00 Dog food! Favorite food!
18:00 Let's play ball! My favorite game!
20:00 Watching TV! My favorite activity!
22:00 I sleep on the mat! My favorite place!
Cat's Diary:
Day 956 of my imprisonment...

Most people, when they go to bed, cover themselves with a blanket so that not even a heel sticks out, because if even one centimeter of your body sticks out, someone will grab you from under the bed, drag you away and eat you!

If you are learning to play the piano, then in one of your first lessons you should
to your student throughout the entire text of the works (and these are sometimes dozens
pages) ARRANGE fingers: make notes which note is which with which finger
play. If you do this over and over again, the student will have time to memorize incorrect
fingers that are only suitable for a slow tempo, but at a fast pace
will certainly cause an accident or clumsiness.

Therefore, you often have to spend an entire lesson on this labor-intensive task.
For a teacher it is hard work, but for a student it is melancholy. For the whole
lesson, the teacher may only address him 3-4 times (check, they say,
Are my fingers comfortable for you that I wrote here?)

And if you are learning to play the organ (even your legs have their own keyboard),
so there is even more work. It is necessary to make notes: left sock,
right heel, left heel, etc.

There is a bus stop near the conservatory. Two students enter, continuing
conversation that has already begun: “Did you go to see your professor?” - “I went, but
I don't think he did anything to me today. I spent a whole hour fiddling around - that’s all.
he spread my legs, and when he finally did, there was already the next one
the student has arrived."

Shocked by what they heard, the passengers whispered for a long time and turned

Well, the morals in this conservatory!

My husband is an original city resident, but while my grandfather was alive, we moved to the village
We went to visit, and my husband managed to see something of village life. Yesterday
In the morning I watch how our janitor rapes his scythe, I call my husband to see
this is a "massacre". His Conclusion: “No, she won’t succeed, she
he doesn't place his heel that way." I'm delighted with his knowledge, yes, he really does
The braid has a “heel” that should be just below the blade. But something bothered me
felt compelled to clarify:
- How should you place your heel?
My husband gets into a ballet pose, like we danced in kindergarten.
“heel-toe, stomp-stomp-stomp” and imitate mowing, showing HOW.
It turns out that he thought that the main thing when mowing is the CORRECT POSITION
Petipa, damn it.

when you come to the hospital, you are treated. neither here nor there they require you to have deep knowledge of their profession, not yours. So why the hell do the admins demand anything different? something's boiling =(

apparently because you don’t come to the hospital because your heel itches, moreover, if your heel itches, you don’t first try to saw it off with a rusty saw, then pour it with iodine, and then just call a doctor and he’s completely horrified look to answer that it just happened somehow, you didn’t touch anything.