What happens if you inject gasoline into a vein? Intravenous injections of alcohol What happens if you inject alcohol into a vein

What happens if you inject alcohol or vodka into your veins? and got the best answer

Reply from User deleted[guru]
It depends how much and under what circumstances.. for example:
A vodka dropper helped an Italian tourist survive in Australia after ingesting a large amount of a toxic substance.
According to Reuters, the 24-year-old Italian, apparently wanting to commit suicide, drank ethylene glycol, which is part of antifreeze and the use of which is usually fatal.
As an antidote, doctors from the city of Mackay in Queensland used the usual drug in such cases - pure alcohol, but soon its supplies at the clinic ran out. The treatment could not be stopped, and then the doctors decided to put a vodka drip on the patient.
“In the intensive care unit, the patient received approximately three standard drinks of alcohol per hour intravenously for three days,” Dr. Todd Frazier said in a statement released Wednesday. “Fortunately for him, he spent most of this time in an induced coma, so that by the time he woke up, I think he no longer felt a hangover.”
“And the hospital administration reacted with great understanding to our request to purchase a box of vodka,” the doctor added.
The Italian underwent an unusual course of treatment in Makea two months ago and has since fully recovered, clinic representatives emphasize. However, they only released information about this now.
or here:
A fourteen-year-old girl, with the support of two boys the same age, injected several “cubes” of alcohol into her veins. Having made sure that the pioneer did not die on the spot, the assistants carefully injected themselves and began to wait. Soon the girl lost consciousness, and the boys sensed something was wrong. The guests fled quietly, leaving the returning parents to resolve the situation. Arriving doctors determined that all children had serious alcohol poisoning and immediately transported them to the hospital. The girl was the most feared, but after a while she was brought to her senses.

Reply from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What happens if you inject alcohol or vodka into your veins?

Reply from ****** [guru]
Nothing. You'll only get drunk quickly. Almost in a matter of seconds.

Reply from Aztex.[guru]
The above is complete bullshit; if you inject 50 grams of vodka into the blood, you can throw off your hooves. With small doses of 20-30 milliliters, a blood clot and bruise will form at the injection site. I saw two such “experimenters”. By the way, there is no effect as such, at least from one application the second time these idiots were not enough.

Reply from User deleted[guru]
stupid question!

Reply from Dfsda sdzf[newbie]
Hospitals have alcohol droppers for poisoning (they gave me one)

Reply from Dmitry Egorov[newbie]
you will get a burn to the intima of the vein

Reply from Yodik[active]
You mix vodka with any anesthetic, put novocaine or icecaine. I don’t know how it is with 50 cubes, but with 10 you get drunk normally. In general, in case of methanol poisoning, a 20 cc injection of vodka is given to neutralize the poisoning.

Reply from Katyushka[newbie]
If we talk about pure ethanol, then no matter how it is consumed - drinking, smearing into a vein or through an Esmarch mug - it enters the blood, and the degree of intoxication is proportional to its concentration in the blood. However, three hundred grams of vodka drunk in the traditional way with a pickled cucumber will be absorbed by the walls of the stomach slowly, and by the time you bite the last glass, the first one will already be partially processed by the liver. In the case of intravenous administration, you will instantly establish a high concentration of alcohol in the blood. By the way, the lethal concentration for humans is only 0.4...0.5%, so just one glass of vodka, hit through a vein, will most likely send you to the next world.
More noble drinks like cognac, whiskey or liqueurs contain large amounts of fusel oils, sugar and other organics, the direct entry of which into the bloodstream will lead to difficult to predict, but almost certainly very disastrous consequences.

3- in any case, its immediate infection will begin, because water is a foreign body for us where our blood flows;

conclusion: someone will quickly go off the rails, and then off the hook...

A little parting advice for fun: it is advisable to leave a note for the pathologist so that the person does not faint during the autopsy (well, like, listen, bro!, although the coffee has cooled down, you can warm it up and sip it. You know, Arabica is a thing.

What happens if air is injected into a vein?

Probably, at least once in your life you have happened to go through such a not too painful, but still unpleasant situation as an intravenous injection. At this tense moment, many people have an alarming thought that air may get into the vein. Numerous detective series come to mind, where cunning villains committed murders in this way, leaving virtually no traces. What happens if you actually inject air into a vein?

In real life, everything is somewhat simpler and more prosaic than in the TV series. For a fatal outcome, you do not need a tiny air bubble, but a fairly large volume (about 10 milliliters). In addition, it can cause death only if it immediately penetrates large arteries and blocks the flow of blood.

What happens during the injection?

Please note that the arm is below the level of the heart during the injection. Thanks to this, the air will be absorbed before it rises to the vital organs.

By the way, in detective films and novels, insidious killers usually inject small vessels into the air, but in practice it is very, very difficult to get into them - almost impossible. In addition, the injection site that no one sees is another literary and cinematic myth. To discover it, you don’t even need to be the most brilliant of criminologists or a luminary of forensic medicine. After the death of a person, it becomes dark, and a light halo appears around him. So the average forensic expert will quickly find him and understand the cause of death.

But if everything is so simple, then why does the medical staff always try to remove the air before the injection? In fact, those same “ominous” air bubbles make the injection painful. The patient may feel discomfort and a bruise may remain at the injection site.

Dangerous situations

What happens if for some reason air does get into the artery? This causes a condition called air embolism. Its essence is that the blood flow is blocked. The air plug blocks the movement of blood along the vascular bed and, having created a bubble, wanders through the arteries. The air spreads in parts through small vessels, right up to the capillaries. Since the capillary network provides blood supply to all organs and systems, due to an air embolism, a vital part of the body may be isolated. The likely consequences are heart attack and stroke.

Under what circumstances can such an amount of air enter a vein that is actually sufficient to cause death? This is possible with wounds and injuries to the neck or chest. These situations are dangerous because the neck is above the level of the heart, and in the thoracic region the pressure is lower than in the environment. In this case, air is quickly absorbed into the circulatory system and simply breaks it.

During childbirth, during contractions of the uterus, air can enter its vena cava. In this case, it will be absorbed very quickly.

A phenomenon called pulmonary barotrauma occurs in the following situation: a diver runs out of air, holds his breath in panic and quickly rushes to the surface. As you ascend, the pressure decreases and the air in your lungs expands. The lungs become overfilled and the alveoli may rupture as a result. In this case, air from the lungs will pass into the blood vessels and can provoke an air embolism.

Such cases are mostly fatal. But ordinary intravenous injection has nothing to do with them.

There is no point in being afraid of a tiny air bubble, but this does not mean that you can deliberately inject a full syringe of air into a vein. There is no consensus on what minimum amount of air can actually cause death.

Some believe that 10 cubes is enough, others call the figure 50 or even more. But nevertheless, you should not experiment and test experimentally what will happen if you inject air into a vein. If the ingress of a small amount of air happened accidentally, for example, when you injected yourself with medicine at home, then it is best not to panic, not to listen to the horror stories of relatives and friends, but to seek advice from a doctor who will calmly and reasonably explain everything to you.

How to give an intravenous injection correctly?

It is believed that only drug addicts give themselves intravenous injections, and ordinary people trust this difficult task to medical personnel. But in life, various emergency situations happen, and sometimes the fate and life of a person depends on how quickly the injection is given. Therefore, it is better to know, at least in theory, how to give an intravenous injection correctly.

Of course, it is necessary to follow standard hygiene rules: wash your hands, use only disposable or sterilized instruments, and treat the skin at the injection site. Typically, the veins of the cubital fossa are used for such injections. They are quite large in size, in addition, the layer of skin in this area is quite thin, so this approach is the simplest and most convenient. But injections can also be given in other places (for example, in the veins of the hand or forearm).

You need to draw the medicine into the syringe, make sure there are no air bubbles, and put the cap on the needle. The patient sits or lies down, fully extending the arm at the elbow joint. A tourniquet is applied to the middle of his shoulder. The patient needs to clench and unclench his fist several times to allow blood to fill the veins.

The skin treated with alcohol is stretched in the area of ​​the elbow and slightly shifted to the side. The syringe must be held so that the needle is located at an acute angle to the vein. When the skin is punctured, the needle is inserted a third of the way. The patient clenches his fist. When the vein is punctured, you can slightly pull the syringe plunger towards yourself. If there is blood in it, then everything is fine. Now you need to untie the tourniquet, while the patient unclenches his fist.

The drug is administered slowly, then the injection site is pressed with cotton wool moistened with alcohol. Now you can remove the needle. The patient should bend his arm at the elbow for several minutes, holding the cotton wool with alcohol at the injection site.

Teenagers decided to try vodka intravenously

A fourteen-year-old girl, with the support of two boys the same age, injected several “cubes” of alcohol into her veins. Having made sure that the pioneer did not die on the spot, the assistants carefully injected themselves and began to wait. Soon the girl lost consciousness, and the boys sensed something was wrong. The guests fled quietly, leaving the returning parents to resolve the situation.

When the father looked into the room where the party was taking place, he found his daughter on the floor in torn clothes, and next to two guys, for some unknown reason, squatting. The girl showed no signs of life, the unfamiliar young men mumbled something and made terrible grimaces. Obviously, rape, the father decided, and dragged the juvenile delinquents to investigate, but it soon became clear that sex had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Arriving doctors determined that all children had serious alcohol poisoning and immediately transported them to the hospital. The girl was the most feared, but after a while she was brought to her senses.

“The average age of drug addicts in Germany is rapidly falling,” says addiction specialist Heiner Peterburs. “Recently in Hanover, an 11-year-old kid was caught with a joint.” And this, experts say, is not an isolated case. “The youngsters absorb everything indiscriminately - ecstasy, alcohol, powders and technical liquids,” continues a representative of the local criminal service.

The game with vodka ended without casualties, but, for example, the experiment with gas led to the death of the natural scientist himself, a 13-year-old resident of Bremen, just as an air freshener killed an 11-year-old boy.

He injected gasoline into a vein and remained healthy.

A resident of the village of Kaibaly drank black all week with his wife. And then, the drink ran out and the couple began to squabble: word for word... The woman attacked her husband with the last words, and he, unable to shout her down, decided to show his character in his own way. To spite his wife, he filled a syringe with gasoline and injected several cubes into his vein, Komsomolskaya Pravda reports with reference to the Department of Internal Affairs for the Altai region of Khakassia.

“The woman was afraid for his health and called an ambulance. The doctors arrived, examined the patient and just shrugged their shoulders: the man was absolutely healthy, as if there was no gasoline in his blood. The doctors gave the patient a couple of recommendations and went home,” the newspaper writes.



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What happens if air is injected into a vein?


What happens if you take off your spacesuit on Mars?

195 nm. Ultraviolet radiation of such harshness is destructive for all earthly life. It is not for nothing that doctors use UV lamps to disinfect premises.

Black holes are undoubtedly one of the most mysterious places in the universe. The holes are so massive that they distort space and time horribly, they are so dense that their centers are called "infinity points" and they are pitch black - because even bright light cannot pass through them. It is not surprising that so many people wonder what will happen if you get into them. And as it turns out, a trip to one of the black holes will not be like a summer vacation at all. “If you were to attempt to penetrate a black hole, your body would most likely resemble “toothpaste being squeezed out of a tube,” says Charles Louis, an astrophysicist who works at the US Natural History Museum's Hayden Planetarium. Louis explains that when an object crosses a black hole's so-called "event horizon" - its outer limit, or the point of no return, as it is called - the same physics that causes ocean tides on Earth begins to take effect. The strength of gravity decreases with distance, so the lunar attraction when the Moon is closer to the Earth is slightly more active than the attraction during the distant phase, and as a consequence this acts on the Earth, extending its certain gravitational region in the direction of the Moon. The Earth itself is solid, so it does not move due to the moon's gravity, but the water on the Earth's surface is liquid, and it spreads along the elongated axis of the gravitational region. "It's the interaction of the lunar phase on the tides," he said. Near a black hole, roughly the size of Earth, the periodic forces of nature are magnified to incredible proportions. “Jumping headfirst into a black hole, the top of your head would experience much more gravity than the tips of your toes. This effect would cause you to stretch further and further,” says Sir Martin Rees, a British astrophysicist. “Ultimately, you will turn into a stream of subatomic particles that will be sucked into a black hole.” Since your brain would disintegrate into its component atoms almost immediately, you would likely not be able to admire the surrounding scenery after stepping through the threshold of an Earth-sized black hole. However, if you are a stubborn tourist and absolutely want to experience your feelings when visiting a space-time anomaly, we recommend finding larger holes. Large black holes have much smaller critical surfaces. “If you had a black hole the size of our solar system, then the periodic forces on the “event horizon” would not be so strong that they would instantly dematerialize you. This way, you can actually maintain your seal," Louis said. In this case, you could directly experience the effect of the curvature of space-time predicted by Einstein's general theory of relativity. "First of all, when you fall into a black hole, you are approaching the speed of light "Therefore, the faster you move through space, the slower you move through time," he said. "Also, before you fall, there are things that fell into the black hole in front of you that experience much more 'time confusion.' than you. Thus, looking into the hole, you will see every object that has entered it in the past. And, in the same way, if you look back, you will be able to see everything that will ever pass into the black one. hole after you." According to this theory, you will eventually reach a place where you can see all of history - from the Big Bang to the distant future - at the same time.

Not such a bad way to penetrate the great secrets of the universe...

What happens if alcohol is administered intravenously?

A vodka dropper helped an Italian tourist survive in Australia after ingesting a large amount of a toxic substance.

According to Reuters, the 24-year-old Italian, apparently wanting to commit suicide, drank ethylene glycol, which is part of antifreeze and the use of which is usually fatal.

As an antidote, doctors from the city of Mackay in Queensland used the usual drug in such cases - pure alcohol, but soon its supplies at the clinic ran out. The treatment could not be stopped, and then the doctors decided to put a vodka drip on the patient.

“In the intensive care unit, the patient received approximately three standard drinks of alcohol per hour intravenously for three days,” Dr. Todd Frazier said in a statement Wednesday. “Luckily for him, he spent most of this time in an induced coma.

What happens if you inject vodka into a vein?

Ethyl alcohol is sometimes administered intravenously by doctors themselves, in a small percentage, to neutralize certain chemicals.

Previously, intravenous administration of ethanol was practiced for injuries when urgent prevention of painful shock was required. Nowadays more effective and safe means are used.

What happens if you inject vodka into a vein? In medical practice, there are known episodes when people committed such stupid things, either for experimental purposes, or out of deep ignorance of the effects of ethyl alcohol on human blood. Here everything depends on the quality and quantity of alcohol introduced. If the amount was small (up to 1 cube of alcohol), alcohol poisoning will occur, and coordination and psychomotor disorders may occur. As the number of cubes increases, the likelihood of loss of consciousness and the onset of an alcoholic coma increases. The average volume of a lethal dose (depends on the person’s weight and...

Actually, there is such a method in medicine, but it is only very rarely used as a way to combat pain shock. But I found interesting information about this topic on the Internet, I don’t know how plausible this is, but for me personally there is logic in it.

In medicine, ethyl alcohol diluted in sterile water or saline was previously injected in order to put a person under anesthesia. This method is now obsolete. If you want to try such an extravagant method of drinking alcohol not in a hospital, but on your own, I would not recommend it - you can try it until you enter a coma or even die. Ethyl alcohol, of course, is not administered in its pure form; this can lead to burns and tissue death. In a diluted form, this method was previously used in medicine; now there are safer and less harmful modern methods of treatment.

Certainly. In this matter, much depends on the dose. In principle, with small doses, nothing bad will happen.

And now in more detail

They gave him fifty cc intravenously.

she prepared a solution of forty percent glucose with ten percent alcohol

In order for the alcohol in the solution to be 10%, for this you need to (let’s round the 96-degree medicine to 100%. To make counting easier) mix 90 ml. solvent (distilled sterile water, glucose solution, saline solution) and 10 milliliters of 96-degree (100%) wine alcohol - spiritus wine rectified 8). Then we get the same as Dusya Antipina - a 10% ethanol solution (solvent - 40% glucose). Thus, taking into account that he was given half of the first dose - 50 ml., Prokhor felt noticeably better already from 5 ml of pure alcohol!

96 proof alcohol is less accessible than 40 proof vodka. Therefore, you need to dilute the vodka! Let's start recalculating (for vodka) to obtain 10% of the drug for injection into a vein. In an extreme situation, you don’t have to think about fusel components; naturally.

For intravenous injections, use 33% solutions of rectified alcohol prepared in isotonic sodium chloride solution, since the introduction of higher concentrations of alcohol can cause denaturation of proteins in the blood serum.

INTRAVENOUS INJECTIONS OF ALCOHOL - section Medicine, GENERAL SURGERY It has been established that after alcohol therapy, the number of monocytic cells will increase.

All topics in this section:

At a time when bacteriological science did not yet exist and surgeons had no idea about the microbes that are the real cause of suppuration of accidental and surgical wounds, surgical

Pasteur's research established that the doctrine of the putrefactive properties of atmospheric air is erroneous. Air oxygen, which was considered the main causative agent of suppuration processes, in itself does not

Asepsis in the modern sense is a combination of various methods and techniques aimed at creating germ-free, sterile conditions for all surgical work (S. S. Girgolav). IN

Currently in veterinary universities and...

Combined alcohol-hexenal and alcohol-thiopental intravenous anesthesia were also proposed, with incomplete narcotic doses of barbiturates administered together with a 20-25% solution of ethyl alcohol (at the rate of 1.5 g of pure alcohol per 1 kg of body weight), prepared in a sterile isotonic sodium chloride solution or 5% glucose solution. The synergy of barbiturates and alcohol ensures anesthesia of sufficient depth and duration with a small dose of each drug without pronounced changes in breathing and blood circulation. Currently, this type of anesthesia.

Well, they don’t inject themselves, you know? They don’t prick and that’s it! Somewhere they may inject, but here they don’t.

Just don't try it =)

What about the process?

This is so barbaric - no snacks, no company. Or take drugs for brotherhood? =)

For me, the beauty is not in the final state, but in the gradual approach to it. Two piles ago there was nothing yet, but after two - and everything becomes very nothing! =)

here.. Of course, I know people who drink for the result.. But in my circles it’s customary to value the process.. Toasts, conversations. A high-quality snack... in general - the atmosphere. Although I haven’t drunk alcohol at all for two years now, I sometimes take part in such gatherings.

Cheap. When there is a lot of gerych, it is also heated on foil and inhaled with a pipe. If you don't swallow it.

Some people are looking for their own buzz, starting with classic glue and cologne and ending with modern exotics like lighter gas and air freshener. During a house party, German teenagers decided to experiment with ordinary vodka.

A fourteen-year-old girl, with the support of two boys the same age, injected several “cubes” of alcohol into her veins. Having made sure that the pioneer did not die on the spot, the assistants carefully injected themselves and began to wait. Soon the girl lost consciousness, and the boys sensed something was wrong. The guests are noisy.

Intravenously administering alcohol in itself is dangerous, especially if you do not have a medical education. And injecting alcohol into a vein is fraught with death. Or this: A fourteen-year-old girl, with the support of two boys the same age, injected several “cubes” of alcohol into her veins.

Intravenous injections involve the introduction of a medicinal substance directly into the bloodstream. During the injection, you can slightly move the needle towards the skin, then the injected drug will be distributed evenly in the tissues, at the same time you must carefully ensure that it does not get under the periosteum, fascia or subcutaneous tissue. Contrary to general opinion, it does not allow us to exhale, and we suffocate because our lungs are full - but of carbon dioxide, not oxygen.

After the nurse is convinced that the needle is in the vein, she moves it along the vein 0.5-1 cm, removes the tourniquet and begins infusion. After the injection, remove the needle by wrapping it with cotton wool (with alcohol). After that.

If we talk about pure ethanol, then no matter how it is consumed - drinking, smearing into a vein or through an Esmarch mug - it enters the blood, and the degree of intoxication is proportional to its concentration in the blood. However, three hundred grams of vodka drunk in the traditional way with a pickled cucumber will be absorbed by the walls of the stomach slowly, and by the time you bite the last glass, the first one will already be partially processed by the liver. In the case of intravenous administration, you will instantly establish a high concentration of alcohol in the blood. By the way, the lethal concentration for humans is only 0.4. 0.5%, so just one glass of vodka, hit through a vein, will most likely send you to the next world.

More noble drinks like cognac, whiskey or liqueurs contain large amounts of fusel oils, sugar and other organic matter, the direct entry of which into the bloodstream will lead to consequences that are difficult to predict, but almost certainly very disastrous.

It only takes 57 seconds. This is not about when the needle gets “in the wrong place” - injection bumps, etc. This method of treating alcoholism is based on creating a depot of a chemical substance in the body that is incompatible with alcohol.

Intravenous drip infusion is carried out for a long time, so the patient must be placed comfortably on his back, the limb must be fixed with a soft bandage, and for puncture a vein of a smaller caliber than the ulnar vein must be selected (veins of the foot or the back of the hand). Intramuscular injection, as a rule, is injected into the outer upper quadrant of the buttock (semi-buttock), since nerves and large vessels do not pass there.

If the fluid flow stops, if this is caused by thrombosis of the vein, do not increase the pressure in the system and try to clean the cannula. At the same time, according to doctors, the risk of death when air bubbles enter the blood is very small.

Secondly, if air does get in, then within a few minutes the patient will actually feel “local” discomfort, calling it.

It has been established that after alcohol therapy the number of monocytic cells increases by 8-10%. In addition, alcohol reduces the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, since 95% of the total amount of alcohol is burned in the body, producing up to 7 calories for every gram of alcohol (V.I. Skvortsov). Reducing the breakdown of proteins and fats in the body, on the one hand, and the combustion of alcohol to carbon dioxide and water, on the other, help normalize the disturbed alkaline-acid balance and metabolism.

As a result of alcohol therapy, the body's resistance to infection increases, weight loss stops, the inflammatory process subsides, the temperature in febrile patients decreases, the erythrocyte sedimentation reaction slows down and leukocytosis decreases.

For intravenous injections, use 33% solutions of rectified alcohol prepared in an isotonic sodium chloride solution, since the introduction of higher concentrations of alcohol can cause denaturation.

Among the acidic youth, some stunning new product often appears that “carries away”, “knocks down” or turns inside out. Every more or less self-respecting partygoer considers it his duty to try it, since it is not good to lag behind your older comrades, because in doing so you risk being “on the wrong wavelength,” that is, on the sidelines of the general fun, which will immediately affect your reputation, buddy .

“The average age of drug addicts in Germany is rapidly falling,” says drug specialist Heiner Peterburs. “Recently in Hannover, an 11-year-old kid was caught with a joint.” And this, experts say, is not an isolated case. “The youngsters absorb everything indiscriminately – ecstasy, alcohol, powders and technical liquids,” continues a representative of the local criminal service.


It has been established that after alcohol therapy the number of monocytic cells increases by 8-10%. In addition, alcohol reduces the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, since 95% of the total amount of alcohol is burned in the body, producing up to 7 calories for every gram of alcohol (V.I. Skvortsov). Reducing the breakdown of proteins and fats in the body, on the one hand, and the combustion of alcohol to carbon dioxide and water, on the other, help normalize the disturbed alkaline-acid balance and metabolism.

As a result of alcohol therapy, the body's resistance to infection increases, weight loss stops, the inflammatory process subsides, the temperature in febrile patients decreases, the erythrocyte sedimentation reaction slows down and leukocytosis decreases.

For intravenous injections, use 33% solutions of rectified alcohol prepared in isotonic sodium chloride solution, since the introduction of higher concentrations of alcohol can cause denaturation of proteins in the blood serum. Alcohol solutions in distilled water should not be used, as they cause collapse phenomena in horses (personal observations). For a single intravenous injection of horses, take 125-175 ml of rectified alcohol. To avoid the development of thrombophlebitis, collapse and shock, alcohol solutions must be injected into the vein slowly. Inject daily or 2 times a day, depending on comparison. If the clinical effect does not occur after 3-5 injections of alcohol, further use of alcohol should be considered useless.

Indications for intravenous injections of alcohol include progressive inflammatory edema, acute purulent processes and a preseptic state. In horses, after alcohol therapy, body temperature quickly decreases, general condition improves, appetite sharply increases and local reparative processes accelerate (K. A. Fomin). Treatment with intravenous alcohol injections is a type of active therapy. It can be used only in the absence of blockade of the reticuloendothelial system.

Good results are also obtained by alcohol with the addition of camphor and glucose according to Kadykov’s Arabic script (Rр.: Camphorae tritae 4.0; Spiritus vini rectificati 300.0; Glucosi 60.0; Sol Natrii chlorati 0.8% - 700.0. M. f . Solutio. Sterilisetur! D. S. Administer 230-300 ml intravenously, 2 times daily).

Intravenous injections of alcohol are the best prophylactic against the development of metastatic foci in the lung tissue during acute purulent and gangrenous processes. Alcohol therapy in combination with novarsenol or autohemotherapy should be widely used in the treatment of pulmonary abscesses. The therapeutic effectiveness of alcohol therapy depends on the timing of its use. The earlier intravenous alcohol is administered, the better the results.

Alcohol treatment should be discontinued as soon as myopenia is detected, indicating non-irritation of the reticuloendothelial system. Likewise, the presence of pronounced monopenia before intravenous administration of alcohol serves as a direct contraindication for its use.
It must be remembered that a sharp depression of the reticuloendothelial system, caused by waste products of bacteria and the breakdown of tissue protein, can result in paralysis of this system after the introduction of alcohol. Alcohol therapy is also contraindicated in case of organic damage to the heart, kidneys and anemia. Long-term administration of alcohol is harmful to the liver. To avoid the development of parenchymal jaundice, it is recommended to administer small doses of insulin simultaneously with an alcohol solution.


Among the acidic youth, some stunning new product often appears that “carries away”, “knocks down” and turns inside out. Every more or less self-respecting partygoer considers it his duty to try it, since it is not good to lag behind your older comrades, because in doing so you risk being “on the wrong wavelength,” that is, on the sidelines of the general fun, which will immediately affect your reputation, buddy .

Some people are looking for their own buzz, starting with classic glue and cologne and ending with modern exotics like lighter gas and air freshener. During a house party, German teenagers decided to experiment with ordinary vodka.

When the father looked into the room where the party was taking place, he found his daughter on the floor in torn clothes, and next to two guys, for some unknown reason, squatting. The girl showed no signs of life, the unfamiliar young men mumbled something and made terrible grimaces. Obviously, rape, the father decided, and dragged the juvenile delinquents to investigate, but it soon became clear that sex had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Arriving doctors determined that all children had serious alcohol poisoning and immediately transported them to the hospital. The girl was the most feared, but after a while she was brought to her senses.

The game with vodka ended without casualties, but the experiment with gas led to the death of the natural scientist himself, a 13-year-old resident of Bremen, just as an air freshener killed an 11-year-old boy.


Still taking vodka orally? Think about it! Maybe you're doing something wrong?

Vodka in a frying pan.
Everything is simple here. All the cracks in the room are clogged, and vodka is poured onto a hot frying pan. In this way, you can become intoxicated by any company much faster and at lower costs.

Vodka intravenously
A fourteen-year-old girl, with the support of two boys the same age, injected several “cubes” of alcohol into her veins. Having made sure that the pioneer did not die on the spot, the assistants carefully injected themselves and began to wait. Soon the girl lost consciousness, and the boys sensed something was wrong. The guests fled quietly, leaving the returning parents to resolve the situation.

Enema with vodka
There is an ingenious method of secretly drinking vodka, invented, according to rumors, in the damp trenches of the first German war by the Invincible Russian Soldier.
As usual, the invention began with a crime: the Invincible Russian Soldier took a gutta-percha enema in the medical unit - the last word of progress, and then somewhere he exchanged schnapps, or even just washed out half a bottle of white stuff. I can just see him sitting in a damp overcoat at the bottom of a trench, juxtaposing vodka in one hand and an enema in the other, and on his face there is a kind of ripple of thinking, inventive, but playfully obscene. In general, the soldier put two and two together, and the damp trenches were filled with non-stupid bodies that did not emit the smell of alcohol.
irt is perfectly absorbed by the rectum, and it is no coincidence that vodka is forty degrees - such a strength does not burn the mucous membranes. And if without fanaticism, then you can fight for almost a week on one half-liter of fire water. As if wound up in the ass... Of course, with a serious rectal infusion, the smell from the mouth still appears, through the blood, that is, the body in an unnatural direction breaks through with spirituality... But these are trifles.

A tampon with vodka in the genitals is a dangerous new trend among German teenage girls.
A 14-year-old resident of the southern German town of Konstanz had a fun Saturday night in the company of her girlfriends. Suddenly the girl felt bad and fainted in the city center. The ambulance crew that arrived at the scene found that she had alcohol poisoning. The alcohol content in the blood is more than two ppm - a dose sufficient to knock out an adult man. But imagine the surprise of the doctors when, when trying to cleanse her stomach, they realized that the girl had not drunk anything. Only after interviewing her friends did the doctors realize that the teenager had used a trick that had become fashionable - she inserted a tampon soaked in vodka into her genitals! Getting drunk quickly without anyone noticing the characteristic smell is the main reason for such tricks. Through the mucous membrane of the vagina, alcohol enters directly into the blood and the state of “high” occurs quickly and lasts a long time.
To avoid getting reprimanded by their parents for coming home drunk, an increasing number of teenage girls are using this method.
This year alone, several hundred young German women have been taken to the country's hospitals with alcohol poisoning after a "tampon high." Doctors say that such a trend is extremely dangerous. The liver does not process alcohol entering the body and severe poisoning can occur quite quickly. In some, especially severe cases, this can lead to the death of the patient. In addition, vodka destroys the mucous membrane of the genital organs, and burns are possible.
In general, the situation with child and adolescent alcoholism in Germany is not the best. According to the Federal Office of Statistics, over the past 5 years, the number of inpatients aged 10 to 16 years needing treatment after alcohol poisoning has increased by 178 percent.

Drinking through the eyes is becoming a dangerous fashion
Flood eyes - this is usually used figuratively to describe a person who has taken a large dose of alcohol. However, today this expression takes on the most literal meaning.
A new way to drink alcohol was invented by restless British students. They no longer want to drink vodka traditionally, through the mouth, and prefer to put it directly into their eyes. "Eye infusions" are becoming a dangerous trend not only in Britain, but also in the United States. For example, this trick is very popular in Las Vegas nightclubs.
decent tips, waitresses drop small doses on customers.
According to reviews from those who have already mastered such a simple procedure, the feeling of intoxication occurs almost instantly, lasts longer and has a more pronounced form. After all, vodka easily penetrates the mucous membrane and enters directly into the bloodstream through the blood vessels of the back wall of the eye.
However, this dubious fun also has a downside - it causes severe damage to health. According to 22-year-old Melissa Fontaine, as a student, she often drank vodka through her eyes, and now her left eye is constantly watering, and doctors say that with age her vision can become even worse. “I really regret doing this,” says Melissa. “The thought of it getting worse terrifies me. If only I could turn back time. But it’s already happened.”
Professor Robin Towkit, consultant in emergency medicine at St Mary's Hospital, Paddington, says: "Because vodka is 40 per cent pure ethyl alcohol, if it gets into the eyes it can cause inflammation and thrombosis - blockage of blood vessels. - and so strong that only a very small amount of alcohol will be absorbed. The eye does not have a gastrointestinal tract that would protect it and facilitate the absorption of alcohol over a long period of time, can seriously damage the cornea and sclera, the white membrane of the eye.”






Among the acidic youth, some stunning new product often appears that “carries away”, “knocks down” or turns inside out. Every more or less self-respecting partygoer considers it his duty to try it, since it is not good to lag behind your older comrades, because in doing so you risk being “on the wrong wavelength,” that is, on the sidelines of the general fun, which will immediately affect your reputation, buddy .

Some people are looking for their own buzz, starting with classic glue and cologne and ending with modern exotics like lighter gas and air freshener. During a house party, German teenagers decided to experiment with ordinary vodka.

A fourteen-year-old girl, with the support of two boys the same age, injected several “cubes” of alcohol into her veins. Having made sure that the pioneer did not die on the spot, the assistants carefully injected themselves and began to wait. Soon the girl lost consciousness, and the boys sensed something was wrong. The guests fled quietly, leaving the returning parents to resolve the situation.

When the father looked into the room where the party was taking place, he found his daughter on the floor in torn clothes, and next to two guys, for some unknown reason, squatting. The girl showed no signs of life, the unfamiliar young men mumbled something and made terrible grimaces. Obviously, rape, the father decided, and dragged the juvenile delinquents to investigate, but it soon became clear that sex had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Arriving doctors determined that all children had serious alcohol poisoning and immediately transported them to the hospital. The girl was the most feared, but after a while she was brought to her senses.

“The average age of drug addicts in Germany is rapidly falling,” says addiction specialist Heiner Peterburs. “Recently in Hanover, an 11-year-old kid was caught with a joint.” And this, experts say, is not an isolated case. “The youngsters absorb everything indiscriminately - ecstasy, alcohol, powders and technical liquids,” continues a representative of the local criminal service.

The game with vodka ended without casualties, but, for example, the experiment with gas led to the death of the natural scientist himself, a 13-year-old resident of Bremen, just as an air freshener killed an 11-year-old boy.


It depends how much and under what circumstances.. for example:

A vodka dropper helped an Italian tourist survive in Australia after ingesting a large amount of a toxic substance.

According to Reuters, the 24-year-old Italian, apparently wanting to commit suicide, drank ethylene glycol, which is part of antifreeze and the use of which is usually fatal.

As an antidote, doctors from the city of Mackay in Queensland used the usual drug in such cases - pure alcohol, but soon its supplies at the clinic ran out. The treatment could not be stopped, and then the doctors decided to put a vodka drip on the patient.

“In the intensive care unit, the patient received approximately three standard drinks of alcohol per hour intravenously for three days,” Dr. Todd Frazier said in a statement released Wednesday. “Luckily for him, he spent most of that time in an induced coma, so by the time he woke up, I don’t think he had a hangover.”

“And the hospital administration reacted with great understanding to our request to purchase a box of vodka,” the doctor added.

The Italian underwent an unusual course of treatment in Makea two months ago and has since fully recovered, clinic representatives emphasize. However, they only released information about this now.

A fourteen-year-old girl, with the support of two boys the same age, injected several “cubes” of alcohol into her veins. Having made sure that the pioneer did not die on the spot, the assistants carefully injected themselves and began to wait. Soon the girl lost consciousness, and the boys sensed something was wrong. The guests fled quietly, leaving the returning parents to resolve the situation. Arriving doctors determined that all children had serious alcohol poisoning and immediately transported them to the hospital. The girl was the most feared, but after a while she was brought to her senses.


What happens if you inject vodka into a vein?

    It all depends on the quantity and quality of vodka.

    If you inject just a little, it will only poison the body. But if you pour in a certain dose, it won’t take long for the fins to stick together.

    By the way, if for some reason a person with chronic alcohol dependence ends up in intensive care. Then, in parallel with the treatment of the underlying disease, he is injected with alcohol intravenously.

    If the vodka is of high quality and the dose is not large, then in principle nothing will happen. In medical practice, intravenous alcohol is used for specific diseases. But you shouldn’t experiment on yourself, as you could drive your body into an alcoholic coma.

    Maximum dose for coma? Interesting to me.

    Everything will depend on the number of cubes of vodka introduced and its quality. At best, a person will become intoxicated, and at worst, a person may die from an alcohol overdose. So it’s better not to experiment with these things.

    Alcohol intoxication will occur almost instantly, since when drinking vodka as usual, alcohol penetrates into the blood rather slowly. True, if more than the norm of alcohol gets into the blood, death will occur. It is better to drink traditionally and not die from an overdose.

    There will be nothing terrible if you pour in just a little vodka. However, nothing good either. And if you inject a large amount of vodka into a vein, you are at risk of death from an overdose. In general, a strange method of drinking alcohol.

    Nothing good for sure. At best, you'll just get seriously poisoned. Well, in the most typical case, this is fatal. It’s better not to engage in such amateur activities and beware of introducing these poisons into your body!

    I will add to the above that vodka can be used intravenously in dilution with an isotonic solution as an antifoam in case of pulmonary edema (in the absence of 33% alcohol in the ambulance practice, if you want to experiment just like that, depending on the dose, either alcoholic intoxication or alcoholic coma ...

    Nothing special will happen...

    Unless the composition of the blood changes. And you will no longer want to drink vodka.

    Even a little bit will be useful. Vodka is made from alcohol. And alcohol kills the infection and makes the blood cleaner.)) Therefore, you can inject it if you really want)

    God forbid that you should ever be injected intravenously with products containing ethyl alcohol. Because when such drugs are administered, it means you have been poisoned with methyl alcohol and you are in intensive care.

    Lethal outcome. Alcohol is poison. And the fact that it is still used only speaks of a person’s stupid adherence to traditions. Otherwise, any thinking person can easily understand that all manifestations of the effects of alcohol exactly replicate the symptoms of poisoning. Only by accustoming yourself to perceive poisoning as something good can you affirm the benefits of drinking wine.

    Perhaps there will be death. So this question is not entirely smart.

What happens if you inject alcohol or vodka into your veins? and got the best answer

Reply from User deleted[guru]
It depends how much and under what circumstances.. for example:
A vodka dropper helped an Italian tourist survive in Australia after ingesting a large amount of a toxic substance.
According to Reuters, the 24-year-old Italian, apparently wanting to commit suicide, drank ethylene glycol, which is part of antifreeze and the use of which is usually fatal.
As an antidote, doctors from the city of Mackay in Queensland used the usual drug in such cases - pure alcohol, but soon its supplies at the clinic ran out. The treatment could not be stopped, and then the doctors decided to put a vodka drip on the patient.
“In the intensive care unit, the patient received approximately three standard drinks of alcohol per hour intravenously for three days,” Dr. Todd Frazier said in a statement released Wednesday. “Fortunately for him, he spent most of this time in an induced coma, so that by the time he woke up, I think he no longer felt a hangover.”
“And the hospital administration reacted with great understanding to our request to purchase a box of vodka,” the doctor added.
The Italian underwent an unusual course of treatment in Makea two months ago and has since fully recovered, clinic representatives emphasize. However, they only released information about this now.
or here:
A fourteen-year-old girl, with the support of two boys the same age, injected several “cubes” of alcohol into her veins. Having made sure that the pioneer did not die on the spot, the assistants carefully injected themselves and began to wait. Soon the girl lost consciousness, and the boys sensed something was wrong. The guests fled quietly, leaving the returning parents to resolve the situation. Arriving doctors determined that all children had serious alcohol poisoning and immediately transported them to the hospital. The girl was the most feared, but after a while she was brought to her senses.

Reply from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What happens if you inject alcohol or vodka into your veins?

Reply from ****** [guru]
Nothing. You'll only get drunk quickly. Almost in a matter of seconds.

Reply from Aztex.[guru]
The above is complete bullshit; if you inject 50 grams of vodka into the blood, you can throw off your hooves. With small doses of 20-30 milliliters, a blood clot and bruise will form at the injection site. I saw two such “experimenters”. By the way, there is no effect as such, at least from one application the second time these idiots were not enough.

Reply from User deleted[guru]
stupid question!

Reply from Dfsda sdzf[newbie]
Hospitals have alcohol droppers for poisoning (they gave me one)

Reply from Dmitry Egorov[newbie]
you will get a burn to the intima of the vein

Reply from Yodik[active]
You mix vodka with any anesthetic, put novocaine or icecaine. I don’t know how it is with 50 cubes, but with 10 you get drunk normally. In general, in case of methanol poisoning, a 20 cc injection of vodka is given to neutralize the poisoning.

Reply from Katyushka[newbie]
If we talk about pure ethanol, then no matter how it is consumed - drinking, smearing into a vein or through an Esmarch mug - it enters the blood, and the degree of intoxication is proportional to its concentration in the blood. However, three hundred grams of vodka drunk in the traditional way with a pickled cucumber will be absorbed by the walls of the stomach slowly, and by the time you bite the last glass, the first one will already be partially processed by the liver. In the case of intravenous administration, you will instantly establish a high concentration of alcohol in the blood. By the way, the lethal concentration for humans is only 0.4...0.5%, so just one glass of vodka, hit through a vein, will most likely send you to the next world.
More noble drinks like cognac, whiskey or liqueurs contain large amounts of fusel oils, sugar and other organics, the direct entry of which into the bloodstream will lead to difficult to predict, but almost certainly very disastrous consequences.