How to treat adenovirus infection. Causes of adenovirus infection: symptoms and treatment methods. Features of treatment of infection in pregnant women and children

Adenovirus infection is one of the varieties. The causative agents are DNA viruses. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in children and adolescents. Outbreaks of the disease are most often recorded in the cold season. The infectious agent affects the mucous membranes of the respiratory system and intestines. Lymphoid tissue is often involved in the process. One of the rather characteristic symptoms is damage to the conjunctiva of the eyes, which is why this pathology is also called “pharyngoconjunctival fever.”

Important:The disease is characterized by seasonality, but individual cases are recorded all year round.

Adenovirus is most often spread by airborne droplets. Contact and nutritional transmission of the pathogen is also possible. Clinical signs The diseases are varied, but the most common symptoms are a runny nose and fever, i.e., symptoms characteristic of ARVI. The disease can be quite severe, especially in a small child (under 3 years old) with a weak immune system.

When a child appears acute symptoms You should definitely contact your pediatrician. By self-medicating, you can only harm the patient. With adenovirus infection, quite serious complications cannot be ruled out.

Note:do not be surprised if a child is diagnosed with ARVI several times during one autumn-winter season. This does not mean that he does not develop immunity. Diseases from the ARVI group can be caused by a wide variety of pathogens, and acquiring immunity to one of the strains of the influenza virus does not completely exclude infection with an adenovirus.

Etiology and pathogenesis of the disease

The causative agent of adenovirus infection is characterized by a very significant degree of resistance in the external environment, which makes the disease highly contagious. In this regard, outbreaks are not uncommon in preschool institutions. At room temperature, adenoviruses can remain viable for up to two weeks. The virus is able to withstand half an hour of heating and repeated freezing; It dies only when boiled and when the room is treated with an ultraviolet lamp.

The source of the pathogen is an infected person. The virus is released in nasopharyngeal secretions and feces. The patient poses a danger to others within three to four weeks from the moment of infection. Most often, transmission occurs through airborne droplets. Nutritional infection (fecal-oral transmission with insufficient personal hygiene) and the spread of the virus through household contact are also possible. The pathogen can be present in open bodies of water and enter the body through accidental ingestion of water.

The duration of the incubation period in different cases ranges from 1-2 to 12 days. An infected child may not yet have characteristic symptoms, but the pathogen is already being released into the environment.

Note:the likelihood of infection in a baby is relatively low, since the baby is reliably protected by antibodies present in the mother’s body and obtained through breast milk.

After an adenovirus infection, children develop immunity that lasts 5-8 years. It should be noted that immunity is type-specific, and more than 50 types of adenovirus have already been identified. In this regard, previous illness does not protect against infection by another type of virus of this group.

The mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive systems, as well as the conjunctiva of the eyes, become the “gate of entry” for the adenovirus. Having penetrated the epithelium, the virus actively multiplies, killing cells within several hours. Characteristic feature disease is a high probability of damage by the pathogen to cells of lymphoid tissue.

Symptoms of adenovirus infection

All clinical manifestations can be combined into two syndromes:

  1. Respiratory - characteristic of all acute respiratory viral infections, but with a particularly high probability of “overlap” secondary bacterial infection;
  2. pharyngoconjunctival fever syndrome.

Adenovirus infection in children is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • sore, raw, and sore throat (worsens when swallowing);
  • severe difficulty in nasal breathing;
  • increase in general body temperature (from 37.5˚С to 39˚С);
  • damage to the conjunctiva (accompanied by lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids, pain in the eyes and the presence of purulent discharge);
  • loss of appetite;
  • sleep disorders;
  • general weakness;
  • pallor;
  • dyspnea;
  • increased irritability;
  • copious discharge from the nose (at the beginning of the disease the secretion is watery and transparent, and then thick green);
  • cough (initially dry, and on the 3-4th day wet with sputum discharge);
  • pain in the abdominal region (near the navel);
  • vomiting (not always);
  • diarrhea (up to 5 times a day, without mucus, blood, etc.);
  • bloating;
  • swelling and hyperemia of the tonsils;
  • mucus on the back of the throat;
  • pinpoint purulent plaque on the tonsils;

The lymph nodes, although increased in size, are not fused with the surrounding tissues. Their palpation during the examination does not cause pain.

A particularly severe course of adenoviral infection is characterized by a symptom such as hepatosplenomegaly, i.e. enlargement of the liver and spleen

Important:in younger children age group(especially infants) convulsions may develop at the peak of the febrile reaction. For younger age More typical are stool disorders and bloating due to inflammation of the mesenteric (mesenteric) lymph nodes.

The severity of conjunctivitis with adenoviral infection varies. Its symptoms appear on different stages disease (both at the very beginning and on days 3-5). One eye is affected first, and soon (usually after 1-2 days) inflammatory process affects the second one too. The child's eyelids are swollen, and in the morning it is difficult for the patient to open his eyes, since the purulent discharge sticks the eyelashes together.

Depending on the form of adenoviral conjunctivitis (membranous or follicular), one of 2 standard treatment regimens can be used:

Complications of adenovirus infection in children

The average duration of the disease in children is 1 week, provided the course is uncomplicated. With a prolonged course, symptoms are observed for 2-3 weeks. Clinical manifestations of conjunctival damage subside earlier, and inflammation in the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract can persist for 3 weeks.

In a number of cases, a “wavy” course of the process is noted, when, against the background of obvious improvement, some characteristic symptoms again clearly appear.

Complications that develop against the background of an adenovirus infection are usually caused by the active proliferation of pathogenic microflora due to a general weakening of the body. The bacterial infection primarily affects the respiratory system, which often results in bronchitis and pneumonia (pneumonia of bacterial origin).

If the virus infects those located in abdominal cavity The lymph nodes peritoneum (mesentery), the development of appendicitis is possible, which requires urgent surgical intervention.

Among others possible complications– and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Infants are at high risk of complications such as inflammation of the middle ear (). In addition, in children the so-called "generalization" pathological process. The pathogen can enter the bloodstream various organs. In particular, the development of viral (hemorrhagic) pneumonia cannot be ruled out. In this severe complication, the infectious agent affects the blood vessels of the pulmonary alveoli (vesicles). As a result of blood stagnation, gas exchange is disrupted, and the child quickly develops respiratory failure.


Very characteristic symptoms in most cases make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis based on the patient’s complaints and clinical manifestations.

It is also important to correctly differentiate adenovirus infection from others, for example, from rhinovirus:

The atypical course of adenoviral infection may require differential diagnosis of the disease with such pathology as Infectious mononucleosis. A laboratory test of the patient's blood is carried out to detect antibodies.

During an epidemic, a virological diagnostic method is used to accurately determine the type of adenovirus. The material for the study is a wash from the mucous membrane of the patient’s nasopharynx.

A laboratory study of peripheral blood reveals changes common to viral diseases - lymphocytosis, leukopenia and a slight increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate. General tests blood and urine in this disease are not very informative.

Treatment of adenovirus infection in children

In most cases, treatment of adenoviral infection in children is carried out on an outpatient basis, that is, at home. Placing a child in a hospital may be necessary in case of severe disease or the development of serious complications, in particular when the process generalizes.

Specific treatment methods have not been developed, and standard antiviral drugs are ineffective.

In this regard, only symptomatic therapy. Bed rest is necessary for the child until the fever passes. Indications for the prescription of antipyretics (antipyretic drugs) is a rise in body temperature above 38.5˚C. At lower values, these drugs are used if there is a high probability of developing seizures against the background of a febrile reaction (for example, in young children).

In addition to pharmacological means to reduce temperature in the treatment of adenoviral infection, you can use physical methods, such as cold rubbing and applying a heating pad with ice to the projection of large blood vessels. To speed up the removal of toxins from the body, the patient is advised to drink plenty of warm drinks.

Milk with a small amount of baking soda and alkaline acids help soften a dry hacking cough. mineral water. It is not advisable to use antitussives! To reduce inflammation of the respiratory mucosa, the child is prescribed the drug Lazolvan, as well as physiological sodium chloride solution. To thin bronchial secretions (sputum), it is recommended to give Bromhexine and ACC. To improve sputum discharge during wet cough Mucolytic and expectorant drugs (Ambroxol, Mucaltin) are indicated. Remember that only your doctor can prescribe the optimal medications.

Inflammation of the conjunctiva requires regular eye rinsing. To carry out the procedure, you can use a weak (pale pink) solution of potassium permanganate, or furatsilin. Natural remedies are also effective - a decoction of chamomile flowers and weak tea leaves. Among the drugs for the treatment of conjunctivitis in case of adenoviral infection, Ophthalmoferon drops (even with unilateral inflammation should be instilled in both eyes) and Oxolinic ointment (placed behind the lower eyelids) are also indicated.

For nasal congestion you can use vasoconstrictor drops Nazivin or Galazolin (in “children’s” concentration). You can use these drugs 3-4 times a day and preferably no more than 3-5 days in a row to avoid the development of drug dependence.

For gargling a sore throat, products with an antiseptic effect are indicated - furatsilin solution and chamomile decoction.

The presence of complications due to the addition of a bacterial infection is an indication for treatment with a course of systemic antibiotic therapy.

With an adenovirus infection, it is difficult for a child with a sore throat to eat regular food, so his diet should include pureed and semi-liquid foods. To strengthen the immune system, vitamins are necessary, which the baby should receive both with fresh vegetables and fruits (or juices), and in the form of complex preparations.

The room where the sick child is located must be wet cleaned twice a day. The room should be ventilated more often. Until the symptoms of conjunctivitis subside, it is important to provide dim lighting.

Walking in the fresh air is allowed only as symptoms disappear and general health is normal.


A specific vaccine has not yet been developed.

During seasonal outbreaks, you should visit crowded places (including public transport) with your child as little as possible. The baby needs general strengthening of the body, which involves hardening and proper nutrition.

good prophylactic is leukocyte interferon(diluted with water and dropped into the nasal passages).

To get more information about the treatment of infectious diseases in children, in particular, about the treatment of adenovirus infection, we recommend watching this video review - Dr. Komarovsky gives advice to parents:

Chumachenko Olga, pediatrician

Adenovirus infection is an infectious disease belonging to the ARVI group (acute respiratory viral infections), characterized by damage to lymphoid tissue and mucous membranes of the respiratory tract/eyes/intestines, with accompanying moderate intoxication.

The causative agent was discovered quite recently - in 1953 by a group of American researchers who isolated this virus in the tissues of removed adenoids and tonsils. The virion (virus) contains double-stranded DNA covered with a capsid - this determines relative stability in the external environment, both low temperatures and drying, and when normal conditions(shelf life up to 2 weeks). Resistance to ether and chloroform, to alkaline environments (soap solutions). The pathogen is inactivated by boiling and the action of disinfectants. The pathogen contains 3 pathogenic factors- antigens (Ag) “A”, “B” and “C” - there are several varieties of them and, depending on their combination, there are about 90 serovars, that is, variations of the adenovirus virion, about 6 of which are dangerous to humans. Ag A - complement-fixing (causes suppression of phagocytosis - absorption of the pathogen by cells of the immune system), B - toxicity, C - adsorbed on erythrocytes.

Causes of adenovirus infection

The source is a sick person who excretes the pathogen with nasal and nasopharyngeal mucus, and later with feces. There is also a risk of infection from virus carriers (95% of the total population). The route of infection is airborne, and later fecal-oral. The most susceptible contingent is children from 6 months to 5 years; up to 3 months, children have passive nonspecific immunity (as a result of positive influences breastfeeding). Poorly diagnosed autumn-winter epidemic outbreaks due to a decrease in systemic immune status.

Once on epithelial cells, the incubation period begins (the period without symptoms - from the onset of infection to the first general manifestations), this period can last from 1-13 days. During this period, attachment to cells occurs, the virus is introduced into the nuclei of cells, the synthesis of the virus’s own DNA occurs due to the suppression of the cell’s DNA, followed by the death of the affected cell. As soon as the maturation of the virus has ended and mature pathogens have formed, the prodromal period begins, characteristic of all acute respiratory viral infections; the disease lasts from 10-15 days.

The peculiarity of infection with adnovirus is the sequence of damage to organs and tissues: nose and tonsils, pharynx, trachea, bronchi, conjunctiva, cornea, intestinal mucosa. And so, sequentially changing symptoms:

1. The onset of the disease can be either acute or gradual, it depends on the immune status.
At the beginning there will be symptoms of intoxication (chills, mild headache, aching pain in bones/joints/muscles);
By day 2-3 the temperature rises to 38-39 ⁰C;
Nasal congestion with serous discharge, which changes to mucous, and then purulent.
The tonsils are hyperemic (reddened), with a whitish coating in the form of dots.
Enlargement of the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes.

2. Damage to the pharynx, trachea, bronchi - laryngopharyngotracheitis, followed by bronchitis; all this manifests itself:
- hoarseness of voice;
- a dry/barking cough occurs, which is subsequently replaced by a wet, variable cough. Wheezing after coughing does not disappear and is present both during inhalation and exhalation;
- subsequently shortness of breath occurs, with the participation of auxiliary muscles (retraction of the intercostal spaces);
- cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle indicates decompensation from the cardiovascular system, namely an increase in pressure in the pulmonary circle and increased load on the left side of the heart.

Bright clinical picture, accompanied by severe respiratory manifestations, is more typical for young children; this is due to the hyperreactive reaction of the lung tissue in children.

3. When the conjunctiva and cornea are damaged, symptoms of keratoconjunctivitis appear - pain and pain in the eyes, copious mucous discharge, conjunctival hyperemia (redness and swelling), scleral injection. Film formations on the conjunctiva are often observed.

4. When the intestinal mucosa is damaged, mesadenitis appears as a response (hyperplasia of the intestinal lymphoid tissue - like enlarged lymph nodes, only in the intestine), and the following clinic appears:
- paroxysmal pain in the navel and right iliac region (this symptom can be confused with appendicitis, so urgent hospitalization is necessary)
- intestinal dysfunction

Diagnosis of adenoviral infection

1. More often, diagnosis is based on clinical manifestations, successively replacing each other over 3 days
2. Additional research methods:
- immunofluorescence (This is an express method and gives an answer about the presence of the Ag-At complex (antigen-antibody) within a few minutes)!!! And therefore it is considered the most effective.
- Virological method (determination of virus prints in smears)
- Serological methods: RSK, RTGA, RN - these methods are highly sensitive and specific, but labor-intensive and time-consuming (waiting for results reaches 3-7 days)

All these methods are aimed at detecting the pathogen and specific antibodies (except virological - in this case only the pathogen is detected).

1. Etiotropic therapy (antiviral). Often, at the first symptoms of a cold, people do not turn to specialists, but self-medicate. In this case, the choice of drugs should fall on broad-spectrum virocidal drugs that can be used at an early age. For treatment, the doctor may prescribe:

Arbidol (from 2 years) is used for 6 days, taking into account age-specific dosages.
Ribovirin (virazol) - in addition to the hepatitis virus, this drug is active against influenza viruses, parainfluenza, herpes simplex, adenoviruses, and coronavirus.
Contrical or Gordox (blocks the entry of viruses into the cell and the synthesis of viral DNA, inhibits proteolytic processes occurring during the synthesis of viral polypeptides, as well as the fusion of viruses with cell membranes);
Oxalic ointment, or Bonafton, or Lokferon (antiviral therapy for topical use).
Deoxyribonuclease in the form of ointments and eye drops(blocks DNA reproduction)

Recommendations are given in accordance with modern research(2017) and a request for doctors who wish to criticize the proposed treatment to first improve their skills in this matter. You will find a lot of interesting things for yourself, and most importantly, you will begin to treat patients more effectively.

2. Immunomodulators - IF (interferon, sold in a pharmacy, in ampoules - the contents are diluted with warm water until divided, drawn into a pipette and dripped into the nasopharynx, trying to reach back wall pharynx).

3. Immunostimulants:

Anaferon (from 6 months from birth),
Echinocea (naturally occurring, simply added to tea)

4. Antibiotics: they are used when secondary microflora is added as local funds and systemic use, in the absence of effect from the therapy for 3 days, in case of damage to the respiratory tract (since bronchitis is rarely of only bacterial or only viral origin - more often combined). Local antibiotics(they can be used in conjunction with antiviral drugs):

Yox (as an antiseptic),

Systemic antibiotics: the drug of choice is 2nd or 3rd generation cephalosporins (cefatoxime - captivating with its cheapness and effectiveness); but systemic antibiotics of this group are only for parenteral use, i.e. intramuscularly or intravenously (which is not at all welcomed by children).

5. Symptomatic therapy:

If you have a runny nose, first you need to wash it warm and weak. saline solution or its analogue Aqua-Maris. After this, to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and as an antiseptic drug, you can use Pinosol or Xylene (very effective for severe swelling, but it is addictive).

Antitussive therapy depending on the stage of the disease: Expectorants (thyme decoction, mucaltin, “cough tablets”, ACC) + Erespal ( complex drug, as an expectorant and as an anti-inflammatory, but it is better to use it in the later stages of bronchitis, when the mucus discharge is not so abundant, as this may reduce the availability of the drug). Inhalations with isotonic solutions + non-narcotic antitussives (Sinekod, Stoptussin) for prolonged cough.

Complications of adenovirus infection

otitis media, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, exacerbation of chronic diseases, neurotoxication, disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome, infectious toxic shock, laryngeal stenosis, bronchial obstruction.

Prevention of adenovirus infection

For 1-2 weeks of an increase in the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections, immunomodulators and immunostimulants are used (the drugs are listed above), the use of Oxolinic ointment, IRS-19 (it can be used from 3 months, to stimulate specific and nonspecific immunity - after preliminary cleansing of mucus, use 1 dose/click on each nostril, 2 times a day, for 2 weeks). No specific vaccination has yet been developed.

Consultation with a doctor on adenovirus infection

Question: Is it necessary to carry out routine vaccination during periods of increased incidence?
Answer: Definitely! But at the same time, absolute contraindications must be taken into account (acute illness at the time of vaccination, exacerbation of chronic diseases, etc.). Vaccination is necessary because it is based on an already genetically modified influenza virus, i.e. one that will be distributed, also taking into account other pathogens.

Question: Is treatment at home acceptable?
Answer: If the patient is over 5 years old, then yes. Until this point, there is a very high risk of generalization and fulminant infection with a high fatal outcome. You just might not have time to save it.

General practitioner Shabanova I.E.

There are many infections that can cause various diseases in humans. Among them, adenovirus occupies a special place. What kind of microorganism is this, what organs does it affect, how to fight it? Many have heard about this pathogen.

Adenovirus - what kind of microorganism is this?

This infection belongs to the Adenovirus family, the genus Mastadenovirus. Currently there are about forty serotypes. Each such virus contains a DNA molecule, which is considered a distinctive feature from other respiratory representatives.

It has been established that adenovirus is a spherical microorganism with a diameter of 70-90 nm. It has a simple organization.

The pathogens were first isolated from the tonsils and adenoids of a sick child in 1953. Subsequently, microscopy of smears in patients with acute respiratory viral infection adenovirus was also detected. What is this mysterious infection? But it is also detected in patients who have signs of conjunctivitis.

How is it transmitted

You can become infected with a viral pathogen through the airborne and fecal-oral routes, through objects of a sick person, food, water in open reservoirs or in swimming pools. An adenovirus is an infection that is transmitted both by a person with existing symptoms and by a virus carrier who does not have any signs of the disease.

The infection is resistant to change environment, does not die in air and water, remains for a long time medicines ah, used for treatment in ophthalmology.

The site of introduction of the virus is the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive systems, and the conjunctiva of the eye. Penetrating into epithelial cells and lymph nodes, it begins to multiply. A cytopathic effect develops and intranuclear inclusions form. The affected cells are destroyed and die, and the virus migrates further along the bloodstream, infecting other organs.

Among some adenoviral serotypes there are oncogenic representatives that cause the formation malignant tumors in animals.

As a result of the activity of adenoviral infection, epithelial tissue performs a barrier function to a lesser extent, which reduces immunobiological reactions in the body and can cause the concomitant development of bacterial damage. Does not have a pathogenic effect on animals.

Protection against re-infection

Typically, patients who have recovered from an adenovirus infection develop stable immunity, but only to a specific adenovirus serotype. What does it mean? It turns out that subsequent contacts with a specific virus will not make a person sick.

At birth the child acquires passive immunity, which disappears after six months.

Types of adenoviral diseases

There are both random and epidemic manifestations of adenoviruses, most often in children's groups. The infection is characterized by a variety of manifestations, as the virus affects the respiratory system, mucous membranes of the eye, intestines, and bladder.

Adenoviruses have different effects on humans. Classification of diseases includes:

  • in combination with fever (usually develops in childhood);
  • in adulthood;
  • viral pneumonia;
  • acute adenoviral sore throat (especially common in children in the summer after water procedures);
  • pharyngoconjunctival fever;
  • membranous conjunctivitis;
  • mesadenitis;
  • acute follicular conjunctivitis;
  • adult epidemic keratoconjunctivitis;
  • intestinal infection (enteritis, viral diarrhea, gastroenteritis).

The incubation period lasts from three to nine days.

Prevalence of diseases

Among all registered infections, adenoviral lesions account for 2 to 5%. Newborns and children are most susceptible to it.

From 5 to 10% of viral diseases are caused by adenovirus. What does this prove? First of all, these facts indicate its wide distribution, especially in childhood (up to 75%). Of these, up to 40% occurs in children under 5 years of age, and the remaining percentage applies to ages from 5 to 14 years.

Adenoviral respiratory disease

The disease begins with an increase in body temperature to 39 °C, headache and general malaise. Adenovirus affects babies differently; symptoms in children appear gradually, they are characterized by lethargy, lack of appetite, low-grade fever bodies.

The febrile state lasts up to ten days. The body temperature may drop or rise again, at which time new symptoms are recorded.

From the first days of the disease, nasal congestion is observed. The next day, abundant mucous or mucopurulent discharge appears, accompanied by a dry, frequent cough.

The throat begins to hurt due to redness of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, arches and tonsils, the latter increasing in size.

Signs of airway inflammation

This form is considered the most common; it is characterized by inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract. The main diseases include laryngitis, rhinopharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis with moderate general intoxication.

Signs of pharyngoconjunctival fever

Adenovirus has a negative effect on the pharynx. Symptoms are caused by an increase in temperature over the course of two weeks and signs of pharyngitis. Usually there is a sore throat and a rare urge to cough, but the infection does not progress further through the respiratory tract.

Symptoms of membranous conjunctivitis

Most often adults and children in adolescence are affected. The disease is caused by the unilateral or bilateral development of conjunctivitis with the formation of a film on the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid. There is also pronounced swelling and redness of the tissues surrounding the eye, pain, dilation of the vascular bed in the conjunctiva and fever. With this disease, the respiratory system is not affected by adenoviral infection.

Signs of tonsillopharyngitis

The disease develops in childhood. A characteristic feature of tonsillopharyngitis is inflammatory changes in the tissue that forms the pharynx and palatine tonsils. The adenovirus, the photo of which is provided below, is the cause of sore throat.

Varieties of intestinal form

The manifestation of adenoviral infection in the intestine is associated with the development of moderate viral diarrhea and gastroenteritis. The virus causes nausea, vomiting, loose stool, without impurities, a slight increase in body temperature. In addition to intestinal disorders, infection is possible respiratory system, for example, rhinopharyngitis or laryngotracheitis.


Another form of disease in which abdominal pain and fever are observed. Concomitant bacterial infection is possible, which requires antimicrobial therapy.

How to identify the pathogen

Exist special methods, with the help of which adenoviruses are determined. Microbiology uses feces, secretions from the nasal passages, pharynx, and conjunctiva of the eye as research material. To identify the pathogen, inoculation is used, which is carried out in a culture of human epithelial cells.

IN laboratory diagnostics using immunofluorescence microscopy, antigens for adenoviruses are detected. Microbiology has a number of other techniques in its arsenal that make it possible to determine this infection. These include methods:

  • RSK – serodiagnosis of viral infections due to the reaction to complement-fixing agents IgG antibodies and IgM.
  • RTGA is considered a reaction of inhibition of the hemagglutination process to identify viruses or antibodies in the blood plasma of a sick person. The method works by suppressing viral antigens with antibodies from the immune serum, after which the ability of viruses to agglutinate erythrocyte cells is lost.
  • The PH method is based on reducing the cytopathogenic effect as a result of the combination of the virus and specific AT.

Viral antigen can be detected using rapid diagnostics. Typically it includes the following studies:

  • enzyme immunoassay, or ELISA − laboratory method immunological determination of qualitative or quantitative characteristics viruses, based on a specific reaction between antigen and antibody;
  • immunofluorescence reaction, or RIF, which allows you to detect antibodies to adenovirus infection (this method uses microscopy of smears pre-stained with a dye);
  • or RIA makes it possible to measure any concentration of viruses in a liquid.

How to fight infection

After establishing an accurate diagnosis, the doctor and patient are faced with the question of how to treat adenovirus. It is believed that there are no specific drugs currently available.

Depending on the degree of the disease, therapy can be carried out at home according to the recommendations of a doctor or in a hospital setting. Mild and moderate forms of infection that occur without complications do not require hospitalization. Severe cases or complications should be treated in a hospital under the supervision of a physician.

To combat adenovirus, treatment of mild forms is reduced to bed rest. At body temperatures above 38 °C, paracetamol is prescribed in a dose of 0.2 to 0.4 g 2 or 3 times a day, which corresponds to 10 or 15 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day. For adenovirus infection, do not take acetylsalicylic acid.

Depending on the form of the disease, symptomatic treatment is carried out with antitussives and expectorants; treatment with Stoptussin, Glaucin, Glauvent, and Mucaltin is possible.

Deoxyribonuclease aerosol is used as inhalation. It is used 2 or 3 times a day for 15 minutes. For rhinitis, apply special drops to the nose.

Used to boost immunity vitamin complexes with the obligatory content of ascorbic acid, tocopherol, rutin, thiamine and riboflavin.

If an adenovirus has infected the eyes, treatment is carried out with drops of the deoxyribonuclease enzyme in the form of a 0.1 or 0.2% solution every 2 hours, 3 drops. The doctor may prescribe local treatment conjunctivitis with glucocorticoid ointments, interferon preparations, antiviral eye ointments with oxoline or tebrofen.

Measures to protect against infection

In order to prevent adenovirus infection and reduce the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections, vaccination is used with live vaccines, which include weakened viral cells predominant serotype.

Typically, such drugs are used with adenovirus type 7 or 4. To protect them from intestinal digestion, they are covered with a special capsule.

There are other vaccines in live and inactivated forms, but they are practically not used due to the oncogenic activity of adenoviruses.

Adenoviral infection is an acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI) in humans that affects the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, nasopharynx, oral cavity, as well as intestines and lymphoid tissue. Signs of adenovirus infection are intoxication and fever. Most often, young children are exposed to adenovirus infection, much less often pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems.

The cause of infection is an adenovirus, which is transmitted by the patient, releasing it into the external environment by airborne droplets, as well as through waste products of the body containing the adenovirus infection virus.

Epidemic outbreaks of adenovirus infection are recorded throughout the year, but it is worth noting that in winter the risk of infection increases many times. Most often, children under six years of age suffer from adenovirus infection, but infants are protected from the adenovirus due to the immunity they receive from their mother. Adenoviral infection in children spreads quickly in kindergartens and preschool institutions upon contact with a carrier of the virus: the disease is transmitted through breathing, sneezing, and food.

Patients with adenovirus infection pose the greatest danger in the period 2-3 weeks after the onset of the inflammatory process, since during this period the highest concentration of the pathogenic virus in the human body is observed. A special feature of the adenovirus is that it can continue to enter the external environment from the human body for another 10-14 days after recovery.

During the period up to 6 years, a child can experience an adenovirus infection several times, but with age, the body develops a strong immunity to the virus and the risk of infection decreases significantly every year.

Penetrating into the epithelial cells of the respiratory and eye organs, the adenovirus, rapidly multiplying in the nucleus, stops cell division and destroys them. Adenoviral infection can also develop inside the cells of the lymph nodes and intestines. Adenoviruses spread quite quickly throughout the infected body through the blood, causing an acute inflammatory process in the mucous membranes of the respiratory system and eyes, and further provoking damage to other organs - the lungs, bronchi, liver, kidneys, and even the brain.

The incubation period of adenoviral infection lasts from the moment the virus enters the body until its first reproduction inside the affected cells and ranges from approximately 20 hours to 14 days, depending on the state of the human body.

The primary symptoms of this disease are the same as for ARVI

Symptoms of adenovirus infection

Most of the symptoms of adenovirus are also characteristic of other diseases (flu, bronchitis, various allergic reactions), therefore it is necessary to carefully monitor the signs of the disease, their development and changes in order to make the correct diagnosis in time and apply necessary treatment. It should be noted that the symptoms of adenovirus infection in children and adults are similar, but in older patients the intensity of the signs of the disease is much lower.

The first sign of adenovirus infection in children is fever and headache. The patient feels severe weakness and malaise, complains of muscle pain and lack of appetite. Within 3 days, typical signs of an adenovirus appear: severe sore throat, nasal congestion, redness and burning of the eyes. The temperature during adenovirus infection rises to 39 degrees.

Specific symptoms of adenovirus infection are:

  • prolonged fever ( heat bodies from seven days or longer);
  • intoxication;
  • the appearance of conjunctivitis (inflammation and severe redness of the mucous membrane of the eyeball);
  • rhinitis (inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa with frequent sneezing, copious discharge);
  • pharyngitis (pharyngeal inflammation).

With adenovirus infection there are various shapes intoxication: from mild malaise and weak appetite to abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, as well as diarrhea and reluctance to eat. Lesions of the intestinal mucosa appear a week after infection with an adenovirus infection.

Conjunctivitis is one of the main signs of adenoviral infection in adults and children: damage to the eye mucosa usually appears on the 3-4th day of illness. Redness and itching may initially be felt in only one eye, but as the disease progresses, conjunctivitis spreads to the second. The patient's eyes become very close due to yellow discharge and react painfully to bright light. It is conjunctivitis, as one of the specific symptoms, that allows one to accurately diagnose an adenovirus infection in a patient, since it is not typical for most respiratory viral infections.

Conjunctivitis is one of the main signs of adenovirus infection

A specific symptom of adenoviral infection is also the presence of clear nasal discharge in the early stages of infection, which becomes a purulent green color as the disease progresses. There is also severe nasal congestion and swelling of the pharynx, accompanied by severe redness, the presence of mucus and a whitish coating.

Adenovirus often affects the bronchi, causing the patient to have a severe dry cough accompanied by wheezing. As the disease progresses, the cough becomes wet; when coughing, a large number of mucus and phlegm.

The most common complications of adenovirus infection are pneumonia, sore throat, bronchitis, sinusitis (inflammation of the nasal mucosa), otitis (inflammation of the ear). However, with proper treatment of adenovirus infection severe complications usually does not occur.

Since the risk of developing an adenovirus infection is highest in children, adult patients with adenovirus are rare and the manifestations of the disease in them are not as intense as in young patients. Adenoviral infection in adults at the initial stage is characterized by a runny nose and sore throat, then an increase in temperature to a maximum of 38 degrees and inflammation of the eyes of mild or moderate intensity may be observed.

Diagnosis of adenoviral infection is made based on a combination of symptoms of the disease and the characteristics of its course and regular examination of the patient by a doctor. Laboratory research do not contribute to the detection of adenovirus, since a blood test for this disease often contains normal indicators.

Types of adenovirus infection

Depending on the course of the disease and the dominant symptoms, there are mild, moderate and severe forms of adenoviral infection. Let's look at the most common forms of adenovirus infection and their main symptoms.

Pharyngoconjunctival fever– this type of adenovirus disease is characterized by a long period of high body temperature and severe inflammation of the respiratory system. A feature of this fever is temperature fluctuations - it can drop sharply and rise again within a few days. The liver and spleen may become enlarged. The disease lasts on average about 10-14 days.

Tonsillopharyngitis– this type of adenoviral infection is accompanied by lesions of the pharynx and oral cavity, the presence of abundant whitish plaque on the walls of the pharynx, and sore throat. Often, a sore throat develops against the background of adenovirus disease. There is an increase in tonsils and lymph nodes.

Mesenteric lymphadenitis- the danger of this type of adenoviral infection lies in the similarity of its symptoms with an attack of appendicitis: the patient complains of acute and severe pain in the abdomen. There is an increase in temperature, nausea with vomiting. Distinctive feature adenovirus in in this case are enlarged intestinal lymph nodes.

Qatar of the upper respiratory tract characterized by elevated body temperature for about 4 days, a mild degree of intoxication, as well as rhinitis or bronchitis.

Keratoconjunctivitis occurs less frequently than the above-described forms of adenoviral infection and is acute inflammation eyelids and cornea. The main symptoms of this type of adenovirus infection are severe pain in the eyes and head, high temperature. The cornea of ​​the eye becomes covered with small white dotted formations and becomes cloudy.

Adenoviral infection during pregnancy

The expectant mother's body needs effective protection from pathogenic bacteria and viruses, since even diseases that are not dangerous for an adult can cause irreparable harm to the developing fetus. Adenoviral infection in pregnant women can lead to serious complications (pneumonia, bronchitis, otitis media), which pose a threat to the health of the unborn child, and therefore requires immediate treatment. During the first trimester of pregnancy, adenovirus can also cause miscarriage.

Symptoms of adenovirus disease during pregnancy are primarily symptoms of ARVI (sore throat, runny nose, headache), enlarged liver and spleen, as well as allergic reactions on the skin in the form of rash, hives, and inflammation of the eyes. If such signs are present, to the expectant mother You should immediately consult a doctor, as the consequences of adenovirus infection can affect the health of the mother and child.

Proper treatment should not cause complications

Treatment of adenovirus infection

After diagnosing the symptoms of adenovirus and making a diagnosis, the question arises: how to effectively and quickly cure an adenovirus infection?

The fight against adenovirus infection combines both means to destroy the pathogen in the body and to relieve painful symptoms of specific organs.

The treatment of adenovirus is effectively facilitated by pharmacological preparations, and folk remedies.

Treatment of adenovirus infection in children

A child's fragile body reacts painfully to any form of adenoviral infection, so it is important to start treatment on time to exclude the possibility of serious complications after the disease. The youngest patients cannot accurately describe their sensations and symptoms, so consultation with a specialist is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis. There are both general recommendations for the treatment of adenovirus infection and specific medications.

Treatment of adenoviral infection in children in most cases takes place at home, but if there is severe forms disease or associated complications, the patient requires hospitalization (especially if pneumonia is suspected). fast recovery will be ensured if the child strictly adheres to bed rest: the patient must remain in bed for another three days after the body temperature has normalized. Even after complete recovery, it is necessary to protect the child from physical labor and activity for at least another week.

Antibiotics for adenovirus infection are used only in case of complications of the disease, in particular pneumonia. Treatment of adenovirus in most cases does not require heavy drugs. Further in our article we will present the most effective methods of treating adenovirus infection.

Since the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx becomes inflamed during an adenovirus infection, excessively dry air in the room irritates it and aggravates the painful symptoms. Therefore, the room in which the child is located must contain humidified air that is beneficial for the respiratory system; a room humidifier must be turned on regularly. An excellent remedy in the absence of a humidifier can be a basin of water placed in the room, or curtains sprinkled with water from a spray bottle.

The room where the child is located must be constantly cleaned, thoroughly wiping off dust, and also regularly ventilated.

At infectious diseases The child’s appetite sharply worsens. If the patient refuses to eat or eats less than usual, you should not force him, as this can provoke an attack of vomiting and even greater exhaustion child's body. The lack of food must be compensated by drinking plenty of warm drinks (tea, compote, jelly, milk), which also helps reduce the level of intoxication in the body. With a balanced, light diet and sufficient fluid, the symptoms of intoxication will gradually disappear, which will allow the child to normalize his diet without nausea and vomiting.

The temperature of children should be brought down only above 38 degrees

Since an increase in temperature is the body’s way of independently overcoming a pathogenic virus, it is worth bringing down the fever only if the child’s temperature is above 38 degrees. Temperature reduction during adenoviral infection in children should be done using proven drugs such as Paracetamol and Aspirin. Also, to safely reduce fever, wiping the body with alcohol or compresses is used. Cabbage leaves are an excellent natural antipyretic: after washing thoroughly in cool water, they should be placed on the forehead, chest and abdomen of the patient to safely cool the body.

If a child has developed conjunctivitis, then in addition to using medications, it is also necessary to protect the patient’s eyes from bright light and overwork: the child should not read on his own for the duration of the illness; computer games, watching TV for a long time.

Regarding the use of medications in the treatment of adenoviral infection, there are effective drugs, suitable for both children and adults, which will be discussed later in our article.

Medicines against adenovirus infection

When treating the upper respiratory tract and eyes for adenovirus infection in children and adults, you can use medications recommended by domestic doctors. But it is worth noting that these pharmacological drugs can be replaced with natural and absolutely safe analogues from traditional medicine.

For intense and painful dry and wet cough, it is recommended to take Codelac or Gerbion. Instead, you can give the patient warm medicinal water. mineral water With high content alkali or milk with the addition of soda (on the tip of a knife) and honey.

Levomycetin eye drops are used to treat conjunctivitis caused by adenoviral infection, but there is also a useful folk remedy - egg whites soaked in boiled water should be applied to the eyelids at night to relieve inflammation.

To relieve irritation of the patient's nasal mucosa and relieve congestion, it is recommended to use nasal drops such as Otrivin or Vibrocil. To cleanse the nasal mucosa, rinsing with water with the addition of a teaspoon is also suitable. sea ​​salt, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Treatment of adenovirus infection with folk remedies

Traditional medicine also offers proven methods of treating adenovirus infection using herbal components, which are not inferior to synthetic drugs in effectiveness, and in many cases are much safer and healthier than drugs. The following are the most effective folk recipes for the treatment of adenovirus for children and adults.

Oat decoction– a medicinal drink that quickly fights adenovirus, helping to reduce the level of intoxication in the body. To prepare the decoction, you need to pour 300 grams of washed oats into a liter of boiled milk and cook the mixture for 45 minutes over low heat. Afterwards, strain the liquid and dissolve half a tablespoon of honey in it. The decoction should be drunk 5-6 times a day, several sips.

Turnip decoctionuseful remedy for all types of ARVI. 250 grams of turnips must be cooked for 20 minutes, stirring constantly. Afterwards, the mixture must be left for about 40 minutes and strained. You need to drink the decoction in the amount of half a glass for 5 days in the evening.

Egg yolk mixture– an indispensable remedy in the fight against adenovirus infection, as it coats the irritated mucous membrane of the pharynx and relieves inflammation. Three yolks must be mixed until smooth with three spoons butter with the addition of honey and flour, a teaspoon at a time. The mixture should be consumed 3 times a day, one tablespoon at a time.

Aloe infusion– to prepare a medicinal infusion, you need to grind 300 grams of washed aloe leaves, pour it into a glass or ceramic container, pour a glass of honey and a glass of red Cahors wine. Given antibacterial agent It is necessary to insist in a dark place for about 10 days and take a tablespoon 3 times a day during the period of illness.

Linden collection– an excellent remedy for increasing immunity and treating viruses. Prepare a collection of linden flowers and viburnum berries in the amount of one tablespoon of each component per half liter of just boiled water. After pouring boiling water over the collection, you need to leave it for about an hour and drink it warmed before going to bed, one glass at a time for 5 days.

Prevention of adenovirus infection

Since in medical practice vaccination against adenovirus infection is not carried out, prevention of adenovirus is similar to protective measures against all other acute respiratory viral infections.

During the cold season, when the risk of adenovirus infection is highest, you should avoid hypothermia and maintain your immunity by actively eating fruits, vegetables and honey.

If a child shows the first signs of an adenovirus infection, it is necessary to immediately isolate him from other children and take him to a doctor. A patient with adenovirus must observe strict bed rest, use separate utensils, bed linen and towels, which must be disinfected after use. For the most effective treatment adenovirus infection, it is best to use medications in combination with folk remedies. Since the components of synthetic tablets, in addition to their therapeutic effect, tend to accumulate in the liver and can negatively affect the body’s microflora, when treating adenovirus infection, it is recommended to give preference to safe folk healing infusions and decoctions.

Quite often, children and adults are affected by adenovirus infection. Treatment is not specific; antibiotics are not required, except in cases of bacterial infection.

Adenovirus infection belongs to the group of respiratory viral diseases. The infection strikes Airways, eyes, intestines. Most often, children and adolescents suffer from the virus. Basically, the infection manifests itself as a combination of pathologies such as runny nose, pharyngitis, conjunctivitis and elevated temperature. For those affected by adenovirus infection, treatment can be either quick or protracted. What means are used to combat this disease?

When the first symptoms of infection appear, you should consult a doctor. Only he is able to determine the patient’s condition and decide how to treat adenoviral infection.

If the doctor decides that the disease is not in a complicated stage, he will prescribe local treatment - that is, the patient will need bed rest and strict intake of medications prescribed by the doctor. If problems with the eyes begin, drops are usually prescribed for them, for example, sodium sulfacyl solution. To treat purulent conjunctivitis, many doctors advise using 1% hydrocortisone ointment or prednisolone. You also need to take:

In some cases, if an adenovirus infection is detected, treatment may require hospitalization. This happens if the disease is in a moderate or severe phase.

In such cases, it is necessary to intensify detoxification therapy by introducing additional medicinal solutions through a dropper. With the development of complications caused by secondary bacterial flora, antibiotics are prescribed wide range actions. They are also prescribed to older people suffering from chronic problems with the respiratory system.

How to treat adenovirus infection

There is no strictly established algorithm for the treatment of this disease; drugs for adenovirus infection are prescribed according to. If the disease is mild, the following is usually prescribed:

  • drops and ointments for eyes;
  • vasoconstrictors, saline solutions and oil drops in the nose;
  • immunomodulatory agents;
  • cough suppressants;
  • vitamin C and products containing it;
  • herbal decoctions.

In case of complications it is necessary:

  • intravenous administration of drugs that reduce intoxication of the body;
  • antibiotics.

The patient must be on bed rest and diet. It is recommended to limit the consumption of meat dishes, salty and spicy foods. It is also important to remember dangerous consequences self-medication. This is especially true for antibiotics, but even such a common medicine as Aspirin can cause dangerous complications for some infections (which include adenovirus).

Antiviral drugs

Antiviral drugs must be taken when these infections develop, not to kill the virus. Their action is aimed at suppressing the reproduction of the agent and activating its own antiviral mechanisms.

Effective antiviral agents in this case include:

However, the effect of taking antiviral drugs will not happen if the patient has disorders in immune system. In such a situation, immunomodulators and immunostimulants are additionally prescribed.


Interferon and drugs based on it - Grippferon, Kipferon, Viferon - are prescribed as immunomodulatory agents. These are products that are sold in ampoules. They will need to be diluted with water according to the instructions and dropped into the nose.

Immunostimulants effective for adenovirus infection:

  • Kagocel;
  • Cycloferon
  • Isoprinosine;
  • Imudon;
  • Imunorix;
  • Anaferon - can be taken by children from six months.

Echinacea is considered a natural immunostimulant. It is sold in drops that are simply added to tea.

Antibiotics of general and local action

As already mentioned, antibiotics are not prescribed immediately after diagnosis. Most often, therapy for adenoviral infection does not require them at all. They are discharged only if a bacterial infection has been detected. Sometimes pediatricians recommend taking antibiotics for children to avoid complications. In any case, antibiotics must be selected individually, depending on the symptoms, age and personal reaction of the patient to drugs in this group.

Most often, the following antibacterial drugs are used to combat viruses of this type:

It is important to supplement antibiotic therapy with the use of drugs containing lactobacilli to avoid dysbacteriosis.

Vasoconstrictors and antitussives

Medicines for the nose and throat are prescribed based on specific symptoms. If you have a runny nose, before using drops purchased at the pharmacy, it is recommended to rinse the nasopharynx with a weak saline solution in warm water, Aqua-Maris pharmaceutical solution.

In order to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and as an antiseptic, you can use Pinosol oil drops. Severe swelling is well relieved by a drug such as Xylene. But it must be taken quite carefully, due to the possibility of addiction. Popular effective vasoconstrictor drops Nazivin.

Antitussive therapy includes a combination of inhalations isotonic solution, antitussives, such as syrups, and expectorants. As the latter, you can use a decoction of thyme.

In order to cure a cough, the following drugs are usually prescribed:

  • Sinecode;
  • Hydelix;
  • Ambrobene;
  • Mukaltin.

Erespal is also considered an effective cough remedy. This is a medicine that combines the effect of an expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent. But its effectiveness is manifested more at the stage when the mucus does not come out in large quantities.


Can be used as an additional treatment for adenovirus symptoms medicinal herbs. Here are a few healthy recipes for those who are not allergic to the herbs included in them.

Iceland moss

2 tsp. moss pour a glass of cooled boiled water. Bring to a boil over low heat and turn off immediately. The broth should sit for half an hour, and then it should be filtered. Take half a glass twice a day.

Summer adonis

2 tsp. pour the herbs into a glass of cooled boiled water. Leave to brew for 8, or better yet, 10 hours, filter and add honey. Drink a glass at night.

Chamomile and calendula

Grind black currant leaves, rose hips, viburnum flowers, chamomile and calendula. Mix and pour a tablespoon of boiling water. Leave for 8 hours. Filter, drop in fir oil and rinse your nose for at least three days, twice a day.


For this recipe you need to use:

  • 8 gr. goldenrod herbs;
  • 15 gr. sage;
  • 12 gr. apple leaf;
  • 10 gr. hawthorn flowers;
  • 10 gr. walnut leaves;
  • 10 gr. hazel or hazelnut leaf;
  • 10 gr. elder flowers;
  • 10 gr. sweet clover;
  • 10 gr. Veronica herbs;
  • 20 gr. baskets of tartar;
  • 20 gr. willow bark.

Combine the herbs, pour half a liter of boiling water over a tablespoon of the resulting mixture. Leave for half an hour. The resulting drink should be drunk in 4-5 approaches per day.


Treatment for adenovirus infection usually involves bed rest and the use of antiviral medications and cough, runny nose, and conjunctivitis medications (depending on the individual patient's symptoms). The addition of a bacterial infection requires additional antibiotics - Solutab, Grammidin, etc.

If you have a weakened immune system, you need to take immunostimulants. If the disease is in a severe stage, it is better not to refuse hospitalization - the hospital will be able to provide additional treatment. How much to take this or that drug should be decided solely by the attending physician.