Pain after cryodestruction. Cryodestruction of the cervix - advantages and disadvantages, indications and contraindications. Important aspects of therapy


Cervical erosion is a common pathology that can now be successfully treated. One of the safest and effective methods Treatment of erosion is hardware cryodestruction. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and does not require hospitalization, with virtually no accompanying painful sensations and rarely causes complications.

For cryodestruction, liquid nitrogen is used, which cools the affected tissue to -190°C or more. Despite the ultra-low temperatures, the procedure is the least traumatic among various methods treatment of cervical erosion. After cryodestruction, there are no scars left and no bleeding occurs, since the vessels narrow under the influence of cold. After healing, the tissues retain their elasticity, which means the procedure does not interfere with natural childbirth in the future and does not complicate the course of pregnancy. Cryodestruction can be safely used to treat nulliparous women. Cryotherapy does not require pain relief: cooling the tissue reduces sensitivity, so the woman does not experience any pain during the procedure. pain.

Before the procedure, you must visit a gynecologist who will examine the patient’s medical history, make sure there are no contraindications to cryotherapy, and take everything necessary tests. There is no need to prepare for hospitalization - cryodestruction is performed on an outpatient basis, the procedure itself takes no more than 5-10 minutes, after which the woman can return to her usual routine.

Cryotherapy is performed using special tool, which is attached to a liquid nitrogen cylinder. A cryonic attachment is inserted into the vagina, which is then pressed against the area of ​​the cervix affected by erosion. The doctor starts serving liquid nitrogen, and the affected tissues gradually acquire White color. Typically, the nitrogen supply lasts 3-5 minutes - this is enough time to treat the affected tissue.

The cryo-nozzle is removed from the vagina 4-5 minutes after the end of the nitrogen supply to avoid trauma to the cervix. If the erosion was extensive, a repeat procedure may be necessary, the necessity of which is determined by the gynecologist.

During the procedure, the woman does not experience pain, since the tissues lose sensitivity under the influence of cold. However, the patient may experience tingling and mild burning in the vagina. After the procedure, the woman needs to prepare for heavy discharge which will last up to three weeks.

To avoid complications after cryotherapy, it is recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse for 1-2 months. You should also not take a hot bath, visit a swimming pool, sauna, bathhouse, or swim in a river or sea. Final healing of the cervix after the removal of dead tissue occurs after 2-3 months.

Cryodestruction of cervical erosion, and in simple words– freezing, this is a fairly popular treatment for common female disease, which is the cauterization of affected tissues with liquid nitrogen. This article is designed to help you understand what this method consists of, and whether it is worth resorting to it if you are diagnosed with cervical erosion that requires treatment.

The essence of the procedure

During cryodestruction of cervical erosion, the affected area of ​​tissue is treated with liquid nitrogen using a special device - a cryoprobe.

Often the procedure looks like this: a gynecological speculum is inserted into the vagina to good review, then a cryoprobe - a special device connected to a cylinder with liquid nitrogen. The doctor locally acts with cold (and the temperature of liquid nitrogen is no more than -90 degrees Celsius) on the affected areas of the epithelium and freezes them. The cryoprobe is quite accurate, and the entire procedure is controlled by a doctor, so nitrogen will only slightly affect healthy tissue if the procedure is performed properly.

Treatments such as freezing erosive cells usually do not cause discomfort At most, the patient feels a slight tingling and burning sensation, but more is rare. complex cases reactions. Therefore, before the procedure, it must be carried out comprehensive diagnostics the whole body.

Immediately after cauterization is carried out, swelling will appear in the tissues treated with liquid nitrogen, which lasts for a short time. Within about three to six months from the time the erosion was frozen, the affected cells die and are completely replaced by healthy ones. After healing, there is no decrease in the elasticity of the cervix, so cryodestruction is often recommended as a treatment option for erosion for nulliparous women.

Indications and contraindications

Like any medical intervention in the body, cauterization with liquid nitrogen has its contraindications. This:

  • pregnancy - exposure of the cervix to liquid nitrogen in this case is absolutely contraindicated, as it will most likely cause a miscarriage;
  • menstruation;
  • bleeding or bloody issues of any other nature;
  • traumatic injuries to the cervix and the presence of healed tissue on it;
  • inflammatory processes in any part of the body, and especially acute inflammation organs of the reproductive system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • tumors of the uterus and ovaries;
  • abnormal development of the cervix (third degree dysplasia);
  • too much localization of the affected tissues - in this case, another method is necessary, since exposure to cold over large areas can lead to the most disastrous consequences.

In the absence of each of the above contraindications, cryodestruction can be performed if, of course, the patient considers this method of treatment acceptable for herself.

  • standard gynecological examination, which includes a conversation, examination of the external genitalia, examination of the cervix using a mirror and taking a smear for vaginal microflora;
  • taking a smear for infection;
  • taking a smear from the cervix;
  • colcoscopy.

Before the procedure itself, the doctor must inform the patient about the procedure for carrying it out and about all possible unpleasant sensations.

Thus, it is excluded psychological factor, on which the success of cryodestruction largely depends. A positive attitude, absence of strong anxiety and psychological readiness of the patient are especially important in such delicate procedures.

It is advisable to have a pad with you, since the procedure almost immediately entails watery discharge (hydrorrhea): you need to be prepared for this, it is absolutely normal and should not cause concern.

Pros and cons of the procedure

Cryodestruction makes it possible to treat most gynecological diseases without consequences.

The main advantage of this treatment for erosion is that in 90%, in the absence of unidentified contraindications and in general good performance patient's health Negative consequences its implementation is absent.

Other advantages of cryodestruction include:

  • complete safety for nulliparous women: this procedure, with the exception of very rare cases, does not entail scarring of the tissues of the cervix, and therefore does not reduce their elasticity: childbirth after cryodestruction will take place without complications and ruptures;
  • except for cases of individual sensitivity, the procedure is completely painless and bloodless: nitrogen cools the vessels and bleeding never occurs after cryodestruction;
  • if carried out correctly, cases of relapse are unlikely;
  • speed: the procedure takes only a few minutes, after which hospital treatment is not required;
  • price - for example, laser treatment will cost you a lot a large amount money;

Doctors consider minimal trauma to the patient’s healthy tissues to be one of the main advantages of this treatment method.

And now about the cons:

  • The healing period of cryodestruction is much longer than after laser treatment. The erosion that was cauterized with liquid nitrogen will finally heal no earlier than in three months;
  • during this time it is advisable to abstain from sexual activity, but during the first month it is completely contraindicated - there is a very high probability of infection, inflammation and difficulty in the recovery process;
  • if cauterization with liquid nitrogen is not carried out with sufficient skill or the preliminary examination of the structure of the cervix is ​​not thorough enough, erosion may reappear, since not all affected tissues will be sufficiently treated;
  • in some cases quite normal discharge after the procedure may be accompanied by an unpleasant odor;
  • During the healing period, it is forbidden to use tampons;
  • very rarely the scarring process begins;

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Marina Mikhailovna asks:

What kind of discharge can there be after cauterization of cervical dysplasia?

Discharge after laser coagulation.

Cauterization of cervical dysplasia is also carried out using a laser with low-frequency radiation. The laser acts primarily on tissue with a high concentration of water. Atypical cells are enlarged due to great content water, which is why they are the main targets for laser radiation. Cells evaporate and are quickly replaced by new ones healthy cells mucous layer of the cervix. In this case, during the first 3 to 5 days, small light pink discharge may appear. Sometimes they can recur after 7 – 10 days in small quantities.

Discharge after radio wave treatment.

Radio wave therapy is based on the destruction of the pathological focus by radio wave radiation. Under the influence of radio waves, atypical epithelial cells ( mucosal epithelial cells) begin to produce a large number of energy and self-destruct. Restoration of the mucous layer of the cervix begins quite quickly. The discharge is scanty, light pink or almost transparent. Lasts, on average, 5 days, but can resume after a week.

Discharge after cryodestruction.

During cryodestruction, the lesion is cauterized with liquid nitrogen, less often - carbon dioxide. Under the influence low temperatures (minus 150 – 170 degrees) water in precancerous cells crystallizes and they die. During the first 5–7 days, death, “melting” and rejection of atypical cells occur, so the discharge is especially abundant and watery. With cryodestruction, there is practically no risk of damage to blood vessels, and the discharge is bloodless. If blood appears in the discharge, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

When a woman neglects the doctor’s recommendations after cauterization of cervical dysplasia, the postoperative wound can become infected, inflamed and fester. At the same time there appear various types discharge – dirty yellow, greenish, with bad smell. These types of complications should be treated promptly.

  • compliance with the principles of personal

Cervical erosion is a problem that occurs in many women. In addition, there are also a number of other diseases of this organ that require surgical intervention. And the painful procedures of the past were replaced by cryodestruction. This technique is highly accurate and low in pain.

Features and advantages of cryodestruction

A minimum of discomfort during surgery and minor discharge afterwards are the main characteristics of cryotherapy. This procedure requires a preliminary thorough examination of the vaginal cavity.

Carrying out this operation is advisable in the following situations:

Cryodestruction of the cervix involves exposure of tissue to low temperatures. To do this, use a special device called a cryodestructor. Liquefied gas is pumped into it, which is cooled to a temperature of minus 200 degrees Celsius.

New growths are destroyed when exposed to low temperatures. Depth to which it freezes cell structure, depends on the type of gas used. For example, the use of liquid nitrogen ensures tissue freezing to a depth of 5 mm.

Cryodestruction most often needs to be repeated. This is necessary due to the likely bleeding of the cervix if the procedure is performed for the first time. At the same time, the technique is very good in that it does not destroy healthy tissue located close to the treatment site.

Until relatively recently, eroded areas were cauterized. And many women know about the consequences of this rather unpleasant procedure. One of the most unpleasant things was that after some time a relapse of the disease appeared in the affected and cauterized areas.

In turn, cryodestruction of the cervix has the following advantages over outdated methods:

This procedure has no disadvantages. The only inconvenience that it can cause the patient is the rather long healing time of the wounds, which lasts about three weeks.

Also, in the process of removing dead tissue from the body, minor discharge is observed. The high popularity of cryodestruction is due to the fact that previously used electric cauterization had a number of disadvantages. It was painful, the wounds took a long time to heal, bled and left behind scars that reduced the elasticity of the tissue. Significant discharge appeared. Cryotherapy of the cervix allows you to avoid all this.

Indications and contraindications for

This technique created for women suffering from diseases such as:

As a result of freezing, destruction and subsequent death of the affected areas occurs. This technique is widely used to remove condylomas and papillomas from the cervix.

Mandatory examination before carrying out this procedure is aimed at identifying diseases for which it is contraindicated. These include:

  • tumors in the ovary;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • dental diseases;
  • third degree dysplasia;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • endometriosis;
  • inflammation of the genital organs;
  • cancer or intermediate diagnosis.

Features of the event

This procedure is carried out in the first phase menstrual cycle. The ideal time for this is the period from 8 to 10 days from the beginning of menstruation. Cryodestruction is performed as follows:

After three weeks, the patient should return to the specialist to evaluate the healing process. During the first days after the procedure, vaginal discharge may become more frequent, which is normal. If the discharge is excessive, you should definitely inform a specialist about this.

Six months later, another visit to a specialist is made to perform a cytological examination of the uterine cavity. In this case, a smear may be taken and a colposcopy may be performed.

Consequences of the procedure

Due to the rapid procedure, there is no need for hospitalization of patients. Therefore, a woman can be sent home immediately after cryotherapy. Some may experience a fever after completing the procedure, but such consequences are quite normal, since in this way the body restores thermal balance.

After cryodestruction, pain in the lower abdomen may occur for a couple of days. This is explained by the fact that dead tissue is brought out, which is why discharge may occur. By the way, discharge after the procedure should not alarm the patient, unless, of course, it is excessive. Final recovery occurs two to three months after treatment.

IN rehabilitation period It is advisable for patients not to douche and avoid visiting saunas and baths.

Intimacy and serious physical exercise it is also advisable to exclude. Otherwise, unpleasant consequences may occur.

Most often, after the procedure, patients are not bothered by any health problems, and the rehabilitation process goes smoothly. The discharge that appears after the operation quickly stops.

Cryodestruction is a highly precise procedure that does not involve bleeding, making it an excellent choice for women planning to have children in the future.

Cryodestruction of the cervix is ​​a method of treating diseases of the cervix using liquid nitrogen, i.e. by cooling (to a temperature below 90–150 0C). Cryotherapy of the cervix is ​​the most gentle surgical procedure.

The numerous advantages of the cryosurgical method have ensured its widespread use in the treatment of various pathological processes of the cervix.

  • Painless effect on tissue, which does not require additional anesthesia, since cooling causes a rapid loss of sensitivity of nerve endings.
  • The procedure is bloodless, since during cryoexposure, vasospasm and rapid thrombosis of microcirculatory vessels are observed.
  • Minimal damage surrounding healthy tissues with the possibility of a clear impact on the pathological focus. Full recovery tissue after cryotherapy, specific for a given organ, since natural defense mechanisms body (immune system).
  • Does not change the elasticity of the cervix, eliminates cicatricial deformation, which does not interfere with the process of dilation of the cervix during childbirth and allows the use of this method in young nulliparous women.
  • Low risk of complications and the ability to perform this procedure on an outpatient basis is also another advantage.


  • cervical erosion
  • ectopic columnar epithelium
  • retention cysts of the cervix
  • leukoplakia of the cervix
  • chronic cervicitis
  • cervical dysplasia I, II degrees
  • condylomas of the vulva, vagina, perineum
  • papillomas of the vulva, vagina
  • complex anti-relapse treatment of cervical canal polyps (after removal of the polyp surgical method), leukoplakia and kraurosis of the vulva
  • granulation of the vaginal stump after hysterectomy
  • ectropion


  • acute and subacute inflammatory diseases internal genital organs
  • inflammatory diseases of the cervix and vagina, III and IV degree of purity of the vaginal flora, sexually transmitted infections
  • severe cicatricial deformation of the cervix
  • III degree cervical dysplasia, suspicion of cervical cancer
  • ovarian tumors
  • fibroids, endometriosis, requiring surgical treatment
  • acute infectious diseases
  • somatic diseases in the stage of decompensation

Before carrying out cryodestruction, you must contact a person for an in-person consultation to decide on the possibility of carrying out this method treatment.

The consultation includes:

  • Collection of complaints, medical history, examination of the external genitalia, examination of the vagina and cervix in the speculum;
  • Collection of vaginal discharge for flora, PCR smears for infections;
  • Pap smear from the cervix (targeted biopsy of the cervix if indicated);
  • Colposcopy.

Based on the results of the examination, a diagnosis is made and the best option treatment of the cervix.


Cryodestruction of the cervix is ​​preferably carried out in the first phase of the menstrual cycle (7-10 days of the menstrual cycle).

What's happening

Changes in tissues subjected to cryotherapy occur in the following phases:

  • cryodamage-accompanied by symptoms of edema and changes in innervation.
  • cryonecrotic phase– tissue ischemia with subsequent necrosis and scab formation. Restoration of the normal epithelial layer.

30 minutes after the procedure, edema develops in the tissues subjected to cryotherapy; wound healing occurs according to the type of exudative inflammation, which is accompanied by abundant watery discharge, reaching a maximum by 4-7 days and ending after 17-25 days. Complete epithelization of the cervix is ​​observed by the end of 6-8 weeks

At the Center for Immunology and Reproduction, the “Cryoini” apparatus is used to carry out cryodestruction.