Wealth and prosperity or serious problems: why do you dream of lice in your head? Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about lice?

Lice are one of the most unpleasant guests of sleep. Especially if, according to the plot, they painfully bite a sleeping person. Various modern dream books will help you figure out what lice mean in dreams.

Why do you dream about lice - interpretation from dream books

In Miller’s dream book, lice portend a difficult period in the life of a man or woman. You should expect troubles at work and constant tests of fate.

Tsvetkov’s dream book suggests that a very large number of insects on a person’s body promises him health problems. You need to try to remember exactly where on the body the maximum number of them was collected. This will help determine which organs to check for the disease first.

Lice in your head

According to Aesop's dream book, lice in your own head symbolize bad news. The more of them there are in the hair, the more significant the unpleasant news will be.

Lice nits, which literally fall from the dreamer’s locks, suggest that in the near future the person will have a lot of work to do, which will need to be dealt with in the shortest possible time. But it will practically not bring profit to the sleeper, but will only weaken his nervous system.

If you dreamed that your child had lice, this means that it’s time to stop unnecessary care and attention, otherwise quarrels and family discord cannot be avoided. A child's lice will be removed to reveal the child's character; in such a situation, you need to loosen your control over him a little.

Why remove lice and fleas

When lice and fleas arrive at the same time in a dream, this indicates the arrival of unexpected guests. The dream warning speaks of restraint and calm, which must be shown in this situation.

When you dreamed of lice in your hair large quantities, you need to expect great well-deserved luck, receiving a monetary reward, a gift for your merits. Excessive lice - huge cash receipts, inheritance.

Vanga's Dream Book

Dream interpretation of lice in Vanga's head: a famous soothsayer, explained lice in a dream as a quick profit. The larger the lice on the head in a dream, the larger the monetary reward.

A person who sees lice and guides in a dream should think about his health, especially when there are too many insects. Such a dream may foretell the approach of illness. If you dreamed of lice, at the moment when a person shakes them off, this means that the work begun will be successfully completed.

Women's dream book

Women's dream book about lice and fleas, interprets the occurrence of problems, deterioration of health, troubles, vanity.

If you see

In this case, the interpretation of dreams speaks of big problems, troubles, troubles that a woman will not see clearly for some time. Problems will be visible through the screen, but will soon be resolved.

The dream book about lice and nits says that you will receive a monetary reward after going through great difficulties and fuss, but the amount will justify the difficulties you have gone through.

Folk interpretations of dreams

Most interpretations of dreams are passed down to us through generations from our ancestors; they differ from the interpretations of dreams with lice in dream books.

Why do you dream about a louse?

If lice and nits disappear, the person is currently in a stressful state, worried, nervous because of the difficulties that have arisen.

Why remove lice when you crush them?

A harbinger of someone’s slander and gossip, worries about this will be meaningless. Soon, everything will be resolved.

Dream Interpretation of Veles

Veles's dream book, lice in the hair, speaks of getting a serious job, project or task that will require a lot of effort and trouble to solve it.
Squashing lice in a dream means obstacles and troubles. The difficulties encountered may lead to nervous breakdown, depression, stress. Having gone through the entire thorny path, after achieving the goal, you may have to face illness.

Aesop's Dream Book

Lice and nits symbolize a person’s dishonesty and uncleanliness with mundane thoughts.

From the interpretations presented various dream books, it is clear that the explanations are not similar, so you need to listen to your intuition and not think about the bad.

Surprisingly, even residents of modern megacities know firsthand about such unpleasant human companions as lice. Fortunately, with the development of civilization, and hygiene in particular, their appearance is more of an extraordinary event than an everyday occurrence. At the same time, these bloodsucking insects are often mentioned in sayings and “winged” expressions. The phrase “lice test” means a situation designed to determine the integrity and reliability of a person. For dreams, the plot with the appearance of lice in them is also quite common, and its meaning is deciphered depending on the circumstances and details. In general, the interpretation is positive value, but there are important nuances, which will help you reliably figure out what lice mean in dreams.

Dream Interpretation: seeing lice in a dream

Interpretation according to different sources has features.

Modern version 21st century dream book predicts that in reality the dreamer who sees lice will soon have a troublesome period. A person will worry and worry a lot, but later it turns out that there were no truly significant reasons for this.

Ukrainian dream book interprets the appearance of lice on the dreamer’s head as a symbol of career growth in reality. New ideas voiced to superiors can lead to a more prestigious position. This is a call to be active.

Russian dream book I agree with the favorable interpretation of the “lousy” dream. It portends a well-fed and rich period in life.

Prophetess Vanga warns of the approach of a certain problem that seems to have arisen out of nowhere. However, solving it will be not only quite simple, but also profitable from a financial point of view.

Soothsayer's Interpretation Nostradamus has many similarities with the Bulgarian fortune teller. Lice in a dream promise success in business in reality. This is a clear sign that we need to boldly take on new projects, because as a result, the dreamer will earn a profit. The larger the insects seen, the larger it will be.

According to Hasse's dream book lice, except in those cases when the dreamer discovers them on himself, promise the onset of a period when luck will accompany everything. Otherwise, there will be trouble ahead.

A similar interpretation is contained in the dream book of esotericism Tsvetkova. Lice dream of a successful development of events at work if in a dream these blood-sucking insects do not touch the dreamer.

Psychologist Sigmund Freud, with his characteristic tendency to interpret dreams taking into account subconscious desires, predicts changes in the intimate sphere for those who see lice. Perhaps a partner will soon appear on the horizon who will add emotional richness and sensual pleasures to life.

According to the ontopsychological interpretation of dreams Antonio Meneghetti the appearance of lice in a dream indicates that the dreamer is under attack energy vampire. How strong this negative interference will be depends on the frequency of repetition of this plot.

All interpreters attach particular importance to the location of blood-sucking insects in a dream. In the event that they dreamed about themselves in the hair, in reality you probably feel unwell. The disease will not be too serious, but you should be careful about hypothermia to avoid cold symptoms.

One lice in a dream is interpreted as a not very positive symbol. A single louse seen indicates that the result of the effort will be too insignificant. If in reality the dreamer is offered to take on some work or participate in a project, the plot warns that they will pay less than expected. Profit will also be minimal.

If you dream at the same time lice and fleas, such a plot is usually associated with one’s immediate social circle. Perhaps one of them requires too much attention, or becomes too annoying.

Seen large blood-sucking insects are a harbinger of a successful period. Marvelous big size lice indicates that the dreamer’s most secret dreams will come true.

Why do you dream about lice and nits?

When a dream is visited by lice and their nit larvae, in reality there will soon be a rather troublesome period. Those planning a trip should think about its feasibility - there will be too many unpleasant situations on the road. If you happened to see lice in a dream The child has, in reality it is worth analyzing whether there is an excessive tendency to patronize offspring? It is also possible that the subconscious gives a signal to pay attention to the state of the child’s health if there is only one louse in his head. It’s good if the dreamer saves his own child from blood-sucking insects. This symbolizes that relations with the younger generation are harmonious, and help is timely and not “suffocating” in nature.

In general, if you dream about lice on another man this auspicious sign, promising in reality new opportunities for earning money. Success is already very close, and your undertakings will be quite successful. If bloodsuckers are seen in a stranger’s dream, in reality the dreamer is hampered by complexes and self-doubt. The time has come to show determination, then well-deserved success will come.

In case lice dream of a woman If you are married, you may soon have to experience a lot of hassle in connection with the visit of relatives. It is necessary to analyze the sensations from the dream plot. The stronger the feeling of disgust, the more pleasant the upcoming communication will be. Lonely lady dreams of lice for improvement financial situation. If there are painful lice bites in a dream, the dreamer must beware of attacks from ill-wishers; an unworthy and persistent admirer may appear. If a pregnant woman dreams of nits and lice on her body or in her hair, in reality she is too worried about her situation. To alleviate concerns, you can visit a doctor to monitor your health.

Chronic health problems that do not yet show obvious symptoms - this is what dreams mean pubic lice. Married people need to show attention to their partners, and also be careful about expressing criticism towards them.

What you see in a dream indicates an incorrect attitude towards loved ones. linen lice. Perhaps the dreamer unwittingly inflicts offense on others and experiences remorse because of this.

See in a dream a lot of lice means that in reality you will have to solve many issues at once. Routine affairs will absorb all the time, but the practical benefit depends on the size of the blood-sucking insects.

If lice seen in a dream big, in reality the reward for your troubles and labors will be very worthy. This dream plot also speaks of pleasant surprise. Making a profit from a source that the dreamer could not even dream of.

Black Lice dream of the financial success of all commercial projects. You will have to do several things at once, but you will be able to achieve success without putting much effort into each of them.

Action with lice in a dream

Destroy nits and press lice are considered a good sign. Soon the dreamer will receive valuable information regarding material well-being. If you use it, the profit will practically be “in your pocket”.

In reality, the opportunity to earn extra money will come up - that’s what you dream about catch lice. When you have to catch blood-sucking insects in a dream, it is necessary to interpret the size of the lice seen in such a plot. The value will tell you what amount of profit you can subsequently count on (the larger the lice, the larger it will be).

Louse in a dream - positive sign internal readiness for changes in life. In reality, it was no coincidence that the dreamer’s desire for renewal arose, because now is a truly successful period for this. For entrepreneurs who are preparing to sign a new contract, the story of combing out lice promises good luck. There will be no difficulties in implementing the project.

Looking for poison in a dream to clear your head of lice symbolizes a desperate desire to avoid problems that have arisen, to entrust someone from your environment with solving them. The plot of the dream in which it happened poison lice, speaks of a favorable outcome. Problems that have been troubling for a long time will finally be successfully overcome.

Dreams sometimes show us something that we are talking about. real life I would like not to even think about it.

Complete bewilderment, disgust and a completely natural question arise: why do you dream about lice? In other words, what to expect from such a dream in reality?

Before you try to interpret this is not the most pleasant dream, it is worth taking into account all its nuances. There may be several of them, for example:

  • You saw lice on your head.
  • We found them in your child.
  • We saw either a lot of lice or just one.
  • Lice or fleas on the body or hands.
  • They are on clothes, beds, furniture, on the floor.
  • You may also dream about fleas.
  • Saw it on someone else.

Having determined all the necessary details of your dream, you can interpret what lice mean in dreams. This means that you can wisely apply the knowledge gained from the dream book in reality.

You didn’t call them, but they came...

Lice or fleas in night dreams can mean both wealth and illness, both joy and misfortune. It all depends on where they appeared in the dream and how they manifested themselves.

1. Most often in dreams you can see and feel these nasty creatures on your own head. If you find lice in your hair in a dream, this is despite everything discomfort, Very good dream, which promises you quick wealth in reality.

If there is just a whole army of them, so many that your hair is literally moving, your whole head is covered in small creatures - this is incredibly disgusting, but still rejoice, real luxury awaits you!

Perhaps the profit will “fall on your head” unexpectedly, and you will not even suspect it. But in any case, expect your finances to be replenished soon!

Rest assured, nothing and no one can interfere with your plans; a wonderful and fruitful period, inspiration and complete dedication awaits you. Be sure that after such a dream nothing threatens you in business and affairs, you will receive rewards and great success.

3. To see in a dream how you were simply attacked by lice, impudently crawling not only through your hair, but also over your face, body, hands, and maybe even biting - this, of course, is extremely unpleasant, but such a dream is also very good.

It simply promises you untold riches.Expect big profits soon!

Perhaps you will receive a win or an award, a bonus, a large debt will be returned to you, or you will simply find money. Even if you now have no idea where the money might come from, rest assured, fate knows best. Trust her.

4. But one lonely crawling louse is bad sign. If you had to see one or two lice crawling on you in a dream, this means some kind of trouble, bad news, disappointment.

Try to prepare or simply predict adverse events that may happen to you in the future. And do everything to mitigate the circumstances.

5. If you had a dream that you crush, destroy lice from your hair in any way. This dream is a harbinger of a new stage in personal life and getting rid of loneliness, boredom, monotony.

You will overcome your fears or certain complexes, learn and bring into life something new that you were previously afraid of. Perhaps a new partner will appear who will show you a new, unknown side of life.

6. If this nasty insect runs away, and you are trying to catch it in order to kill it, this is a clear symbol that in real life you are wasting your energy on some task, and luck is slipping out of your hands.

Perhaps it’s worth trying a different method, approaching from a different direction, so as not to waste energy. And then you can catch your luck.

7. But if you had a dream in which for some reason you know for sure that you have lice, but don’t see them, this is not a good sign, the dream warns of near loss or loss. The dream books are silent about what exactly, but you know better.

On someone else's head

Let's figure out what lice mean in dreams, which can be not only in your own hair, but also on another person. Such dreams have a different meaning.

1. If you happen to see lice in the head of another person, a stranger to you, in a dream, this is a wonderful sign that, according to all interpreters, promises joy, good luck and the successful completion of all affairs.

Expect a favorable period in business, at work, and in your family or personal life everything will be smooth. As every dream book promises, lice on another person’s head are a sign that you are not afraid of trouble yet.

2. Lice in a child’s head are a common dream for many mothers. Such a dream simply means the mother’s worries about her child, and the worries are in vain.

  • If you happen to crush lice in a child’s hair, it means that you are trying to isolate him from all troubles, dangers, and diseases, and you succeed.
  • If you are trying to crush lice, and there are more and more of them, and you feel the futility of this activity, know that your worries and fears are in vain, you are exaggerating and putting too much pressure on the child himself with your care.

4. A dream in which lice or fleas are not in your hair, but you saw them on your clothes, on the bed, anywhere - this means tears, sadness, and resentment. But do not be alarmed - this interpretation does not promise any troubles; rather, it means that you will simply remain in sadness for some time, but it will not be associated with serious tragedies.

Correct interpretation of dreams is not an easy task, because there are many nuances to consider. Many dreams can contain several symbols and signs at once, and you should take this into account when deciphering your night dreams.

When figuring out what lice or fleas mean in dreams, do not forget to pay attention to other details of the dream. Perhaps, by combining parts of the whole, you will see a larger and more complete picture that will tell you how to act in life, what to expect and what to fear. Author: Vasilina Serova

If in a dream you saw lice on your offspring’s head, this is a signal of excessive concern.

Perhaps you devote too much time to your child and do not allow him to take a single step without your participation. Stop, give him freedom of choice, listen to his opinion and give him the opportunity to express himself.

If you dreamed of lice crawling on one arm or leg of a baby, be careful, there is a likely risk of increased injury, fracture, or dislocation.

Did you dream of lice on your child's head, but couldn't catch them? Unforeseen financial expenses are likely. The purchased items will not bring pleasure and will lie like dead weight in the closet.

If you dreamed that you were sorting through your child’s things and found lice - expect unpleasant news and gossip about your child. Lice scatter from clothes - you will hear flattering reviews about your son or daughter.

See blood-sucking insects on someone else's child

Why dream of seeing lice on someone else's child? Such a dream symbolizes envy. The number of individuals is directly proportional to the anger of the envious person.

Such a dream does not promise profit for those who are working on a new project or are planning to implement long-conceived plans. The dream warns in advance of failure. Wait a little time and proceed with your plans with renewed vigor.

A dream where a child with lice plays with your child warns of troubles awaiting your son (daughter). Take a closer look at your surroundings to see if there is anyone among your offspring’s friends who will set an inappropriate example.

Look for bloodsuckers in children's heads

You are too busy being a parent. There is no need to impose your point of view; a teenage girl or boy has long formed their own opinion, which you are trying to challenge.

You should not judge them for actions that seem unacceptable to you. Don’t be angry at strangers; for some, yours are also strangers.

Detect individuals on hair

There may be misunderstandings on the part of peers, serious conflicts, and problems in learning.

You have a teenage son, and they found lice on a boy of the opposite sex - soon your grown-up boy will learn from his own experience what it means to experience problems in his personal life. First love will bring disappointment and anxiety.

Pulling out nits

You dream of lice when the dreamer is faced with monotonous work that does not bring moral satisfaction.

The thought of changing your occupation will come to you. Don’t miss the chance, the dream book interprets: now is the best time to move to a new job.

Pulling nits out of someone else's child's head means minor troubles that will make you nervous. Your plan will come true if you listen to the advice of a stranger.

Kill insects

I had to crush lice in my sleep. The dream speaks of the excessive desire of parents to protect their son or daughter from health problems, lurking dangers and obsessive fears.

It's time to think about how long you will shift children's responsibilities to yourself. Your child is already a formed personality, capable of finding a way out of current situations on his own.

Do not look for sores that you have invented. When it comes to a son, there is a likely risk of raising a weak-willed mother's son.

Squeezing lice on the head of someone else's offspring foreshadows a situation in which your daughter or son will need your help. It is your advice that will help avoid serious troubles.

Count the bloodsuckers

The meaning of the dream in which the dreamer noticed lice has a direct relationship with the number of individuals.

According to the modern dream book:

  • If you dreamed about a single individual, it means petty squabbles, health problems and disappointments. A bloodsucker crawling over the body foreshadows the illness of a small family member. Killing her means a speedy recovery;
  • Several individuals dream of trouble. Listen to the baby’s complaints; health problems are likely;
  • A child has a lot of lice - a protracted illness. They were able to kill everyone - to healing for the sick.

Seeing large lice with nits speaks of sudden profits; crushing them means refusing a lucrative offer.

Treat your head for lice

Combing out lice means difficulties in business.

Seeing dead lice is a sign of disappointment and monetary losses. Noticing a louse soaked in blood means the arrival of relatives.

How do famous dream books interpret

Popular seers about dreams where they had to say the following:

Try to understand what worries him, but remember: excessive care never allowed him to grow a self-sufficient personality.