Anuria occurs when. Causes, symptoms and treatment of anuria. When to see a doctor

Anuria- pathological condition, characterized by the absolute absence of urine in the bladder or its minimal accumulation (50 ml per day). Anuria should be distinguished from acute urinary retention, when urine still accumulates in the bladder, but the process of urination is impossible. In contrast to this problem, with anuria, urine is not initially collected in the bladder and, accordingly, is not subsequently released from it. This pathology basically involves the problem of urine not being produced by the kidneys or not entering the bladder due to compression or obstruction of the ureters.

Cause of anuria becomes the reason for a certain typology of this disorder: it is secretory, which in turn is divided into prerenal, renal, arenal and reflex, and excretory (postrenal) anuria.

Secretory anuria


The reason is the cessation of blood flow to the kidneys due to:

  • acute heart failure,
  • thrombosis of the renal vessels or inferior pudendal vein,
  • compression of these vessels by a tumor located in the retroperitoneal space,
  • embolism of renal vessels,
  • eclampsia and/or childbirth,
  • dehydration due to blood loss, diarrhea, continuous vomiting or diarrhea,
  • state of shock,
  • critical decrease in systolic blood pressure (< 50 мм. рт. ст.).


Reason - pathological processes inside the kidney and lesion renal parenchyma, which is typical for:

  • late stages of chronic glomerulo- and pyelonephritis, nephroangiosclerosis,
  • acute glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis,
  • polycystic disease and nephrotuberculosis,
  • systemic collagenosis, vasculitis, sepsis,
  • transfusion of incompatible blood,
  • kidney damage due to extensive burns, massive injuries with crushing muscles,
  • consequences of extensive surgical operations with the absorption of tissue decay products,
  • septic abortions and childbirth.

The reason is direct exposure to toxic elements, poisoning with poisons and drugs:

  • mercury
  • phosphorus,
  • lead,
  • acetic acid,
  • salts of heavy metals,
  • alcohol substitutes,
  • sulfa drugs,
  • antibiotics.


Reason - congenital absence, renal aplasia (in newborns), which is diagnosed based on the absence of urine in the baby more than a day after birth due to:

  • adhesions in the area of ​​the external urethral opening,
  • congenital urethral valves,
  • sphincter spasm bladder.

The reason is the separation of the only or only functioning kidney from the vascular pedicle due to:

  • serious injury
  • surgical intervention.


The reason is the slowing effect of the central nervous system on urination under the influence of various stimuli:

Excretory anuria


The reason is the presence of an obstruction to the outflow of urine from the kidneys:

  • ureteral stones,
  • iatrogenic damage to the ureters (ligation or suturing during surgery on the pelvic organs),
  • compression of the ureters by tumors, scars, inflammatory infiltrate.

Symptoms of anuria is very obvious and individual signs develop as the disease progresses:

  • the onset of pathology is characterized by the absence of the urge to urinate;
  • after 1-3 days, symptoms of intoxication develop - loss of appetite, dry mouth, bad breath, thirst, nausea and vomiting, constipation or diarrhea;
  • symptoms of central nervous system damage gradually increase - asthenia, headache and muscle pain, drowsiness or agitation, states of delirium;
  • anuria is aggravated by signs of pulmonary and cardiovascular insufficiency, peripheral edema.

How to treat anuria?

Treatment of anuria- this is extremely necessary and urgent action. Anuria is predominantly a condition when the patient needs emergency care and hospitalization, because it threatens the patient’s life. The totality of necessary therapeutic measures depends on the cause of anuria. Efficiency emergency care for patients with anuria is largely determined by the timeliness of its provision and the availability of modern diagnostic and therapeutic equipment.

For patients with prerenal or arenal form of anuria, emergency medical care should consist of techniques for maintaining cardiovascular activity, and professional help consists of administering 1-2 ml of a 10% caffeine solution subcutaneously, and 20 ml of a 40% glucose solution intravenously. The occurrence of a state of shock means the need to take measures to restore normal blood pressure. Patients with state of shock it is advisable to hospitalize in the department intensive care and intensive care for hemodialysis. The combination of hemodialysis with hemosorption is effective, which allows, in addition to reducing hyperazotemia, to achieve correction of water and salt metabolism. Major blood losses are resuscitated by replacing the lost volume or using agents used to stabilize the central venous pressure, for example, 400-800 ml of dextran or polyglucin, 300-500 ml of hemodez.

Renal anuria is also treated in a hospital through hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. The patient may be prescribed antidotes and infusion detoxification therapy. Separately, there is a need to restore water-electrolyte balance and counteract azotemia; for this purpose, intravenous infusions osmotic diuretics, gastric lavage, plasmapheresis, peritoneal dialysis, intake of enterosorbents and unithiol.

Postrenal anuria is eliminated exclusively surgical methods, for which, naturally, it is necessary to hospitalize the patient in a urological or surgical department. Here, X-rays and ultrasounds are performed, emergency care is provided and, at the final stage, percutaneous nephrostomy. Hemodialysis is appropriate before nephrostomy.

What diseases can it be associated with?

And, in the area of ​​the retroperitoneal space, shock conditions become the cause prerenal anuria.

The last stages and nephroangiosclerosis, and nephrotuberculosis, systemic collagenosis, and extensive burns are the basis renal anuria.

Congenital pathologies and consequences surgical interventions cause arenal anuria.

Renal colic and developed iatrogenic conditions in some cases provoke reflex anuria.

Tumors, scars and inflammatory processes in the retroperitoneal space, damage due to improperly performed operations are the root cause excretory anuria.

Treatment of anuria at home

Treatment of anuria at home is not possible, since the disease is critical, fraught with death. At home, only post-operative recovery of the patient can be performed - adherence to the regimen, taking medications prescribed by the doctor and regular examinations.

What drugs are used to treat anuria?

10% caffeine solution - subcutaneous injection of 1-2 ml to restore cardiovascular activity.

40% glucose solution - intravenous administration 20 ml to restore cardiovascular activity.

Hemodesis - 300-500 ml to stabilize central venous pressure in case of large-scale blood loss leading to the development of anuria.

400-800 ml to stabilize central venous pressure in case of large-scale blood loss leading to the development of anuria.

Prescribed as part of detoxification therapy.

Treatment of anuria with traditional methods

Treatment of anuria will be effective if it is aimed at eliminating its causes, that is, underlying diseases and disorders. Folk remedies in in this case They cannot prove their effectiveness, since they have little effect on the mechanisms of pathologies, traumatic and postoperative conditions.

Treatment of anuria during pregnancy

Anuria can develop in certain cases of childbirth and abortion. Septic childbirth and abortion underlie renal anuria, when a pathological process develops in the kidney itself, in particular in its glomerular system. Renal anuria is also treated by hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis, antidotes are administered, infusion detoxification therapy is carried out, water-electrolyte balance is restored, intravenous infusions of osmotic diuretics, gastric lavage, plasmapheresis, peritoneal dialysis, enterosorbents and unithiol are administered.

If the pathology itself develops during pregnancy and not delivery, then the applicable restorative measures are determined by the attending physician in each individual case. A choice between a woman’s life and continuing the pregnancy cannot be ruled out, since anuria poses a serious threat to life.

Which doctors should you contact if you have anuria?

  • Ambulance team

Although anuria is a critical condition requiring emergency care, its provision is preceded by a number of diagnostic procedures. To determine treatment tactics, the attending physician must understand the cause of anuria, depending on which its types and treatment strategies are distinguished - at a minimum, it is necessary to determine whether it is secretory or excretory. During treatment, the doctor uses data from anamnesis, ultrasound, radiological and instrumental methods examinations, as well as blood tests.

Main diagnostic sign is the absence of urine in the bladder. This can be determined by percussion, and is confirmed by ultrasound results or bladder catheterization. Computed tomography or for an overview photo urinary tract may show a shadow of a radiopaque stone in the projection of the urinary tract. Computed tomograms can reveal ureteral stones, tumor formations leading to compression of the ureter, as well as traumatic kidney injuries, accompanied by rupture of the renal parenchyma and the formation of a perinephric hematoma in the retroperitoneal region.

Ultrasound is informative for determining the size of the kidneys and identifying the expansion of the cavity system. An increase in the size of the kidney indicates a violation of the outflow of urine from it, which is most often associated with obstruction of the ureter with a stone, blood clot, etc., that is, postrenal anuria is more likely. Free passage catheter along the ureter into the renal pelvis excludes its obstruction and indicates probable prerenal or renal anuria.

It is extremely important to distinguish anuria from acute urinary retention. The cause of urinary retention in children can be spasm of the bladder sphincter, vulvovaginitis, balanoposthitis, phimosis, urethral trauma, stones and foreign bodies urethra, diseases of the central nervous system. In adults, acute urinary retention can develop with benign hyperplasia and cancer prostate gland, urethral rupture, urethral obstruction with a stone, blood clot, acute prostatitis, paraproctitis, diseases of the central nervous system. To exclude acute urinary retention, it is necessary to perform an ultrasound of the bladder or its catheterization. Anuria is indicated by the absence of urine in the bladder on ultrasound, the absence of urine through the catheter, or the release of only a few drops of urine.

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When the flow of urine into the bladder stops, anuria is diagnosed; few people know what it is, but this pathological condition is quite dangerous and is fraught with irreversible processes leading to death. The disease is understood as a decrease in the flow of urine into the bladder to daily norm, not exceeding 50 ml, or its absolute absence. In this case, patients complain not only about the lack of urine excreted, but also about the absence of the urge to urinate.

According to medical sources, anuria can manifest itself in the following forms:

  • arenal, which is usually caused by congenital aplasia diagnosed on both kidneys, or partial or complete removal organ;
  • prerenal, the provoking factor for the development of which is a lack of blood flow to the kidneys;
  • renal, in which the affected renal parenchyma is diagnosed;
  • postrenal, caused acute disorders outflow of urine.

Reasons for the development of pathology

Already at the stage of studying the classification of the disease, it is possible to obtain some idea regarding the etiology of the disease. Anuria is a serious pathological condition, the development of which can be provoked by a variety of reasons. The main provoking factors should be considered in the context of the forms of the disease.

Thus, the main reasons for the development of the prerenal form of the disease are presented:

  • condition cardiogenic shock, cardiac tamponade, arrhythmia or failure, as well as bleeding in organs cardiovascular system;
  • endotoxin shock, which is a frequent accompaniment of sepsis;
  • use of vasodilators;
  • the formation of pancreatitis, peritonitis, liver cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome;
  • dehydration, which is most often observed against the background frequent vomiting, diarrhea, treatment with diuretics or laxatives.

Anuria is a disease that, in the absence of necessary and timely treatment, can worsen, acquiring more dangerous forms. The renal form of the disease often develops as a result of the subsequent worsening of prerenal anuria, accompanied by impaired geodynamics and blood circulation, which is fraught with renal ischemia and ischemic necrosis of the tissue structures of the tubules in the kidneys.

Among the provoking factors for the formation of renal anuria, experts give priority to:

  • lack of treatment for the prerenal form;
  • intratubular blockade, in which pigments are actively involved;
  • inflammatory and metabolic diseases affecting the kidneys (in this case we are talking about glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, amyloidosis, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, acute tubulointerstitial nephritis);
  • lesions of the vessels responsible for ensuring normal blood supply processes in the kidneys.

A prerequisite for the development of postrenal anuria is considered to be occlusion affecting the upper urinary tract. Common reasons for the formation of this form of the disease are presented:

  • urolithiasis, in which accumulations of stones are diagnosed mainly in the ureters;
  • external compression urinary tract against the background of retroperitoneal fibrosis;
  • low-quality formations on the uterus or ovaries;
  • obstruction of the ureter in one of the kidneys.

Separately, we should consider what is anuria of the arenal form, which is most often diagnosed in infants in the absence of urine excretion within 24 hours after birth. In this case, the pathology is inextricably linked with the absence of kidneys and is congenital. Another reason for the lack of urine output in newborns may be adhesions in the urethra that prevent the normal outflow of fluid.

Signs of illness

As already noted, the main symptoms of anuria are the absence of urine and the urge to urinate, but in addition to these symptoms, a whole series of signs can be identified that make it possible to accurately diagnose dangerous disease. As a rule, the onset of the development of the disease is associated with a decrease in urine output, but as the pathological process progresses, new symptoms are added to the clinical picture, presented by:

  • violation of water-electrolyte metabolism;
  • violations of acidity indicators;
  • gradual deterioration of general condition;
  • increasing azotemia;
  • signs of damage to the central nervous system;
  • uremic pulmonary edema;
  • acute bacterial and non-bacterial inflammatory processes.

This sign of anuria, such as swelling, is explained by stagnation of fluid in the body. Patients may also be concerned about the following symptoms: weakness, faintness, shortness of breath, the appearance of an ammonia odor from oral cavity, dry mouth, thirst, headaches and muscle pain, itchy skin, indicating the development of renal failure.

As for the involvement of the central nervous system in pathological processes, disturbances in this case are manifested by causeless agitation or a depressed state. Often, patients with signs of anuria experience pain in the lower back, which is associated with gradual swelling of the organs located in the pelvic area.

The success of anuria treatment depends on correct diagnosis of the disease and determination of the optimal treatment method. Despite the fact that the disease is characterized by certain manifestations, sometimes mistakes occur in making a diagnosis. The fact is that anuria is often confused with acute urinary retention. The last pathological condition is distinguished by the following:

  • severe pain in the area above the pubis;
  • painful and ineffective urge to urinate;
  • feeling of bladder fullness;
  • enlargement of the bladder, which becomes obvious during palpation.

Diagnostic methods

As already mentioned, anuria is often confused with other pathological diseases who have similar symptoms, therefore, in order to make an error-free diagnosis, specialists use a whole range of modern research methods and approaches to studying the problem.

At the appointment, the doctor examines the patient’s condition, primarily by examining and obtaining answers to important questions that help determine the duration of absence of urination and urge, the presence of pathological conditions that could provoke the development of the disease, the presence of renal colic and features of disturbing symptoms.

Mandatory diagnostic measures to establish the disease are presented:

  • heart rate study;
  • measuring blood pressure;
  • auscultation of the lungs, which makes it possible to identify swelling of the organ by detecting characteristic wheezing of various sizes;
  • palpation abdominal cavity which is carried out to detect fluid stagnation;
  • identification of neurological disorders;
  • ultrasound examination of the kidneys and bladder, which allows one to obtain the necessary information about the condition of the organs, as well as exclude oncology;
  • computed tomography of the retroperitoneum;
  • cystoscopy used to differentiate anuria from acute urinary retention.

How dangerous is the disease?

If anuria is diagnosed, treatment should be prescribed and carried out immediately, because the disease threatens not only the health, but also the life of the patient. In view of the above, if characteristic symptoms are identified, it is important to promptly seek qualified help. Urologists deal with such problems.

Anuria is necessarily accompanied by a gradual accumulation of protein in the body, which is fraught with uremia, which means serious general intoxication of the body. Another complication of the disease is neurological disorders, which, in the absence of treatment for a long time, contribute to the formation of a coma.

As for the prognosis for uremic coma, they are not very pleasant. At timely treatment in many cases it is possible to save a patient with such a serious diagnosis, but more often than not, recovery does not occur without irreversible signs of neurological deficit, which can no longer be eliminated.

Therapeutic measures

In anuria, as a rule, excluded outpatient treatment, because so dangerous illness requires constant monitoring of the patient's condition. All therapeutic measures primarily aimed at eliminating the root causes of the formation of a pathological condition and removing fluid that has accumulated in the body.

In order to normalize the outflow of urine, catheterization of the ureters or pyelonephrostomy is most often performed. In more difficult situations it is possible to prescribe hemodialysis. At the same time, additional measures should be aimed at maintaining normal functioning organs of the cardiovascular system, which may be impaired due to general poisoning body with accumulated substances. This often leads to death.


Anuria does not tolerate delays in diagnosis and treatment.

What kind of disease this is and how to cope with it, only qualified specialists know, who strongly recommend immediately seeking help if characteristic symptoms are identified.

Some kidney diseases without proper treatment quickly become severe or chronic form, while exhibiting unpleasant symptoms. One of these symptoms is anuria - a dangerous condition that requires urgent medical intervention.

Anuria - what is it?

Anuria means the cessation of urine flow into the bladder, a pathological condition that is characterized by a decrease in urine output to 50 ml/day or less. The ICD-10 code is R34 (Anuria and). With anuria, not only is there no discharge, but there is also no urge to urinate.

Acute urinary retention is not the same condition as anuria. When there is a delay, there is an urge, since the bladder is full, but urine drainage is impaired, and the process of emptying the bladder is very difficult. Anuria can occur at any age, including in children, and is caused by pathological processes occurring in the body.

Reasons and forms

Since the syndrome is the absence of urine in the bladder, all problems that can lead to anuria affect the overlying parts of the urinary system. In the vast majority of cases, the organs that provoke anuria are the kidneys and ureters.

Occasionally, the causes of anuria are associated with blockage of two ureters by stones. Also, in men and women, especially after 60 years, anuria is caused by a tumor process in the pelvis or peritoneum, when a large tumor compresses the ureters and prevents urine from moving into the bladder.

In people with heart failure, anuria can occur when pressure in the renal artery reaches 80 mm, which is often observed in the absence of proper treatment for heart disease. Such people suffer from hypertensive crises, but with anuria, on the contrary, their blood pressure drops sharply.

The following causes of the syndrome are “popular” among men:

  • spicy;
  • heavy metal intoxication;

IN childhood Most often, the cause of impaired urine flow is acute pyelonephritis, acute glomerulonephritis (the latter can become a complication of tonsillitis). At an older age (in young people and adolescents), pyelonephritis can become chronic and cause a gradual thinning of the kidney parenchyma and the development of anuria.

At any age, the syndrome can occur due to transfusion of inappropriate blood that does not match the group or Rh factor.

Among infectious pathologies, anuria occurs with:

  • cholera;
  • yellow fever;
  • leptospirosis;
  • hemorrhagic fever.

There are 2 main forms of the syndrome:

  1. secretory;
  2. excretory.


This form of pathology is divided into the following types:

  1. Arenal. Appears in people of any age, including newborns - with abnormalities in the structure of the kidneys, fusion of organs, closure of the ureteral opening, etc. An adult may suffer from this condition after kidney surgery, after removal of an organ, or with acute spasm of the bladder inlet sphincter. Arenal anuria also occurs against the background of injury, when a single kidney is torn off from the pedicle of the vessel.
  2. Prerenal. It is caused by the end of blood supply to the kidneys due to acute heart failure, blockage of blood vessels by a blood clot, tumor, severe diarrhea or vomiting with dehydration, a critical drop in blood pressure. In women, prerenal anuria occurs during childbirth, with eclampsia.
  3. Renal. Associated with impaired renal function, more often with inflammation and other diseases (various etiologies, polycystic disease, renal tuberculosis, kidney burns). The cause may be extensive operations and injuries with tissue breakdown, systemic pathologies (collagenosis, sepsis, vasculitis), blood transfusions incompatible with the group and Rh factor, various poisonings and intoxications. In women, the cause of pathology can be septically complicated childbirth or abortion.
  4. Reflex. Due to slowdown nervous reactions, which regulate the flow of urine into the bladder. Causes: surgery, sudden exposure to cold water, severe pain with renal colic.


This form of pathology is also called postrenal, since it is caused by the presence of an obstacle to the outflow of urine from the ureters.

The immediate causes of the condition may be:

  • Compression of the ureters by a tumor, large inflammatory infiltrate, scars and sutures.
  • An unsuccessful operation during which the ureters were pierced.
  • Stones in two ureters.

Kidney stones as a cause of anuria


This condition can occur in any of the described forms. It develops under the direct influence pathogenic factors on the body and can be observed in adults and, less commonly, in children. Causes: acute heart failure, severe trauma, childbirth, severe drop in blood pressure due to thrombosis.


The very first sign of pathology is a prolonged absence of urine output, and there is also no urge to urinate. Also, the clinical picture is based on the signs of the underlying disease, which provoked this condition. In pregnant women, anuria can occur with severe preeclampsia, which is accompanied by increased blood pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine.

Children in the background acute pyelonephritis and renal colic, anuria is also observed, supplemented by an increase in body temperature, severe pain in the kidneys and lower back, general malaise and intoxication. With anuria, any symptoms from the peritoneal organs, heart, lungs, etc. may be present.

The progression of anuria causes the development of symptoms from the central nervous system. These include:

  • Lethargy, apathy, drowsiness;
  • Headache, migraine;
  • Asthenia;
  • Muscle twitching;
  • Mental disorders;
  • Cramps.

As anuria develops, the tongue of patients becomes covered with cracks, plaque, ulcers, and can become dry, as if varnished. From the gastrointestinal tract, lack of appetite, dyspeptic symptoms, and hiccups are common. Swelling, shortness of breath, and thirst appear.

The stages of anuria are:

  1. First. The person feels no urge to urinate.
  2. Second stage. Within 24-72 hours, intoxication occurs with general symptoms poisoning (vomiting, nausea, diarrhea), joins bad smell from the mouth.
  3. Third. Damage to the central nervous system occurs, a person may fall into a delirious state, or he may experience drowsiness, weakness, and loss of control over movements.
  4. Fourth. Complications of anuria develop - edema due to pulmonary and heart failure, uremia.


The most important stage of diagnosis is differentiating anuria from acute urinary retention, physiological absence of urine with minimal fluid intake or high fluid consumption. It is also important to find the cause of anuria as quickly as possible in order to begin eliminating it in time.

The initial diagnostic methods are laboratory tests and ultrasound of the kidneys, bladder and abdominal organs.

A biochemical blood test may reveal:

  • Increase in urea, creatinine, nitrogen, magnesium, phosphates.
  • Drop in sodium, calcium, chlorine.
  • Electrolyte failures.
  • Leukocytosis, increased ESR.

Ultrasound can reveal tumors, stones, and inflammatory changes in the kidneys and ureters. But this method does not always allow an accurate diagnosis to be made.

The following will help clarify the causes of anuria:

  1. CT, MRI of the kidneys, peritoneum, pelvis, retroperitoneal space. The methods will allow us to exclude oncology, structural abnormalities of the kidneys, and purulent processes in the kidney tissue.
  2. Cystoscopy. Needed to clearly differentiate anuria from acute urinary retention. During cystoscopy, the specialist visualizes the collapsed bladder and dry openings of the ureters.
  3. Excretory urography. This test involves administering contrast and taking x-rays to show the location large quantity urine (kidneys, ureter).
  4. Radioisotope renoangiography. The method is necessary for analyzing the condition of the renal vessels and blood flow through them, as well as for accurately assessing the condition of the renal parenchyma.

To exclude reflex anuria, a perinephric blockade according to Vishnevsky is performed (injection of a novocaine solution into the renal tissue on both sides). If anuria is truly associated with impaired reflexes, after such a procedure it stops.


Therapy will depend entirely on the immediate cause of anuria.

However, to alleviate the patient’s condition, even before an accurate diagnosis is made, symptomatic treatment is performed:

  • Administration of diuretics (indicated only for cardiac causes of anuria).
  • Application of a nephrostomy to unload the kidney.
  • IN severe cases– connection of an “artificial kidney”.
  • Reception of sorbents.

Subsequently, after the diagnosis has been clarified, etiotropic treatment is carried out aimed at eliminating the cause of the syndrome.

May require:

  • Blood and plasma transfusions.
  • Blood purification (plasmapheresis).
  • Detoxification therapy for poisoning.
  • Administration of antibiotics for pyelonephritis.
  • Taking glucocorticosteroids for glomerulonephritis.
  • Antishock therapy.
  • Hemodialysis, etc.

If stones or tumors are present, you may need surgical treatment, crushing stones with laser or ultrasound, applying stents.

It is important to carry out all measures on time, because anuria quickly leads to the appearance of neurological symptoms, impaired brain function and the patient falling into a uremic coma, which has a poor prognosis.

A pathological condition, which is characterized by a complete cessation of urine flow into the bladder, as well as the absence of the urge to empty, is called anuria. This disease can easily be confused with another illness - acute urinary retention. These pathologies have significant differences.

And a qualified specialist will be able to differentiate them. With a disease such as urinary retention, urine enters the bladder. Polyuria (a significant increase in daily diuresis) is considered the complete opposite of the disease. Moreover, the patient suffers from a constant urge to urinate. The problem in this case lies not in the filling of the bladder, but in the removal of urine from it. In the case of anuria, the bladder, due to the presence of obstacles or pathologies, as well as their progression, does not fill with urine at all.

Both women and men, of any age category, can experience this disease. Treatment of the disease must be timely and must be prescribed by a qualified specialist. This is the only way to prevent the development of more serious pathologies and conditions.

What anuria is, you can check with your doctor when making a diagnosis. Next, we’ll talk about the causes of pathology, its varieties and manifestations. Many articles have been written about the disease anuria - what it is, but it is worth understanding the reasons that cause it. Often the leading cause of the disease is malfunction of the kidneys and ureters.

In addition, the development of the disease may be due to:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • alcohol poisoning;
  • the presence of acute glomerulonephritis or pyelonephritis;
  • the presence of stones in the kidneys;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • cardiovascular failure;
  • chronic kidney pathologies;
  • leptospirosis;
  • surgical interventions;
  • injuries;
  • cholera;
  • labor activity;
  • blood transfusion.

This pathology is very dangerous. Ignoring symptoms is fraught with the development of more dangerous pathologies. You know what anuria is and what are the reasons for its development, now let’s talk about the types of the disease. There are two main forms of pathology: secretory and excretory. Each of these forms is divided into types.

So, secretory happens:

  • arenal;
  • prerenal;
  • renal;
  • reflex.

Arenal anuria can occur in any person, regardless of gender and age. This type is often diagnosed in infants. In this case, the occurrence of the disease is caused by abnormalities in the structure of the kidneys, fusion of organs, closure of the ureteral opening, or the absence of a kidney. In adults, the onset of the disease is often provoked by surgical intervention, acute spasm of the entrance sphincter, as well as injuries (for example, separation of a single kidney from its stem).

As for prerenal, this type of anuria develops, as a rule, due to insufficient blood supply to the kidneys. This can be provoked by thrombus formation, neoplasm, critical decrease in blood pressure, persistent diarrhea or vomiting. Among representatives of the weaker half of society, pathology often appears against the background of labor.

The development of the renal form of the disease is caused by impaired renal function, often due to inflammatory processes. The main causes of anuria include: trauma, systemic illnesses, and intoxication. Regarding reflex, this type of disease develops due to a slowdown in the nervous reactions that regulate the flow of urine into the bladder.

In addition, the occurrence of pathology can be caused by surgical interventions, sudden placement in cold water. Excretory or subrenal forms of anuria develop due to the presence of obstructions to the outflow of urine through the urethra. The acute form is a pathological condition that can occur with any type of disease. The main reason is the influence of a pathogenic factor.

Development acute form Adults are more susceptible. The occurrence of pathology is usually provoked by acute heart failure, trauma, in particular birth trauma, and a sharp and significant decrease in blood pressure. The leading manifestation of the disease is a prolonged absence of urine output and the urge to urinate. In addition, anuria is complicated clinical picture, that is, symptoms of the underlying disease.

In pregnant women, the disease develops in the case of a severe form of preeclampsia, accompanied by an increase in blood pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine. In children, anuria, the occurrence of which is caused by pyelonephritis or renal colic, is characterized by the appearance of intense painful sensations in the lower back and discomfort.

In general, with this pathology there are complaints about the appearance of:

  • seizures;
  • apathy;
  • migraines;
  • drowsiness;
  • asthenia;
  • the appearance of cracks, ulcers, plaque on the tongue;
  • loss of appetite;
  • on the tongue of varnish coating;
  • hiccups;
  • swelling;
  • shortness of breath;
  • extreme thirst;
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • chronic fatigue.

Anuria, what it is and how the disease manifests itself, is often told on television. It is worth noting that the disease has 4 stages.

Stage 1. On at this stage There are complaints about a lack of urge to urinate.

Stage 2. Characterized by the appearance of intoxication with associated symptoms: persistent diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. At this stage, the symptoms become more complicated unpleasant smell from the oral cavity.

Stage 3. Accompanied by damage to the central nervous system, in particular drowsiness, weakness, delirium, loss of control over movements.

Stage 4. Characterized by the development of complications, in particular edema. This is due to uremia, cardiac and pulmonary failure.

If any of the above symptoms occur, contact a qualified professional immediately. medical care. Treatment measures must be taken in a timely manner. Otherwise, you risk developing complications. It is very important to find the cause of the pathology in a timely manner in order to eliminate it and, importantly, to prevent the occurrence of complications.

Often the following is prescribed:

  • blood sampling for biochemical analysis;
  • ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity and bladder;
  • computed tomography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • excretory urography;
  • radioisotope renoangiography.

In order to exclude reflex anuria, a perinephric blockade according to Vishnevsky is performed. A solution of novocaine is injected into the renal area on both sides. If the pathology is caused by impaired reflexes, it goes away after this manipulation.

Therapy for pathology must be carried out and prescribed exclusively by a qualified doctor. Inappropriate technique medications is fraught with a deterioration in general health and condition. In addition, it is important to provide emergency assistance in a timely manner.

Anuria: symptoms and treatment using medications and folk remedies

If symptoms characteristic of the disease anuria appear, treatment should be appropriate and prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

Otherwise, there is a high risk of complications. The main complication of the pathology is uremia. This disease is characterized by an increase in the concentration of protein in one of the parts of the urinary system.

In extreme cases, this condition is fraught with transformation into uremic coma. Incorrect treatment tactics and first aid can cause fatal outcome. A person who was in a coma and came out of this state will subsequently have neurological problems. Therefore, if an adult has not had a single urge to urinate in a day, sound the alarm and start taking measures.

For people suffering from the prerenal form of pathology, first aid is aimed at maintaining the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Treatment of anuria and symptoms is a rather lengthy and labor-intensive process. In case of manifestation of pathologies such as collapse or vascular insufficiency two milliliters of a 10% caffeine solution are injected subcutaneously, 20 ml of a 40% glucose solution is injected intravenously and a heating pad is placed on the lower extremities.

In case of shock, it is important to normalize blood pressure as soon as possible. In case of significant blood loss, it is immediately compensated and drugs are used to help normalize vascular tone. For this purpose, polyglucin is administered intravenously - 400-800 milliliters, hemodez - 300-500 ml. Patients in shock are hospitalized. Therapy for the obstructive form of the pathology is surgical.

Therefore, a patient with this disease is urgently hospitalized in the urology department. It turns out there urgent help. People with renal anuria caused by intoxication due to poisoning are hospitalized in a hospital where there is an artificial kidney apparatus or a peritoneal dialysis apparatus.

Patients with anuria that has developed against the background of chronic pathology of the urinary system or heart failure are transported to the therapeutic department. If symptoms indicate anuria, treatment depends on the cause. To alleviate the condition before diagnosis, symptomatic therapy is recommended.

As a rule, it is prescribed:

  • administration of diuretics;
  • nephrostomy placement;
  • use of sorbents;
  • connection of the artificial kidney device.

In addition, it is possible to use hemodialysis, anti-shock therapy, plasma or blood transfusion, plasmapheresis, and detoxification therapy. Often prescribed antibacterial drugs and glucocorticosteroids.

If the cause of anuria is stones, laser or ultrasound treatment(remove stones). Funds from medicinal plants will be an excellent addition to the treatment of pathology. They will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms and speed up recovery. However, it is not recommended to use them without the knowledge of the attending physician.

In addition, you should strictly adhere to the dosages and proportions indicated in the recipes:

  1. To eliminate spasms, place a cushion made from a wet sheet under your back. The duration of the procedure is half an hour. After this, apply the sheet to the lower abdomen. The procedure is recommended to be carried out twice a day.
  2. Steam fresh blackcurrant berries in just boiled water - two hundred milliliters. Leave for half an hour. Use the drug throughout the day.
  3. Remove the pits from the rose hips. Fill the jar with berries. Fill the raw material with alcohol. Place the hermetically sealed container in a cool place for a week and a half. Take five drops of the strained drug twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.
  4. It is recommended to chew juniper fruits throughout the day.
  5. Brew dried finely chopped cinquefoil herb in the amount of twenty grams with boiling water - 300 ml. Let the composition sit. Take 100 ml of the drink twice a day.
  6. Pour 15 grams of aconite with alcohol - 300 ml. Refrigerate the tightly closed container for two weeks. Take a drop of the drug once a day. On the second day there should be two drops. Every day the number of droplets should increase by one. Maximum quantity droplets - five. Then the dosage is reduced every day. The course of therapy is one and a half weeks.

Treatment of anuria and symptoms is quite complex and time-consuming. In order to prevent the development of this disease It is recommended to treat pathologies of the urinary system in a timely manner, drink enough fluids per day - at least two liters, systematically visit a urologist and maintain active healthy image life.

Anuria is a pathological condition in which the flow of urine into the bladder stops completely or its daily volume is no more than 50 ml. Also, the patient not only has no urination, but also no urge to urinate, in contrast to acute urinary retention in which the bladder is full and there is a urge to urinate, but there is no possibility of elimination.


Prerenal anuria can be caused by renal circulatory disorders that occur with severe forms heart failure, occlusion of the renal artery or vein, shock, anuria may occur against the background of dehydration, collapse.

Renal anuria, most often, may be a consequence inflammatory processes in the kidneys, after which the kidneys stop filtering fluid.

Postrenal anuria often occurs when it is impossible for urine to flow out of the kidney due to blockage or spasm of the urinary canal.

The arenal form of anuria occurs when a kidney is removed, if there was only one or congenital pathology- renal aplasia.

Reflex anuria occurs as a reaction healthy kidney to lobar syndrome of a diseased kidney, after which the healthy one also ceases to perform its functions.

Symptoms of anuria

Anuria has obvious signs and develops progressively as the disease progresses. The onset of the disease is characterized by the absence of the urge to urinate; after 1 to 3 days, severe intoxication of the body can be observed (appetite disappears, a feeling of thirst, nausea occurs, and there may be vomiting, constipation or diarrhea). Further, symptoms of damage to the central nervous system increase, and the following arise: asthenia, headache and muscle pain, drowsiness, agitation, and delirium. Subsequently, anuria is aggravated by signs of pulmonary and cardiovascular failure, peripheral edema.


Diagnosis and treatment are carried out by a specialized specialist (urologist, nephrologist), after conducting the necessary studies.

To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to consult a doctor, conduct a clinical and biochemical analysis blood, perform an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder; carry out catheterization of the bladder to exclude the symptom of acute urinary retention.

Types of disease

Prerenal anuria, caused by stopping the flow of blood to the kidneys.

Its cause: acute, thrombosis of the renal vessels, compression of these vessels by a tumor located in the retroperitoneal space, embolism of the renal vessels, childbirth, dehydration due to blood loss, diarrhea, critical decrease in systolic blood pressure (< 50 мм. рт. ст.).

Renal anuria is caused by pathological processes in the kidney and damage to the renal parenchyma.

Its causes: chronic glomerulo- and pyelonephritis in the later stages, nephroangiosclerosis, acute glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis, polycystic disease, nephrotuberculosis, systemic collagenosis, transfusion of incompatible blood group, kidney damage from burns, massive injuries with crushed muscles, consequences of extensive surgical operations, septic abortions and childbirth.

The cause may also be poisoning and medicines(mercury, phosphorus, lead, acetic acid, salts of heavy metals, substitutes for alcoholic beverages, sulfa drugs, antibiotics).

Arenal anuria is a consequence of congenital pathology - renal aplasia.

Its causes: fusion in the area of ​​the external urethral opening, congenital urethral valves, spasm of the bladder sphincter.

Reflex anuria may occur due to slowing down the effect of the central nervous system on urination under the influence of certain stimuli:

Her reasons: surgical interventions, immersing the patient in cold water, pain syndrome with renal colic.

Postrenal anuria occurs due to the presence of an obstruction to the outflow of urine from the kidneys.

Causes of occurrence: stones in the ureters, iatrogenic damage to the ureters, compression of the ureters by tumors, scars, inflammatory infiltrate.

Patient Actions

This symptom is quite dangerous for the patient’s health, so the patient should immediately seek an in-person consultation with specialized specialists - a nephrologist and urologist.

Treatment of anuria

Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a specialized specialist, after a thorough examination, diagnosis and identification of the causes of the disease. The treatment method is determined by the doctor based on the research and observations.


As a result of anuria, there is a disruption in the functioning of the kidneys and metabolic products that are normally excreted in the urine accumulate in the blood, which can lead to the development dangerous symptom- uremia.

If the treatment of anuria with medication and hardware does not produce results, the patient experiences a dysfunction of the nervous structures of the brain, which can subsequently provoke a coma. Uremic coma is very dangerous, since there is a high probability of death, and its treatment cannot guarantee the absence of severe neurological consequences.

Prevention of anuria

In order to prevent anuria, prompt treatment of kidney diseases and genitourinary system. It is necessary to observe the drinking regime (calculating the number of ml of liquid per 1 kg of body weight). Undergo preventive examinations and do not delay visiting a urologist or nephrologist if alarming symptoms occur.