"What?" connoisseur convicted of rape. Georgy Zharkov: why was the honorary member of the “What? Where? When?" (2 photos) Zhirkov what where when

Georgy Vadimovich Zharkov(December 7, Vladimir - February 28, ibid.) - Russian participant in the intellectual games “What? Where? When? "(television and sports versions). Member of the Public Chamber Vladimir region(since 2015). Was a member of several high-profile scandals. In 2004, he was disqualified for 3 years for violating the regulations of the “City Cup” and “Russian Cup” tournaments in the game “What? Where? When?”, and in 2007 he was sentenced to 4.5 years of suspended imprisonment on charges of sexual assault and unlawful imprisonment.

Education, work and social activities

Since 2012, he has been the editor of the information and analytical website trend33.com.

He was buried at the Ulybyshevo city cemetery.

Participation in “What? Where? When?"

Violation of tournament regulations and disqualification

Rape case

On November 12, 2004, Georgy Zharkov at the Vladimir railway station met 19-year-old Nizhny Novgorod resident Alexander Pogodin, who suffered from mental retardation. He traveled from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow in search of work, but at that moment he was unable to get a job. Zharkov invited him to spend the night with him. Later, during the investigation, Zharkov stated that the young man was on the verge epileptic seizure, but Pogodin himself claimed that at that moment he felt good. They went to an apartment that Zharkov rented for training at a local intellectual club.

Further, according to the testimony of Alexander Pogodin, Zharkov persuaded him to have oral sex. According to the testimony of neighbors, that night “noise, screams were heard from this apartment, someone was moving something, throwing something.” On November 15, when Zharkov left the apartment and locked the door, Pogodin decided to run through the window along a rope made of laundry, but fell near the fifth floor (the apartment was on the tenth) and fell on an Audi 100 parked under the window, causing serious injuries he did not receive it, and the car was badly damaged. The owner of the damaged car contacted the police. The police tracked down Pogodin, and after listening to his testimony, tracked down Zharkov. A criminal case was opened against Zharkov under articles 127 (unlawful deprivation of liberty) and 132 (violent acts of a sexual nature) of the Criminal Code. Another man, who wished not to give his name, testified as a witness in the case. He claimed that for 10 years (from 1993 to 2003) he suffered from sexual harassment by Georgy Zharkov.

On August 22, 2007, the court found Zharkov guilty and sentenced him to 4.5 years of suspended imprisonment. October 30, 2009 probation ended, and Zharkov’s criminal record was cleared.

Opinions on the case

Georgy Zharkov himself did not admit his guilt. In an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, he did not rule out that the case could be ordered.

Students also reported Zharkov’s sexual harassment of male students. educational institutions, where he taught, as reported by Komsomolskaya Pravda.

After a very unusual “spike” in temperature, which occurred after returning home from the “floors,” nothing special happened to me for several days. I felt great, except for the fact that thoughts about a girl with violet eyes constantly agitated my nervous brain, clinging to every, even absurd thought, how and where I could find her again... Returning to Mental many times , I tried to find Wei’s world, which we had seen earlier, but it seemed that it was now lost forever - everything was in vain... The girl disappeared, and I had no idea where to look for her...
A week has passed. The first frost has already hit the yard. Going out into the street, the cold air was still unusually breathtaking, and the bright blinding winter sun made my eyes water. Timidly dusting the bare branches of the trees with fluffy flakes, the first snow fell. And in the mornings, cheerful Grandfather Frost walked playfully, glistening with frozen blue puddles, painting the windows with fancy patterns. Winter was slowly starting...
I was sitting at home, leaning against the warm stove (at that time our house was still heated by stoves) and calmly enjoying reading another “new product,” when suddenly I felt the usual tingling in my chest, in the same place where the purple crystal was located. I raised my head - huge, slanting violet eyes were seriously looking straight at me... She stood calmly in the middle of the room, just as amazingly fragile and unusual, and held out a wonderful red flower to me in her tiny palm. My first panicky thought It was quicker to close the door, so that God forbid, no one comes in!..
“No need, no one can see me except you anyway,” the girl said calmly.
Her thoughts sounded very unusual in my brain, as if someone was not quite correctly translating someone else’s speech. But, nevertheless, I understood her perfectly.
– You were looking for me - why? – Veya asked, looking carefully into my eyes.
Her gaze was also very unusual - as if, along with her gaze, she simultaneously conveyed images that I had never seen, and the meaning of which, unfortunately, I did not yet understand.
- Is that so? – the “star” baby asked, smiling.
Something “flashed” in my head... and a mind-blowing vision of something completely alien, but unusual, opened up. beautiful world... Apparently the one in which she once lived. This world was somewhat similar to the one we had already seen (which she created for herself on the “floors”), and yet, somehow it was a little different, as if there I was looking at a painted picture, and now I suddenly saw this picture in reality. ..
Above the emerald green, very “juicy” earth, illuminating everything around with an unusual bluish light, a stunningly beautiful and bright, violet-blue sun rose merrily... It was an alien, apparently alien, morning... All the greenery growing wildly here, from falling on her sun rays, sparkled with golden-violet diamonds of the “local” morning dew, and, happily washing themselves with them, prepared for the coming new wonderful day... Everything around was fragrant with incredibly rich colors, too bright for our eyes, accustomed to everything “earthly”. In the distance, almost “dense”, soft pink curly clouds, like beautiful pink pillows, swirled across the sky covered with a golden haze. Suddenly, on the opposite side, the sky flashed brightly golden.... I turned around and froze in surprise - on the other side, an incredibly huge, golden-pink, second sun rose royally!.. It was much larger than the first, and it seemed to be larger than itself planets... But its rays, unlike the first, for some reason shone incomparably softer and more affectionately, reminiscent of a warm “fluffy” hug... It seemed that this huge, kind luminary was already tired of everyday worries, but still, out of habit, gave this is incredible beautiful planet its last warmth and, already “getting ready to retire,” gladly gave way to the young, “biting” sun, which was just beginning its heavenly journey and was shining brightly and cheerfully, not afraid to splash its young heat, generously flooding everything around with light .
Looking around in surprise, I suddenly noticed a bizarre phenomenon - the plants had a second shadow... And for some reason it contrasted very sharply with the illuminated part - as if the chiaroscuro was painted with bright, flashy colors, sharply opposite to each other. In the shadow part, the air shimmered with bright miniature stars, flashing at the slightest movement. It was crazy beautiful... and incredibly interesting. Awakened Magic world sounded by thousands of unfamiliar voices, as if joyfully announcing its happy awakening to the entire universe. I very strongly, almost in reality, felt how incredibly clean the air was here! It was fragrant, filled with surprisingly pleasant, unfamiliar smells, which were somehow subtly reminiscent of the smells of roses, if there were a thousand of them here different varieties simultaneously. Everywhere, as far as the eye could see, the same bright red, huge “poppies” were red... And only then did I remember that Veya had brought me the same flower! I extended my hand to her - the flower smoothly flowed from her fragile palm onto my palm, and suddenly, something strongly “clicked” in my chest... I was surprised to see how an amazing crystal... It pulsated and changed all the time, as if showing what else it could be. I froze in shock, completely hypnotized by the spectacle that opened, and could not take my eyes off the ever-new beauty that was opening up...
“Well,” Veya said contentedly, “now you can watch it whenever you want!”
– Why is this crystal on my chest if you put it on my forehead? – I finally decided to ask the question that had been tormenting me for several days.

In the 90s, Georgy Zharkov was known as one of the best players on the TV quiz show “What? Where? When?". In 1998, he was even awarded the Crystal Owl. However, after 9 years, Zharkov found himself on trial for the defendants.

Winner of the Crystal Owl

Georgy Vadimovich Zharkov was a native of the city of Vladimir. He was born there in 1966 and graduated from the Faculty of History of the Pedagogical University there, where he later engaged in teaching. For some time, Zharkov worked as a psychologist at school, and later even received a PhD in this field. Zharkov actively participated in public life, in particular, he became the author and initiator of some educational projects, and also after participating in the game “What? Where? When?" founded an intellectual club in his native Vladimir.

Georgy Zharkov first appeared on screen in 1994 as a player in a television quiz show. After 4 years, he was awarded the most important prize of this show, the Crystal Owl. Zharkov was a regular at the intellectual casino until 2004, when he was disqualified for violating the rules of the game for 12 months. In addition, in the same year, a criminal case was opened against Georgy Zharkov.


In mid-November 2004, Georgy Zharkov met a certain Alexander Pogodin at the Vladimir railway station. A 19-year-old young man who suffered from a delay in mental development, came to Vladimir from Nizhny Novgorod and was in search of a job. Zharkov volunteered to help him with the overnight stay and invited him to his place. According to investigators, the honorary expert at the intellectual club demanded that Pogodin perform certain acts of a sexual nature, and then locked the victim in a rented apartment. However, Pogodin did not wait for Zharkov’s return and escaped from captivity, using the window and sheets tied together. Trying to break free, Pogodin fell onto a parked car. The young man was not injured.

Alexander Pogodin himself told all this at the trial. However, the accused Zharkov denied everything, citing the mental disabilities of the victim and his alibi. Nevertheless, justice found Georgy Zharkov’s arguments unconvincing, and in 2007 he was found guilty of illegally detaining a person and violent acts. Zharkov was given a suspended sentence of 4.5 years. He was also obliged to pay both the damage caused to Pogodin and to compensate for the losses incurred by the owner of the car.

Conditionally convicted

By court decision, Zharkov was prohibited from leaving Vladimir for 3 years. All this time, Georgy Vadimovich continued to teach and claim that he was slandered. In 2009, due to the fact that Zharkov had no violations during the probationary period, his suspended conviction was removed.

Despite the fact that the period of disqualification of Georgy Zharkov in the intellectual club “What? Where? When?" By that time it had long expired and he never appeared on the screen again. The fact is that the experts refused to play with him. In 2008, they even posted a petition of sorts on LiveJournal.

Georgy Zharkov died in February 2016. According to some reports, he suffered diabetes mellitus and shortly before his death suffered 2 heart attacks.

Zharkov, Georgy Vadimovich

Georgy Zharkov
At the IAC Congress, November 2009
Date of Birth:

Since 2012, he has been the editor of the information and analytical website trend33.ru

Participation in “What? Where? When?"

The television version has been played since 1994. In the 1998 summer series he received the Crystal Owl. Also participates in tournaments for the sports version of the game. Since 1996 - Chairman of the Vladimir Intellectual Games Club. Organizer of the “Hot Winter” tournament (since 2008 it has been held in Murom under the name “Hot Winter on the Murom Path”, since 2009 - “Hot Spring on the Murom Path”). Since 2008 he has been playing for the team “Teachers of the MF MSPS”.

Violation of tournament regulations and disqualification

Rape case

On November 12, 2004, Georgy Zharkov at the Vladimir railway station met 19-year-old Nizhny Novgorod resident Alexander Pogodin, who suffered from mental retardation. He traveled from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow in search of work, but at that moment he was unable to get a job. Zharkov invited him to spend the night with him. Later, during the investigation, Zharkov stated that the young man was on the verge of an epileptic seizure, but Pogodin himself claimed that at that moment he felt fine. They went to the apartment that Zharkov rented for training at a local intellectual club.

Further, according to the testimony of Alexander Pogodin, Zharkov persuaded him to have oral sex. According to the testimony of neighbors, that night “noise, screams were heard from this apartment, someone was moving something, throwing something.” On November 15, when Zharkov left the apartment and locked the door, Pogodin decided to run through the window along a rope made of laundry, but fell near the fifth floor (the apartment was on the tenth) and fell on an Audi 100 parked under the window, causing serious injuries he did not receive it, and the car was badly damaged. The owner of the damaged car contacted the police. The police tracked down Pogodin, and after listening to his testimony, tracked down Zharkov. A criminal case was opened against Zharkov under articles of the Criminal Code. Another man, who wished not to give his name, testified as a witness in the case. He claimed that for 10 years (from 1993 to 2003) he suffered from sexual harassment by Georgy Zharkov.

On August 22, 2007, the court found Zharkov guilty and sentenced him to 4.5 years of suspended imprisonment. On October 30, 2009, the probationary period ended and Zharkov’s criminal record was cleared.

Opinions on the case

Georgy Zharkov himself did not admit his guilt. In an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, he did not rule out that the case could be ordered.

Students of educational institutions where he taught also reported Zharkov’s sexual harassment of male students, as reported by Komsomolskaya Pravda.




  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • Born on December 7
  • Born in 1966
  • Born in Vladimir
  • Players “What? Where? When?"
  • Holders of the "Crystal Owl"
  • Persons involved in sex scandals

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Sensational news with a minus sign arrived today from Vladimir: as the local television and radio company reported, last Tuesday in the Leninsky District Court of the city the verdict was announced to an expert in the elite club “What? Where? When?”, owner of the “Crystal Owl”, candidate psychological sciences Georgy Zharkov, who was accused under Part 2 of Art. 132 (“Violent acts of a sexual nature”) and Part 1 of Art. 127 (“Unlawful deprivation of liberty”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The court was adamant: Zharkov received 4.5 years in prison. True, in accordance with Art. 73 of the Criminal Code, the imposed punishment is considered suspended. The expert is given a probationary period of three years, during which he must not commit administrative offenses or change places of residence or work. Moreover, every month Zharkov is required to appear for registration at the criminal-executive inspection.

According to investigators, on November 12, 2004, Georgy Zharkov met 19-year-old Alexander Pogodin from Nizhny Novgorod at the railway station in Vladimir, who did odd jobs. The expert offered him accommodation for the night, but not in his own apartment, where he lived with his wife, but in a rented one - in a house on the street. Verkhnyaya Dubrova, on the tenth floor. "If we had in our country normal system shelters, then such a situation would not have arisen,” Zharkov later explained in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda. - There was no chance of getting somewhere overnight. The only option that I saw to somehow help this person was to feed him, wash his clothes and let him spend the night - just call him to me."

However, according to Pogodin’s testimony, Zharkov persuaded him to engage in sexual acts and did not let him go anywhere. In this regard, the young man decided to escape, for which he knitted sheets. But at the fifth floor level, Alexander fell and fell on an Audi car. And if Pogodin himself was practically unharmed, the foreign car required major repairs. Later, the victim contacted law enforcement agencies, but they did not immediately believe him. When asked why the strong guy could not cope with the 40-year-old expert, Alexander answered strangely: “George hypnotized me.” Nevertheless, the detectives took up the investigation, and the Vladimir prosecutor’s office became involved in the case.

According to Zharkov, Alexander’s descent from the tenth floor is explained by the fact that the young man is mentally ill. Indeed, it is known about Pogodin that he was diagnosed with mental retardation. However, a comprehensive examination showed that he is quite capable of giving meaningful testimony and “is not prone to morbid fantasies.” As a result, the court found the expert guilty and ordered him to pay moral damages to the two victims - 15 thousand rubles. Wait a minute and 100 thousand rubles. Vladimir Chernov (owner of Audi).

However, Zharkov does not agree with the court’s decision and denies his guilt. According to the expert, “all this is a political provocation” aimed at discrediting his reputation. “My alibi was confirmed by four people,” he said in an interview with KP. “The commission confirmed that I had no grounds for the crime. Therefore, it is a pity that the court sided with the extortionists who simply used the judicial system for blackmail. There are many questions.” I also had a local psychological examination called in. I will need to talk to a lawyer about appealing. We have ten days for this. But I think we will conduct another examination with the involvement of competent specialists. In general, I think this case is not over yet! "

Ytra dossier:

Georgy Vadimovich Zharkov was born on December 7, 1966 in Vladimir. In 1984, he graduated from local school No. 21, then entered the history department of the Vladimir Pedagogical Institute. In 1985 - 1987 worked as a builder at Baikonur. Since 1991 - the first practicing psychologist in Vladimir. Taught at high school No. 25, Vladimir College of Culture and Art, at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Vladimir State Pedagogical University, in the Pokrovsky branch of the Moscow State Open Pedagogical University named after. Sholokhov.

Candidate of Psychological Sciences. Since 1994, he took part in the games of the elite club "What? Where? When?" and in the program "Brain Ring". Since 1996 - President of the Vladimir Intellectual Games Club. Winner of the Crystal Owl (1998).

Zharkov, Georgy Vadimovich

Georgy Zharkov
At the IAC Congress, November 2009
Date of Birth:

Since 2012, he has been the editor of the information and analytical website trend33.ru

Participation in “What? Where? When?"

The television version has been played since 1994. In the 1998 summer series he received the Crystal Owl. Also participates in tournaments for the sports version of the game. Since 1996 - Chairman of the Vladimir Intellectual Games Club. Organizer of the “Hot Winter” tournament (since 2008 it has been held in Murom under the name “Hot Winter on the Murom Path”, since 2009 - “Hot Spring on the Murom Path”). Since 2008 he has been playing for the team “Teachers of the MF MSPS”.

Violation of tournament regulations and disqualification

Rape case

On November 12, 2004, Georgy Zharkov at the Vladimir railway station met 19-year-old Nizhny Novgorod resident Alexander Pogodin, who suffered from mental retardation. He traveled from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow in search of work, but at that moment he was unable to get a job. Zharkov invited him to spend the night with him. Later, during the investigation, Zharkov stated that the young man was on the verge of an epileptic seizure, but Pogodin himself claimed that at that moment he felt fine. They went to the apartment that Zharkov rented for training at a local intellectual club.

Further, according to the testimony of Alexander Pogodin, Zharkov persuaded him to have oral sex. According to the testimony of neighbors, that night “noise, screams were heard from this apartment, someone was moving something, throwing something.” On November 15, when Zharkov left the apartment and locked the door, Pogodin decided to run through the window along a rope made of laundry, but fell near the fifth floor (the apartment was on the tenth) and fell on an Audi 100 parked under the window, causing serious injuries he did not receive it, and the car was badly damaged. The owner of the damaged car contacted the police. The police tracked down Pogodin, and after listening to his testimony, tracked down Zharkov. A criminal case was opened against Zharkov under articles of the Criminal Code. Another man, who wished not to give his name, testified as a witness in the case. He claimed that for 10 years (from 1993 to 2003) he suffered from sexual harassment by Georgy Zharkov.

On August 22, 2007, the court found Zharkov guilty and sentenced him to 4.5 years of suspended imprisonment. On October 30, 2009, the probationary period ended and Zharkov’s criminal record was cleared.

Opinions on the case

Georgy Zharkov himself did not admit his guilt. In an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, he did not rule out that the case could be ordered.

Students of educational institutions where he taught also reported Zharkov’s sexual harassment of male students, as reported by Komsomolskaya Pravda.




  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • Born on December 7
  • Born in 1966
  • Born in Vladimir
  • Players “What? Where? When?"
  • Holders of the "Crystal Owl"
  • Persons involved in sex scandals

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.