Inflammation of the lymph node in the armpit. Axillary lymph nodes. Always on guard

The lymph nodes under the arm enter the lymphatic system (a photo of its structure will be presented in the article), perform a drainage function. They prevent the penetration of infection into the human body. Diseases of the lymph nodes require immediate treatment.

Lymph nodes filter lymphatic fluid from all organs of the body. They are located next to large blood arteries and vessels. Thanks to this location, the lymph nodes can create a protective barrier against infections and viruses.

In the nodes there are lymphocytes, macrophages, due to which harmful microorganisms are destroyed, large protein compounds and particles of dead cells are absorbed. With a high rate of infection in the lymph flow, system dysfunction may occur, which will cause lymphadenitis (inflammation of the nodes).

Norms of size and location of axillary lymph nodes

The nodes of the lymphatic system are round formations, 5-50 mm in diameter. In the normal state, the nodes are invisible, you cannot feel or see them. Without encountering inflammation, many patients are unaware of their existence.

Lymph nodes under the arm, photos of which will be presented later in the article, belong to the axillary group, connected to the vessels of the lymphatic system from the arms to the tissues of the chest and back. They are located in the center of the armpit.

In the human body there are 5 types of nodes of this group:

  • chest;
  • apical;
  • subscapular;
  • central;
  • lateral.

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm

Inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes has 3 main types:

  • Contact in which infection occurs directly from the lymph node.
  • Lymphatic when bacteria penetrate the lymph from the main affected area.
  • Hematogenous appearance, if the penetration of pathogens is carried out through the circulatory system.

There are a lot of factors that cause inflammation of the nodes. Lymphadenitis is provoked by the development of infectious processes, the ingestion of bacteria, fungal microorganisms.

Signs of inflammation formation depend on the cause of the disease, general condition patient. Development can proceed in a chronic form, acute, symptoms can be mild.

The most frequent are acute symptoms swelling of the lymph nodes, which are divided into 3 stages: at the very beginning, the nodes in the armpit grow in diameter, are palpated on palpation, and a sharp pain appears.

Lymph nodes (1 or more) increase in size, this is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Pain when raising arms, moving.
  • Intense heat.
  • Puffiness.
  • Numbness in the hands.

The photo shows the location of the lymph nodes under the arm.

The second stage of development proceeds with the following features:

  • hardening of enlarged nodes;
  • apathy;
  • dizziness;
  • sleep disturbance.

At the last 3rd stage, suppuration develops in the lymph nodes, severe throbbing pain, heat.

IN female body a similar process can occur for a number of reasons, with the following symptoms:

  1. Mastitis and mastopathy often found in women during lactation, there is a blockage of the mammary glands. There is intense heat, chills and weakness.
  2. Benign neoplasms, fibroadenoma, a cyst in the mammary glands, grow, for a long period they are not visible. Important feature, which a woman can feel is a slight increase in the lymph nodes under the arm.
  3. Malignant neoplasms- oncology in the chest occurs with weakness, enlargement of the mammary glands.

Which doctor should I contact?

At the first signs of an increase in the lymph nodes under the arm, the development of an inflammatory process, you should immediately contact a therapist or pediatrician (for children). After an accurate examination, the specialist will refer the patient to a narrow-profile doctor, such as a surgeon, oncologist, etc.

What needs to be examined?

The examination during the diagnostics will be aimed at studying:

  • immune system;
  • lymph nodes;
  • circulatory system.

Diagnostic methods

With inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm, it is initially prescribed general analysis blood, urine. The doctor conducts an examination and collects a family history.

Simple studies will help determine the presence and nature of the pathology, after which appointed additional examinations based on the specific cause of inflammation:

  • chest x-ray (if there are factors indicating tuberculosis);
  • Ultrasound of the chest, throat, chest;
  • lymph node biopsy.

A biopsy is required if conservative treatment and preliminary analyzes do not give results. Also, the procedure is needed at the first signs of malignant atypical cells. Professional diagnostics is necessary for effective and high-quality treatment.

Treatment of inflammation with topical ointments

For therapy, local ointments have been developed:

Antibiotic treatment

Lymph nodes under the arm (photos of them during inflammation can be viewed on the Internet) are not a specific disease, but just a symptom of a developing infection in the body. Therapy should be aimed at eliminating not the symptoms, but the infection.

For this, antibiotics are prescribed for 10-14 days:

  • "Amoxicillin";
  • "Amoxiclav";
  • "Azithromycin".

Important! Antibiotic drugs are prescribed only by a doctor, self-medication can lead to serious complications.

If the inflammatory process in the lymph nodes under the arm flows into chronic form the following antibiotics are prescribed:

  • "Tubazid";
  • "Ethionamide".

IN difficult cases appoint injections of the antibiotic "Streptomycin" in the inflamed area of ​​the lymph nodes under the arm. Lymph nodes inflamed under the armpit photo can be found on the Internet, caused by tuberculosis are treated in a hospital.

Complex drug therapy

In combination with antibiotics, physiotherapy is necessary:

  • Ultrasound.
  • Therapeutic electrophoresis.

After 2-3 sessions, the inflammatory process decreases.

Folk remedies for HPV

Any alternative medicine should be discussed with a doctor:

  1. Mix hop cones, coriander fruits, valerian root, lemon balm, motherwort, linden flowers in equal parts. Pour a mixture of herbs 1.5 liters of water and infuse in a thermos for 5 hours. The resulting mixture, strain, take in small sips throughout the day. Continue therapy for at least 10 days, then take a break for 7 days and repeat the course.
  2. Collecting nettle, horsetail, plantain, lemon balm, rose hips, take in equal parts 1 tbsp. l., grind, pour 1 liter of water. Boil the mixture for 20 minutes over low heat, leave for 4 hours. Drink a decoction of 250 ml 4 times a day for 7 days. Then take a break for 10 days and repeat the therapy regimen.
  3. Greens walnuts grind, pour kerosene in a ratio of 2: 1. Insist for 3 weeks in a dark, cold place, strain through cheesecloth. It is necessary to treat the inflamed lymph nodes under the arm 2 times a day until the inflammatory process is completely eliminated.

Non-traditional treatment of inflamed lymph nodes under the arms

The use of alternative medicine is tedious to carry out in conjunction with drug treatment, the most effective recipes:


Surgical intervention is prescribed when the inflammation flows into a complex form, accompanied by a purulent process. The lymph nodes that have become inflamed under the armpit of the photo, which you can study on your own, the surgeon opens and manually removes the accumulated pus. The procedure is called a lymphadenectomy and is often used in oncology.

This procedure is carried out in the following cases:

  • severe inflammation, the appearance of pus;
  • the presence of pathological cells after biopsy analysis;
  • a tumor larger than 5 cm in diameter.

Removed or cleaned, there may be lymph nodes in any axillary region, but there are a number of contraindications to bringing a surgical operation:

  • severe cardiovascular disease;
  • kidney or liver failure;
  • diabetes;
  • circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • transition of edema to the chest area;
  • germination of carcinoma, accompanied by ulcers on the skin.

Treatment for oncology

At a positive result the formation of malignant tumors in the armpit area, a course of chemo-radiation therapy is prescribed. Cancer cells in the axillary lymph nodes can be treated in several ways if the problem is seen on early stage development.

The treatment regimen is chosen by the oncologist individually in each case, based on:

  • exact location;
  • phases of development of oncology;
  • the presence of metastases;
  • individual contraindications.

All treatment regimens are aimed at reducing the diameter of neoplasms, achieving recovery and recovery of the body.

Chemotherapy- the method of treatment was developed on the basis of taking medications, the properties of which destroy atypical cells located in the lymphatic system. Medications are chosen individually for each patient.

Radiation therapy- this is the most aggressive method of treatment prescribed in difficult situations, in the last stages of the development of oncology. Powerful X-ray beams affect cancer cells. This has a detrimental effect on them, due to the fact that, under the influence of ions, atypical cells lose their ability to divide and grow.

Despite being highly effective in fighting cancer, radiation therapy adversely affects the functioning of the whole organism, along with the tumor tissue, healthy tissue is also destroyed.


As a result of long-term research, scientists have developed a special IPI (international prognostic index), showing the survival of patients and their further prognosis.

This indicator is influenced by the following factors:

  • The age of the patient.
  • Serum LDH level (elevated or normal).
  • General characteristics of the patient's condition (according to the WHO scale).
  • The degree of development of cancer.
  • The number of inflamed lymph nodes.

After the diagnosis, for each indicator separately, the doctor makes a general conclusion and prognosis. Noticing the inflamed lymph node in time, taking high-quality treatment in the complex, you can eliminate the problem without consequences and complications.

Possible Complications

Lymph nodes under the arm (photos of untreated, inflamed processes demonstrate the seriousness of the situation) with an increase are noticeable not only on palpation, but also visually.

If in this case suppuration is added, this can result in the following consequences:

  • periadenitis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • fistula development.

A phlegmon or inflammation of the internal tissue of the skin is formed, in which a severe swelling is formed with a sharp pain when touched. In this case, there is the impossibility of swallowing, pain when opening the mouth, intense heat.

Prevention of re-inflammation

In preventing the development of problems associated with the lymph nodes under the arm, it is important to systematically strengthen the body, enrich it with vitamins and minerals. This will allow you to quickly and efficiently respond to infection, inflammation.

To prevent, improve and strengthen the body's defenses, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Refuse bad habits and lead healthy lifestyle life.
  2. Eat healthy, balanced food.
  3. Do gymnastics, sports to normalize the functions of the circulatory and lymphatic systems.
  4. Drink vitamin and mineral complexes, especially in spring and autumn.
  5. Any inflammation, disease in time and completely treated.
  6. Get regular check-ups with doctors.

At the first signs and symptoms of swollen lymph nodes, painful sensations, you should immediately consult a doctor. With an increase in the lymph node, after treatment, be observed by a therapist for the next 6 months.

Lymph nodes in the normal state under the arm, the photo of which demonstrates the location and norm, react to all negative processes in the body. This may be a sign of developing cancer and requires immediate treatment.

Video about the causes and symptoms of lymph nodes under the arms

Reasons for enlarged lymph nodes:

More about the lymphatic system:

Inflammation of the lymph nodes, especially in the armpits in women, is one of the most common diseases of the lymphatic system. In the human body, lymph is 3 times more than blood. The body's immune cells pass through the lymph nodes.

Protecting the body from viral manifestations, the nodes are involved in metabolism and are a kind of drainage in the removal of bacterial and fungal infections. Inflammation is a signal for immediate examination and treatment to the doctor.

Lymphadenitis or inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs due to the accumulation of a large number harmful microorganisms and decay products. With a weakened immune system or old age, it often becomes chronic. Enlarged nodes are different types depending on location and cause.

A person freely gropes with an increase in the lymph nodes in the area:

  • under the jaw;
  • V armpit;
  • near the ear;
  • in the groin

Normally, they are not noticeable, but with an increase, it is important to diagnose them in a timely manner and carry out further treatment depending on the type of disease:

An increase in lymph nodes can indicate the development of pathological processes in the body that go unnoticed.

Analyzing the constituent flora of the lymph node, in the classification of species they are further subdivided:

  1. Hemorrhagic - in the lymphatic fluid a large percentage of blood.
  2. Purulent - the node is filled with purulent formations.
  3. Serous - a translucent liquid filled with protein.
  4. Fibrous - the fluid contains an increased percentage of fibrin, which is responsible for blood clotting.

The effect of the disease on the body

If the body is subjected to a viral, infectious or bacteriological attack, which the immune and lymphatic systems can neutralize on their own in the initial stages, the lymph nodes increase in size in a person.

  1. Lymph as a drainage system, washing every cell, carries away viruses, foreign microbes and cancer cells through the ducts. It must neutralize and remove them from the body, for this, the production of lymphocytes increases in the lymph nodes.
  2. Lymphocyte- This is a white blood cell, the main component of the immune system. For this reason, an increase in the lymph node is a signal that the body is fighting the immune system against the disease, which required an increased number of lymphocytes.

According to immunologists, if the lymph node is soft and mobile relative to other tissues, while not exceeding 1 cm and disappears on its own after 3-5 days, this can be considered a normal state and be glad that the immune system actively cleanses the lymph from diseases.

Causes of inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes

There are 150 groups of lymph nodes in the human body. If they increase in size, then the immune system is fighting inflammation and infection.

The reasons are individual:

In women, inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes often accompanies breast disease. A mammologist is a doctor who specializes in these diseases.

Ultrasound and mammogram help in accurate diagnosis and treatment. After 30 years, a visit to a mammologist is included in the annual preventive examination. Implants for the mammary glands also provoke inflammation and enlargement of the axillary lymph nodes.

Symptoms of inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes in women

Inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes in women is often asymptomatic in the early stages. But thanks to daily hygiene products in the form of deodorants, a woman pays attention even to painless nodules.

On palpation, the nodes initially do not cause acute pain and the symptoms of lymphadenitis are similar to colds:

  • aches in the joints;
  • feverish state;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • temperature.

But there are also features that are worth paying attention to.

As a result of stagnation of the lymph observed:

With purulent lymphadenitis, a woman feels a very pronounced and often throbbing pain. The nodes merge with each other. The skin in the place of the lymph node acquires a purple color.

Diagnosis of the disease

When contacting a doctor, first of all, he finds out:

  • how long have the lymph nodes become inflamed;
  • size;
  • the lymph node is soft on palpation or stony and adhesive with tissues;
  • Availability pain(at pressure, constantly, absent);
  • one or more lymph nodes are inflamed.

For an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary biochemical analysis blood, urine. If the lymph node does not decrease in size for 2 to 3 weeks, an ultrasound is prescribed. When the node is stony to the touch and soldered to nearby tissues, a tissue biopsy is mandatory and CT scan to exclude oncological processes.

Prevention of inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes in women

Axillary lymph nodes directly related to the mammary glands. Women in pursuit of the beauty of the figure wear a bra that raises the chest high or increases its volume. Such parts of women's underwear have plastic inserts and metal rings that compress the lymph ducts during the day, causing it to stagnate.

The stagnant lymph increases the number of bacteria and viruses and is more difficult to cope with if there is a predisposition to the development of cancer cells. Mammologists advise minimizing wearing tight underwear and giving preference to models made from natural fabrics.

Deodorant 24 and 48 hours of action clogs the sweat glands, and disrupts the circulation of lymph in the lymph nodes. After returning home, it should be washed off and applied again no earlier than going to work.

Since the lymph nodes in the armpits are on guard, especially the hands and mammary glands, even small wounds and cuts on the hands should not be carelessly treated. An insect bite that has been combed with unwashed hands is the cause of an infection that the lymph nodes of this group will have to fight.

Which doctor to contact

Inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes in a woman is a reason to see a doctor. At the initial treatment, the examination is prescribed by the local therapist. He collects a complete history of previous diseases, intake medicines, and examines for the absence of wound surfaces.

Treatment methods for inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes in women

Early and effective treatment are synonymous in the fight against lymphadenitis. If the nodes are enlarged only under the arm and without purulent manifestations, then the task is to help lymph in the fight against infection:

  1. Diet - relieves stress from the liver and lymph nodes located in the digestive tract. Increases the ability of the lymphatic system to fight infection.
  2. Taking drugs that stimulate the immune defense and vitamin complexes.
  3. Elimination of the cause of infection (wounded surfaces of the hands, viral, infectious diseases).
  4. Broad spectrum antibiotics.
  5. Electrophoresis with the use of drugs.
  6. ultrasound therapy.

Medical therapy

Lymph nodes that do not return to normal for a long time, indicate that it is already difficult for the lymph to cope with the infection. In such cases, medical assistance is needed. For treatment, a spectrum of drugs is used, depending on the identified cause of the disease. For this, a cytological study is carried out to identify the sensitivity of the node to a specific base of drugs.

Group of drugs Name of the drug Properties Mode of application
Antibiotics are prescribed for the bacterial and infectious nature of the disease, broad-spectrum drugsAmpicillinAn antibiotic of the penicillin group stops the growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteriaThe course of treatment is at least 7 days and further according to the development of the disease. The dosage is prescribed individually depending on age, concomitant diseases and a general picture of an increase in lymph nodes
AmoxocylinTreatment of bacterial infections
AmpioxAntibacterial broad-spectrum antibiotic
DoxycyclineIt is used to treat lymphadenitis of a wide group of gram-negative microorganisms
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugsIbuprofenEffective analgesic, relieves inflammation, lowers temperature1200-1800 mg per day divided into 3 doses
MeloxicamReduces pain syndrome, lowers temperature, effectively fights inflammationNot more than 3 days up to 15 mg per day. Strictly prescribed by a doctor
NimesulidePain reliever with anti-inflammatory effect1 tab. 100 mg or 1 powder sachet twice a day
AntimycoticsKetonazoleAntifungal agent with fungistatic action1 tablet 200 mg daily with meals
FluconazoleIt has high level effects on fungal enzymes50 to 400 mg once a day
AntiviralsAcyclovirActs directly on the virus, preventing its cells from spreading1 tab. 200 mg 5 times a day after 4 hours for 3 to 5 days
RemantadineBlocks protein synthesis in viral cells1 tab. 50 mg 1 time per day
OintmentsVishnevsky ointmentPurification of the cavity of purulent wounds of various etiologiesApply simultaneously with other drugs, daily applying to a sterile dressing and fixing it with a patch
LevomikolTreatment of inflammatory processes of mixed infections in order to cleanse wounds
Ichthyol ointmentAntiseptic with anti-inflammatory action
AntihistaminesLoratadineLong-acting antiallergic and antipruritic agentApplied in case of inflammation of the lymph nodes against the background of an allergic reaction 1 table. 1 time per day
CitrineBlocks histamine receptors and prevents the development of edema
ZyrtecPrevents the development and facilitates the course of allergic lymphadenitis

Folk methods

Inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes in women in traditional medicine was treated with dry heating. Wiped for disinfection with alcohol infusions. However, the surest thing in this situation will be to help the lymphatic and immune systems through a change in nutrition.

The use of drinks known in folk medicine as raising immunity and products that will relieve excessive stress on the gastrointestinal tract. During treatment, it is better to switch to diet food. Avoid fatty, spicy and salty foods. Avoid carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

  1. Chicken meat is an easily digestible protein necessary for the creation of new cells.
  2. lutein from chicken eggs stimulates lymph regeneration.
  3. Fatty fish - polyunsaturated acids maintain an electrolytic state in the lymph.
  4. Seaweed increases the immune properties of lymph.
  5. Walnuts contain many vitamins and increase its activity.

The diet should include up to 50% vegetables per meal. It is noticed that the consumption of large amounts of fiber leads to intestinal dehydration, which in turn is the cause of constipation.

Stagnant processes should be avoided, therefore, with inflammation of the lymph nodes, it is important to observe the drinking regimen. Avoid sweets. An alternative to dark chocolate. It stimulates the production of serotonin, which activates the lymphatic ducts.

Low-carbohydrate diets bring positive results. It is important that in daily diet were not only proteins and fats, but also a balanced composition of vitamins.

Lymph reacts positively when in the diet:

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • juices and smoothies;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • greenery;
  • bread without yeast and crackers;
  • teas with the addition of medicinal herbs;
  • bee products;
  • propolis

In folk medicine, for lymphadenitis, tincture of echinacea purpurea, birch buds, calendula, rosehip is used. Everything that strengthens the immune system and stimulates metabolism.

A folk recipe for a deodorant that helps with odor and does not clogs the sweat glands and does not harm the axillary lymph nodes:

Soda is dissolved in water and oil is added. After treatment, the armpits are allowed to dry without getting wet with a cloth.

Surgical methods

Inflammation of the lymph nodes can cause lymph stagnation, accumulation of infection and lead to the development of a purulent abscess in the armpit in a woman. Such complications threaten blood poisoning, so an increase in lymph nodes with the presence of pus should not be ignored and will immediately contact a surgeon.

Surgery is performed under local anesthesia:

  1. open the cavity of the lymph node;
  2. clear of pus and microformations;
  3. washed;
  4. disinfected with antibiotics
  5. insert drainage.

During the operation, a tissue biopsy is taken. The patient takes medications and is under the supervision of a surgeon for several days. If during the dressing there is a continuation of the inflammatory process, antibiotics are placed in the cavity of the lymph node along with drainage.


During the period of inflammation, you can not use deodorants and go to saunas.

With redness, pain that radiates towards the chest and arm, discomfort in the armpit, redness at the site of an enlarged lymph node or its suppuration, in no case should you self-medicate (heat, lubricate, apply compresses), since the spread of infection leads to sepsis.

Untreated purulent lymphadenitis is especially dangerous, the infection enters the bloodstream and quickly spreads throughout the body.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes can become chronic, because in the armpit in women there are many receptors, sweat glands and lymphatic vessels. It is important to complete the full course of treatment. Avoid relapses chronic diseases and strengthen the immune system.

Article formatting: Mila Fridan

Video about the causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes

Elena Malysheva will tell you why the lymph nodes become inflamed:

An increase in the lymph nodes under the arms can be triggered by many diseases. In most cases, the state of the immune links normalizes after the provoking factor is eliminated. If this does not happen, then diagnosis and treatment are required.

The growth of lymphoid tissue can be triggered by allergic reactions of varying severity. In this case, it is accompanied by signs of sensitization of the body to external stimuli (rhinitis, swelling, rash).

In the axillary region, an increase in lymph nodes is observed due to furunculosis. However, this disease is often secondary, that is, it occurs against the background of other pathologies, in particular, hormonal imbalance.

The disorder can be caused by inflammation of the axillary hair follicles or as a result of infection from the mammary glands entering the axillary immune links. In rare cases, pathology is provoked by oncological diseases: breast or breast cancer. This cause accounts for more than 10% of cases.

The main causes of enlarged lymph nodes under the armpits:

  • rubella;
  • HIV infection, tuberculosis;
  • decreased immunity during pregnancy;
  • sprain upper limbs(because of this, the axillary lymph node in men often increases);
  • allergy;
  • peripheral neuropathy in diabetes;
  • menses;
  • cat scratch disease
  • reaction to certain types of vaccines;
  • fungal infection;
  • bacterial infection;
  • melanoma;
  • brucellosis;
  • silicone breast implants;
  • measles;
  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • SARS, especially influenza, including after recovery;
  • adenovirus infection;
  • mastopathy;
  • regular, profuse sweating, which provokes the growth of bacteria;
  • lymphoma;
  • scratches, abrasions of the armpit;
  • an animal bite near an inflamed formation.

The growth of lymphoid tissue is due to an increase in the number of lymphocytes, which are concentrated at the site of inflammation, and indicates the functioning of the immune system. Then, when the lymph node under the armpit is enlarged, but does not hurt, we are talking about lymphadenopathy. This condition occurs for various reasons. The doctor will help to establish a specific one.

With lymphoma, the formations do not decrease even after the course antibacterial drugs. However, the lack of effect of treatment does not always indicate the oncological nature of the pathology. In the case of a malignant lesion of the immune links, they increase as a result of the accumulation of atypical cells in the body. Therapy in the early stages of the disease has the most favorable prognosis for the patient.

Axillary lymph nodes with mastopathy increase in 10% of cases. Many women experience overgrowth of lymphoid tissue in the armpit during pregnancy, which is due to a decrease in immunity. During the gestation period, pathology can be triggered by the use of inappropriate cosmetics (deodorants, etc.), since at this time the body's susceptibility to external stimuli increases.

Enlarged lymph node in the armpit in a child

In children, formations become larger due to infectious diseases, as well as damage to the skin of the hands and shoulders. The pathology is sometimes caused by "cat-scratch disease", which develops when a stray cat bites or scratches.

To prevent the inflammatory process, the damaged area under the armpit of a child should be treated as soon as possible with an antiseptic (iodine or brilliant green solution).

Signs of proliferation of axillary lymphoid tissue

An increase in axillary lymph nodes is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • redness of the skin in the affected area;
  • discomfort during palpation;
  • feeling of stiffness when moving your hands;
  • weakness in the whole body;
  • in the inflammatory process - an increase in local and general temperature, pain in the immune link;
  • nausea;
  • in advanced cases - pulsation of the lymph node when it is probed.

Signs of pathology are most pronounced if the disease occurs in a purulent form. On initial stage the body temperature rises slightly, then the person feels hot or chills. In this case, surgery is often required.

It is important to know what an enlarged axillary lymph node looks like, since it is easy to confuse it with a cyst resulting from the entry of pathogenic microbes into the sweat glands. For a proper diagnosis, you need to see a doctor.

If the lymph node hurts, but is not enlarged, then this probably indicates an inflammatory process. In this case, a consultation with a specialist is required to help establish a diagnosis.

Diagnosis of enlarged lymph nodes under the armpits

Deviation from the norm is detected by examining the patient and palpation of the formations. In addition, laboratory and instrumental methods. As a rule, it is recommended:

Treatment of pathology

Which doctor to contact with an increase in the lymph nodes under the arm will tell the therapist. This is the first place to visit. The therapist will prescribe treatment himself or refer you to an infectious disease specialist, surgeon, mammologist or other specialist.

To cope with the increase in lymph nodes under the arms, you need to find the cause of this condition and eliminate it. Most likely, this will lead to the normalization of the size of the formations. In addition, it is recommended:

  • limit physical activity;
  • if necessary, undergo physiotherapy;
  • use topical agents (ointments, compresses);
  • treat the affected areas with chlorethyl, combining it with vaseline compresses and heparin ointment.

Antibiotics are prescribed only by a doctor. With a purulent increase in formations, a surgical intervention is usually performed, during which the affected immune link is drained.

In the rehabilitation period are appointed:

  • antibiotics;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • anti-inflammatory and warming compresses;
  • diet low in carbohydrates;
  • analgesics.

In the viral nature of the disease, antiviral drugs are used. For general strengthening of the body, the use of vitamins and minerals, as well as immunity stimulants, is practiced.

Folk remedies for enlarged axillary lymph nodes

These prescriptions can be used only after the approval of the doctor in conjunction with official treatment:

  1. To relieve inflammation, take 1/2 tsp. echinacea diluted in a quarter cup of warm water.
  2. Onions are baked, crushed to the state of gruel. Add 1 tbsp to the mixture. l. fly in the ointment. The resulting composition is applied to the bandage and fixed on the affected areas for a maximum of 8 hours.
  3. Mint leaves are boiled, gauze is moistened in the solution and compresses are applied to the enlarged formations for 2 hours.
  4. A decoction of goldenseal is used in an amount of 10 tsp. in a day.
  5. 1 st. l. crushed calendula, pour 250 ml of boiling water, insist 1 hour. Take 50 ml of the drug 5 times a day before meals.

To increase immunity, foods rich in ascorbic acid are introduced into the diet.

  • Symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpits
  • Treatment of enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits
  • The lymph nodes,
    which are located in the armpit, are among the central
    organs of the human immune system. Lymph nodes under the arm
    contribute to the maximum protection of the body from various infections and reliably
    protect against multiple harmful microorganisms that provoke
    development of serious diseases.

    As you know, lymph
    circulates throughout the body, "collecting" all harmful microorganisms, which are then
    are destroyed by lymphocytes directly in the lymph nodes themselves. That is why
    it is extremely important to closely monitor the condition of the lymph nodes, because
    any changes in their normal functioning may be indicative of
    serious disturbances in the body's immune system. Don't know where
    Are there lymph nodes under the armpit? Photo location of the lymph nodes under the arm
    look in medical encyclopedias, but visually they can only be seen when
    magnification, in the normal state they are not visible in a person.

    In your normal
    condition, the lymph nodes in the armpit are almost invisible and their
    very difficult to feel with normal palpation. Enlargement of lymph nodes can be bright
    testify to various infectious diseases that develop, and
    also about the entry into the body of harmful microorganisms and cells with abnormal
    structure, such as cancer cells.

    Causes of swollen lymph nodes

    Enlarged lymph nodes
    underarms can have a variety of causes. For the most common reasons
    can be attributed:

    • In most cases
      an increase in lymph nodes provokes inflammation of the hair follicles directly
      in the armpit, which is called folliculitis. In its turn,
      the cause of folliculitis can be the regular use of deodorants,
      antiperspirants, body creams and other cosmetics.
    • In some cases
      enlarged lymph nodes under the arm can become an allergic reaction to
      the use of cosmetics and personal hygiene products. More often
      Allergy is caused by deodorants, long-acting antiperspirants and
      various sweat creams.
    • Inflamed lymph node
      under the arm may be a natural result of the transfer of various
      infectious diseases, which include SARS, influenza, tonsillitis,
      rubella, measles, toxoplasmosis, mononucleosis, adenovirus infections.
    • In women, enlarged lymph nodes in
      armpits may indicate
      about the development of mastopathy - painful hardening in the mammary glands. How
      as a rule, with the development of mastopathy, nearby lymph nodes “suffer” - under
      mice, which is expressed in their increase.
    • most dangerous and
      a terrible cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm - oncological diseases
      mammary glands. In the early stages of the development of malignant neoplasms in
      chest, swollen lymph nodes, as a rule, are not accompanied by painful
      sensations that usually appear already in the advanced stages of oncological

    Now you know why
    swollen lymph nodes under the armpits. The appearance of enlarged lymph nodes in
    armpit is accompanied by characteristic symptoms that help
    establish a clear clinical picture and diagnose diseases. How
    as a rule, at the initial stages of the inflammatory process, signs of the disease
    have a minimal severity, which gradually increases with the development

    Video about why the lymph nodes under the armpits become inflamed

    Symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpits

    • Region
      inflammatory process in the armpit is accompanied by a noticeable
      swelling and redness of the skin.
    • Common symptom
      swollen lymph nodes in the armpits is an increase
      body temperature. Usually in the initial stages of the disease, this symptom
      observed only in some cases. With the development of the disease and rebirth
      in more severe and advanced forms, chills and fever can constantly
      accompany a person regardless of the time of day.
    • On palpation
      armpits can be found enlarged lymph nodes. In some
      cases, palpation of the lymph nodes may be accompanied by significant pain
      sensations that arise when pressing on the swelling.
    • In frequent cases,
      enlargement and inflammation of the lymph nodes under the armpits, various
      disturbances and failures in the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
      tract. This can be expressed in the form of constant heartburn, nausea, vomiting.
    • The patient may
      observed drowsiness, chronic feeling of fatigue and depression. He is not
      able to exercise for a long time.
    • most severe
      a form of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpits is purulent
      a form that is accompanied by the appearance of pustules directly in the area
      inflammation, as well as on the surface of adjacent skin. With purulent
      form of the disease, all the above symptoms acquire a maximum
      severity and intensity - for example, high body temperature
      lasts for a long time, and the feeling of chronic fatigue does not
      gives the patient the opportunity to perform habitual physical movements and
      do your favorite activity.

    Why do lymph nodes hurt?
    armpits? As mentioned above, the causes of pain can be several and
    the exact cause must be identified.

    Treatment for enlarged lymph nodes

    When the first
    signs of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpits
    should immediately seek qualified medical assistance. Should
    It should be noted that the key to correct and effective treatment is to identify the cause
    enlarged lymph nodes under the armpits. This is very important, because the quality and
    full treatment of this disease requires not only the elimination of pain
    syndrome and improve the quality of life of the patient, but also complete neutralization
    root causes of the disease.

    If the reason
    swollen lymph nodes became an infectious disease, the main action
    therapeutic therapy should be aimed at its elimination. By no means
    it is worth self-medicating, using medications on the advice
    acquaintances or apply dubious methods of traditional medicine! This can lead to
    to the most dangerous adverse effects, for example, to rebirth
    inflammatory process into a malignant neoplasm. This disease
    called lymphoma.

    Basic Methods
    treatments that are used for inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpits

    • IN
      mandatory immunomodulatory therapy is carried out, which consists in prescribing to the patient
      drugs, the action of which is aimed at restoring and
      strengthening the body's defenses. This can be expressed in the use of immunal in tablet form.
      form, regular use of alcohol tincture of echinacea and eleutherococcus.
    • In case the reason
      swollen lymph nodes under the armpits has become ingested
      harmful bacteria or viruses, the use of strong antibiotics is indicated.
    • In order to
      eliminate redness of the skin in the area of ​​​​the armpits, apply
      various medicinal ointments, for example, troxevasin or heparin.
    • very favorable
      influence is exerted by various physiotherapeutic procedures, the action
      which is aimed at reducing the size of inflamed lymph nodes. TO
      such methods of physiotherapy include electrophoresis and ultrasound.
    • In many cases
      the positive effect of the treatment can be achieved through the appointment of a course
      therapeutic compresses with chlorethyl.
    • With a purulent form
      inflammation of the lymph nodes, it is necessary to perform an autopsy of the resulting
      abscesses and their cleaning.
    • If inflammatory
      the process in the lymph nodes of the armpits was the result of the development
      cancer in the body, the patient must be prescribed a course
      chemotherapy, which contributes to the speedy normalization of the patient's condition.

    Video about enlarged lymph nodes under the armpits

    Have you experienced enlarged lymph nodes in your armpits? What were the symptoms and how did you treat this disease? Share your opinion in the comments.

    Lymph nodes depend on the state of the immune system, so if they increase, you need to be wary - this can be a symptom of the development of various diseases or the appearance of an infection in the body. Enlargement of the lymph nodes under the arms is one of the most dangerous signals, therefore, such a manifestation should be treated with special care.

    Causes of enlarged lymph nodes under the armpits

    In some cases, the lymph nodes under the arms can increase due to allergies, which can even develop into anaphylaxis. At the same time, in addition to given symptom the patient may also experience vomiting with a runny nose, puffiness on the face and urticaria.

    In addition, the development of furunculosis can be the cause of inflammation, and it, in turn, is considered a sign of hormonal imbalance. A change in the size of the lymph nodes can also occur due to inflammation of the axillary hair follicles or due to the spread of an infectious process from the mammary gland.

    The most dangerous cause of the increase is oncological pathologies - cancer of the lymph nodes or breast.


    Lymph nodes located in the axillary region can increase due to the development of disease processes in the neck, chest, upper limbs, and also the mammary gland. This happens due to the fact that their main function is protective - the lymph nodes act as a biological barrier that prevents the penetration of infections.

    Inside them, the production of lymphocytes and antibodies occurs. They prevent the penetration of various foreign elements (bacteria, as well as viruses with toxins) into the blood. In addition, they contribute to the destruction of tumor cells. Through the bringing vessels, lymph from organs and tissues enters them - here it is cleansed. Along with this, a part of the lymph is deposited in the lymph nodes, as well as the redistribution of fluid between the bloodstream and the lymph.

    Through the efferent vessels from the lymph node, lymphocytes are delivered to the area of ​​​​inflammation, which help to destroy foreign proteins.

    An increase in the axillary lymph node indicates that its activity has increased - it fights infection and other pathogens that have entered the body. Lymph nodes help to remove them from the lymph, reacting to any element foreign to the body.

    Symptoms of enlarged lymph nodes under the armpits

    You can identify the development of a violation by the presence of the following symptoms:

    • at first, reddening of the skin occurs over the area on which the lymph node is located;
    • on palpation of this area, discomfort is felt;
    • in the case of a strong inflammatory process, this area becomes painful;
    • the temperature rises;
    • work with hands causes a feeling of sharp weakness;
    • nausea appears;
    • palpation of the lymph nodes allows you to feel their pulsation.

    Symptoms of the inflammatory process in the axillary lymph nodes are most noticeable in the case of development purulent form. At first, the temperature rises slightly, and then the fever begins and chills appear. The main danger of such a process is that, in this case, purulent foci can also occur in other organs.

    Enlarged lymph nodes under the armpits in women

    For women, inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes with their subsequent increase is a very dangerous symptom - this may be the first sign of the development of breast cancer.

    Enlarged lymph nodes under the armpits with mastopathy

    Approximately 10% of women with mastopathy have an increase in lymph nodes in the armpits. In this case, pain is felt, which has a different severity.

    Enlarged lymph nodes under the armpits of pregnancy

    During pregnancy, the woman's immune system becomes less active - this is necessary to protect the fetus from aggressive effects. But because of this, immunity is weakened, which allows bacteria and viruses to more easily enter the body, provoking the development of inflammation, as well as colds. Therefore, during pregnancy, lymphadenitis usually occurs as a complication of a cold or infection.

    But the development of this problem can be caused not only by infection - during pregnancy, a woman's body is restructured: her hormonal background changes, there are weak reactions to the protein of the fetus and placenta that enter the circulatory system, and the development of the mammary glands occurs. In some cases, this is what causes the enlargement of the lymph nodes in the armpit. Most of these changes disappear after a few days.

    In addition, a slight increase in lymph nodes is possible in case of increased sensitivity of a woman to cosmetics (such as deodorants, hair dye, as well as depilatory creams, etc.) or household chemicals, because the body of a pregnant woman may give an inadequate reaction to previously familiar facilities.

    Enlargement of lymph nodes under the armpits before menstruation

    Most women experience the phenomenon of PMS, which is caused by the work of hormones (progesterone, as well as estrogen). The impact of these substances on the body of a woman in this period is manifested as follows:

    • Breast swelling occurs, as a result of which the lobules increase, becoming sensitive. At the same time, the axillary lymph nodes hurt due to the fact that it is in this area that the duct is located, which connects them to the clavicular region. Due to the expansion of the lobules of the mammary glands, the pressure on this duct and nerve endings increases - therefore, pain occurs, which is mainly aching in nature (it is not very noticeable, but it still brings some discomfort). In some cases, it appears only when moving the hands (when lifting them up), but sometimes it can be felt all the time. Often the severity of pain depends on the age of the woman, increasing with the approach menopause;
    • Exacerbation of chronic pathologies, and they may not necessarily be gynecological - sometimes diseases of other organs also have an impact. Since during the period of PMS there is a decrease in immunity, as a result of which the number of pathogenic microbes in the body increases - that is why the axillary lymph nodes can increase, because the protective system is forced to work more intensively;
    • Violation of the process of lymph outflow, which is caused by tissue edema and fluid retention in the space between cells (in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands, including). As a result, the axillary lymph nodes swell and begin to hurt. In this case, they can be probed independently.

    Enlarged lymph nodes under the armpits in children

    Axillary lymph nodes in children can increase due to the development of various diseases, and in addition, as a result of severe damage to the skin on the arms and shoulders.

    Most often, the inflammatory process develops as a result of the so-called "cat scratch syndrome". The medical name is benign lymphoreticulosis. The disease proceeds as follows: some time after the cat scratched the child, the lymph node closest to the place of the scratch begins to inflame, which takes on the infection that has entered the body.

    In this case, you should immediately treat the scratch site with iodine or green paint, and then carefully monitor the child's well-being.

    Complications and consequences

    A complication of this disease can be the movement of inflammation to neighboring organs and tissues, as a result of which the infection begins to spread further throughout the body, which can lead to intoxication. The consequence of this may be blood poisoning, and in addition to this, inflammation of the veins, as well as a disorder of the lymphatic drainage. After that, a scar remains at the site of the damaged lymph node, and the process is irreversible.

    Also, suppuration may begin in the inflamed lymph node, which is an even more life-threatening process for the patient. Suppuration can move to nearby tissues, and, since the infection moves through the body very quickly through the lymphatic system, even death is possible.

    Diagnosis of enlarged lymph nodes under the armpits

    An increase in axillary lymph nodes can be diagnosed visually, and besides this, with the help of palpation. Usually the diagnosis in this case is done in this way.

    In the process of diagnosis, urine and blood tests should be taken, and in addition, additional blood for HIV and syphilis. Also, the patient must pass serological samples. If a malignant tumor is suspected, a puncture is taken from the lymph node, and then histological examination. If tuberculosis is suspected, a sputum test is performed and a Mantoux test is taken.

    The examination also requires instrumental diagnostics - ultrasound, to assess the condition of the superficial groups of lymph nodes. If there is a suspicion of tuberculosis, the patient is given an x-ray.

    Treatment of swollen lymph nodes under the armpits

    Treatment for this disease is aimed at quickly stopping the inflammatory process that causes an increase in axillary lymph nodes. Only after the infection is eliminated, the lymph nodes acquire a natural size. Thus, with the development of inflammation of the lymph nodes, the cause of this process should be eliminated as quickly as possible.


    For rapid resorption of the tumor, you can use chloroethyl (spray). This procedure should be combined with the application of compresses with troxevasin, petroleum jelly, and heparin emulsion.

    In the case of a bacterial infection that provokes an increase in axillary lymph nodes, antibacterial drugs should be used in the form of injections (in / m) or tablets. The duration of the treatment course in this case depends on the severity of the disease. Anti-inflammatory drugs - cogacel, rimantadine, etc.; antibiotics - amoxil or amoxicillin, and with a more severe degree of inflammation - ethionamide, etc.

    Auxiliary means in this case are vitamins, as well as immunomodulators.


    As an additional treatment, vitamin C should be taken.

    It is found in large quantities in cabbage, as well as citrus fruits.

    This substance allows you to speed up the biochemical reactions that occur in the body. Vitamin C should be consumed 3 times a day (at a dose of 250 mg). The daily dosage should not exceed 1000 mg.

    Physiotherapy treatment

    The effectiveness of treatment can be increased with the help of physiotherapy - electrophoresis procedures, as well as ultrasound, and in addition, the use of ointments and compresses that help stop inflammation.

    Alternative treatment

    There are several methods of folk treatment of this disease.

    Echinacea is an effective antiseptic that will help relieve inflammation that has arisen in the armpit. To do this, take 0.5 teaspoon of echinacea, diluting it in a quarter cup with plain water.

    Herbal anti-inflammatory collection is also quite effective - from a mixture (in equal proportions) of wormwood, calendula, elderberry, lavender, and also currant leaves. It takes 2 tablespoons of this collection - pour them with boiling water (1 l) and leave to infuse in a thermos overnight. Then it should be filtered and drunk throughout the day (in this case, it is recommended to prepare the tincture in the evening). The treatment course usually lasts about 1.5-2 months.

    Freshly squeezed aloe juice should be mixed with honey, as well as red wine (the same proportions), and then infused for a week. You need to use the finished tincture 30 minutes before meals, 1 tablespoon.

    Calendula, which helps to remove pathogenic microorganisms from the lymph. Dried flowers of this plant should be poured hot water, and then cover the container with a lid and infuse for 1 hour. You need to drink tincture about 4 times a day (before meals). The treatment course lasts a maximum of 7-10 days.

    With painful enlarged lymph nodes, you can use compresses from various ingredients (mistletoe leaves, mint, or walnuts), which should be prepared immediately before treating the inflamed area. They should be left on the skin for at least 2 hours, and for a better effect, you can cover the compress with polyethylene and fix it with a plaster or bandage.

    Mint can be applied to the site of inflammation and in its pure form. Walnut leaves should be infused in vodka for 3 days (ratio: 150 g of vodka or alcohol and 3 tablespoons of leaves). Mistletoe leaves should be infused in hot water or boiled in a water bath.

    Calendula flowers with tansy - their mixture should be crushed, mixed, and then poured with water (filtered or boiled is recommended), cover the container and keep for 4 hours in a dark place. After that, strain and drink before meals (for 20 minutes), at least 3 times a day.

    Freshly pressed beetroot juice should be separated from the foam, and then kept in the refrigerator for 5 hours. It is necessary to drink juice before eating 0.5 cups - for 1 week. To improve the taste, it is allowed to add carrot juice to the drink.

    You can also pour 2 garlic heads with a liter of filtered water and leave for 3 days. It is necessary to take tincture 3 times a day (in dessert spoons, 1 each).

    Medicines such as dimexide and ichthyol ointment as part of complex treatment help reduce discomfort, especially with severe pain due to an enlarged axillary lymph node.


    In the absence of timely treatment, a purulent process may begin in the inflamed lymph node. In this case, surgery is required to remove the accumulated pus. During the procedure, a drain is installed for the patient to drain pus through it. They take it off after a week.


    To prevent an increase in axillary lymph nodes, some rules should be followed. General recommendations include:

    • monitor personal hygiene - this will help to avoid the development of inflammation;
    • regulate sweating - in addition to a genetic predisposition, this indicator is also affected by overweight and the consumption of a large amount of spices with spices;
    • take place regularly medical examinations and timely seek help from specialists in the event of illnesses - early diagnosis contributes to more effective and faster treatment;
    • do not self-medicate - trying to open or squeeze out the contents of enlarged lymph nodes yourself or carry out warming procedures can be fraught with the development of various complications and the transition of the disease to a chronic form;
    • underarm care products must be used correctly, as well as monitor their quality. You should not apply antiperspirant to hot skin, use low-quality or expired deodorants - to avoid irritation, swelling or the development of allergies;
    • depilation should be carried out carefully, and also do not use other people's products and razors - this can lead to infection;
    • monitor your health, avoiding seasonal infectious or viral diseases that can cause complications;
    • keep the immune system in good condition;
    • follow the schedule and daily routine;
    • do not abuse alcohol and smoking.

    At the risk of certain diseases that are accompanied by an increase in axillary lymph nodes, the following special recommendations should be followed:

    • prevention of the development of breast cancer - constantly conduct self-examination and regularly visit a gynecologist, therapist, and also a mammologist;
    • prevent the development of boils - treat with disinfectant medicines places of cuts, scratches, etc.
    • Portnov Alexey Alexandrovich

      Education: Kyiv National Medical University. A.A. Bogomolets, specialty - "Medicine"

    Lymph nodes normally have a diameter of about 1-2 cm. They contain lymphocytes that recognize foreign microorganisms and signal this to various systems of our body. However, with a large number of infections, the nodes are not always able to cope. Then the lymphocytes begin to multiply actively, the number of cells becomes more and more. If the disease progresses too quickly, pain in the lymph nodes under the armpits, in the groin or in the jaw area is inevitable. In this case, medical assistance is needed, otherwise the body may not be able to cope with the disease on its own.

    Symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes under the armpits

    Signs of malaise do not appear immediately. Depending on the activity of the inflammatory process, the patient feels a certain discomfort. In addition, it is important to consider that the lymph nodes can compress neighboring tissues and nerves, as well as vessels of different sizes. Usually, doctors quickly determine the disease at the initial examination. The following symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes under the armpits help them in this:

    • The sensitivity of the fingers and palms is reduced. Lymph nodes in the case of a significant increase in volume also compress the nerve trunks. This can lead to a tingling sensation as well as a tingling sensation.
    • Pain from shoulder to side of chest. Moreover, especially strong discomfort is felt from the side, where lymphadenitis is located. Patients often unknowingly move their hands slightly to the side to relieve pressure on the inflamed area.
    • Enlargement of lymph nodes several times. Palpation helps to easily identify this symptom without additional research.
    • Changes in the structure of the skin in the armpit. As soon as the patient develops pus in the focus of inflammation, the skin becomes reddish.
    • Swelling of the hands. Lymph nodes can compress the large veins of the shoulder. Gradually, the blood supply worsens, so the patient begins to have problems with his hands.
    • The main causes of pain in the lymph nodes of the armpits

      As a rule, they lead to the beginning of the inflammatory process.

    The health of people largely depends on the condition of the lymph nodes (glands). There are a lot of them, about 700 units. The lymph node under the arm belongs to the lymphatic system and is the stronghold of the immune system. This is one of the organs in which maturation occurs. immune cells. Placed in the most critical places: near organs and in places of bends to increase the flow rate of a fluid called lymph.

    One of the most problematic glands are the axillary lymph nodes. They are the most commonly inflamed.


    Underarm lymph nodes are designed to cleanse the clear lymph fluid. They produce antibodies and lymphocytes. Nodes delay aggressive cells that capture healthy cells of the body (cancerous and the like); infection; bacteria; viruses; nuclides and various debris that enters the blood. There is a struggle and destruction of foreign cells. Thus, the armpit organs and tissues are protected. These include the chest, mammary gland and upper limbs. In addition, lymphocytes enter the infected organ from the lymph nodes through the efferent vessels, which also contribute to the destruction of the disease.

    Since the immune system protects the body, it sends lymphocyte cells to the site of infection. Lymphocytes that produce antibodies to protect against microbes accumulate at the site of infection and form lymphoid follicles - round vesicles. At rest, the nodes in the axillary zone look like a rim of lymphoid tissue around adipose tissue in the center of the armpit cavity.


    The location of the axillary lymph nodes is classified as follows:

    • Central.
    • Apical.
    • Lateral.
    • Breast.
    • Subscapular.

    Consider where the lymph nodes are located. The science of anatomy explains the location of the lymph nodes and how many there can be:

    • The center of the armpit has up to 8 central nodes. They cleanse the superficial lymphatic vessels of the chest, upper limbs, and mammary glands.
    • There are up to 10 lymph nodes in the armpit in the cavity. lymph nodes under the arm are connected to other lymph nodes in the armpit. All of them also have a connection with the subcutaneous vessels of the upper extremities and the mammary gland.
    • Lateral nodes can be up to 8 units.
    • At the inner wall of the cavity in the armpits there are up to 9 mammary lymph glands associated with the chest, its side wall, and the mammary gland.
    • Under the armpits in the fossa near the posterior wall there are up to 11 subscapular nodes associated with the muscles and skin of the shoulder and chest cavity, its lateral surface.

    The axillary fossa is the location of the lateral nodes at the outer wall. It is also called the axillary fossa. The glands are connected with the deep and superficial vessels of the upper extremities.

    With age, the number of nodes in a person may change due to their connection with each other, that is, sticking together into one.

    The diagram clearly demonstrates the location of the lymph nodes under the arm.

    If we consider the axillary fossa, then the diagram will show:

    • The area enclosed between the back muscle, pectoral, anterior serratus muscle and the inner surface of the shoulder.
    • The skin contains sebaceous and sweat glands.
    • The skin is very thin, covered with hair.
    • Under the subcutaneous fat layer lies its own layer of fatty tissue. Inside it lie the axillary artery, vein, nerves, axillary lymph nodes.


    Under the armpit there is a small depression - the gate. From here comes the lymphatic vessel. Crossbars also depart from the gate. The long portal bars are connected to the bars of the capsule, which creates a lobulated structure of the lymph node. The capsule contains the cortex. The lymph entering the lymph nodes in the armpits flows through the sinuses - the gap between the crossbars and the capsule. In addition to the cortical substance, the lymph node has a medulla located near the gate. Lymph inside the gland goes a long way, leaving microbes, tumor cells, foreign particles along the way. A viscous fluid from the sinus under the capsule enters the sinuses of the cortex and medulla. Then, passing through the portal sinus, it seeps into the efferent vessels.


    Lymph nodes under the armpits have different sizes depending on their location. Usually the dimensions are in the range from 0.5 to 1 mm. For some glands, such as inguinal, cervical, large sizes are acceptable. Inguinal - 1.6; cervical - 1.5 mm.

    Causes of inflammation

    The axillary region becomes inflamed due to infection of the body with an infection, ingestion of bacteria, the occurrence of purulent abscesses of malignant tumors. There are many infectious and bacterial diseases, it makes no sense to list them. Under these circumstances, all the lymph glands can become inflamed. But more often those that are close to the focus of the disease become inflamed. So, axillary lymph nodes become inflamed if there is a problem in the mammary glands, chest and upper limbs.

    How much the node increased at the beginning depends on the degree of the inflammatory process. If the process progresses, the gland may increase more, which will lead to lymphadenitis disease. If the nodes become inflamed and the process turns into a disease, then such glands are called lymphadenitis.

    Boils often occur in the axillary fossa. Their inflammation is very dangerous. If the inflammation spreads under the pectoral muscle, then subpectoral phlegmon will develop.

    Air embolism occurs in the case of arterial bleeding due to damage to large vessels due to wounding of the fossa.

    The lymph node in the armpit increased in women in the absence of visible causes (infection, bacterial contamination, abscesses, etc.). This should be alarming. Possibly developing breast cancer.

    During pregnancy, the nodes in the armpit increased due to a decrease in immunity during this period due to the restructuring of the body, the development of the mammary glands, the restructuring of the hormonal background and other changes. It returns to normal after a few days.

    However, the possibility of a cold or infection is not ruled out due to the weakening of the general condition.

    During pregnancy, a woman's sensitivity to household appliances, cosmetics, which will lead to inflammation of the nodes.

    The cause of inflammation of the axillary glands is an injury when shaving the hairline. Infection, bacteria can get into the cut.

    The reason for the increase in the size of the node of the axillary region in a child is teething. At this point, his immunity is reduced. The temperature may rise. But the node itself is painless. No pain on palpation. Deterioration of the condition, an increase in temperature above the norm of the catarrhal form indicates the occurrence of intoxication.


    Inflammation of the lymph nodes is accompanied by similar symptoms for nodes in any area, including in the armpits:

    • Size increase;
    • Painful palpation;
    • Redness of the skin;
    • Temperature;
    • Nausea is possible, especially in babies, when teeth are cut;
    • Babies may be naughty, their head may hurt;
    • Nausea, vomiting may occur;
    • If the lymph glands are inflamed due to allergies, then the symptoms may be swelling of the face, vomiting, urticaria;
    • Sweating profuse.


    Axillary region - the anatomical zone of the armpit cavity. The walls of the cavity formed groups of muscles. In the cavity, lymphatic vessels, nerve endings, and vessels are sunk into fatty tissue.

    In the axillary region:

    • A study of the state of the lymph nodes under the arm through ultrasound is carried out.
    • Diagnosis by ultrasound of the breast to detect cancer.
    • Injections with butolotoxin preparations are carried out for the treatment of hyperhidrosis.

    Viral diseases are treated with immunomodulatory therapy (drugs that restore effective immune defense):

    • Immunal - tablets;
    • Eleutherococcus tincture;
    • Sunflower oil 1 tablespoon 1 time per day;
    • Echinacea tincture.

    If the inflammation is purulent, an opening of the abscess is required surgically.

    If cancer is found, chemotherapy is used.

    With reddening of the skin, various ointments are prescribed, such as troxevasin, heparin and others as prescribed by a doctor.

    To reduce the size of the inflamed gland, doctors recommend physiotherapy, herbal medicine with sage, chamomile.


    To combat the ever-increasing number of infectious, bacterial diseases, modern medicine suggests adopting immunomodulatory therapy, which improves immunity. It is immunity that is able to eliminate the causative agent of infection, and not only limit the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdistribution.

    It is important to remember: to maintain health, you need to walk long distances without stopping, preferably daily. Then the lymph will have time to cleanse the body of all harmful elements through the lymph nodes. The lymphatic system will make a full turn only with non-stop walking.

    For the full functioning of the body, it is important to monitor health internal organs, strengthen immunity, carry out disease prevention. Axillary lymph nodes are the stronghold of the protective functions of the body. There are cells of the immune system. The main problem is that the nodes located under the armpit are prone to inflammation. It is required to pay more attention to avoid bacteria and infections.

    The axillary lymph nodes are responsible for fluid cleansing, producing antibodies and lymphocytes. Thanks to the work, a barrier is activated that repels aggressive cells that destroy healthy ones. Bacteria, infections, viruses that try to enter the body pass through the filter. Lymph nodes fight foreign bacteria, creating a strong immune system. Location of protected areas - chest, armpit area. For women, this factor is important, since healthy mammary glands are needed to perform the function of childbearing. When the disease appears, the nodes begin to actively produce lymphocytes - cells that contribute to the fight against infection.

    Where are they located?

    There are lymph nodes in different areas:

    • Central.
    • In the chest area.
    • Under the shoulder blade.
    • Lateral.
    • Apical.

    Any lymph node is responsible for specific components of the body. Anatomy gives a clear idea of ​​the number of nodes per zone:

    • IN central system placed 8 lymph nodes. They clean blood vessels, filter infected cells of the mammary glands, chest and upper limbs.
    • Lymph nodes in the armpit are associated with the mammary gland and blood vessels. This zone has 10 pcs.
    • The lateral region has 8 pcs.
    • The armpit includes 9 nodes associated with the chest and glands.
    • The armpit fossa has the most glands. There are 11 of them, associated with the chest cavity, muscles of the shoulder joint and upper limbs.

    These figures are calculated for a middle-aged person. The older a person becomes, the less nodes responsible for immunity remain in him. Therefore, older people are more susceptible to various diseases.

    How does inflammation happen?

    The lymph node is an immune barrier that prevents the spread of infected cells. The normal size of the node is 10-15 millimeters. With inflammation of the glands, a sharp increase in size occurs - a signal of diseases of organs nearby. It is possible to determine the painful condition by symptoms or by palpation.

    Main symptoms

    Symptoms that signal the onset of the disease include signs:

    • Lymph nodes are enlarged. The process of inflammation of the body affects the volume. The knot looks like a bump.
    • The skin in the node area begins to redden.
    • Edema appears.
    • There may be a sharp increase in human temperature.
    • The process of intoxication begins in the body.

    Main reasons

    The lymph nodes in the armpit area can become inflamed for a variety of reasons:

    • The penetration of infection, the formation of ulcers, mechanical damage area, such as a cut with a razor.
    • Skin diseases - eczema or psoriasis.
    • Diseases of the oral cavity - caries, stomatitis.
    • Allergy to food products, chemicals, pollen allergens.
    • The person had recently been ill, the immune system did not have time to strengthen, so the virus re-penetrated.
    • Excessive sweating increases the number of aggressive pathogens, which increases the risk of infection through skin breaks.
    • A common cause of inflammation in children is a scratch caused by a pet.

    Rare but dangerous causes

    In addition to the main list of causes, there are more rare species diseases that contribute to the development of lymph tumors in the axillary zone:

    1. The disease is lupus erythematosus. Capillaries and connective tissue suffer.
    2. Lymphadenopathy. Inflammation causes an infection, getting immediately into the node. At an early stage of development, other parts of the body are not infected.
    3. Arthritis of the joints.
    4. Skin diseases.
    5. The reaction of the human body to whey protein.
    6. Wounds in which the process of suppuration or boils occurs.
    7. There are types medications, side effect which - swelling of the lymph nodes for a short period of time.

    Types of skin diseases that contribute to the formation of inflammation

    Skin diseases are one of the causes of swelling of the nodes in the armpit.

    The main causative agent is staphylococcus aureus. It provokes impetigo - purulent lesions, trophic ulcers and etc.

    A trophic ulcer is a consequence of poor circulation. The recovery process after this disease takes a long period.

    The fungal group represents diseases such as lichen, trichophytosis. The main symptom is damage to areas of the skin. Diseases are transmitted from an infected person through body contact. The carriers are cattle and rodents.

    Common causes in women

    The above reasons predispose both sexes to inflammation. There are factors that are unique to the weaker sex. In medicine, there is the term "mastopathy" - the appearance of seals in the tissues of the mammary glands. In an environment with poor ecology, the disease is common. In such a case, a woman needs medical supervision and appropriate treatment. During the period of bearing a baby or breastfeeding, the attention of a doctor is not required.

    Women's diseases

    Doctors identify two main diseases that women are susceptible to. Their development is dangerous for normal life. Therefore, it is important to diagnose them as soon as possible.

    • Breast cyst. During the course of the disease, the encapsulated fluid begins to accumulate in the mammary glands, which increases the risk of oncology. The disease affects women of any age. But statistics show the predominance of the 30-35 year old category of nulliparous among the sick.
    • Breast cancer. A tumor begins to form in the chest area. The boundaries of formation are ducts and lobules. Both glands or one are affected. According to statistics, cancerous growths of two glands are more common.

    Lymph in pregnant women

    In the case of pregnant women, the situation is more complicated. In women who carry a child, the hormonal background changes, the body is restructured. The mammary glands are actively developing during this period. A huge number of simultaneous processes hits the immune system, reducing it, which causes an increase in the size of the nodes. They hurt and swell. This lasts for a short period of time. After a maximum of a week, they should become standard sizes.

    Another factor that affects the lymph nodes is allergens. In pregnant women, sensitivity is exacerbated. Due to what an allergy to household chemicals can appear. You can find out about this by swollen lymph nodes.

    What is important for women to know?

    1. Check by palpation the chest and armpit cavity. There should not be any seals. The exception is critical days.
    2. A mammologist - a doctor who specializes in the mammary glands and chest, should examine a woman at least once a year. This will help to diagnose a malignant tumor in a timely manner and prescribe treatment.

    The norm is to be examined on one of the 5-12 days of the cycle. In the case of menopause, you can be examined without restrictions.

    Edema in children

    With inflammation of the nodes in young children, parents worry about the condition of the baby. There are no reasons for concern. Increased sizes may indicate the beginning of eruption of milk teeth. The body temperature rises, respectively, the immune system suffers. Palpation should not cause pain in the baby. Otherwise, this indicates intoxication of the body. In adults with inflammation, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    More about the inflammatory process

    IN initial stage lymph diseases do not cause suspicion, the process of swelling does not occur immediately. Knots big size having pain, signal the risk of developing lymphadenitis.

    One of the worst outcomes is the appearance of boils in the armpit. Their danger is in the further development. At an advanced stage, inflammation covers the chest.

    Classification of inflammation

    There are several classifications of a node tumor:

    1. Acute condition. It occurs with a complication of an infectious viral disease.
    2. Chronic edema. Occurs due to the occurrence of malignant processes in the body.
    3. Purulent inflammation. bacterial infection involves areas of the skin under which pus begins to accumulate. Without surgical removal an abscess cannot be dispensed with. Only then will the full recovery of the body begin.

    Form of inflammation

    Edema is classified according to symptoms. Treatment for each type will be very different from the other.

    • The specific form is problematic to detect. In medical practice, it is rare, pathogens are dangerous diseases - leukemia, syphilis, tuberculosis.
    • nonspecific form. It poses no danger to human life. It is based on common viruses - E. coli, staphylococcus aureus.

    List of doctors involved in the treatment

    If a person with inflamed lymph nodes is in constant contact with other family members, it is recommended to visit the examination together. Some diseases are transmitted through interaction. Diagnostic doctors:

    1. First, the therapist examines and conducts an instrumental examination, if necessary, writes out a referral to a dermatologist.
    2. The dermatologist will examine the patient and the family members in contact with him for the presence of damage to the skin, write out a referral for tests.
    3. If tuberculosis is detected, the phthisiatrician is engaged in treatment.
    4. In the presence of purulent processes, the intervention of a surgeon is required.

    Stages of examination of the patient

    To prevent an advanced stage of infection, an important step is to diagnose symptoms early. Identification of infection is carried out in three stages of examination. It is possible to entrust this only to a doctor with experience.

    First stage

    The first stage of verification includes laboratory diagnostics.

    • The doctor needs to find out in advance at what stage the disease is neglected by a detailed survey and a complete examination. It is important to find out if symptoms are visualized.
    • Analysis of the disease, mode of life, the scope of the patient's work.
    • Feel the cavity of the axillary zone, assess the size of the inflammation.

    Second phase

    The second stage includes taking tests from the patient:

    • Blood sampling for general and biochemical studies.
    • Clinical study of urinary secretions.
    • If tuberculosis is suspected, a Mantoux test is taken.
    • Search for tumor markers in the blood.

    Instrumental diagnostics

    To detect the disease, special medical equipment is used:

    • Ultrasound diagnosis of the lymphatic system.
    • X-ray of the inflamed area.
    • A picture of the mammary glands in women.
    • Biopsy analysis to identify oncological tendencies.

    Determining diagnostic factors

    For an accurate diagnosis, the doctor asks the patient, learning:

    • duration of inflammation. Harmless swelling resolves in one to two weeks. If this does not happen, it is time to consult a doctor for help.
    • Tumor size. At cancerous tumor the lymph node reaches 1 cm in size and increases within a month in men and women.
    • Age. Children are more prone to inflammation of the lymph nodes. There is no need to resort to the help of drugs. Vitamins are prescribed to support the immune system.
    • Location. Swollen nodes signal that a nearby organ is susceptible to disease.

    Methods of treatment

    With an increase in the lymph nodes in the armpits, it is highly recommended not to take independent measures. The main thing is to eliminate the infection that caused the inflammation. Briefly about the methods of recovery of the body:

    • Antibacterial and drugs prescribed by a doctor. The wrong choice of drugs leads to an increase in the tumor.
    • Compresses with dimexide lotion.
    • Physiotherapy procedures.
    • Medications that support the immune system.
    • Chemotherapy.
    • Surgical removal of the tumor at an advanced stage.


    If inflammatory processes do not appeal to doctors, they resort to folk recipes. Help relieve swelling:

    • Setting with echinacea in the composition. The resulting mixture is taken in drops - 10 drops after meals.
    • Collection of calendula with a small amount of mint.
    • Young shoots of pine mixed with tansy.
    • Capsicum and hawthorn.
    • Oats mixed with milk.
    • Enrichment of the body with vitamin C, respectively, eat more vegetables and fruits.

    Reception vitamin complex as food supplements will speed up recovery.


    The main point is to diagnose the diseases that caused inflammation in time. Serious medical therapies can adversely affect the health of the patient. You can not refuse, the lack of treatment leads to lethal outcome in advanced cases. Methods of treatment call for malfunctions in the body.

    • Medications prescribed by a doctor are known for severe side effects.
    • With late diagnosis of a cancerous tumor, metastases occur.
    • After surgical procedures, the immune system is unable to fight infections for a month or two, which increases the risk of infectious diseases.
    • For children, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are detrimental to health.

    Prevention methods

    To avoid discomfort under the armpits, preventive methods have been developed for dealing with the appearance of swelling for children and adults:

    • A balanced diet free of allergens.
    • Strengthening immunity by walking in the fresh air, hardening.
    • Taking vitamins recommended by the doctor.
    • Careful selection of underarm deodorants. Doctors advise to abandon sprayers, as damage is caused to already thin skin, and to give preference to roll-on and cream deodorants.
    • Do not leave children unattended near pets.
    • Cuts and wounds should be treated immediately with antibacterial agents.

    The main weapon against diseases in medicine is immunomodulatory drugs. Strong immunity protects against bacteria, viruses, infections, prevents spread. Doctors recommend taking 7,000 steps daily to keep the lymph nodes working properly. Hiking and Fresh air help the immune system deal with irritants.