Types of subordinating connections in phrases and sentences. Coordination, Control, Adjacency remind? and for example, if it’s not difficult

B3 - types subordinating connection

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It can be difficult to determine the type of connection between words in phrases noun + noun, where the dependent word answers the question what? For example: smart daughter, Moscow city, birch leaf, house by the road.

Try changing the main word by using it in the form plural or indirect case, for example, genitive. If the dependent noun changes, that is, it agrees with the main word in number and case ( smart daughters, Moscow city), then the type of connection between words in this phrase is agreement.
If the dependent noun does not change, that is, does not agree with the main word in number and case ( birch leaf, houses near the road), then the type of connection in this phrase is control.

Sometimes the gender, number and case of nouns associated with control are the same, so in such cases it is possible to confuse control with agreement, for example: from the director of the college.

To determine the type of connection between words in a given phrase, you need to change the form of the main word. If the dependent word changes after the main word, then this is a phrase with agreement: at the beautiful artist - at the beautiful artist. If the dependent word does not change, then it is a control phrase: from the director of the college - to the director of the college.

Some adverbs formed from nouns and other parts of speech can be confused with the corresponding parts of speech and an error can be made in determining the type of connection, for example: go in the summer - admire the summer, hard-boil - get into a tough mess.

To determine the type of connection in such a situation, it is necessary to correctly determine the part of speech, which is the dubious word. If the dubious word is written together with the former preposition or with a hyphen, then it is an adverb: hard-boiled, into the distance, towards, in the old way.
If the word is without a preposition or is written separately with a preposition, try asking a case question for the dubious word: go how? in summer. The question is obviously inappropriate, which means it is an adverb, the type of connection is adjacency. Admire how? in summer. The question is appropriate, so it is a noun, the type of communication is management.
In the case when the dependent word answers the question Which? and is an adjective, the type of connection between words is agreement: in trouble which one? cool.

Sometimes it is difficult to establish which word in a phrase is the main one and which is the dependent one, for example:
a little sad, I like to eat.

In adjective + adverb phrases, the main word is always the adjective, and the dependent word is the adverb, which means attribute sign.
In phrases in the form of a verb + infinitive, the main word is always the verb, and the dependent word is the infinitive.
The type of connection between words in both phrases is adjacency, because the dependent word is unchangeable.

Syntax. The concept of sentence and phrase

Syntax is a section of grammar that studies the structure and meaning of phrases and sentences.

A sentence is a basic unit of syntax that expresses a thought, containing a message, a question, or an incentive. The sentence has intonation and semantic completeness, i.e. it is framed as a separate statement.

It's cold outside (message).

When does the train leave? (question).

Please close the window! (motivation).

The offer has grammatical basis(subject and predicate). Based on the number of grammatical stems, sentences are divided into simple (one grammatical stem) and complex (more than one grammatical basis).

The morning fog over the city has not yet cleared, although it has thinned(simple sentence).

The one with the gold tooth turned out to be a waiter, not a swindler(difficult sentence).

By the nature of the grammatical basis simple sentences There are two-part and one-part.

Based on the completeness of their implementation, proposals are divided into complete and incomplete.

According to the purpose of making sentences, there are narrative, motivating and interrogative.

According to the intonation of sentences there are exclamation marks And non-exclamatory.

By phrase two or more words are called, united in meaning and grammatically (using subordinating connection).

A phrase consists of a main and a dependent word. From the main word you can ask a question to the dependent one.

Go (where?) into the wilderness.

Charging (what?) the battery.

A phrase, like a word, names objects, actions and their signs, but more specifically, precisely, because the dependent word concretizes the meaning of the main thing. Let's compare:

Morning - summer morning;

Sleep - sleep for a long time.

There are three types of subordinating connections between the main and dependent words in a phrase: agreement, control and adjacency.

There is such a thing in linguistics as a subordinating relationship. In Russian, subordinating connections occur in phrases and sentences. This happens in speech all the time. But what is subordinating phrase and a proposal?

First, let's look at what a subordinating relationship means. It connects independent (notional) words and phrases with each other through the fact that one part is the main one and the other is the dependent one. This is very easy to check. From the main part you can ask a question to the dependent part. Such a connection is determined both in meaning and grammatically. For example, beautiful flower, where from the word “flower” you can ask the question “which one?” to the word “beautiful” and determine that the dependent adjective here is.

Types of subordinating connections in phrases


The gender, number and case form of the dependent part are fully consistent with the main part, that is, they are similar to it. From the main word you can ask questions “which?” and “whose?” (these questions may vary depending on the form).

When agreeing, the main noun is always the noun, and the dependent ones can be:

  1. Adjectives: blue sea, clear image, bright light.
  2. Ordinal numbers: first place, (on) the tenth floor, hundredth film.
  3. Participles: a person writing, a running kitten, a bouncing ball.
  4. Possessive pronouns (except for them, him, her): our hearts, my treasure.

Coordination also can be complete or incomplete. In the first case, the dependent word in all forms is likened to the main one, and in the second case - only partially. But the incomplete form rather concerns only exceptions and vernaculars. An example of incomplete (or partial) agreement is the case when a word denoting a profession (as we know, many such words are in the masculine form, but the person himself can be a woman) has an adjective next to it, but in a different gender (our doctor).


When controlling, the dependent word changes under the influence of the main word only by case, one word “controls” the other. Control phrases can be: verb + noun, gerund + noun, participle + noun, two nouns or cardinal number + noun. Happens two types of control: with a preposition, when there is a preposition, or without a preposition. When controlling, the dependent word is asked an indirect case question or an adverbial question (where, to where, from where), since the word can answer two questions at the same time.

Examples: smoking a cigarette, living in a house, a toy cat, six players, dropping out of school, writing books.


With this type of connection, one part is “adjacent” to another. In other words, such phrases determined only by meaning, since both parts retain all their shapes. Main sign adjacency - the dependent word is an unchangeable part of speech (verb infinitive, gerund, adverb, pronouns his, her, their).

The main difference from management and coordination is precisely the “independence” of the parts and dependence on each other only in meaning. An adjacency is a connection between two nouns if they denote a name (Lake Baikal, the country of Russia, the Volga River). You can ask an adverbial question (not to be confused with management!): what to do, what to do, what by doing, what by doing and whose (his, her, theirs).

Examples: his jacket, planet Earth, live well, drive without stopping, grew up quickly.

Phrases that do not have a subordinating connection

  • Word and functional part of speech (near the house).
  • Compound words(brighter).
  • Words joined by the conjunction “and”.
  • Phraseologisms.
  • Verb and subject.

Subordinating communication in sentences

Sentences also have a subordinating relationship, but this only applies to non-complex sentences. Complex sentence differs from a compound one in that both parts cannot be separated. If they are used separately, the sentence will lose meaning, while the parts compound sentence it's quite possible use separately from each other and divide the letter with a dot.

The types of subordinating connections in such sentences are distinguished only if there are several subordinate clauses. For example: he told me that he would only go to the place where he was directed. Here we see one main clause and two dependent clauses.

  • sequential;
  • parallel;
  • homogeneous.

Sequential a sentence can be defined if a question goes from the main part to a subordinate clause, and from this subordinate clause to another subordinate clause. For example: I bought a jacket (which one?), which was sewn for me in an atelier (which one?), which is located far from my home.

At parallel in the form of subordination to all subordinate clauses, questions from the main part are asked, but from different words. Thus, a sort of “parallel” is obtained. In such cases, usually the main part is located between the dependent ones. (Example: when the school bell rang, I was talking to a new classmate who had recently transferred to our class).

At homogeneous type, dependent clauses refer to the same word found in the main part. (For example: today I went for a walk in the park, where there are usually very few people and where I forgot my jacket).

There are two main types syntactic connection words in a sentence: creative And subordinating. Coordinating a connection connects equal, independent words in a sentence homogeneous members: Thick and juicy grasses promised a rich harvest(M.Isak,). At subordinating connection one word is the main word and the other is dependent. From the main word to the dependent word the question is posed: bright sun(what kind of sun?) very useful(useful to what extent?). The subordinating relationship is closer than the coordinating one. Phrases are characterized only by subordinating relationships. There are 3 types of subordinating connections: coordination, management And adjacency.

Coordination- this type of subordinating connection in which the dependent word is placed in the same forms as the main one. The main type of agreement is characteristic of phrases: white birch, slender poplar. When coordinated with changes in the forms of the main word, the forms of the dependent word change: white birch, white birch, white birch. The dependence of the subordinate word on the main one is expressed using endings. When agreeing in phrases, the main word is a noun, and the dependent word is an adjective or another part of speech that is inflected like an adjective: first lesson, solved problem, my book. The dependent word agrees with the main word in gender, number and case. As part of a predicative combination (combination of main members), other types of agreement are observed. The predicate verb agrees with nominative case noun in number: The Rooks Have Arrived; The sun is shining. In past tense form singular and in the singular conditional form, the verb agrees with the noun in number and gender: The fog cleared; Father would come sooner!

Control- this type of connection in which the dependent word (noun, pronoun-noun, substantive) is placed with the main word in a certain case without a preposition or with a preposition. For example: meet a friend(v, p.), trust a friend(d.p.), think about mother(pr.p.), treat the patient(v, p.).

When controlling with changing the form of the main word, the form of the dependent word does not change. For example: meet a friend, meet a friend, meet a friend. The dependent word in control is always a noun or a word that replaces a noun (pronoun, substantive). The main word can be a verb, noun, adjective, adverb: read a book, sister's book, kind-hearted, away from the road.

Based on the presence or absence of a preposition with a dependent word, they distinguish prepositional And unsubstantiated control: work for a friend, go to college - prepositional control; stomping a book, trusting a friend, reading a book - no-holds-barred management.

The dependence of a noun during control is expressed only by its ending, if there is no preposition with it, and by a preposition and ending, if there is a preposition (work for a friend).

Adjacency- this is a type of connection into which unchangeable words and forms enter. Adjacency is a connection that is mainly semantic. Adjacent adverbs, infinitives, gerunds, comparative degree of adjectives: turn right, habit of smoking, walking with a limp, older children came. The combination of adjacent words as part of a phrase is helped by the contact arrangement of words, the absence of a pause between the main and dependent words when reading a sentence, i.e. sentence intonation. For example: The friends turned right; It's easy to breathe in the forest.

We emphasize that the type of syntactic connection depends on the words belonging to the part of speech, and not on their syntactic role in the sentence. Thus, dependent nouns are always controlled, although they can be in a sentence with additions, adverbials, and inconsistent definitions, for example: read a book(extra), read on the couch(vow.), brother's book(disagree definition).

    Agreement, examples of phrases:

    delicious borscht,

    good man,

    fun party,

    my kitten.

    Adjunction, examples of phrases:

    sings cheerfully

    says funny


    Management, examples of phrases:

    let's talk about painful things,

    I think about mom

    I sing a song

    intimate talk.

    Subordinating connections in phrases:

    coordination examples: interesting film, wide belt, fifth element.

    management examples: take a picture, fry potatoes, kiss a child.

    connection: listen carefully, sew a suit, cook dinner.

    There are three types of subordinate communication, these are:

    For example:

    • Dear mourners,
    • a kind person,
    • tea spoon.

    For example:

    • love song,
    • march in formation
    • swim breaststroke.

    For example:

  • Adjacency, control, coordination these are types of subordinating connections, these are the three foundations on which correct speech is built. So coordination this is a type of subordinating connection in which the main word is a noun, and the dependent word is in the same case, gender and number, example: on the roof of the house. Control this is also a type of subordinating connection in which the main word is also the control word for the dependent, for example: read about the weather. Adjacency- this is a type of subordinating connection, where the main word is considered an unchangeable part of speech, for example: his room, speak more quietly, soft-boiled egg, Turkish coffee.

    First, you need to understand that there are three types of subordinating connections that adapt to one rule by which the type of connection between words in a phrase is determined. First, the main word is determined, and then a question is asked to the dependent word, after which the part of speech of the main word is determined. Coordination, contiguity, control are the foundation for the competent construction of speech and text.

    Coordination a type of subordinating relationship, where the main word is a noun, and the dependent word is in the same gender, case and number.

    Example - cheerful person, first floor, beautiful flower

    Control a type of subordinating relationship where the main word becomes the control word for the dependent. The main thing here is the verb.

    Example - thinking about children, standing in line, shouting into a bullhorn.

    Adjacency- the main word here is an invariable part of speech. In these cases, the words are related only in meaning.

    Agreement is a type of subordinating connection in a phrase in which the dependent word completely coincides in gender, number and case with the main one. As a rule, modifiable words agree: noun (main word) + adjective, participle, ordinal number, pronoun. Here are examples: yellow leaves, fallen leaves, the third call, my life. The main word can be a pronoun-noun, for example: someone else's. Two nouns also agree: lazy dog, peasant young lady. The main word can be substantivized adjectives and participles, for example: delicious ice cream, tanned vacationer.

    Control is a type of subordinating connection when the dependent word is in the case required by the main word. Here are examples of management: clicking teeth, university rector, sad to the point of tears, two boys, thanking the hostess, conversation with students, meeting with vacationers.

    Adjunction is a type of subordinating connection when both words are not grammatically related, and an unchangeable dependent word is attached to the main word only in meaning.

    Examples of adjacency: the science of winning, intends to rest, read quickly, sing standing, khaki trousers, rush hour, raglan sleeves, someone more experienced, run faster, glance from under the brow, very loud, too cold, turn right.

    Examples of subordinating connections in sentences:

    Connection: wash the floor, wipe dry.

    Coordination: green grass, blue sky, orange orange.

    Control: cook food, hug baby.

    Sometimes they are often confused.

    Coordination, control and adjacency are three types of subordinating connections in phrases. Here is their detailed description:

    Here are examples of phrases of each type:


    Little brother, dark night, wet street, tall house, first place, social media, fluffy dog, stone flower, etc.


    I tried to persuade him for a long time, I wanted to tell him, walk slowly, write with talent, write correctly.

    With this type of subordinating connection, like coordination, the dependent word will be used in the same form (gender, case and number) as the main word.

    Examples: an ominous moon, a broken car, a blooming lily, scattered pencils.

    Control This is a type of connection that is characterized by the fact that the main word controls the dependent case.

    Examples: engage in tourism, sit at school, dig the ground, water flowers.

    If the words in a phrase are connected only in meaning, then this type of subordinating connection is called adjacency.

    Examples: want strongly, run jumping, offer tea, read carefully.

    Agreement as a type of subordinate connection examples:

    ballpoint pen, blue markers, smart kid.

    adjoining examples are: I’ve wanted to for a long time, wash it right away, breathe loudly, my notebook.

    management: make a birdhouse, cook soup, keep a cow.

The methods of subordination are as follows: coordination, control, adjacency

Agreement as a method of subordinating communication

  • Coordination- this is a type of subordinating connection when the dependent word takes the grammatical forms of the main word, for example: a beautiful picture.

The main word when agreed, a noun, a substantivized adjective or participle (i.e., has become a noun), as well as a pronoun, a noun, for example: high spirits, student canteen.

dependent word can be an adjective, an adjective pronoun, an ordinal number or a participle, i.e. such categories of words in which the categories of gender, number and case are not independent, for example: the right decision, our meeting.

Management as a method of subordinate communication

  • Control- a type of subordinating connection, when the dependent word is used in the indirect case that requires the main word, for example: write a book, click your teeth, advise a friend (to whom? dative case);

The main word when governing, it can act as a verb (to rejoice in meeting you), a noun (love for people), an adjective (regrettable), an adverb (near the city), or an ordinal number (first in class).

When driving dependent word nouns, pronouns-nouns, substantivized adjectives always appear (cover with snow, conversation with workers).

Adjunction as a method of subordinating connection

  • Adjacency- this is a type of syntactic connection when an unchangeable dependent word is attached to the main one in meaning. For example: Very nice (how nice?).

Unchangeable words are adjacent: infinitive, adverb, simple form comparative degree, gerunds, some unchangeable adjectives (order to advance, door to the left, a little to the south).

Infinitive adjacent to a verb (try to answer, came to stay), a noun (desire to make peace), adjective (intends to relax)

Comparative forms adjacent to a verb (it’s better to answer, to run faster), to a noun (the news is more interesting, the drink is stronger)

Participles adjoin the verb in cases where the meaning of an adverb develops in them (read while lying down, sleep while sitting).

Immutable adjectives such as beige, mini, maxi, hindi, midi, flared, etc. adjacent to nouns (Hindi language, peak hours).

It is necessary to distinguish between adjacency and control

  • Her shoes– this is an adjunction (whose?),
  • To see him– management (of whom?).

In the categories of pronouns there are two homonymous categories. Personal pronoun answers questions indirect cases, and it is involved in a subordinating connection - this is control, and the possessive is involved in adjacency.

  • Run to the store– management,
  • Go here– adjacency.

It is important to distinguish between the prepositional case form and the adverb, because there may be the same questions! If there is a preposition between the main and dependent words, then this is management.