Tactics for playing naval battle. How to win a sea battle

A simple and exciting game that has been known since childhood - sea battle. The rules of the game are not very complicated; anyone can remember them. Sea battle is popular with adults and children; you can play it anywhere.

Rules of the game Sea Battle

The essence of the entertainment is that two players take turns calling certain coordinates on the opponent’s map, which is unknown to them. The named point must hit the ship or part of it. The task of each player is to sink all enemy ships first. There are several options for this game today:

  1. On paper. This method is considered classic version entertainment. It allows you to play anywhere. A checkered notebook or one piece of paper (not even lined) is suitable for battle.
  2. Tabletop. The first version of such entertainment appeared more than 80 years ago. Board game The sea battle was distinguished by its volume and colorfulness. Over time, many variations appeared with different numbers of ships and different field sizes.
  3. On the computer. Modern gadgets can easily be turned into a battlefield for ships by downloading and installing the right application. There are online gaming options. Features: selected points are recorded automatically, there is voice acting that adds reality to what is happening.


To understand how to play sea battle, you need to understand the basic concepts. You need to start by drawing your playing field. It represents coordinate plane, a square 10 by 10. Each side has its own definitions: the horizontal side is numbered from top to bottom, the vertical side is numbered with letter designations. The letters of the Russian alphabet from “A” to “K” or from “A to “I” are used if “Ё” and “Y” are omitted. Often, instead of letter designations, the words “Snow Maiden” or “Republic” are used. They consist of ten letters, which corresponds to 10 squares on the playing field.

Next to “your” field you need to draw a “foreign” field, which has the same dimensions and coordinates. This is a site for the enemy flotilla. The field is empty and is used to mark your moves and your opponent’s “hits.” Given that there are several coordinate system options, it is recommended to agree in advance which one will be used. Next you need to arrange the ships.

Number and arrangement of ships

There is a certain layout of ships on the playing field. The ship consists of several decks or pipes (hence the name, for example, “double-deck” or “double-pipe”). On the playing field there are:

  • 1 four-deck, ship, battleship, - a row of four cells,
  • 2 three-deck cruisers, rows of 3 cells;
  • 3 double-deckers, destroyers, – rows of 2 cells;
  • 4 single-deck ships, torpedo boats, – 1 cell.

IN classic game Drawing ships on the playing field is necessary according to the rules. For example, all ships cannot touch each other with their sides or corners. There are variants of the game when ships are placed in the letter “L”, squares or zigzags, touching the corners is not prohibited. There are also battles with a different number of ships or their structure, for example, a five-deck (aircraft carrier), several four-deck. When using more ships, a different field shape is used, measuring 15 by 15. You must decide on the choice of game in advance.

Progress of the game

Playing sea battle on paper must be in accordance with certain rules. The instructions determine the conditions and sequence of moves:

  1. Initially, it is chosen who will go with the first. To do this, players cast lots.
  2. When making a “shot”, the player names the coordinates, for example, B3.
  3. If there is nothing in the cell, the opponent says “by.” The ship is located at the named coordinates, then it is “wounded” - if it is hit, “killed” - when it is completely destroyed.
  4. A cross indicates a hit on an enemy ship. With such a successful shot, according to the rules, the player takes a second turn. The right to move is transferred to the second player if the shot lands on an empty field.
  5. The winner is the one who sinks all his opponent's ships first.
  6. At the end of the game, opponents can request each other's playing fields for verification. The loser will be the one whose fields are filled in incorrectly. Victory goes to the one who fought a fair fight.

There are certain restrictions in the game. The game may end early if rules are not followed. The following are considered gross violations:

  1. Incorrectly drawn field - the number of vessels exceeds the required number, the side dimensions or coordinate system are incorrect.
  2. One of the players spied the location of the other's ships.
  3. Skipping a move due to inattention.

Winning strategy

A simple battle is not based solely on luck. To achieve victory, there is a strategy and tactics for playing naval battle. It is as follows:

  1. The sheet with the lined field must be held so that the enemy cannot see.
  2. For convenience and reporting, it is recommended to mark enemy shots with dots.
  3. The most vulnerable ships are the battleship and torpedo boat. The first one is very large, so it is easy to spot. Torpedo boats are small and difficult to find on the field, but they sink with one hit.
  4. Beginners often aim at the corners of the playing square, so drawing them there is not recommended.
  5. Experienced players advise immediately coming up with a layout for the ships on the field. Good results can be achieved by arranging flotilla units according to a pattern. For example, by gathering cruisers and battleships in one place, and placing boats and destroyers in a chaotic order.
  6. Techniques for shooting at a flotilla can be different. To quickly destroy a battleship, it is recommended to start searching for it diagonally. You need to shoot at squares on 4, through 3 cells. Then you need to move in descending order: look for three-decker, two-decker and single boats.


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And now I will prove it to you. Let's start with how to shoot! Actually, we should have started with the arrangement, but we’ll leave that for later because Once you understand how to shoot, it will be easier for you to understand the basics of placement. Lesson one: never shoot at one point, this is the most hopeless thing I have ever seen! Lesson two: if in one place you shot down several ships, but you still have holes (an unfired cell around which all the cells are fired!), then never rush to plug them if the enemy has at least one ship left that is larger than a two-piece (including a two-piece)!

Next, let's move on to shooting strategies! Personally, I highlight two LINKOR and OPERATION TRUSHKA! (Maybe they have other names, it’s just that I came up with everything I’m writing to you about now with my own mind! And therefore I think I have the right to give them my own names!) Let’s stop at the first one!

The goal is to find and destroy the most clumsy battleship ship as quickly as possible! Thereby significantly reducing the enemy’s field! You can knock him out 100% with 24 shots! This is how they should be positioned! * shots are indicated, about the cells that I would advise you to leave for later! And the numbers 1 (of which there are eight, by the way) are the shots that need to be fired FIRST! In this case, with the first 8 shots you will get close
34% battleship
50% three rubles
45% kopeck piece
32% one-room apartment
Table number times:
|__a b c d e f h i j |
| 1)o o o 1 o o o * o o |
| 2)o o * o o o * o o o |
| 3)o * o o o * o o o * |
| 4)1 o o o 1 o o o * o |
| 5)o o o 1 o o o * o o |
| 6)o o * o o o 1 o o o |
| 7)o * o o o 1 o o o 1 |
| 8)* o o o * o o o * o |
| 9)o o o * o o o * o o |
| 0)o o * o o o 1 o o o |
Actually, more could have been done! But seasoned opponents usually have BIG ships at their sides!
Then methodically start shooting other stars! It goes without saying that if you hit a ship, kill it! After you shoot them all
let's move on to table number two!
Table number two:

Her task is to kill all the remaining three-rubles and two-rubles! * I marked those fields where you should have already visited, the fields that you don’t need to shoot at, and z exactly those cells where you need to shoot! There are 24 of them in total, but you have already taken out half of the fleet! And so you only have about 15 shots left! Well, after that it’s just a matter of luck in the fight against one-room apartments! But this is at the very end! Moreover, if the enemy
If you deployed your fleet not very skillfully, then one-room ships will not pose any special problems for you.
It goes without saying that you can shoot not only as I showed! But the main thing is that this principle is preserved!
I__a b c d e f h i j I
I 1)o z o * o z o * o z I
I 2)z o * o z o * o z o I
I 3)o * o z o * o z o * I
I 4)* o z o * o z o * o I
I 5)o z o * o z o * o z I
I 6)z o * o z o * o z o I
I 7)o * o z o * o z o * I
I 8)* o z o * o z o * o I
I 9)o z o * o z o * o z I
I 0)z o * o z o * o z o I

As you probably already guessed, it is to find the enemy’s three-ruble coins! (and at the same time a battleship!)
Here are your shots (36 in total)! Having fired all the shots, you will pick up a battleship, both three rubles, almost certainly one two-ruble (maybe two) and one one-ruble! Well, that's pretty good for 36 shots! But what to do next? Just shoot relying on luck. So, it’s better to choose LINKOR! Although you have 0.25% that by shooting at these fields you will pick up all the ships! Of course, these two tactics work not only on those cells that I showed in the tables! Each table has up to 8 mirrors! That is, if you, for example, rotate the table 90 degrees, and mentally transfer the letters and numbers, you will get a new table value with the same strategy! But with completely different lumbago cells! Consequently, the setup with which this strategy (and at the same time all others) would work very poorly (for example, not knocking down more than one two-room and more than one one-room!) DOES NOT EXIST! Although there is an alignment against THIS type of strategy, but with another type of strategy you will get a 100% hit!
|__a b c d e f h i j |
| 1)o o * o o * o o * o |
| 2)o * o o * o o * o o |
| 3)* o o * o o * o o * |
| 4)o o * o o * o o * o |
| 5)o * o o * o o * o o |
| 6)* o o * o o * o o * |
| 7)o o * o o * o o * o |
| 8)o * o o * o o * o o |
| 9)* o o * o o * o o * |
| 0)o o * o o * o o * o |
It is based on the fact that the ships cannot touch each other! Therefore, if, for example, you put a battleship in the middle, and the enemy approaches it, then you will lose 18 cells (4 cells for the battleship and 16 cells around it!)! Therefore, the battleship must be placed against the wall! And even if the enemy quickly picks him up, you won’t lose many cells! Below I will give an example of two arrangements!
o-empty field
1-one-room apartments
3-three rubles
*-cells next to the ships (around them)! That is, squares on which ships cannot stand.

1) |————| 2)|————|
|__a b c d e f h i j | |__a b c d e f h i j |
| 1)* * * * * * * * * o | | 1)o o o o o * 4 4 4 4 |
| 2)* 4 4 4 4 * * 2 * * | | 2)o o o o o * * * * * |
| 3)* * * * * * * 2 * 1 | | 3)o o o o o o * 3 3 3 |
| 4)* * * * * * * * * * | | 4)o o o o o o * * * * |
| 5)* 3 * * 3 * * * * * | | 5)o o o o o o * 3 3 3 |
| 6)* 3 * * 3 * * 2 * 1 | | 6)o o o o o * * * * * |
| 7)* 3 * * 3 * * 2 * * | | 7)o o o o o * 1 * 2 2 |
| 8)* * * * * * * * * * | | 8)o o o o o * * * * * |
| 9)* 2 2 * * 1 * * 1 * | | 9)* * * * * * * 2 * 2 |
| 0)* * * * * * * * * * | | 0)1 * 1 * * 1 * 2 * 2 |
|————| |————|

As you can see, in arrangement 1 there is only one zero left! While in arrangement 2 there are 43 of them.
Why is it bad that there is only one zero left, you ask? Imagine that your battleship and three rubles were shot down!
If you placed your ships according to the first strategy, then you will lose 48 cells (10 cells from the ships and 38 cells adjacent to them!)! And by placing your ships according to strategy two, you will lose only 26 cells! Almost twice as much! Now imagine that all your ships are hit and there is only one one-room apartment left (which, by the way, happens VERY often). When placing 1, you will have a MAXIMUM of 6 cells left! That is, with 6 shots the enemy will 100% kill you! But when playing 2 on your own, you will still have a lot of free, unoccupied cells. And the enemy will spend more than one move to win. Of course, of course, everything is not so perfect, and the enemy will immediately see through your strategy with such an arrangement! Therefore, we are looking for a golden mean, but with a bias towards the second arrangement! Yes, this is the golden mean! Or rather its sample.

As you can see, the gorables are located in one corner here! Thus, leaving the second half completely empty! Now we take and move some two ships (preferably one-room ships) to an empty corner! Even if the enemy kills all your ships, he will be looking for your last one-room ships for a very long time! And you will have time to kill him five times.

In the sea the battle Probably everyone played - even in those days when there were no computer and electronic games, you could use an ordinary notebook sheet and a pen to play sea battle with relatives or friends. It would seem that wins and losses in this game are distributed randomly, but in reality there is a strategy of consecutive shots that will allow you to win much more often than usual.


1. In the game “Sea Battle” you place ten ships on your playing field - a four-deck, two three-deck, three two-deck and four single-deck ships.

2. It is more profitable for everyone to place all the ships, in addition to the four single-deck ones, along the edges of the field vertically and horizontally.

3. Place single-deck ships randomly in any free cells of the field - this will make it difficult for the enemy to find them and give you a chance to gain time for victory, because your enemy will find multi-deck ships located along the edges of the field quite quickly. The reason for this is that the playing field consists of 100 squares, while six ships will occupy 16 squares of them.

4. By placing ships at the edges of the field, you will make only a few cells around them inactive when they are defeated, while placing a three-decker ship in the center of the field will immediately make 12 inactive cells around it inactive, which means it will narrow the search for new ships for the enemy.

5. The more energetic cells the enemy has left for shots, the greater your chances of knocking out his ships with a successful hit.

6. It’s also true that if you place a four-deck ship in the center of the field, you lose as many as 14 empty cells around it. If you place the ship at the edge of the field, you will lose 8 squares each. Thus, if you add up all the inactive cells remaining from the ships located along the edges, you will get a fairly large gain in time and in the number of free fields for the enemy.

7. In order to win with virtually one hundred percent probability, when starting the game, shoot at the center of the enemy field. This way you will realize whether he has placed his ships in the center of the field or is adhering to your tactics.

8. Play in stages - if you hit a ship, go down each deck until the ship is sunk. Then proceed to search for another ship.

9. At the very end, step by step, starting from the remaining cells, look for single-deck enemy ships.

Sea battle is a fairly simple game, but due to the fact that you cannot see your opponent’s ships, winning the battle can sometimes be quite difficult. Although you'll need to take a few random shots before you hit the first hit, being strategic about your shooting can increase your chances of winning. Also, the probability of victory can be increased by thoughtful placement of ships, which will confuse your opponent.


Maximizing hits on enemy ships

    Shoot the center of the playing field. Statistically, the first shot is more likely to hit a ship if you aim at the center of the playing field.

    • The central four-by-four-square area of ​​the playing field is likely to contain a four- or three-decker ship.
  1. To increase the chances of hitting an enemy ship, fire at the playing field in parallel lines. Imagine a playing field in the form of a chessboard, where half the squares are dark and half are light. Each large ship, starting from a double-decker, will occupy at least two cells of the playing field, one of which will necessarily be dark. Thus, if you randomly fire at only even or only odd numbered squares, you will reduce the number of possible shots before hitting the ship.

    • Once your shot hits an enemy ship, you will stop random fire and begin targeting the ship.
    • To avoid confusion with the dark and light squares of the game board, imagine that the diagonal line running from its top left to bottom right corner is made up of dark squares. And the diagonal from the upper right to the lower left corner consists of light squares. This will serve as a guide for you precise definition the colors of the squares you are going to shoot at.
  2. After two misses in one area, proceed to shelling the next area. If you miss twice in one place of the playing field, try your luck in another area. In such a situation, the probability of missing again will be less if you cover large area, and will not continue to fire at the unsuccessful area.

Targeted attacks after the first hit on a ship

    Reduce the area of ​​fire after hitting the ship. After the first hit, you need to reduce the area of ​​fire to the nearest cells horizontally and vertically around the successful shot. If the ship wasn't single decked and sunk with the first shot, you'll need a few extra shots to sink it.

    Shoot the area around the successful shot. Shoot the nearest cell above, below, to the right or to the left of a successful shot to continue shelling the ship. If the next shot on one side misses, shoot in the opposite direction next time. Keep shooting until you completely destroy the enemy ship. You will learn about this from the enemy himself, since he will have to announce that his ship was sunk.

    To sink some more more ships enemy, repeat everything from the very beginning. After the first ship is sunk, you'll have to go back to randomly strafing the board (or the center of it) to find the next ship. Then repeat the targeted attack around the hit point until the next ship goes down. This approach to the game allows you to reduce the number of moves it takes to sink all enemy ships and win the game.

Correct placement of your own ships to minimize possible damage

    Do not place ships close to each other. If the ships touch, the enemy can sink two ships at once. To reduce the opponent’s chances of quickly finding another ship after destroying the first one, you need to place the ships at a distance from each other so that they do not touch (this is required by the classic rules of the game of naval battle). Between all your ships there should be a gap in one or two cells of the playing field, so that it is more difficult for the enemy to find them.

  1. Try placing the ships close to each other. Despite the fact that the placement of touching ships is prohibited by the classical rules of the game, in the variable rules it is allowed and can even serve as a kind of strategy. By placing two touching ships along the same line, you can confuse the enemy so that he does not understand what type of ship he sunk.

    • Remember that keeping your ships close can either work to your advantage or be a risky undertaking, as it can lead to the enemy accidentally discovering your other ships.

That's it - even in those days when there were no computer and electronic games, you could use an ordinary notebook sheet and a pen to play sea battle with relatives or friends. It would seem that the wins and losses in this game are distributed randomly, but in reality there is a consecutive shot tactic that will allow you to win much more often than usual.


In the game “Sea Battle” you place ten ships on your playing field - a four-deck, two three-deck, three two-deck and four single-deck ships.

It is most advantageous to place all ships, except four single-deck ones, along the edges of the field vertically and horizontally.

Place single-deck ships randomly in any free cells of the field - this will make it difficult for the enemy to find them and give you the opportunity to gain time for victory, since your enemy will find multi-deck ships located along the edges of the field quite quickly. The reason for this is that the playing field consists of 100 squares, while six ships will occupy 16 squares of them.

By placing ships at the edges of the field, you will make only a few cells around inactive when they are defeated, while placing a three-decker ship in the center of the field will immediately make 12 inactive cells around it inactive, which means that it will narrow down the search for new ships for the enemy.

The more active cells for shots the enemy has, the more opportunities you have to knock out his ships with a successful hit.

Likewise, if you place a four-decker ship in the center of the field, you lose as many as 14 empty cells around it. If you place the ship on the edge of the field, you will lose only 8 cells. Thus, if you add up all the inactive cells remaining from the ships located along the edges, you will get a fairly large gain in time and in the number of free fields for the enemy.

To win with almost one hundred percent probability, when you start the game, shoot at the center of the enemy field. This way you will understand whether he has placed his ships in the center of the field, or is adhering to your tactics.

Play sequentially - if you hit a ship, go along all its decks until the ship is sunk. Then proceed to search for another ship.

At the very end, sequentially, based on the remaining cells, look for single-deck enemy ships.

Attention, TODAY only!
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