A “how to set goals” strategy that will allow you to always get what you want. Correct goal setting, or How to conquer everything

The ideal model for goal setting is SMART. This is an abbreviation for English words Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timed. They mean that our goal should be:

Specific. It is clearly stated what result needs to be achieved;
Measurable. There are criteria showing the completeness of the goal;
Achievable. When you really assess your capabilities, you conclude that you can achieve it;
Realistic. Someone else besides you can achieve it;
Determined by time. There must be time limits for achieving the goal;

To achieve the goal, it is necessary, first of all, to perform decomposition, that is, breaking it down into smaller subgoals. Even if your task is not very large, it can still be broken down into smaller components that will make it easier to achieve results.

It is necessary to consider which of the small goals can be delegated and write down a number of people who will be responsible for this task.

Sort tasks by priority. Try to start fulfilling the most important goals, and then move on to more minor ones, this will allow you not to miss the main thing.

Constantly monitor the process, keep records and measure efficiency, then getting results will not take long.

Your goals will come true faster and more accurately if you learn to set them correctly for yourself. Knowing what you want is not enough. It is necessary to detail your request to the universe.


Decide which area of ​​your life needs improvement the most. Of course, you can set several goals at the same time and achieve them in parallel, but it will be easier to start with one thing, the main one. Think about what least satisfies you at the moment, for example, your level of well-being, professional growth, relationships with the opposite sex, health, appearance or something different. Now you should understand what task to set for yourself in order to improve the state of your affairs.

Remember that your goal should be quite bold, but realistic. Don’t be afraid to aim for something bigger, don’t be modest, but don’t wish for the impossible. Life goals are meant to be achieved, not so that you have a dream throughout your entire existence. If you find it difficult to determine the threshold where your real opportunities and fantasy begins, turn to your past experience. Nobody knows you better than yourself. You can also read the relevant statistics on the Internet or study specialized literature.

Keep in mind that your goal must be very specific. Vague definitions only push you further away from the day when your plans will come true. If your success in a future endeavor can be measured in some way, set specific numbers as the bar. In addition, you need to decide on a date when you can expect the task to be completed. The absence of a deadline set for yourself will not allow you to know whether the desired result has been achieved. If there are any nuances that need to be clarified, do so. Your goal should be clear and precise.

Break your big goal down into smaller tasks. Taking things step by step will make it easier for you to track your progress. Success during each period should be as easily defined in numbers, dates or some other parameters as overall result. As a last resort, you can adjust your goal, because the possibility of unforeseen situations has not been canceled. Be sure to reward yourself after completing each stage. Even if it did not go entirely smoothly and was not one hundred percent successful, you need self-support for further achievements.

Believe that everything will work out for you. Self-confidence will help you direct all your internal resources to achieve your goal. If you are pre-set for failure, there is no point in starting anything at all. Remember how your life will change after the end of this difficult journey. You yourself will also become better, stronger, wiser. A person who has achieved his plans increases his self-esteem and self-confidence. Don't forget that you will acquire additional skills, experience, and abilities.

Video on the topic

A person’s life is a movement towards set goals, as a result of which it becomes rich and meaningful. It is necessary to cultivate a new habit - to act until the result is achieved.


Create desire. A truly genuine, powerful desire. Motivation will arise that will help overcome inertia and fear, and will encourage action, helping to overcome any obstacles.

Develop a belief. It is very important to believe that your goal is realistic and achievable. In order not to lose confidence and not be disappointed, you need to set only realistic goals for yourself. Decide where you are now and where you want to go as a result of your plan. Don't doubt your capabilities.

Write down your goal, thereby giving your desire a clear form. Otherwise, they will remain only your fantasies.

Make a list of all the reasons for achieving your goal. They should encourage and inspire you. And the longer this list is, the greater the motivation will be created to overcome all the obstacles along the way.

Each of us dreams that his most cherished desires will always come true. But first of all, for this to happen, the dream must become the main goal, and not a flight of fancy. In order to achieve good result, the first thing you need to understand is how to transform a desire into a feasible idea.

To do this, consider the main differences between a desire and a real idea:

  1. Desire is characterized by a certain general awareness of what a person wants to receive. The goal has the specific form of an object, object or event.
  2. A desire is expressed by vague outlines of how it can be realized. Goals take clear, deliberate steps to achieve them.
  3. Desire does not always answer the question of why I need it. A goal is always motivated by the result that awaits you.

Correct formulation of the task increases the chances of obtaining the expected result. Therefore, goal setting should take into account the following rules:

  1. Exact wording. By expressing your wishes accurately and clearly, it immediately becomes obvious what and how to do to achieve required result.
  2. Conceived plans must become concrete “objects” that can be seen and perceived by touch. To do this, you need to write down your wishes on paper or depict them in pictures.
  3. Ideas should be real, not fantastic.
  4. We need to dream more globally. After the implementation of small plans, it is necessary to set more global goals.
  5. Temporary restrictions. When setting a goal, it is necessary to indicate exactly by what point in time in life it should be fulfilled. Abstract concepts reduce the chances of a positive outcome.
  6. Replacing dreams with actions. To achieve your goals, you need to take real action. Talk less and do more.

When setting global goals and objectives, it is important to have a planning strategy. One type of such strategy is the goal matrix, which is structured in four categories: acquisition, conservation, avoidance and elimination. With its help, the necessary goals are visualized, as well as an analysis of which tasks still need to be completed, which ones to avoid, which ones to save, and which ones to completely eliminate.

Of course, achieving goals depends on the environment in which we find ourselves and the people with whom we communicate. But the main key to success is still the individual knowledge, skills and abilities of each person, which will allow you to achieve your goals at the highest possible level.

Books on how to set goals correctly

Often we don’t know where to start setting a goal, how to implement it, and what to do so that the steps we take are productive and have a positive outcome. Various trainings, marathons and, of course, book publications will help solve this problem.

A marathon to achieve goals is an event that is conducted by people with special education. Its essence lies in the fact that a person defines plans for himself and undertakes to bring them to life according to the developed scheme within the agreed time of the marathon (for example, 100 days). At the same time, a constant report is kept on the implementation of planned tasks and the effectiveness of their solution.

The training is a system of working with a trainer to set and plan a goal, choose a method for achieving it, and analyze specific actions.

Books are the most accessible source of information on the methods of correct goal setting. Let's look at the most popular publications in this area:

  1. Living a Purposeful Life by Canfield J. It describes the key skills that help make goal setting a habit.
  2. The book “Focus” by Stephen Coley and Steve Jones talks about how to learn how to plan and set priorities correctly, as well as how to focus your attention on them in a timely manner.
  3. The book “Achieving Goals” by M. Atkinson and T. Choice talks about how to learn to unlock your inner potential by defining values ​​in life.
  4. Jay Elliott published a book called “Steve Jobs. Leadership Lessons,” which describes what helped Jobs become so successful early age achieve success and become one of the richest people in the world.
  5. Seth Godin "Try and it will work." The book talks about where to start when bringing your ideas to life. The publication provides specific instructions and recipes for success.

To become successful in business and be able to plan family budget, you need to know the basics of proper financial goal setting. A financial goal is an achieved result that must be measured by something. Therefore, you need to formulate your ideas in financial or material terms. An example of an incorrect intention is “I want to be rich and successful.” This is an abstract concept that, in principle, cannot be measured by anything.

The following rules will help you achieve your final goal:

  1. One main task instead of several secondary ones. It is better to set one task for yourself, complete it, and then move on to another. Otherwise, a lot of effort will be spent without results.
  2. Determine deadlines. It takes more time to implement a large, global goal than smaller plans.
  3. Long-term goals need to be broken down into stages. This helps study progress and renew motivation. Stages represent an algorithm for performing certain actions in a certain time period.
  4. Adjusting assigned tasks instead of completely canceling them when circumstances change.
  5. Maintaining a continuous report on the actions performed and the results obtained.
  6. Developing financial habits. To do this, an action plan is drawn up that must be followed.

You need to implement your ideas and plans gradually, starting with the smallest. Determine what is your priority this moment and start making it happen. Even completing a small task is considered a success. This means that we can move on and move on to the implementation of more global plans.

When you realize what you want, don't stop, dig even deeper. Is this your goal? Is this what you want? Maybe your mother wants this, the environment or other other people’s voices are imposing theirs?

Are you sure you really want this? Choosing and correctly setting a goal is half the battle and the basis for a successful outcome. Let's look at the criteria for correctness.


It is not enough to set the goal “apartment”. It is necessary to describe the nuances in as much detail as possible, otherwise discrepancies are possible. An apartment seems to have appeared, there is a place to live, but it is not yours, you cannot dispose of it as you please. This apartment is the wrong size, in the wrong city, it’s not an apartment, but a room in a communal apartment. Has the goal been achieved? Yes. Is this what you wanted? No.

Wrong target: apartment.

Correct goal: three-room apartment without encumbrances in the center of Moscow in my ownership.


Let's say your goal is to become a popular blogger. Thanks to social networks, there is a simple and concrete sign of popularity - a large number of subscribers. If you find it difficult to determine this figure for yourself, look at how many subscribers the person you consider popular has, and use this number as a guide.

Wrong target: I want to be popular.

Correct goal: 5,000 followers on Facebook.


As one boss said, ask the impossible, you will get the maximum. Set yourself ambitious goals, wish in your heart to jump above your head, believe in yourself, and then land and take into account objective reality. There is no point in setting yourself the goal of growing a third arm.

Wrong target: I want people not to get cancer.

Correct goal: employment with a cancer organization.


Ask yourself the question “Why?” Repeat until you come to an answer like “This will make me happy,” “I will feel fulfilled,” “I will be fulfilled as...”. Ultimately, most human desires come down to these simple things. Therefore, it is not recommended to set a goal of a certain amount of money. Money is not a goal, it is a means to achieve something that will bring joy, benefit, and happiness.

Wrong target: I want a lot of money to buy a yacht.

Correct goal: yacht.


The deadline is a necessary parameter to achieve the goal. Without buoys, the sea of ​​time seems endless, but suddenly life passes. An approaching deadline stimulates acceleration and will help correlate current progress with the remaining time.

Wrong target: I want to learn to draw.

Sign of goal achievement

By what sign will we understand that the goal of “getting married” has been achieved? will appear official document, confirming this is a marriage certificate. I’ll say a seditious thought, but in achieving a goal we move rather not towards the goal itself, but towards a sign of its achievement. Without a sign of achievement, the goal ceases to be specific. It's not enough to want your own car. The car becomes mine the moment my name is entered into the vehicle passport.

Incorrect sign: Dodge brand car.

Correct sign: PTS for a Dodge car.

Tools for achieving goals


Register key milestones in order from last to first. The question “What is needed to..?” will help with this. Determine the approximate deadlines for each stage so that you can check the plan later.


Goal: October 2019 - housewarming in my own house, which I will build.

  • What do you need to celebrate a housewarming in the house that I will build? Interior decoration (September 2019).
  • What is needed for interior decoration to appear? Bring up communications (May 2018).
  • What is needed to carry out communications? Cover the roof (April 2018).
  • What does it take to cover a roof? Build walls (March 2018).
  • Lay the foundation (September 2017).
  • Select a construction contractor (June 2017).
  • Order a project (April 2017).
  • Find an architect (tomorrow).

So we come to the first step: write a post on social networks tomorrow and ask to recommend an architect.

Action every day

Take at least one action every day to achieve your goal. Even if you only have enough energy for one microtask, let it be done: curtains, call the architect and discuss the date of the meeting.

Creating an Environment

Fill the air. Subscribe to thematic resources, meet and communicate with experts and experienced people, read, watch. This contributes to the accumulation of knowledge and helps not to forget about the goal.

It is ideal if loved ones support, encourage, and help. Specialists and experienced people can also provide moral support, not limited to just expertise.


A method for those who do not deny that thought is material. Put yourself in the image you want. This could be a visualization of the goal: someone draws a goal, someone makes collages from their photographs and photographs of the goal. Someone practices the principle “Live as if you have achieved it”, models and cultivates the feeling that you have what you want.

What to do if the goal is achieved or not achieved

Regardless of the result, analyze it. What hindered you in achieving your goal, what helped? What inspired you, what provoked procrastination? What should you consider or improve next time?

Analysis and adjustment:

  • The goal was not achieved within the desired period. Review the deadlines and adjust them in accordance with the input data.
  • The goal is irrelevant. Interests, values ​​may have changed, life situation. Adjust the goal or abandon it.
  • The goal is relevant, but priorities have changed. Life has made adjustments to plans; other issues require attention. Review the goal and timeline.

Don’t regret, don’t criticize yourself, analyze, look for cause-and-effect relationships, draw conclusions. Accept a situation that cannot be changed. It will be easier if you give your all along the way and enjoy the process. Even if things didn't work out, at least you had a great time. What's next on the list?

Today we will tell you how to set a goal correctly.

Target. What is this?

The goal is final result, to to which you are striving for. Most often, a goal stems from a dream or inspiration. desires. But inspiration alone is not enough, you also need work.

You can say this:goal = desire + conscious decision to act.

Having set a goal, determine the tasks with the help of which you will achieve your plan.

The goal answers the question “WHAT needs to be done?”, the tasks tell you HOW to achieve the desired result.

For example, you wanted to learn English language. Formulate a goal (to master basic level language in 1 year), make a decision and sign up for language courses.

The goal must be written down. How to do this correctly - see ourvideo:

How to set goals correctly

Check your goal against SMART criteria

To achieve the desired result, you can use different methods. The most universal is SMART technology. This is an acronym and it translates as “smart”. For over 60 years, people have achieved success using SMART technology. It includes 5 criteria that a properly set goal must meet.

Specificity (S)

No “lose weight” or “learn”. Be specific: “My weight is 65 kg”, “Win ​​by at least 10 chess games" By being specific, you will see your intermediate successes. For example, reducing weight from 80 kg to 71 will motivate you to work further, because there is less than half of the way to the goal.

How high do you set the bar for yourself? At what level do you want to master a skill or learn information? For example, it is enough for Mikhail to learn to play simple courtyard songs in three chords on the guitar, and Oksana strives to participate in international competitions.

Three levels of information and skills

Level 1. Basic.Josh Kaufman, author of The First 20 Hours. How to learn anything” speaks of the principle of sufficiency. The principle implies mastering a skill at a level sufficient for the activity to simply bring you satisfaction.

Level 2. Intermediate.You operate with basic concepts, do not need ready-made templates, and can even advise others.

Level 3. High.You know about all the subtleties and tricks of the subject you are studying. Other people point to you as an authoritative source and look to you as an example.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re improving your guitar skills or mastering how to create websites, there are differences in skill levels everywhere. Before setting a goal, determine what kind of result will suit you.

« When a person does not know which pier he is heading towards, no wind will be favorable for him »


Measurability (M)

Formulate your goal with numbers:

terms, volume, percentage, ratio, time

Any work implies the presence of a result. SmartProgress has a Completion Criteria option. By filling out this line, you will formulate for yourself what you need to achieve. How to determine that the goal has been achieved? Learned 100 English words, read 60 books, earned 800 thousand rubles.

Reachability (A)

Think about whether your goal is realistically achievable

Sometimes it’s enough just to use logic - you’re unlikely to vacation in Thailand if you have a pathological fear of airplanes.

When checking the goal against this criterion, take inventory of resources. This is time, knowledge, skills, money, helpful information, dating, experience. You already have some of this, but you still need to get some. SmartProgress has a “Personal Resources” field that will help you think again about what will help you achieve your goal.

Relevance (R)

The goal must be related to other goals and not contradict them

This criterion is also called environmental friendliness of the goal in the sense of “carefully for what already exists.”

How much does a new goal help or at least not interfere with existing ones?

Environmental friendliness can be internal and external. Internal refers to your aspirations, values, beliefs. External environmental friendliness is the relationship between new and old goals.

For example, you want to become the head of a department, but for this you need to travel frequently on business trips. And one of your goals is to spend more time with your family. Here the two goals conflict and cannot be considered environmentally friendly.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • How does your new goal compare to your old goals, desires, lifestyle, expectations?
  • Is this the result you want to achieve by setting this goal?
  • Is it worth the effort?
  • Why and for what purpose do you want to achieve this goal?

Timed (T)

Set a deadline for achieving your goal

Clearly set deadlines motivate you to work more actively. It's easy to look back to see how far you've come and how much you still have to go. Parkinson's Law states: “Every job increases in volume to fill all the time available for it.” Therefore, if a goal does not have a deadline, you are unlikely to get around to achieving it.

Are you afraid of being disappointed and not achieving your goal in the allotted time? Then set the deadline a little further than required.

Example of a SMART goal

S (specific)— Play the acoustic guitar: correctly place the main chords, use fingerpicking and different types battle.

M (measurable)— play 10 songs by the groups Spleen, Basta, Gradusy.

A (reachable)- have a guitar, tutorials on the Internet, time, money for lessons in the studio or with a tutor.

R (relevant)— I want to perform at a bard song competition, and also be successful with girls.

T (time limited)— July 2017.

Why does this technology work?

  • You audit all resources and evaluate whether the goal is achievable.

It happens that one gives up and emotions say: “Oh, that’s it. I can not do it". Don't give in to your feelings, use logic: you have everything you need to get to the end. And if there are no resources, then you know where to get them.

  • You can clearly see the end result.

If biathletes didn’t see their target, how would they shoot? A specifically formulated goal helps you understand whether you are going in the right direction and how close you are to the goal.

  • Set tasks more effectively on the way to your goal.

Knowing what, where and when you want to get it makes it easier to achieve what you want. You have assessed your resources, checked the relevance of the goal - now you can continue on your way.

To move quickly and efficiently, you need to carefully plan your actions.

Plan and work

Knowing WHAT you want to achieve, it is easier to determine HOW to achieve it. If the goal is complex or long-term (create your own business in the IT industry, buy an apartment without taking out a mortgage), then your action plan will be more extensive. Don't be alarmed. We will tell you about 2 ways to go towards your huge goal in ourvideo.

  1. By time. Set yourself milestones. What should I achieve in a year? What should I be like in 2 years? What should I know, be able to do?
  2. Make a list of everything you need to do to achieve your goal. Get an education, study the market sector, analyze the achievements of competitors, reach first the local, then the regional level - the more detailed the actions are, the more effective the work will be.

Supplement your main goal with healthy habits

A habit is an automated action that we constantly feel the need to perform. We automatically do exercises, drink coffee in the morning, and check email when we come to work. And if something disrupts the course of events, we begin to get nervous.

Habits help save internal energy for solving more important and complex tasks. There is no longer any need to waste time and energy thinking about whether to do exercises now. You just go and do what needs to be done without thinking. Therefore, it is important to form good habits. They make our lives easier and have a positive impact on our work.

Watch your thoughts - they become words.

Watch your words - they become actions.

Watch your actions - they become habits.

Watch your habits - they become character.

Watch your character - it determines your destiny.

O. Khayyam

On the SmartProgress service you can set not only a regular goal, but also a habit goal. This will help form and consolidate daily repetitive actions: jogging in the morning, reading books, walking, getting up early. If you decide to give up something, then in this case the habit goal will work. Regularity is important when forming a habit. That's why a habit goal doesn't take a vacation. Running in the morning every other day or taking a break from sports on holidays will not achieve the desired result.

For example, in your SmartProgress profile you set a habit goal to “get up early.” Your job is to check in with your goal after completing your daily action.

For five days you conscientiously celebrated your achievements, but you missed the sixth day. A red cross (failure) appears in the habit goal and you have to start your journey again.

Once you place the final checkmark on your goal, it will automatically complete. Write a conclusion, note the difficulties and successes of forming this goal. And start a new one! As Lao Tzu said, “A journey of 1000 li begins with the first step.”

Right now

  1. Think about which goal is most relevant to you today. Is this a habit goal or does it require relatively more preparation?
  2. Formulate the goal in accordance with SMART criteria. It must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.
  3. Choose how you plan your actions: chronologically or to-do list.
  4. Create a goal for SmartProgress and write down your plan to achieve your goal there.
  5. Start implementing the plan.

Sometimes people set goals incorrectly. Because of this, they become disillusioned and feel unable to achieve greater heights. But EVERYONE can set goals and achieve what they want. We, members of the SmartProgress team, support you and wish you success in achieving your goal!

All successful people know how to set goals and achieve results. Read about the basic rules for setting goals and achieving results that will help you make your dream come true.

Making dreams come true consists of 2 stages: correct goal setting and efficient process achieving results. First of all, let’s look at how to set a goal correctly.

Why you need to be able to set goals correctly

  • make your dreams come true;
  • correctly distribute energy and time;
  • motivate yourself on the way to results;

When you have set a clear goal for yourself, your actions become as effective as possible, because... completely subordinated specific idea. A correctly set goal will not only show you the simplest and most effective path to achieving results, but will also give you the necessary motivation when the desire to work leaves you.

The ability to set goals correctly is a habit

Some successful people have dedicated their lives to the study of achieving goals effectively. Brian Tracy, the author of more than 70 books on self-development, paid a lot of attention to the study of this art. Of the Russian writers, Gleb Arkhangelsky, the author of the book “Time Drive,” especially stands out. Each of them came to the conclusion that the ability to correctly set goals and achieve them is a habit that can and should be developed. We will touch on some of the thoughts of these authors in this article, but to a greater extent the article will be based on mine personal experience to achieve goals. Writing this article is also a small goal, a step towards achieving a more global goal - creating a useful Internet site for self-development. And the fact that you are now reading this article suggests that the result has been achieved quite well. Here we go?

How to set a goal: 5 rules

In total, I have identified 5 basic rules that affect the quality of the goal. If you follow each of them, you will be able to formulate a correct and motivating goal with which you will undoubtedly be able to achieve results. Let's begin.

The goal must be in writing

A verbally stated goal is just a thought. Only a specific formulation written down on paper is a real commitment to oneself. A written statement of a goal presupposes the presence of some convenient tool to record it. There are 2 convenient tools for formulating goals:

  1. Diary

The most effective and convenient tool. People who use a diary do business much more effectively than those who neglect it. A diary is convenient because goals can be formulated for the year, month, week and day and you can always have it at hand. At the same time, short-term goals (for example, a plan for the day) should always be based on long-term ones (goals for the year).

  1. Vision board

This is a small board with the ability to draw and erase, which is hung in a visible place at home or at work. For daily planning it is not suitable for tasks, but for formulating global goals, for example, for the coming year, it is an ideal option.

For myself, I chose a diary.

The right goal should be as specific as possible

One of the reasons many people don't achieve their goals is that they aren't specific enough. Because of this, it is not clear whether you are getting closer to your goal or how far you have come. Let's look at the example of losing weight.

Bad wording: lose weight

Good formulation: lose 10 kg in 10 months, losing 1 kg monthly, by November 1, 2018;

The more specific the goal, the more clearly you can imagine the end result in your head, which means you can effectively motivate yourself.

The goal must be measurable

A measurable goal should be as detailed as possible. It must indicate the period during which you plan to achieve this goal. If the deadline for achieving the goal is not set, then you give the brain an instruction: there is no hurry, and therefore it is not necessary to make every effort to achieve the goal.

The deadline does not have to be set exactly the first time. It may be subject to adjustment, becoming shorter or longer. Just evaluate your strengths right away - not an easy task, but in the process of work it will become clearer to you.

The goal should be divided into as many subtasks as possible

This is especially true for global goals, which may take more than one year to achieve. Gleb Arkhangelsky voiced a very good association on this issue. He compared a big goal to an elephant, and the process of achieving a result to eating an elephant. Eating a whole elephant seems like an impossible task, but if you divide the elephant into small pieces - “steaks”, and eat them gradually, you will soon see that your impossible task has been completed in many small steps.

The goal must be achievable

You should not set yourself impossible tasks - they greatly weaken motivation on the way to the result. You must constantly see progress and realize that you are getting closer to your goal. Therefore, first of all, you need to assess your strengths and decide what result is truly achievable for you.

The goal should inspire

Even just the wording itself that you compose should make you want to make efforts to achieve results. Closing your eyes and seeing yourself having achieved your goal, you should literally be filled with strength and inspiration. And remembering about her early in the morning, when you don’t want to get up, you fly out of bed.

To make your goal inspire you as much as possible, do a simple exercise. Take a piece of paper and write down the 10 most desirable changes that achieving your goal can bring to your life.

An example of a well-set goal

Let’s take for example a goal: buying a car.

If this is your cherished dream, then you should choose which car model can inspire you to heroic deeds. For example, Chevrolet Lanos.

I am buying a black Chevrolet Lanos on June 30, 2020 at a price of 180,000 rubles.

To do this, I need to save 5 thousand rubles every month for the next 3 years, which I will put into a special bank account, with interest accruing.

When I buy a car, I will realize my dream of car travel, I will be able to travel to work in comfort, I will get rid of the need to travel by public transport, I will listen to my favorite music loudly, I will be able to drive around an empty city at night late at night, go out onto an endless highway and drive , drive, drive...

Let's move on to the next stage.

How to achieve results: 5 rules

Even the most correct and inspiring goal will not be achieved if it is not supported by action. Once the goal is correctly formulated, it is necessary to move on to the most critical stage - the process of achieving the result.

The first thing you will encounter is a lot of fears in your head, most often fictitious. Let's look at the 3 most popular fears and how to deal with them:

Work with fears

  1. I won't succeed

A very common thought, and extremely harmful. Take a look around. Look at the incredible results those around you achieve: they create a million-dollar business, become screen stars, popular performers. Imagine that one day one of them would say to themselves - I won’t succeed. It would have stopped him and he wouldn't have even tried. Who would he be now? You don’t want to deprive yourself of future victories, success and achievements, simply because you are afraid of defeat?

In fact, It's not defeat you need to be afraid of. In any case, it will be experience, practice, effort. But what you really have to be afraid of is not even trying. Drive this fear out of your head, and constantly repeat to yourself - “I can do it!” Soon you will believe it yourself and achieve results that you only dreamed of before.

2. The goal is unattainable

You need to figure out why you think this way. If no one has achieved such a goal before you, then be the first. Many people were once the first in something, and this did not stop them.

And if someone has already achieved a similar result (especially if many), then you have every chance. You are no worse. Most likely even better. Now you are working on yourself, reading useful material. And this speaks of your determination. You simply cannot fail. I believe in you!

3. It's too late

A dangerous and very destructive thought. I liked to tell myself that too. When I was a student, this exact thought stopped me from achieving important goal. And after many years, I finally returned to my goal and began to work towards achieving it. And I have already achieved good results. It turned out that even after many, many years it was not too late, and after many more years it would not have been too late. But then, when I was at university, it was the perfect time. It's a pity that I didn't understand this then.

If you now give up on achieving your goal, because... It seems to you that it’s “too late,” but many years later you will be very sorry and realize that it was “the right time.” Believe me.

To achieve results - take action

The key to successfully achieving results is constant movement forward. Have you broken your goal into many subtasks? You need to take a step towards your goal every day, no matter how small. But be sure to do it. If you don’t have the strength, or you want to put it off until tomorrow, remember that the same thing will happen again tomorrow.

Think about this.

If you write only 1 page a day, then in a year you will write a book.

If you save 100 rubles every day, by the end of the year you will have 36,500 rubles.

If you do 100 push-ups every day, you will do 36,500 push-ups in a year.

Thinking about this, you realize what enormous power constants have, even if small steps to achieve your goal, and what great results can be achieved through small but regular actions.

Control the achieved result

Your constant companion in achieving results is tracking progress. If you decide to use a diary, then it would be correct to report to yourself every day about what results you have achieved.

Such reports help you not only see progress, but also feel responsible to yourself if you have been slacking. Are you really ready to accept what you have today and give up your dreams? I'm sure not. Report to yourself every night, analyze your mistakes and think about what you can do better.

Get inspired by success stories

That's very important point– there will probably be people who have already achieved the result you are striving for. Find their success stories - these could be books, personal blogs, forum posts. Stories of people who have conquered the peak you are striving for will not only inspire you, give you the opportunity to gain experience and valuable knowledge; learn about the mistakes they made and avoid making them yourself.

That's all, friends! Believe in yourself and you will succeed!