How many days does a cat's pregnancy last on average? Features of pregnancy in cats. How does a cat give birth?

The mystery of birth always attracts attention and evokes emotions. They can be positive when the cat’s pregnancy is planned and purebred babies are expected to be born, or not very positive if the pet “fed” the offspring with the yard Romeo. In any case, the owner is responsible for his pets, therefore, he must help the cat give birth to healthy offspring. However, childbirth is preceded by a period of pregnancy, during which the furry pet requires special attention and care.

Cats are secretive animals, distrustful and unwilling to demonstrate their interesting situation, therefore on early stages It is very difficult to determine pregnancy with high accuracy. Until the beginning of the third week, one can guess about it only by external manifestations and behavioral abnormalities, namely:

  • loss of appetite;
  • morning urge to vomit;
  • increasing sleep duration;
  • swelling and redness of the nipples (more often in those giving birth for the first time);
  • irritable attitude towards the opposite sex.

Pregnant cat becomes more sleepy

Symptoms may not appear in all individuals or in their entirety. By the end of the third week (21-25 days) after mating, an experienced veterinarian will confirm the diagnosis by palpating the abdomen. This procedure can only be carried out by a specialist, since careless actions and touches can result in injury to the fetus.

For a more accurate diagnosis, ultrasound is used. This is an effective and reliable method that has been used since the beginning of the third week.

Another way to determine the presence of embryos in the uterus is to check the level of relaxin in the animal’s blood. Relaxin is produced by the placenta. His increased performance Confirms the diagnosis with high accuracy. In veterinary pharmacies today you can purchase express tests, with which you can accurately determine the level of the hormone, but they are not yet available everywhere and not always.

Approximately 40 days after mating, a skeleton is formed in the fetus and diagnosis can be made using x-rays. Near the end of the term x-ray Each fruit is clearly visible, the number of which is determined with an accuracy of 100%.

From the moment of conception to the birth of a cat's offspring, on average, 9 weeks pass. Factors such as breed, age, and the number of kittens in the litter can influence the gestational age, changing it up or down.

For example, long-haired representatives bear offspring from 62 to 72 days, short-haired ones - from 58 to 68, and the Siamese breed is known for the longest gestation period.

With a large litter, labor may begin earlier. Nervous stress in the last stages can delay childbirth. To understand the needs of the cat’s body at the main stages of pregnancy, and ensure its comfortable course, the entire period can be roughly divided into periods:

  • 1st period (1-3 weeks). During the day after mating, fertilized eggs reach the uterus and are fixed there in their places (sex depends on the place of attachment). In the first week, the formation of the fertilized egg with the embryo is completed. By the end of the second, the embryos grow to 10 mm, and on the third, formation begins internal organs, paws appear. There are no significant changes in the character of the animal. Possible improvement in appetite.
  • 2nd period (4 weeks). The embryos continue to develop organs, which causes a hormonal surge in the mother. Vomiting, symptoms of toxicosis appear, and temporary refusal to eat is possible. Nausea and vomiting usually go away within a few days. The abdomen becomes denser, and the nipples swell and become brightly colored.
  • 3rd period (5th week). The embryos take on the external shape of kittens and turn into fruits. The formation of the skeleton, muscles, and body systems is underway. The abdomen becomes round and the veterinarian, after palpation, can determine the approximate number of babies.
  • 4th period (5-6 weeks). Kittens develop a brain, hormonal systems, muzzles and teeth appear, claws grow, and genitals form. The rapid development of fetuses increases the appetite of their mother - she begins to store energy to feed her offspring and gains weight. The abdomen noticeably increases in size from the sides.
  • 5th period (7-8 weeks). The development of organs is completed, tails and fur grow. The size of each fruit is 7-8 cm, color appears. During this period, the cat experiences a lack of coordination and a shift in the center of gravity. You need to make sure that she is not able to climb on furniture or jump from heights.
  • 6th period (8-9 weeks). The kittens are fully formed. The expectant mother is preparing for the birth of her offspring: she licks herself often, the hair around her nipples falls out, and the nipples themselves become enlarged; eats less food at one time. Up close, the movements of the kittens in their stomachs are clearly visible. The cat reduces motor activity and pays little attention to others. Kittens can be born any day now.

Absence of contractions at 10 weeks is a reason to contact the veterinarian

The absence of contractions at the end of the ninth and beginning of the tenth week (if the cat is not Siamese) is a reason to consult a doctor. It is important to take care throughout pregnancy. Good care, proper nutrition, hygiene will bear fruit in the form of healthy playful kittens.

Of all the animals domesticated by humans, cats have preserved the most wildlife. Their ability to survive in any conditions, accelerate regeneration and restore health is legendary. Genetic information and instincts will help the cat deal with maternal responsibilities, so the owner will only have to take care of quality nutrition, creating a cozy environment and a friendly atmosphere. Don’t be lazy and pet the animal once again and say kind words to it.

Pet the cat one more time and say something nice

Nutrition during pregnancy

If the cat's usual diet is dry and wet food, then in the first and second periods of pregnancy it is worth switching to high-quality universal products or special food for kittens. Such a diet will provide the expectant mother with all the necessary components for bearing healthy offspring. You should consult your veterinarian about the need to include natural products in your diet.

“Natural people” should include the following foods in their diet:

  • boiled beef or pork meat (you can use broth);
  • low-fat dairy and fermented milk products;
  • oatmeal, rice, buckwheat;
  • vegetables, both fresh and boiled;
  • vitamin complexes.

On early pregnancy, increase the daily ration rate by 10-15% and switch to fractional feeding - 4-5 times a day. Products should have a high calcium content.

It is worth adding milk and dairy products to your diet

In the second half of the period (period of intensive fruit growth) daily norm almost doubles. Emphasis should be placed on foods with a high protein content. Towards the end of the term you can use folk recipes: to increase lactation, give nettle leaves (pre-scalded with boiling water) with food; to facilitate childbirth and labor activity drink a decoction of raspberry leaves. During the entire period of gestation, it is recommended to adhere to the rule of reducing the volume of food and increasing its calorie content (nutrition).

Activity and rest

Nature has taken care of the preservation of offspring and the corresponding instincts in animals are automatically included in the work. Pregnant females reduce physical activity and begin to devote more time to rest, thereby reducing the risk of injury to kittens. In the first weeks, you need to ensure that this does not lead to the accumulation of excess weight by involving your pet in games, forcing it to move more.

Closer to the end of the term, jumping from heights should not be allowed (access to high pieces of furniture should be excluded). The place prepared for childbirth should be in the coziest and quietest corner of the house or apartment, where the expectant mother can rest while waiting for her pregnancy to be delivered.

Need to create to the expectant mother favorable conditions for relaxation

During the first 25 days, contact with the opposite sex should be avoided. This is due to the fact that the cat’s sexual activity does not disappear immediately after conception, but continues for some time. And at this time she can easily afford more than one sexual contact and, interestingly, these contacts can lead to re-conception. For cats, this is a completely normal course of events and the female is able to bear all the kittens, however, when breeding purebred individuals, you should not take risks - a large number of offspring negatively affects the health of future babies.

Vaccination during pregnancy

Preparation for mating should include compulsory visit veterinarian Carrying out an examination, taking tests, identifying possible infectious and non-communicable diseases will allow us to identify and treat them in advance, resulting in healthy offspring.

Routine vaccinations are done at least two months before mating or after the cat finishes nursing kittens. Vaccination during pregnancy is strictly prohibited.

A visit to the veterinarian is required before mating.

It is necessary to use medications and means to get rid of ticks, lice and fleas before conception. This will prevent infection, avoid miscarriage and ensure the birth of healthy kittens.

False pregnancy in the cat family is not a widespread pathology. This type of mental and hormonal disorder is a consequence of psychological abnormalities:

  • constant close contact with lactating or pregnant females (copying their behavior);
  • experienced stress (loss of owner, moving to a new place);
  • diseases thyroid gland, endocrine system, gynecological nature.

You can independently determine a false pregnancy only if you are completely sure that the animal has no sexual intercourse. In all other cases, this cannot be done, since all or some of the symptoms manifest themselves in exactly the same way, both during false and real pregnancy.

The first thing to do is to be examined by a veterinarian, have an ultrasound, and an x-ray. Further, if necessary, the doctor will prescribe treatment that normalizes the level of hormones responsible for sexual activity.

You will need to be examined by a veterinarian, have an ultrasound, and an x-ray.

Ultrasound diagnostics also makes it possible to identify non-viable fetuses in the uterus - the so-called frozen pregnancy. The presence of kittens in the womb that died for one reason or another (infections, developmental defects) is not a reason to terminate the pregnancy. If not all the embryos have died, then the cat can continue to bear offspring. During birth, dead kittens will leave the uterus after the living ones. If there is no one to save, then you should wait for a miscarriage or artificially terminate the pregnancy.

If a false pregnancy occurs, it is recommended to sterilize the animal after almost every heat. The same recommendation is relevant for repeated frozen pregnancies.

The best place to give birth to offspring is a home where everything is familiar, there is a secluded corner, and there are no dangerous or frightening factors. In such an environment, childbirth will take place without incident.

The place for lambing and subsequent feeding of offspring should be warm and dry - kittens cannot tolerate dampness and cold. Ensure sufficient heating of the “nest” using an infrared heater or heating pad.

The place for lambing should be warm, dry

When cats reach the end of their pregnancy, their behavior changes. A few days before the babies are born, the expectant mother suddenly becomes more active. She begins to cuddle and follow her owner everywhere. This is not only a sign of an increased need for the love and protection of an elder; at the level of instincts, a pregnant cat senses the approach of a difficult birth and in this way asks the owner for help. If this behavior does not stop, you should carefully prepare for possible difficulties and not leave the animal without support and help.

Induction of labor

How long pregnant cats walk is already known. Focusing on average between breeds you can roughly understand when a pet is overbearing.

If necessary, the veterinarian will give the necessary injection himself.

Exceeding the permissible period of pregnancy requires immediate contact with a veterinarian. Only he can decide on the use of means to stimulate labor. Usage traditional methods activation is unacceptable - this is fraught with the risk of prolongation of labor and damage to the cervix. If stimulation is truly necessary, the veterinarian will administer the necessary injection himself.

First birth

Giving birth for the first time is not at all easy. The first birth is a powerful physiological stress for the animal and a difficult psychological test for both, both the cat and its owner.

During the first birth, a cat can behave very aggressively

The expectant mother may behave inappropriately: panic, yell, throw herself at people, hiss. Or vice versa - seek help and protection from the owner, cling to the legs, climb into the arms. In any case, the animal should not be left without attention, affectionately stroking, talking, encouraging. If the hysteria drags on, you need to give a calming injection that will help relieve stress. This should be done by a doctor. You can administer the injection yourself if it has been prescribed in advance by a veterinarian, indicating the exact dosage specifically for a specific giving birth cat.

Duration of labor

The onset of contractions marks the first, preparatory stage of labor. There is a gradual dilatation of the cervix and, with normal course process, the first baby comes out within a few hours - usually after 2-3.

A delay in the appearance of the first child by more than 6-8 hours after the onset of contractions indicates the need for veterinary intervention. Sometimes two kittens are born almost without interruption. But this is rare. The normal interval between fruit release is 30-60 minutes. So the total duration of labor ranges from several hours (1-6) to one or two days.

The interval between the birth of kittens is about 30-60 minutes

The birth is considered successfully completed if the cat’s efforts have stopped and she herself has returned to a calm state.

Start of labor

A cat's uterus is shaped like Latin letter Y and consists of a main cavity and two branches (horns), in which kittens ready for birth are secured.

Childbirth begins with sharp contractions of the uterine walls. Gradually, the intensity of contractions increases, the cervix, located on the side opposite the horns, begins to open. Full dilation indicates the cat is ready to give birth. At this time, the first kitten begins to move along the birth canal from its place in the horn to the cervix. When he approaches the exit and presses on the neck, attempts begin and the cat tries to push him out.

The process can be lengthy, and a frightened cat (especially one giving birth for the first time) will seek help. Support kind words and gentle stroking soothes and stimulates the continuation of labor.

After giving birth, the cat licks the kittens, helps them start breathing

After the baby is born, the mother licks and cleans it of the remnants of the bladder, helping it begin to breathe. There is no need to create a stir around such an intimate process, even if the owner experiences awkwardness and doubts, the presence of guests and “advisers” is not The best way help the animal to be relieved of its burden.

Assistance during childbirth

The unique adaptability of the cat’s body to overcome various life difficulties reduces the likelihood of pathologies during childbirth to a minimum. However, complications do occur and the most common are:

  • blockage (stuck) of the fetus due to its incorrect position or large size;
  • absence of contractions;
  • weak labor activity;
  • strong prolonged contractions (1 hour or more) that do not end with the birth of the fetus;
  • prolonged bleeding after childbirth (more than 10 minutes);
  • temperature increase to 40ºС or decrease to 36ºС;
  • long interval between the birth of kittens (more than 3 hours).

The owner needs to notice the cat’s contractions in time and prepare to receive kittens

The best solution in such cases is to seek the help of a veterinarian. Even the best intentions in the absence of the necessary knowledge and experience will not help, but will only complicate the situation and can lead to irreversible consequences.

Help for newborns

During the normal course and completion of labor, the cat independently bites the umbilical cord. If she does not do this, the owner will have to take over the procedure:

  • squeeze the umbilical cord with your fingers for 15-20 seconds to compress the vessels;
  • cut at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the body;
  • if the blood does not stop oozing, tie the umbilical cord with a sterile thread;
  • lubricate with brilliant green or potassium permanganate solution;
  • a week later, when the dry umbilical cords fall off, lubricate the navel with iodine.

At the birth of a kitten amniotic sac, the mother bites through and pulls the last one off the newborn. After the procedure, the kittens begin to breathe, squeak and go in search of warmth and milk.

Something went wrong, the cat lost its vigilance or was tired, the owner will have to take over. You need to tear the shells from top to bottom (from head to tail) and carefully wipe the baby with soft napkins (not paper ones!) so that when you inhale for the first time, the liquid does not get into the Airways. Remaining fluid from the nose and mouth is removed with a pipette. The revived baby is returned to the mother for licking and sniffing.

Only a veterinarian or a person with extensive experience in conducting such events can provide qualified assistance during childbirth.

Knowing how many kittens a cat bears, how to organize care for the expectant mother, and how to help during childbirth, you can safely count on the birth of healthy offspring.

Pregnancy in domestic cats is a period of pleasant excitement and anticipation.

A cat, like any other woman in labor, needs special care and treatment.

In this article you will learn as much information as possible about how to properly help an expectant mother.

How long does pregnancy last in cats?

It is worth determining first what period in cats is correctly called pregnancy. Many people believe that this period begins with mating and ends with childbirth, but this is not so. The period of gestation in animals begins from fertilization. It is worth noting, however, that with perfect accuracy it is still impossible to determine exactly by day when fertilization occurred and how many days pregnancy lasts in cats.

Further in our article we will give some signs by which the owner of the animal can more accurately determine that he needs to prepare a special place and pay more attention to his pet.

It is known from many sources that the gestation period usually lasts 9 weeks. Pregnancy may last a week more or less, but this is not a pathology. The gestation period in cats largely depends on physical condition animal, age and breed.

It is reliably known that in short-haired breeds, for example, Abyssinians, Devon Rex, Russian Blues, the gestation period lasts 58-68 days. At the same time, pregnancy in cats of long-haired breeds lasts longer, for example, in the Neva Masquerade, Norwegian and Siberian cats, the duration of pregnancy is 62-72 days.

If your pet has not given birth after 72 days, be sure to contact your veterinarian.


Despite the fact that it is almost impossible to immediately calculate the exact date of onset of pregnancy, obvious Signs of pregnancy in a cat can be determined as early as the twentieth day.

The animal's nipples will enlarge and become bright pink. The skin around the nipples will begin to peel, this will become noticeable if you lay it on your back.

An experienced veterinarian can determine if a cat is pregnant by palpation in the third week. You should not try to palpate yourself, as this can harm the kittens and the health of your pet.

Early dates

You will notice that in the second week your pet becomes more thoughtful and melancholy. She plays less, sleeps longer, and her appetite also worsens. Already in the third week the animal may vomit. Don’t worry, this process also happens to women; in the first trimester they suffer from toxicosis.

After just five days, the vomiting goes away, and you can almost certainly determine pregnancy. Also, cats may have false pregnancy, which will go away on its own and will not require special treatment. It should be noted that if the false process occurs frequently, you should contact your veterinarian.

Late dates

Your pet will begin to gain weight in the 4-5th week, the weight will increase by one to two kilograms depending on the number of kittens. X-rays can show the skeletal structure of kittens at 44 days, but do not take an x-ray unless absolutely necessary.

The animal's taste preferences may also change and mood swings will appear. After a month and a half, the belly will increase even more, the cat will walk slowly, waddling.
After 8 weeks, the animal will begin to look for a place to give birth (“nest”), show anxiety and nervousness, during the same period you will be able to feel the active movements of the kittens by simply placing your hand on the pet’s stomach. Milk will appear in the mammary glands in the 9th week, and the animal will move less and lie down more; if there are a lot of kittens, pregnancy usually goes faster.

Important! Cats can have from one to ten kittens at a time; the reproductive organs of these animals are arranged differently: the cat’s uterus is shaped like the letter Y, it is much shorter than the human uterus and looks like a pear. Embryos are evenly attached to the processes of the uterus after fertilization, so multiple pregnancies do not harm the animal.

How is pregnancy progressing?

The further course of this important process is as follows:

  1. The first changes in the animal’s body will begin in the first couple of days after conception. Hormonal levels will quickly change, estrus will stop, and pregnancy will occur.
  2. Before the first three weeks, you will define the process by good appetite, tight belly, decreased activity and swollen nipples.
  3. The cat's belly will be visually noticeable already in the fifth week. It will not just be dense, but will sink significantly and grow in volume. This is especially noticeable if there are several fruits.
  4. After five weeks, the belly will expand. The lateral roundness will appear and will stick out.
  5. By the sixth week, the kittens are almost fully formed and begin to grow hair. You will only be able to see an increase in the abdomen.
  6. The kittens will become active in the seventh week and begin to move. If you gently, without pressing, put your hand on your stomach, you can feel how they move. During this period, the animal will look for a secluded place and become restless.
  7. The mammary glands will become engorged in the last week before birth and will appear. transparent discharge from the genitals, activity will decrease significantly.

The most important period begins a few days before birth; the pet will need your presence. Nervousness and restlessness of the animal - obvious signs Soon the kittens will be born, the expectant mother will require the attention of the owner.

Important! If a pregnant animal demands your attention, it's not just a whim. This behavior is explained by the fact that the cat perceives you as its owner and parent. The animal feels how the pregnancy is going - problematic or normal. Therefore, be patient and take maximum care.

Features of caring for a pet during a critical period

Caring for cats during pregnancy is not very difficult. Let's find out what you need to pay attention to when leaving.

What do we have to do

A small amount is good for the animal. exercise stress to maintain muscle tone.

Special attention During pregnancy, they pay attention to the animal’s nutrition. During pregnancy in cats, they must eat properly and nutritiously. The diet must include dairy products, meat, and if she eats dry food, it is recommended to switch to super-premium food.
In the first month of gestation, the diet does not need to be changed. During this period, it is recommended to feed food with more high content protein, calcium, trace elements and vitamins.

Increase daily nutritional intake for healthy cat not recommended. Daily norm food for pregnant animals is increased only if the animal is weak.

Did you know? On August 7, 1970, a Siamese cat named Antigone, who lived in the United States, gave birth to 19 kittens at one time. The cat was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Starting from the fourth week, the cat needs to be given food with an increased protein content. In the middle of pregnancy, the number of feedings should be 4 or even 5 times a day. But at the same time the portions are reduced. By the end of pregnancy, the number of feedings can triple.

Please note that the cat should not be fed, as this can lead to a difficult birth.

Cats may experience a decrease in appetite approximately 1-2 weeks before giving birth. During this period, the cat's abdominal cavity is overcrowded with kittens, and the animal needs nutritious and high-calorie food. Such food should be placed in a small volume.

If your pet consumes natural products, then the daily diet should be as follows:

  • The meat must be boiled. Since raw meat may contain helminths. It is recommended to give beef, veal, pork is given less often. Meat should make up 50% of the daily diet.
  • Low-fat boiled fish.
  • Hard-boiled chicken eggs (2 times a week).
  • Groats ( cereals, rice, buckwheat).
  • Vegetables.
  • Fruits.
  • Dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese).

If your pet suffers from constipation, it is recommended to temporarily include the following foods in the diet:
  • vegetable oil;
  • vegetable puree (best beetroot).
If the cat eats natural products, veterinarians recommend adding special supplements with vitamins and minerals.

If she eats exclusively dry food, there is nothing to worry about. Since in high-quality feed balanced diet, which is good for pregnant cats. This food already contains vitamins and minerals that the animal needs.

Did you know? Isaac Newton (the famous physicist who discovered the law of gravity) invented a door for domestic cats.

Contraindicated actions

Let's look at what actions are contraindicated for pregnant cats.

  1. It is not recommended for a cat in this position to be outside. It's best for her to be at home. The animal can become pregnant a second time, and this has a bad effect on the kittens and on the mother herself.
  2. You also need to take into account the animal’s gestational age, since childbirth should not take place on the street.
  3. There are many dangers for a pregnant cat on the street - she can climb trees and try to crawl into narrow places. And this is extremely dangerous for her, regardless of the stage of pregnancy.
  4. During this period, it is forbidden to give medications (even against fleas, ticks and worms) on your own. Medicines should be prescribed exclusively by a veterinarian after examining the animal. Self-prescribed medications can harm both kittens and the cat itself.
  5. In the last weeks of pregnancy, the animal should be prohibited from climbing onto high objects. Because of the large belly, coordination is impaired, and during a jump she can hit her stomach or fall from a height and hurt herself.
  6. Fights or squabbles with other animals are contraindicated for pets in this position. If you have several animals in the house, try to protect your pet from them and give her peace.
  7. It is contraindicated to feed the animal, as fat cats may have complications during childbirth.

Possible complications, or When you need a doctor

Cats can have a variety of problems during pregnancy. In case of any kind of complications, you should immediately contact your veterinarian!
Dangerous complications in cats:

  • unpleasant odor from the pet’s genitals;
  • any discharge from the animal's vulva (excluding clear and/or white discharge in later stages; or bloody discharge a couple of days before the birth itself);
  • abdominal asymmetry;
  • increased body temperature;
  • fever;
  • continuous profuse vomiting;
  • the animal refuses food for more than a day;
  • weakness;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • anxiety.
If you notice at least one of the above signs, consult a doctor immediately, as only the help of a veterinarian and timely treatment can save your pet’s life.
There are also complications during pregnancy in cats that are less dangerous:
  • renal failure;
  • cystitis;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • allergy;
  • arrhythmia;
  • dystrophy or obesity.
The reasons for the occurrence of such complications are poor nutrition, if the pet is outdoors, overheating or hypothermia. Such complications also require timely treatment and observation by a doctor. Usually, after pregnancy, such complications go away and do not greatly affect the health of the pet. But they can lead to complications during childbirth and health problems in the offspring.

At proper care and nutritional complications do not arise. And miscarriages and other serious complications are extremely rare.

Parallel pregnancy (superfecundation)

Superfecundation is the fertilization of two or more eggs in one ovulation period by sperm from different males. This case often occurs in urban animals, since a large number of males live in a relatively small area.
As a result, one cat and several different cats may be present at the time of conception. As a result, fertilization occurs from different sets of sperm, and the animal bears a litter of kittens that are not similar to each other.

An even stranger phenomenon happens, which is called superfetation. This occurs if the animal becomes sexually active mid-gestation, usually in the third week. In the event of a new copulation, cats are fertilized again and bear two litters per different periods maturation.

In this case, the two broods continue to develop one after the other, several weeks apart. As a result, two situations may arise:

  • during the birth of an early brood, a miscarriage may occur, since a later brood may not yet be fully formed;
  • in another case, both broods will be able to fully form inside the uterus, the earlier one will be successfully born, and the later one will remain inside the uterus for several more weeks. After the birth of the second litter, another problem may arise - the cat may not have enough nipples for all the kittens or there may not be enough milk, in which case the owner will have to feed some of the kittens.
By adhering to all the above recommendations, you will have a beneficial effect on the course of your cat’s pregnancy and reduce the risk of complications during labor. Your favorite will thank you for this with her warmth and affection.

Cat pregnancy is not an easy process, both for the animal itself and for the owners. Especially if your pet is expecting her first kittens. A lot of questions arise: how long does a cat’s pregnancy last? How to determine whether your pet is pregnant or not? How to feed? Is it possible to let a cat go outside? What to do during childbirth? And these are just the minimum questions that an animal owner asks.

This article will help you understand some of the issues related to cat pregnancy.

Features you need to know

  1. It is highly undesirable to breed a cat after her first heat. The first heat occurs at the age of 6-8 months, by which time the cat is essentially a kitten. Reproductive system is not yet functioning properly. There is a great risk of killing the animal by thoughtless mating.
  2. As for the first mating of an animal, veterinarians say that it occurs after the second heat. Optimal timing for the first fertilization - age from one and a half to two years.
  3. If a cat was bought “for the soul” and without a pedigree, it is better to sterilize it. The fact is that in the felinological world such cats are considered a “phenotype” of purebred “relatives”. In common parlance, a “noblewoman” of elite origin. And such a cat has no value in breeding. The droppings from such an animal can be distributed to kind hands. Sell ​​kittens for good price it won't work.
  4. It should be remembered that purebred cats give birth more difficult than ordinary outbred animals. This is especially true for British and Scottish breeds.
  5. Before mating, consultation with a veterinarian is necessary. Not all cats are capable of bearing kittens; for some, pregnancy means death. Therefore, it is better to find out in advance about the health status of your pet.
  6. If the pet is a purebred “lady”, with documents, and participates in cat shows, then to select a cat you can contact the breeder from whom the animal was purchased. Decent breeders supervise their “graduates” and will never refuse to help their owners.

When does fertilization occur?

If the mating is successful, the cat's egg is fertilized within 24-50 hours. If conception does not occur, and this often happens during the first mating, after 20 days the “hunt” may begin again.

How pregnancy develops. The first stage and its features

It’s worth starting with how long pregnancy lasts in cats. From 60 to 72 days. It all depends on the breed and individual characteristics future mother. Early birth is dangerous for the animal's body - before the sixtieth day. Most likely, the kittens will be stillborn, and the cat’s health may deteriorate sharply. To avoid this, the owner should have the phone number of the veterinarian or breeder. If you need a consultation, you should call them.

In cats and how to determine whether an animal is expecting offspring? The answer to the first part of the question has already been given. Now it remains to deal with the second part.

In the first 4 weeks (30 days), you can determine whether your pet is pregnant or not only by changes in its behavior. The cat is sick, but the animal constantly requires food. It is recommended to feed the cat 3-4 times a day, without limiting foods containing calcium. The activity of the expectant mother decreases, she becomes calmer. From the thirtieth day, the cat’s belly begins to round. However, the belly may not appear until childbirth, so its rounding is not the most pronounced sign.

One of the main external signs the onset of pregnancy is a distinct discharge that is very light and almost imperceptible. On the 30-35th day they acquire an intense pink color and become clearly visible.

To find out if your pet is definitely pregnant, you should consult a veterinarian and do an ultrasound. On the 30th day, it is already possible to determine the number of kittens and whether there are any in the womb of the animal at all.

Second half of pregnancy

Starting from the 31st day, the embryos actively grow and descend down the abdomen. During this period, a slight rounding of the cat's tummy may be visible. By the 45th day, the length of the future kittens is from 5 to 10 cm, but they are not yet moving.

The first movements of the fetus begin at fifty days. The cat itself begins to demand affection, willingly goes into arms, and can lick family members. Simultaneously with these changes in behavior, the expectant mother “talks” with her fetuses in her stomach. This is expressed in a gentle short purr, as if the animal is responding to someone.

Long-haired cats, their features

How long does pregnancy last in cats with long hair? Those pets that nature has endowed with thick and long hair bear offspring from 65 to 72 days. Before giving birth, it is necessary to remove hair from the genitals and prepare the nipples for meeting the kittens - remove the hair around them. A veterinarian can carry out the procedure, but only at home. Animal on later During pregnancy, any changes, including visiting a veterinary clinic, are highly discouraged.

Shorthair cats and their gestation periods

How long does pregnancy last for short-haired cats? From 60 to 65 days. No special preparation of the coat is required for childbirth. You just need to remove it near the animal’s nipples.

Pregnancy of Scottish cats

Each breed has its own characteristics when carrying kittens. Particular attention should be paid to such a breed as the Scottish Fold cat. How long does pregnancy last for Scottish cats? From 63 to 67 days. But if kittens are born on the 60-62nd day, this is not scary, because it is considered the norm.

As with other breeds, during the first three weeks of pregnancy fold cat not externally expressed. However, starting from the sixth week, if the animal is carrying more than two kittens at the same time, the belly becomes large and round. And at the end of the seventh week, you can already observe the movement of the fruits and even feel their heads. It is better for an inexperienced owner not to do this, because careless palpation can lead to miscarriage.

During last week the cat begins to actively look for a place for future birth. She becomes restless and persistently demands her master's attention. The appearance of white discharge from the vulva indicates that labor will begin in two to three days.

The question of how long pregnancy lasts Scottish cat and how it proceeds is decided. Now all that remains is to find out how to prepare for the birth of your purebred pet.

What you need to prepare for the birth of kittens

  1. Childbirth box. A regular one will do as well. cardboard box large sizes, and a plastic box specially purchased for this purpose with a hinged lid and a cat hole.
  2. The place where the cat will give birth should be quiet and dark. The room in which the “house” is located must be regularly ventilated. At the same time, there should be no drafts in it. A warm and dry room will be an excellent option for the birth of kittens. Scottish kittens are very sensitive to temperature conditions, therefore, in the first seven days of their life, the room temperature should be 29 degrees. Then it is lowered weekly by 2-3 degrees.
  3. Disposable hygiene diapers. Immediately after childbirth, there will be a need to replace used diapers with new ones.
  4. They should be disinfected with alcohol. Scissors are necessary in case of owner intervention. If the cat refuses to chew the umbilical cord on its own, its owner will have to cut it.
  5. Medical gloves, in case you have to pull out kittens.
  6. Veterinarian phone number. You should be prepared for the fact that the first birth in fold-eared cats is difficult, with pathologies. Therefore, the presence of a veterinarian nearby is very desirable. Transporting a giving birth cat to veterinary clinic unacceptable, a specialist should be called to your home.
  7. The owner must be present with the animal. His voice and affection will help the animal calm down a little.

Once it has become known how long the pregnancy of a fold cat lasts, how it progresses and how to prepare for the birth of your pet, it is worth moving on to the question of the diet of any pregnant cat.

How to feed your pet

If a cat eats dry food, then it is better to switch it to super-premium food. If your pet prefers natural food, then she needs:

  1. 150-200 grams of boiled lean meat daily.
  2. Low-fat fish, boiled and without bones - 3 times a week, 150-200 grams.
  3. Boiled chicken - twice a week, 200 grams.
  4. By-products - 2 times a week, 100 grams.
  5. Low-fat cottage cheese, for example, intended for baby food - 50 grams 4 times a week.
  6. Kefir - 4 times a week. Fat content up to 3.2%.
  7. Non-starchy vegetables - 1-2 tablespoons per day. Vegetables will help the normal functioning of the intestines.
  8. Pure water The cat should always have it freely available.

Some more useful information

  1. The gestational age in days is clear. How long does pregnancy last in weeks for cats? Nine weeks, on average.
  2. Is it possible to let a pregnant cat outside? In no case. Especially in the second half, when the animal becomes more distracted and clumsy.
  3. Pregnancy is not a disease. The expectant mother should not be prohibited from playing and moving actively. The only thing that is undesirable to allow is jumping to great heights.
  4. You should not give your pet medications without the consent of your veterinarian. Even the most harmless, at first glance, drug can have a bad effect on the development of embryos.
  5. If your cat has difficulty with hygiene, you need to help her with a cotton pad soaked in warm water.
  6. If it drops from 38-38.5 degrees to 37-37.5, this is a sure sign that labor will begin in the next 12-24 hours.


What do you need to remember? How many months does pregnancy last in cats - 9 weeks or 2 months. The first signs of impending labor are white discharge from the vulva and low temperature bodies. Self-treatment, without the recommendation of a veterinarian, should be absent. And lastly, the essentials that need to be prepared before giving birth: a warm, dark room with a temperature of 29 degrees, a birth box, hygienic diapers, nail scissors treated with alcohol. Veterinarian and the owner must be present during the birth.

Pregnancy in a cat is a special period of time for your pet, when she especially needs care and attention. And here not only attention and affection are important, but also accurate knowledge of everything that happens to the cat. But childbirth is even more a very complex and labor-intensive process not only for the animal, but also for its owner.

That is why many owners begin preparing for childbirth immediately after the expected conception. During pregnancy, you need to prepare a place for childbirth and provide the mother cat with tasty, healthy food. And here you definitely need to know how long pregnancy lasts in cats.

Pregnancy periods in cats

The entire pregnancy in cats, as, in general, in any other animals, is divided into several periods, which have their own duration and are characterized by certain changes that occur in the future offspring.

First period - conception. Most often, conception occurs in the first 24-50 hours after intercourse. However, the problem of identifying this period lies, first of all, in the process of sexual intercourse itself. Very often cats are left with breeding cats for several days, and it is very difficult to determine the exact date of conception. And if the cat just “walked” the kittens, it is completely impossible to determine the time of the first act.

Second period – first 20-30 days. After 20-30 days of pregnancy, visible changes begin to occur in the cat. Her nipples swell, turn pink, her stomach thickens and becomes elastic. Already at this stage, embryos can be felt through the cat's abdomen. But this should not be done by a non-specialist, since such actions can harm both the cat and future kittens.

Third period – 5-6 weeks. At this stage, in a cat with multiple pregnancies (3 or more fetuses), the abdomen apparently enlarges. The kittens are no longer chaotically located, but descend into abdominal cavity, which causes the stomach to swell greatly. You cannot palpate during this period under any circumstances! Even an experienced veterinarian can seriously harm kittens with his actions.

The fourth period. At the end of the 5th week, the cat’s belly expands very much to the sides - growing kittens no longer have enough space in the abdominal cavity.

Fifth period – 42-50 days. This is very difficult period in the life of the animal and future offspring. During this period, very active growth and development of kittens begins - they grow to 5-8 cm, wool appears. For the mother cat, this period may result in loss of appetite and anxiety.

The last, sixth period of pregnancy in cats - fetal movement. Starting from the 50th day of pregnancy, you can feel the movement of future kittens. Very often, especially when very large quantities fruits, the movement can even be seen with the naked eye - the cat’s belly will move in waves, just like in the video.

Interestingly, pregnancy in cats does not last an even number of days. Most often, this period depends on the breed and number of fruits. Hairless and short-haired breeds bear kittens for 58-68 days, and long-haired cats - 62-72 days. It is also interesting that one or two kittens are most often born later than 4-6. Stress can also be a factor that determines how long pregnancy lasts in cats. If your pet is afraid of something shortly before the due date or feels in danger, the birth may be delayed for several days.

In the question of how long pregnancy lasts in cats, it is worth highlighting one more point - prematurity and postmaturity. Like humans, kittens in cats can be born either premature (before 55 days) or post-term (after 70 days). At the same time, both one and the second are very dangerous for the life and health of kittens and mother cats. Premature kittens born before 60 days are often very weak, often such kittens do not even survive. But if the cat has not given birth after 70 days, you should urgently contact a veterinarian. In this case already there is a question about the life of an adult cat.

First signs of labor

Sometimes it is impossible to determine the exact date of conception. And then knowing how long a cat’s pregnancy lasts won’t help – the due date will still be unexpected. That is why it is important to know what signs can tell the owner of a pregnant cat that labor will begin any day or any hour.

So, what are the main signs that your cat is about to start giving birth?

  1. Two to three days before giving birth, milk begins to secrete from the cat's heavily swollen nipples. Although, this does not always happen and not with all cats.
  2. The cat begins to look for a secluded place, build a “nest”, collecting all kinds of soft rags, plush toys, etc. around the house. Sometimes cats, on the contrary, are constantly petted and are only near their owners.
  3. Its temperature drops to approximately 37 degrees (normally, a calm animal is 38-38.5).
  4. A cat may suddenly and without reason lose its appetite; it becomes irritable and restless if it is taken out of the place it has chosen.
  5. The cat begins to constantly lick the genitals.
  6. If a cat sleeps in one place (for example, in the family house), some time before giving birth you can see a plug that has come out - a whitish-yellowish or brown-veined jelly-like mass, about the size of a teaspoon. In some cats, the plug comes out 2-3 days, in some cats it comes out a week, and in some cats it comes out an hour before giving birth.

In general, you don’t have to worry and don’t count the seconds until you give birth. Calm down, because your mood is transferred to your pet. Observe the behavior of the expectant mother, but do not disturb her idlely, and she herself will notify you with a loud “meow” when it’s time.

Have an easy birth!

Pregnancy in a cat is a pleasant excitement and period of anticipation. Your beloved kitty, like any other expectant mother, needs care and respect. The pet owner needs to know how long pregnancy lasts and provide appropriate care during this time. We will tell you in more detail how long pregnancy lasts in cats and what attention will be needed for a pet at that time.

Pregnancy periods in cats

Let's talk in more detail about how long pregnancy lasts in cats. Many people mistakenly calculate the gestational age from mating to childbirth. However, it is correct to calculate the gestational age starting from the moment of fertilization. Typically, 9 weeks pass from the moment a cat is fertilized to birth. This period may increase or decrease by a week, which is considered normal. The duration of gestation of kittens will depend on the breed of the pet, its age and physical condition.

It has been noted that the pregnancy period in cats of short-haired breeds, which include Abyssinian, Bombay and Russian blue, can last 58−65 days. But in long-haired breeds, which include Norwegian and Siberian varieties, the period can reach 72 days.

Important. If your kitty has not given birth in 72 days, you should contact your veterinarian.

Signs of pregnancy in cats

As you already understand, it is difficult to determine the date of conception and the period of pregnancy, but you can notice obvious signs that usually observed 20 days after conception. Based on this, you will be able to accurately determine the date of mating and calculate when your kitty will lamb.

If we talk about such signs, we note the following:

Important. It is prohibited to palpate the abdomen on your own in an attempt to determine the presence of pregnancy. This way you can accidentally crush the embryos, which will lead to the death of the kittens and health problems for the pet itself.

How does pregnancy progress in cats?

Let's talk about how the gestation period progresses in cats. Knowing how long and how the pregnancy progresses, you can provide your pet who is carrying kittens with proper care.

  • Around the sixth week, the embryos growing in the uterus become so large that even with a gentle stroking of the belly, you can feel the kittens inside. Remember that you need to gently press on your pet’s tummy, as sudden movements can tear the amniotic sac, which will lead to miscarriage.
  • In the fifth week, the tummy becomes noticeably rounder. If your pet is carrying three or more kittens, then the belly becomes simply huge.
  • Usually by the sixth week the cat begins to produce milk.
  • In the seventh to ninth weeks, the uterus fills with fluid. By lightly stroking the belly, you can identify the kittens' head and body. During this period, the cat may behave actively and restlessly. She is looking for a secluded place where she will give birth to kittens.
  • At the tenth week, the animal becomes inactive, calm and a little detached. Her mammary glands become enlarged, and her vulva may discharge white or clear mucus.
  • A few days before the onset of birth, the cat becomes active, constantly follows the owner, and the body temperature can drop to 37 degrees.

How to properly care for a pregnant cat

Before mating, your pet should be vaccinated and treated for worms. But during pregnancy It is prohibited to give your pet any medications. If your cat is sick, do not self-medicate, but be sure to contact a veterinarian.

If we talk about general recommendations care, it is necessary to provide your pet with quality nutrition and provide him with peace. Exactly proper nutrition due attention should be given. If your cat is on natural nutrition, then boiled meat should definitely be diversified various vegetables and fruits. It is best to consult your diet from a veterinarian or breeder, which will tell you how and how many times a day to feed your pet.

If you feed your animal dry food, then you should give preference to premium food, which will provide your pet with everything essential vitamins and microelements.

A week before the expected date of birth, you should reduce your cat's feeding. Kittens in in this case will be a little smaller, and childbirth will be easier for your pet. In the last months of pregnancy, it is sometimes difficult for a cat to maintain personal hygiene. Therefore, you should wipe it regularly with a damp cloth. intimate parts animal. It is best to protect a pregnant pet from increased activity. Run with her, throw her up, or actively squeeze her pet should not be done at this time.

Important. To avoid any kind of trouble, you should find out the location of the nearest veterinary clinic that is open 24 hours a day. It is quite possible that you will need the services of a specialist during childbirth..

Possible complications during pregnancy

By virtue of various reasons, whether due to physical injury, poor nutrition, hypothermia, overheating or uterine infections, cats can miscarry. Most often, such miscarriages occur at 4-5 weeks of pregnancy. If there is a suspicion of miscarriage, it is necessary Take your pet to the vet immediately u. The dead fruit is removed as soon as possible, before putrefactive processes begin.


Cat pregnancy is always a joyful expectation of a new addition to your pet’s family. The gestation period can vary among different cat breeds, ranging from 55 to 72 days. In this article, we told you how long pregnancy lasts, how to determine the date of conception and how to properly care for a pet that is expecting kittens. All this will allow you and your beloved kitty to bring healthy kittens, and the animal itself will quickly recover from childbirth and will again delight you with its behavior.