Use of inhalipt during the lactation period. Is Inhalipt suitable for a nursing mother? Inhalipt during lactation reviews

Sore throat is a common complaint in the autumn-winter period in adults and children. Pharmacies offer many medications that help eliminate this unpleasant symptom. However, the choice medicine A sore throat can be quite difficult for women who are breastfeeding. After all, care should be taken not only about the effectiveness of the drug, but also about its safety for the child. Sometimes women on the threshold of the pharmacy will remember a remedy they knew from childhood - Ingalipt.

Before starting treatment, it is important to compare the possible risks for the child and find out whether Ingalipt spray can be used by nursing mothers.

Inhalipt is a combination drug for sore throat, produced in the form of a spray. It contains: streptocide 0.75 g, sulfathiazole 0.75 g, timolol 0.015 g, eucalyptus oil 0.015 g and mint oil 0.015 g. The main active ingredient is the streptocide complex - sulfathiazole. They have an antibacterial effect, while essential oils, in addition to the antiseptic and antifungal effect, soften and soothe the throat. Thanks to this composition, Ingalipt has a complex effect - primarily antimicrobial, antiseptic, as well as a distracting, analgesic, and cooling effect.

The drug is applied topically, so it is partially absorbed into the blood. Streptocide in bloodstream reaches up to 15%, and sulfathiazole up to 55%. This drug belongs to the group of antiseptics, drugs that affect the respiratory system. Inhalipt is a light yellow, light brown liquid. The product is available in the form of an aerosol of 15, 20, 45 or 30 g.

Indications for use are viral and bacterial diseases localized in the oral cavity and nasopharynx: tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, stomatitis.

The drug was first registered in 1969. There are no direct analogues of this combination either in our or in the foreign pharmaceutical market. The sulfonamide drugs it contains are not used in many countries around the world. Clinical studies proving its effectiveness have not been published.

Recommendations for the safe use of Inhalipt while breastfeeding

  • Ingalipt does not have any direct effect on the lactation process. However, the decision to use it must be made by a doctor. The mint oil contained in the composition can reduce lactation, but it local application will not have a noticeable effect on the amount breast milk.
  • The half-life for streptocide is 10 hours, and sulfathiazole is eliminated in 3 hours.
  • Upon penetration into the blood, the sulfonamide components of inhalipt bind to blood proteins and are able to penetrate through the placenta and into breast milk.
  • Once in the liver, acetylated forms of substances are formed, which are excreted by the kidneys. It takes longer for other components of streptocide to be completely eliminated from the body - 20 hours from the moment it enters the body.
  • If the dosage is observed, the effect on the child of Ingalipt components will be minimal. Essential oils may cause an allergic reaction in people sensitive to allergies.

Ingalipt for hepatitis B is not prohibited by the instructions for the drug. However, it contains sulfonamide substances that easily pass into breast milk. Their effect on infants is extremely undesirable. When consumed by nursing mothers, they can cause jaundice and have a toxic effect on the baby's body.

The aerosol is applied topically, but minimal risks remain, since some of the components of the drug still penetrate into the blood.

Complex drugs for treatment during breastfeeding are not recommended by WHO. Their use is allowed in extreme cases. Monocomponent drugs are considered safer. They are less likely to cause allergic reactions.

Regime and dosage

Ingalipt is used 3-4 times a day. When using, do not turn the can upside down to avoid clogging the nozzle hole. Spray it while inhaling, for 1-2 seconds twice per application. Before taking, you should gargle. After use, refrain from eating and drinking for an hour. Inhalipt during lactation is used in a dose determined by the doctor, taking into account the risk-benefit ratio.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

Contraindications for use are increased sensitivity to the components of the drug. The instructions for use do not contain information about contraindications to the use of the drug during breastfeeding. As side effects observed - itching, urticaria, bronchospasm, nausea, vomiting, itching, weakness.

Storage Features

The cylinder should be stored in a place protected from sunlight. Storage temperature – up to 25C.


There are no direct analogues. Complex preparations in the form of a spray for the treatment of ENT diseases - Kameton, Strepsils Intensive, Propasol, Orasept. Monopreparations - Hexoral, Givalex, Miramistin, Chlorophyllipt, are conditionally allowed for hepatitis B. It means that harmful effect with hepatitis B it was not recorded, but since there are risks, the decision on the possibility of their use is made by the doctor.

Whether or not to spray Inhalipt should be decided by the mother herself, after consultation with a doctor. The drug is local, so the dose of sulfonamides that are unsafe for infants in the blood is minimal. They can be dangerous for a child if recommended dosages are exceeded, as they pass into breast milk and, at higher doses, can have adverse effects. toxic effect on the child's liver and brain.

At the same time, Ingalipt is quite effective against a large group of pathogens, and sometimes 1-3 applications are enough to improve the condition and eliminate pain. After the onset of sustained improvement in the condition, use should be discontinued.

Numerous disputes on the topic of how safe it is to use Inhalipt during breastfeeding usually do not find a clear answer about its permission or prohibition. The use of the drug in some medical reference books is classified as permitted, but with some reservations. The AKEB Consultants Forum also believes that under the supervision of the treating or family doctor the drug will not cause significant harm if the correct dosage is followed.

Inhalipt – complex drug, which contains two active active substances – sulfathiazole and streptocide. Sulfathiazole – pharmacological agent antibacterial, related to sulfonamides. This category is known to medicine even before the appearance penicillin series, but sulfathiazole is more often used as antimicrobial agent, which can affect individual species microorganisms. Streptocide also belongs to the sulfonamides. This is one of the very first drugs of the medicinal group. It is added to the drug to provide an anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membrane and skin.

In some sources, the sulfathiazole-streptocide complex is indicated as one active substance, acting in combination. The question of whether Ingalipt can be used during breastfeeding arises not only because of the presence of long-known drugs with a proven reputation, which are no longer used in some countries due to low effectiveness.

The spray contains essential oils and eucalyptus, which undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on the affected mucous membrane, but are undesirable during breastfeeding.

Important! Peppermint oil has the ability to affect lactation and both auxiliary components can cause allergic reactions.

It is not only an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic drug, but also a remedy prescribed for respiratory and viral infections.

Is the spray safe while breastfeeding?

There is no clear opinion on this issue. The instructions for use do not contain information about prohibiting the use of the spray during breastfeeding, so it is sometimes recommended when the need arises. The main condition is medical supervision and correct dosage. .

Conventionally, a product in the form of an aerosol can be classified as an external preparation, and when correct use medicinal substances practically do not enter the systemic circulation. However, supporters of the opposite opinion have strong arguments against using Ingalipt:

  • in many countries sulfonamides are not used, and the spray contains two components from a group used even before the invention of penicillin;
  • Inhalipt has been produced since 1969, and since that time many more effective and less dangerous drugs have been invented and discovered;
  • no published scientific research about the effectiveness of the aerosol and its effect on the body during lactation;
  • when used systemically, sulfathiazole enters the bloodstream in more than half of the amount received, it contains 15% streptocide, which poses a risk of passage into breast milk;
  • essential oils can cause an allergic reaction not only in the mother, but also in the baby;
  • penetration into the liver and the formation of acetylated forms in it makes the risk of developing jaundice, which a newborn is susceptible to, quite high , when exposed to toxic substances on the hepatobiliary system.

The body is exposed to approximately the same risks if Cameton is used while breastfeeding .

Attention! The spray is classified as combination drugs, and it also contains two potential allergens - camphor and eucalyptus oil.

When using Cametone while breastfeeding, is it possible to do this so fearlessly? Meanwhile modern medicine not only does not recommend combination products, but also categorically does not recommend ethanol, which is contained in the spray. Its bactericidal activity is low, and when bacterial infections it is prescribed in parallel antibacterial drugs systemic action.

Features of use for hepatitis B

Inhalipt is used only under the supervision of a doctor who determines the required dosage. If you correctly calculate the permissible amount of drug use, the penetration of sulfonamides and essential oils into breast milk will be minimal. The doctor prescribes the drug only if the expected benefit is higher than the hypothetical harm. For hepatitis B, folk remedies or monocomponent drugs are recommended.

Contraindications for use

It is better to refrain from using the spray if there is an individual immunity or hypersensitivity to certain components of the drug. If side effects occur, you should immediately stop using the aerosol.

Directions for use and dosage

The standard dosage is 3-4 times a day. Spray while inhaling, pressing the dispenser twice. After use, it is recommended not to drink or eat for an hour so that the drug has time to have a sufficient effect on the mucous membrane. Despite the absence of a prohibition in the instructions, the dosage of Ingalipt during lactation is determined only by the attending physician, under whose supervision the mother and child are.

During the period of breastfeeding, you need to take care of your health and try to avoid contact with potential carriers of the infection. If the disease does occur, do not use any medical supplies without the doctor's approval, so as not to cause harm potential harm defenseless baby.

A nursing mother, after difficulties during pregnancy and childbirth, is more susceptible to illness than other people. If her throat starts to hurt, then she needs not only to get better as quickly as possible, but also not to harm the baby. Each drug must be treated with caution, because there is a possibility that it will get into the milk. Even if Ingalipt was previously used without fear, special attention should be paid to its properties and components during breastfeeding.

If a mother gets sick while breastfeeding, this does not mean that it is necessary to deprive the baby of milk, but the problem cannot be ignored either. The first step is to ensure that the infection does not spread further by using a gauze bandage on the face, and then think about the method of treatment.

Description and composition of the drug

Inhalipt – popular remedy in the form of a spray for the treatment of respiratory tract infections. It has been saving people from colds for more than forty years. Inhalipt during breastfeeding will help cure diseases such as: acute and chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, lacunar and follicular tonsillitis. The medicine is used to irrigate the oropharynx in the amount specified in the instructions or doctor’s recommendation.

The drug combines the action of natural ingredients and synthetic substances, namely:

  • Sulfanilamide. The main active ingredient of this medicine. It has an antibacterial effect, blocks enzymes of microorganisms and destroys them. Today it is not used as a separate therapeutic agent, but as part of Ingalipt in combination with other ingredients it is successfully used to obtain a positive therapeutic effect.
  • Sulfathiazole. Slows down the synthesis of microbial enzymes and stops their reproduction. Has antimicrobial and antibacterial effects.
  • Thymol. Found in the essential oil of thyme or common thyme. Used as an antiseptic for respiratory diseases.
  • Peppermint oil. Obtained from dried or fresh leaves of the plant. It has an antitussive, antispasmodic and analgesic effect. Eliminates spasm of smooth muscles in inflammatory diseases. The oil contains ascorbic acid, rutin, carotene, menthol, resinous and tannins.
  • Eucalyptus oil. Obtained from eucalyptus leaves. It has an analgesic, antitussive and antiseptic effect. Effective when inhaled, it heals mucosal tissues prone to inflammation well. It is a prevention against congestive manifestations.
  • Glycerol. Has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Softens the harmful effects on the oral cavity and pharynx, and also cleanses the mucous membrane of purulent deposits. Draws intercellular fluid from damaged tissues.
  • Excipients: ethyl alcohol, water, sugar.

As a rule, the substances included in Inhalipt are well tolerated. Some of the components penetrate into the blood plasma, and a small amount can enter the baby’s body and cause a side effect, so some doctors recommend interrupting feeding during treatment with the drug.

Action during lactation

Manufacturers of the spray do not come to a definite answer to the question: can Ingalipt be used during breastfeeding. The drug instructions provide ambiguous information on this matter.

It is not entirely clear whether sulfanilamide or sulfathiazole passes into breast milk. There is insufficient data on the effect of the synthetic components of the drug, therefore it is not recommended to use Inhalipt during breastfeeding. Peppermint and eucalyptus oils are allergens and can cause allergies in mother or baby.

It is known that children under three years of age are not prescribed this medicine, because laryngospasm may occur. Some components of the product may cause burning of the mucous membrane.

Prescription during breastfeeding

If the doctor nevertheless prescribed Ingalipt, then during treatment you should refrain from breastfeeding. Typically, treatment with this drug lasts no more than 7 days. The effect can be noticed after two days, and after a week there is complete recovery. To preserve milk and minimize harmful effects on the child’s body in the future, it will need to be expressed periodically.

The main concern when using the drug is an allergic reaction. If the decision was made not to wean the child from the breast, then for the first two days it will be necessary to monitor the reaction of his body. The positive condition of the baby after this period indicates that the allergy has not manifested itself, and you can safely use Inhalipt in accordance with the prescribed dosage.

Alternative medications for sore throat

If Ingalipt raises serious doubts, then there are now many other remedies for treating the throat. You can choose a more suitable medicine with the help of a qualified specialist or on your own.

Permitted means for guardianship are:

  • Hexoral. Throat spray. Combines antiseptic and antimicrobial effect. Best result observed when gargling warm water before use.
  • Lysobacter. Available in the form of lozenges. During lactation, therapeutic doses must be strictly followed.
  • Furacillin. Has a pronounced bactericidal property. Tablets of this product are used to prepare a rinse solution.
  • Miramistin. Antiseptic drug wide range actions. Can also be used to treat a runny nose.

Folk remedies

Are your concerns about medications allayed? Then you can try treatment with folk remedies. But even here you need to be careful when choosing a treatment method. At home, you can also harm yourself or your child. Special attention need to pay attention to the components causing allergies, especially honey and lemon. They must be excluded to avoid negative consequences.

When breastfeeding it is not prohibited to use:

  • Gargling with herbal decoctions: calendula, sage, chamomile;
  • Rinse with soda or salt with iodine;
  • Various inhalations, for example, with eucalyptus or potatoes;
  • Any types of compresses;
  • Warm milk with butter.

Most rational method treatment is rinsing. It will not harm your health, and procedures can be performed up to 12 times a day. With such intense impact sore throat will be cured quickly and without the use of drugs.

If you still decide to use Ingalipt when feeding, you need to carefully read the instructions. Compliance with the dosage and period of use of the medicine is also extremely important. But it’s better to strengthen the body, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, so that a cold never affects a nursing mother and baby!

During breastfeeding natural immunity women can be weakened, because the body spends a lot of resources on milk production. During the cold season, some young mothers are bothered by a sore throat, and the choice therapeutic drugs complicated by the fact that few medications are incompatible with lactation. The doctor must select the optimal treatment, assessing all possible risks for mother and baby. One of the frequently prescribed remedies to combat the disease is Ingalipt spray.

Composition and properties of the drug

The drug contains active and auxiliary substances that enhance the medicinal effect

Inhalipt - drug, which has antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial effects. The medicine has a complex effect, not only inhibits the activity of pathogenic microbes, but also relieves pain, relieves cough, and “softens” the throat. Available in the form of a spray or aerosol, which allows you to irrigate the composition directly at the location of bacteria in the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract. This action is due to the presence of the following main components:

  1. Peppermint essential oil. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, expectorant properties. Peppermint oil relieves coughs, relieves spasms, and clears the throat of bacteria. The component is of natural origin, it is obtained by evaporation from the leaves and stems of the peppermint plant. The composition contains carotene, rutin, tannins, vitamin C.
  2. Glycerol. Helps relieve swelling of tissues, cleanse the surface of the mucous membrane from plaque and pus, and promotes the natural release of secretory fluid from the nasopharynx.
  3. Thymol. A substance present in thyme and thyme is synthesized chemically. It has disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. Sodium sulfathiazole. The antibacterial component of the drug has a detrimental effect on staphylococci and streptococci, and prevents the proliferation of negative microflora on the oral mucosa.
  5. Eucalyptus oil. It has a natural origin, is considered a natural antiseptic, softens an irritated throat, relieves pain, has an anti-inflammatory, expectorant effect, and stimulates the body's natural defenses.
  6. Streptocide (Sulfanilamide). It has a pronounced antibacterial and antimicrobial effect. Blocks the activity of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

The composition of the drug is supplemented with ethyl alcohol, water, nitrogen, sodium saccharin, polysorbate. The purpose of these components of Inhalipt is to enhance the effect of the main active ingredients, ensure the necessary consistency of the spray. The medicine is used for diseases of the ENT organs affecting the larynx - tonsillitis, sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis, as well as stomatitis.

Ingalipt is a popular remedy for combating diseases of the ENT organs, so you can find the drug in almost any pharmacy. The medicine is produced by several large pharmaceutical companies, so the packaging may differ in appearance, but the composition and name of the drugs are identical. An exception is Ingalipt-N, which contains norsulfazole (a second-generation drug) instead of sulfathiazole. The cost of Ingalipt is more than affordable, compared to analogues, amounting to 80–120 rubles per bottle.

Photo gallery: varieties of the drug Ingalipt

Inhalipt from Nika Farm is available in the form of a spray in a glass container. Ingalipt from Pharmstandard in the form of an aerosol is most often found in modern pharmacies. Ingalipt in a metal bottle is a classic drug familiar to many mothers from childhood.
Inhalipt in a plastic bottle is protected from mechanical damage Some manufacturers produce the drug in a glass bottle, this ensures the absence of any chemical interactions contents of the package Ingalipt-N is slightly different from the drug Ingalipt in composition

Features of use for hepatitis B

Components of medications pass into breast milk, so they should be used with caution during lactation.

Studying the information on Ingalipt packages from different manufacturers, it can be noted that recommendations for use during lactation differ. Such an ambiguous attitude is due to the fact that the composition contains substances that can cause unwanted reactions in infants. However, given the local effect on the body, a small amount of these components penetrates into the blood, which rarely leads to undesirable reactions. However, a doctor should prescribe the drug after assessing all possible risks for the child; self-medication can lead to unpleasant consequences.

During the period of breastfeeding, I treated my throat with Ingalipt. I didn’t go to the therapist about a cold, I don’t feel like going to the doctors when I have a baby in my arms, but I did consult a pediatrician at my next appointment with the baby. The doctor recommended irrigating the throat with this remedy in between meals, 3 times a day. The doctor did not give me any special instructions regarding use during lactation. After studying the instructions, I noticed that the drug is not recommended for use during lactation. This alarmed me a little, but after reading the information on the forums, I realized that many nursing mothers are prescribed it. To minimize the likelihood that the components will penetrate into the milk, it is worth using Inhalipt after feeding the baby, then by the next meal the concentration of active ingredients in the milk will not be so high. Of course, some part of the medicine will still get into the baby’s body, and if he is generally prone to allergies, then it is possible negative reactions. Hence the manufacturer’s warning regarding the advisability of use during lactation. As for the effectiveness of this product, my opinion is ambiguous. Still, I am inclined to believe that it is not effective enough as the only means of combating a sore throat. In addition to irrigating with Ingalipt, I gargled with water with soda and iodine, and drank tea with chamomile. In addition, my illness progressed in mild form. If it were a serious sore throat, and not just a cold, I wouldn’t have managed with Ingalipt alone. But the drug immediately relieves pain, you feel a characteristic minty “chill” and your health improves, although not for long.

Contraindications and side effects when feeding

Inhalipt has a number of side effects, but, compared to many other medications, this list is insignificant

Ingalipt spray is a product with a small list of contraindications and side effects. However, during breastfeeding it is necessary to take into account all the features of the drug. It is believed that children under one year of age are most susceptible to the influence of medications used by a nursing mother. Contraindications stated by manufacturers include:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • childhood up to 3 years.

We list the properties of the spray components that can negatively affect the baby’s well-being and lactation in general:

  • peppermint, thymol and eucalyptus are strong allergens;
  • ethyl alcohol leads to intoxication of the body;
  • the effect of streptocide and sodium sulfathiazole on infants has not been studied, as has the degree of penetration of the substance into breast milk;
  • mint is a remedy that reduces breast milk production.

Negative reactions to Ingalipt may manifest themselves as the following symptoms:

  • rash, redness of the skin;
  • digestive disorders;
  • dysbacteriosis of intestinal microflora.

If the doctor has prescribed the drug to a nursing mother, it is necessary to carefully monitor the baby’s reaction when using it. If no signs of allergies or digestive problems are detected, continue taking the product as recommended by a specialist. If you suspect that the baby is individually sensitive to the drug, you should stop taking it and consult a doctor for advice.

Dosage and instructions for use

To irrigate the throat, you need to bring the bottle to your mouth and press the sprayer

In most cases, Ingalipt is prescribed to nursing mothers in the same dosage as other adult patients - 3-4 times a day. The duration of treatment ranges from 5 days to 1 week.

Instructions for use:

  1. Remove the can from the packaging.
  2. Place the spray nozzle on the can.
  3. Gargle with warm water.
  4. As you inhale, spray the product onto your throat or oral cavity, pressing the sprayer for 2-3 seconds.
  5. Do not eat or drink for half an hour after irrigating the mucous membrane.

As a rule, immediately after irrigation, patients feel relief due to the effects of essential oils and “cooling” of the mucous membrane due to mint and eucalyptus esters. A stable improvement in condition is usually observed 2 days after the start of treatment. However, this is not a reason to stop using the drug; to destroy bacteria, it is necessary to use it in full, otherwise a relapse of the disease is possible.

To protect the baby from negative influence components of the drug, some mothers prefer to temporarily stop breast-feeding. At the same time, it is important to express your breasts regularly in order to maintain lactation and not provoke a significant decrease in breast milk production. The drug is excreted by binding to proteins through the kidneys. The time required for the half-life of streptocide is about 10 hours, sodium sulfathiazole is 3 hours.

Inhalipt is an effective drug for the treatment of inflammatory and respiratory diseases of the nasopharynx and oral mucosa (pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, stomatitis). The medicine acts as a local anesthetic, disinfectant and antimicrobial agent.

The composition includes the following active ingredients:

  • (0.75 g) norsulfazole sodium - actively fights pathogenic bacteria and viruses;
  • (0.75 g) soluble streptocide - has an antimicrobial effect, effective for tonsillitis;
  • (0.015 g) thymol - acts as a powerful antiseptic;
  • (0.015 g) Eucalyptus oil- has antibacterial, antiseptic and antiviral properties;
  • (0.015 g) peppermint - used as an antiseptic and antitussive;
  • (1.8 g) ethyl alcohol is an excellent solvent and extractant, i.e. With its help, beneficial substances are extracted from medicinal plants.

  • The drug is available in the form of an aerosol and spray, in 30 ml cans.

    Inhalipt is applied topically, it should be sprayed in the mouth up to 3-4 times a day (1 or 2 pumps), after taking it it is not advisable to eat for 30 minutes. The course of treatment can last 10 days maximum.

    There are two contraindications– individual intolerance to the drug and children under 3 years of age.

    Pregnant women and nursing mothers can use Ingalipt with caution, after consulting with a doctor.

    Effect on nursing mother

    Most are contraindicated for nursing mothers medicines, they can have a toxic effect on the child. In case of illness, it is recommended to contact folk medicine, which is often ineffective in treating diseases. If a woman has a sore throat, ARVI, accompanied by inflammation of the oral cavity and sore throat, Ingalipt can be used in consultation with a specialist. The drug is prescribed in the same dosages as for other patients. You can breastfeed while taking the medicine.

    Inhalipt - effective remedy for treating a throat: symptoms disappear within two days, and recovery occurs in 4-5 days. Among nursing mothers, the number positive feedback about the drug significantly exceeds the number of negative ones.

    Effect on milk and infants

    Inhalipt contains components that practically do not cause allergic reactions. It is used topically and enters the mother's blood in small quantities, and therefore into the milk, which does not change the taste and smell, and does not affect the baby. Mothers of children with allergies should take the drug with caution, since such babies are sensitive to any new components.