Carbon monoxide poisoning in children. What to do if a child is poisoned? What can you do

Domestic gas – common reason calling an ambulance. Such poisonings are quite dangerous for human health; in the absence of medical care, they can lead to fatal outcome. Unfortunately, no one is immune from the situation under consideration, and therefore everyone needs to know the symptoms of household gas poisoning and how to provide first aid to victims.

If household gas poisoning occurs voluntarily, then we are talking about - this moment is very piquant and requires the help of not only a therapist, but also a psychologist (in some cases, a psychiatrist!). However, such a suicide can be helped if medical assistance is provided in time.

Symptoms of household gas poisoning

Methane (a gas used for domestic needs) is colorless and odorless - it is easy to poison oneself with it, and it is almost impossible to immediately understand the cause of the deterioration of the condition. That is why other types of gas that have a specific aroma are mixed into methane. And yet, household gas poisoning occurs regularly - the cause may be a gas leak from a heating appliance or gas stove.

Symptoms of domestic gas:

Note:Most often, victims of household gas poisoning lose consciousness, so it is not possible to get answers from them to standard questions in order to somehow indicate the clinical picture. In this case, the condition in question can be suspected by the reddish or bluish color of the skin.

  • people with diagnosed diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems that occur in a chronic form;
  • pregnant women;
  • children and elderly people;
  • smokers;
  • people with chronic blood pathologies.

In medicine, there is a clear differentiation of household gas poisoning by intensity:

There is another form of household gas poisoning - instant . In this case, literally after a few breaths, suffocation occurs and the victim loses consciousness. The instantaneous form of the condition in question is the most dangerous, because 5-8 minutes after the first breaths the person dies.

First aid for household gas poisoning

First of all, you need to call an ambulance - you will probably need resuscitation measures. Before the specialists arrive, you need to provide first aid:

  1. The victim must be taken outside; if this is not possible (for example, the person is too heavy), then you need to open the windows/vents/doors as wide as possible, create a draft - it is necessary to ensure the flow of fresh air.

  1. On the street, the victim is placed in a supine position, any cold is applied to the head - it can be ice from the refrigerator, a towel soaked in water, even a piece of frozen meat or dumplings.
  2. You need to free the person from any constricting things - unbutton your shirt, take off your T-shirt/T-shirt, unfasten the belt on your trousers or skirt, and so on.
  3. If the victim is conscious, then it is necessary to provide him drinking plenty of fluids– ideally it should be ordinary pure water, but any drink (except alcohol) will benefit. It is necessary to constantly talk to the person, not to let him fall asleep or lose consciousness.

Note:If the victim is unable to breathe, then he is given artificial respiration if the pulse is not palpable carotid arteryindirect massage hearts.

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Treatment and recovery after household gas poisoning

The victim is treated in a hospital. Modern science cannot offer any that quickly restores the functioning of the entire body and removes toxins from it - doctors use three-stage therapy.

Firstly, the patient is given full examination– doctors must know which organs and systems have suffered the most, what is working within normal limits, and what needs to be literally resuscitated.

Secondly, according to the results of the examination, a therapeutic treatment. Naturally, it is selected strictly individually, but most often comes down to the following purposes:

  1. Heart medications that can support and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Painkillers - they can relieve symptoms of intoxication in the body in the form of pain in the head and behind the sternum.
  3. Anti-inflammatory medicines for the respiratory system - this will prevent the development of the inflammatory process and speed up the process of restoring the functionality of the system.

Thirdly, the doctor will definitely prescribe physiotherapy for such victims. We are talking about therapeutic breathing exercises - it helps restore the normal functioning of the respiratory system and prevent the development of inflammatory and congestive processes in it.

Note:All of these therapeutic measures are carried out if the victim is conscious after poisoning with household gas. Treatment is selected individually, taking into account clinical picture and intensity of symptoms.

If the patient is suffering from a severe form of household gas poisoning, then specialists will carry out resuscitation measures. These include:

After the victim’s condition has stabilized, he is sent to the intensive care unit of the medical institution and specialists there carry out the necessary therapeutic measures.

Recovery from household gas poisoning can take a long time; in some cases, such toxic effects end in the development of serious pathologies - diseases of the respiratory system, heart can progress, and the central nervous system often suffers. nervous system, organs of vision. Even after discharge from the hospital, the victim should regularly visit medical institution to undergo a preventive examination - at least once every six months. The doctor removes the patient from the register only after 3 years of monitoring his health and in the absence of any consequences.

Precautionary measures

Naturally, when the first signs of household gas poisoning appear ( headache, nausea and vomiting, increased “out of the blue”), you must immediately leave the room and call a doctor. But others also need to adhere to certain precautions when providing first aid to victims of household gas poisoning. Experts recommend:

  1. Under no circumstances should you turn on the lights in the room, light matches or a lighter, or use electrical appliances - a fire and then an explosion may occur at any minute.
  2. If you are supposed to provide first aid indoors, then there should be an assistant nearby (preferably 2-3, who should be on the street or in the entrance) - remember that the person providing assistance can be poisoned by household gas fumes, and then he will also need help.
  3. If it is necessary to perform artificial respiration using the mouth-to-mouth method, you need to use a damp/wet handkerchief (it is placed on the victim’s mouth), you need to inhale air through your nose and be sure to turn away from the victim. This way you can avoid self-poisoning.
  4. If a victim of domestic gas poisoning is unconscious, but his breathing and pulse rates are not affected, then you can revive him with a cotton swab soaked in ammonia.
  5. If poisoning occurs in mild form and the doctor’s visit is postponed for 1-2 days (it must take place!), then the victim must be provided with a large amount

Carbon monoxide poisoning often occurs during fires. Basic pathological changes occur in the child's lungs. Inspiratory shortness of breath, participation of auxiliary muscles with retraction during inspiration of the supra- and subclavian areas, intercostal spaces and sternum are pronounced. In this article we will tell you about how first aid is provided to a child when he is poisoned.

Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning in children

The child has “cherry” lips and central nervous system disorders of varying degrees:

  • excitation,
  • squeezing headaches,
  • nausea,
  • dizziness,
  • visual impairment,
  • development of seizures.

The first signs of carbon monoxide poisoning in a child

It is characterized by the fact that in the blood, carbon monoxide (CO) creates a strong compound with hemoglobin - carboxyhemoglobin, in the presence of which oxyhemoglobin is more difficult to release to tissues. By combining with the iron of tissue enzymes, CO damages them, which aggravates tissue hypoxia and leads to lactic acidosis. Toxic effect OM is not limited to the development of tissue hypoxia and a shift in the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve. Carbon monoxide can bind cytochromes P450, leading to respiratory depression at the mitochondrial level. The bulk of extravascular CO is bound by myoglobin.

Half-life of CO healthy person is 4 - 5 hours. CO is released from the body mainly through the lungs in unchanged form, and small part transforms into CO2. Breathing 100% oxygen. The half-life of CO from the body is reduced to 80 minutes, while when breathing normal air it reaches more than 500 minutes.

What happens to a child after carbon monoxide poisoning?

Clinical symptoms acute condition, which has no color, odor and does not cause irritation, is characterized by manifestations of increasing hypoxia of the central nervous system in the form of weakening of attention, impaired ability to distinguish between short intervals of time, and impaired perception of light. Headaches, dizziness, and tinnitus appear. The skin may take on a dark cherry or blue-purple color, but affected individuals are often pale or cyanotic. Then consciousness is lost, breathing becomes shallow and intermittent. Children develop seizures.

CO2 poisoning is characterized by the appearance of hemorrhage in the lung parenchyma and the development of non-cardiogenic edema, which, in combination with cerebral edema, causes death.

When there are small, non-lethal concentrations of CO in the air, chronic form, which is characterized by headache, nausea, and arterial hypotension.

How is care provided for carbon monoxide poisoning?

The victim is immediately removed from the contaminated area, and in the event of a fire, an examination is necessary to identify possible inhalation burns of the respiratory tract, intoxication with cyanide and other toxic combustion products.

What to do if you have carbon monoxide poisoning?

First aid depends on whether the victim’s consciousness is impaired. When there is no disorder of consciousness, the baby must be taken out into the fresh air and oxygen inhalation of 40–60% should be started.

  1. Impaired consciousness, convulsions and pulmonary edema are indications for the injection of atropine and seduxene into the muscles of the floor of the mouth and subsequent endotracheal intubation with oxygen therapy.
  2. If inhalation injury is combined with a burn of more than 10% of the body surface, it is necessary to begin treatment for burn shock.
  3. To provide assistance, it is necessary to hospitalize the child in the intensive care unit of the burn center.

First aid for carbon monoxide poisoning

An audit of the upper respiratory tract is carried out, in case of respiratory depression - oxygenation 100% 02, tracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation under positive pressure of 4 - 6 cm of water column with the development of pulmonary edema. To stimulate the respiratory center, conscious patients are periodically given ammonia to inhale.

In case of carbon monoxide poisoning, it is necessary to determine the level of carboxyhemoglobin and blood gases as soon as possible, as well as conduct an ECG examination and radiography chest. It is necessary to carry out hyperbaric oxygenation under pressure up to 3 atmospheres for 46 minutes. The half-life of carbon monoxide is reduced to 23 minutes. If symptoms persist, repeat the session after 6 to 8 hours.

It should be borne in mind that correction of metabolic acidosis can be dangerous, since alkalization shifts the hemoglobin dissociation curve to the left, thereby reducing the ability of tissues to absorb oxygen, which increases the toxic effects of carbon monoxide. At pH less than 7.2, dosed administration of sodium bicarbonate is carried out under the control of the parameters of the acid-base state.

When providing assistance, it is advisable to use infusions of perfluorocarbon compounds with a gas transport function (Perftoran), which also have a positive effect on central and peripheral hemodynamics, have a membrane-protective effect, increase tissue metabolism and gas exchange.

Now you know how to treat carbon monoxide poisoning. Health to your children!

Simultaneous smoke and carbon monoxide poisoning in children occurs mainly during a fire.

In the pathogenesis of lung damage in a fire, the main significance is the effect of hot air on all respiratory tracts up to the alveoli with the development of spasm of the larynx and bronchioles, as well as toxic damage to the epithelium of the respiratory tract by smoke with its desquamation. In the first hours, laryngospasm prevails; by 4-6 hours after the child is removed from the fire, the phenomena of bronchiolospasm and toxic bronchiolitis intensify. With a burn of the upper respiratory tract, a pronounced pharynx and larynx develops after 1-2 hours, and therefore it is often necessary to resort to early intubation of the victim’s trachea.


Exposure to carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) is accompanied by an increase in carboxyhemoglobin levels in the blood and hemic hypoxia. The lips become “cherry”, the skin has a purple tint.

At a 10% concentration of HB-CO, lethargy is observed.

At 20% NV-CO - severe headaches, lethargy.

At 30-50% NV-CO - short-term loss of consciousness, then disorientation, vomiting, dizziness, blurred vision.

Exceeding carboxyhemoglobinemia above 60% NV-CO increases the unfavorable prognosis due to hypoxic brain damage.


  • remove the affected person to fresh air (taking into account the ambient temperature);
  • give inhalation of 100% oxygen, fight bronchospasm and laryngospasm (isadrin, aminophylline, prednisolone, atropine, seduxen). In case of increase respiratory failure- mechanical ventilation;
  • HBOT accelerates the displacement of carbon monoxide from the compound with hemoglobin by 10-12 times (from 5-6 hours to 30 minutes), saturates the plasma with oxygen and relieves tissue hypoxia;
  • treatment of burn shock (analgesics, local treatment with antiseptics);
  • resolve the issue of timely, early, preventive tracheal intubation in case of burn of the respiratory tract with flame or hot air, because within 30 minutes after the burn, severe laryngeal edema and bronchospasm develop.
The article was prepared and edited by: surgeon



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Methane is the most common household gas, used in almost every home and at gas stations. The convenience of using this gas is familiar to everyone who has a gas stove, boiler, water heater, etc. at home.

However, you need to use the equipment extremely carefully, otherwise the consequences can be very disastrous: an explosion or gas poisoning, the symptoms of which may not be immediately noticeable. Both cases often lead to death.

The insidiousness of methane

Methane poisoning is a very dangerous condition for the body, so it is important to know how it manifests itself in order to take appropriate measures and provide first aid as early as possible. Household gas is insidious not only because of its toxicity, but also because it is colorless and odorless, so it is almost impossible to determine its presence in a room. When the methane content in the air exceeds 20%, while oxygen is less than this indicator, poisoning inevitably occurs.

The effect of methane is comparable to that of narcotic substances:

  • the central nervous system is affected;
  • respiratory function is depressed;
  • oxygen starvation occurs.

Untimely actions in providing emergency assistance will lead to death. In the body it displaces oxygen and replaces it, which leads to suffocation. The poisonous substance enters through Airways into the lungs and prevents normal operation hemoglobin. An acute

Gas poisoning: symptoms

Limit permissible concentration methane indoors is 7000 mg/m³. Sensors are installed in factories to monitor gas in the air. And during its production, special substances are added that emit a specific odor to quickly detect the compound.

Every person should understand when gas poisoning occurs, know the symptoms of intoxication and first aid measures. Depending on the severity, poisoning can take several forms:

  • Light form- dizziness, weakness and drowsiness, pain in the eyes, tearing, pain in the chest area.
  • Medium form- rapid pulse and heartbeat, impaired coordination of movements, severe heart failure.
  • Severe form- intoxication as a result of receiving a large dose of methane. Persistent loss of consciousness, involuntary urination, blue/pale skin, convulsions, shallow breathing.
  • Instant form of poisoning- severe poisoning occurs after 2 breaths; after a few minutes the person loses consciousness and dies.

Early signs of gas poisoning:

  • dull headache;
  • gagging;
  • high irritability and nervousness;
  • noise in ears;
  • feeling that there is not enough air;

First aid

First aid must be provided urgently. The victim needs to be fed fresh air: If he is conscious, then take him outside. If you lose consciousness, you need to open all the windows in the room and turn the poisoned person on his side. At the same time, remove your neck and chest from clothing to facilitate breathing and call an ambulance.

Before doctors arrive, it is important to examine the person, and if breathing is weak or stops, inhale through a gauze bandage or nasal flow to avoid poisoning the person providing assistance.

Cold is applied to the victim's head, and the arms and legs are freed from tight clothing to ensure normal blood flow. If possible, the person should be given more fluids. This can be water (provided there is no vomiting), milk, tea or kefir.

Treatment for household gas poisoning

After the patient has been given the first gas and managed to be saved, a professional health care in a hospital setting. Treatment consists of intensively supplying the patient with oxygen for several hours. Therapy will depend on the severity of the poisoning; in some cases, a blood transfusion is required.

Treatment is selected individually after a thorough examination, most often prescribed:

  • Cardiac medications to support the cardiovascular system.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs to restore the functions of the respiratory system.
  • Painkillers to relieve pain in the head and chest.

Procedures are also prescribed in the form breathing exercises to prevent stagnation and inflammatory processes V respiratory system. Recovery from household gas poisoning can take a long time; in some cases, such toxic effects end in the development of serious pathologies.

After discharge from the hospital, you must regularly visit a medical facility for preventive examination. In the absence of diseases, the patient is removed from the register only after 3 years of observation. Even if gas poisoning has occurred a long time ago, the symptoms do not bother you and observation is mandatory.

The consequences of such violations are often severe. mental disorders, loss of vision (partial or complete). Intellectual abilities decrease. Suffering greatly due to intoxication the cardiovascular system, which can lead to heart attacks. Most severe complication- pulmonary edema.

Basic Cautions and Actions

Household gas poisoning occurs due to its leakage, so this problem must be solved urgently by inspecting your home gas equipment. At the slightest suspicion of a leak, it is dangerous to turn on any electrical appliances, lights, light matches and smoke - these actions will provoke an explosion.

When providing assistance to the victim, you need to find several assistants, since actions must be as fast as possible, and it is extremely difficult to cope with a poisoned person alone, especially when he is unconscious.

Causes of poisoning

Intoxication occurs as a result of improper use of gas and heating appliances. Intentional poisoning for suicidal or criminal purposes is often encountered. Appliances using household gas:

  • home ovens and gas equipment;
  • stoves, grill;
  • fireplaces, water heaters;
  • wood stoves;
  • portable generators;
  • passenger and freight vehicles.

Consequences of poisoning

The consequences can be pronounced or asymptomatic. The damage caused to health does not go away quickly and without leaving a trace. Spasmodic pain, dizziness, low sensitivity of the limbs, partial hearing loss, and cerebral edema (in more severe cases) may appear. When brain cells are irreparably damaged, some of them even die.

Domestic gas poisoning is dangerous for everyone without exception, but there is a category of people who feel its effects particularly strongly, and their symptoms appear more clearly and quickly. These include children, the elderly, smokers and people with lung, heart and blood diseases.

Poisoning is acute illness, resulting from the penetration of a certain dose of toxins of biological or chemical origin into the child’s body.


Acute poisoning in children medical practice divided into many types of intoxications. The poison enters the body not only through the intestines, but also by airborne droplets , absorbed through the mucous membrane of the nasal pharynx.

Food poisoning in a child is the result of toxic products entering the gastrointestinal tract. Children are too susceptible to toxic substances, penetrating them into the body. Germs are the root cause food poisoning and can provoke intestinal infection.

Food poisoning in children is often caused by the following foods:

  • meat products (mainly pates);
  • dairy products;
  • raw or improperly cooked eggs;
  • fish food;
  • salads seasoned with sour cream or mayonnaise.

Parents should pay attention to the smell, color and consistency of the product before feeding their baby.

In summer, cases of children being poisoned by plants and poisonous berries worsen, which occurs due to children's curiosity. When poisoned by poisonous plants, the poison is instantly absorbed and a complex form of intoxication occurs.

Poisoning with mushrooms (for example, toadstools), which has a very complex course and symptoms, can occur even when consuming a small portion of them. Moms need to know that vomiting in children can also be caused by edible mushrooms that accumulate salts of heavy metals. Unfortunately, today cases of poisoning by vegetables and fruits are becoming more frequent, since land treated with various pesticides and pesticides.


Medicines become the culprits of child poisoning if parents store home first aid kit in an accessible place. Children are often poisoned with pills when their mothers and fathers did not study the instructions and mixed up the dose.

List of the most dangerous drugs for children:

  • blood pressure medications and glycosides;
  • antidepressants and barbiturates;
  • medicines containing minerals;
  • psychotropic drugs.

Remember that all medications that were not prescribed by a doctor can harm the child!

Inhalation (gas)

Gas poisoning occurs quickly and easily due to the absence of odor and color characteristics. Gas intoxication is considered fatal if its concentration in the air exceeds 0.4%. The main reason Carbon monoxide or household monoxide poisoning is caused by improper operation of heating appliances.

Most cases of carbon monoxide poisoning in children occur during fires. Thus, the gas can block the connection of hemoglobin with oxygen, and the airways are burned by hot air. Illuminating gas poisoning occurs when it leaks due to the carelessness of adults, if they did not close the stove damper in a room heated by a stove in a timely manner.


Poisonous chemicals can enter a child’s body through skin, mouth and respiratory organs. Any packaging or bright bottle that attracts a child’s eye can become a chemical poison. Full list It is difficult to list chemical substances that can provoke intoxication.

Intoxication is most often detected under the influence of:

  • vinegar essence;
  • boric acid;
  • resorcinol solution;
  • salicylic alcohol;
  • gasoline;
  • kerosene;
  • poisons for household and agricultural purposes.

Mass poisoning

With the arrival of summer, when we send our children to camp, mass poisoning of children in these institutions becomes more frequent. Mass poisoning of children is a consequence of the negligence and irresponsibility of the recreation center staff.

Basically, mass poisoning of children occurs due to poor quality food and water.

Who and what caused it is always investigated by the investigation, but, as a rule, to no avail! In case of mass admissions of patients, medical institutions have developed special treatment and provision of necessary assistance. The treatment provided will depend on the severity of intoxication.


Symptoms of poisoning can be specific (in case of intoxication with poison or chemical substances) and non-specific, which occur in case of food poisoning:

  • drowsiness;
  • confused speech;
  • change in skin color;
  • heat;
  • increased heart rate;
  • nausea, etc.

The classic three for all types of poisoning are diarrhea, fever and gag reflexes.. Many parents ask: how long does a high temperature last during intoxication? If the fever persists for more than 3 days and is accompanied by severe symptoms, there is a possibility of complications.

Symptoms of poisoning are expressed depending on the dose of harmful substances that enter the child’s body.

On initial stage of poisoning, muted symptoms appear:

  • dry mouth;
  • temperature;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit.

At a complex stage of poisoning, patients experience symptoms such as impaired heart rhythm, disorientation, and increased excitability.

For poisoning with poisonous mushrooms, after the latent period (from 6-24 hours) the following features are inherent:

  • tummy pain;
  • continuous vomiting and diarrhea;
  • dehydration;
  • impaired consciousness and even hallucinations.

Mushroom poisoning is sometimes accompanied by damage to the central nervous system, in which delirium appears and the pupils change. mushrooms and poisonous plants, as well as the first urgent Care may be different.

If a child has taken a sleeping pill, parents may observe that their baby is lethargic, lethargic and drowsy. If the patient is not given first aid, there is a possibility of coma.

Getting into the child's body antihistamines(Diphenhydramine, Suprastin), the harmful amount of which is only 2-5 tablets, is dangerous for child's body. In case of drug poisoning, the following symptoms are observed:

  • dry mouth;
  • the appearance of redness and dry skin;
  • motor and mental agitation;
  • increased heart rate.

If emergency assistance is not provided to the child in time, loss of consciousness may occur, convulsions may begin, and breathing may be impaired.

Unfortunately, Due to the irresponsibility of parents, many children end up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning. This also applies to medications containing alcohol. Symptoms in a child depend on how long the alcohol remains in the blood.

Commonly known symptoms alcohol poisoning are agitation, impaired self-control, salivation and vomiting. Afterwards, signs such as mental confusion and lethargy appear.

If a child is poisoned by gasoline or kerosene, he may complain of pain and burning in the mouth and abdomen, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. A severe course is characterized by yellowness of the skin and enlarged liver. In case of poisoning through the skin, in the area where Chemical substance, the appearance of burns, abscesses and burning is observed.


For intestinal poisoning

Parents, If you find the first signs of poisoning in a child, the main thing is not to panic and take action! You are required to provide your baby with first aid. Treatment should begin at the first suspicion of intoxication.

First aid

Emergency care for poisoning through the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. Call immediately Ambulance"! When you call the team, you may be connected to a poison control center, where you will be advised.
  2. Provide your baby with constant observation and a comfortable position until doctors arrive. If there is vomiting, sit or place the child on your lap, head down, and place a basin. If there is no consciousness, turn the baby onto his side. To prevent vomit from interfering with the child’s breathing, you can wrap your finger in a handkerchief and cleanse the mouth.
  3. Try to determine what the child was poisoned with. If the child is able to explain something, ask what he ate. Pay attention to possible odors, stains, redness or burns on the skin.
  4. Close monitoring of the baby and a clear description of all changes in his condition are necessary - this will help doctors quickly identify the causative agent of intoxication.

Gastric lavage

Gastric lavage is the first step in removing toxins, but treatment with this method can only be done on a newborn in a hospital or under the supervision of a doctor at home. Treating the stomach with lavage is effective only within a few hours after toxins enter the body.

Remember the contraindications:

  • do not induce vomiting when the baby is unconscious;
  • do not give carbonated drinks or mineral water;
  • Do not rinse the stomach for burns of the larynx and gastrointestinal tract caused by poisoning with kerosene, gasoline, acid or alkali!

At home you can cleanse your baby's stomach boiled water, the temperature of which should be 36-37C. Required amount of liquid by age categories of children:

  • for a child over 1 year old – about 1 liter;
  • V preschool age– 3-5 l.;
  • for a schoolchild – 6-7 years;
  • for a teenager you need 8 liters. water.

The normal reaction of the stomach to heavy drinking is vomiting. This procedure should be done from 2 to 5 repetitions. If there is no vomiting, lavage should be carried out in a hospital setting using a nasogastric tube.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon is popular in use both for poisoning and for other gastrointestinal diseases. At home, Activated carbon is an indispensable emergency aid for a child, since it is always available in the first aid kit.

Activated carbon is taken orally, and the tablet must be crushed for the baby and diluted with water. Activated carbon can be given to a child in proportion, depending on his weight: 0.05 g. medications/1kg body weight. Activated carbon should be taken 3 times a day. Maximum dose application of the product is 0.2 mg/1 kg of weight. Treatment of children with sorbent lasts about 3-5 days.

Activated carbon is contraindicated to give to children with stomach or intestinal ulcers.

When taking this remedy, keep in mind that after drinking activated carbon, you need to take 2-hour breaks before eating, otherwise the treatment will not be effective. Activated charcoal can also stop diarrhea in children, as it removes excess fluid from the body.

Breasts can be given activated carbon in the form of granules, paste or powder form. Became more popular modern drugs, For example , Sorbex. Smecta can also be given to your baby to relieve diarrhea and bloating.

Please note that activated carbon comes in different weights, so be sure to check the instructions.

Fighting dehydration