Features of the countries of East Africa in their areas. East Africa - description, countries and features

Eastern part of Africa in equatorial and subequatorial latitudes. Most of the East. Africa occupies the East African Plateau. The climate is hot, seasonally humid, with precipitation ranging from 500 to 3000 mm per year. In the East Africa is one of the largest in the world... ... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

East Africa- — EN East Africa A geographic region of the African continent that includes Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia and Somalia, and also Mt. Kilimanjaro and Lake... ... Technical Translator's Guide

Eastern part of Africa in equatorial and subequatorial latitudes. Most East Africa occupies the East African Plateau. The climate is hot, seasonally humid, with precipitation ranging from 500 to 3000 mm per year. East Africa has one of the largest... encyclopedic Dictionary

East Africa- East Africa. Physical card. East Africa, a natural country in the equatorial and subequatorial latitudes of the eastern part of Africa, between the Ethiopian Highlands in the north, the Congo Basin in the west and the lower reaches of the river. Zambezi in the south. On the… … Encyclopedic reference book"Africa"

A natural country covering the eastern part of Africa in equatorial and subequatorial latitudes between the Ethiopian Plateau in the north, the Congo Basin in the west, the lower reaches of the Zambezi in the south and Indian Ocean to E. Within the limits of V. A. completely... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

1) British (see Great Britain) and 2) German (see Germany) ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Natural country in eastern Africa. Within the East Africa is located in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti. Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. M.: Rosman. Under… … Geographical encyclopedia

- (East Africa) 2nd World War After Aug. 1941 15 thousandth English garrison located in Somalia was forced to evacuate the country, Gen. Wavell developed with gene. Sir William Platt and Sir Alan Cunningham plan to... ... Encyclopedia of Battles of World History

Africa Orientale Italiana colony ← ... Wikipedia

Deutsch Ostafrika Colony of Germany ← ... Wikipedia


  • East Africa: Tanzania, None. Africa is a huge continent of the Earth, which is washed on all sides by the waters of the world's oceans: the Atlantic, Indian and Mediterranean seas. Previously, the mainland was connected to Asia by Suez... eBook
  • East Africa: Kenya, None. Africa is an amazing country, many secrets and mysteries are hidden behind its green forests and endless shrouds and hot deserts. Africa is called the cradle of humanity and is believed to be the most…

East Africa is the part of the African continent that covers the states located east of the Nile River (with the exception of Egypt).

General characteristics of East African countries

East Africa includes 17 independent states - Kenya, Rwanda, Seychelles, Ethiopia, Uganda, Sudan, Mozambique, etc.

More than 200 nationalities live in East Africa. Four language groups are common here. The main feature of the states of East Africa is that after the collapse of the colonial regime, the borders between them were created arbitrarily, without taking into account ethnic and cultural generality.

Therefore, in many states, civil conflicts on religious and ideological grounds have not subsided for several decades now.

East Africa is considered the most problematic region of the continent - there are rampant infectious diseases and hunger, the socio-economic level of development of the population is very low.

Many East African countries are former colonies of European powers that gained independence in the 1960s. The disinterest of developed countries in investing in the economy of East Africa significantly slows down economic development in the region.


Sudan is a large state in East Africa, its territory covers more than 1.8 million km2. The population exceeds 30 million people. Sudan is considered one of the poorest countries in the world.

Most of its territory is occupied by the Nubian and Lebanese deserts. The hot, dry climate, as well as the lack of fertile soils, makes farming impossible. According to 2011 data, more than 45% of the population lives below the poverty line.

More than 60% of children school age don't visit educational establishments. The main problem of the state is infant mortality, which negatively affects the demographic picture.


Kenya is an East African state that was a British colony until 1963. Today, Kenya is the most developed country in East Africa.

Thanks to foreign investment, industrial production is actively developing here. Over the past decade, socio-economic indicators have increased significantly in the state.

The capital of Kenya, Nairobi, is the continent's largest financial center. Kenya is an agricultural country that exports products such as tea, coffee, sugar cane and corn.

Oil refineries are located in Kenya. The main problem of the country is low level rural literacy and the dynamic spread of HIV.

Africa is the largest region in area (30 million sq. km.), including 54 independent states. Some of them are rich and developing, others are poor, some are landlocked and others are not. So how many countries are there in Africa, and which countries are the most developed?

North African countries

The entire continent can be divided into five zones: North Africa, West Africa, East Africa, Central Africa, South Africa.

Rice. 1. African countries.

Almost the entire region of North Africa (10 million sq. km.) lies on the territory of the Sahara Desert. For this natural area characteristic high temperatures, this is where the world’s highest temperature in the shade was recorded – +58 degrees. The largest states in Africa are located in this region. These are Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Sudan. All these countries are territories with access to the sea.

Egypt - tourist center of Africa. People from all over the world come here to enjoy the warm sea, sandy beaches and infrastructure fully suitable for a good holiday.

State of Algeria with the capital of the same name is the most big country by area in North Africa. Its area is 2382 thousand square meters. km. The largest river in this area is the Sheliff River, which flows into the Mediterranean Sea. Its length is 700 km. The remaining rivers are much smaller and are lost among the Sahara deserts. Algeria produces large quantities of oil and gas.

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Sudan is a country in the North African region that has access to the Red Sea.

Sudan is sometimes called the “country of three Niles” - White, Blue, and the main one, which is formed as a result of the merger of the first two.

Sudan has dense and rich vegetation of tall grass savannas: in the wet season, the grass here reaches 2.5 - 3 m. In the very south there is a forest savannah with iron, red and black ebony trees.

Rice. 2. Ebony.

Libya – a country in the Central part North Africa, with an area of ​​1760 thousand square meters. km. Most of the territory is a flat plain with altitudes ranging from 200 to 500 meters. Like other countries in North America, Libya has access to the Mediterranean Sea.

West African countries

West Africa is washed by the Atlantic Ocean from the south and west. The Guinean forests of the tropical region are located here. These areas are characterized by alternating rainy and dry seasons. West Africa includes many countries, including Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal, Mali, Cameroon, Liberia. The population of this region is 210 million people. It is in this region that Nigeria (195 million people) is located - the most large country largest population in Africa, and Cape Verde is a very small island state with a population of about 430 thousand people.

Plays a major role in the economy Agriculture. West African countries are leaders in the collection of cocoa beans (Ghana, Nigeria), peanuts (Senegal, Niger), and palm oil (Nigeria).

Central African countries

Central Africa is located in the western part of the continent and lies in the equatorial and subequatorial belt. This area is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Guinea. There are a lot of rivers in Central Africa: Congo, Ogowe, Kwanza, Kwilu. The climate is humid and hot. This area includes 9 countries, including Congo, Chad, Cameroon, Gabon, and Angola.

In terms of natural resources, the Democratic Republic of the Congo is one of the richest countries on the continent. Here are unique rainforests - the Selvas of Africa, which make up 6% of the world's rainforests.

Angola is a major export supplier. Coffee, fruits, and sugar cane are exported abroad. And in Gabon, copper, oil, manganese, and uranium are mined.

East African countries

The coast of East Africa is washed by the Red Sea, as well as the Nile. The climate in this area is different in each country. For example, the Seychelles are characterized as humid maritime tropics, dominated by monsoons. At the same time, Somalia, also part of East Africa, is a desert where there are practically no rainy days. This region includes Madagascar, Rwanda, Seychelles, Uganda, and Tanzania.

Some East African countries are characterized by the export of specific products that are not available in other African countries. Kenya exports tea and coffee, while Tanzania and Uganda export cotton.

Many people are interested in where is the capital of Africa? Naturally, each country has its own capital, but the capital of Ethiopia, the city of Addis Ababa, is considered the heart of Africa. It is landlocked, but it is here that the representative offices of all countries of the mainland are located.

Rice. 3. Addis Ababa.

Southern African countries

TO South Africa include South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland.

South Africa is the most developed in its region, and Swaziland is the smallest. Swaziland borders South Africa and Mozambique. The country's population is only 1.3 million people. This region is located in the tropical and subtropical climate zone.

List of African countries with capitals

  • Algiers (capital - Algiers)
  • Angola (capital - Luanda)
  • Benin (capital - Porto Novo)
  • Botswana (capital - Gaborone)
  • Burkina Faso (capital - Ouagadougou)
  • Burundi (capital - Bujumbura)
  • Gabon (capital - Libreville)
  • Gambia (capital - Banjul)
  • Ghana (capital - Accra)
  • Guinea (capital - Conakry)
  • Guinea-Bissau (capital - Bissau)
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo (capital - Kinshasa)
  • Djibouti (capital - Djibouti)
  • Egypt (capital - Cairo)
  • Zambia (capital - Lusaka)
  • West Sahara
  • Zimbabwe (capital - Harare)
  • Cape Verde (capital - Praia)
  • Cameroon (capital - Yaounde)
  • Kenya (capital - Nairobi)
  • Comoros (capital - Moroni)
  • Congo (capital - Brazzaville)
  • Cote d'Ivoire (capital - Yamoussoukro)
  • Lesotho (capital - Maseru)
  • Liberia (capital - Monrovia)
  • Libya (capital - Tripoli)
  • Mauritius (capital - Port Louis)
  • Mauritania (capital - Nouakchott)
  • Madagascar (capital - Antananarivo)
  • Malawi (capital - Lilongwe)
  • Mali (capital - Bamako)
  • Morocco (capital - Rabat)
  • Mozambique (capital - Maputo)
  • Namibia (capital - Windhoek)
  • Niger (capital - Niamey)
  • Nigeria (capital - Abuja)
  • Saint Helena (capital - Jamestown) (UK)
  • Reunion (capital - Saint-Denis) (France)
  • Rwanda (capital - Kigali)
  • Sao Tome and Principe (capital - Sao Tome)
  • Swaziland (capital - Mbabane)
  • Seychelles (capital - Victoria)
  • Senegal (capital - Dakar)
  • Somalia (capital - Mogadishu)
  • Sudan (capital - Khartoum)
  • Sierra Leone (capital - Freetown)
  • Tanzania (capital - Dodoma)
  • Togo (capital - Lome)
  • Tunisia (capital - Tunisia)
  • Uganda (capital - Kampala)
  • Central African Republic (capital - Bangui)
  • Chad (capital - N'Djamena)
  • Equatorial Guinea (capital - Malabo)
  • Eritrea (capital - Asmara)
  • Ethiopia (capital - Addis Ababa)
  • Republic of South Africa (capital - Pretoria)

Africa is a continent that is second in area after Eurasia. It is washed by the waters of the Atlantic and Indian oceans, the Red and Mediterranean seas. Together with the islands, the mainland occupies approximately 30.3 million square kilometers, which is about 6% of the total land area on the planet. This is the hottest continent, its entire territory is located exclusively in hot zones and is intersected by the equator.

East Africa

This part of the continent includes countries located east of the Nile River. There are 4 language groups in the region and there are about 200 nationalities. That is why there are huge cultural and social differences and frequent conflicts, leading to real civil wars. The borders of currently existing states are in most cases set by colonial countries, without taking into account any cultural interests of the people living here. What negatively affected economic development region. Especially a difficult situation in countries that do not have access to the world's oceans. East Africa, like the entire continent as a whole, is also called the “cradle of humanity.” Many anthropologists are completely sure that it was here that man appeared and the development of civilization began.

East African countries

Today, there are 22 countries located in the eastern part of the continent (UN classification), of which 18 are completely independent. The remaining 4 countries are located on islands or a group of islands, are controlled territories of one or sometimes a state located outside the continent.

Independent states

Burundi is the capital of Bujumbura. The country is home to about 11 million people. The state gained independence from Belgium in 1962. The country's territory is predominantly a mountainous plateau located at an altitude of 1.4 to 1.8 thousand meters above sea level.

Zambia. A medium-sized country with a population of 14.2 million people, it does not have its own access to the sea. The capital is Lusaka. The state freed itself from British oppression in 1964.

Zimbabwe. About 14 million people also live here, the capital is Harare. Independence was gained in 1980; in fact, from this date the country was ruled by Roberto Mugabe, who was removed as a result of a military coup last year.

Kenya. A small country located in South East Africa, with a population of 44 million people, the capital is Nairobi. Gained freedom from Great Britain in 1963. The country is famous for its national parks, where every effort is made to preserve pristine nature.

Madagascar. One of the large states in eastern Africa, with a population of 24.23 million people. The capital is Antananarivo. It is also an island state, with magnificent nature and good tourism infrastructure.

Malawi. The country has a population of 16.77 million and its capital is Lilongwe. This country is also called the “warm heart of Africa” due to the fact that very friendly people live here. However, there are problems with obtaining a visa, so in terms of tourism, the country is not so attractive for Russian citizens.

Mozambique. More than 25 million people live here. The capital is Maputo. This is a former Portuguese colony. The crime situation in the country is still quite serious, so bars are even installed on the 15th floor. By the way, it was here that the famous architect of the Eiffel Tower erected an iron structure, in which no one could live - it was too hot.

Rwanda. The population is more than 12 million people, the capital is Kigali. In terms of development rates, the country has already surpassed even Luxembourg. In this East African country, 4G Internet connections have been operating for a long time, and children are taught using interactive information technologies. But back in 1994, there was a massacre of the local population, when more than 800 thousand people died.

Tanzania. Population - 48.6 million people. The capital is Dodoma. First of all, the country is unique with 2 interesting facts:

  • here is the largest concentration of representatives of the wild animal world;
  • The territory contains the highest African peak - Kilimanjaro, 5895 meters high.

Uganda. It is also a fairly large country, population 34 million, capital Kampala. The country managed to survive the civil war and the economic “abyss”. Today, peace has reigned here and even stability is observed.

Ethiopia. Large state, home to 90 million people, the capital is Addis Ababa. Quite an attractive country in terms of tourism. Interesting fact that in Ethiopia the calendar is divided into 13 months.

South Sudan. Population - 12.34 million people. The capital is Juba. The country is quite poor, and only 30 kilometers of roads are covered with asphalt. Most of the population works in quarries. It is very dirty here, because no one even knows about the word garbage dump, garbage is simply thrown onto the road, there is no running water, and there is no gas.

Eritrea, with a population of 6 million people, the capital is Asmara. The state does not have its own access to the sea, but the people have achieved complete freedom of speech and action. There is no theft here, no one fastens bicycles with chains, and forgotten things are brought to the police.

Small states in terms of population

Djibouti. The country liberated itself from France in 1977. The territory is home to 818 thousand people, the capital is Djibouti. The state is famous for its magnificent nature; it is here that the unique monuments nature: the Mabla and Goda mountain ranges, the Boura ridge, the Garbi and Hemed mountains, the Bab el-Mandeb Strait and Lake Assal. A particularly unique place in East Africa is the Boina fumarole field. These are holes and cracks in the ground at the foot of the volcano, which is 300 meters high. Hot gases are constantly released from these funnels, and their depth reaches 7 meters.

Comoros or Comoros Islands. With a population of 806 thousand people. The capital is Moroni.

Mauritius. Population 1.2 million people, capital - Port Louis. Today it is a real tourist Mecca. The state itself is located on several islands and the Carcados-Carajos archipelago in the Indian Ocean. The nature here is unique, very contrasting, with forests and steep cliffs, lakes and waterfalls.

Somalia. The capital is Mogadishu, the total population of the state is 10.2 million people. Exactly this eastern state East Africa itself. Modern history countries are inextricably linked civil war, which has been going on here since 1988. Other countries, the United States and UN peacekeepers have already been drawn into the military conflict.

Seychelles. The capital of the state is the city of Victoria. The country has a population of just over 90 thousand people. This is peculiar

French dependent countries

One of the overseas regions is Mayotte. France and Comoros are still arguing about ownership. More than 500 thousand people live here, the capital is the city of Mamoudzou. It consists of the large island of Mayotte and several nearby smaller islands.

Reunion. Another island in East Africa, part of the Mascarene Islands archipelago, home to more than 800 thousand people. The administrative center is the city of Saint-Denis. Here is the Piton de la Fournaise volcano, which periodically wakes up, but it is absolutely safe to observe it.

On southern lands There are no permanent residents, only scientific expeditions come here.

East Africa

East Africa.
Physical card.

East Africa, a natural country in the equatorial and subequatorial latitudes of eastern Africa, between the Ethiopian Highlands in the north, the Congo Basin in the west and the lower reaches of the river. Zambezi in the south. In the east it is washed by the Indian Ocean. Into the limits V.A. includes Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi. In a broad sense, it also includes the Ethiopian Highlands and Ethiopia and Djibouti located within it. For relief V.A. characterized by a predominance of mountains and plateaus. Most of the territory is occupied by the East African Plateau (altitude more than 1000 m), broken by tectonic faults (see). There is a complex combination of elevated basement plains, deep and narrow fault basins, limited by block mountain scarps, lava plateaus and isolated volcanic cones. IN V.A. the highest (over 5000 m) peaks of the continent are located: Kilimanjaro, Kenya, Rwenzori. Along the coasts there are strips of coastal lowlands.

The climate is equatorial and subequatorial, seasonally humid, hot (at an altitude of 15002000 m warm, above cool). IN V.A. The largest and most abundant rivers in Africa originate: the Nile, Congo (Zaire), Zambezi, there are many large lakes lying in fault depressions (Tanganyika, Nyasa, Rudolf, etc.) or filling shallow depressions within the basement plains (Lake Victoria). The vegetation is dominated by various types of savannas and woodlands, in high mountains There is a change in altitudinal zones (from mountain forest to African varieties of subalpine and alpine zones). Rich and diverse fauna V.A.(especially the fauna of large mammals - elephant, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, zebra, antelope, etc.). Large National parks and .

Typical East African landscape (with umbrella acacia).

Encyclopedic reference book "Africa". - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Editor-in-Chief An. A. Gromyko. 1986-1987 .

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    East Africa- East Africa is a geographical term covering the countries of Africa east of the Nile excluding Egypt. To them from... Wikipedia

    EAST AFRICA- the eastern part of Africa in equatorial and subequatorial latitudes. Most of the East. Africa occupies the East African Plateau. The climate is hot, seasonally humid, with precipitation ranging from 500 to 3000 mm per year. In the East Africa is one of the largest in the world... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    East Africa- — EN East Africa A geographic region of the African continent that includes Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia and Somalia, and also Mt. Kilimanjaro and Lake... ... Technical Translator's Guide

    East Africa- the eastern part of Africa in equatorial and subequatorial latitudes. Most of East Africa is occupied by the East African Plateau. The climate is hot, seasonally humid, with precipitation ranging from 500 to 3000 mm per year. East Africa has one of the largest... encyclopedic Dictionary

    East Africa- a natural country covering the eastern part of Africa in equatorial and subequatorial latitudes between the Ethiopian Plateau in the north, the Congo Basin in the west, the lower reaches of the Zambezi in the south and the Indian Ocean in the east. Within the borders of E.A. completely ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    East Africa- 1) British (see Great Britain) and 2) German (see Germany) ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    East Africa- a natural country in eastern Africa. Within the East Africa is located in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti. Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. M.: Rosman. Under… … Geographical encyclopedia

    East Africa- (East Africa) World War 2 After Aug. 1941 15 thousandth English garrison located in Somalia was forced to evacuate the country, Gen. Wavell developed with gene. Sir William Platt and Sir Alan Cunningham plan to... ... Encyclopedia of Battles of World History

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  • East Africa: Tanzania, None. Africa is a huge continent of the Earth, which is washed on all sides by the waters of the world's oceans: the Atlantic, Indian and Mediterranean seas. Previously, the mainland was connected to Asia by Suez...