Don't sit still for long. Sitting is harmful: how a chair makes you suffer. Can the risks of sitting be reduced by engaging in physical activity?

The most common problems that a sedentary, inactive lifestyle can give us are problems with the spine. Basically, the emphasis is on problems with posture, pain in the shoulders, neck, back and headaches. But the “bonuses” don’t end there.

This also includes problems with the lungs, heart and stomach. Want to know what happens to your body when you spend too much time at work or on your favorite couch watching TV?


Blood clots that form as a result of sitting for long periods of time can travel through the circulatory system and reach the brain, causing a stroke.

This also includes headaches caused by poor blood flow and problems with the neck and spine. Due to headaches, concentration deteriorates and vision problems may occur.

The fluid that is retained in the legs during a day of sedentary work moves into the neck when you take a horizontal position, that is, you go to bed. And it can cause obstructive sleep apnea - a sudden stop in breathing.

Previously, problems with sleep apnea were associated with obesity, but according to medical data, about 60% of people suffering from this syndrome are not overweight. According to a recent study conducted by Canadian scientists, it turned out that in people who spend almost their entire working day sitting, fluid accumulates in the legs, which then moves to the neck when the person assumes a horizontal position (that is, sleeps). This fluid is what causes breathing problems at night.


A sedentary lifestyle can lead to cardiovascular disease. In people who suffer from heart failure and obstructive sleep apnea, at night fluid accumulates in the lungs and neck.


In people suffering from heart failure and other heart problems, fluid can accumulate in the lungs, leading to breathing problems. Here you can add pulmonary embolism. The problem is even more unpleasant than its name.


A sedentary and sedentary lifestyle can lead to obesity and problems with gastrointestinal tract(up to colon cancer). Enzymes that are responsible for muscle function blood vessels, which, in turn, are responsible for burning fat, are turned off. And the metabolic regulation by which the body burns its fuel (especially glucose and lipids) becomes disrupted.

As a result, your butt takes the shape and size of your desk chair.

Here you can add constipation, hemorrhoids and “other joys of life.”


As mentioned above, during prolonged sitting, fluid accumulates in the legs, which leads to swelling. Another problem is varicose veins veins

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Often people do not even suspect that they have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, considering fussiness simply a character trait. But this can lead to serious problems in everyday life.

website I found several main signs by which you can identify this disorder in yourself or your loved ones.

Problems with concentration

Often people with attention deficit disorder cannot stick to a plan and a clear daily routine. Along with disorganization and forgetfulness, the following symptoms also appear:

  • It’s impossible to focus on details, and annoying mistakes happen in your work.
  • During monotonous lectures or a long conversation, attention constantly switches to other things or matters.
  • Even during a short personal conversation, thoughts always “fly away” from the topic of conversation, it is difficult to listen to the interlocutor.
  • Conscious or unconscious avoidance of tasks that require concentration and mental effort.

    Small household items such as an umbrella and gloves often get lost.

Problems with time control

The ability to set priorities, be consistent in doing things, and calculate time often becomes an impossible task for adults with attention deficit disorder. These are the most common signs:

  • Problems in organizing work time, the feeling that you don’t have time to do anything and can’t do anything about it.
  • You constantly forget about appointments, given obligations and deadlines.
  • Constant delays without any justification.


Hyperactivity occurs much less frequently in adults than in children. However, the absence of its symptoms does not mean that you do not have attention deficit disorder:

  • Inability to sit quietly in one place: constant fidgeting, habit of hitting the heel on the floor.
  • Difficulty sitting still.
  • An uncontrollable desire for movement and activity, even in situations where this is inappropriate.
  • Inability to quietly spend leisure time reading books or doing other activities that require concentration.

Continuous conversations

Despite the similarity with childhood hyperactivity, in adults it is more reflected in mental state than physical activity.

Vacation is a great time when you can finally take a break and relax! Or, I wanted it to be that way.

What do we usually dream about when going on vacation?

We want to get a lot of pleasure, a little rest and a lot of positive emotions. We want to return from vacation full of energy and ready for new achievements.

This is what vacation looked like to me as a child. Then my parents and I often went on vacation. My mom always planned everything in detail and we ended up having a great time every time. We always returned from vacation so happy and happily set about implementing our plans.

A good vacation can really inspire a lot. Unfortunately, this became clear later; vacations don’t always work out that way.

When I grew up and started planning my vacations myself, I expected them to be no worse... But here's the catch... No matter how hard I tried, nothing worked.

After resting, I returned tired, upset and without the slightest desire to start work. At some point, I decided not to go on vacation anymore. There was no point in it anyway.

But very soon I realized that it was getting harder and harder for me to work, and that fatigue and irritation were accumulating more and more. Just then I found one very interesting study.

It turned out that the International Medical Foundation proved in its study that the lack of vacation has a very sad effect on the life of any person. One year without vacation and your productivity, happiness and standard of living drop by 20%. Another year – another minus 20%. But that is not all!

If you do take a vacation but find absolutely no enjoyment from it, the situation gets even worse. You will still get a 20% decline in happiness, standard of living, productivity. In addition, you also risk getting so-called “post-holiday depression.”

The essence of my problem with vacation was now clear to me... But the question is: how can I organize my vacation so that I definitely enjoy it? After doing some more research, I was able to find the answer to this question.

It turned out that there were only 3 simple rules, will help make any vacation perfect. And so... How to make your vacation perfect

Rule 1 “Change of scenery”

The first day of vacation is worth taking Special attention. Whatever you do did on this day, it should be absolutely different from all your previous days. If you interact with people a lot, find a quiet and peaceful place and spend your first day there. If you sit in front of a computer all day, then be active. Go to the mountains, go swimming, ride a bike. Do anything to distract yourself.

You need this first day to “reboot” your brain. So that he can start working in a new way and get ready to relax. Only in this case will you be able to get the most out of your holiday.

Rule 2 “Get a lot of impressions and don’t sit still”

Even if you found the best place in the world to spend your holiday, don't stay there for long. If you still have to sit in one place, find yourself more new things to do. The main rule here is to visit new places or do something new every day.

In this case, you will get the most from your vacation. And the vacation itself will seem incredibly long to you, even if it lasted only 2 days.

Rule 3 “Always have one extra day”

The easiest way to ruin your vacation is to go to work right away. returning home. Or, even worse, go to the office directly from the train station or airport. I tried this myself several times, and the result was not long in coming.

Already on the second day of work, I felt as if someone had seriously deceived me. It's like someone just "stole" a huge part of my vacation. I considered my colleagues, bosses, and the work itself to be guilty. But there was still no benefit from this. The vacation impressions were hopelessly spoiled.

If you want your vacation to be remembered for a long time, allow yourself to take a break and return back to reality. Be sure to spend some time at home finally.

That's the whole secret to a happy holiday. Just 3 simple rules and you are on your way to a great vacation, and better life too (at least that’s what research says). And it is not just words.

I have already tried these rules myself. When planning my very short three-day vacation, I used all these rules. In just three days, I rested like I haven’t rested for a long time. It seemed to me that I was on vacation for at least two weeks. And the charge of cheerfulness, emotions and memories warmed me for a long time.

Can you tell exactly how much time you sit during the day? If you don’t think about this issue, the problem does not seem global. But as soon as a timer appears next to you, recording the time you spend on the chair, the result will be quite shocking. Many people work outside of industry, and most of us spend 8 hours in the office. If we add to this driving a car and lounging on the couch in the evenings, eating or checking children’s homework, it turns out that we are without active movement for the vast majority of hours a day. Even if after work you introduce an hour-long workout into your usual routine, this will not improve the situation. Most of the day modern man remains inactive.

Intense training does not solve the problem

Movement is important and good for our health. But even an intense workout until you break a sweat cannot balance the situation. The dangers of sitting on a chair for many hours are so great that in most cases it causes chronic health problems. One of the authoritative medical publications told the world community about this in January 2015. Unfortunately, a sedentary lifestyle has become the norm in our culture. We are not afraid of the statistics provided by the World Health Organization: physical inactivity among adults is the fourth leading risk factor leading to premature mortality.

What happens to the human body when there is insufficient activity?

The report provided notes that a sedentary lifestyle causes changes in the human body. Scientists also managed to prove that training twice a week cannot change the situation. Many of us are used to sitting for most of the day. But for some reason we do not connect the problem with the sharply increased statistics cardiovascular diseases with physical inactivity. In addition to heart disease, inactive citizens risk developing density depletion bone tissue, and even cellular mutations that provoke cancerous tumors. It has been proven that if a person sits on a chair for 8 to 12 hours daily, he increases the risk of type 2 diabetes by 90 percent. Fortunately, these risks can be offset by getting out of your chair at least every hour. Just a two-minute warm-up will help get your blood circulation back on track.

Modern people sit too much

This trend is typical for all developed countries. For example, in the United States, the average adult sits 60 percent of their waking hours. If we convert these statistics into hours, the average is more than 6 hours. Recently, the Mayo Clinic reported a study in which they observed people sitting in front of a television or computer. As a result, it turned out that people who spend their leisure time watching movies or chatting in social networks four hours or more have a 50 percent greater chance of premature death (regardless of cause) compared to those who sit in front of a screen for less than two hours a day. The experiment also revealed that volunteers from the less active group (those who watch TV all evening long) more than doubled their risk of cardiovascular disease. Note that these results are valid regardless of the number of participants.

Transforming your workspace can save the day

If you sit at your workplace without getting up throughout the working day, and after work you go for a run, you will have the same health risks as your colleague who lies on the couch after work. That's why in many progressive companies, management has equipped standing areas for their employees. That is why in companies that care about the health of their employees, rest rooms are equipped with exercise equipment. That's why many meetings are held informally on a walk, rather than at a round table. And before you start working out good habit regular warm-ups and breaks, we will tell you about the changes that occur in your body during continuous sitting.

Your muscles are weakening

So we know that a sedentary lifestyle can be dangerous. But what exactly is this danger? This problem comes down to the anatomical design of our bodies, which were designed by nature to move. This is why a sedentary lifestyle for long periods really affects everything. internal systems body, and the muscles suffer first. If we consider modern conditions labor, it is worth noting that people tilt their heads towards the monitor while working, and this puts unbearable strain on the neck and lower back. An unnatural body position while sitting can also be observed during long telephone conversations.

Every person, having worked his daily 8-10 hours, wants only one thing - to collapse on the sofa, open a can of beer or soda and forget. The paradox is that at work many of us sit motionless, shuffling papers or staring at the screen, and when we come home, we start sitting again. It turns out that we are in a sitting position for more than 12 hours - much more than our body wants.

You will say: “Man was created to sit - that’s how we are made.” But this is not true at all. Evolution didn't expect you to spend most of your time in the chair. She had no idea that such an object as a chair existed. She made us for nature, where we must be in constant motion to survive. Therefore, there is nothing strange in the fact that our health is ruined with every hour spent in a sitting position. Do you think we're exaggerating? No. Any static position ultimately leads to painful sensations, because the body cannot be primed - it cannot be at rest long time. Sitting leads to bone and muscular dystrophy, heart disease, obesity, diabetes mellitus and in general to general soreness.

If you are not convinced by our words, then let's start talking about the facts.

Circulation problems

Our body is designed to move, not sit. Anatomical structure This fact fully proves it. There are a huge number of joints and skeletal muscles in our body. Our species was able to get back on its feet, acquired elastic skin and a lot of other goodies that allow us to move as freely as possible.

Do you remember the moments when you felt an unpleasant burning sensation or cramps in your calves? This is due to the fact that your blood has accumulated in your veins due to your sedentary lifestyle, buddy. Do you really need to tell me why this is bad? Okay, let's say it's a stroke.

Muscle wasting

What are the laziest parts of the body when sitting? Buttocks and games, of course. They do nothing but cause the body to slowly waste away. Luckily for you, you can minimize the harm of sitting at your desk. All you need to do is get up from your chair or stool sometimes to stretch your legs. This way you can prevent harmful consequences, although if you don’t want your muscles to completely atrophy, then it’s better to sign up for a gym.

Predisposition to obesity

It would seem that this is already clear, but the point is not even in the absence physical activity, but in a special enzyme that works worse if you sit in one place for many hours. This enzyme is called lipoprotein lipase - it is located on the walls of our blood vessels and is responsible for the breakdown of fats that move through our blood. When you sit for a long time, the processing of fat in the vessels is much slower, which leads to obesity.

And we have not yet begun to talk about the fact that the rate of burning kilocalories in a sitting position decreases to 1 per minute, which is very little for you to stop being so fat.

Nerve cells

It may seem to you that sitting is easy and pleasant, but for your nerve cells the whole process resembles torture, because an unnatural posture provokes pinched nerves, which can lead to pain throughout the body. Cramps are inevitable if you sit in one position for long enough. Most often we feel them in the shoulders, lower back and neck.

You also deprive your body of all evolutionary advantages - blood circulation is impaired, causing nerve cells do not receive the necessary amount of energy that they require.

Spinal problems

They are huge because none of us actually know how to sit properly. Most often, we arch our backs and tilt our shoulders forward. The result is a kind of unnatural arch of the spine, which leads to wear of the intervertebral discs, degradation of the spinal ligaments and joints, as well as constant tension in the muscles that help us keep the spine in an inclined state. And this is only part of the problem, because when you sit at the table incorrectly (and this is what you always do), then your volume decreases over time chest, which automatically limits the amount of oxygen that enters the blood. As a result, you feel weak, it becomes harder to breathe, and your brain begins to work worse, because there is less oxygen. And yes, this is all due to incorrect posture.

In addition, because of this, there is a high risk of developing chronic diseases in the lower back. The vertebrae mix down, press hard on each other, and begin to crumble. Considering that there are a lot of nerve endings in the back area, you can end up with a monstrous amount of pain.

But there is good news. If you adjust your position every 15-30 minutes to prevent your lumbar discs from slipping, you will feel much better. This needs to be done several times an hour. You can just walk around the office, make coffee, or go outside to breathe fresh air. If you have strict discipline at work, then you can do a little warm-up right at your desk - it's better than nothing.

Fighting with your nature

You are an animal, but don't be offended by this title. It just so happens that all living beings are essentially animals. Each of the creatures has a message encoded by evolution that tells them how to live, how to move, how to behave in danger. Man moved away from this message more than others when he began to play at civilization, but he, too, is still subject to primitive instincts - they are in our blood.

So, nature has made it clear to us that our nature is movement, and not sitting behind a computer screen. We were born to move. You feel the need to move, even if you have a problem with excess weight and have never exercised. But your body is not really you. It wants to move so that it can escape any potential danger at any time. Primal instinct has little connection with that safe space modern world, in which we live, but it is still the engine that makes us healthier.

Pain that occurs when sitting is not only mechanical damage. These are also the signals that our body gives us so that we finally begin to appreciate it. Finally get back on your feet. Move over. Be kind to your body and try to sit less.