Adolescent drug addiction. Effective measures to prevent drug addiction

Drug addiction is the use of narcotic substances by a person, to which he becomes dependent and experiences an irresistible attraction to drugs.

Drugs are substances that act on the human body in the form of narcotic intoxication and have characteristic side effects. They are addictive, both psychological and physical. In the intervals between their doses, the drug addict experiences a painful condition, the so-called withdrawal.

Drugs allow a person to gain a temporary illusion of pleasure.

Narcotic euphoria is short-lived, it lasts from one to five minutes, and the rest of the time, for 1 to 3 hours, a period of relaxation begins, which gradually turns into a state of drowsiness, sleep and delirium.

Signs of drug addiction

Drug addiction is insidious. The period of addiction to drugs lasts about 6 months.

A person taking drugs exhibits sharp changes mood, sleep rhythm changes, appetite worsens, and his usual course of life is disrupted.

Drug addiction, as a disease, is characterized by a mental disorder and a strong craving for taking narcotic substances.

A drug addict is unstable arterial pressure, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract appears.

The pupils of a person taking drugs are unnaturally narrow or, conversely, significantly dilated, with a painful shine. The look is hazy. The skin of the face is pale, with an earthy tint, hair and nails become brittle.

Bad breath indicates that a drug addict is addicted to marijuana. Constant cough or rhinitis is caused by taking heroin.

Signs of drug addiction include poor appearance. There is sloppiness and untidiness in clothing, a craving for the color black.

Drug addiction treatment is carried out in inpatient conditions, under the supervision of specialists and psychologists, comprehensively and individually.

The basis of treatment is the removal of physical and psychological dependence on drugs.

Work is underway to detoxify the body and restore nervous system, sleep, measures are taken to maintain the cardiovascular system.

Treatment of drug addiction is a long and complex process, the result of which depends entirely on the patient himself, who is committed to recovery, which is extremely rare.

Drug addiction prevention

Treatment of drug addiction often does not produce positive results, so drug addiction prevention is one of the most important ways to prevent it.

And we should start with the family, where the example of parents and their sober lifestyle are of no small importance.

Trusting relationships and open communication between children and parents are the key to drug addiction prevention. Indifference, rude and dictatorial practices in family relationships make the child unprotected from bad temptations, including drugs. If a teenager has problems with communication or isolation, psychological training can provide effective help.

Educational institutions, where drug addiction prevention should be carried out in an accessible form, do not have the right to stand aside and form a firm position in adolescents to refuse drugs.

This work is constant and as involved as possible more youth. It is held in the form of conversations, lectures and film screenings.

The executive authorities of each region are obliged to organize the necessary propaganda healthy image life through the media.

In addition, drug addiction prevention includes tightening legislation, improving society, and reducing contact with drugs.

Drug addiction problem

Drug addiction spreads quickly. Currently, there is practically no region where cases of drug use have not been recorded.

The problem with drug addiction is that a person who uses drugs never admits to being a drug addict. He does not seek help from doctors, although harmful substances are already having a negative effect on his body, destroying his psyche and health.

Daily a large number of People try drugs for the sake of new sensations. Subsequently, when they have life difficulties, they again reach for these drugs in order, at least temporarily, to escape reality, to forget about all their failures. They don't understand what happens to them in this case. new problem- the problem of drug addiction.

And this will continue until the cruel lessons of life show this person that such an existence is unacceptable, that the problem of drug addiction that has arisen for him must be urgently eliminated. But it will disappear only when he himself, consciously, seeks medical help.

But this happens extremely rarely, so drug addiction continues to flourish.

Drug addiction among teenagers

Drug addiction is one of the global social problems, attracting various segments of the population.

Drug addiction among teenagers is increasing, joining its ranks mainly from children living in dysfunctional families.

Teenage drug addiction is a terrible social phenomenon in which the life of a young, fragile organism is disrupted.

With an unformed psyche, teenagers easily take drugs without knowing or thinking about the consequences that await them in the near future. While under the influence of drugs, they do not understand that drug addiction is ruining their lives.

The younger generation, succumbing to the great desire to stand out among their peers, takes the path of drug addiction, which in most cases leads to the commission of crimes.

Drug addiction gives rise to teenage crime, which is a big problem for the entire society.

Teenage drug addiction is steadily entering the lives of young people, crippling them mentally and physically.

Curing a teenage drug addict is very difficult because he likes to be intoxicated, when all problems disappear in front of him, he does not need to be strong and responsible for his actions. Therefore, such a teenager does not want to live differently and avoids treatment in every possible way.

Drug addiction among teenagers should be, if not completely eradicated, then significantly reduced through the common joint efforts of all members of society.

The harm of drug addiction

The harm of drug addiction is great! It consists of drug addicts causing a threat to society and each individual family.

Drug addiction leads a person to degradation, personality destruction, illness and death. Among them are a large number of AIDS patients.

Drug addicts generally lead a criminal lifestyle, where theft and prostitution flourish. They bring a lot of troubles and suffering to their loved ones.

To get drugs, drug addicts try their best to get money, which often leads them to criminal acts.

Therefore, the great harm of drug addiction lies in the increase in crime. Robberies, car thefts, robberies, violence, murders committed while under the influence of drugs are increasing the sad statistics every day.

The harm of drug addiction can also be seen in the fact that young people are susceptible to it.

This means that drug addiction undermines the health of future generations and can lead to a rapid aging of society.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Svishcheva Elena Viktorovna

Studying methods of preventing drug addiction among young people.



More-Lomovis school

Pichaevsky district, Tambov region


“Prevention of drug addiction among youth”

Svishcheva Elena Viktorovna

10th grade student

Perova Elena Timofeevna

biology teacher

year 2012

1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………page 3

2. Problems of drug addiction…………………………………………..………………………p. 4

2.1. History of drug addiction………………………………….…………………………..p. 4

2.2. Reasons that make young people interested in drug use

In Russia……………………………………………………………………………………….p. 5

3. Prevention of drug addiction………………………………………………………..p. 6

3.1. The public in the prevention of drug addiction………………………………..p. 6

3.2. The level of awareness of school students about the dangers of drug addiction.........p. 7

4. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………..…p. eleven

5. Resources used.……………………………………………………...……..p. 12

6. Applications………………………………………………………………………………...…..p. 12

1. Introduction

With drugs you can survive anything

but you won't understand anything.

Eric Bern

The relevance of research.Drug abuse, known since ancient times, has now spread to an extent that alarms the entire world community. Even with the narrowing, from the point of view of narcologists, of the boundaries of drug addiction to legally acceptable ones, in many countries drug addiction is recognized as a social disaster. Drug mafias rule states ( Latin America), have their own armies (Southeast Asia). The income of clandestine drug trafficking corporations exceeds the known income from the oil trade and is approaching global income from the arms trade. Particularly fatal is abuse in youth environment- both the present and the future of society are affected. From the point of view of narcologists, the full picture of the spread of abuse, including forms of substance abuse, is even more tragic. Substances and drugs that are not included in the list of drugs, as a rule, are even more malignant, leading to even greater harm to the individual.

The International Anti-Drug Center in New York has a document indicating the number of drug addicts on the globe - 1,000,000,000 people.

Drug addiction, as experts from the World Health Organization emphasize, is a major threat to global health.

Every state takes measures to prevent abuse among the population, Russia is no exception.

Research problem.To prevent drug addiction, it is necessary to educate young people about the consequences of drug use.

Research topic:

Object of study:Prevention of drug addiction among youth.

Purpose of the study:Studying methods of drug addiction prevention.


  1. study the literature on this issue;
  2. explore the reasons that make young people interested in drug use;
  3. identify the level of awareness of school students about the dangers of drug addiction;
  4. get acquainted with measures to prevent drug addiction among young people;
  5. to form a negative attitude towards drugs among school students;
  6. develop recommendations “How to protect yourself from drug dealers”;
  7. develop a memo “Where to go for help?”

Hypothesis. High-quality and reliable information about the dangers of drug addiction contributes to the prevention of this disease.

Research methods:collection and analysis of information on the topic using various sources, collection and analysis of statistical data, surveys, forecasting.

2. Drug addiction problems

2.1.History of drug addiction

Drugs have been known to people for several thousand years. They were consumed by people different cultures, for various purposes: during religious rituals, to restore strength, to change consciousness, to relieve pain and discomfort.

Already in the pre-literate period we have evidence that people knew and used psychoactive chemical substances: alcohol and plants, the consumption of which affects consciousness. Archaeological research has shown that as early as 6400 BC. people knew beer and some other alcoholic drinks.

Obviously, fermentation processes were discovered by accident (grape wine, by the way, appeared only in the 4th-3rd centuries BC). The first written evidence of the use of intoxicants is the story of Noah's drunkenness from the Book of Genesis. Various plants were also used to cause physiological and mental changes, usually in religious ceremonies or during medical procedures. An example is use in the Middle East in 5 thousand BC. “cereal of joy” (apparently the opium poppy).

Until the beginning of the 20th century, there were virtually no restrictions on the production and consumption of drugs. Attempts were sometimes made to reduce or ban the use of certain substances altogether, but these were short-lived and generally unsuccessful. For example, tobacco, coffee and tea were initially met with hostility by Europe. The first European to smoke tobacco, Columbus's companion Rodrigo de Jerez, was imprisoned upon arrival in Spain because the authorities decided that the devil had possessed him. There have been several attempts to outlaw coffee and tea.

There are also cases where the state did not prohibit drugs, but rather promoted the flourishing of their trade. Best example- armed conflicts between Great Britain and China in the mid-19th century. They are called the Opium Wars because English traders brought opium into China. By the mid-19th century, several million Chinese were addicted to opium. At this time, China, of course, came out on top in the world in the consumption of opium, most of which was grown in India and transported into the country by the British. The Chinese government passed many laws to control the import of opium, but none of them (including complete prohibition) had the desired effect.

America was suffering from a wave of drugs. Drug addiction took over the black market back in the 20s of this century. This wheel of death swept across Europe in the 50s and ran into the iron curtain of Comrade Stalin. He saved Russia from drugs, but not for long. And in the 90s - perestroika, new fun, along with everything Western, came to the ranks of young people, spreading through the basements and dark streets of the city! But at one point, so much of this accumulated that our government was not able to contain the flow of drug imports, and death poured out with enormous pressure on teenagers. After all, the bulk of drug addicts are teenagers, who are much weaker psychologically than adults, and are unable to refuse to try.

2.2. Reasons that make young people interested in drug use

drugs in Russia

Every year, global revenues from drug trafficking amount to last years exceed 400 billion US dollars. The total number of Russian citizens who use drugs exceeds 2 million people. There are 10-11 thousand drug addicts and drug users living in the Tambov region, that is, one drug addict for every 100 people, including old people and infants. Drug dealers, in the interests of profit, “prey” primarily on children from wealthy families. The average life expectancy of a drug addict is 21 years. 50% of drug addicts die six months after starting regular drug use. Drugs hit you first internal organs, destroy the psyche, cause impotence, genetic disorders in the offspring. 90% of drug addicts are infected with HIV and viral hepatitis. Only 13% of drug addicts live to be 30 years old and only 1% live to be 40. Today in Russia there is not a single region left where cases of drug use or their distribution have not been recorded.

Drug addiction continues to get younger. According to the latest data, more than 60% of drug addicts are people aged 18 to 30 years. And almost 20% are schoolchildren. Information from the Russian Ministry of Health shows that average age initiation into drugs in Russia is 15-17 years old, but cases of primary drug use by children aged 11-13 have become more frequent. Drug addiction is causing an increase in HIV infections. It has an extremely negative impact on the development of the crime situation in the country.

Over the past 10 years, the number of deaths from drug use has increased 12 times, and among children - 42 times.

1. Drug addiction leads to personality degradation.

2. Mental and physical dependence on drugs occurs;

3. Drug addiction leads to the commission of various crimes, such as theft, extortion, hooliganism and even murder.

4. Finally, drug addiction is fatal.

Reasons that make young people interested in drug use

All this has led to the fact that young people, namely the most easily influenced part of society, begin to use drugs. The problem of children's and teenage drug addiction in Russia has reached catastrophic proportions: today, every second schoolchild has tried drugs.

3. Prevention of drug addiction

3.1 The public in drug addiction prevention

The best method of combating drug addiction is prevention. After all, as world practice shows, no more than 2-3 percent of patients can be cured of drug addiction.

A large burden falls on the executive authorities of each region due to the urgent need to promote a healthy lifestyle. To do this, it is necessary to use all media, expand the social base of healthcare as much as possible, involving associations of citizens, clubs, charitable foundations of patients and their relatives, and religious organizations in working with doctors on the basis of partnerships.

IN Lately The problem of combating drug addiction, which has already become a social disaster, has become especially acute. And here, cooperation between the authorities and public organizations and doctors can make a decisive contribution to localizing the hotbeds of the drug epidemic. The media, which largely shape public opinion, can also play a huge role. It is obvious that the power and ingenuity demonstrated by the press in promoting the products of large foreign companies can also be used in the fight against drug addiction. Unfortunately, social advertisement with us - unlike Western countries- still a curiosity. Only recently in Russia have the authorities and the media begun to use new forms and methods of anti-drug propaganda.

The main drugs that exist in Russia are plant origin, they are grown by peasants in Central Asia, the Far East, Siberia and other regions. And in Russia today there are about 1 million people on drugs. hectares. And this is not the fault of these people - this is their misfortune, because these are mostly elderly people, disabled people, pensioners, they have no other way to feed their families. The state must show patronage over this industry and introduce it into its agricultural programs. Then, one can hope that the routes for drugs coming from Russia itself will be blocked, and then only imported drugs will remain, which are easier to combat by blocking the delivery channels.

3.2 Level of awareness of school students about the dangers of drug addiction

As you know, a disease is easier to prevent than to treat. The effectiveness of preventive work with students depends on the forms of organization of classes, the competence of persons carrying out preventive measures, and the ability to convey high-quality and reliable information to children. We analyzed the subjective assessment by students of our school of the quality of preventive work carried out and the level of their knowledge, studied the forms and methods of preventive work, the degree of involvement of various specialists in it, and carried out an objective assessment of the level of knowledge of students. For this purpose, a survey was conducted(Appendix 4) . 32 students of grades 8-11 of the Bolshe-Lomovis school in the Pichaevsky district of the Tambov region took part in the survey.

To the question “During your studies at school, were there any activities aimed at preventing drug addiction?” 78% of students answered “yes,” with 81% noting that the events were carried out by teachers, 37.5% by high school students, 12.5% ​​by police officers, and 9% each by narcologists and doctors of other specialties. 45% found these events boring, but they learned something new, 31% found the events interesting and informative, 12% are confident that the information can be trusted. 62.5% are confident that the information received will help them stop trying drugs if they are offered it. 69% of respondents consider drug addiction a disease, dependence on substances that alter consciousness, 28% consider drug addiction to suck, the lot of narrow-minded and illiterate people,” 25% consider drug addiction to be a bad habit. Among the typical consequences of drug use (several answer options could be selected), 87.5% named death, 59% named psychological dependence, 44% named changes in consciousness and crimes against the person, 41% - physical dependence, 28% - crimes against property. When asked about physical dependence– 56% defined it as “physical suffering due to the inability to use a certain substance”, 34% - “an uncontrollable desire to use a certain substance”, 28% - “pleasure from using addictive substances”. 56% of respondents correctly ranked drugs by strength and speed of addiction formation. 67% believe that you can get rid of drugs through willpower, 55% are sure that you will have to undergo treatment for a long time and more than once, very often without results, 18% “for a lot of money in good drug treatment clinics,” 3% believe that you can get rid of it quickly and easily. 44% do not know whether they can become an addict, 41% are sure that this can happen to anyone, but not to them, 12.5% ​​believe that they can become addicted. 59% of respondents consider drug use a criminal offense, 22% are sure that “this is my personal business until I commit a crime while high,” 19% consider drug use an administrative offense. 87.5% know for sure that drug distribution is a criminal offense, the rest are sure that it is an administrative offense, not punishable or depends on the size of the party. 44% of respondents believe that treatment of drug addiction in Russia depends on the availability of funds for the person and his family, 28% believe that all opportunities have been created for treatment, and the other 28% are confident that there are very few opportunities for treatment of drug addiction. As acceptable methods of combating drug addiction (several answer options could be selected), 75% propose putting distributors in prison, 56% propose compulsory treatment of drug addicts, 52% recommend medical testing of young people, 45.5% for effective informing of young people, 28% suggest legalizing drugs , 19% believe that it is impossible to fight drug addiction.


  1. 78% of the students surveyed reported that during their studies, schools carried out activities aimed at preventing drug addiction.
  2. Given the scarcity of specialists who are able and willing to carry out anti-drug work with children, heads of educational institutions are forced to use the professional resource of subject teachers. 81% of students indicated that prevention activities in their schools were carried out by the teacher.
  3. The scale of preventive work is not sufficient to provide students with the amount of information necessary to form or change their attitude to the problem and behavior.
  4. 45% of schoolchildren are not confident in the usefulness of the knowledge they receive in situations of choice related to drug use. 13% of respondents believe that they can trust the information received.
  5. Students show a low level of awareness of the consequences of drug use. It is possible that the attitude of 25% of students to drug addiction is bad habit(akin to smoking) or a harmless hobby is not due to the fact that such information is provided to them by specialists, but to the fact that they are not provided with reliable information about the difference in the consequences of consuming “soft” and “hard” drugs.
  6. When carrying out preventive work, specialists habitually exploit the feeling of fear in students, try to base prevention on intimidation (the inevitable death of a drug addict, criminal liability of a drug user, treating a drug addict as a person who is always ready to commit a crime against an individual, etc.), without providing schoolchildren reliable information.
  7. Undoubted preventive value has the provision of objective information to young people about the possibilities of drug addiction treatment. The idea that drug addiction can be cured easily and quickly, or that it only takes willpower or money, can lead to young people who hold this attitude becoming easy prey for drug traffickers
  8. The ongoing preventive work creates in young people superficial knowledge, unhealthy optimism and confidence that the problem of drug addiction will not affect a person “personally”, that anyone can become a drug addict, but not the person being interviewed (“third-party effect”). They believe that the knowledge gained will help them refuse to try a drug if it is offered to them, that anyone can become a drug addict, but not themselves.
  9. High self-esteem among students would be welcomed if it were based on sufficient awareness of the dangers associated with drug use. But this, as was evident from the above data, was not noted during the study.
  10. Knowledge of anti-drug legislation can be an effective measure to prevent drug addiction and keep young people from rash and punishable actions. The study showed that students have extremely low level knowledge in the field of current legislation. 22% of students demonstrated legal negligence and complete ignorance of current legislation, arguing that drug use remains their personal matter until they commit crimes while high.
  11. 28% of the students surveyed are in a state of unjustified optimism and believe that Russia has created all the opportunities for successful treatment drug addiction. 44% believe that the provision and availability of treatment opportunities depends on the availability of funds from the patient or his parents. Data from recent studies conducted in Russia show that the presence of greater financial resources (most often among parents) does not guarantee that a sick person will achieve sobriety. Confidence to the contrary is supported by unscrupulous or incompetent specialists and scientists, and can lead to unjustified hopes that if a drug trial leads to some problems, then they can be solved with the help of money.
  12. The results of the study show that specialists involved in preventive work most often use their personal beliefs, which are undoubtedly influenced by their professional status and type of activity. Therefore, the information offered to students by various specialists is often not evidence-based and substantiated by scientific data, and sometimes very contradictory. This cannot but affect the level of awareness of students. Probably, based on personal impressions, only 45.5% of students consider effective informing young people about drug addiction problems to be a priority area of ​​anti-drug work. And if students quite rightly consider repressive measures against drug distributors to be among such areas of anti-drug policy (75%), then the opinion of 56% of respondents that drug addicts should be treated forcibly is a consequence of misinformation and contradicts common sense if only because even voluntary treatment for drug addicts is ineffective. This, in turn, depends on the inadequacy of Russian drug treatment standards international standards quality of treatment for drug addicts.
  13. Unfair information about the possibilities of treating drug addiction is accompanied by instilling in students the idea that the result of treatment depends on the willpower of the patient or on the amount of money and forms a hidden superman complex in some schoolchildren.


Drug use is one of the most serious youth problems in our country. The number of drug addicts is constantly growing, and their average age is decreasing. The problem is aggravated by the criminal situation and the risk of contracting various infections, including AIDS.

Treatment and release from drug addiction is a whole range of medical and social measures. Their implementation is associated with large material and moral costs, and a positive outcome is not always possible, since today there is no adequate system of assistance for drug addicts in Russia.

Based on this, treatment at the stage of established addiction cannot be considered as the only means of combating the spread of drug addiction. This approach does not and cannot provide positive result. Of course, it is impossible to save and protect everyone from drugs, but it is possible to arm our teenagers important information; teach them how to refuse the first try; develop in each of them adequate self-esteem; develop a sense of self-confidence. The main emphasis should be on preventative measures(Appendices 1, 2, 3, 5, 6).

Resources used:

  1. survey
  2. information
  3. how to protect yourself from drug dealers
  4. statistical information
  5. http://site/ap/drugoe/library/sotsialnyi-proekt-narkomaniya project “Drug Addiction”
  6. helplines


  1. If you were contacted within the walls of an educational institution:Abruptly interrupt the speaker and leave.
  2. If they try to hold you back,say that you will tell the director of the educational institution, the teacher, your parents and the parents of the speaker about this conversation. Don’t listen, but immediately interrupt and threaten to expose him!
  3. If a neighbor contacts you,interrupt the conversation and promise to inform the police and his relatives.
  4. If a stranger approaches you,you have the right to be impolite and ill-mannered - to abruptly cut off the speaker mid-sentence and leave. Do not listen! Don't let yourself be drawn into the conversation!

Appendix 2:

Responsibility for illegal trafficking and non-medical

Drug use.

  1. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

Article 228. “Illegal acquisition, storage, transportation, manufacture, processing, production, sale, shipment, violation of the circulation of narcotic drugs or their analogues.” Punishment: up to 20 years in prison.

Article 229. “Theft or extortion of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances.” Punishment – ​​up to 15 years in prison.

Article 230 . “inclination to use narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances.” Punishment – ​​up to 12 years in prison.

Article 231. “Illegal cultivation of prohibited plants containing narcotic substances" Punishment – ​​up to 8 years in prison.

Article 232. “Organization or maintenance of dens for the consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances.” Punishment – ​​up to 7 years in prison.

  1. Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences:

Article 6.8. “Illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues.” Punishment is a fine from 5 to 10 minimum wages or administrative arrest for up to 15 days.

Article 6.9. “Consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor’s prescription.” Punishment is a fine from 5 to 10 minimum wages or administrative arrest for up to 15 days.

Article 6.13. “Propaganda of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their precursors.” Punishment - a fine from 20 to 25 minimum wages, for officials - from 40 to 50 minimum wages, for legal entities– from 400 to 500 minimum wage.

Article 10.5. “Failure to take measures to destroy wild narcotic plants.” Punishment is a fine from 5 to 20 minimum wages, for officials - from 30 to 40 minimum wages, for legal entities - from 300 to 400 minimum wages.

Article 20.30. “Consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances in in public places" Punishment is a fine from 10 to 15 minimum wages.

Appendix 3:

Memo “Where to go for help?”

Helplines for law enforcement and medical authorities:

8-475-2-57-56-15 – Department of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control in the Tambov Region

8-475-2-57-51-87 – Department of Internal Affairs for the Tambov region

8-475-2-71-06-41 – regional narcology department psychiatric hospital Tambov

8-475-2-53-82-27 – office of medical and social assistance to adolescents in Tambov

Appendix 4:


  1. During your studies in grades 9-11, were there any activities aimed at preventing drug addiction?

a) Yes b) No c) I don’t remember

  1. Who conducted these events?

a) narcologist

b) a doctor of another specialty

c) teacher

d) police officer

e) students

g) high school students

  1. How do you evaluate these events?

a) interesting and educational

b) bored, but learned something new

c) boring, nothing new

d) information can be trusted

d) didn’t trust what was told

g) treated it as an inevitable formality

  1. Are you sure that the information received will help you refuse to try drugs if it is offered to you?

a) Yes b) No c) I don’t know d) What is the connection between these?

  1. Drug addiction is:

a) illness, addiction to mind-altering substances

b) bad habit

c) a temporary hobby, common among young people

d) sucks, the lot of narrow-minded and illiterate people

  1. Please name the most typical consequences of drug use:

a) changes in consciousness

b) psychological dependence

c) physical dependence

d) crimes against the person

e) crimes against property

g) death

  1. Physical dependence is:

a) physical suffering due to the inability to use a certain substance

b) an uncontrollable desire to use a certain substance

c) pleasure from using addictive substances

  1. Rank by strength(write in a column in descending order) substances that cause addiction: coffee; alcohol; heroin; club drugs; cannabis preparations.
  2. Rank by speed of dependency formation(write in a column in descending order) the following drugs: coffee; alcohol; heroin; club drugs; cannabis preparations.
  3. You can get rid of addiction:

a) easy and fast

b) you have to undergo treatment for a long time and more than once, very often - without results

c) by force of will

d) for a lot of money in good drug treatment clinics

  1. Can you become an addict?

a) yes

b) no, this can happen to anyone, but not to me

c) I don’t know

  1. Drug use is:

a) my personal business, until I commit a crime while high

  1. Drugs spreading:

a) not punishable

b) administrative offense

c) a criminal offense

d) depends on the size of the batch

  1. For drug addiction treatment in Russia:

a) all possibilities have been created

b) very few opportunities

c) it all depends on the availability of funds from the person and his family

  1. Highlight the most acceptable methods of combating drug addiction in your opinion:

a) effective informing of young people

b) medical testing of youth

c) drug addicts should be treated forcibly

d) lock up drug distributors

d) legalize drugs

g) it is impossible to fight drug addiction

Appendix 5:

Simple rules for parents of teenagers

1. Talk to each other: If there is no communication, you become distant from each other.

2. Know how to listen - carefully, with understanding, without interrupting or insisting on your own.

4. Be there: It is important that children understand that the door to you is open, and there is always an opportunity to be and talk with you.

5. Be firm and consistent: do not set conditions that you cannot fulfill. Your child should know what to expect from you.

6. Try to do everything together, plan common interesting things: you need to develop the child’s interests as actively as possible in order to give him an alternative if he suddenly has to make a choice, where one of the proposed options is a drug.

7. Communicate with his friends; a teenager often behaves in one way or another, being influenced by his environment.

8. Remember that the child needs your support: help him believe in himself.

9. Set an example: alcohol, tobacco, medications – their use is common, although it can cause problems (for example, alcoholism). All these substances are legal, but how you use them and what place they occupy in your life is an example for your children. Don't be intimidating, they may stop believing you.

Appendix 6:

Action program for the prevention of drug addiction in our school:

1. Identification of pedagogically neglected children. Drawing up lists of children registered at school.

2. Information and legal assistance to students and their parents.

3. Organization of leisure time for “at-risk” teenagers during school year and during the holidays.

4. Organization summer holiday and student employment.

5. Organizing conversations with medical workers and police.

6. Sanitary and hygienic education of students.

7. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

8. Involving children in generally useful work.

9. Prohibition of smoking and drinking alcohol for students, teachers, visitors in the institution and in the surrounding area.

Every person knows very well how serious a problem drug addiction is in today's society. According to the Ministry of Health, today there are at least 550 thousand drug addicts living in Russia. In fact, experts say that this amount is four to five times higher. At least 20% of total number made up of schoolchildren. Young people aged 16 to 30 years make up the majority – 60% of drug addicts. The remaining 20% ​​comes from people over 30 years old. Therefore, today it is more important than ever.

Prevention of drug addiction among adolescents

As mentioned above, most drug addicts were recorded in age group from 16 to 30 years old. Of course, most of these people became addicted to drugs immediately after school, in the army or at university. Therefore it has great value. After all, today about 2% of the Russian population are people who regularly use drugs. Consequently, these 2-2.5 million people can be considered completely lost to society. Some narcologists claim that about 5% of drug addicts find the strength to give up poison and return to ordinary life. Alas, in practice one finds such strength within oneself in best case scenario one person per thousand. Yes, and until the end of his life he cannot completely get rid of psychological dependence, even having managed to overcome the physical one.

Drug addiction prevention at school

As you know, a person’s character is formed in preschool and primary school age. And it is at this age that it is especially important to have the right influence on the child. The rules that he absorbs in the period from 5 to 9 years become the most important for him for the rest of his life. It is simply impossible to force a person to abandon these rules. Even making minor adjustments is very problematic. Therefore, it should capture these years first. It is useless to tell teenagers aged 14-17 about the dangers of drugs. If the basic postulates were not introduced into the child’s consciousness in time, such lectures will have a very weak effect. Separately, the issue of modern prevention V high school. At best, this is an annual visit to the school by a narcologist. The assembly hall is filled with high school students and during one lesson (or more) a specialist talks about the consequences of drug addiction. This approach is initially insufficient and has minimal effect. That is, the role of prevention performs an annual lecture that brings virtually no benefit.

Drug Prevention Program

Of course, when reading such lines, many readers have a question - what to do and what to do in order to prevention of teenage drug addiction would be really effective. It’s worth saying right away that most of the methods used today have minimal or no effect. Therefore, for the purpose of prevention, more radical methods should be used, which may seem inhumane to some.
So, what methods of prevention can have an effect and make a program truly capable of changing the worldview of an entire people? First of all, all examples should be clear. Children of primary school age should be shown photographs depicting people who have been taking drugs for a long time. They often resemble scenery from horror films more than real people. The display of such photographs should be part of a program that affects junior groups children aged 5 to 10 years. It is then that the desired effect can be achieved. Frail children's minds will create a surprisingly negative image of a drug addict. And here children's fear plays the best role. In the future, children's subconscious will form an image that should be avoided at all costs. This will most reliably eliminate even the thought of trying any type of drugs. And this is precisely the goal that should be set for itself drug addiction prevention at school. If we form groups of middle school students (14-18 years old) who, under the supervision of specialists, would visit drug treatment clinics, in which they would be shown clear examples of what drugs turn into healthy, beautiful and physically strong people, all prevention goals will be achieved 100%. Yes, this is very cruel to children. Fears are possible, but if there is an experienced psychologist nearby who will explain everything, then side effects will not happen and the main effect will be achieved. Not a single child raised under such a program, becoming a teenager, and then an adult, will ever be able to use drugs. This will be unnatural for him psychologically. And he will perceive the offer to “try it, maybe you’ll like it” in the same way as an offer to jump down from a high-rise building with the motivation “what if you like it?”
A similar experience took place in France at the end of the 40s. Then in post-war years, a sharp rise in alcoholism was recorded. About 40 percent of babies born had physical or mental disabilities. The country's authorities were in panic and decided to take a desperate step. Girls aged 12 to 16 were regularly sent to orphanages and maternity hospitals, where they could see the consequences of a harmless glass of wine before conceiving a child. The effect turned out to be more than dramatic - when these girls entered childbearing age, the number of births of sick children decreased thousands of times. The same experience can be adopted by specialists who compile drug prevention program in our country.

Causes of drug addiction

However talking about drug addiction prevention, do not forget about its reasons. After all, it’s stupid to fight something without knowing why this “something” appeared. So, first of all, it is worth understanding - what pushes children on this path, which will give them several moments of unnatural pleasure and a stub of life for several years, during which it will slowly rot? When the reason is understood, it will be clear what it should be drug addiction prevention among teenagers, what it should focus on first.
Surprisingly, the primary cause of drug addiction among teenagers is simple boredom and idleness. Indeed, what should the average 10-14 year old boy in the city do if his parents cannot afford to pay for sports clubs or art clubs? However, the main role here is not even played by the financial well-being of the family. Quite often, parents could pay for a club for a dozen children. Just with early age The child was not described in detail all the benefits of sports, art, intelligence and other constructive, creative activities. Well, if you don’t teach a child good things, he will turn out to be an empty vessel. And he, in turn, will be filled with what is easiest to fill with - evil, or rather, everything destructive, destructive. It is much more difficult to teach a child to read, create pictures or write poetry than to drink beer or engage in petty hooliganism. And there is a very high probability that today's beer will turn into tomorrow's cocaine, LSD or heroin.

Ways to eradicate drug addiction

And, finally, how can we definitely protect a child from drug addiction and rid the entire society of this vice? The prescription medicine is in our past.
Why has the number of drug addicts in Russia increased approximately twentyfold over the past two decades? It is enough to remember what kind of leisure time was provided in the USSR. A teenager could spend whole days completely free of charge in various hobby groups - sports, art, handicrafts and much more. Football, parachute jumping, shooting, fencing, boxing, chess, drawing, playing musical instruments, tourism and much more were completely free, or cost mere pennies, so anyone with an average salary could afford to pay for such leisure for their children.
It is enough to restore the availability of such pastimes to significantly reduce the number of drug addicts among teenagers. Of course, we shouldn’t forget about the role of prevention, and for a more dramatic effect, it is quite possible to apply the methods described above.
It is a set of such actions that could, in a matter of years, reduce the number of teenagers who decide to try drugs many times over.

It hurts to talk about it, but drug addiction among young people in our time has acquired colossal proportions. Moreover, it is spreading much faster than society has time to take any measures to combat it. terrible phenomenon. Due to thisdrug addiction preventionis of paramount importance, because it is easier to prevent any problem than to try to get rid of its consequences.

Rules for drug addiction prevention

Carrying out any preventive measures, aimed at preventing drug addiction among children and youth, must be carried out following certain rules.

1.The information presented should not have an overtly negative connotation.

2.Lectures, articles, documentaries, television programs should reveal as much as possible dire consequences drug use.

3. Showing scenes of drug use (of any kind) in the media is prohibited.

4. Any publication must end with a logical, understandable conclusion and have recommendations for drug addiction prevention.

5. Any information should be motivational in nature, aimed at a youth audience.

6. Any information materials must be prepared only by specialized specialists - narcologists, psychologists, social workers, law enforcement officers.

7.All information on drug addiction prevention must be approved by the staff of a special expert council.

In addition, as part of a complex of large-scale preventive measures, a round-the-clock telephone consultation should be carried out, the purpose of which is to ensure communication with the population to track the locations of drug posts, as well as provide assistance to drug addicts and members of their families.

First, the hotline. This telephone service is designed to inform all interested people on drug addiction issues and provide information about drug treatment and rehabilitation institutions. Secondly, an anonymous support line for drug addicts. This service employs narcologists who can provide assistance to people with chemical dependency. Thirdly, a “helpline”. The purpose of this service is professional psychological assistance to the population.

Types of prevention

Currently drug addiction prevention carried out by three main methods. These are primary, secondary and tertiary preventive measures. The objectives of primary prevention are to prevent the onset of drug addiction. At this stage, work is carried out in four directions:

— purposeful large-scale educational work among adolescents and young people;

— sanitary and hygienic education;

— involving the public in the fight against drug trafficking;

— adoption of administrative and legislative measures against drug addiction.

The objectives of secondary prevention include early detection drug addicts, their treatment and support therapeutic therapy aimed at preventing relapse in the use of psychoactive chemical substances.

Finally, tertiary drug addiction prevention is a special program for drug addicts, consisting of medical and social and labor rehabilitation.

Not only the health and life of potential drug addicts, but also the quality of life of their family members, as well as society as a whole, depends on the quality of preventive measures. Carrying out such work “for show,” especially when it comes to educating children and adolescents, is criminal. must be comprehensive, detailed, large-scale. Moreover, it should become an integral part of the educational process in order to become a kind of deterrent and initially minimize the teenager’s desire to try drugs.

Drug addiction is a negative social phenomenon that is constantly becoming more widespread and also poses a threat to mental and physical health society. Drug addiction can overtake not only people with antisocial behavior, but even absolutely normal members of society who have psychological prerequisites for addiction. Drug addiction prevention helps combat its development and spread. For it to be effective, all measures taken must be consistent, coordinated, and as thoughtful as possible.

Base of operations

The drug addiction prevention program has the main goal - to prevent the emergence of a problem, to identify it early stages, stop development and neutralize the consequences. In the course of measures carried out within its framework, factors that are provocative for the emergence of addiction and the causes of the problem must be determined. Prevention of alcoholism and drug addiction is based on identifying the triggers for these habits. Scientific research biochemical processes that cause addiction do not provide a complete picture for the development of preventive measures.

For preventive activities to be effective, it is important to work with each part of its target group. Methods of influence can be very diverse, but they must be targeted, and activities must be carried out taking into account the interests of a certain group of the target audience.

The target group consists of:

  • Teenagers. Due to psychological instability, they are most prone to negative impact from the outside.
  • People who have tried drugs once. They are also often teenagers.
  • Persons taking psychoactive medications without a doctor's prescription. They quickly move from using medications to using drugs.
  • People who already have experience of drug addiction. Working with them reduces the risk of relapse and the spread of addiction.
  • Social environment of the drug addict.
  • Persons involved in prostitution.

Prevention is effective in target audience groups

Drug addiction prevention practices should extend to all segments of the population and consist of a variety of methods and actions to achieve best results. Preventive work of teachers, doctors, psychologists, volunteers, social workers must be supported by an appropriate legislative and legal framework, and therefore supported by law enforcement officials to achieve maximum effectiveness. Legal basis responsibility for drug addiction, the consequences of offenses can be covered by a project to combat drug addiction, when drug addiction prevention is carried out in an educational environment.

Main directions

The object of preventive activities is the target audience, consisting of the persons listed above. The subjects of such activities are considered to be all authorities and structures carrying out information, educational, and educational activities. Their activities help achieve stable social results, reduce the tendency towards the spread and development of drug addiction, as well as neutralize its consequences.

The fundamentals of drug addiction prevention lie in the basic directions of its implementation. This may be general prevention. It is aimed at all segments of the population, and is carried out through the promotion of aversion to drugs and adherence to the principles of a healthy lifestyle. The means of holding events can be seminars and lectures in educational and public institutions, advertising events using the media. The second part of this direction is the formation of skills normal life, instilling a desire to comply with moral and social principles, developing values ​​and rules of behavior. A striking example is a drug prevention week held for the most part secondary schools.

It is very important to carry out prevention at school among children and adolescents

Selective prevention is the basis for preventing the development of drug addiction in persons with a tendency to do so. This is the work of teachers with difficult-to-educate teenagers, people leading an antisocial lifestyle, members of potentially dangerous groups who are at risk of spreading drug addiction. Prevention of drug addiction in the educational environment is of the highest importance among all its areas.

Symptomatic prevention is effective method working with those people who have experienced the effects of drugs and then have the risk of becoming dependent on them. This direction is based on conducting research activities to identify potential drug addicts and actively working with them to prevent drug addiction. The methods used are mainly educational and educational, based on warnings about harm individual species narcotic substances. Criminological statistics say that an addicted person drags 15-20 healthy people into drug slavery during his life, and therefore this area of ​​prevention can be considered simply necessary.

The object of a separate area of ​​preventive measures are injection drug addicts. Working with them is necessary because they lead an immoral lifestyle, having a high chance of contracting AIDS, hepatitis, syphilis, etc. infectious diseases, whose distributors will become in the future tense.

Of great importance for general prevention is the support of former drug addicts who managed to get rid of this habit. Criminology says that such lucky people make up only 10% of the total number of drug addicts. These people can become a positive inspirational example for existing drug addicts, as well as a way to influence categories of the population at risk. Active medical support, psychological assistance, and support regarding socialization are vital for former drug addicts. The direction of prevention is called rehabilitation.

Medical and psychological assistance is necessary for all drug addicts

Separate preventive direction is monitoring. It allows not only to identify the total number of drug addicts and people at risk, but also to evaluate the effectiveness of ongoing preventive measures for objects of such activity. It is also possible to objectively establish the causes, speed, and trends in the development of drug addiction thanks to this direction.

A separate solution to drug addiction problems, as well as a method of prevention, can be called telephone counseling. " Hotline» provides consultations on rehabilitation and drug treatment centers, “Helpline” provides advice from experienced experts, doctors, and narcologists, for example, on issues of intoxication, safety, and diagnostics. "Helpline" - the line on which they work experienced psychologists, helping to cope healthy people with cravings for drugs or active drug addicts with psychological problems.

Family work

Psychologists, as well as most social workers, argue that drug addiction prevention in the family is most effective. It is the parents who know all the points of influence on their child in order to develop in him a rejection of drug addiction as a phenomenon and an aversion to this phenomenon forever. In the process of family life, parents have the opportunity to conduct preventive conversations with the child, adding the use of photos and videos as additional arguments. They can also establish certain rules, instill moral principles, form normal values ​​in the child, and instill disgust for an immoral lifestyle. Prevention of drug addiction in adolescents with the help of parents is most effective.

The basis for the success of family prevention lies in building a trusting relationship with the child, since only in this case the information provided by the parents will be perceived correctly, bringing the expected results. Preventive work of parents is carried out taking into account the type of family.

Thus, in a healthy type of family, where the parents’ opinion is authoritative and relationships are formed on the basis of mutual trust, there are no special problems with preventive work. Parents easily contact their children, and they, in turn, objectively and quickly evaluate, perceive, and then learn the pedagogical work with them.

The conflict family type is characterized by the frequency of disputes and discussions. Children from such a family are not yet at risk of ending up in drug addiction, but are already the object of preventive social work, since its implementation by parents does not bring the expected results. Growing up in such an atmosphere, a person cannot build a healthy type of his own family, transferring a conflicting model of behavior to it. Such families are recommended to receive help from psychologists.

In the dysfunctional type family relations children become targets for drug addiction prevention along with their parents, since responsibilities in such families are shifted towards children, as is adoption important decisions. This situation arises when one of the parents is absent or ill, and the second is unable to cope with the heap of functions that has fallen upon him. The main educational work with such children is carried out by teachers and social workers.

The antisocial family type is a direct target of preventive work, since the parents are already drug or alcohol addicts, and the children are potentially addicted. Prevention of smoking in such families is also quite relevant. Educational preventive work is carried out by teachers or social workers, so building trusting relationships with representatives of educational and social structures is especially important.

If the parents are addicted to alcohol or drugs, the child is potentially addicted

Attracting educational institutions

Prevention of drug addiction among adolescents is entrusted specifically to educational institutions that have the opportunity to professionally influence children in order to prevent the problem from arising. It is important for teachers to present information in an accessible form, interesting for the audience of listeners, and also taking into account its age. In addition, recommendations for the prevention of drug addiction oblige teachers to know the main symptoms of addiction, as well as signs of drug intoxication. This knowledge is necessary for the timely identification of people who have already tried drugs on themselves in order to prevent them from falling into an addictive state.

Prevention of drug addiction among adolescents is carried out using the following methods:

  1. Conducting lectures.
  2. Carrying out thematic events.
  3. Diagnostic surveys.
  4. Conversations with individual adolescents.
  5. Educational discussions.
  6. Role-playing games.

When carrying out these activities, it is necessary to take into account the interests of the object of prevention, as well as ensure the theoretical accessibility and correctness of the information presented. It should be as informative as possible, bringing to the attention of listeners the harmful consequences of drug addiction. It is advisable to provide sad examples of drug addiction among minors, information about deaths or disability. It is necessary to reflect the negative effects of drugs and the use of psychoactive substances on the intellectual abilities, social development, and psychological state of addicts.

Drug use negatively affects health and social life

Classes can be held in the form of a game during life safety lessons, where addiction scenarios will be played out by the students themselves. It is also important to provide messages about legal and administrative responsibility for drug use and distribution. To correctly provide information on drug addiction prevention, it is better to use the following reminder:

  • The information provided should not be tinged with hopelessness.
  • The consequences of the problem are shown in a negative light.
  • Photos and videos should not contain demonstrations of the consumption process.
  • It is better to take as a basis materials prepared by specialists in the field of addiction (project, program, manual).
  • The course provided to students must be approved by specialists.

The essence and content of drug addiction prevention lies not only in propaganda negative attitude to drugs, but also in promoting a healthy lifestyle, personal development, social development, acquisition of useful skills and ways of self-realization.

Prevention Unit

Work on drug addiction prevention in educational institutions has three stages: primary, secondary, tertiary. They determine the methods of influencing the object, as well as the choice of strategy by the subject of the activity.

It is important to detect drug use in adolescents early

Primary prevention of drug addiction is aimed at preventing drug use by minors. This includes educational methods, sanitary and hygienic education of the population, combating the spread of narcotic drugs, as well as bringing distributors and users to administrative and legal responsibility. Primary drug addiction prevention measures are carried out on the day of the fight against drugs or on the day of moral education of students, as well as during the course. curriculum. Methods include lectures and seminars.

Secondary prevention is aimed at early detection of drug use. Its goal is to prevent addiction from forming. What is important here is the comprehensiveness of the approach of teachers, psychologists, and social workers. They use anonymous questionnaires or surveys, thematic discussions, as well as role-playing, during which it is easy to identify teenagers who have already become acquainted with drugs. Thus, experts understand who needs to pay increased attention, and will also look closely at changes in this person’s behavior.

Tertiary prevention is aimed at social, psychological, and labor rehabilitation of addicted people, including adolescents. Prevention of drug addiction among minors should contribute to the social development of adolescents who have already been tested by addiction, prevent relapses, and nullify the temptation to return to a harmful path.

So, drug addiction prevention is a very important part social work, which helps prevent the spread and development of a drug pandemic. Integrated work and combining the efforts of various services, educational institutions, as well as parents, will provide an opportunity to prevent the younger generation from trying drugs for the first time, which leads to subsequent addiction in half of the cases. The beginning of preventive work falls on childhood, therefore the efforts of parents and teachers are especially valuable and relevant.