Is it possible to treat children with activated carbon? Activated carbon for children is an indispensable product in the home first aid kit Activated carbon for children 11 years old

Is it possible for children Activated carbon how to calculate safe and effective dosage, we will consider contraindications to its use today in detail.

Activated carbon, the effect of the drug

Activated carbon is intended for detoxification therapy and is used not only for poisoning and intestinal diseases. There are many conditions for which this well-known drug can be included in the treatment regimen.

This medicine is obtained by heat treatment wood materials at a temperature of about 800 degrees, without access to oxygen. In this case, the so-called activation of the material occurs, or rather the opening of pores that were in a closed state.

This treatment results in a significant increase in the surface area capable of interacting with chemicals. Just for fun, just one gram of activated carbon has a specific surface area of ​​approximately 2000 square meters.

The mechanism of action of activated carbon lies in its ability to interact and retain a significant amount chemical compounds located in the intestinal lumen (adsorption). This connection is not stable. In the absence of emptying of the gastrointestinal tract for a long time, the reverse process is inevitable - desorption.

What substances can activated carbon interact with? There are a great many of them: salts of heavy metals, alkaloids, a significant amount of all kinds of medicinal substances, bacterial toxins, iron salts, ethanol, acids, alkalis, phenols and several dozen other substances.

It is important to remember that the effectiveness of the drug depends on the presence of food in the intestinal lumen. When taking activated carbon with food or immediately after a meal, the adsorption capacity of the drug is sharply reduced. There is a need to increase the dosage.

Indications for use of activated carbon

Indications for the use of the drug are quite extensive. Below I will give only a small part of the conditions for which specialists can prescribe activated carbon:

Increased gas formation (flatulence);
Dyspeptic symptoms of any etiology (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and so on);
Intestinal infections;
Food and other poisoning;
Gastritis and others inflammatory diseases any part of the intestine;
Cirrhosis of the liver;
Allergic diseases;
Oncological diseases;
Dermatitis of various etiologies.

In addition, diarrhea of ​​various origins.

Contraindications for use

There are quite a few conditions that exclude the possibility of using this well-known enterosorbent:

Intestinal bleeding or suspicion of such;
Ulcerative intestinal lesions.

Besides, increased sensitivity.

The use of activated carbon in pediatric practice

Is it possible to give coal to a child? Yes, treatment regimens adopted in pediatrics do not exclude the possibility of using activated carbon. Moreover, the minimum age of the patient is not even specified, therefore, if there are indications, it can be taken from the first days of life.

However, I want to warn against experiments with health, especially since we are talking about a child whose body is not yet formed. Before using activated charcoal, be sure to consult your pediatrician.

To increase the adsorbing surface, the tablet of the drug should be crushed or bitten. It is optimal to take the medicine in the form of a fine powder diluted in a small amount of water (mixing with drinks or juices is unacceptable, as it will lead to a decrease in adsorbing capacity).

Dosage calculation

The following method for determining the safe amount of the drug is generally accepted: the child’s body weight must be multiplied by a factor of 0.05. For example, if a baby weighs 10 kilograms, he is advised to take 0.5 grams of the drug per day. However, I will give general recommendations Pediatricians recommend giving activated charcoal to children:

Age less than a year - 0.5 grams of activated carbon per day.
Ages from one to 3 years - from 1 to 2 grams.
Ages from 3 to 6 years - from 2 to 3 grams.
Ages from 6 to 14 years - from 3 to 6 grams.

There should be at least a 2-hour break between taking the medicine and eating. The decrease in the effectiveness of a pharmaceutical product when combined with food was mentioned above.

Is it possible to dehydrate activated carbon for a long time? Long-term use of the medicine is fraught negative consequences. The fact is that not only toxins and poisons will be subject to adsorption, but also useful substances: nutrients, minerals, vitamins, water, phytoncides, in general, everything that is needed for the normal functioning of any living organism.

It is generally accepted that without harm to health you can take activated carbon for 3 days in a row. If after this period the symptoms of the disease have not disappeared, you should stop self-medication and immediately consult a specialist. If the doctor deems it necessary, he will prolong the detoxification therapy.


Can a child have coal? Can. The use of activated carbon in pediatric practice is considered normal. Taking this medicine will help to quickly and effective removal toxins and allergens. Only you should take it after first calculating the safe dosage and only for no more than 3 days, unless the doctor recommended other doses and terms of treatment.

Activated carbon is prescribed to children as an intestinal sorbent. It has the ability to bind and remove various toxic compounds from the hollow structures of the gastrointestinal tract. This is due to the high adsorption of compounds on the surface of the compound molecules. It also has slight catalytic activity, due to which it contributes to the breakdown of some toxic compounds.

How to give activated carbon to children: a reminder for parents

Activated carbon is an organic carbon-containing compound. After ingestion, it is practically not absorbed into the blood and has a therapeutic effect in the intestinal lumen, so it can be used in childhood. For correct use Parents should clearly understand what indications exist, what dosage to choose depending on the age of the child, how many tablets can be given at a time, and whether side effects can be expected.

Indications for use

The main purpose of the intestinal sorbent is to bind and neutralize toxins in the intestines, the need for which arises with the development of the following pathological conditions:

  1. Poisoning with various toxic compounds that occurred orally.
  2. Overdose with other drugs.
  3. Intestinal infection caused by enteroviruses (rotovirus often causes a skin rash), bacteria (Salmonella, Shigella). It is characterized by general changes, dyspepsia, diarrhea, and the appearance of pathological impurities in the stool (mucus, streaks of blood).
  4. Food poisoning is the ingestion of spoiled food products that contain a large number of microorganisms and their metabolic products (usually the “culprits” of food toxic infection are staphylococci). They are absorbed into the blood and lead to severe intoxication with an increase in temperature.
  5. Liver pathology – hepatitis, jaundice (in newborns, jaundice is a consequence of liver immaturity).
  6. Functional diarrhea, characterized by intestinal dysfunction without pathological changes in him.
  7. Dyspeptic syndrome, manifested in a small child by bloating, constipation or diarrhea, belching, nausea, and vomiting. Usually develops due to functional immaturity of the digestive system or is a consequence of dysbacteriosis.
  8. Gastritis is inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
  9. Enteritis, enterocolitis, colitis - isolated or combined inflammation of the small and large intestine.
  10. Allergic pathology (diathesis, atopic bronchitis, allergic dermatitis, bronchial asthma, food allergy).

For precise definition Indications for the use of activated carbon for children are recommended to consult a doctor. This is due to the fact that with the development of various pathological conditions, additional treatment may be required. The doctor may prescribe rehydration agents to restore fluid in the body in case of diarrhea, or antibiotics for intestinal infections caused by bacteria.

At what age is the drug allowed?

The drug can be prescribed from birth. This is due to the fact that the compound is not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream and does not have a negative effect on the body. It has a therapeutic effect only in the lumen of the stomach and intestines. Depending on the age and body weight of the infant, it is important to select the correct dose. Exceeding the dosage can cause the binding and removal of not only toxins, but also nutritional compounds that should be absorbed into the blood. Before giving tablets to young children, it is recommended to consult a doctor first.

Dosage for different ages

According to the instructions, the calculated dose of the medicine is 1 tablet (0.5 g) per 1 kg of body weight for adults or children. The average recommended therapeutic dosage depends on age and weight:

  1. Newborns and children under 1 year – 1-2 tablets (a one-year-old child weighs up to 2 kg on average).
  2. 1-3 years – 2-4 tablets.
  3. 3-6 years – 4-6 tablets.
  4. 6-12 years – 10-12 tablets.

Doses are average. The dosage can be easily calculated based on how much the child weighs. You can take tablets during the day (frequency of administration) from 1 to 3 times ( daily dose).

How to give sorbent to infants?

A baby under the age of 1 year is not able to swallow tablets. Therefore, a suspension is prepared from them. To do this, 1 or 2 tablets (the dosage is selected depending on weight and age) are crushed to a powder. It is added to 50-100 ml of clean boiled water and stir thoroughly. The resulting suspension is given to a monthly or half-term patient to drink. one year old child. To do this, use a bottle with a nipple. The suspension can be drunk between meals and other medications. This is necessary to achieve the necessary therapeutic effect associated with the complete binding of toxins in the intestinal lumen.

Side effects

Since activated carbon is a carbon-containing organic compound with a high sorption capacity, its use can bind and remove not only toxins, but also nutritional compounds, vitamins or other drugs.

As a result, with prolonged or improper use of the drug, vitamin deficiency (a sharp decrease in the amount of certain vitamins in the body) or deficiency anemia(anemia, accompanied by a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin per unit volume of blood due to insufficient intake of iron or certain vitamins). An infant is more susceptible to side effects. To avoid the development of negative reactions, the product should be used in therapeutic dose and not for long.

Contraindications to the use of coal in children

Activated carbon is classified as a medicinal product, therefore it also has several contraindications, the presence of which excludes the use of the drug. These include:

  1. Inflammation of the colon (colitis) of various origins.
  2. Peptic ulcer (formation of a violation of tissue integrity) in the wall of the stomach or duodenum.
  3. Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis).
  4. Individual intolerance to the drug.

Interaction with other drugs

When taking activated carbon simultaneously with other drugs for oral (oral) use, their therapeutic effect is reduced. This is due to the fact that intestinal sorbents partially bind active ingredients drugs and interfere with their absorption. Therefore, activated carbon should be taken 1 hour before taking other medications.

It is allowed to use an intestinal sorbent one hour after the last dose of medication. It is not recommended to feed your baby while taking activated carbon.

Modern analogues

The pharmacological group “intestinal sorbents” is represented by a large number various drugs. In addition to activated carbon, on the modern drug market you can find drugs such as Enterosgel, Sorbex, Phosphalugel. In younger children, it is recommended to use drugs in dosage forms in the form of a suspension. At an older age, the child may swallow tablets or capsules.

Doctor's opinion: the use of activated carbon in infancy and childhood

In early childhood, including the neonatal period (the first month of life), digestive system is in a state of dynamic ripening. This means that with the slightest changes in diet, exposure to negative factors environment possible violation functional state intestines with the development of dyspepsia, intestinal colic. This does not mean that with the slightest change in stool or regurgitation of the baby, intestinal sorbents should be given immediately. You can find out the indications for using activated carbon together with your doctor. Also for children younger age It is recommended to use intestinal sorbents in easy-to-take liquid dosage forms in the form of ready-made syrup or powder for preparing a suspension. Reviews about activated carbon are positive. The drug is available and has a low price.


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  3. Cartel N.T. Possibilities of therapeutic action of medical sorbents based on activated carbons. Efferent therapy 1995, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 11–18.
  4. Rachkovskaya L.N. Carbon-mineral sorbents for medicine. Novosibirsk 1996
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Reading time for this article: 9 minutes.

The high effectiveness of activated carbon for various ailments has made it an indispensable component of the home first aid kit. Inexperienced parents are often interested in the question of whether children can use activated carbon.

This sorbent can actually be used to treat gastrointestinal diseases in children. However, there are strict recommendations for taking birch charcoal for children.

  • Infants (up to 1 year) – 1-2 tablets per day;
  • Children from 1 to 2 years – up to 4 tablets per day;
  • Children from 2 to 4 years old – up to 6 tablets per day.

Activated charcoal should be given to the child 2 hours before meals, or 2 hours after meals. But no more than 3 times a day.

Children under one year of age should be given crushed charcoal mixed with clean drinking water. It is also recommended to calculate the dosage of activated carbon based on the child’s weight. This is also convenient if the sorbent is not sold in tablet form. The scheme is as follows: 1 kg of weight = 0.05 g of sorbent. During treatment with an adsorbent, it is better to avoid other medications in order to maintain the high effectiveness of birch charcoal. For the same purpose, it would be advisable to give coal to the child on an empty stomach (so that the sorbent does not interfere with the absorption useful substances in organism).

Why take activated charcoal for gastrointestinal disorders in children?

Diarrhea (diarrhea)

Young children often suffer from intestinal infections. In particular, one of the most common ailments in infants is diarrhea. To correctly determine the type and severity of the disease, it is recommended to show the child to a doctor. Treatment of a child at home is possible only if it is light form infections.

Diarrhea in children is often caused by viruses. Activation of the infection occurs immediately. To remove numerous harmful microbes and toxins from the body, the attending physician may prescribe an adsorbent to the child. Activated carbon is a prime example of this. This is perhaps the most affordable, effective and tested remedy over several generations.

To ensure that your baby’s treatment takes place without unnecessary stress, you can add crushed activated carbon to your child’s daily food. So, what is activated carbon used for?


Bloating is a fairly common occurrence among babies. Flatulence is a consequence of the accumulation of gases in the intestines.

Classic symptoms: tense abdominal muscles, restless child behavior. Recommended dose medicine for flatulence: 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. The medicine is given to the baby three times a day until the symptoms of the disorder are completely eliminated, for 3 days (in emergency cases, the medicine is given for four days). If after the specified period the medicine does not help, the child needs to be hospitalized.


This disease is characterized by a decrease in beneficial microbes, as well as the rapid proliferation of pathogenic substances in the intestinal microflora. Symptoms: painful sensations in the abdominal area, flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, etc. Before the restoration of healthy intestinal microflora, it is necessary to remove toxins and all kinds of pathogenic bacteria from it. Activated carbon is prescribed to children specifically for this purpose. Single dose medications: 1 crushed tablet per 10 kg of weight. For convenience, you can mix the crushed sorbent with water.

Activated carbon is also suitable for children for all types of poisoning (food poisoning, chemical/medicine poisoning, etc.). The most “favorable” period for children food poisoning- summer. At the most critical period of time, parents should be more vigilant in matters relating to the baby’s nutrition.


This disorder in the child’s body is associated with improper feeding. Usually accompanied by diarrhea, frequent regurgitation, vomiting, general deterioration baby's condition.

Dyspepsia occurs due to:

  1. Excessive feeding;
  2. A sudden change in diet (for example, when refusing breast milk in favor );
  3. Inappropriate composition of food consumed for a specific age category of the child.

For dyspepsia, it is recommended to limit the child’s nutrition at the time of treatment. In this case, it is necessary to maintain water balance in the body and give activated carbon. Water intake for dyspepsia is calculated according to the following scheme: 100 ml of liquid per 1 kg of weight.

Additional list of indications for the use of sorbent

What else is activated carbon used for? This helps in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • Salmonellosis.
  • Dysentery.
  • Viral hepatitis.
  • Failures in metabolic processes.
  • Enterocolitis.

Activated carbon for allergies

Let's consider why activated carbon is allowed for allergic manifestations The child has:

  • Allergic rhinitis;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Atopic dermatitis.

The dosage and duration of treatment for a child with allergies should be determined by a specialist.

Contraindications for coal for young children

Despite the approving reviews of experts and their recommendations regarding the use of birch charcoal by children, we must not forget about exceptions to the rule.

When should you not give your child activated charcoal?

  • Individual intolerance to the components of activated carbon;
  • Use with similar antitoxic agents;
  • Ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract.

Activated carbon is prohibited for use by children in the first month of life, like most other pharmaceutical medications. In the second month of life, you can give the baby carefully crushed charcoal and dissolved in liquid for gas and colic, but there is no need to abuse it.

If you give your baby activated charcoal while ignoring the above-mentioned contraindications, there is a high risk of the most unpleasant consequences and health problems for a weakened child.

The most common reactions of a child’s body during the use of activated carbon without the approval of a doctor: prolonged constipation, diarrhea, a sharp drop in body temperature, hypovitaminosis, internal bleeding (due to weakening of the walls of arteries and veins), general malaise, decreased blood sugar levels, etc.

All this is serious enough to warrant even minimal negligence towards the child and his therapy. Parents must strictly follow the instructions of the attending physician, follow the child’s diet if necessary, remember contraindications, and carefully calculate the dosage of the medicine, guided by the age category of their beloved child.

With proper use of the adsorbent, you can quickly achieve the desired result. Modern parents are increasingly calling this drug a relic of the past, preferring newfangled drugs, but activated carbon remains one of the safest adsorbents for a fragile body.

The range of its applications is so wide that birch charcoal can be considered a real lifesaver for various ailments. Given the facts mentioned, it would be fair to rephrase the question “is it possible to give activated charcoal to children?” in a different way: “how to properly treat a small child with this adsorbent?”

The scope of use of such a medicine is very wide. Therefore, often after the unconscious use of coal, overdoses occur and side effects. To avoid this, there are instructions for using activated carbon for children. After all children's body It is much more difficult to tolerate external influences, therefore all medications should be handled with caution.

Incorrect dosage or use of this drug for any ailment can lead to disturbances in the child’s body. That's why prerequisite the use of this cleanser is to use it correctly, taking into account the instructions.

Reasons for using coal

Before giving activated carbon to children, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of diseases for which this remedy should be used:

  • poisoning with increased acidity in the stomach;
  • dyspepsia - in the case of this illness, there will be heaviness in the abdomen, a feeling of nausea, discomfort and, possibly, a feeling of pain;
  • fermentation or suppuration in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diarrhea or increased gas production;
  • with increased acidity and active production of juice in the stomach
  • poisonings caused by chemical substances, heavy metals and glycosides.

Activated charcoal is also used to treat vomiting in a child caused by common food poisoning.

  • salmonellosis;
  • when infections enter the intestines - dysentery;
  • chronic hepatitis or acute form viral origin;
  • dermatitis caused by an allergic reaction;
  • kidney pathology, in particular failure;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • gastritis in any form;
  • inflammatory processes in the large and small intestine;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • inflammation in gallbladder chronic;
  • poisoning caused by chemical intoxication. This may include drug overdose;
  • allergic reactions in the body;
  • disruption of the metabolic system - slowing down or speeding up metabolism;
  • It is also used for intoxication after radiation or chemotherapy.

Such a large list of ailments that activated carbon can eliminate is explained by the composition of this drug. Thanks chemically active components, distinguished by its carbon content, coal can be classified as a preparation with high porosity. Because of these “pores,” it is able to absorb harmful compounds and thus remove them from the body. The composition of the medicine includes:

  • charcoal;
  • coal and petroleum coke;
  • coking coal.

Due to these indicators, high effectiveness of the product in medicine is achieved.

It is children who most often need help with poisoning and diarrhea. The drug promotes effective withdrawal toxic substances . This property helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, parents rarely call doctors for help. Although you can use this remedy strictly after consulting a doctor.

Any medicine is given to children only after consultation with a doctor. He will determine whether it will help him or, conversely, harm him.

When not to use activated carbon

Before giving activated charcoal to a child, you need to take care of its safety and check whether the list of allergic reactions allows the use of charcoal tablets.

The most dangerous factors are:

  1. Presence of ulcers in internal organs. In particular, in the duodenum and stomach.
  2. Acute course of gastrointestinal diseases, accompanied by bleeding.
  3. Simultaneous use with toxin-removing drugs.
  4. Individual negative reaction to a drug.

If such prohibitions are ignored, the child will experience negative side reactions in the body. The most common ones are:

  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • disruption of the stomach;
  • lack of vitamins in the body - due to the strong influence of the absorbent substance. At the same time, there is a slowdown in the absorption of useful compounds;
  • blockage of blood vessels by blood clots;
  • internal bleeding - hemorrhage. This phenomenon occurs due to the fact that the walls of the blood vessels are depleted;
  • lowering sugar levels in the circulatory system;
  • leaching of calcium from the body - the main building element;
  • hypothermia – reflected in low body temperature;
  • lowering blood pressure.

These phenomena also occur when correct dosage or in case of violation of the drug dosage regimen.

Age characteristics

The dosage of activated carbon for children depends primarily on age group . Doctors say that you can start using the drug almost from birth. But in order to avoid any damage to the baby’s health, it is worth protecting him from any medicines until the first month of life.

After two months, you can start taking charcoal to eliminate colic and gas. In this case, taking the drug is spread over several doses. This scheme is valid until the child is one year old.

Only the attending physician should calculate doses - their correctness depends positive result and child health.

The system for calculating portions of coal is fully correlated with human body weight. Depending on age, there are the following restrictions:

  1. For children under one year of age, the tablets are diluted with water.. Give no more than one tablet per day.
  2. For those over 2 years old and up to 3 years old, the dosage does not exceed four tablets.
  3. From 4 years of age, the maximum consumption threshold increases to a level of six tablets. This is the acceptable dosage that remains until the age of 5.
  4. For 8 year old children provided maximum amount tablets in the form of 12 pieces.

As for one year old child, and for an adult, the dosage is calculated by the doctor, guided by weight. The larger it is, the more tablets you will need.

However, calculating the remedy is an important stage in treatment. Since exceeding the norm will lead to the fact that the drug will simply remove not only dangerous substances, but also literally wash away beneficial vitamins from the body.

A lack of coal will reduce productivity and definitely will not give the desired result.

Rules for taking the drug

Children are often exposed to problems that can easily be solved with the help of coal; it is worth familiarizing yourself with the rules for using tablets. Following all the subtleties and taking into account the nuances will help you get the maximum benefit from active carbon– relieve symptoms of the disease and speed up recovery.

Only a qualified physician can determine at what age you can start giving activated charcoal to your baby and establish a dosage regimen.

  1. If a child suddenly becomes ill, you should not take risks and set the dose of charcoal yourself. You must call emergency services immediately medical care. After examining and establishing the cause of the disease, the doctor will prescribe an appropriate amount of the drug for the child.
  2. The drug is taken several hours before meals. The same applies to combinations with other medications - it’s better to wait a couple of hours. You can postpone taking charcoal for the same period, but after a meal. This rule is related to the direct effect of the drug. Due to powerful adsorption, the medicine can well absorb not only dangerous substances, but even useful minerals. Therefore, food and medicine should be separated from medical supplies.
  3. The medication is usually taken on an empty stomach. This will speed up the effect of coal, which means improvement will come faster.
  4. How much to give activated charcoal to a child? The duration of the course will not be more than three days. This rule applies to children of any age. Even the most difficult cases poisoning cannot extend this period. If there is no proper reaction or improvement in well-being, the child must be admitted to the hospital. There they will choose another type of treatment for him - without the use of coal.
  5. Allergic reactions and chronic diseases may increase the course of taking the drug. In such situations, you need to consult your doctor. He will draw up a diagram therapeutic treatment. Usually the period of admission does not exceed two weeks. Afterwards they take a break for the same period. The quantitative component of repetitions depends on the specialist’s decision.
  6. Include juices, teas and increase water consumption in your baby’s daily menu. This is due to the fact that the drug can cause constipation. There is no need to be afraid that feces will turn black - this is normal when taking this product.

How to store and take

An important condition when working with active carbon is its storage.. Incorrect actions can lead to poisoning occurring precisely because of taking the drug. To avoid negative phenomena, you need to follow three basic rules:

  1. Storage with other things. High ability absorb other substances has become the reason that coal needs strict isolation from other medical supplies and food.
  2. Place. Air affects how effective the product will be inside the body. Therefore, the tablets should be kept in a tight, undamaged package. Otherwise, even with the current expiration date, the adsorption capacity will be low.
  3. Child protection. Everyone knows that thanks to their rich pigment, charcoal tablets are easily used as chalk for drawing. Left alone with such a “pencil,” a child can eat it and get an overdose. In addition, due to its tastelessness and lack of odor, the tablet will not cause disgust in the baby.

When buying children's activated carbon, you should pay attention to the weight of the tablets and the form of release. A standard capsule weighs about 0.25 grams.

The drug can be produced in the following formats:

  • granules;
  • in powder form;
  • tube of paste;
  • classic tablet form.

The first three options are created specifically for children under 6 years old. In the case of small children - up to a year, parents prepare the mixture. To do this, the tablets are crushed and combined with water. In this case, proportions do not matter. This liquid is given to the baby to drink.

Starting from 1 year of age, the child should be taught to take the tablets whole - without chewing or resorption.. Small candies can help in this process. You can train on them, washing down sweets with water. This will make the future transition to using tablets easier.

Does the drug have modern analogues?

Pharmacology does not stand still, and pharmacists are constantly developing new drugs. The following are considered similar to coal in their properties and scope of application:

  1. Enterosgel. Based on methyl silicic acid. Use is allowed from birth. Maximum period of admission – two weeks.
  2. Polysorb. A powdery substance that is combined with water. Can be used by children, pregnant and lactating women. The course can last up to 30 days.
  3. Smecta. Also comes in powder form. At the same time, children have the opportunity to mix it with food - liquid porridges and purees.

In addition to removing toxic substances from the body, these drugs are able to envelop the intestines and the entire digestive tract. The use of enterosorbents protects the liver, kidneys and human immunity.

The drug can be given from the first years of a child’s life. Due to its natural origin, this drug affects many processes in the body and is able to quickly remove toxins.

However, this effect may also have Negative influence. Therefore, the intake should be strictly as prescribed by the doctor. Plus, young parents should familiarize themselves with the basic rules for using coal.

A consultation with a doctor should include an examination, a prescription necessary tests and determining the diagnosis. This is done to establish possible contraindications. After all, because of them, after taking the drug the child will only get worse.

Because of wide range action and high efficiency of the product, it must be used carefully. Especially considering the danger to the child’s health.

With frequent loose stools and gagging, adsorbents are used first. One of the popular natural remedies belonging to this group of drugs is, which is approved for use by children. It is extracted from carbon-containing materials through long-term processing high temperatures. How to drink it correctly, in what dose to give the sorbent, and in what cases to take it? Are there any contraindications to using coal?

What does it consist of and what is it produced in?

The main composition of the enterosorbent depends on the form of release and the manufacturer. IN classic version In addition to coal, the preparation contains potato flour and sugar. Coal for children is produced in the form of:

  • Black round smooth tablets, not coated, without marks or letters, 250 mg each.
  • Gelatin capsules containing 200 mg of active ingredient.
  • Fine powder, packaged in portioned sachets.
  • A paste-like mixture, quite effective, but in a very rare form. Children are allowed to take it when they reach the age of six.

When is it prescribed?

Every responsible parent wonders whether it is possible to give a child such a remedy. Only a doctor can answer this. Before taking the drug, you should read the instructions to find out how to properly give activated charcoal to your child.

  • Various intoxications (including medications).
  • Kidney failure.
  • Dysentery.
  • Gastritis.
  • Excessive production of mucus or hydrochloric acid.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Hepatitis and other liver diseases.
  • Cholecystitis.
  • Food allergies.

It is also actively used for colic in newborns to normalize the process of gas formation. Many doctors often prescribe activated charcoal for infants and older children for allergic manifestations.

Black tablets are effective in cases of complex dysfunction of organs and systems due to burn disease, high concentrations of nitrogenous compounds, bilirubin in the bloodstream, which is often observed in liver pathologies.

A doctor may prescribe activated charcoal to a newborn baby who is on breastfeeding at intestinal disorder caused by the mother's non-compliance with the diet. Also in the infant period, the medicine is used in the treatment of physiological jaundice.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The preparation of the medicine takes place in special chambers where carbon-containing material is processed without oxygen. The porous structure of the tablets is achieved by the activation process. To do this, they are subjected to steam treatment.

When such a composition gets inside, under its influence the body begins to cleanse itself of various impurities. The activated surface prevents toxic compounds from being absorbed into the blood. That is why coal is considered a powerful prevention of overdose of drugs and toxic elements.

But this sorbent does not absorb alkalis, acidic compounds, and heavy metal salts well. It is also unable to cope with methyl alcohol poisoning and cannot effectively remove cyanide and glycol.

One more feature must be taken into account when using activated charcoal for repeated loose stools and vomiting in a child: it cannot cope with toxic elements that have managed to get into the body. bloodstream And soft fabrics. Only those particles that are present in the gastrointestinal tract are subject to adsorption.

Deciding if it's possible infant to offer an adsorbent for painful intestinal colic, parents should know that the tablets, in addition to poisonous and poisonous elements, perfectly absorb various gases and do not affect the layers of the mucous membrane. After administration, it is released naturally in an unchanged state after 25 hours.

Important! The effect of the drug will be most effective if taken at the first symptoms of poisoning or intoxication.

At what age is it safe?

Children are prescribed only proven and safe medications. Therefore, parents must make sure that the child’s age category is suitable for using a particular medicine. At what age charcoal is given, you can check with your pediatrician or look in the annotation. It states that children are allowed to use activated carbon from birth.

Activated carbon is great for babies. It is distinguished by its availability, effectiveness, safety, and is in no way inferior to modern pharmaceutical analogues.

A specialist can prescribe it to both a newborn and an older child. But don’t assume that it is exclusively safe, children's drug, and give it to the baby yourself. Prescription recommendations should be given by a pediatrician. You can use the product without medical prescriptions only during an attack of diarrhea in children, combining it with probiotics.

Mode of application

To prevent the drug from causing harm, it should be taken correctly, in the correct dosage. The tablets are taken following the instructions for use. They must be swallowed whole and washed down with water. If the sorbent is needed by a baby or a one-year-old child who finds it difficult to swallow whole tablets, you can crush them to a powder, mix with water and give the resulting mixture.

It is not advisable to combine medicine with food. You can give activated charcoal to young children and older patients 2 hours before meals, or 2 hours after meals. This way, all the vital components supplied with food can be easily absorbed by the body.


To get rid of the disorder and improve the baby’s well-being, you need to know exactly how much activated charcoal in tablet form should be offered to the newborn. Dosage for newborns largely depends on weight. If it is:

  • Less than 3 kg, it is recommended to take a quarter of a tablet.
  • 3-5 kg ​​– third part.
  • 5-7 kg – half.
  • 7-10 kg – a whole tablet.

Enterosorbent will quickly reach Right place if you give the baby additional water to drink. Children under one year of age should be given the drug 2-3 times a day from a teaspoon or from a two-cc syringe. The optimal duration of treatment to eliminate colic is 3-4 days.

Activated carbon for allergies, dermatitis, and physiological jaundice should be taken for a week.

For symptoms of dysbacteriosis, with increased gas formation, charcoal preparations are used extremely rarely. This is due to the fact that, in addition to harmful bacteria Beneficial components are removed from the body, the lack of which leads to an imbalance of the intestinal flora.

Older children

If the dosage of natural sorbent for the adult category of patients is simple (1 piece per 10 kg), then calculating the dose for children is a little more difficult. The instructions for use will help you figure out how to take activated carbon for children. It states that it is suitable for treating different categories of patients.

It is just as difficult for children aged 3-4 years to take the whole tablet as for infants, so it is better to give them the drug in liquid form. A 5-year-old child should no longer have problems with swallowing - he can be offered a whole sorbent tablet. You need to calculate the intake taking into account the baby’s condition and age category.

In case of poisoning and intoxication daily norm sorbent is:

  • from one to three years, 2-4 pieces.
  • from three to six – 4-6 pcs.
  • from the age of six - 10-12 pieces, taking into account body weight.

Important point! Children should be given charcoal preparations at the rate of 0.05 g (50 mg) of the main ingredient per 1 kg of weight.

The permissible daily dose of activated carbon is calculated for children as follows: for example, the child’s weight is 16 kg. This means that he is entitled to 3.5 tablets: (16*50):250=3.2 pcs. If the disorder is severe, the dose may be increased to 70 mg/1 kg. A child whose weight is 16 kg is supposed to take 4.5 tablets: (16*70):250=4.48. To stop the signs acute poisoning, children are given charcoal in tablets, always in combination with other medications.

When not to use

Most of the reviews about the drug are positive, but there is no need to give activated charcoal to children if:

  • Hypersensitivity to the sorbent.
  • Peptic ulcer in the acute period.
  • Detected proctological pathologies.
  • Internal bleeding.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that have become acute.
  • Taking several antitoxic medications.

With the help of activated carbon, the body is cleansed, but during the treatment of various intestinal infections, liver pathologies, diseases affecting the stomach or intestines, one must remember that the simultaneous use of enterosorbent with medications (corticosteroids, vitamins, antibiotics) is unacceptable. The drug compatibility of the sorbent with any drugs is discussed with your doctor.


If a child takes the sorbent in volumes significantly exceeding the permissible norms, the following may occur:

  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Weaknesses.

To alleviate the condition, symptomatic medications should be used.

An overdose of activated carbon also occurs in chronic form, if the child takes it daily for more than two weeks. This is fraught with loss of useful substances by the body, the occurrence of dysbacteriosis, and depression immune system. If such a condition is detected, treatment with the sorbent is stopped and symptomatic therapy is used.

special instructions

The average duration of the therapeutic course can range from 3 to 15 days. If the alarming symptoms do not go away, the little patient’s condition worsens, you should seek medical help.

Drinking plenty of fluids will help prevent constipation. It is advisable to give the child something to drink not only clean water, but also herbal tea, compote. You cannot drink packaged juices, carbonated lemonades, or whole milk during this period.

Activated carbon rids the body of toxic elements, especially in diseases of allergic origin (usually food allergies). A disorder occurs due to impaired digestion. Malfunction of the intestines leads to the accumulation of breakdown products of food particles, as a result of which they penetrate the skin structure and cause a rash. In this case, the rules for taking enterosorbent have their own characteristics:

  • The duration of the course of therapy is at least two weeks.
  • The dosage is determined taking into account the patient's age group.
  • Daily intake is carried out once a day, in the morning.
  • After taking charcoal, food should be taken at least three hours later.

For other forms of allergies, the tablets are given three times a day, one at a time.

Your child may need to take several of these courses over the course of a year. In the future, it will not be superfluous to undergo cleansing of the body after completion of treatment to get rid of toxins. Here the specialist determines the treatment regimen individually, based on the patient’s age category. Charcoal is taken two hours after the main meal for about 10 days. At the same time, you need to drink more water throughout the treatment.

Storage conditions

Tablets are stored at temperature conditions not exceeding 25°C. It is important to place the sorbent in a dry place so that it is not affected by foreign gases and vapors. Otherwise, the sorption qualities of the drug will decrease. The shelf life of the drug is 2 or 3 years, depending on the manufacturer and additional composition.