Mixed Belgian and German Shepherd. Mix of Caucasian and German Shepherds. Basic articles about NO and her puppies

When a decision is made to purchase, many questions arise, and the first of them is: “How to identify a purebred shepherd puppy without confusing it with many mongrel mongrels that are very similar to it?” Moreover, most of them are almost an exact copy of the desired breed!

It is difficult even for a specialist to make such a choice if the babies have not yet reached 2 months. The puppies have not yet developed the characteristics of the German Shepherd and cannot be assessed by height, weight and correct exterior development.

But it happens that there is no specialist nearby, and you have to rely on your own “sixth sense”. How to direct the “sixth sense” in the right direction so that it helps you figure it out and recognize whether or not the shepherd is in front of your eyes?

Let's look at the parents!

A purebred German Shepherd has this outline. For convenience, the figure also shows the characteristics of dogs.

A conscientious breeder will never hide who the puppies came from, but basic knowledge about the appearance and characteristics of the breed will also help dispel your doubts.

The fundamental characteristics of any breed are:

  • topline;
  • movements;
  • head;
  • tail.

Basic articles about NO and her puppies

So that you can identify a German Shepherd yourself, you need to consider:

Topline of a German Shepherd

The German Shepherd has a strong, powerful body structure without looseness or heaviness - a torpedo dog with a flexible, elongated body and a smooth topline. The top line is a line passing through the thoracic, dorsal and sacral sections of the spine, that is, it begins at the withers and ends where the tail is “attached”.

In a well-developed physically dog, without internal diseases and physical deviations, this visual line runs smoothly, is perceived as uniform and does not have clearly defined boundaries-segments or depressions (retracing, “saddle” or humpback).

Important! Unlike many other breeds, the topline of the German Shepherd is not traced from the withers or neck, but from the tips of the high-set ears to the very tip of the saber-shaped tail. Throughout its entire length, the topline should be “drawn” in a single smooth movement.

Advice. Ask the breeder to place the dog sideways to you, against the light, and take a classic stance. Stand back a few steps so you can see the whole dog.


Also pay attention to the length of the body and the height of the shepherd dog. If the height of the dog at the withers is equal to or close to the length of the body (square format), and its height (height at the withers) clearly exceeds 60-65 cm, turn around and leave - this is a real shepherd mix!

Mixed-breed puppies adopt the square format, barrel chest, and irregular topline of one or both parents.

In a purebred puppy, the top line runs smoothly and long from the occipital protuberance to the tip of the tail without interruptions, remaining this way from birth to the end even during the period of growth of the baby (from 3 months), when the baby looks funny and awkward.

The puppy is 1.5 months old. The correct line of the back is clearly visible.

Movements of a German Shepherd and its paws

No matter how beautiful the dog may seem to you standing, be sure to ask the breeder to show the shepherd in motion.

The usual gait for the HO is a soft, trailing trot, but this may not always be seen in confined spaces. It is enough for the step and body movements to be dexterous, light and relaxed. Stiffness in movement indicates physiological or physical impairments, such as dysplasia or diseases internal organs, causing pain to dogs when moving. You cannot adopt a puppy from such a dog! No matter how purebred the shepherd is listed on the documents.

U adult shepherd the structure of the paw (not the leg, but the paw - foot) has an elongated shape due to the 2 middle fingers slightly extended forward. The paw is not narrow, like a hare’s (“greyhound’s paw”), and not round, like a cat’s, it is aristocratically elongated, but not small, but even and large. The footprint of such a paw is an exact copy of the cool one. chicken egg, cut in half.

A German Shepherd puppy's paw only appears round; even in infancy, extended toes with strong, arched bones are clearly visible.

Dewclaws should be removed 3-5 days after birth so that you will not have the opportunity to “suspect” their existence.

Pay attention to the hocks when the dog is standing.

In a purebred German Shepherd (the croup slopes smoothly to the base of the tail), the metacarpal to horizontal ratio should be 90 degrees.

That is, the metacarpus should take a strictly vertical position in relation to the ground.

Head of an adult BUT and a puppy

There is no point in describing the advantages of an adult head in detail, they are well known:

  • the head is close to the cone when viewed from above;
  • the lines of the forehead and muzzle are parallel;
  • the jaws are powerful, wedge-shaped, but not narrowed, like those of a collie;
  • the dental system is in perfect order;
  • the nose is not divided by a groove in half (a bifurcated nose) and has a maximum dark color without stains – ideally black;
  • the skin fits tightly to the head, without sagging or folds;
  • when the dog is alert, a “wrinkle” forms on the skull;
  • the lips are dark, close-fitting without overhang or jowls, like those of a Great Dane;
  • the length of the muzzle is almost equal to the length of the skull (50 to 50 is ideal);
  • The width of the frontal part of the head corresponds to the length of the frontal part.

The picture shows the ideal parameters of the head of a high-breed German Shepherd

The same parameters are retained in puppies throughout their lives, without changing even during the period of growing up.

In newborn puppies, the correct parameters of the ratios of the parts of the head are clearly visible

Ears of an adult German Shepherd and her puppies

BUT's ears are her distinctive card. Large isosceles triangles sit high, the ears are turned forward. The edge of the earlobe is in a straight line from the outer corner of the eye.

When viewed from the side, both parallel ears are clearly visible. Form auricle It has the shape of a lily petal - the very tip is barely curled back.

Babies' ears may not stand up until 8-10 months - this is the norm. But their size and location on the head correspond to the set of the ears of an adult shepherd dog.

Cute "burdocks" of one-month-old puppies

Tail of a German Shepherd and her puppy

The German Shepherd's tail is long and saber-shaped and should not have any kinks. The last tail vertebra must be sharp!

This is the kind of tail that no parent should have.

The tail does not stretch out over time; real shepherd puppies are born with “pedigreed” tails.

The baby is a little over 3 weeks old, and the tail already matches the breed data

Puppy weight from birth

The weight of newborn babies depends not only on the size of the litter, but also on the weight of the mother and her condition.
A conscientious breeder will not leave more than 8 puppies under a lactating bitch; a larger number will make the entire litter weak, with possible physical impairments, and a weakened immune system.

In addition, the desire to earn income will affect the health of the dog itself, its indifference to the performance of maternal duties due to physical exhaustion.

Pay attention to the mother herself, count the number of puppies and ask to show you a schedule of weighing the babies from the first day - from the moment of their birth.

The average weight of a purebred puppy BUT will be 350g. in a large litter and 500g. fine.

Newborn puppy weight chart
Days Average weight (grams) Weight limits (in grams)
1 500 300-700
5 800 700-1000
10 1300 1000-1600
15 1900 1600-2350
20 2500 2100-3400
25 3200 2700-4000
30 4000 3000-5000

Further weight gain should be about 4 g for every kilogram of his mother's weight. It’s easy to find out if the mother’s weight is known: the bitch is 35 kg, which means that the baby should gain about 100-120 g per day, which will be noted in the weighing schedule.

Table of weight gain of German Shepherd puppies up to 1 month
Days Average weight gain (grams) Fluctuations depending on the number of puppies in the litter (grams)
1-3 60 50-70
3-6 70 60-80
6-10 100 80-120
11-15 110 100-150
16-20 130 110-180
21-25 140 120-200
26-30 160 130-230

The first days the weight may even decrease, but after 5-6 days the weight gain will stabilize, and by the end of the second week the weight will double.

In a month, a real puppy will weigh at least 3 kg!

By comparing the weight data and adding the exterior data of the mother and baby to them, you will almost certainly be able to identify a German Shepherd puppy - dogs of other breeds have not only different appearance, but also other weight categories by age.

Once again about documents

The purity of any breed is recorded, first of all, in the documents for the dog!

The presence of documents confirms that only dogs of excellent quality are involved in breeding:

  • correct exterior;
  • excellent working qualities;
  • excellent health.

The totality of this data determines the breeding value of the animal as a representative of the breed without breed defects.

Why is it important?

Breeders have long noticed the fact that exterior defects correspond to an unfavorable genotype.
Thus, weakening of pigmentation ( light eyes and nose) often accompany cryptorchidism and disorders genitourinary system, instability in the development of the central nervous system.

Protruding eyes and flabby ears help to recognize metabolic imbalances and a predisposition to.

This may not be observed in a given individual, but it will certainly “come out” in subsequent generations.

But the famous one "breed" mole the German Shepherd has nothing to do with the high-breeding of the dog! It occurs as often in dogs of other breeds as in ordinary mongrels.

Puppy metric

Together with the puppy, you must receive a certificate (card) of the origin of your baby, which will indicate his date of birth, color, nicknames of himself and his parents, up to his great-grandfathers, with mandatory evaluations of rings and tests. Later you will exchange the certificate for a real pedigree.

Sample certificate (without stamps is not valid!)

If you have such a “puppy” card, the question is: “How to distinguish a German shepherd from a crossbreed or low-breed “shepheroid”?” - will disappear by itself.

Video on how to identify a German Shepherd puppy from a mongrel

The German Shepherd is one of the most popular dog breeds, in high demand among dog breeders around the world. This is due to the numerous advantages of such dogs - these include the following factors:

  • Wonderful exterior.
  • High intellectual abilities.
  • Greater physical strength and endurance.
  • Good learning ability and high performance qualities.

We all know well what brave protectors and loyal friends German shepherds can be - many films have been made about them and many books have been written.

The German Shepherd is one of the most popular dog breeds

Purebred dogs or mixed breeds?

No one doubts the numerous advantages of purebred purebred dogs - their breeding is managed by special clubs that can be found almost anywhere in the world. Purity of the breed is the preservation of the gene pool, all bright and important features, appearance and character.

On the other hand, mixed breeds are also gaining popularity today - more and more often you can hear statements that German shepherd mixes are sometimes much tougher, more beautiful and smarter than purebred representatives of this species. It is said about mestizos that they have a much less pronounced tendency to genetic diseases, immunity is more developed and intellectual abilities are more clearly expressed.

On the Internet you can find many photos showing mixed breeds of huskies and shepherds, as well as crosses with a Rottweiler, collie and even a pug. Puppies from such marriages sometimes look somewhat unexpected, which is obvious, since mixed breeds of huskies and shepherds or collies and shepherds are always a lottery, the results of which are quite difficult and sometimes impossible to guess.

Metis huskies

Some ardent defenders of blood purity condemn such breeding experiments, calling them profanation. However, one should not be too strict - perhaps there is a certain meaning in mixed breeds if the mating is done wisely. Husky and Shepherd mixes, as well as Rottweiler crosses, give reason for hope. In addition, we should not forget that dogs are living beings with a devoted heart and a need for love. They need care no matter how pure their blood is - let's remember that.

Mestizos Laikas and German breed They are born quite large - even puppies are impressive in size. Laika is very likely to give its offspring thick, thick fur, as well as all the best character traits - loyalty, courage and intelligence. Let us remember that Germans also have these character traits - therefore, when crossed with a husky, they do not disappear, but intensify.

Laika mixed breeds grow up to be smart, loyal, well trained - they make excellent service dogs, for whom the lack of pure blood is not a hindrance. Laika and Shepherd puppies received their own name - they are called Siberian Shepherds.

Husky and German Shepherd puppy


A cross between a pug and a shepherd is called a nops - just like the husky mixes, they have inherited the best traits from their parents. This is a strong medium-sized dog that has with a loving heart and loves to cuddle up to its owner. This is a faithful, understanding friend who is ready to support at any moment.

Mixed Labrador and German

Dog breeders say a lot of good things about Labrador and German puppies - this species turns out to be perfectly balanced. Let's remember that Labradors have a much calmer character than Germans - this is perfectly balanced in common puppies.

The result is a dog with a calm temperament, which is perfect for company with children - he is ready to play, he is cheerful, but not too much. And if necessary, he can come to the defense and is ready to defend the child to the end.

In addition, Labrador mixes, as a rule, are distinguished by an extremely attractive exterior - the aesthetic component should not be discounted. Therefore, such dogs are quite in demand among supporters of new trends who welcome “mixed marriages” between representatives different breeds.

Mixed Labrador and German

Mix of Rottweiler and German

If you need a strong and loyal service dog, you are unlikely to be able to find a more suitable option than a Rottweiler-Shepherd hybrid. From both breeds, such a dog inherits enormous physical strength, powerful build, loyalty and courage, good trainability and strong intelligence.

It should be noted that such a dog needs a strong owner who will personify the leader of the pack for it. A person with insufficiently strong and strong-willed character will not be able to cope with such a dog - it will take the lead and dominate. Therefore, before getting yourself such a dog, carefully analyze your strong-willed and leadership qualities to make sure that they are enough to raise a Rottweiler-Shepherd mix.

Mixed Chow

Representatives of the Chow Chow breed are famous for their restless disposition, curiosity and wit. It is no exaggeration to say that such a dog is a real Ostap Bender in dog’s clothing. He is interested in everything, he is ready to stick his interested nose in everyone, and besides, the chow-chow is always ready for games and fun.

All these traits are preserved in Chow-Shepherd mixes - their curiosity is complemented by the suspicion and wariness of the Germans. The result is an ideal watchman - get yourself a Chow Shepherd and your home will always be under reliable protection. In terms of exterior, mestizos are usually closer to the Chow - muzzle, bone structure and thick long hair.

Union of German and Scots

Mixed collie and German breeds look extremely attractive - they inherit the nobility of features from both species. The long hair and slender build of the Collie combines with the strength and power of the German Shepherd - it looks very beautiful.

In terms of breed, there is an increase in temperament - both breeds were bred as herding dogs, this trait is aggravated by the descendants of mixed unions. Therefore, the owner of such a dog must be prepared for the fact that he will need to constantly take care to keep his pupil occupied. Immediately count on long walks, active sports and training, outdoor games and education aimed at directing your pet’s energy in the right direction.

Metis is a unique dog, it is no longer a breed, but it is not yet a mongrel. People also call them half-breeds or transients. People have different attitudes towards such dogs. Some people like their unique exterior, while others are frankly wary of buying a “hamster.” Nevertheless, mestizos have some undeniable advantages over their purebred brothers, and individual crossbreeds cost a lot of money.

People often wonder how mongrels differ from mestizos and why they are called differently.

Both mongrels and mixed breeds are dogs without a certain breed. Nevertheless, it is customary to call dogs mestizo, in whose appearance the features of their purebred parents or just one can be traced. In other words, it is a cross between one, two or three guessed breeds. If it is difficult to identify those who took part in the crossing by appearance, the dog is called a mongrel.

In addition, mestizo is the official name of any hybrid. Even if it is clearly visible which two breeds were crossed or the puppy is like two peas in a pod like one of the purebred parents, the passport will simply say “Mestis”, without details.

Mixed Siberian Husky

Mixed breed dogs: what are they?

One thing can be said for sure about mestizos - they are all different. Character is very difficult to predict. The baby inherits some traits from his mother, some from his father, this is understandable, but exactly how their combination will manifest itself in the future is unknown. Crossbreeds with dwarf breeds They are often cowardly and nervous, or, on the contrary, cocky and aggressive, and mixed breeds of guard and watchdogs can be very difficult to train, poorly controlled or too stubborn. When buying a mixed breed, it is important to know who both of its parents are, and you should watch the puppy for some time.

Most mixed breeds turn out to be very smart and intelligent dogs that are easy to train. For example, in the USA and Canada, it is often mixed breeds who become stars of agility and dog freestyle.

The fact that the mestizos have very good health And good immunity, of course, is not an axiom, but, as a rule, this is true. Thanks to the mixing of genes, they do not drag along hereditary diseases, characteristic of the breed of the parents. Of course, this does not mean that the dog will not get sick. A mestizo, like any other living creature, needs to be looked after, fed properly and not to forget about disease prevention.

How to choose a good mixed breed puppy

If everything is more or less clear with color and coat, then with size things are more complicated. It is impossible to determine exactly what kind of dog a dog will grow up to be if the parents are unknown or are very different in size, like an elephant and a pug. Most formulas that are suitable for certain breeds of puppies do not work here. Only experienced dog breeders, can determine the approximate size adult dog, assessing the weight, height and girth of the baby’s paws. If the parents are known, and even of similar dimensions, there is nothing to guess here, as they say, an apple from an apple tree.

Fortunately for those who are planning to adopt a mixed breed, a science called animal psychology has developed. Today, many tests have been developed for puppies that help determine inclinations, talents and dominant character traits. It is enough to select about 5-10 tests for the desired characteristics to find out whether a puppy is suitable specifically for your family or not. Of course, there are no guarantees or 100% results; much will also depend on the further education of the dog.

Choosing a good mixed breed is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is not to act under the influence of only emotions.

Metis Central Asian Shepherd

Fashionable mestizos, or who are the designer breeds

Random matings have always existed, but purposeful crossing in modern world cynology is called “designer”. Just recently, the world of dog lovers was engulfed by the so-called designer breeds, which in fact are not breeds at all, they are all mestizos.

Not every mixed breed has the right to be called a designer, but only a cub from purebred dogs of a certain breed with a good pedigree and high marks at exhibitions. The concept of designer dogs first appeared in the 80s. Then dog experts decided to cross a Labrador with a poodle to get a guide dog for people who not only have poor vision, but also suffer from allergies. The success was incredible. Designer dogs instantly gained their own fan club, and their price reached $2,000. True, there were no fewer opponents of interbreeding than fans.

In the world of breeding, designer dogs are called hybrids, or, more simply put, mestizos. You can usually find out which breeds participated in the creation of a “designer breed” not only by their appearance, which displays the traits of their parents, but also by their name. For example, a cross between a beagle and a spaniel is called a Spagle, and a cross between a pug and a Jack Russell terrier is called Jobs. There are also more complex mestizos, which originated from several breeds; a cross between a husky, a chow chow and a German shepherd was called the German Chaskie. See photos of designer mestizos with names in the gallery below.

Pit bull mix

Prices for mixed-breed puppies

Mixed breeds always cost much less than purebred dogs, and are often given away for free to good hands. This doesn't just apply to designer breeds, many of them are very expensive. If, as a result of an accidental crossing, puppies are born that are very similar to the purebred parent, they are often passed off as purebred babies without documents, which increases the cost of a mixed breed tenfold. This is important to take into account for those who dream of purebred dog and wants to be sure that the puppy will grow into a dog with certain appearance and character traits.


Look in the gallery beautiful photos mixed-breed dogs from the most popular breeds (with names).

The German Shepherd can rightfully be considered one of the most popular dog breeds - today there is a huge demand for such dogs. This is quite understandable - the German breed captivates with its beautiful exterior, powerful build, high intelligence and excellent service qualities. Such a dog can become true friend and a protector who will always support you in difficult times and come to the rescue in a critical situation.

Such popularity has become the reason that some breeders pay a lot of attention to the number of puppies, often sacrificing the quality and purity of the breed. Therefore, when purchasing, it is important to know how to identify a German Shepherd puppy without signs of degeneration, which carries all the advantages of the breed.

Below we will talk about what a German Shepherd puppy looks like and how it differs from a mongrel or a crossbreed - it is important to know this before choosing a pet from a breeder.

What you need to know before the inspection

Before choosing a puppy, it is recommended to find out a number of important questions that will help you avoid making the wrong decision. You should find out how many times a year a bitch gives birth - you should not take babies from one that does this more often than once a year. Practice shows that if childbirth occurs more than once a year, the mother does not have time to gain strength to bear a full-fledged offspring.

There should be no more than ten puppies in the litter - otherwise the mother does not have enough milk and internal resources to bear them well. Also take a look at what the babies look like - they should be approximately the same size, naturally taking into account the fact that a female shepherd puppy is always smaller than a male.

What to look for during inspection

Now you can start examining - choose the baby that you like, and now let’s talk about what a German Shepherd puppy looks like:

  • The coat is not too long;

Make sure there are no extra toes on your paws
  • Pay attention to the joints on the paws; when they are large, it means the bones are good. As he gets older they will look much more proportional;
  • The front legs should be straight - crookedness usually indicates rickets;
  • Make sure there are no extra toes on the paws - they should be plump, but not flabby. The pads are hard and thick, the claws are even;
  • The eyes are usually blue in a newborn shepherd, but 2 months later they change color. Experts say that one month old puppy should not be light-eyed, nor mixed-eyed;
  • A one-month-old puppy should not have a widening forehead and a pointed muzzle;
  • The ears of a German Shepherd rise at 3 months - if they harden earlier, it means the baby has problems with calcium;
  • Examine the tail carefully - it should be without kinks;
  • The German breed has a shortened loin and back, a wide shoulder belt and developed hips;
  • The eyes should be clean - without mucus or discharge;

Eyes should be clean - free of mucus and discharge
  • When talking about what German Shepherd puppies look like, you can often hear about five moles near the mouth. However, this sign is not obligatory, although it occurs quite often;
  • Look into the baby's mouth and pay attention to the bite - it should be scissor-shaped;
  • When a shepherd puppy is 2 months old, its teeth are very small and sharp, but from 3 to 7 months they will change;
  • The tail should hang down like a saber, and not drag along the ground;

Coat and color

When figuring out what German Shepherd puppies look like, there's no reason to ignore this one. important detail, like the type of coat and color, which are among the most noticeable characteristics of the breed. Information on this topic will also help you learn how to distinguish a purebred puppy from a mixed breed or mongrel.

The coat is usually black or black and tan.

In principle, at a young age, babies are usually black or black and tan, so only experienced people know how to distinguish a pure breed puppy. In very small ones, the hair has a slight “graying” in the form of very light fluff - it disappears during the first molt. But there are no white spots in purebred representatives of the breed - you should know about this.

Growing up, the dog develops its color - a “mask” appears on its face and all other signs of the breed. Moreover, in non-purebred dogs, the spots remain forever - they do not disappear anywhere.

As for the wool, it is quite stiff, but quite pleasant to the touch. Although, if you take ordinary mongrels, their fur at a young age is much silkier. There should be no folds, sagging areas or sagging areas on the skin itself.

German Shepherd puppy

Differences between Shepherds and Mutts

Now, summarizing all of the above, let's make a basic list of features that distinguish a purebred German Shepherd from a mongrel or mestizo:

  • Two-month-old German Shepherd babies are much larger than mongrels - they grow and develop much faster. Their skeleton is already beginning to acquire classic harmonious shapes, their paws become powerful and strong. Mongrels at this age are still very small - their maturation occurs much more slowly;
  • Mutts usually have a very noticeable furrow on the forehead, which you will not find on purebred Germans;
  • Remember about the bite - it must be scissor-shaped, while in mongrels the bite can be anything. This is one of the weak points of non-purebred dogs - their characteristics are unpredictable, being a kind of lottery;
  • The shepherd must have no dental defects - any curvature and the presence of extra fangs or incisors is sufficient grounds for rejection;

The shepherd must have no dental defects
  • Despite the fact that small shepherd dogs have mug-like ears, as they grow older they become hard and stand on the head. In yard dogs, as a rule, the ears remain hanging - this is why they do not seem as noble as the Germans;
  • The mongrel has a barrel chest, while the purebred puppy has a massive and developed broad chest;
  • The breed can also be distinguished by the shape of its paws - in Germans they are powerful, hard and developed with strong joints and without curvature.


Of course, the process of choosing a puppy is extremely important point- after all, you choose a friend for yourself long years. Therefore, you should take this procedure responsibly.

But here it is important to clarify one serious point - before going to the breeder, you need to decide why you need the dog. If to participate in exhibitions or as an assistant in search or rescue activities, then pickiness will make sense, since often service-related abilities are inherited.

But if you just want to have a dog that will be your friend, then it is quite possible that the issue of breed is not so important. After all, this is a living being who will be sincerely disposed towards you if you manage to win his love - and where there is love, purity of blood is not so important.

Mixed-breed puppies- one of the common types of dogs, descended from several breeds. People unfairly underestimate them, believing that they are half-breeds who have worse qualities, for example, fear or unfriendliness towards children, than the elite representatives, but this statement is incorrect. Thanks to the mixing of DNA, they include a combination of at least 4 breeds, while the temperament, health and behavior inherent in them are characterized by the best parameters that their parents could give.

According to numerous opinions of veterinarians, as well as owners, simply spending some time with them, you can be convinced of many advantages over other species. Firstly, they have stronger immunity and resistance to diseases that are not inherited, unlike purebreds, which require careful and constant care. Secondly, they are capable of fast learning and have a friendly, disposition towards their owners, since they nervous system formed from a symbiosis of different types of genes. Third, different types dogs, for example, German Shepherd, Laika, quickly adapt to any living conditions and differ not only in their affection towards their owners, but also in their activity. An important advantage is that they will not inherit complex genetic diseases from their ancestors, compared to purebred specimens. In general, taking into account the above, we can safely say that they have absorbed not only the best physical characteristics of many breeds, but are also distinguished by their friendly and devoted character towards their owners. One of the many features for which most people prefer this variety is the originality and uniqueness of appearance, which is absolutely individual and unique for each dog. Even though mixed breeds are a mixed breed, they are every bit as good as the prestigious and top-notch purebreds.

If you decide to sell or buy a Labrador, Yorkie or Terrier mixed breed puppy, you can place an ad on our website, where you will find almost any type of these beautiful, loyal and true friends.