“Whoever does not agree, retire!”: Patriarch Kirill demanded that the clergy strictly implement their instructions. Dangerous question: who needs to retire? Patriarch Kirill who does not agree to retire


Dear fathers, brothers and sisters!

This is the result of the cowardly and criminal silence of the entire conciliar fullness of the Russian Orthodox Church in response for apostasy and the heresy of the false Kirill, who today actually declared himself an “Orthodox pope.” He not only declared that everyone must strictly follow his commands, but threatened those who disagreed with reprisals and expulsion from the church clergy.

With a statement like this quoted by RIA Novosti, lzhp. Kirill spoke after the service in the Assumption Cathedral in Novorossiysk:

“If anyone still has doubts, do you need to do everything? what does the patriarch teach about , - leave all doubts! And strictly do what I command! Because I speak not from my own wisdom, but from the wisdom of the entire episcopate of the Russian Orthodox Church! There is no other way for our Church today! If you don't agree, retire! »

With this statement of his and the demand for strict execution of all his commands, liar Kirill declared himself an "Orthodox pope" by analogy with the Pope, whose commands everyone must strictly and unquestioningly obey. Conciliarity in the Russian Orthodox Church has been completely destroyed and destroyed by the apostate and heretic Kirill!

For those who doubt that in this quote from false Kirill everything is stated verbatim correctly and without distortion, it is worth pointing out that this news did not appear on the pages of some yellow newspaper, but from the leading state news agency RIA-NOVOSTI, the main direction whose activities, according to the decree, are coverage of the state policy of the Russian Federation and public life in Russia. The key leader of the created agency is general manager, appointed and dismissed by the President of the Russian Federation.

P.S. Brothers and sisters, if any of you finds a video recording of these words of false Kirill, and his sermon was undoubtedly filmed by many, please send us the link by email [email protected].

On September 21, 2017, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', after a service in the Assumption Cathedral in Novorossiysk, called on the clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church to strictly comply with his instructions.

“If anyone still has doubts about whether it is necessary to do everything that the patriarch teaches, leave all doubts! And strictly carry out what I command! Because I speak not from my own wisdom, but from the wisdom of the entire Russian episcopate Orthodox Church! There is no other way for our Church today! Those who do not agree - retire!”

“The temptations that our youth are experiencing today are incomparable. Never has there been such a pressure of evil, lies, provocations that excite the consciousness of young people, leading them astray life path. To save young people, it is not enough to serve liturgy, all-night vigils, masses, and memorial services in churches. We need to go to them."

The Patriarch also called on the clergy to devote special attention work with young people, “go to schools, develop the system of church education,” make this system attractive and interesting for young people. To do this, priests must “learn to speak to them in a different language.”
“All this should not be formally carried out, not by order, but by the sincere desire, first of all, of the rectors and clergy. Then a lot will change for us: not only in parish life, but in the life of our people. If the majority of Orthodox youth go through childhood and youth through our parishes, these will be good citizens of Russia - wonderful families will build and raise the next generation in the spirit and strength that the Lord brought us,” the head of the Russian Orthodox Church is convinced.
In addition, Patriarch Kirill reminded the clergy of their social and pastoral responsibility to the people. Therefore, work must be carried out with the laity, action must be taken Sunday schools, "parish social work" is carried out.

He also called on priests to pay more attention to families facing financial difficulties or in difficult situations. life situation. What is hidden under this? Yes, the rector must know every parishioner who is in need! But how many of us are elderly, especially women, who have lived a very difficult life, have seen practically nothing in this life, and often remain lonely in old age! Do we know all these modest old women who stand in our churches and do not ask for alms, but who so need our help?” asked the patriarch.
Therefore, “every abbot must know all those in need” and organize assistance for them. “And a penny should be shared with those who need it!” - Patriarch Kirill added.
The Russian Orthodox Church has over 35 thousand parishes, making it the largest local Orthodox Church in the world. It has almost 400 bishops and almost 40 thousand priests and deacons.

“I urge you to work tirelessly. If we don’t work in a new way today, we will pray in empty churches tomorrow.”

Sources of information:

RIA Novosti.



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“If anyone still has doubts about whether it is necessary to do everything that the patriarch teaches, leave all doubts! And strictly carry out what I command! Because I speak not from my own wisdom, but from the wisdom of the entire Russian episcopate Orthodox Church! There is no other way for our Church today! - announced the patriarch.

In addition, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church called on the clergy to pay special attention to working with young people, “to go to schools, develop the system of church education,” and to make this system attractive and interesting for the younger generation. To do this, priests, he said, must “learn to speak to them in a different language.”

“All this should not be formally carried out, not by order, but by the sincere desire, first of all, of the rectors and clergy. Then a lot will change for us: not only in parish life, but in the life of our people. If the majority of Orthodox youth pass through childhood and youth through our parishes, these will be good citizens of Russia - wonderful families will build and raise the next generation in the spirit and strength that the Lord brought us,” the head of the Russian Orthodox Church is convinced.

The Patriarch emphasized that the rector must know every parishioner who is in need. “After all, how many of us are elderly, especially women, who have lived a very difficult life, have seen practically nothing in this life, and often remain lonely in old age! Do we know all these modest old women who stand in our churches and do not ask for alms, but who are so need our help?" - the patriarch wondered.

During the festive service in the Holy Dormition Cathedral on the occasion of Christmas Holy Mother of God In addition to the Patriarch, the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Veniamin Kondratyev, also took part, reports the Kuban 24 TV channel.

The service began on September 21 at 10:00. There were more than three thousand parishioners in the temple. After the end of the liturgy, Patriarch Kirill and Kondratiev laid flowers at the Malaya Zemlya memorial.

The Assumption Church of Novorossiysk was built in 1894. In 2011, Patriarch Kirill served the Divine Liturgy in this cathedral. With the formation of the Novorossiysk diocese in 2013, the temple became a cathedral.

NEWSru.com : http://www.newsru.com/religy/21sep2017/patriarh.html

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IN last days September, a big discussion revolved around the extremely harsh words of Patriarch Kirill about “doubting/disagreeing” priests.

“If anyone still has doubts about whether it is necessary to do everything that the patriarch teaches, leave all doubts! And strictly do what I command! Because I speak not from my own wisdom, but from the wisdom of the entire episcopate of the Russian Orthodox Church! There is no other way for our Church today! If you don’t agree, retire!” - stated Patriarch after the service in the Assumption Cathedral of Novorossiysk (Kuban Metropolis).

Everyone heard these words. It would seem that Kirill can no longer surprise his flock in the ninth year of his patriarchate, but these words shocked many priests and laity. “No, it’s impossible!” - the first thing that comes to mind.

Yes, I still really want to grasp at straws.

But it is surprising that these words were first published by the state agency Rossiya Segodnya, with which the Patriarchate has a long-standing relationship. The head of the agency relatively recently received the order from the hands of the patriarch himself, and the Rossiya Segodnya correspondent has been in the patriarchal pool for many years. A government agency cannot misrepresent or make a mistake when it comes to a figure protected by the FSO. And the style is such that the patriarch’s speech is not difficult to recognize.

Not surprisingly, after a slight hesitation, church officials admitted that all these words had indeed been spoken, but that they should be taken solely in the context of the sermon. Like, then everything will fall into place and the noise will subside.

Alas, in my opinion, in the context of the sermon, the patriarch’s words look even worse.

First, the sermon itself is located in the context of liturgical celebration (the sermon is an integral part of the Divine Liturgy). And on the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the patriarch’s threats sound with heavy semantic dissonance. The Mother of God prays for all of us - righteous and sinners, rich and poor, bosses and subordinates, doubters and those who are completely confident in themselves. She is the “warm intercessor of the cold world”... And suddenly such cruel, imperious “commands”. What did the patriarch celebrate on this day? Did he, in the words of St. John Chrysostom, “enter the joy of his Lord”? Just ten days ago we commemorated the Beheading of John the Baptist. By denouncing Herodias, one could also threaten someone else with punishment, but on the Nativity of the Virgin Mary this looks completely inappropriate.

Secondly, ending a sermon with direct threats is a new word in homiletics. Perhaps I happy man, but in nearly 30 years of life in the Church, I have never heard a sermon with such an ending. Not love, not an admonition, but a direct threat, albeit said with a smile: they say, if you do not agree with me, then you, priests, and all your families will burn in the fire with your miserable pension.

Thirdly, from a canonical point of view, this looks, to put it mildly, strange: the patriarch is threatening the priests of a foreign diocese, which has its own ruling bishop. This is possible only in one single case - when the patriarch thinks of himself as the “bishop of Rome”, i.e. he's standing over all other bishops and commands them and all the clergy. Heresy? Oh, how much I don’t want to talk about it... But the distortion of church consciousness is for sure.

Fourthly, the words that the patriarch says this not on his own behalf, but “from the wisdom of the entire episcopate” can hardly even be called a rhetorical figure; this is real hypocrisy. It is well known that the patriarch has a low opinion of the episcopate and is not interested in its “wisdom.” This was especially obvious a year and a half ago, when, secretly from the entire Russian Orthodox Church, he was preparing a meeting with the Pope and at the Council of Bishops, a few days before the meeting, he did not even hint to the wise bishops that this meeting would soon take place. IN recent years the entire episcopate found itself in the role of extras, and the only character was Patriarch Kirill himself. And he really doesn't like it when anyone forgets about it.

Fifthly, about a “penny” for grandma. These words touched many. But they should also be taken “in context.” When the patriarch is drowning in luxury and extortions from priests have grown significantly over 6-8 years (some write to me that 7-8 times), when special federal law the patriarch is allowed not to report at all, even to the state, about his income and property; not only for grandmothers, but also for the priests themselves, there really is only a “penny” left. The clergy groans from the exactions, and the patriarch’s words sound very cynical.

Sixthly, about working with young people. The need to constantly fight for traditional values ​​puts the priest in a strict ideological framework, and young people are not interested in this. Neither modern culture, nor everything that young people live with is neither interesting nor understandable to priests. And here it makes no sense to wave your arms or say a lot of words, even the right ones. We must live according to the Gospel, love Christ, and believe me, young people will see this and themselves will be drawn to such a priest. But according to modern times all this is very “non-systematic”. Such priests quickly “burn out”, and the cynical fulfillers of demands and opportunists survive. There is no point in convincing them of the need to work with young people; they live in their own separate world and have no intention of leaving it.

Seventhly, what kind of “doubters” does the patriarch address if he speaks “from the wisdom of the entire episcopate”? It turns out that no one listens to him anymore? Is the Church out of control and not obeying the Patriarch? Or this one nightmare Is the patriarch still only dreaming? I don't have an answer.

And lastly, about retirement. I'm afraid that with these words the patriarch opened Pandora's box. The question “who should retire?” is far from being as simple as it might seem at first glance. Dissatisfaction with Patriarch Kirill both in the Church and in society is already obvious. The expectations associated with his election to the Moscow patriarchal throne did not materialize. Many see him as a middling official with great ambitions, but not at all as the primate of the Russian Church. The answer to the question “what to do?” there wasn't until recently. And so, Patriarch Kirill himself suggested: “Retire.” And this is a completely possible scenario. Moreover, this has already happened to one of Patriarch Kirill’s fellow countrymen.

But the problem of churches that may be empty cannot be solved by the means on which Patriarch Kirill relies. It is necessary to remove ideological, administrative and financial pressure on priests and parish communities. But I’m afraid that the current patriarch is no longer capable of this.

I say all this with bitterness and pain.

MOSCOW, September 21 - RIA Novosti. Patriarch Kirill called on the clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church to strictly comply with his instructions.

“If anyone still has doubts about whether it is necessary to do everything that the patriarch teaches, leave all doubts! And strictly carry out what I command! Because I speak not from my own wisdom, but from the wisdom of the entire Russian episcopate Orthodox Church! There is no other way for our Church today! Those who do not agree – retire!” - said the patriarch after the service in the Assumption Cathedral in Novorossiysk.

The Patriarch also called on the clergy to pay special attention to working with young people, “to go to schools, develop the system of church education,” and make this system attractive and interesting for young people. To do this, priests must “learn to speak to them in a different language.”

“All this should not be formally carried out, not by order, but by the sincere desire, first of all, of the rectors and clergy. Then a lot will change for us: not only in parish life, but in the life of our people. If the majority of Orthodox youth pass through childhood and youth through our parishes, these will be good citizens of Russia - wonderful families will build and raise the next generation in the spirit and strength that the Lord brought us,” the head of the Russian Orthodox Church is convinced.

In addition, Patriarch Kirill reminded the clergy of their social and pastoral responsibility to the people. Therefore, work should be carried out with the laity, Sunday schools should operate, and “parish social work” should be conducted.

“And what is hidden under this? Yes, the rector should know every parishioner who is in need! But how many of us are elderly, especially women who have lived a very difficult life, have seen practically nothing in this life, and often remain lonely in old age! Do we know everyone these modest old women who stand in our churches and do not ask for alms, but who so need our help? - the patriarch wondered.

Therefore, “every abbot must know all those in need” and organize assistance for them. “And a penny should be shared with those who need it!” - Patriarch Kirill added.

The Russian Orthodox Church has over 35 thousand parishes, making it the largest local Orthodox Church in the world. It has almost 400 bishops and almost 40 thousand priests and deacons.