What products can be brought to a patient with a skin disease. Nutrition for skin diseases. Cereals and porridges

If the intestines and other excretory systems fail (lungs, kidneys), the skin takes on the main function of excretion. The quality of blood is primarily related to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (the quality and quantity of beneficial bacteria that digest food, the quantity and quality of enzymes necessary for digestion, the presence of pathogenic flora - staphylococcus, etc.). If the quality of the blood does not meet individual standards for bacterial count, then pustular diseases develop on the skin. If contamination occurs in the quality and quantity of proteins, then allergic pathology occurs (eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis). If both factors coincide, then a chronic systemic disease - psoriasis - may occur. Treatment of skin diseases should be comprehensive and begin with the regulation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Eliminate completely: milk, condensed milk, ice cream, porridge with milk. Limit: fresh flour baked goods, starch - jelly, potatoes; a large amount of meat (chicken), exotic fruits (oranges, tangerines, grapefruits), berries (strawberries, wild strawberries). Recommended food: mainly boiled vegetables, vegetable soups, noodles, water porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat), lactic acid products ( kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, sour cream); vegetable juices diluted with water (pumpkin); light fruit juices (apple, grape); white fish, boiled meat, liver. In the absence of complaints from the gastrointestinal tract, moderately spicy and fatty foods may not be limited.



The food of patients with psoriasis should contain the maximum amount of plant products. It is necessary to take into account that many types of wild food plants are superior in nutritional value and taste to some cultivated plants or have no analogues at all among plants grown by humans. This applies to many berries, nuts, salad plants, mushrooms and algae. Using wild and cultivated plants for food, patients with psoriasis must adhere to certain rules: eat plant foods, taking into account the geographical and climatic conditions of their residence; avoid complete vegetarianism at a young age; combine raw and cooked food; give preference to weekly fasting diets; widely use gravies, dressings, sauces based on vegetable oil and sour berry juices; mix plant components of food, based on the national characteristics of the cuisine; when consuming aromatic vegetables and sour juices, exclude table salt (you can add seaweed); use complex plant salads more often; Before using the plant (herb), rinse thoroughly with cold water.

Plant products can be grouped by purpose. So, to obtain juice they use hogweed, lingonberry, elderberry, lemongrass, cloudberry, dogwood, burdock, plantain, calendula, sedum, viburnum, etc. Anise fruits are useful for preparing the sauce. You can add lemon balm, saxifrage and common plants (dill, caraway, etc.) to pickles. Compotes include sea buckthorn, rhubarb, dogwood, strawberries, rose hips, blueberries, bird cherry, meadowsweet (meadowsweet), cloudberries, cranberries, viburnum, arga, elecampane, calamus, etc. Syrups can be prepared from most berry crops. Jam is made from lingonberries, black elderberry, olives, sea buckthorn, rhubarb, burdock, cloudberries, dogwood, angelica, strawberries, elecampane, blueberries, calamus, honeysuckle, rowan, walnut, viburnum, and hawthorn. Salads use saxifrage, knotweed, knotweed, caraway, reed, chicory, dandelion, cattail, lungwort, nettle, mullein, burdock, wheatgrass, etc. Kvass is made from thyme, lingonberry, birch sap, bird cherry, thyme, caraway, rowan. , tansy, juniper, cranberry. Fruit juice is prepared from elderberry, thorn, juniper, cranberry, blackberry, stone fruit, birch, thistle, blueberry, and viburnum. Good tea is made from bergenia, knotweed, thyme, chicory, blueberries, linden, lemon balm, St. John's wort, strawberries, blackberries, boneberries, rose hips, meadowsweet, leuzea, fireweed, and oregano. The first courses include nettles, reeds, gooseberry, primrose, lungwort, burdock, meadowsweet, and wheatgrass; secondly - cane, cumin, wild garlic. Bird cherry is used as a filling for pies. dogwood, viburnum, hogweed, lingonberry. Chicory, susak, wheatgrass, oats, and dandelion can be used as a coffee drink. reed, rose hips, etc.

V.F. Korsun, A.F. Korsun. Psoriasis. Modern and ancient methods of treatment. St. Petersburg, 1999


Metabolic disorders in psoriasis were the basis for prescribing diet therapy. The works of various authors indicate the advisability of limiting food intake and following a vegetarian diet for many months and even years. Due to the idea that psoriasis is a kind of “lipoidosis of the skin,” many dermatologists have proposed a diet limited in animal fats. However, the results are contradictory. Certain results were obtained by following a diet with a restriction of table salt, spices, carbohydrates, etc. One should adhere to the opinion about the advisability of an individual diet depending on the stage of disease progression, metabolic characteristics, the presence of concomitant diseases and complications of psoriasis (polyarthritis, erythroderma, etc.). Attaching a certain importance to diet therapy, it is considered possible to recommend its elements in combination with medications, both during the period of manifestation and during the period of expected exacerbation of the disease (spring, autumn).

In the stage of progression of psoriasis, a diet is prescribed for 2-3 weeks, which provides mechanical and chemical sparing of the digestive organs and creates maximum rest for the liver and intestines. In a physiologically complete diet in terms of proteins and carbohydrates, the fat content is limited to 70-75 g. In case of dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, etc.), the amount of fat is reduced to 50 g. The diet is enriched with foods containing complete proteins and lipotropic substances - primarily dairy (cottage cheese), as well as a number of vitamins (vegetables, fruits , berries and their juices). The content of easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, honey, jam) should not exceed physiological norms. Fasting days 1-2 times a week are advisable. Such zigzags in nutrition apparently contribute to the restructuring of metabolism and the mobilization of fat from the depot. Fasting days are also used to create even greater rest for the overexcited pancreatic apparatus. Among the fasting (contrast) days are:

A) meat fasting day - 400 g of boiled unsalted beef (for an adult) divided into 5 meals. Additionally, give 2 times a day 100 g of side dish (raw white cabbage, carrots, cucumbers) and 2 glasses of rosehip decoction or unsweetened, weak tea.

B) curd-kefir fasting day - 400 g of lean cottage cheese and 500 ml of kefir. Food is given in 5 doses.

C) apple fasting day - 1.5 kg of apples, preferably sour varieties (Antonovsky) during the day. No liquids are added.

D) kefir fasting day - 1.5 liters of kefir during the day.

D) vegetable fasting day - 1.5 kg of vegetables (except for potatoes) of any culinary preparation, but preferably stewed. Additionally, give 2 glasses of rosehip decoction or weak, unsweetened tea. Vegetables are given in 5 doses. It is advisable to enrich the diet with seafood (seaweed, Sakhalin salad, squid, Ocean pasta), as well as in the form of independent dishes or as part of salads. These products are especially indicated for coronary atherosclerosis (coronary heart disease) with increased blood clotting, and seaweed for constipation. It is useful to include in the diet foods and dishes containing wheat bran, as well as the use of special dietary products intended for patients with atherosclerosis. You can use a fruit and vegetable diet: 1st breakfast - 200 g of hot rosehip broth, salad of fresh cabbage, carrots and apples with 10 g of vegetable oil; 2nd breakfast - vegetable puree, 100 ml of fruit juice. Lunch: 250 g vegetarian soup, vegetable salad with 10 g sour cream or vegetable oil, 100 g nuts. Afternoon snack: grated carrots or beets, rosehip decoction. Dinner: vinaigrette with 10 g of vegetable oil, 200 ml of dried fruit compote or juice. Salt-free bread made from wholemeal flour - 100 g, sugar or xylitol - 30 g per day.

In some cases, psoriasis leads to the development of arthrosis and polyarthritis. Nutrition in this case is based on No. 10, taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease, its stage, prevalence, the presence of functional changes in internal organs, and drug therapy. In case of acute symptoms of changes in the joints (pain, increase in size, etc.), a diet is indicated with a decrease in carbohydrates to 200-250 g (30 g of sugar), a restriction of proteins - 70-80 g. The fluid content in the diet is reduced to 1 liter . The food is prepared without salt, 3-5 g of it is given to the patient. The diet is enriched with vitamins, especially C and P, through a decoction of rose hips, rowan, sea buckthorn, fruits and vegetables, and their juices. Eating 6 times a day. Meat and fish are boiled. Exclude meat and fish broths. The amount of potassium in the diet should be increased, especially when treated with hormones. Dairy products increase the calcium content. During intensive therapy with glucocorticoids, also salicylates, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (methindol, brufen, ipubrofen, ortofen, etc.), additional dietary changes are necessary to prevent side effects from these drugs. At the same time, they increase the consumption of complete proteins, products with lipotropic substances (cottage cheese, dishes from lean meats, fish, non-fish seafood, liver). The amount of carbohydrates is reduced, especially due to sugar. Buckwheat and oatmeal porridge are preferred. Refractory fats (beef fat, shortening) are excluded. The amount of table salt is sharply reduced, sources of oxalic acid (sorrel, etc.) increase the potassium content (dried apricots, raisins, prunes, fresh vegetables, fruits).

For indolent psoriatic polyarthritis, fasting days of raw vegetables or fruits may be useful. If psoriasis is benign and there are no functional changes in the digestive organs, diet No. 15 is acceptable, but you must strictly adhere to the diet, avoid heavy meals, exclude fatty meats, smoked meats, spices, spicy snacks, butter and puff pastry. It is also necessary to change the diet: it should be 5-6 times a day, in small portions, to reduce appetite. This is achieved by introducing low-calorie foods between main meals, mainly natural vegetables and fruits: cabbage, carrots, turnips, rutabaga, apples, etc.

It goes without saying that drinking any alcoholic beverages - beer, wine, vodka - is unacceptable. Failure to comply with this requirement nullifies the entire treatment, since any even minor drinking sharply weakens the patient’s self-control over food consumption, worsens the neutralizing function of the liver, and negatively affects the nervous system. If bitterness appears in the mouth in the morning, dull pain in the right hypochondrium, limit sugar in the diet and additionally introduce vegetables, fruits, berries, and vegetable oils. The latter can make up up to 50% of all fats.

For psoriasis in old age and concomitant atherosclerosis, a diet is recommended with a limitation of foods and nutrients that stimulate the nervous system, stomach, liver (extractives of meat, fish, strong tea and coffee), table salt, and cholesterol. At the same time, they increase foods that are sources of vitamins, especially vitamin C, as well as potassium, magnesium, iodine, dietary coarse fiber (fiber, pectin, etc.).

If patients are overweight, significantly reduce their consumption of sugar and wheat bread. Animal fats are replaced with vegetable oils whenever possible. The protein content is at the level of physiological norms (80-100 g), of which 50-55% is animal due to low-fat dairy products, fish, and seafood.

Psoriasis is often accompanied by chronic gastritis with increased secretion of gastric juice. In case of exacerbation of gastritis, diets of group No. 1 are used for the purpose of chemical and mechanical sparing of the stomach, accelerating the emptying of the stomach and intestines, and reducing the secretion of gastric juice. In terms of the content of basic nutrients and energy value, the diet must correspond to physiological standards. Food is given mainly in semi-liquid, puree and porridge form. All dishes are boiled in water or steamed and wiped. Avoid fried, stewed and baked dishes, meat, fish and mushroom broths and sauces, strong vegetable broths, spicy and salty snacks, pickled and pickled vegetables and fruits, smoked foods, foods rich in dietary fiber and connective tissue, spices and spicy vegetables, sour fruits , carbonated drinks, coffee, ice cream. The diet includes soups: from pureed cereals, milk soups with the addition of boiled pureed vegetables; boiled meat in the form of a cutlet or pureed mass (cutlets, dumplings, soufflé, etc.), sometimes in pieces, especially fish; eggs - soft-boiled, steam omelettes; whole milk, cream, fresh non-acidic sour cream and cottage cheese, cottage cheese dishes; semi-liquid and semi-viscous porridges from semolina, rice, buckwheat and oatmeal, porridge puddings, boiled vermicelli, boiled and mashed potatoes, carrots, beets, cauliflower, zucchini, pumpkin; baked, mashed apples, ripe sweet fruits, weak tea with milk or cream; unsalted butter and refined vegetable oils in their natural form; yesterday's baked and dried wheat bread, crackers, dry biscuits. Diet: 5-6 times a day in fractional portions. 1-2 months after the disappearance of the symptoms of functional hypersecretion of gastric juice, a gradual expansion of the diet is recommended (boiled meat in pieces, boiled unprocessed vegetables, crumbly cereals, soups with the inclusion of raw cereals and vegetables, up to 2 times a week weak meat or fish broth).

Therapeutic or dietary nutrition for patients with psoriasis, especially at home, requires the implementation of technology for preparing certain dishes. Decoctions and infusions that are mentioned in the text are fortified drinks made from dried fruits, medicinal herbs, and bran. To prepare them, washed berries (dried blueberries, etc.), rose hips (crushed) and others are poured with boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes and infused for several hours. Decoctions and infusions are filtered, sugar or xylitol (sorbitol), sometimes lemon juice or honey are added. Drinks from berries, fruits and vegetables are prepared on the basis of decoctions and infusions; natural juices are added for vitaminization. Unlike the latter, the drinks are less concentrated (water up to 75%). Milk, cream, and fermented milk products are also used. To obtain juices, juicy berries and fruits are used, in particular black and red currants, grapes, sea buckthorn, cranberries, blueberries, which are most used in the dietary nutrition of patients with psoriasis. Vegetable juices are prepared from carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, beets, and potatoes. Juice from fruits and berries can be used with pulp. In the absence of a juicer, the berries are crushed in an enamel or earthenware bowl with a wooden pestle, and the fruits and vegetables are grated on a plastic grater. The juice is squeezed out through gauze or linen. For better extraction of biologically active substances, the pulp (squeeze) is poured with hot water and infused. Sugar (xylitol), honey and squeezed juice are added to the strained infusion to taste, which must be stored in the refrigerator until use. To improve the taste and enhance the therapeutic effect, vegetable juices are blended (mixed) with fruit juices (carrot-orange), (beetroot-apple), etc., natural juices are used with the addition of syrups, sugar or industrial juices.

In dermatological practice, including in the treatment of psoriasis, drinking mineral waters are often used. These include:

- Borjomi - alkaline carbon dioxide water, prescribed for concomitant metabolic diseases (obesity, diabetes, gout), oxadaturia, increased secretory function of the stomach, liver diseases.

— Slavyanovskaya and Smirnovskaya waters are radioactive alkali-Glauberian-calcareous with a significant iron content. Prescribed for diseases of the liver, biliary tract, stomach (increased acidity of gastric juice), gout, phosphaturia. Drink water heated to 40-45° 1.5 hours before meals.

— Arzni is chloride-hydrocarbonate-sodium water, prescribed for metabolic diseases, oxalaturia, decreased secretory function of the stomach, and liver diseases.

- Essentuki No. 4 and 17 - salt-alkaline waters are prescribed for metabolic diseases (obesity, diabetes, gout), liver, biliary tract, stomach with reduced secretory function, oxalaturia. Use 1 glass 2-3 times a day; with low acidity - 20-30 minutes before meals; in the absence of acidity - simultaneously with meals, in case of high acidity - 1.5-2 hours before meals.

- Polustrovo - iron-carbonate water, prescribed for concomitant anemic conditions, 1/2 glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

— Batalina water is Glauber’s water, which is prescribed for liver diseases, chronic constipation, flatulence, 1-2 glasses on an empty stomach or before meals.

— Skuri is lime water recommended for patients with psoriasis with symptoms of weeping (exudation), as well as infiltrative forms. In recent years, so-called fasting-dietary therapy has attracted increasing attention from doctors and patients. It is mainly performed on patients suffering from severe, widespread and stubbornly untreatable forms of psoriasis. Such patients often have concomitant diseases, among which the largest group consists of patients with lipid metabolism disorders and various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Before prescribing fasting-dietary therapy (RDT), all patients in a clinic are examined to identify contraindications to treatment. Every day, patients' weight is recorded, attention is paid to the condition of the oral mucosa, tongue, function of the digestive organs, etc. The entire RDT process consists of two periods: fasting (abstinence from food) and recovery (dietary nutrition). The unloading period is usually 10-12 days and only in some cases is it reduced to 6-10 days or slightly extended. The recovery period is equal in duration to the unloading period. A prerequisite for carrying out the fasting period is daily bowel cleansing (enemas), hygienic showers; patients should take up to 2 liters of liquid, usually water. From the 3-4th day of abstinence, patients are prescribed mineral alkaline water of the Borjomi type. In patients with psoriasis, side effects are observed during the fasting period: on the 2-3rd day, some experience dryness of the mucous membrane of the lips, which causes cracks in the surface of the lips. In such cases, it is recommended to frequently rinse the mouth with water, as well as lubricate the red border of the lips with vegetable oil. Patients, especially during the increase in acidosis during the fasting period, experience mild nausea, sometimes turning into vomiting. Drinking plenty of weak alkaline waters quickly relieves these phenomena. Patients experience slightly increased irritability and worsening sleep. All these phenomena pass after some time.

Diet therapy for skin diseases depends on which process predominates: infectious or allergic. However, there are general principles that must be followed in nutritional therapy for skin diseases.

It is known that simple carbohydrates increase allergic reactions in the human body, therefore, in case of urticaria, eczema, they should be limited, and sometimes completely excluded from the diet. Limiting the consumption of foods containing a lot of sugar is necessary for furunculosis, which is often the first symptom of impaired carbohydrate metabolism in diabetes mellitus.

For skin diseases Sugar can be replaced with sorbitol or xylitol. The latter is preferred because it not only replaces sugar to taste, but also has a positive effect on the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats without the participation of insulin in this process. Xylitol is also preferred because it has a lipotropic effect, preventing fatty degeneration of the liver. As a five-atomic alcohol, xylitol has a positive effect on intestinal flora and promotes the preservation of vitamins in the human body. You can consume up to 30g of xylitol per day, sweetening dishes whose temperature should not exceed 70C to avoid a bitter taste.

Number of proteins for skin diseases should correspond to the physiological norm of a person. However, sometimes it is necessary to avoid those protein foods that may be allergens (fish proteins and egg whites). Their use is limited for eczema and urticaria. The meat can be consumed boiled. It is necessary to exclude extractive substances, which are abundant in meat, fish broths and mushroom broths.
It has been proven that successful treatment of seborrheic eczema is possible using a diet with a slightly higher protein content. In this case, proteins should come in foods such as fresh cheese, hard-boiled eggs, meat (if you are not allergic to it).

Amount of fat in therapeutic nutrition for skin diseases there is no need to limit, and sometimes so-called "ketogenic diets" with a high fat content due to vegetable fats. The ketogenic fat diet is especially helpful in treating true eczema. The positive role of the fatty part of the diet in skin diseases is explained by the presence of large amounts of vitamins A and E in milk fats and unrefined butter, which improve healing for various skin lesions, increase the body's resistance to infections and weaken allergic reactions.

The diet of patients should include a large amount of vegetables and fruits , which are a source of vitamins, macro- and microelements. For skin diseases associated with obesity, therapeutic nutrition should begin with paired fasting days, one of which should be vegetable or fruit, for example, apple or cucumber.

During exacerbation of chronic diseases skin, it is necessary to exclude spices from the diet, which cause nonspecific skin irritation and can increase inflammatory processes on the skin. Dishes can be boiled or steamed. In some cases, to improve the taste after cooking, the meat can be lightly fried.

For furunculosis It is useful to eat dishes that contain yeast (yeast drink, pureed meat soup with cheese and yeast, yeast pate, etc.).




Therapeutic diets

Diet after hemorrhoid removal
Diet for exacerbation of hemorrhoids
Diet for normal hemorrhoids
Fasting days for kidney diseases
Diet for atopic dermatitis
Diet for kidney cysts with nephrotic syndrome
Diet for kidney cysts with symptoms of kidney failure
Juice therapy for spinal diseases
Diet for acute bronchitis
Diet for chronic bronchitis
Diet - recovery after stroke
Dietary food for colds
Diet for phosphate kidney stones
Diet for oxalate kidney stones
Diet for urate kidney stones
Diet for salt deposits
Diet for zero stomach acidity
Diet for cerebrovascular accidents and hypertension
Some dietary recommendations after goiter removal
Diet for hypertension
General principles of nutrition after gallbladder removal
Some dietary recommendations for diabetes
Diet for vegetative-vascular dystonia
Nutrition for hypotension
Diet for chronic renal failure
Therapeutic menu to support the liver
Nutrition for hiatal hernia
Fasting days for various diseases
Nutrition for glaucoma
Diet for anemia and erythrocytosis
Diet - cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol
Diet to normalize cholesterol levels
Fasting diets for heart disease
Diet for stroke prevention
Diet therapy for heart disease
Diet after a heart attack
Diet for arrhythmia
Diet for diabetes
Diet for heartburn sufferers
Diet for constipation
Diet therapy after flu and infectious diseases
Therapeutic nutrition for anemia
Therapeutic nutrition for obesity
Therapeutic nutrition for liver cirrhosis

Skin dermatological diseases are usually classified as conditions that arise against the background of exposure to negative external and internal factors.

Food products consumed by humans are also considered an important agent that provokes the development of skin allergic reactions, dermatitis, and eczema. That is why dermatologists and nutritionists draw the attention of their patients to the fact that an important aspect of successful treatment is a balanced diet for dermatitis.

Factors provoking dermatitis

Dermatous rashes, in most cases, occur when the skin comes into contact with negative factors that provoke an allergic response.. Considering that a person lives in a world of bacteria, viruses and microorganisms, there are many such factors in the environment:

  • dust mite is an invisible provocateur that lives in furniture and carpets;
  • body washes containing perfumes and chemical additives;
  • household chemicals;
  • cosmetics for face and body care;
  • perfume compositions contained in eau de toilette, flavored gels;
  • local medications in the form of rubs, creams, gels;
  • synthetic fabrics and bedding;
  • animal fur.

Against the backdrop of timely assistance provided to the patient, the symptoms may disappear, but after some time they progress with renewed vigor and are no longer localized in places where the skin contacts the allergen, but are fixed on any part of the body. Experts point out that a common cause of such a relapse is nutrition for dermatitis that is not adjusted to the needs of a weakened body. In this case food products act as provocateurs of an allergic response in the form of a dermatous rash.

Important! A characteristic feature of dermatitis, aggravated by food allergens, are rashes that are not localized in the area of ​​contact of the skin epidermis with external agents.

Important approaches to menu correction

It is not difficult to identify foods that actively provoke an allergic response. Nutritionists name many foods with a high risk of an allergic response in the body. If the treatment of contact dermatitis is not accompanied by the inclusion of a diet in the therapeutic regimen, the disease takes on an allergic form, and the doctor diagnoses the patient with allergic dermatitis.

Nutritionists have identified a number of foods that are considered prohibited in the diet for dermatitis in adults and children due to the high possibility of an allergic reaction of the body.

The third group of food products, classified by nutritionists as a recommended set of products for a diet for dermatitis, includes food products that are safe, from the point of view of specialists.

Risk level of allergic dermatitis

Food products

Cow's milk lactose

Fatty meats: pork, fatty beef

Confectionery products, including cocoa-containing products

Honey and products based on it

Citrus and exotic fruits

Rice groats, wheat groats, millet

Lean pork

Fruits, berries (except green apples)

Lean meats, buckwheat, goat milk, soy milk

Zucchini, squash

Green apples

The diet for dermatitis in adults is adjusted by the doctor taking into account the identified allergen. In some cases, the patient’s body is capable of giving an allergic response to a group of products that belong to a medium and low degree of allergic response.

The general approach involves understanding what you can eat if you are prone to allergic dermatitis and what to eat during periods of remission.

Nutrition for recurrent dermatitis

The exacerbation stage of the disease is accompanied by an increase in the symptoms of the pathological condition of the skin. Nutrition for dermatitis is carefully adjusted by the attending doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. Recipes for dishes for dermatitis are compiled taking into account the identified problems and the individual reaction of the body. The general diet for dermatitis during relapse includes foods with a low risk of an allergic response.

The diet for patients with dermatitis is adjusted to exclude foods that can cause an inadequate response of the immune system in the form of skin rashes and dermatitis.

Nutrition for skin diseases in adults also includes a complete correction of the weekly menu for dermatitis, since some products, when combined and consumed at the same time, can provoke increased activity and failure of the immune system.

A diet for dermatitis for a nursing mother is prepared not only by a dermatologist, but also by a pediatrician due to the high risk of transferring allergens from mother to baby during breastfeeding.

Note. As a rule, not only highly allergenic products are excluded, but also products with an average degree of potential to cause allergies and provoke dermatitis.


Accompanying the diet for dermatitis in adults and the main menu are additional recommendations from nutritionists.

  1. The doctor, who examines the patient and studies laboratory data to identify the causative allergen, prescribes medication to the patient, first of all.
  2. Not only foods with a high lactose content should be excluded from consumption for the entire period of relapse of the disease; alcohol should also be prohibited during a diet for skin dermatitis.
  3. When following a diet, patients with dermatitis should remember that even permitted fruits and vegetables should be consumed very carefully, in small portions.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to eat food from the fast food category. It is these products that most often not only provoke excess weight in the body, but also belong to the category of highly allergenic and, accordingly, do not fit into the diet plan for skin dermatitis.

When adhering to dietary nutrition for dermatitis in adults and children, you should not ignore simple clean water. Experts point out that the amount of liquid you drink should contribute to the complete cleansing of the body, and the recommended amount does not include juices, tea, coffee, compotes, and fruit drinks.

The basic rule in the treatment of any pathology is an integrated approach. Diet for skin diseases is considered one of the methods of therapy and prevention; it helps prevent the development of the process, and sometimes completely cures the disease.

Most experts claim that using a diet for skin diseases helps not only reduce the manifestation of the disease, but also strengthen the patient’s immunity. As a rule, for skin diseases, doctors advise sticking to a hypoallergenic diet. Its essence is that the main place in the diet is given to low-allergenic products that do not contain flavors and dyes. It should be noted that the diet for skin diseases is selected individually for each patient, depending on the type of illness. This should be done by a nutritionist with whom the person is registered, but the patient himself should know the basic principles of dietary nutrition.

First of all, a person suffering from skin diseases should study information about which foods are highly allergenic in order to completely eliminate them from their menu. This is due to the fact that such products increase the level of cell sensitivity and stimulate the occurrence of allergic reactions. This type includes: any seafood, chicken eggs, goat and cow milk, all bee products, coffee, smoked meats, chocolate, mushrooms, seasonings, alcohol-containing products. It is recommended to completely exclude all of the above from the patient’s diet, at least until tests are carried out to identify the allergen that affects the condition of the skin.

Due to the fact that the patient simply refuses to consume highly allergenic foods, the manifestations of the disease will noticeably decrease: swelling will decrease, the rash will begin to go away, and the constant itching will cease, and this will happen in the shortest possible time.

Low-allergenic foods should form the basis of the patient’s diet. This type includes fermented milk products, lean boiled meat, greens, turnips, cabbage, dried fruits, still mineral water, kidneys, and liver.

You also need to pay attention to food preparation. Most dishes for skin diseases are recommended to be cooked boiled with minimal addition of salt, or better yet, without it at all. When preparing meat or fish broth, it is recommended to drain the first or second water. The duration of boiling eggs (if it is not possible to limit their consumption) should be 40-50 minutes. The temperature of the food should be in the range of 15-60 degrees Celsius, that is, eating hot or cold food is unacceptable.

If a patient has been prescribed a diet due to skin diseases, then in addition to this, it is advisable for him to keep a so-called food diary, which will indicate the day of the week, the dish consumed, what ingredients it consists of, how it was prepared and how the body reacted to it. The duration of keeping such a diary is 2-3 months, the patient must coordinate the results with the attending nutritionist.

An approximate menu for skin diseases could be as follows: breakfast - oatmeal, boiled in water with the addition of a small amount of olive oil; sweeteners are allowed as a sweetener. Second breakfast: salad of white cabbage and carrots with olive oil, a small piece of dark bread. Lunch: soup in light chicken or vegetable broth with a piece of lean boiled meat, boiled potatoes. Dinner: boiled meat and stewed vegetables.

In conclusion, it should be said once again that the patient’s diet can be adjusted according to the type of disease. For example, for furunculosis, it is recommended to eat foods that contain yeast, and for psoriasis, 70% of the menu should consist of alkali-forming foods.