What character traits does he exhibit? What positive and negative traits does a person have in his character?

Character traits

Character is an inextricable whole. But it is impossible to study and understand such a complex whole as character without identifying individual aspects or typical manifestations (character traits) in it. General character traits are manifested in the individual’s relationship to social responsibilities and duty, to people, and to himself. The attitude towards social responsibilities and duty is primarily manifested in the individual’s attitude towards social work. In this regard, such character traits as hard work, conscientiousness, perseverance, frugality, and their opposites - laziness, negligence, passivity, wastefulness are revealed. A person’s attitude towards work has a decisive influence on the formation of his other personal qualities. D.I. Pisarev wrote: “Character is tempered by work, and whoever has never earned his daily living through his own labor, for the most part remains forever a weak, lethargic and spineless person.” Attitude towards people is clearly reflected in such character traits as sociability, politeness, goodwill, etc. The antipodes of these traits are isolation, tactlessness, and hostility. As V. Hugo argued, “every person has three characters: the one that is attributed to him; the one that he ascribes to himself; and, finally, the one that actually exists.” In order to find out the essence of his character, it is useful for a person to know the opinion of the team in which he works and spends a significant part of his life. And first of all, how orderly his relationships with people are, how much people need him, how authoritative he is among them. Attitude towards oneself is manifested in self-assessment of one’s actions. Sober self-esteem is one of the conditions for personal improvement, helping to develop such character traits as modesty, integrity, and self-discipline. Negative character traits are increased conceit, arrogance and boasting. A person possessing these traits is usually difficult to get along with in a team and unwittingly creates pre-conflict and conflict situations in it. The other extreme in a person’s character is also undesirable: underestimation of one’s merits, timidity in expressing one’s positions, in defending one’s views. Modesty and self-criticism must be combined with a heightened sense of self-esteem, based on the awareness of the real significance of one’s personality, on the presence of certain successes in work for the common benefit. Integrity is one of the valuable personal qualities that gives character an active orientation. Strong-willed character traits. By will is meant complex mental process, which causes human activity and awakens him to act purposefully. Will is a person’s ability to overcome obstacles and achieve a goal. Specifically, it appears in such character traits as determination, determination, perseverance, and courage. These character traits can contribute to the achievement of both socially useful and antisocial goals. To do this, it is important to determine what the motive is strong-willed behavior person. “A brave act, the motive of which is to enslave another person, to seize someone else’s goods, to advance in one’s career, and a brave act, the motive of which is to help the common cause, have, of course, completely different psychological qualities.” Based on their volitional activity, characters are divided into strong and weak. People strong character have sustainable goals, are proactive, boldly make decisions and implement them, have great endurance, are courageous and courageous. People in whom these qualities are weakly expressed or some of them are absent are classified as weak-willed. They tend to passively demonstrate their business and personal qualities. Often such people, having the best intentions, do not achieve significant results in work or study. Many of them sincerely worry about their inability to act independently, persistently and decisively.

Volitional qualities can be cultivated in a person. I.P. Pavlov emphasized that man is the only system capable of regulating itself within wide limits, that is, it can improve itself. Weak-willed people, with thoughtful pedagogical work with them, can become actively active. In this case, one must take into account individual characteristics a person, for example his temperament. Thus, it is easier for a choleric person to develop activity and determination than for a melancholic person. A person himself must train his will from a young age, develop qualities such as self-control, activity, and courage.

The most objective and irrefutable data about a person’s character is provided not by his passport data, not by his external appearance, not by his involuntary actions, but by his conscious behavior. Precisely because possible actions a person chooses in a given situation, his character is assessed. Human character is quite multifaceted. This can be seen already in the process of activity: one does everything quickly, the other slowly and thoroughly, thinks carefully, acting for sure, and the third immediately grabs onto the work without thinking, and only after a certain period of time, without solving the problem at once, looks around and coordinates its actions taking into account the circumstances. These features identified in human behavior are called traits, or aspects, of character. Any trait is some stable stereotype of behavior.

However, character traits cannot be taken out of the typical situations in which they appear; in some situations, even a polite person can be rude. Therefore any A character trait is a stable form of behavior in connection with specific situations typical for a given type of behavior.

According to Yu.M. Orlova, along with situations in which a certain human trait is revealed, its essential characteristic is the probability that this type of behavior will take place in a given situation. A trait can be spoken of as a stable characteristic of a person if the probability of its manifestation in a certain situation is quite high. However, probability means that this trait does not always appear, otherwise it would simply be a matter of mechanical behavior. This understanding of character traits is very similar to the manifestation of a person’s habit: under certain conditions, to act in a certain way. A character trait includes a certain way of thinking and understanding. When committing a characteristic act, volitional mechanisms are activated and feelings are involved. By conditioning a person’s behavior, a character trait in behavior is formed. The formation of character traits cannot be separated from the formation of behavioral motives. Motives of behavior, realized in action, consolidated in it, are fixed in character. Each effective motive that acquires stability, according to S.L. Rubinstein, is potentially a future character trait in its origin and development; in motives, character traits appear for the first time in the form of tendencies, action then leads them to stable properties. The path to the formation of character traits therefore lies through the formation of appropriate motives of behavior and the organization of actions aimed at consolidating them.

The most common character properties are located along the axes: strength - weakness; hardness - softness; integrity - inconsistency; breadth - narrowness. If strength of character is understood as the energy with which a person pursues his goals, his ability to become passionately carried away and develop great tension when encountering difficulties, the ability to overcome them, then weakness of character is associated with the manifestation of cowardice, indecisiveness, “asthenicity” in achieving goals, instability of views, etc. Strength of character means strict consistency, perseverance in achieving goals, defending views, etc., while softness of character is manifested in flexible adaptation to changing conditions, achieving goals through some concessions, and finding reasonable compromises. The integrity or inconsistency of character is determined by the degree of combination of leading and secondary character traits. If the leading and secondary ones are in harmony, if there are no contradictions in aspirations and interests, then such a character is called integral, but if they sharply contrast, then it is contradictory.

At the same time, unity and versatility of character do not exclude the fact that in different situations The same person exhibits different and even opposite properties. A person can be at the same time very gentle and very demanding, soft, compliant and at the same time firm to the point of inflexibility. And the unity of his character can not only be preserved, despite this, but it is precisely in this that it is manifested.

The relationship between intellectual personality traits is of great importance for characterological manifestations. Depth and sharpness of thought, unusual formulation of the question and its solution. Intellectual initiative, confidence and independent thinking - all this constitutes originality of mind as one of the aspects of character. However, how a person uses his mental abilities will depend significantly on character. It is not uncommon to encounter people who have highly intellectual abilities, but who do not provide anything valuable precisely because of their characterological characteristics.

A person’s real achievements depend not on abstract mental capabilities alone, but on a specific combination of his characteristics and characterological properties.

However, most of the individual manifestations that make up a person’s character are complex and practically cannot be classified into individual properties and states (for example, rancor, suspicion, generosity, etc.). At the same time, individual qualities of the volitional (decisiveness, independence, etc.) and intellectual (depth of mind, criticality, etc.) spheres can be considered as components of a person’s character traits and used for its analysis. All character traits have a natural relationship with each other.

In the very general view character traits can be divided into basic, leading, setting the general direction for the development of the entire complex of its manifestations, and secondary, determined by the main ones.

Knowledge of the leading traits allows you to reflect the basic essence of character and show its main manifestations.

Although every character trait reflects one of the manifestations of a person’s attitude to reality, this does not mean that every attitude will be a character trait. Only some attitudes, depending on the conditions, become character traits.

From the entire set of relationships of a person to the surrounding reality, it is necessary to highlight the character-forming forms of relationships - the decisive, primary and general vital significance of those objects to which a person belongs. These relationships simultaneously serve as the basis for the classification of the most important character traits. A person’s character is manifested in a system of relationships:

1. In relation to other people (in this case, one can highlight such character traits as sociability - isolation, truthfulness - deceit, tactfulness - rudeness, etc.)

2. In relation to business (responsibility - dishonesty, hard work - laziness, etc.).

3. In relation to oneself (modesty - narcissism, self-criticism - self-confidence, etc.)

4. In relation to property (generosity - greed, frugality - wastefulness, neatness - sloppiness, etc.). It should be noted that this classification is somewhat conventional and there is a close relationship and interpenetration of these aspects of the relationship.

5. Despite the fact that these relationships are the most important from the point of view of character formation, they do not simultaneously and immediately become character traits. There is a certain sequence in the transition of these relationships into character properties, and in this sense it is impossible to put, for example, the attitude towards other people and the attitude towards property on the same level, because their very content plays a different role in the real existence of a person. A person’s attitude towards society and people plays a decisive role in the formation of character. The character of a person cannot be revealed and understood outside the team, without taking into account his attachments in the form of camaraderie, friendship, love, etc.

A person’s relationships with other people are decisive in relation to activity, generating increased activity, tension, rationalization or, on the contrary, complacency and lack of initiative. The attitude towards other people and towards activity, in turn, determines the person’s attitude towards his own personality, towards himself. A correct, evaluative attitude towards another person is the main condition for self-esteem.

The attitude towards other people is not only an important part of character, but also forms the basis for the formation of the individual’s consciousness, necessarily including the attitude towards oneself as an actor, which depends primarily on the very form of activity. When an activity changes, not only the subject, methods and operations of this activity change, but at the same time a restructuring of the attitude towards oneself as an actor occurs.

A painful condition accompanied by motivational deficiency syndrome, hypochondria, and periodically occurring acute worries about one’s laziness. A character trait that reflects the ease of generating emotions of anger, which often turn into verbal and other types of aggression. Particularly brutal methods of committing crimes, to indicate certain properties of the nature of the crime. Cruelty can be intentional and involuntary, realized in certain actions, verbal behavior (inflicting torture with words) or in the imagination - fantasizing, operating with images of torture, torment of people or animals.

Each person has a unique set personality traits. Another way to call it is character. How and when its formation is determined, and what it is like, depends on many reasons, which will be discussed below.

All the people we meet in our lives differ in their lifestyle, thinking, and behavior. These differences are largely determined by character - that is, by the totality of mental properties. Personal qualities determine almost everything that will happen in personal life the individual in his relationships with other people. Mental properties make it possible to predict many human actions. But in order to say that a person has this or that character, one must always keep in mind that certain features of his psyche must be constant and not depend on the situation.

We react differently to different situations, we exhibit different character traits. It also happens that in different situations a person demonstrates the same type of behavior, regardless of its consequences. If any traits become dominant and play an increasingly important role in behavior and relationships, then they speak of character accentuations. This is the norm, but it is an extreme, borderline version. Under certain, often negative, circumstances, accentuation degenerates into a personality disorder.

Character is the totality of all the mental and spiritual properties of a person, revealed in his behavior.

Accentuation of character is an extreme variant of the norm, in which certain character traits are overly enhanced, as a result of which selective vulnerability to a certain kind of psychogenic influences is revealed, with good resistance to others.

How is character formed?

Some personality traits appear in a person from birth, for example, sociability or isolation. From the first days of life, a baby can catch his mother’s gaze, coo, turning to her, demand to be picked up, love to be surrounded by people. Or vice versa, the child may feel comfortable alone. Character develops in the first years of life, acquiring certain features by the age of three to five.

In many ways, it is genetic; children often inherit certain traits of their parents; many personality traits are determined by lifestyle, social conditions, and life circumstances. But the main thing that influences the formation of character is being in a team, communication with other people.

The first collective is the family, it is in it that the initially inherent personality traits begin to develop or be suppressed. The formation of character occurs during the school and teenage years, when a person is not just in a group (most often he joins it already in early childhood), but learns to build relationships with people. Based on what values ​​the particular group to which the individual belongs professes, he will develop certain character traits. It turns out that the character of a person develops throughout his life changing depending on life situations.

Classification and list of character traits

IN modern psychology define four groups into which mental properties can be combined:

    As a man relates to other people(character traits such as respect - contempt, sociability - isolation, responsiveness - callousness);

    As a man applies to his business, to work (responsibility - irresponsibility, hard work - laziness, accuracy - dishonesty, a tendency to creativity - a tendency to routine, initiative - passivity);

    As a man refers to oneself(self-criticism - vanity, self-esteem - conceit, modesty - arrogance, etc.);

    As a man refers to things(careful handling - careless handling, neatness - sloppiness).

Groups of character traits are combined in different ways and manifest themselves in different ways, but scientists have long tried to derive a typology human characters. For example, based on physique, constitution. German psychologist Ernest Kretschmer identified three types of character that correspond to one or another body type:

  1. Asthenics (schizothymics) are thin, with long limbs. The predominant character traits are seriousness, isolation, stubbornness.
  2. Athletics (ixothymics) - tall, with developed muscles, skeleton, proportional build (calm, authoritative, practical, reserved).
  3. Picnics (cyclothymics) are of average height or short, with short limbs, plump or prone to obesity, with a large head (sociability, emotionality, sensitivity).

An introvert is a person directed inward. He lives his inner world, little interested in external events.

An extrovert is directed outward, he lives by events, not experiences, actions, not thoughts. They behave differently: the introvert wears practical, discreet clothes, the extrovert wears bright, decorative clothes. An introvert is more likely to avoid social interaction, while an extrovert seeks it out.

This section psychological science, like socionics, even distributes human types, their characters according to their similarity to famous people(there are personality types “Napoleon”, “Dostoevsky”, “Huxley” and many others), each of which has a mental function such as logic, ethics, sensory and intuition.

Strong and weak character

There has long been such a definition of a person as “spineless.” What does it mean?

In situations that require overcoming and struggle, some people show persistence in achieving their goals over and over again, while others stop fighting all the time. For the former, character is fueled by will, that is, firmness and constancy in achieving the goal. The latter do not have such firmness, there is no internal core that leads to the goal. The first character can be called strong, the second - weak. People with strong character get what you want more often achieve more than those with weak character.

Is it possible to “cultivate” a strong character?

Since it is largely based on temperament, that is, on the characteristics nervous system, it all depends on what kind of temperament a person has. A phlegmatic person, with his slowness and low reaction speed, finds it more difficult, say, to become sociable. While it is difficult for a sanguine person to do routine, monotonous, but important things. Changing character traits requires great job over oneself, it is possible, but, as a rule, it begins by a person only when he is strongly motivated: for example, a big goal has appeared in his life, or his character changes under the influence of strong love.

Character is the leader, but not the only characteristic of a person. There is also the mind and actions by which a person is judged. And then the one who is called weak-willed does good deeds or makes an intellectual breakthrough, which ultimately has higher value for society.

Character is a unique set of qualities that determine the originality and uniqueness of each specific person, his personality and behavior. Understanding character facilitates the process of communication between people, helps to avoid controversial or conflict situations. The very concept of “character” is of Greek origin and denotes the characteristics of the psycho-emotional manifestation and expression of an individual.

Character traits

Each of us, without much thinking, can easily and quickly name various character traits. This list can be very capacious. But in order to determine the characteristic type of a particular individual, one should know not only its main features, but also be able to indicate which of them are defining and which are only complementary. In modern psychology there are:

  • leading traits, which in fact are the determinants of character as a whole;
  • secondary traits that complement and individualize a particular personality.

Knowing the leading features allows you to determine the essence of all character, its “backbone”.

The presence of two identical traits in two people does not indicate the identity of their character. So, both have a love of truth and timidity at the same time. If the first one has fearfulness leading feature, then, most likely, he will not outwardly express his disapproval of the actions or behavior of others that contradict his internal beliefs. He would rather remain silent, arguing in his heart about the wrongness of those around him. And vice versa, if another’s leading quality is love of truth, and the secondary one is timidity, then he will not fail to point out to others that they are wrong, fearing only in the depths of his soul the consequences of his statements.

The characteristic features are divided into the following main groups in relation to various everyday aspects:

  • attitude towards other people (tactfulness, friendliness, rudeness, sociability, isolation, sincerity, truthfulness, deceit, etc.);
  • attitude to work, activity (responsibility, hard work, dishonesty, laziness, irresponsibility, etc.);
  • attitude towards oneself (self-criticism, narcissism, modesty, arrogance, self-confidence, pride, vanity, etc.);
  • attitude towards property and property (generosity, frugality, accuracy, carelessness, sloppiness, etc.).

The dominant group is the first (i.e., attitude towards others), since man is a social being, the main features of his behavior are formed and manifested in society. The assessment of behavior by others influences the formation and understanding of character as a whole.

Character Structure

The structure highlights features of both individual properties and those common to a certain group of people: national, age or professional. The image and way of life, features of everyday life, even language and national structure influence the formation of common features for groups and even entire nations. Thus, people of one nationality differ from another in their lifestyle, habits, type of thinking, etc. At the everyday level, typical common features create certain stereotypes. Most of us have our own idea about the inhabitants of a particular country, their habits and morals: the Italians, the French, the Japanese, etc.

All this is true to some extent: character is not an innate or hereditary trait, it formed in the process of personality development as a representative of a certain group or community. It is a product of society, which can explain similar or different traits in the morals of people of different groups.

Accentuation- this is the increased development of certain traits characteristic of an individual. Thus, a distinction is made between extroverts (open and sociable people) and introverts (closed and unsociable).

There is the following classification of character by accentuation, according to which the following types of character are distinguished:

  1. Hyperthymic. The defining properties of this type are: talkativeness, sociability, such people have well-developed facial expressions. Along with this, such people are often irritable and frivolous, but at the same time they are very energetic and proactive.
  2. Disthymic. The traits that define this type are isolation and pessimism. Such people avoid noisy companies, but highly value friendship; they have a heightened sense of injustice. Taking important decisions, they are often slow and clumsy.
  3. Cycloid. For this type of accentuation, the defining feature is the frequent change of mood, depending on which they are either withdrawn into themselves, or, on the contrary, sociable beyond measure.
  4. Excitable. Distinctive feature This type of accentuation is conflict. Such people are difficult to communicate with, are often authoritarian in the family, and are difficult to get along with in groups. They are neat and attentive when they are calm, but in a bad mood they are often irritable and hot-tempered.
  5. Stuck. These are very intractable individuals who love to teach everyone. They often cause various conflicts to arise. The demands they place on others (as well as on themselves) are very high.
  6. Pedantic. The defining feature of this type is increased (sometimes excessive) attention to detail. Such people do not strive for leadership; they are conscientious, but they like to grumble about any reason.
  7. Anxious. Individuals with this type are insecure. They strive to avoid conflict situations, and in cases of such they seek support from others. Friendliness and self-criticism are also defining features of their character, but their lack of willpower often makes them the subject of jokes or ridicule.
  8. Demonstrative. Representatives of this type of character easily make contact, can adapt to any situation, and are prone to intrigue. One of their defining properties is self-confidence, which often becomes the cause of disputes and conflicts. People with such a character are artistic and courteous, they have out-of-the-box thinking. They can often be boastful, hypocritical and selfish.

In modern psychology there are many classifications.

Types of temperament

Temperament has a huge influence on the formation of this or that type of character, which has been noted since Ancient world. Thus, Hippocrates divided all temperaments into four main types:

  1. – a cheerful, cheerful, balanced person who soberly assesses the situation and acts thoughtfully.
  2. Choleric- responsive to external events a person, he can often be unreasonably harsh and prone to commit rash acts. As a rule, choleric people are hot-tempered and unbalanced.
  3. – a person characterized by emotional stability and endurance. Bring him out of his state peace of mind and peace is almost impossible.
  4. Melancholic– an individual with increased nervous sensitivity; nervous stress and shock are strictly contraindicated for people of this type.

It should be noted, however, that in the so-called pure form These types of temperaments are extremely rare. As a rule, the temperament is of a mixed type (one type may have some traits of both phlegmatic and sanguine, both choleric and melancholic).

The relationship between temperament and human character

The words “character” and “temperament” are often compared with each other; they often replace each other.

In psychology, there are four fundamental views on the relationship between them:

  1. unity of temperament and character, their identification (according to the teachings of E. Kretschmer and A. Ruzicki);
  2. opposition of temperament and character, their antagonism (teachings of P. Viktorov, V. Virenius);
  3. recognition of a person’s temperament as the core or element of his character (according to S. Rubinstein, S. Gorodetsky);
  4. recognition of temperament as the natural basis of the entire character (according to L. Vygotsky, B. Ananyev).

Both the types of temperament and the types of a person’s character depend on the characteristics of his physiology and the type of nervous system. A person's character is formed when his temperament is quite developed. Temperament is the basis of character, but does not predetermine it. People with the same type of temperament may have different character traits. The type of temperament can influence whether it helps or hinders the development of certain character traits. For example, it is much more difficult for a phlegmatic person to cultivate sociability than a sanguine person, and a choleric person requires much more effort to become balanced than a phlegmatic person, etc.

The character and temperament of a person are closely interrelated with each other; together they constitute a person’s individuality, the foundations and description of his behavior.

In the social life of society and in relationships.

Each person has special qualities and individual character traits. It is impossible to find two absolutely identical men or women. Descriptions of people's character are built from their actions, which affect their entire lives.

Character and dependence on body type

E. Kretschmer, a famous German psychologist, determined that a person’s behavior directly depends on his physique. He compiled a description of examples that fit into three main groups.

  1. Asthenics are people with undeveloped muscles, quite thin with a small chest. They have an elongated face and long limbs. The psychologist united all such people into the group of schizothymics. These are often very stubborn people; it is difficult for them to adapt to changing conditions environment. They are very withdrawn and prone to suffer from schizophrenia with severe mental disorders.
  2. Picnics are people who tend to be overweight. They are characterized by a round face, short neck and small These people fall into the typological group of cyclothymic character. This sociable people, very emotional and prone to quickly adapting to unfamiliar conditions. With psychological disorders they become depressed.
  3. Athletics - have an athletic build, large chest And high growth. Kretschmer classified athletes as ixothymics - unemotional individuals, domineering and not liking change. Severe psychological distress can easily lead to epilepsy.

This is the description given by a German psychologist. Now boldly approach the mirror and draw conclusions whether this theory applies to you or not.

The influence of temperament on character

Temperament - characteristic Vital energy a person who establishes an attitude towards life. It is often difficult to find a person who has only one temperamental indicator clearly expressed. As a rule, people have mixed temperaments, but knowing them, you can easily create a description of a person’s character, examples are given below:

  • A sanguine person is an active person, characterized by regular mood changes. He reacts very quickly to all events that happen in his life. Failures and negative moments are perceived easily, without depression or frustration. Such a person has developed facial expressions, and he also completely devotes himself to work if it interests him.
  • A choleric person is a very bright and excited person who reacts vividly to life events. He can quickly become angry and at the same time feel a loss of strength. Such a person quickly lights up with new ideas, but just as easily loses interest.
  • A melancholic person is a person who takes everything to heart. At the same time, he is very impressionable and is easily brought to tears.
  • Phlegmatic is a person who is stingy with emotions. The whole life of such a person is balanced and full of stability. Such people are valued in many companies, as they are distinguished by perseverance and high ability to work.

Formation of personality character

Many psychologists have written descriptions of people's character. But when is this character formed and is it possible to change it? Character is revealed in itself early age. By the age of five, the child has established character traits, which are almost impossible to change.

In the early grades, the priority remains the opinion of parents and teachers, but after 14 years a whole psychological explosion occurs. The teenager clearly demonstrates his opinion about life, shaping his character. Obviously, the formation is influenced by the media. During this period, it is easy to impose incorrect political views and grow a supporter of some movement. By the age of 20, the human personality is formed, the turning point begins at the age of 50. There is a rearrangement of priorities, and so-called wisdom appears.

Appearance and character of a person

And human character is an important stylistic device for writers. This gives us a complete picture of the hero. We see his positive and negative traits, a negative or positive character is added up.

Describing the character of people is very important for solving serial crimes - specialists start from the repeated actions characteristic of a maniac. This creates an accurate portrait of the individual and even makes it possible to predict the actions of the criminal.

If it's important to do detailed description of a person, character traits are a significant indicator. Especially in areas such as politics and journalism. You need to be able to characterize a person’s abilities by appearance, because real character does not always appear immediately.

Many people try to work on themselves throughout their lives, eliminating their bad qualities and developing good ones.

Let's look at the positive character traits of a person in the form of a list to make it more clear. what to work on.

What is character and what is it formed from?

Character- this is a set of stable mental traits of a personality that affect any of its activities and behavior.

It determines her attitude towards the world around her and other people, towards activities, towards herself.

9 qualities of a person to whom people are drawn:

Typical and individual

In character, individual and typical traits can be distinguished.

Individual traits are determined by the psychological properties of the individual, his temperament, as well as his attitude to life, which developed during the process of upbringing.

Typical Personality traits are determined primarily by the content of the era in which a person lives, as well as by his place of residence.

That is, the formation of these personality traits is influenced by the individual’s lifestyle.

What are the positive character traits?

Among women

The positive character traits inherent mainly in women and girls include the following:

In men

Positive character traits that apply specifically to men include the following:

Qualities of a real man:

In children

In the process of education and socialization are just beginning to acquire character traits.

Therefore, right now there is an opportunity to focus on positive qualities, such as:

  1. Goodwill. This quality will help you build relationships with others, attract people to you, and will also be useful later in life.
  2. Politeness. This quality will help the child communicate with both peers and adults.
  3. Honesty. This quality must be instilled in a child from an early age so that he knows that lying and deceiving is bad.
  4. Responsiveness. A very useful character trait. A responsive person is always attractive in the eyes of others.
  5. Hard work. A child must be taught to work, otherwise he will grow up lazy and careless.
  6. Accuracy. Sloppy people cause some rejection in society.
  7. Bravery. A child should not be fearful. Therefore, instill in him courage, the ability to perform actions.
  8. Responsibility. This quality will help him not to shift his affairs and problems onto other people, but to take them upon himself.

    It will help him both at school and later in life.

  9. Determination. Determined people are able to achieve more in life; everything comes easier to them. Therefore, this quality is also positive for the child.

List for resume

This situation has probably happened to you when you came for an interview, received the applicant’s application form, and reached the “ positive traits" And We didn’t know what to write here at all.

What qualities are worth highlighting?

To begin with, we note that the qualities must be useful for the position for which you are applying. And if you do not yet have experience in such work, then you should focus primarily on your prospects and potential.

It's difficult to make a universal list positive traits character to make the perfect resume. We can only note the main qualities that employers most often pay attention to.

But you should choose them based on each specific company and position.

So, positive characteristics for a resume:

However, it should be noted that it is not enough to simply list these qualities, you should really have them.

Yes, some of them cannot be shown immediately, and they will open only during the work process.

But if you write about self-confidence, but in reality you are talking to an employer hesitant and shy, then this will further distance you from your desired position. There is no point in ascribing to yourself qualities that you do not actually possess.

The presence of positive character traits in a person has a great influence on the quality of his life. That's why it's like that it is important to develop them in yourself.

Your weak and strengths for an interview: