How to make different things in Minecraft. Minecraft Recipes

Pay attention to some priority things: trees,
stones, ores, animals and
high grass . Destroy the tall grass on your way to get
wheat seeds - they will be useful to you in the future. At the very least, collect any necessary things while traveling - then there will be no need to look for them for any recipe.


Biomes differ from each other.

Use high value Rendering buttons in the Graphics Settings tab in the settings in order to improve the rendering distance. If FPS has become significantly lower, you can return to the default value.

  • sand, then most likely this biome is a desert. It is very likely that you will meet
    cactus and
    reeds that will be needed in the future - collect these resources at the first opportunity. If there is no forest biome nearby, then you will have to head in the other direction, occasionally going out onto a hill to inspect the area.
  • If you are on an island surrounded by
    water, then most likely this biome is an ocean. It will cause particular trouble for beginners, since it will not be so easy to swim across it. They live in the oceans
    octopuses, the killing of which will bring you as a drop
    ink bags and
    spheres of experience. If you are lucky enough to have trees on the island, you can build
    boat for further evacuation;
  • If in your visible range the area is surrounded
    mycelium, then this biome is a mushroom island. It is quite rare, so your presence here only means great luck, since hostile mobs will not spawn in it. However, they can come from other biomes, but if you are located in the middle of a mushroom island, you can rely on safe time days in the open air. Having met
    mushroom cows, build
    bowl By right-clicking on the mushroom cow, the bowl will become
    stewed mushrooms. You can eat it. You can also kill a mushroom cow by receiving it as a drop
    raw beef and areas of experience.
  • If there are houses in your visible range, then this collection of dwellings is the village in which they live
    villagers. This is a good spawn for the player, since in this village you can live, have access to many agricultural crops, and also trade with the villagers, using
    emeralds. Can be found in the forge
    chest with good for initial stages games with things. They will arrive at night
    zombies who will attack villagers. Helps you avoid this fate
    bed, but if there is a desire to fight hostile mobs, barricade
    wooden doors in houses.
    • If there is no
      sheep for harvest
      white wool, then break the lamp posts, which contain
      black wool.
    • If there is not enough wool to create a bed, then one option is to move 150 blocks away from the village before dark and build a pillar 40-65 blocks high.
  • If there are tall trees in your visible range, then most likely the biome is a jungle. Great amount
    wood will be good start gameplay, but it’s easy to get lost among the trees. In addition, it is inconvenient to build a home in these surroundings. The jungle is the only biome in which spawn
    ocelots and grow
    cocoa beans. To tame ocelots you will need
    fish that can be caught in a pond using
    fishing rods This biome can also cause performance degradation on weak and old PCs.
  • If there are thick trees in your visible range, then most likely this biome is a dark forest. It is recommended to avoid this biome in the first minutes of the gameplay, since hostile mobs spawn in it at any time of the day. Just like in the mushroom biome, huge mushrooms grow in it, the extraction of which will bring
    brown mushrooms and
    red mushrooms, necessary for making stewed mushrooms.

When traveling, try not to get lost.

Wood extraction

This recipe will most likely be the very first - crafting is an integral part of Minecraft. Each item is unique and stacks accordingly, however items of the same origin and different types can be combined with each other.

Creating a workbench

Very few items are created using the 2x2 crafting grid located directly in the inventory. To create weapons, tools and other advanced items you will need
workbench - a workbench with a 3x3 crafting grid.

Stick in in this case used as a handle for weapons and tools.

Ingredients Crafting recipes

A wooden pickaxe is designed for mining blocks such as stone, cobblestone, granite, etc.


Under the ground cover there is stone in abundance. Mine it using a wooden pickaxe to create
stone pickaxe,
stone sword
stone axe,
stone shovel and
stone hoe.

The stone ax is better than the previous one in terms of wood extraction speed.

A stone hoe allows you to plow the ground for further planting of seeds.


In addition to crafting items, there is smelting in Minecraft.

Ingredients Crafting recipes

An oven is required for cooking raw meat and ore smelting.

Ore mining

Required ores for the first time:

  • Coal ore is mined using a wooden pickaxe or higher.

When destroyed, it leaves behind coal, which is used to make torches and as fuel.

  • Iron ore is mined using a stone pickaxe or higher.
Ingredients Process

The iron ingot obtained by smelting iron ore is used to create most items.


Initially, choose a location for building a house and further improvement.

Search for food

After creating the necessary items and the first home, your next task will be to obtain food to satisfy your hunger. Get raw meat as a drop by killing:
, pigs ,
rabbits and sheep. You can also get wheat seeds obtained by destroying tall grass. When the wheat grows, it is produced
collection to create
of bread .

Ingredients Crafting recipes
Ingredients Process

The satiety scale decreases over a certain time: if it is less than 18 (

Every person who has played Minecraft at least once has an idea that understanding this game is not very easy. The thing is that it is based on the creation of objects by combining other objects. This can be done directly in the inventory or on a workbench, which is again created by combining other materials. The difference is that the inventory only has four slots in which materials can be placed, while most advanced recipes are designed for a workbench. The workbench expands your capabilities, as it has not four, but all nine slots available. It is a three by three square, in each of the nine slots of which you can put different materials. Here is the answer to a popular question among beginners about how to make objects in Minecraft. Now it’s worth taking a closer look at the different groups of items and their recipes.

Basic methods

There are more than a hundred different recipes in the game that you will need in various occasions in life. But don't try to study everything at once. If you want to learn how to make items in Minecraft, it is better to start with basic recipes, which are simple and easy to remember. First thing you need is a board recipe. You need to place a block of wood on the workbench, after which you will have four boards at your disposal. But the boards can already be used to get sticks, make a chest and that same workbench on which it is so easy and convenient to craft various items. If you combine a stick and coal, you get a torch, without which it would be difficult at night. Without any problems, you will also find cobblestones from which you can make a stove. And once you have both a workbench and a furnace, you can move on to more complex procedures. Gradually, all the secrets of how to make objects in Minecraft will be revealed to you.

Tool making

Having useful tools is the key to your success in Minecraft. You can mine many blocks with your hands, but keep in mind that it will take you many times longer than if it were done using special tools. Moreover, here you don’t even have to wonder about how to make objects in Minecraft, because all the tools are created very easily. If you have two sticks and three blocks of any of the following materials in your inventory: planks, stone, iron, gold, diamond, then you can create any of the basic tools. Two sticks and one additional block will make a shovel, two boards and two blocks will make a hoe, two boards and three blocks will make an ax or a pickaxe (depending on the placement of the elements on the workbench). From metal and flint you will get a lighter, and from three blocks of metal you will get an ordinary bucket. If you add another block of iron and one block of red dust to these three, then you can make yourself a compass. From the same red dust and four pieces of not metal, but gold, you can make a clock so that you can determine the approach of night not only by natural factors. From three sticks and two threads you will get a fishing rod, and to create scissors you will only need two blocks of metal. It is very difficult to list all the items in Minecraft, because there are incredibly many of them, and with each update more and more new ones are added. But, for example, the recipes for creating protective equipment remain the same.

Necessary protection

The list of items in Minecraft that provide character protection is very short. It contains only four positions - helmet, armor, pants and boots. All this can be made from leather, iron, fire or diamonds, but each item requires its own amount of materials and their correct placement on the workbench. Crafting Minecraft items very often requires exposure to fire, and defensive equipment is included in the list of such items. To create them you will need not only a workbench, but also a furnace.

Weapons to fight enemies

It's no secret that the world of Minecraft is full of dangers that await you at every turn. Tools, in fact, like fists, can serve, but you must understand that they will not be very effective. To deal with enemies as quickly as possible, you need full-fledged weapons, which are even scarcer in the game than armor. You can craft yourself a sword and a bow - for the first you need a stick and two blocks of any of the materials that were listed for creating tools, and for the second you will need three sticks and three threads. Don't forget that the bow itself is useless, so you need to create arrows for it, which are made from a combination of stick, feather and flint.

Crafting blocks

Separately, it is worth considering the creation of blocks that can be used in the game for construction. Special blocks themselves do not occur in nature. That is, you will not find diamond or gold anywhere. To obtain such a block you will need ingots, stones, diamonds, and so on. To create one element, you need to stock up on nine units of raw material. Ten gold bars make a gold block, nine diamonds make one diamond block, and so on. You can also painlessly disassemble them into their components using a workbench - nine units of raw materials will be obtained from one element, no penalty is provided. The number of units of raw material may vary - for example, to create a sand block you need not nine units of sand, but only four. Thanks to this, some blocks can be made in the inventory without using a workbench.

Variety of possibilities

It is almost impossible to list all the items that can be crafted in Minecraft. After all, there you can make vehicles for yourself, create various advanced mechanisms that will benefit you. Naturally, there are also recipes for food that will allow you not to die of hunger. It's important to remember that everything in this game is clearly sorted. In Minecraft, the IP of items plays a huge role if you want to learn as many recipes as possible. Practice is extremely important here, because you definitely won’t be able to learn how to craft useful things in this game right away.

Before starting a story about how to make things in Minecraft, you need to understand what it is to craft? Let's try to give this a succinct definition:

Crafting in Minecraft means creating new blocks, objects, elements of weapons and armor protection, and tools.

This article will be especially useful for newbie crafters.

Making things in a fantasy crafting world is perhaps one of the most basic activities of your virtual character. At the same time, he will be able to create and repair not only weapons, equipment and armor, but also everyday and household items, new materials with original properties, and tools through which the game character will obtain resources. All of the above things have their own service life (service life), therefore, in order to successfully survive in the virtual world of Minecraft, you will have to make all these items constantly. For example, the pickaxes alone will need to be crafted in almost the same volume as the minerals mined with their help.

In order to do anything in Minecraft you need the following:

  • have the ingredients or blocks necessary for crafting;
  • place them correctly in the window to create an item (opened from the crafter’s inventory).

Window for creating things

The window through which an object can be made comes in two types.

1) 2 by 2 cells. This is what it looks like:

It is worth noting that in order to obtain complex items, special tools, better weapons and armor protection, the crafter must have a workbench. Using a workbench, you can craft (make) the above items, which, as a rule, consist of more than 4 (four) elements.

A workbench can be created in a 2x2 window by connecting four blocks of boards of any type of wood.

2) 3 by 3 cells(such a window appears for the crafter only after he has installed a workbench), it looks like this

In order to create any item of weapons, armor protection, tools, etc. – must be placed in a certain order (if done in field conditions then the placement of elements is not of fundamental importance) in the crafting window and click the button. All! The item the crafter needs has been created. Do not forget to take the crafted item from the window into your inventory before closing the workbench (window in the field) to avoid losing it.

You can already let us down summary on crafting in Minecraft.

So, a short universal (suitable for creating any thing) rule on how to do crafting in Minecraft.

  1. In order to do something you need to put something down and lose it.
  2. In the field, and if the order of placing the ingredients in the recipe is unimportant, then you actually need to do it “on your knees” (directly in the inventory), thus, the gamer will significantly reduce the time for production and significantly speed up the Minecraft sandbox gameplay. This applies, for example, to various dyes, colored wool, stewed mushrooms, fireball, etc.
  3. In a grid (not on a workbench), it doesn’t matter at all how the ingredients are placed in the squares. For example, a torch can also be made using equipment, while coal can be placed over a wooden stick.

Today, crafters know about 180 (more precisely 174) recipes for how to make different things (weapons, protective equipment, household items, various tools). The process of adding new recipes never stops, with each new patch in Minecraft world new ones are added.

To obtain each item, there is only one specific recipe for its manufacture. Moreover, it should be noted that it sometimes indicates not only the necessary ingredients, but the order of their arrangement in the squares of the grid. For example, to use scissors, you need to connect two silver bars to each other. In this case, they should be located exactly diagonally (right or left - it doesn’t matter). Using crafted scissors, it is possible to shear a sheep and, accordingly, extract its wool. It is better to tame sheep, etc.

All recipes for creating items and things for various purposes It makes no sense to list them; for this there are special plates that contain all the recipe wealth for today. The gamer only needs to remember that when producing a tool, the arrangement of the ingredients for its manufacture should, in its outline, slightly resemble the outline of the tool being manufactured. Eg:

  • pickaxe - three blocks are placed on a row of squares at the top and downwards center row there are two wooden sticks;
  • vessels, bucket - obtained if the material is laid out on a workbench in the form of a triangle;
  • etc.

How to repair items (things) in Minecraft

Even beginners who have just started the game, and even more so experienced crafters, know that each of the crafted items in the craft world has the maximum possible number of uses. Then this item breaks and you have to craft a new, similar one.

However, it is not at all necessary Minecraft crafting new item- it can be repaired! First, we'll look at how to repair things that aren't enchanted. There are certain rules:

  1. In order to repair a thing or object, you must have the same second one.
  2. They must be placed on a workbench or mini workbench.
  3. The put things are combined into one new one.

Repairing enchanted items will have to be done differently. If they are repaired in the manner described above, then they lose their magical qualities. Therefore, to repair them, we will craft an anvil.

The further repair procedure will look like this.

Using an anvil, it is possible to combine the enchantments of two objects, but only if these enchantment properties do not contradict each other.

In Minecraft. More precisely, now we will introduce you to the most basic resources of the game and what items can be obtained from them. Let's get started.


Well, if you are wondering what you can do in Minecraft, then, of course, first you should know what resources are available to the player. And only after that study exactly what items are crafted. Let's start with perhaps the most common material - wood.

A wooden block is one of the main items that can only be used in crafting. So, with the help of it you can answer, made of wood. It is obtained, as you might guess, from vegetation. Oaks, birches, reeds are all sources of wooden blocks.

If you are wondering what to make of what in Minecraft, then you should pay attention to wood. This is an affordable material, and a lot of objects are created from it. For example, sticks that can be used as consumables. In addition, wooden stairs, boats, doors, cups, buttons, gates, signs, shovels, pickaxes, swords and many other items can only be made using sticks and boards. But let's see what other materials exist.


If you are interested in what to make from what in Minecraft, then, of course, you should not forget about such a resource as stone. From it, in turn, you can get cobblestones.

Stone blocks are another material that can be easily found in the game world. It is even more common than wood. However, crafting items from it can be very difficult - after all, only so many things can be made from pure stone. What is available to us?

For starters, stone steps and buttons. Next you can make: pressure plates, bricks, comparator (if you have some materials) and repeater. Moreover, stone walls are a great idea for a home. But cobblestone is more functional relative to crafting. It produces: andesites, mossy cobblestones, diorite, cooking stand, piston, dispenser, lever, hoe, pickaxe, sword, shovel, steps, slabs and even a stove. But let's not dwell on this. Let's see what to make of what in Minecraft.


Well, we shouldn’t forget about the resource that literally lies under the player’s feet - sand. You can find it absolutely everywhere. Nevertheless, this material is found in large quantities in caves, deserts, and beaches. In addition, it is enough to go deep underwater to get clean sand blocks.

Unfortunately, sand is a bulk resource. It is very poorly suited as a building material. Perhaps for the exterior decoration of the house and garden. But as a resource for crafting, this is an excellent option. You can make dynamite, sandstone or real glass with it. So if you are planning to start finishing and decorating your home, pick up sand blocks, and more of them. But let's see what to make of what in Minecraft, in addition to the already proposed options.

Gold bars

Now a little about jewelry. The point is that it is very useful resource, and not particularly rare, is gold. The corresponding mines can be easily found in the game world. From them you will receive gold bars. They are quite often used to create better tools and construction items. Let's see what can be done.

For starters, you can get gold nuggets. They can be folded into an ingot or sold. Gold is used in crafting gold armor, weapons, pickaxe, shovel, hoe, golden apple, clock and electric rails. All this can be used different ways in the game Minecraft. For example, an apple can turn a zombie mob into a human. These are the tricks!

1. Blow up everything with dynamite

It doesn't matter if you play in free mode or in the story, blowing things up with dynamite is always fun!

2. Build a boat and set sail

Whether you want to play pirate or just need to get to the next island, doing it with a boat you built yourself is always fun. You never know what you can find at the bottom of the sea!

3. Build a cobblestone and stone generator

If you need a huge amount of stones, this is the most The best way get them.

4. Build a city

Building a city is not that fast, especially if you want to make it well-equipped, but no one has yet invented a better way to kill time!

5. Build buildings from real life

It's always great to recreate something that actually exists: monuments, buildings and other nonsense. This is truly a great way to show everyone what you are worth, because building a building from the real world requires remarkable skills and abilities.

6. Collect a complete collection of crystals (64 pieces)

Crystals are always useful in the household, and it is better to have a surplus than a shortage.

7. Kill every creature at least once

It may not be very useful, but the challenge is still the same - find every creature and kill it!

8. Unlock all achievements!

Wherever you play - XBox, PC, Playstation, on a tablet or even on a Smartphone, it doesn't matter, there are always many goals to achieve!

9. Build a sky-high tower.

There are not many reasons why you would want to build a skyscraper, but there should be enough: you can look at your world from a bird's eye view, estimate how much more space you have at your disposal, or even build a city in the sky!

10. Build an animal farm

Animal farms are very useful - you can breed animals and collect animal products, which will give you a lot of wool and other cool things.

11. Kill the Ender Dragon

If you want to feel like you've achieved at least something in Minecraft, then try killing the Ender Dragon. Once you kill him, you can confidently say that you have done one of the hardest things in Minecraft!

12. Create all possible wooden devices

Creating everything you can out of wood is a great way to save resources, because in this way you will have a constant supply of wood - after all, you will grow trees almost non-stop, but you will never use them.

13. Create all possible stone devices

Same thing - and don't forget that if you have a cobblestone and stone generator, then mining the stone will become even easier.

14. Create all possible iron devices

Creating everything you can out of iron is very useful, because iron tools are famous for their service life, and you can dig mines with them!

15. Create all possible devices from gold

Gold devices are useful if you want to extract resources faster, but you need to save them for the time being, because they wear out very quickly.

16. Create every possible gadget out of diamonds

Diamond weapons are the best thing you can create in Minecraft. They last a long time and extract resources very quickly!

17. Build a Creature Crusher

Having a Creature Crusher is always a great thing to have, as it is a huge benefit when it comes to resources. For example, if you build a Skeleton Crusher, you can get an unlimited supply of bones, which can be ground into bone meal, which in turn can be used as fertilizer for trees.

Also you can use bones to train wolves :)

18. Build a roller coaster

Building a roller coaster is always fun because you have no idea what you might find while you're building it. Well, when the slide is ready, you can show off in front of your friends who don’t have one!

19. Build a tree house

Tree houses are cool because with their help you can easily keep track of your enemies!

20. Find the NPC village

Searching for non-game villages always brings pleasure and benefit, because once you find one, you can easily steal all their resources or make the village the foundation for a huge city!

21. Go fishing

Fishing is always useful, because you need food for resources and for basic health replenishment! And in general it’s fun, so you combine business with pleasure.

22. Build a house differently using the same blocks

This idea may not be all that useful, but it will definitely be fun if you're already bored catching flies!

23. Build your dream home

If you have a rough idea of ​​what your dream home should look like, build it in Minecraft first! In this case, you can change the details and various building elements until the moment when your ideal home appears in front of you.

24. Build your own subway

The underground train system is a great way to get around quickly. For example, if you have several cities and you need to get from one to another, the metro will help you!

25. Plant a tree in the Nether

One tree now, 100 later. Sooner or later the Lower World will look much brighter :)

26. Play an adventure/puzzle map

This can give you pleasure, because the tasks require a certain skill, and besides, coping with them is not always easy!

27. Recreate a scene from your favorite movie and upload it to YouTube!

It may not be that easy, but when you do, you can upload the video to YouTube and show off for the world to see!

28. Hunt at night. WITHOUT weapons

It's a lot of fun... and dangerous. Yes, this requires skills: think for yourself what it’s like to defend yourself from creepers and skeletons without weapons - they have a bow and arrows, and you have bare hands!

29. Take a ride on a pig - who knows where it will take you?

Pigs stick their curious noses into every corner, so if you need to get somewhere or find something interesting, or just go to an unknown place, sit on a pig and ride for at least half an hour - take a look at where it takes you will abandon it! Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

30. Dig right under yourself

Digging directly under yourself is the first action that you cannot do, because everything can end with you falling into the abyss or into lava - depending on your luck. However, sometimes this is a good thing because you might be lucky enough to find a cave or dig up something even more special!

31. Open the mine!

Mines are a great way to extract resources - iron, gold and diamonds.

32. Start a food farm

Opening a food farm will bring many benefits: you will have an unlimited supply of melons, carrots and other products.

33. Tame a wolf

Wolves are great to keep as pets because they help you scare away creatures like zombies and skeletons!

34. Gather an entire army of wolves!

What could be better than one wolf? A hundred wolves! When you have so many predators, whoever comes near your city will face the worst day of their life!

35. Build an underground headquarters

This is a cool idea because if you're on a multiplayer server, it'll be much harder for other players to find you unless they see a tag with your name on it, so go really, VERY deep underground!

36. Build a boat dock

Where else to keep boats if not at the docks? Whenever you want to sail overseas, you can easily board a ready-made transport. This is much better than building a new one every time.

37. Start a forest fire

A forest fire is a great way to quickly clear an area or just have fun!

38. Build an underground tree farm

Doesn't it piss you off when you need a bed and you go outside to get some wood and end up getting hurt or even killed? Well, if you decide to grow trees underground, you won't be risking your own life... As long as you have good lighting, of course!

39. Have a staring game with a character

Yes, it's fun, but it's also challenging at the same time, so be careful!

40. Build a water slide

Just like an American one, building a water slide is fun because you never know what you'll stumble upon while building it. When it's finished, you'll have something to show off to your friends!

41. Build a pixel art piece

This is another way to show everyone what you can do and just create something fun and funny!

42. Build a secret room

The good thing about secret rooms is that you can hide things that are valuable to you there.

43. Record music

Recording music is always fun, whether you're creating a full song or just a doorbell ringtone. Yes, it may be difficult, but it is very useful!

44. Make a snow golem

Snow golems make great bodyguards because they throw snowballs at your enemies!

45. Make an ARMY of snow golems!

Having gathered an entire army of these giants, you will be invulnerable and will be able to turn any animal into a snow animal!

46. ​​Paint the sheep

Painting sheep can be very useful, for example, if you need pixel art and need some unusual color.

47. Enchant something

Enchanted weapons are much more effective than regular ones, especially if they are made of diamonds!

48. Download and install some mod

Mods are really fun because they add a lot of different activities and things that can be useful to Minecraft.

49. Play hunger games

The Hunger Games is one of the coolest mods, because the thinnest one wins!

50. Build a volcano

Volcanoes look great in the background of any of your villages. You can even create an entire volcano island!

51. Build an underwater headquarters

The underwater headquarters is also perfect for those who play multiplayer and want to hide from other players.

52. Build a spaceship

If you have nothing else to build, think about building a spaceship! You can even compete with your friends and see who can build the fastest ship!

53. Use a texture pack

Texture packs are another way to decorate your game.

54. Build a headquarters in the sky

If the Multiplayer players you encounter don't look up, they'll never find your sky headquarters!

55. Carry out a massacre

Massacre is a great way to earn experience!

This is quite easy, because all you have to do is find the creature, bring them to your headquarters and trap them.

57. Capture at least 10 zombies, jump towards them and try to survive!

Yes, this is a difficult task, but nothing is impossible, right? If you tried this and it worked, please post the video on YouTube and leave the link in the comments!

58. Arrange the launch of a cannon... man

Using a person as a cannonball is a great way to get around, as you can reach any height and distance if you have enough dynamite!

59. Collect an entire set of armor from leather, gold, chains, iron and diamonds

Each set of armor has a different shelf life and protective properties, so you will be better off using weaker armor on weaker creatures - and vice versa.

60. Build a stadium for gladiator fights

Building a gladiator stadium is a very cool idea, because you can organize games on it where your friends will fight with whole clouds of mobs!

61. Go down to the stadium yourself and participate

By the way, there are special mods to make this task easier.

62. Record a video

Recording a video and posting it on YouTube is the best way to show everyone what you have achieved in Minecraft.

63. Build a domino effect in the sand

The domino effect looks really cool! Making a perfect row of dominoes is a very difficult task that requires a lot of skill, but it's worth it!

64. Build a working Redstone TV and watch it

It may not look like a normal television, but think about what you can't build!

65. Have a building competition with your friends

This could definitely be fun. One of your friends can be a judge, the other two build the same building, and then the judge decides who did better! The only thing to remember is that the judge should not know whose house is in front of him.

66. Make a whole comic out of pixel art

I've never seen anyone do this, but it's a good idea, right? Make your own comic or recreate something you love.

67. Create everything you can at least once.

This is very useful because you never know what you will need in the future!

68. Get very close to the creeper, and then run away without losing a single unit of health

This is much harder than you think, because the range of destruction of creepers is wow!

69. Create a game map yourself

Yes, creating your own map will take a lot of time, but there you can let your imagination run wild, and then give your friends the opportunity to play on this map and see if they can handle it?

70. Play capture the flag

Capture the Flag is a game mode from Call Of Duty, but why not play it in Minecraft?

71. Host your own fireworks show and invite all your friends!

Depending on how many fireworks you need, this will take a long time, but once you've got everything set up, you can just sit back and enjoy!

72. Breed at least 50 wolves, and then hit one...

Oh, this is a tough test, good luck! Use anything except dynamite.

73. Change your skin

A different skin will help you stand out from other players.

74. Try shooting a bow while spinning in place.

In fact, it is very difficult, because it is impossible to aim, and your target is never in one place.

75. Find a mine shaft

You can find a lot of useful things in the mine shaft, from bread to diamond tools.

76. Find a temple in the jungle

The jungle temples are as rich a deposit as the mines, and there are many diamonds and emeralds here.

77. Find all biomes

When you do this, you will gain a huge advantage, because each biome has something interesting that you have not seen before. Temples can be found in jungle biomes, oak trees can be found in ice, and emeralds can be found in high hills! According to Wikipedia, there are about 61 different types of biomes in the game.

78. Build a Streltsy row

Streltsy ranks help you not only improve your skill, but also find new way battles with skeletons or an enemy player in multiplayer.

79. Build a 50 by 50 castle with three (at least) floors

Building castles is always fun, but what if you play a little game? role-playing game and fight with a friend? Why are three floors needed? Simply so that you can show your imagination!

80. Throw eggs at chickens

Why not? It's funny to watch chickens run away from their own eggs ;)

81. Build an amusement park

Previously, I wrote about how you can build several slides. Why not the whole park at once?

82. Build a lighthouse (without using mods)

Beacons are good at pointing to your home when you're at a long distance, so I'd suggest building one ASAP!

83. Run around

Running is cool! I usually just run forward until I find something interesting or a place to build a house.

84. Build an elevator

What better way to get to tree houses and sky headquarters than by elevator?

85. Join the server

When you're bored, it's always interesting to join a server because it's a new atmosphere and environment that you can explore, and maybe play with others - it all depends on the server you end up on.

86. Try to break as many Minecraft records as possible at

This site has many world records that you are encouraged to break. Good luck!

87. Build a museum and display everything you find in the game

Above I talked about creating everything you can in the game, so why not show it off to everyone else?

88. Build a dive board out of indigenous materials, jump into a 2 by 2 hole that is at least 5 blocks deep, and try to survive!

It will be very difficult, because during the fall you will be constantly moving.

89. Try to recreate an entire episode from your favorite TV series.

This will require a lot of dedication from you, because the episode needs to be recreated second by second. Good luck!

90. Try to recreate an entire movie

It will take you 3-4 times more time to create a film than an episode of a TV series, because they usually last from one and a half to two hours, depending on the film. Good luck!

91. Start your own Minecraft server

When you start your own server, you can play with your friends without any problems. And, by the way, there is nothing complicated about this.

92. Build a monument to yourself

Just to show off.

93. Build a monument to your idol

What better way to show your appreciation to someone than by building their monument in Minecraft? :)

94. Play Walls

Walls is another great game map!

95. Do griefing

Of course, this is not the best thing to do, but if you are really that bored, and you have nothing against hatred, then go ahead - attack the first server you come across and destroy everything you see. Just don't touch your friends and their villages!

96. Set goals for yourself to achieve.

For example, select a few items from this list and try to complete them as soon as possible.

97. Play Minecraft in Hardcore mode

Hardcore mode is even harder than Survival because you only have one life - see how long you can stay alive. GOOD LUCK!

98. Play Minecraft in Survival Mode

Playing Minecraft this way is the easiest way, because the main thing is to survive.

99. Play Survival Island

Survival Island is another cool game map, so enjoy!

100. Play the Sky Block card

Last but not least, the card is Sky Block.