How and when to sit down a girl. What time can a girl be imprisoned: recommendations from experts. Why it is not advisable to place newborns prematurely

Parents of little children often wonder whether it is possible to sit down their daughters, and at what age this can be done. They are intimidated by their grandmothers, who insist that they cannot imprison girls, as this is fraught with problems with childbearing. On forums, mothers are scared of “prolapse of the daughter’s uterus” and other consequences of early sitting. I wonder if such statements can be believed, and when little girls actually start sitting down.

Deadlines and stages

It is difficult to say exactly when a girl will start sitting up, because this skill is very labor-intensive for a baby. For such a skill to become possible, the child must have strong back and abdominal muscles, neck and arms, and sufficiently mature joints and spine. Pediatricians believe that the average baby can begin to sit from 6 months with support, from 7 months - without it, and from 8-9 months the child should be able to sit up independently from a lying position.

It should be noted that these norms are averaged, so they should not be applied categorically to an individual girl under one year old. Much will depend on a number of factors that influence the speed at which a child learns a new motor skill. Some of these factors require explanation.

  1. Baby's weight. Girls who are plump and weigh above average will sit up later than usual. The fact is that it will be more difficult for their skeletal system to support its own weight.
  2. Temperament. There are girls who are calm and calm, and there are girls who are active and inquisitive. If a girl is choleric or sanguine by temperament, then she has every chance of starting to sit up earlier than calm kids.
  3. State of health. Premature babies take longer to prepare for the transition to new physical capabilities; weakened and often ill girls develop with some delay.
  4. Habitat. If a girl has enough space to move, if she is not limited by the fence of a crib or playpen, if she can be interested in bright toys, then she will begin to sit and crawl earlier.

Some lively and active girls begin to demonstrate the intention to sit down before the age of six months. Parents will be able to understand that the time has come preparatory stage. The baby is getting ready to sit active rollovers from side to side, from back to stomach and vice versa.

Following the preparation, the stage of short-term sitting begins, during which the girl can sit down, but will not yet be able to maintain this position. To prevent injuries, you need to mitigate falls as much as possible for the baby - pillows and ottomans around the child should not be support, but insurance. One and a half to two months after the start of short-term sitting, girls master the stage of sitting with support. Already at this stage, bright individual characteristics appear - some girls sit with support on their own hand, others prefer to lean on their elbow, others even strive to roll over and stand on all fours.

But this stage does not last long, because for an interesting pastime the child needs both hands, and the need to lean on to maintain balance does not allow him to enjoy the game.

At 8 months, most girls can play in a sitting position for quite a long time, and at 9-10 months the child begins to sit independently.

When and how to seat girls?

Pediatricians, including the famous doctor Evgeny Komarovsky, do not recommend sitting girls down until they themselves begin to sit down or make active attempts to do so. At a minimum Until 6-7 months, no active attempts should be made to sit the child down. In this matter, the recommendations are the same for children of any gender. Both boys and girls with an immature spine and insufficiently strong muscles are at risk of becoming victims of early verticalization.

For girls, this is dangerous not only due to curvature of the spine and deformation of the legs, but also certain injuries to the pelvic bones. The uterus, naturally, cannot move anywhere, but problems with the bone structure of the small pelvis can really affect the subsequent reproductive abilities of the baby.

Attempts by parents to help their child learn a new skill, forcibly sitting him on his butt, in a high chair, or in a stroller, before the age of six months are dangerous for both boys and girls.

And even more so, you should avoid various children's products, the purpose of which is to verticalize the child. Jumpers and walkers are considered developmental devices for a child, but in fact they cripple the immature spine. Therefore, such devices cannot be used for up to 9 months. The position that a child takes in walkers and jumpers is unnatural at a certain age.

Nature conceived development so that the baby goes through all the stages of evolution on its own - newborns lie down, 2-6 months are the age for strengthening muscles and bones, and only then it is necessary to go through the stages of sitting, crawling, in order to one day please the mother with an even more complex skill - walking on legs .

    If a girl starts to sit down ahead of time, you should not stop her or force her to put her back down. As soon as the child himself decides to change his body position, it means he is ready for this.

    To hurry up a girl who has been delayed in learning a skill, you need to invite friends with children to visit. Seeing how other people's children take her toys, the baby herself will make a strong-willed decision to sit down and crawl, because she will have a strong incentive caused by the usual greed and sense of ownership for an early age.

    You should not interfere and try to correct the way the girl sits. The only exception is bending the legs at the knees in different sides(W-shaped fit). It must be stopped to avoid deformation of the legs, knees and hip joints. Other methods are acceptable.

Calculate your complementary feeding table

Many mothers are interested in the question: why are girls not recommended to be started early?

Pediatricians have their own opinion on this matter, expressing their opinion about the possible negative consequences of early child placement.

Some young mothers consider some medical conclusions to be nothing more than a myth, but take others quite seriously.

Pediatricians advise mothers to start placing their baby girl on her butt starting at six months.

By this age, the muscles of the back and abdominals will have already become stronger, and the baby will be able to independently hold the back in an upright position.

And changing the viewing angle will arouse interest in the baby, not fear.

However, the child must be held, since the back muscles are not yet strong enough.

In no case should you cover the girl with pillows (after sitting her down) and leave her alone in this position, since without supervision the child may fall inside the pillows and suffocate from lack of oxygen.

What time should a girl be imprisoned without support?

It just depends individual characteristics development of the baby. Normal age is considered 7 months.

At 8 months, a girl, as a rule, begins to sit up on her own, without outside help.

But there is no need to worry or panic for those parents whose daughter is already more than 6-7 months old, and she still does not try to sit down.

Everything has its time. In any case, there are still 1-1.5 months left.

And if parents have any suspicions about problems with the child’s health, they can always consult a doctor.

If the baby begins to sit up on her own before the recommended age (say, 5 months), there is no need to be scared and forcefully put her on her back (as old-school doctors advise to do) - this way you can only disrupt the natural development processes in the child’s body.

After all, everyone develops taking into account individual biological characteristics and, therefore, everyone has their own growth rate.

Read about how to cope with constipation in a one-month-old baby.

Why girls should not be seated early: possible consequences

According to experts, early sitting on a girl’s bottom can be very harmful for a number of reasons.

  1. There is a large load on the spine, which in the future can significantly spoil your posture. But the point is not even in aesthetics, but in the possible formation of such a heavy and dangerous disease like scoliosis.
  2. If a girl starts sitting up early, deformation of the pelvic bones may occur. And the curvature of the pelvis, in turn, can block birth canal during future childbirth, when the girl herself wishes to become a mother. As a result, the process of giving birth to a child can be painful and difficult. That’s why many mothers are so wary of their baby’s early attempts to sit down and explore the world around them.
  3. If the baby is placed early, the uterus may be bent. However, according to modern doctors, this statement is nothing more than a myth. And many mothers support this opinion. The fact is that such a pathology can either be congenital (due to a genetic failure) or be the result of inflammation of the pelvic organs.

Planting and planting - what's the difference?

You can sit down a girl at 5 months (for a few minutes), but sit down only when the baby’s body is ready for this.

The difference between these concepts is that when a girl is planted on her bottom, the weight of her body will put pressure on the unformed pelvis and spine.

In the case of a slight half-squat (carefully, supporting the back), nothing threatens the health of the baby.

How to help the baby?

In order for the abdominal and back muscles to become stronger, the baby can be helped with special exercises:

  1. Strengthening the abdominal muscles- the girl should be carefully lifted by the arms at an angle of 30°. Do not let the girl sit down all the way. The abdominal and back muscles can be trained when the child lies on his stomach. To do this, you need to lift it by the handles so that the back bends slightly.
  2. Strengthening the back muscles- one hand must be placed on the chest area, and the other between the girl’s legs. The baby should be lifted so that her legs rest against your stomach.
  3. Active crawling- if a girl likes to crawl, then this should be encouraged. After all, it is from the position on all fours that children learn to sit up independently. Sitting up from a lying position is much more difficult.
  4. Water treatments- don’t forget about everyday water procedures and light massage.

Pay attention to how the girl sits. The head should be slightly tilted forward, the neck and upper back should be straight, and the lower back should be bent.

The arms should be positioned in front of the body and serve as support. The hip joints are bent and tilted forward, the legs are turned outward. This position of the body will contribute to the correct formation of the curves of the spine, muscles and ligaments.

The main reason why a girl should not be put in early age, is its physiological immaturity and possible negative consequences in the foreseeable future of the baby. It is worth listening to these recommendations, because most none of them were invented out of nowhere, but tested by many years of medical practice.

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When can a girl be imprisoned? Komarovsky and other modern pediatricians give information about this different recommendations. Today we will also try to figure out when to sit the girl down so as not to harm her.

When can a girl be imprisoned? Komarovsky and many modern pediatricians cannot come to a consensus on this matter. Some experts say that the baby should be seated after six months. And others insist that this will happen naturally at some point, when the baby is ready. Parents often start from their own personal assumptions, which gives rise to a lot of myths. It must be remembered that any girl will become a mother in the future, and therefore it is extremely important that her pelvic organs are formed without any deviations.

At what age can girls be imprisoned without risking harm to the baby’s health?

Infants aged about six months independently become physiologically ready to sit. However, each baby is strictly individual, and therefore it depends on the individual child, What time can girls be imprisoned?. Some babies can sit independently as early as 5 months of age, while others only at seven or eight months.

The child sits down independently at the moment when his muscular and skeletal systems are completely ready for this. Early planting places too much stress on the child's spine, which can cause bone deformation. Therefore, young parents do not need to rush to sit down the baby, regardless of its gender. When dropping off girls early heavy load tests not only their spine, but also genitourinary system. This can lead to serious pathologies. internal organs, like a bend of the cervix, that is, it is better to postpone sitting the baby in a high chair or on the parent’s lap. You can sit the girl down when she can lift her body off the horizontal surface on her own, without helping herself with her hands.

These are the main recommendations what months are girls imprisoned? however, sometimes it happens that the baby tries to sit down ahead of schedule indicated by pediatricians, for example, at 4 months of age. In such a situation, parents do not need to help their daughter; they should place her away from the sides of the stroller or crib so that she cannot grab onto them and sit down. In addition, it is not advisable to place anything under the child’s back to keep him in a sitting position. However, if the baby, despite everything, learns to sit up independently before six months, then it is better not to interfere with her.

How to properly drop off girls?

When, at five to six months of age, the baby becomes bored lying in her crib, she begins to cry and tries to change her position. If the girl still cannot sit on her own, then you can put her in a chaise longue or a special swing. In addition, instead of a chaise lounge, it is convenient to use a car seat and bring it into the house. In such a chair, as in a chaise lounge, a little girl will recline, which is safe for her spine and also does not interfere with the normal development of the pelvic organs. Plus, the elevated position of the body will not let the baby get bored; she will be able to look around and observe those around her. In some cases, the child may “sink” too deeply into a chair or chaise lounge, then you should place a folded diaper under the backrest, achieving a reclining state for the baby.

The time period when a girl wants to sit up, but cannot do it on her own, is quite short. Wait a couple of months until the nursery skeletal system will get stronger, and the baby will sit up on her own. There is no need to rush natural events. The best way in this situation, just rely on nature and wait for the girl to sit down, then stand at the support, and then walk.

There are numerous debates surrounding the issue of when a child can be imprisoned. Previously, this process was equated with natural development and was based on physical capabilities child. Today, experienced pediatricians offer parents clear recommendations that must be followed. It is necessary to seat a child depending on the level of development of the skeletal and muscular systems. These systems must be prepared for the possibility of sitting. Some babies tend to sit up by the age of five months if a soft pillow is placed under their back. Of course, it is unlikely that you can learn to sit independently on a hard surface without support. The vast majority of babies can sit independently by six months. It is not recommended to try to seat the child on your own ahead of time, since the skeletal and muscular system is not strong.

How to prepare a child to sit up independently?
In order for the planting process to be safe, the baby must be carefully prepared for it. Gymnastics plays a big role in the development of crawling and sitting. If you do gymnastics regularly, the muscular system will begin to strengthen. From time to time, you can conduct a training session in which the child tries to reach his parents’ palms with his hands, gradually pulling himself up. The angle of inclination should gradually increase in this exercise. It is also effective to carry out a variety of exercises to develop the baby’s muscles: bending, turning. It is useful to give your baby a regular light massage. Properly organized preparatory work for the baby to sit leads to the fact that the question of when the baby will sit down disappears, since the child, by virtue of his physical development, begins to sit independently.

Doctors and pediatricians do not recommend placing a child prematurely, as this can lead to negative consequences. The process of sitting a baby without preparatory work can lead to the child’s spine not being able to cope with the load. As a result of such overload, the connections between the vertebrae are disrupted. Such an injury is fraught with many diseases in the future, including such a common problem as scoliosis. Experts especially do not advise placing girls early, as this can cause curvature of the pelvic bones, which will subsequently negatively affect reproductive function. Also, according to doctors, early birth of girls leads to curvature of the uterus and more serious pathologies, including infertility. You should not take risks and follow the American system, the essence of which is to imprison children from birth.

What time should boys be seated?
You can start placing boys gradually from 4-5 months with preparatory exercises. At this time, it is very possible to help the baby by holding his spine to avoid excessive pressure on the spine. Until four months of age, children have underdeveloped abdominal muscles, which negatively affects the spine when sitting. Typically, boys can sit up independently by six months. If the baby tries to start sitting on his own earlier, then you should not resist him in this, you can only help. This suggests that his muscles are mature.

When is the right time to imprison girls?
The placement of girls is a difficult issue. Planting ahead of time is fraught with complications. Doctors and pediatricians do not recommend boarding girls. Girls can be placed no earlier than seven months of age. But this fact is not medically proven, however, it is still not advisable to risk your health. Thus, boys can be imprisoned at any time, taking into account the level of his preparation, but it is recommended not to rush with imprisonment of girls. It is recommended to study more detailed information about when you can sit your child using the video:

The role of additional devices in teaching a child to sit.
In the modern age, many devices have appeared in the children's industry to help parents - walkers, jumpers, deck chairs. Some suggest that such products are fraught with danger, since they do not contribute to the natural development of the baby and it is not worth putting the baby in them. However, most believe that such inventions relate to modern technologies, thanks to which the child develops. The design of the walker is a frame in the form of shorts, which is equipped with springs. This product is fixed in the door structure. In it, the child gets the opportunity to jump, developing the leg muscles. Walkers are equipped with special wheels so that the child can move around. You can put your child in jumpers, lounge chairs, walkers and other additional devices only when he has learned to hold his back independently. The child begins to hold his back without support by six or seven months, when his spine reaches a certain stage of formation, so at the same time he can be taught to sit. Sometimes manufacturers, misinforming customers, indicate the wrong start time for the product. Therefore, when purchasing them, you can consult a specialist.

Before placing your child in a walker or jumper, it is important to pay attention to the position of the foot. If the baby's movements are accompanied by an unnatural position, this can negatively affect learning to walk in the future. Children should always be seated in bouncers, bouncers and walkers under the supervision of an adult.

Thus, the question of when the baby can be planted is quite important, since its skeletal and muscular system is not fully strengthened until a certain time. Each child develops individually, so you need to listen to yourself and the guidance of pediatricians in this matter.

A newborn baby becomes more active every month. There comes a certain point in time when he becomes bored of just lying down or being in his mother’s arms and he will make his first attempts to assume a vertical position, that is, he will try to sit down. However, many experts recommend that parents take their time and not plant the baby too early, this advice especially applies to little girls. Let's figure out how many months a girl can be imprisoned so as not to harm her health.

Peculiarities of baby physiology

All babies are born with a very thin spine, which is not intended for any movement - the baby can only lie down. Physiological curves gradually begin to form, this happens both naturally and through the efforts of the child - due to the fact that he raises his head and leans on his arms. Lumbar curve“ripens” later than the others, thanks to which the baby gets on its feet.

It is very important that the spine is properly formed, since the child’s future health depends on this. It is for this reason that the baby cannot be seated very early, since his skeleton is not yet ready for such a load.

We sit the girl down correctly

When can a girl be seated? In fact, it is impossible to give a clear answer to this question; everything should happen by itself, and mom and dad can only wait for their baby to sit up on her own.

Many impatient parents are worried about how many months this event will happen. Pediatricians distinguish the following stages:

  • at six months the child begins to sit with the support of an adult;
  • at 7 months the baby is able to independently hold her back in an upright position;
  • at 8 months, the baby can independently move from a lying position or from all fours to a sitting position.

At the same time, doctors fully allow deviations from these norms of a month and a half, since all children are individual, and each girl develops in accordance with her physiological characteristics.

What to do if your baby sits down too early?

In the case when a six-month-old baby can hold her back with support, her desire to take a vertical position will become stronger every day. What should parents do in such a situation? Persistently putting the baby down and stopping attempts to sit down can further discourage the desire to master this skill and the natural development of the baby will slow down.

In such a situation, caring parents should do the following:

  1. you need to protect your baby as much as possible from accidental falls and falling on her side;
  2. try to distract the baby and offer her something to do while lying down;
  3. make sure that the girl does not remain in a sitting position for too long (more than 1 hour).

You should not encourage the baby to sit down too early, before she is six months old; distract the child, try to interest her new game or pick it up.

At 6 months, the baby’s back and abdominal muscles are already strong enough, so she can take a sitting position and stay in it for a certain time. This period is determined by doctors as optimal for placing the baby. How to sit girls down correctly?

  1. For some time the baby will sit quite unsteadily, leaning slightly to one side. Parents should not worry about this, much less constantly correct their child. When the muscles become stronger, the baby will sit upright on her own.
  2. Do not cover your child with pillows or roll up blankets. In this case, it will be difficult for the baby to change her position when she gets tired of sitting.
  3. Be sure to monitor the correct position of the baby when he sits: the head should lean slightly forward, the neck and upper back should be straightened, the arms should be placed in front of the body and act as a support, the lower back should be bent, the legs should be turned outward and spread apart. It is this position of the body that contributes to the correct formation of the curves of the spine, ligaments and posture.
  4. Some babies first master the skill of crawling, and only then sit down. This is also absolutely normal, because all children are different.

Why can’t girls be seated until they are six months old? Sitting at a younger age carries the risk of developing scoliosis and other spinal problems in the future. Doctors have also proven that girls whose parents began to sit them down early have abnormally deformed pelvic bones. This pathology causes problems with labor in the future.

Useful exercises for a child

Special gymnastic exercises that should be performed with your baby will help strengthen the abdominal and back muscles, make the spine stronger and stronger, and also form correct posture. They should be done daily on a hard surface, this could be the floor or a changing table.

  1. When taking air baths, we place the baby on her stomach, and not far from her we place a bright toy or other object that she may be interested in. The child will try to reach it. This exercise helps develop the abdominal and back muscles, which means it prepares the child for a sitting position.
  2. First, we gently massage the baby’s fingers and arms, then we lay the baby on her back and extend our fingers to her so that she can grab onto them, pull the baby towards us, then lower her back. Gradually the angle of elevation needs to be increased.
  3. We put the baby on her stomach so that she rests her legs on our body, we lift the girl, supporting her with one hand under her shins, and the other under chest. The child’s buttocks and back should be tense. After a few seconds, we put the baby back on his tummy, take a break and repeat the exercise.

You can start doing this kind of gymnastics with your daughter as soon as she turns 3 months old.

Swimming strengthens the muscle corset very well. It’s good if you have the opportunity to visit the pool with your baby, you need to start as early as possible. Additionally, under the guidance of a specialist, you can do special gymnastics in water.

Effective in in this case and massage, you can do it yourself or contact a pediatric specialist. Thanks to this procedure, blood flow to the muscles increases, as a result of which they relax perfectly, and the massage also develops the child’s tactile perception.

What else mom should know:

Some myths

Many modern mothers are completely confused and completely perplexed at how many months they can start their daughters. The stories of the previous generation, which believes that girls should not be started too early, are still haunted by stories. Premature sitting poses a risk of developing women's health problems in the future. Is this true?

  1. Myth 1: When sitting down too early, girls subsequently develop a uterine inclination. None scientific evidence There is no such statement; it is based only on the unfounded anxieties and fears of mothers for the future of their daughters. In fact, uterine flexion can be congenital or caused by inflammatory processes, ovarian dysfunction, weakness of ligaments and muscles in the pelvis. There is no relationship between this pathology and the time of planting the baby.
  2. Myth 2: Thanks to the walker, the baby will get to her feet faster. This device for babies is not as safe as many mothers and fathers believe. In reality, the child will not learn to walk correctly in this case, and there are several reasons for this:
    – during natural walking on legs, the child uses and develops completely different muscles;
    – when in a walker, the baby does not have the opportunity to strengthen its ligaments and muscles naturally, as happens while crawling;
    psychological aspect The problem is that during normal walking the baby is deprived of the usual support, as in a walker, and, having fallen several times, the child begins to be afraid to continue walking on his own.
    You should not use walkers for girls until they can sit confidently.
  3. Myth 3: jumpers are not harmful to the baby. This device is very useful for a mother who is busy with household chores and cannot constantly look after the baby, but for a child they are not so harmless. The fact is that a still weak spine takes on a colossal load if the baby is in jumping jacks, which ultimately threatens with the most dangerous pathologies. This device can only be used when the child is 8 months old.

Parents can greatly harm their daughter if they artificially speed up the process of their child mastering a skill. Doctors believe that a girl should sit down no earlier than six months, since by this period the muscles and spine become strong enough to take the load from a vertical position. If your daughter has not yet sat down by this age, you should not worry - this will happen a little later.