The history of the formation of the Rottweiler breed in the world. How long does a Rottweiler live: average rates, features and reviews The oldest Rottweiler in the world

If you are wondering how many years Rottweilers live and what is needed to make their life long and happy, this article is for you.


Rottweilers are not considered long-lived like other large breed dogs. The lifespan of a Rottweiler depends on several factors. The pet must have a good one, since its longevity directly depends on genetics. If there were dogs in the family with diseases that can be inherited, then the Rottweiler will be at risk and will not live more than seven years.

Good and proper care will allow you to enjoy the company of your beloved dog long years. they are lazy and inactive in their manner, so you should provide him with frequent and intense walks with games. This will not only increase the appetite of the Rottweiler, but also strengthen the immune system.

It is forbidden to feed Rottweilers with everything that comes to mind: no sweets, fatty and salty foods, do not feed the dog with scraps from the table. Try to feed your dog a balanced healthy diet - this will significantly increase the life span of the Rottweiler. Rottweilers are large, massive dogs, as this breed was created for protection. All guard dogs are distinguished by their strong and powerful article, which allows them to fight with enemies. AT recent times Rottweilers are used as fighting dogs and this does not have a positive effect on the psyche of the dog.

Lifespan of a Rottweiler

How many years Rottweilers live depends on how the owner takes care of the dog, on average, their life is from 10 to 12 years. By following all the recommendations, balanced diet, moderate physical activity can increase the life of a Rottweiler 14-15 years. Some dogs of this breed cross the line of 17 years.

Love your dog, take care of it - and then your friend will live a long and happy life.

At first glance, it may seem that a dangerous and aggressive dog breed is one and the same. However, practice shows that a non-aggressive dog large sizes may cause serious, up to lethal outcome harm to a person. Therefore, this article is divided into 2 parts. In the first we will talk about the most aggressive dog breeds, in the second - about the most dangerous.

The most aggressive dog breeds

In 2006, a project appeared in Russia federal law"On breeding and keeping dogs of aggressive breeds in Russian Federation". It presented a list of dogs of aggressive breeds, which were proposed to be banned from having ordinary citizens. The right to breed and keep dogs of aggressive breeds in the Russian Federation should have been received by state paramilitary organizations; legal entities with special statutory tasks; organizations leading the hunting economy; organizations engaged in reindeer and horse breeding, pasture cattle breeding; subdivisions of the Russian Academy of Sciences conducting field work related to nature protection and natural resources in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, in hard-to-reach and mountainous areas; specialized enterprises engaged in hunting and hunting; cynological kennels.
After promulgation of the law, it caused a strong public reaction, and the law was never adopted. However, the extensive list of dogs of aggressive breeds presented in the paper is of interest. Here is the list:

AIDI (Atlas Shepherd Dog), Ainu (Ainu Dog, Hokkaido), Akbash, Akita Inu, American Akita (large Japanese dog), Bergamasco (Bergamasco Shepherd Dog), German Boxer, Briard (French Longhaired Shepherd Dog), Danish Broholmer, Arden Bouvier, Flanner Bouvier, Purebred Alapah Bulldog (Otto), American Bulldog, Mallorcan Bulldog (Ca-de-Bou, Pero de Preso Malborkin), Bullmastiff, English Bull Terrier, English Staffordshire Bull Terrier, South African Boerboel, Welsh Terrier, Sheepdog Kart (Shepherd Kart), Sheepdog American-Canadian White, Belgian Shepherd Dog (Grunendael, Laekenois, Molinua, Tarvueren), Bernese Shepherd Dog (Bernese Mountain Dog), Large Swiss Shepherd Dog (Great Swiss Mountain Dog), Dutch Shepherd Dog, Greek Shepherd Dog, Estrelian Shepherd Dog (Portuguese Mountain Dog), Caucasian Shepherd Dog (Wolfhound Caucasian), German Shepherd Dog, South Russian Shepherd Dog (Taurian), Picardy Shepherd Dog (Pikar), Polish Podgalian Shepherd Dog, Polish Tatra Shepherd Dog Anskaya, Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabay, Central Asian Wolfhound), East European Shepherd Dog, Irish Wolfhound, Doberman Pinscher, Argentine Great Dane (Argentine Mastiff), Bordeaux Great Dane (French Mastiff, Dogue de Bordeaux), German Great Dane, Dalmatian, Drathaar, Airedale Terrier, Kangal, Cane Corso, Cao de Castro Laboreiro, Cao de Sera de Astrela (Portuguese Shepherd Dog), Anatolian Karabash, Commander (Hungarian Shepherd Dog), Hungarian Kuvasz, Labrador Retriever, Landseer (Black and White Newfoundland), Laika, Leonberger, Alaskan Malamute , Marema (Shepherd Maremo-Abrutskaya), English Mastiff, Belgian Mastiff, Spanish Mastiff, Pyrenean Mastiff, Tibetan Mastiff, Mastino (Neapolitan Mastiff, Mastino Neapolitano), Mittelschnauzer, Moscow Watchdog, Newfoundland, Pero de Presa Canario (Canary Dog), Pit Bull Terrier American, Puruhaar, Rafeira Dualintejo (Portuguese Watchdog), Rhodesian Ridgeback, Thai Ridgeback, Giant Schnauzer (Great Schnauzer), Rottweiler, St. Bernese r, Italian wolf dog, Saarlo wolf dog (Wolfhound), Czech wolf dog, Pyrenean mountain dog (Great Pyrenean), Russian black terrier, Tosa Inu (Japanese fighting dog), Fila Brasileiro (Brazilian mastiff), fox terrier, Siberian husky, Hovawart, Slovak Chuvach, Jagd Terrier, mestizos (crossbreeds) of all designated breeds.

Including some dog breeds that are non-aggressive in nature may seem strange, but not everything is so simple. It should not be forgotten that even the most harmless-looking dog is a descendant of the wolf, which cannot be called non-aggressive due to its predatory nature. Ancient instincts can slumber at the right way life of a dog, but if, for example, a sled dog intended for constant activity is kept in an apartment almost constantly, this can spill over into serious outbreaks of aggression. Of particular danger are those that are difficult to cope with even for an adult, not to mention a child.

The most dangerous dog breeds. Top 10

Let's move from Russia to another part of the world - to the USA. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) conducted a study to find out the most dangerous dog breeds for humans. The number of cases of deaths as a result of dog attacks was taken as the basis. different breeds over a 20-year period from 1979 to 1998. After processing the statistics in a magazine published by AVMA, the top 10 most dangerous dog breeds were published. The inclusion of some breeds in the list looks surprising at first glance, but it is quite logical, given the considerations expressed in our article above.

10th place. st bernard- dog breed giant size, descended from working dogs from the Italian and Swiss Alps, which were originally bred as rescuers. One of . St. Bernard named Raittes Brandy Bear transported 2905 kg during the competition in a wagon. It is the strength and size of the St. Bernard that makes this breed one of the most dangerous if mishandled.

9th place. German dog- the tallest breed of dog in the world, bred for hunting. The record holder of this breed is a gigantic Great Dane from Michigan named Zeus, whose height is 111.8 cm, and standing on hind legs, it reaches 2.2 m in height. The weight of the giant is 70.3 kg. Another Great Dane became the strongest dog in history, moving a load of 3428.5 kg. Everything that has been said about the strength and size of the St. Bernards applies to the Great Dane, and the fact that the dog is a hunting dog only adds to its hidden danger.

8th place. chow chow One of the oldest dog breeds in the world. According to research, it belongs to the first primitive dog breeds that evolved from wolves. It is the genetic closeness to wolves that explains why this cute-looking dog can be very dangerous. With a lack exercise(which chow chows are vital, because this breed was bred for protection, hunting, reindeer herding and as sled dogs) and simply out of boredom chow chow can attack a person. Therefore, those who have children should think before buying a dog of this breed, by the way, one of them.

7th place. doberman. The presence of this service dog breed, often used by the police, should not be surprising. She also made it to the list of aggressive dog breeds above. Moderate viciousness is an indispensable quality of Dobermans.

6th place. Alaskan malamute- bred in Alaska by crossing large breeds of wild wolves and sled dogs, designed to work in a team, one of the oldest breeds of dogs. Genetic closeness to wolves, great physical strength, the need for constant physical activity make this breed unsafe for people with improper handling and lifestyle.

In the photo - an Alaskan Malamute named Rader, who is a champion in cargo traction. His personal record is 2072.5 kg.

5th place. A hybrid of a wolf and a dog, called wolfdog in the USA, and in Russia - wolfhound. The danger of this internationally unrecognized breed for humans is primarily due to their wolf disposition and strong hunting instinct. At the same time, wolfdogs are still closer to dogs than to wild wolves. They are controlled by a person, and their advantages are a much more developed instinct, intelligence and endurance than ordinary dogs.

4th place. Siberian Husky . After examining the DNA of Siberian Huskies, scientists ranked them among the 14 oldest dog breeds, whose genotype is the least different from a wild wolf. The breed was bred in ancient times by the Chukchi. This semi-nomadic people needed a dog capable of moving quickly over long distances in order to transport cargo from commercial hunting grounds to permanent settlements and back. Siberian Husky at correct content, implying a constant physical activity, very friendly to people, because Initially, they were kept directly in the dwellings. But if you lock a husky in 4 walls, then her need for activity will spill over into aggression.

3rd place. German Shepherd . This guard dog breed, often used by police and border guards, should also not come as a surprise to being included in this list.

2nd place. Rottweiler - service breed dogs prone to aggressive outbursts. Like German Shepherd, used by the police and border guards. At the same time, the Rottweiler is heavier and more dangerous than the German Shepherd. According to statistics, in the United States, Rottweiler attacks kill 2 people every year.

1 place. american pit bull terrier. This fighting breed is a symbol of canine aggression. Pit bull terrier attacks have killed 66 people in the United States in 20 years. After the prohibition of dog fighting in America, the breeding of pit bulls was also banned at one time. Their aggressiveness is successfully used by the police, both American and Russian.

Large and strong dogs always inspire fear in people. The Rottweiler is a prime example. Those who are not familiar with this breed of dogs consider them aggressive and bloodthirsty, but the owners often talk about the complaisant and affectionate disposition of their pets. Of course, the lion's share of character adult dog does not depend on innate qualities, but on upbringing. But be that as it may, the Rottweiler is a very talented breed. These dogs excel in many areas, they make good guards, guards, guides, rescuers, bodyguards. And just as pet, pet, companion Rottweiler will be excellent.

History of the breed

The breed was named after the German city of Rottweil, it was there that these dogs appeared and their basic qualities developed. The city was captured by the Romans, and a road passed through it, along which they drove cattle, carried valuable goods. The wagons were accompanied by large and strong dogs. They attracted attention with their unusual appearance for those parts and amazed with endurance. The city was recaptured, the invaders left, but the dogs remained. Although it is likely that the inhabitants of Rottweil decided to receive compensation or take revenge on the soldiers, and simply took the animals for themselves. After some time, crossing with local shepherd dogs took place, so the ancestors of the Rottweiler turned out.

Dogs took root in the city, moreover, at one time they were its symbol. It so happened that for some reason butchers contributed to the development of the breed, and the ancestors of the Rottweiler surrounded by meat hams flaunted on the coat of arms of the city. Rottweilers were used for old times as escorts during the distillation of goods, including meat, as well as shepherd and guard dogs. They did an excellent job with such a hard and dangerous job as driving cattle. Bulls often attacked dogs, beat them with both horns and hooves, but they showed incredible stamina. It is believed that then the main qualities of the Rottweiler were laid: physical strength, low sensitivity to pain, "correct" aggression, endurance.

In the 19th century, long-distance cattle driving was banned in Europe - this was how they tried to stop the spread of infections. Rottweilers were temporarily out of work, but almost immediately fell under retraining. At the beginning of the 20th century, when the breed was almost on the verge of extinction, it was suddenly noticed. Rottweilers were introduced in Germany, and then they began to take part in international exhibitions and everywhere the breed was accepted with a bang. From that moment began the heroic career of Rottweilers, they became policemen, rescuers, bodyguards. The first breed club was founded in Germany in 1921. Rottweilers appeared in Russia after World War II.

“In Rottweil, the dogs were trusted with the day's earnings. The owner simply tied the wallet to the collar and sent the dog home. So no robbers and thieves could take possession of the money.

- It is believed that the life expectancy of Rottweilers depends on the gene and the conditions of detention. On average, dogs of this breed live 10-12 years, but often live up to 15 or even 17 years. All centenarians had a good pedigree and caring owners.

There are extremes in the character of the Rottweiler. It can be cheerful, sweetheart, kind dog, which good-naturedly frolics with children. But in the event of danger approaching, she instantly turns into a beast with bloodshot eyes.

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The purpose and nature of the Rottweiler

Rottweiler is considered guard dog, but in fact it is used for various purposes. The breed is started by those who want to see a protector and bodyguard next to them, Rottweilers are also bought as companions, simply because they like the breed.
Everyone who has plans for Rottweilers must remember: education is above all. A Rottweiler without proper training can be a real problem. These dogs are far from stupid, they can be raised, but in addition to intelligence, they have tremendous stubbornness and cunning. In addition, Rottweilers are very strong, such a colossus can only be controlled if it unquestioningly executes commands.

The breed does not get along well with other animals. More precisely, even cats, even other dogs, the Rottweiler will not touch, but neighboring or passing animals can cause strong aggression in it. In order for the Rottweiler to treat other animals calmly, so that you can easily go outside with it, go to an exhibition, the dog is taught to society from puppyhood.

The breed has a tendency to dominate, competent training helps to keep the dog in its place. But if the authority of the elder is sacred for the Rottweiler, then the dog may disobey the commands of the child. Dog handlers do not recommend trusting children under the age of 13-15 to walk a Rottweiler.

breed standard

The Rottweiler is a medium to large dog. tall with a powerful, compact and balanced physique. Height and weight of males: 61-68 cm and 50-60 kg, bitches: 56-63 cm and 40-50 kg.

The head is large, of medium length, the stop is pronounced. The bridge of the nose is straight and wide, the lobe is black. The jaws are wide, strong, the lips are black. The eyes are medium, almond-shaped, Brown color. The ears are medium, hanging, set wide and high.
The neck is of medium length, muscular, the back is straight, strong, the loin is short and wide, the chest is wide and deep, the stomach is tucked up. The limbs are strong, well developed, slightly wide apart. The tail is wide at the base, tapering towards the end, of medium length, it is usually, but not always sometimes docked.
The coat is short, hard, shiny. Color black with red.

Rottweiler Care

Rottweilers suffer the most from the nervous system. Epilepsy is inherited, and decent breeders reject puppies with this disease.
Nutrition for a Rottweiler can be both natural and mixed. It is recommended to soak dry food before eating. natural nutrition should be matched to the needs of this breed, be nutritious and balanced. You can not give the dog sweets, overfeed it, Rottweilers are prone to obesity with overeating and little physical activity.

Once a week, the dog's ears are examined, if necessary, they are cleaned with a cotton swab. Eyes are rubbed daily. To prevent tartar and gum disease, Rottweilers are regularly allowed to gnaw on sugar bones. Or do a dental cleaning special paste and brush.

Once every 3-4 weeks, the dog's nails are trimmed. If the dog walks a lot on a hard surface, and they wear down themselves, there is no need to cut them additionally.
Rottweilers molt twice a year to speed up the process of losing excess hair, the animal is combed out with a stiff brush. Bathe the dog as needed or 1-2 times a month with dog shampoos. Rottweilers love water and enjoy swimming in both fresh and salt water.

There is no person in the world who has not heard of the Rottweiler. This massive breed of dog often terrifies people with its powerful body and toothy mouth. The owner of such a dog can be sure of the safety of himself and his property, as he is a wonderful guard breed. But how long does a Rottweiler live? And what does the owner need to know in order to prolong the life of his pet?

Brief description of the breed

Rottweiler is in the world. The ancestors of this large four-legged were famous in ancient times, when the Egyptian pharaohs ruled. Modern rottweiler was bred in Germany in the city of the same name Rottweil . Dog breeders distinguish several positive qualities of this breed: high intelligence, strong skeleton and muscles, remarkable ability of the guard. AT modern world This dog is bred to protect and scare off thieves. But if you wish, you can take a Rottweiler for hunting.

This is a large breed of dog, so it is preferable to keep it in the private sector or a large apartment, it directly depends on how long Rottweilers live. The average weight of a Rottweiler is 60 kilograms. Although it depends entirely on the dog's diet and pedigree. The lifestyle of a Rottweiler can also be an important factor. This breed of dog is well suited to humans,who needs true friend and protector.She will not let you down in difficult times.

In families with children, such a dog will feel uncomfortable. Rottweilers are large and very clumsy animals. Therefore, the dog can accidentally push the baby or knock it over. Externally, Rottweilers are very well built. A powerful skeleton and muscles allow this breed to achieve its goals faster than anyone else. The color of the Rottweiler is black with brown tints on the eyes, cheeks, underside of the neck and on the fingers. In spite of their large size and mobility, Rottweiler - very lazy breed. These dogs need to be constantly pushed and guided, not allowing them to rest for a long time. How much life depends on activity rottweiler . If you constantly load the dog with running and games, then her health improves. In spite of formidable appearance, Rottweilers are very peaceful dogs. They are devoted to their master. But as soon as someone encroaches on what they love, a peaceful beast turns into 60 kg of anger.

How about proper care?

Before starting four-legged friend, the future owner is wondering whether the breed rottweiler . It is definitely difficult to answer it, because it directly depends on the conditions of the pet. On average, Rottweilers can live up to 12 years. But if the owner pays due attention to the pet, the life of the dog can be extended up to 17 years.

Nowadays big dogs in many ways inferior in life expectancy to small breeds. This is due to the main activity of large breeds, namely, protection. Due to constant anxiety, dogs sleep little and listen more to any rustles around. It is impossible to exclude this factor, since it is programmed in the animal at the level of instincts. And this behavior is an integral part of his life. But, unfortunately, how many years Rottweiler dogs live depends on this.

Their activity rates are also an important factor. A recumbent lifestyle shortens the life of a pet, as Rottweilers by nature need daily exercise. But don't be disappointed large breeds dogs. Even given the time allotted to them, this time will be unforgettable for both the pet and the owner of the dog.

Is it possible to influence the life expectancy of a Rottweiler?

Good maintenance and heredity can work wonders. When purchasing a puppy from purebred dogs, you should definitely ask about the average life expectancy of the four-legged ancestors. This will allow you to find out how long rottweiler in terms of genetics. Next, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for keeping this breed, the features of feeding, training and care.

Each owner will eventually get acquainted with the nature of his pet and preferences in food and walks. A prerequisite keeping a Rottweiler is knowledge of the rules of first aid for a pet.

In spite of strong skeleton and muscularity, this breed dogs can get very sick. And in order to provide first aid, the owner will have to learn how to give injections or make dressings. Mandatory preventive trips to the veterinarian can improve the quality of life of the Rottweiler.

Diseases of Rottweilers

Even if the dog has a very strong immune system, the owner needs to know what diseases the pet may have in order to detect the disease in time and help his pet. How much lives rottweiler, directly depends on his state of health.

So, the main diseases of this breed include:

  • diabetes;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • entropion;
  • metabolic disease;
  • bloating;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • dysplasia;
  • crayfish;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • hypotrichosis.

How long do Rottweilers live if not cared for?

There are cases when the acquisition of a large and powerful dog is carried out for the purpose of protection. For example, when buying a dog for a grandfather in the private sector, you need to understand that old man will not be able to properly take care of the Rottweiler and put him on a chain. Then the dog can live up to 8 years and no more.

The owner needs to carefully select the diet for the pet and arrange daily workouts for him. Even observing these two rules, you can extend the life of your pet by long time. Therefore, you need to carefully prepare for the acquisition of this breed of dog and think several times whether the owner has enough time and energy to devote due time to the four-legged.

When choosing a pet, each owner should think about how many years he will live next to him. This important point, which, on the one hand, adds responsibility, because a dog is not a toy for one day, but a true friend who will be around for a very long period. On the other hand, it is a little bitter to realize that sooner or later you will have to say goodbye to him. However, awareness of this allows you to create such conditions for him from the first day of finding a puppy in your home in order to extend his life as much as possible. Today we will discuss with you popular large breeds, in particular, we will analyze how many live. The Rottweiler would be a perfect example.

a brief description of

Why are we interested in this particular breed? There is a logical explanation for this. Rottweilers are unique dogs that are great for guarding and hunting, for helping cattle breeders, and also just for family life. This smartest creatures with a balanced nervous system, who will be an excellent nanny for your child, despite all the creepy stories that the press periodically gives out. In fact, only a deeply injured physically and mentally dog ​​can harm its owner. Therefore, if there are tragedies involving Rottweilers, then only a person is to blame in this case.

Anatomical features

When choosing a pet for yourself, be sure to correctly assess your living conditions. It directly depends on this big dog, which is preferably kept in a private house or large apartment. How are living conditions and life expectancy related? The fact is that movement is extremely important for them. A large body weight and a tendency to rapid weight gain during physical inactivity become a fatal factor.

Characterological features

First-time dog owners may be surprised that this, too, has an impact on how long Rottweilers live. An apartment-raised dog is a serene and rather lazy bumpkin. If you do not push him and stimulate physical activity, then even on a walk he will prefer to sit next to you, instead of running with other dogs. However, if with early age you will accustom him to long walks, then years later, being an elderly dog, he will call you for a run from early in the morning. Of course, this lifestyle improves health, which directly determines how long dogs live. The Rottweiler is a breed that has fragile health despite its formidable appearance.


What can you expect when you adopt a puppy? First of all, we recommend that you seek advice from a professional cynologist, and even better, a breeder of this breed. The specialist will not only tell you how many years Rottweilers live, but also clarify how you can influence this. On average, you can voice 12 years. However, not everyone can live even such a relatively short period of time. The shortened muzzle creates difficulties with breathing, and in combination with a large body weight, this increases the load on the heart. The lack of regular training, abundant nutrition and a passive lifestyle - all this creates a tendency to reduce life expectancy to 7-9 years.

How can we influence life expectancy

It is not uncommon for future owners to refuse to purchase a puppy after learning how long Rottweiler dogs live. This is easy to understand. And after 15 years, letting go of a beloved creature is very difficult, what can we say about 7 years. However, it is you who are responsible for those whom you have tamed, and you are also responsible to a certain extent for life expectancy yourself. First of all, pay attention to heredity. By choosing a puppy with a good pedigree, you do not pay tribute to prestige, but you get a guarantee that all the closest relatives of your dog passed regular medical examinations. Ask how long the grandparents of these puppies lived. This does not give any guarantees, but still is important information. Buying a dog in the market, you do not get absolutely no information about it and its heredity.

Likbez for the owner

How long Rottweilers live at home depends on care. And this is food first. physical exercise and timely preventive actions. Any specialist will tell you that when choosing feed, you should give preference to professional brands of super-premium class. This is not the cheapest pleasure, but it is not worth risking your health. In addition, when compared with high-quality feeding natural products, which necessarily includes the need to purchase good meat, liver, vegetables and vitamin supplements in large enough quantities (especially during the period of active growth), it is difficult to say which will be cheaper.

From the first day the puppy appears in the house, you need to take care of competent veterinary support. The doctor should regularly monitor the growth and development of the dog, and prescribe preventive vaccinations. This is an extremely important point, since viral disease if it does not kill the dog, it will seriously undermine the state of health and shorten life expectancy. And veterinary care, and proper feeding- it's pretty expensive pleasure, so once again think about whether you can afford such costs.

What diseases are inherent in this breed

Even if you are purchasing healthy puppy from excellent breeders with a full range of vaccinations, you should know that there are diseases that Rottweilers are predisposed to. These are diabetes mellitus and osteochondrosis, metabolic disorders and bloating, cardiovascular diseases, joint dysplasia, liver and kidney pathologies.

Any of these ailments can greatly reduce life expectancy. Wherein proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle life will reduce the risk of their development.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, it is rather difficult to unequivocally say Rottweilers. It depends entirely on the content of the pet. In addition, it is necessary to take into account congenital data, diseases that are present and transferred in early childhood. People who have kept Rottweilers give different numbers. For some, already at the age of 8, the dog turned into a wreck, while for others, even after 12, it retained mobility and joy of life.