Is the name Plato in the calendar? Plato's name day, congratulations to Plato. The meaning of a name for a child

The meaning and characteristics of the name Plato

Translated from ancient Greek, the name Plato means “mighty”, “shouldered”.

As a child, Plato is very active and stubborn. He often fights with other boys and acts out, causing problems for his parents.

He is well developed mentally and physically, it is interesting to communicate with him and be friends with him. Plato will help any of his friends, if necessary, he will share the last thing he has, he will always console and give practical advice.

As he grows older, the owner of this name turns into a strong, independent man. He will do everything possible to not depend on anyone, to provide for himself and his future family.

Plato rarely achieves a high position at work or becomes a leader, but he earns enough so that his loved ones do not need anything.

In relationships with the fair sex, this man is a little cold. He is used to deciding everything on his own, so Plato does not seek to share his thoughts and feelings with his wife.

For the owner of the name in question, family does not come first; work, a favorite activity, and respect from superiors are much more important for him.

Congratulations to Plato on his name day in verse

A role model, our dear Plato!
He knows for sure that everything in the world will be the way he wants!
We wish Plato not to forget about his family,
And don’t lose your beloved, faithful friends in the bustle!

Today, to the gentle sounds of crystal ringing, I want to congratulate Plato!
I would like to wish you true friends, because it’s more fun to go through life with them!
I want to wish you serene love - pure, mutual, affectionate, tender!
I want my wishes to come true, so that happiness remains with you for life!

SMS congratulations to Plato on his name day

Be a wise and good person
Don't hide your smile if you do good!
I wish you, Plato, success,
So that you never encounter evil in life!

Dear Plato! On this holiday, I sincerely want to wish you to remain as strong, courageous and independent! The doors of your home are always open for guests, so let the most frequent guests in your life be joy, happiness and love!

Another saint named Plato is the martyr Plato of Antioch. He was the brother of the holy martyr Antiochus, a physician. Born in Galatia into a pious family. While still a young man, he left his home, went to different cities and preached Christianity to the pagans. For this he was captured and brought to a pagan temple for trial.

For a very long time the judge tried to persuade him to renounce Christ. He said that Plato could compare with great scientists and thinkers, only he needed to worship the pagan deities. But the saint insisted - the truth is in Christian teaching. Then the judge promised him the most beautiful daughter as his wife, and if he refused to renounce Christ, then he would face martyrdom.

Saint Plato chose death. Then it was ordered to subject him to terrible torture. When he was led into prison, he addressed the people. The saint called on people not to deviate from the faith and teachings of Christ.

A week later he was again brought to the pagan temple, where terrible instruments of torture were prepared. But the saint again refused to worship pagan idols. After torture, he was imprisoned and kept without food or water for 18 days. Seeing his perseverance, the ruler asked him to say only one phrase: “great is the god Apollo.”

“I don’t want to sin even with a word,” answered the martyr.

After which he was beheaded.

How to choose the right name so that its meaning does not affect future events for the worse is a question that all parents often ask ancient sources. You can find a lot in ancient literature, and the special attention of adults is attracted not only by the secret meaning, by which much can be determined in advance, but also by the qualities of the crumbs, even by recommended professions. Plato, character and destiny for boys - how helpful will this information be if this is the name that parents chose for their offspring?

The meaning of the name Plato for a boy briefly

In order to raise your offspring into a worthy man whom you can be proud of, it is not necessary to provide him with everything he needs financially or to strictly educate him in accordance with all the rules of pedagogy. It will be much more useful to find out what ancient books, which contain information collected over many millennia, think about this. It is here that you can find information that partially guarantees a bright future for the baby, and it is connected with the secret meaning inherent in the name originally.

Plato, the meaning of the name, character and fate - if adults like this name, what is it recommended to pay attention to first? If you believe the ancient books, you first need to understand the meaning of the name - it is thanks to this that you can find out a lot about what qualities the child will have. Correctly applied information will help initially cope with shortcomings. From the meaning you can also learn about what talents the baby will have - this is often enough to contribute to their development.

The meaning of the name Plato for a boy is briefly described in ancient Greek literature, because it was from this majestic country that it spread. There are several interpretations, the most popular are “broad-shouldered”, “broad”. It is believed that the owner of this name will be distinguished by remarkable strength, so relatives hopefully call their son this, hoping that their expectations will come true.

What does the name Plato mean for a boy according to the church calendar?

There are many books that have come to the modern world from antiquity and tell about the secret meanings of names, so adults usually do not have any difficulties with what name to take for the baptism of a baby. Despite such an abundance of special sources, parents prefer to study Orthodox literature, which describes in detail and clearly everything that can be useful in raising a child. The church calendar tells about the meaning of the name, brief characteristics, which often turn out to be information necessary for adults. You can study the calendar for the same purpose - here you can find information about the number of saints who will look after the boy.

Plato, the meaning of the name, character and fate - Orthodox literature has a lot to say about this. In addition to the secret meaning, it is recommended to find out the date of the boy’s name day - it is on these days that it is customary to venerate the saints who care for the child.

What does the name Plato mean for a boy according to the church calendar? There are no particular differences between the meanings provided in the books of Ancient Greece and Orthodox sources - it is also indicated here what it means “broad”, “broad-shouldered”.

The secret of the name. Plato, name day, signs

How will the secret of the name Plato affect the boy’s life soon after baptism? Parents are recommended, along with useful information about the fate or character traits of their son, to find out information about whether the child will be patronized by saints who will be able to walk next to him throughout his life.

The child will have several guardian angels at once, so name days will have to be celebrated four times a year - in April (18th), August (9th and 15th), December (1st). Adults should remember that a magnificent holiday and an abundance of gifts are not the main thing these days. It is much more important for the baby if the parents and the boy ask the patrons for mercy and assistance in all matters. A prayer that comes from the heart will certainly be heard by the guardian angels, and they will never turn away from the child.

Due to the meaning of the name, it is customary for people to celebrate the days of veneration of saints with cheerful holidays, and men are especially honored here. It is for them that festivities are held, where all sorts of competitions are held; the strongest and bravest can take part here. The winner will certainly be duly rewarded, and his courage and strength will be talked about for a long time in the village and its surroundings.

Origin of the name Plato and its meaning for children

Is the origin of the name Plato and its meaning for children capable of at least to some extent affecting the events that await the boy? Ancient sources have a categorical answer on this matter, which will certainly reassure parents. When choosing a name, you should not pay attention to the country from which it spread over tens of hundreds of years. Origin cannot play any role, and most often this feature is studied only out of interest - so that the child knows where the first owners of this name came from.

If the origin is considered not too important, then the meaning must be studied. It is the secret meaning that often explains the child’s qualities and talks about the main shortcomings that need to be addressed first. You can learn from the meaning a lot of information that is useful for adults, which simply needs to be used correctly - this will help the child in the future and often even prevent events or incidents that were predetermined in advance.

Character of a boy named Plato

Already at an early age, parents will be able to determine the character of a boy named Plato. It will be distinguished by many qualities, among which the following will certainly attract attention:

  1. integrity;
  2. intelligence;
  3. wit;
  4. sociability;
  5. good nature;
  6. attentiveness;
  7. activity;
  8. charm;
  9. unselfishness.

Plato will also have shortcomings, and one of them is that he does not tolerate command. The boy can cope with any job, but he just needs to be stimulated not with commands or orders, but with polite requests or personal example. Otherwise, he may completely refuse to work, without responding to any persuasion.

Another drawback is that he is easily influenced by others. Even if he made the right decision, he can easily change it, and even this is not final - just a few more weighty arguments are enough for him to change it again.

The fate of a boy named Plato

The fate of a boy named Plato will be quite interesting, although without any unpleasant twists. He will choose a profession that is profitable and not too complicated, without unnecessary responsibility.

Nowadays, a man with this name is rarely seen. Parents prefer to call their children simpler and more common names. But in vain, because Plato is a truly interesting name, carrying strength and masculinity.

History of the name

Plato is a name of Greek origin. It comes from the ancient Greek word "platus", which means "broad-shouldered". Some sources claim that the origin of the name is Hebrew, and Plato in this case means “consolation.”

The masculine sonorous name Plato is used in many countries and is revered in both the Catholic and Orthodox churches. It came into the culture of our country with the adoption of Christianity.

According to the Orthodox calendar, Plato celebrates his name day 5 times a year:

  • January 14 - on this day the Hieromartyr Bishop of Revel Platon Kulbush is venerated.
  • April 18 - this day is considered the day of the confessor Plato of Studium.
  • May 5 is the day of remembrance of the holy martyr Bishop Platon Jovanovic.
  • August 9 – Priest Platon of the Mountains is venerated.
  • August 15 is the day of Hieromonk Platon Kolegov.

There were and are many great people in the world who bear the name Plato. Thus, Wikipedia provides many pages about famous people with that name. One of the most famous is a philosopher who lived in Ancient Greece.

What else can you call it: Platosha, Tosha, Tonya. The name talismans that bring good luck are:

  • Zodiac sign – .
  • The patronizing luminary is the Sun.
  • Totem animal - lion.
  • The stone is diamond.
  • Lucky color is gold.

Temperament and fate

As a child, the boy has a very active character; it is quite difficult to keep the child in place. The baby is very sociable and easily fits into new company. As a rule, he likes to communicate more with older guys, as he draws new knowledge from this communication.

The kid is smart beyond his years. A boy's curiosity sometimes knows no bounds. He reads a lot, and he may like books on completely different subjects. If parents are engaged in expanding the child’s horizons and his education, then Plato becomes very developed intellectually.

The boy doesn't like being told what to do. His freedom-loving character sometimes causes a lot of trouble for his parents. It is impossible to force a child to do something; only gentle persuasion will work here.

Plato has a very stubborn character, which often helps him out in his studies. Possessing high intelligence, excellent memory and perseverance, he easily understands all educational material and often receives good grades.

Already in childhood, the child’s character contains such a positive quality as selflessness. He does nothing for profit, and spares neither effort nor time for dear people. The boy is in good health and gets sick less often than other children. If parents send their child to a sports section, this can lead to success in this field.

The meaning of the name Plato speaks for itself. A man with this name exudes strength and confidence. As he gets older, he becomes calmer and less stubborn. Nevertheless, on the way to achieving his goals, a man often shows persistence.

Compared to his childhood, in his adult years Plato no longer has many friends. Now he has become selective and very carefully and scrupulously chooses people for his environment.

But the man’s intellectual abilities still amaze those around him. His mentality can be called synthetic, since Plato has equal outstanding abilities both in the exact sciences and in the humanities. He is very smart, he grasps everything on the fly.

This man has many talents, he is a very inventive person. A man has his own opinion and his own position in life about everything. As in childhood, he does not tolerate instructions, and especially does not like when people raise their voices at him.

Career and love

Plato takes his career very seriously; for him it is one of the most important goals in life. In the work team, he is often a leader; his colleagues greatly respect and value him for his kindness and fortitude.

One of the main features of his character is independence and leadership qualities.. The man is not used to following someone and likes to go ahead. That is why he is often attracted to professions where there is no complete and unquestioning subordination to superiors.

Plato is a hardworking and talented man, which often helps him achieve heights in his career. He loves to communicate with people, he likes to be listened to, so his choice often stops at such professions as teacher, tour guide, politician, public figure, writer, journalist.

Often, in his quest for heights, Plato forgets about the little things. But if one day fate turns out to be unfavorable to him and the man fails in business, then, having gathered all his will into a fist, he will definitely get up and rush into battle again.

In relationships, Plato values ​​emotional comfort. He puts his desires above all else, which often causes discomfort to his chosen one. Some women may be intimidated by Plato's excessive willfulness.

Being an unromantic nature, he does not see the point in long courtship. If he liked a girl, then he will directly and clearly tell her this information. A man does not like to give flowers and make surprises; he prefers to give practical gifts to his chosen one.

Like friends, Plato chooses his wife for a very long time and meticulously. He needs a beautiful, smart woman who can be an excellent housewife and a good mother. It is important for him that his woman is close to him in spirit.

Only a wise, economical and strong-willed wife is suitable for such a man. A woman who is too soft and overly sensitive will have a difficult time in a relationship with such a person. The main thing for Plato in marriage is mutual respect. If spouses understand, appreciate and respect each other, then the marriage will be long, strong and happy.

But the man dotes on his children. He is ready to carry them in his arms, spend all his free time with them, surprise them. The father will even do crazy things for his child.

When you see his relationship with his children, all doubts disappear that this man is capable of love. This means that, despite his outwardly calm and practical character, inside him there is a truly sensual nature.

The name Plato is an excellent choice for parents who want to name their child in an original and beautiful way. The meaning of the name Plato carries masculinity and fortitude. Such a man has a strong and strong-willed character, is an excellent father and a good friend.
Author: Maria Shcherbakova

“Broad-shouldered” is a name of ancient Greek origin.

Name and character

As a child, Plato is an active, lively, stubborn and pugnacious boy. He thinks outside the box, asks interesting questions, and does well at school. Parents need to direct his energy in the right direction - challenge him. Plato will accept it with delight and do everything as needed.

The adult Plato is delicate, gentle, selfless, and at the same time independent and calculating. He is kind, always ready to help people, has rare charm and a quick mind. He sees the meaning of his life in work - here he is independent, active, patient and very hardworking. Plato does not tolerate anyone standing behind him and giving instructions. He needs his own business, he always strives for independence.

Plato does not have many close friends; he is an unsociable person. He is hospitable, but rarely visits himself. It may not take a long time to get married, but one day it happens. Over time, Plato may become isolated in his own affairs and pay insufficient attention to his wife. As often happens in such cases, the marriage does not collapse only because of the children.